(New TR Link) Yo Ho, Yo Ho- Rum and Sharks for Me!An Eastern Fantasy TR May 31-June 7

i'm still here!! and so excited about an update!

ok, the pictures of your mom are cracking me up! and thinking about your girls turning them in for a what I did this summer report were making me laugh even harder!

your dinner looks yummy! and full of cuteness! but I don't blame anyone for not eating their cauliflower--gross!
i'm still here!! and so excited about an update!

ok, the pictures of your mom are cracking me up! and thinking about your girls turning them in for a what I did this summer report were making me laugh even harder!

your dinner looks yummy! and full of cuteness! but I don't blame anyone for not eating their cauliflower--gross!

Yhea!!! Yes, I need to finish so you can glean all your cruise details for your FIRST CRUISE!!! :cool1:

Course your cruise won't have drunken Grandma- so not sure it can really compare?! :)
Woo Hoo!!!!! Are you staying at a resort or at friends? For SURE we'll have to meet up. I have no pouty hubby and no whiney kids this whole trip. I have a pesky 19.3 miles I have to run in there but most this is just a girl's only trip!! I am very excited....:cheer2:

Yes. Staying at Sports. Since this trip is a way for me to use the darn SWA credit that is burning a hole in my pocket, I decided it might be a tad dumb to just jack up the cost of the vacay by staying somewhere else. :lmao: CHEAP IT IS!!! More spending cash for shopping ;)
Still here reading along, too. I can't believe it's 19 degrees today but at least I have your tr and pictures from my dream cruise 2 weeks ago to think of warmth!!
You ( and your mom) crack me up :)
Enjoying your many adventures!!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Yes. Staying at Sports. Since this trip is a way for me to use the darn SWA credit that is burning a hole in my pocket, I decided it might be a tad dumb to just jack up the cost of the vacay by staying somewhere else. :lmao: CHEAP IT IS!!! More spending cash for shopping ;)

We are a AKL. We will have to sync up schedules and arrange a drink meet up!!! :thumbsup2

Still here reading along, too. I can't believe it's 19 degrees today but at least I have your tr and pictures from my dream cruise 2 weeks ago to think of warmth!!
You ( and your mom) crack me up :)
Enjoying your many adventures!!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

It was 12 by me yesterday. I need warmth!!! Winter is too early this year!

How was your Dream Cruise? Did you have a fab time?????
I know you are all in shock. Two updates in less than a week. Whatever has come over me?!

Well, that answer is a work conference that half my department is at..and I am not. And therefore... once again, no boss. Lucky you. Unlucky work that's piling up. Eh, it'll get done.

Now, I have to preface with the fact that I have run out of drunk Grandma pictures. I know this will cause me to lose half my readership. I feel like drunk Grandma should be a YouTube sensation or something. Like Grumpy Cat. I mean, I could market Drunk Grandma dolls & plushies. Complete with velcro rum punch drinks and singing action. Hmm..something to think about.

Anyways, moving on with the actual report. Today.. was our third & final sea day! I love sea days. I love nothing to do but enjoy the ship.

I love that my husband continued to sleep in while I got up with the children bright and early. Must be nice to relax on vacation? Say what?!? (he doesn't read my TR either- so I'm good!).

So 6:30 came and like clockwork.. I was up with the Char. And the Sarah. We popped out on the balcony to see it was overcast. But that was OK. It wasn't raining.... so it's all good. I sunscreened up everyone and we headed up for breakfast at Cabanas...

And then found a spot near the pool where we ceremoniously plopped our arses and enjoyed the morning.

Sarah and I rode the aquaduck.

So did Donald....

Then we decided, as a family, to head up to check out the mini-golf area.

And I give you- much like the portholes & pirate pictures- 900 pictures of mini-golf playing! (what can I say, it's a cute course).

It's also full sun and crazy hot!

Cutest. Golfer. Ever.

Mowing the lawn....

Hanging with Pluto.

Getting our eyesight checked.

Enjoying the beach.....

Cutest golfer ever cheating....

Reading a book.

Investigating Ocean Creatures.

WE FOUND OUR SHARK!! See, I told you there were sharks in this report.

We searched for Captain Jack.

Much to mommy's disappointment we did not find him.

We solved some crime of who drank the most on the cruise....

Winner was obviously Gram.

And finally I made the kids do some chores to earn their keep on this ship.

Course half the crew already left because it was too hot (Dad and Rebecca).


These two are the golf champs!

And just in case you wanted to randomly see what the adult only pool looks like.. it looks like this:

I never got to use it.. so this was best I could do!

Anyways- back to the pool we went. Where Sarah and Char headed back into the water.. and I scanned the navigator for character meets. I wanted a picture with Donald as he's one of my faves!

I couldn't convince the kill joy & his youngest offspring to join the character hunt. However, my tweeny Disney lovin' girl was up for it as was Drunk Grandma... so off we went!!!

Only we were early and Mickey was there. So we hopped in that line- cuz why not!

My favorite dude! I love me some Donald!

And my little girl who doesn't want to really grow up (she's 12 and still believes in Santa and Tooth Fairy) really wanted to stand in line to meet Tinkerbelle. And I just love this picture.......

