Least expensive Character Meal?


Earning My Ears
Jan 6, 2001
What is the least expensive Character meal? I'd prefer dinner, but would take a breakfast for a huge savings.

It is for 2 adults, 1 just-4 year old (who eats like a bird) and 1 just-3 year old (his birthday was yesterday).

I had reserved Hoop Dee Doo but cancelled after thinking about $140 (my 2 week grocery bill) for 1 dinner show.

Thanks for your help in advance!

- Carol
is cheaper than dinner, but you might try the ice cream social prices out, characters without a big meal involvement. We loved Donalds Breakfastasauras at AK last year and are booked again for this May, Food for even the pickiest eaters and good prices.....Dinners last year at Liberty tree were approx 20.00 per adult, and 9 per child. Some come with drinks some don't. Hope this helps. Another cheaper way is Chip and Dales campfire if your staying on property. Its free!

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Hi! So far, the cheapest, and to me the best character breakfast is at The Crystal Palace. Breakfast I think is around 17.00 a person. We used our MKC last year in May and got it for 15.00. They have an AWESOME buffet - The puffed french toast is absolutely to die for - and there is a "kids sized" buffet line where the selections are at a childs level. The characters at the palace are Pooh, Eyore, Tigger and Piglet. Each one goes to every table and joke around and has pictures with every kid.(even adults - tigger took my hair clip put it on his ear and wouldn't give it back - but a cm came over to "appoligize" for Tiggers behavior and gave it back to me. It was really a trip. She also said that Tigger wanted to know where I bought them so he could get one too! The inside of the palace is really pretty too. The only draw back is that it get really loud at times, but the characters and food really do make up for that. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

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