You are never ever too old to love fairies and princesses!!!

We headed back up to the pool where Gram decided to go get dressed and take Rebecca and Charlie to a sit down lunch (next post). The well rested Kill-Joy, Sarah & I decided to lunch on lido again at Flo's...

This is what it looked like today around lunch.

I'm sure all those unsuspecting cruise passengers are thrilled they are getting their picture posted in their bathing suits on a trip report when all they thought was happening was they were getting lunch.

And I have these two random pictures. I am honestly not sure when they were taken.. but it is the main elevator that has pictures on the side as you go up/down. I took the pictures to show some of the murals. My kids LOVED these elevators....

And that is my limit- so that's all she wrote. Now I will go back to doing work.
Loved seeing another update so soon after your last one! Way to go Nicole!! Whoo Hoot!! :yay: OMG that golf course is soooo stinking adorable! It would still freak me out to see nothing but ocean. I just don't know if I will ever do a cruise! So, hubby has a new nickname, huh? Kill-joy!!! :lmao: Awe, you love him anyways!! The adult pool looks nice, but was there a hot tub? I love hot tubs! So, Grams didn't want to play drunken mini-golf? Disappointment....... Yes, you MUST market Drunken Grandma dolls! Heck, I'm still waiting for my leggings!! :rotfl2: Great Update!!!!
Loved seeing another update so soon after your last one! Way to go Nicole!! Whoo Hoot!! :yay: OMG that golf course is soooo stinking adorable! It would still freak me out to see nothing but ocean. I just don't know if I will ever do a cruise! So, hubby has a new nickname, huh? Kill-joy!!! :lmao: Awe, you love him anyways!! The adult pool looks nice, but was there a hot tub? I love hot tubs! So, Grams didn't want to play drunken mini-golf? Disappointment....... Yes, you MUST market Drunken Grandma dolls! Heck, I'm still waiting for my leggings!! :rotfl2: Great Update!!!!

I love seeing nothing but ocean- so long as I don't see any shark fins coming out of it! Even then, so long as I was ON TOP of the water in a big boat- I wouldn't care! :rotfl:

I gave DH the name Kill-Joy when he refused to wear our matching shirts- remember? I know it was long ago.......

There are several hot tubs on the boat- in the adult section & one family friendly (I may have posted a pic of it when my kids got in it back on the night Becca got her hair braided- but I'm too lazy to go look! ).

Hahaha- the Ann Leggins!!!! :rotfl: Should have gotten you those before you went to Disney is September so you could wear them!
Okay...All I have to say is that I am NEVER hanging out in the adult pool. But then again...I might look good compared to most in the pool.

Kill-joy :lmao: I need to nickname my other half that....I don't understand how it is my vacation too and yet he is the one always sleeping in when I am up at the crack of dawn with the kids. Sheesh...

Love the Tink photo...I never thought my teenager would want photo ops with characters but guess who stood in line for Rapunzal with her for hours!

Golf and the Aqua Duck...sounds like a great start of the day!
Okay...All I have to say is that I am NEVER hanging out in the adult pool. But then again...I might look good compared to most in the pool.

Kill-joy :lmao: I need to nickname my other half that....I don't understand how it is my vacation too and yet he is the one always sleeping in when I am up at the crack of dawn with the kids. Sheesh...

Love the Tink photo...I never thought my teenager would want photo ops with characters but guess who stood in line for Rapunzal with her for hours!

Golf and the Aqua Duck...sounds like a great start of the day!

I like the fact that the bar is IN the pool. But I'm actually not a big swimmer because pool water is almost always too cold for me and I'm a big wimp. I have to be very very hot to get into a pool. I much prefer a hot tub!

I couldn't get my 9 year old to wait for characters but my 12 year old still will. And she was Alice for Halloween this year (and secretly really wanted to be Elsa) - I love that she loves all that stuff still! She's my girl, for sure!! :lovestruc
Thanks so much for your update! I thought I was going to have to wait until Christmas - lucky me, I didn't even have to wait until Thanksgiving! Thank your boss for going out of town.:) "Kill Joy" is going to love this one - please tell him that you need to go on another cruise because your Dis friends want another trip report!! I am already sad that your report is slowly coming to an end. If "Kill Joy" doesn't want to cruise again, maybe "drunk Grandma" would be up for it??:rotfl2:
Thanks so much for your update! I thought I was going to have to wait until Christmas - lucky me, I didn't even have to wait until Thanksgiving! Thank your boss for going out of town.:) "Kill Joy" is going to love this one - please tell him that you need to go on another cruise because your Dis friends want another trip report!! I am already sad that your report is slowly coming to an end. If "Kill Joy" doesn't want to cruise again, maybe "drunk Grandma" would be up for it??:rotfl2:

Hahaha, I think that my boss would not appreciate me thanking her for being out of town so I can do vacation updates! Hahahaha. I will silently thank her in my head & remember this moment when I'm working 15 hour days during busy season without overtime pay! :)

Well, I have a Hawaiian vacation coming up in March with Kill Joy and the kids but I don't really have anywhere to put it on the DIS boards because we aren't doing Aulani. That trip I actually AM very concerned about my chances of running into man-eating sharks..... so the trip report COULD be good.. but where to put it?

I will also have a Princess Half Marathon trip coming up- but no drunk grandma or kill joys on it. Although very likely a lot of drunk women. But I've already promised I'd be nice and not put their pictures on DIS (because , you know, that's where I met them and they read this!) Hahahaha!!! And they will have retaliation pictures in their trip reports.
Hahaha, I think that my boss would not appreciate me thanking her for being out of town so I can do vacation updates! Hahahaha. I will silently thank her in my head & remember this moment when I'm working 15 hour days during busy season without overtime pay! :)

Well, I have a Hawaiian vacation coming up in March with Kill Joy and the kids but I don't really have anywhere to put it on the DIS boards because we aren't doing Aulani. That trip I actually AM very concerned about my chances of running into man-eating sharks..... so the trip report COULD be good.. but where to put it?

I will also have a Princess Half Marathon trip coming up- but no drunk grandma or kill joys on it. Although very likely a lot of drunk women. But I've already promised I'd be nice and not put their pictures on DIS (because , you know, that's where I met them and they read this!) Hahahaha!!! And they will have retaliation pictures in their trip reports.

:lmao: You just have to run the photos by me first to make sure they are pretty drunken shots! Here's what you can gauge it on-if it's worse than this drunken shot, you can't post it. :rotfl2:


notice the spills on my shirt?! And yes, that's a fanny pack. Clearly I had a few lacks in judgement that day! :rotfl:

I should show you the not-acceptable one I have...
Love the mini golf pics! I wonder how many balls go flying over the edge into the deep blue ocean? You can never...NEVER...take too many photos. It's not possible, believe me, I have tried and I still want for more. I've taken up to 4000 on a trip before but my average is usually around 2500. Aren't you excited that I'm going to have that many shots of YOU in 90 days?? :p

I will stick around even though you don't have anymore drunken grandma shots, but you are going to have to try hard to give me something to replace my abundant amusement then! I think I want to be a drunken grandma, sounds like fun. I can start practicing now! ;)
Oh, how I've missed that drunken Karen pic!!! Yes, Nicole you must get lots and lots of those!!! LOL!!!!!

Hey Tweedle! You don't mind me hijacking your thread, right? ;)

It's actually one of the only drunken shots I have, I think?? BUT, there was one more from that night and I will share it since I'm in a generous mood and there's no more grandma shots for this trip report!

So, I could explain why we have a stroller and why Savannah is making that face, but it wouldn't actually add to your amusement, let's pretend she's making that face b/c I'm embarrassing. I did actually sit in the stroller right after this picture, it's a shame no one thought to take a photo of me in it. :lmao:

I'm not even joking when I say I just bust into loud giggles at my desk and had three co-workers turn around and look at me! OMG Karen those pictures are so funny- especially the 2nd one!!!

You know, I was just in a store in my local mall yesterday - it's a 80's/90's thrift store type and they had a lot of neon colored fanny packs for sale.. I could buy and we could recreate? :rotfl:

I would post the drunk picture of me from a few years ago where I'm standing on my head in a hotel room but thankfully that does not exist on digital & my scanner is broke. I will pretend I can not take a picture of it on my phone and post it..........

I can not wait to even have ONE picture of me taken considering that none really exist because I am the one with the camera- always!

Oh what fun we are going to have..................90 days and counting!!!

Thank you for making me laugh today- I kinda needed it! Tweedles rock.

Also- your package is on the way today................:thumbsup2
I'm not even joking when I say I just bust into loud giggles at my desk and had three co-workers turn around and look at me! OMG Karen those pictures are so funny- especially the 2nd one!!!

You know, I was just in a store in my local mall yesterday - it's a 80's/90's thrift store type and they had a lot of neon colored fanny packs for sale.. I could buy and we could recreate? :rotfl:

I would post the drunk picture of me from a few years ago where I'm standing on my head in a hotel room but thankfully that does not exist on digital & my scanner is broke. I will pretend I can not take a picture of it on my phone and post it..........

I can not wait to even have ONE picture of me taken considering that none really exist because I am the one with the camera- always!

Oh what fun we are going to have..................90 days and counting!!!

Thank you for making me laugh today- I kinda needed it! Tweedles rock.

Also- your package is on the way today................:thumbsup2


I gotta tell ya, I'm superdupertweedleexcited for our weekend!!! I think it should be our mission to get as many drunken (or just dorky) photos as we can! We definitely have to do sombrero's, but I have to have a few drinks first so I'm not freaking out thinking I'll get lice! :lmao:

I gotta tell ya, I'm superdupertweedleexcited for our weekend!!! I think it should be our mission to get as many drunken (or just dorky) photos as we can! We definitely have to do sombrero's, but I have to have a few drinks first so I'm not freaking out thinking I'll get lice! :lmao:

I was just about to say.. I don't do sombrero's because of lice! :lmao:

Good thing La Cava is RIGHT there. Just remind me to pick from the bottom middle!!!

We've still yet to find the poor sap who is going to push US in a stroller for our day after hangover?


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