June 2024 WISH Thread- Jumping into SUMMER ☀️🍉🕶️

Since we're officially in summer now, let's chat about summertime memories and activities.

What is your favorite memory from childhood summers?

My mom was a teacher, so she was always home all summer with us. We lived on a farm until I was in the 7th grade, so it was so much fun exploring there. When we moved into town, I kind of had the meet up spot and my friends and I would ride bikes around town all day. It was so much fun!

Are there any summertime traditions your childhood family had, or your current family does?

As a kid we went to Six Flags every summer which was always a good time. With our kids growing up, we always took a week long trip somewhere and then the rest revolved around their activities for the most part. Summers were always busy, but always fun!

Any favorite summertime foods?

Probably my favorite summertime food is watermelon! Especially when you get a good sweet one!

What is your dream summertime vacation?

I would say my dream vacation is taking a Mediterranean Cruise. I'm also looking forward to being able to do longer cruises when DH and I retire!

My motivation for this week is to find out if there's anything I can do about my tailbone and/or how long it will feel like this and to continue trying to make healthy choices for the week. I know next week will have a mixture of good / bad choices while we are gone, so I really want to get through this week on a high!
Catching up after the weekend - I think I posted earlier that we were going to a Cardinals game Saturday. It was super hot (which we expected). After the 2nd inning, I went to go fill our water bottles again and when I got out into the concourse, I had a light-headed episode and actually passed out. I still can't believe it. I felt super odd before it happened, so I went over to one of the standing tabletop areas where you can stand and have a place to put your food to eat it to lean on the table. Next thing I know I wake up on the ground with some super nice young man, holding my head so it wouldn't hit the concrete.

They took me to the first aid area where I called DH. We stayed in there awhile to cool down and then he went to get the car and we just left early. I was super bummed because 1) it was a great game and 2) obviously it stinks to have that happen.

The after effects of it - I apparently fell right on my tailbone, because I have a hard time sitting and then getting up after I've been sitting for awhile. I'm hoping that goes away soon because we leave for a cruise on Friday and will be flying in already uncomfortable seats!

I am going to go to the doctor about this. I definitely have light headed episodes on a somewhat regular basis. Usually I get light headed and my knees start buckling (not sure how else to describe it). But, when I stop and hold on to something, it usually goes away. This time it didn't - I'm guessing because of the heat added into the mix, but I'm really not sure.

I've mentioned it to my doctor before and he kind of dismissed it saying I'm probably standing up to quickly or not giving myself enough time to acclimate after standing. I'm not one to push, so I let it go. I'm not even sure what the issue could be or what to ask him to do, but I'm hoping for some better answers.
I am so sorry that happened to you, and you definitely should not ignore it. There’s so many potential reasons why this happened…no doubt the heat, unhealthy air quality, and possibly dehydration. But it could also be low blood sugar or other possible health factors that should not be overlooked. If your doctor isn’t willing to run tests and perform a complete physical, you should get a second opinion.

My friend who turned out to be diabetic had a serious car accident as a result of passing out. You need to advocate for yourself with your doctor.

Take care and feel better soon.
Catching up after the weekend - I think I posted earlier that we were going to a Cardinals game Saturday. It was super hot (which we expected). After the 2nd inning, I went to go fill our water bottles again and when I got out into the concourse, I had a light-headed episode and actually passed out. I still can't believe it. I felt super odd before it happened, so I went over to one of the standing tabletop areas where you can stand and have a place to put your food to eat it to lean on the table. Next thing I know I wake up on the ground with some super nice young man, holding my head so it wouldn't hit the concrete.

They took me to the first aid area where I called DH. We stayed in there awhile to cool down and then he went to get the car and we just left early. I was super bummed because 1) it was a great game and 2) obviously it stinks to have that happen.

The after effects of it - I apparently fell right on my tailbone, because I have a hard time sitting and then getting up after I've been sitting for awhile. I'm hoping that goes away soon because we leave for a cruise on Friday and will be flying in already uncomfortable seats!

I am going to go to the doctor about this. I definitely have light headed episodes on a somewhat regular basis. Usually I get light headed and my knees start buckling (not sure how else to describe it). But, when I stop and hold on to something, it usually goes away. This time it didn't - I'm guessing because of the heat added into the mix, but I'm really not sure.

I've mentioned it to my doctor before and he kind of dismissed it saying I'm probably standing up to quickly or not giving myself enough time to acclimate after standing. I'm not one to push, so I let it go. I'm not even sure what the issue could be or what to ask him to do, but I'm hoping for some better answers.
Super scarry thing to have happen! How your doctor can help to find some answers.

Motivation is to get moving and try to decrease stress…both a challenge right now. My co-worker gave her notice today so work is going to get real busy real fast. And DH has been suddenly having anxiety attacks so having that happen is stressful in and of itself.
So today I went and joined the work gym. My plan is to try to take a couple classes a month and hit the machines a couple times a month. If I get there once a week I will happy. Started looking at my schedule to see what calls I can take from the treadmill and there are a few. I’ll need the exercise to distract me from the other stuff. Hopefully it will do the trick.
@newski_mom, I'm glad you didn't hit your head, and hope your doctor takes you seriously now and runs some tests!

I really hate the mixed message nowadays between "advocate for yourself" and "stay off Google." I want to pay the doctor to do the worrying and investigating for me, thank you very much! :laughing:

@ShannyMcB, :hug: on your DH, and good for you for making sure not to let your own needs get lost in the shuffle!
Motivation is to get moving and try to decrease stress…both a challenge right now. My co-worker gave her notice today so work is going to get real busy real fast. And DH has been suddenly having anxiety attacks so having that happen is stressful in and of itself.
So today I went and joined the work gym. My plan is to try to take a couple classes a month and hit the machines a couple times a month. If I get there once a week I will happy. Started looking at my schedule to see what calls I can take from the treadmill and there are a few. I’ll need the exercise to distract me from the other stuff. Hopefully it will do the trick.
I am an everything in moderation person. This goes beyond food for us as a household and we try to teach our children the concept of moderation.
I don’t cut out any food entirely unless there is a good reason (an intolerance perhaps) ever since a nutritionist told me if your body is truly craving something there is a reason. Do a mental check to ensure you are not having it as some sort of crutch such as boredom, wait 5 minutes, have a glass of water. If you still feel like you NEED it have just a bite more often than not, she advised, your craving will be satisfied and you can move on. Better to have a small amount now than to deny yourself and eat an unhealthy amount later.
I often resort to "none" to stop a cycle and re-set, knowing it is not sustainable. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I do agree that "a little" is almost always the best choice, but it can also be challenging for my neurodivergent brain to sustain.
I have had to eliminate certain things like deep fried foods and spicy foods because of my gerd. But other foods that might not be as healthy as others but are not necessarily harmful, I will try to eat in moderation. The problem is that moderation can easily become eating as much as I want.

I’m not feeling very well, and I don’t know if I’m fighting a virus or if it’s just weeks of not eating right has caught up with me. Either way, I’m going to be eating as healthy as possible and avoiding the rest for now.
Motivation is to get moving and try to decrease stress…both a challenge right now. My co-worker gave her notice today so work is going to get real busy real fast. And DH has been suddenly having anxiety attacks so having that happen is stressful in and of itself.
So today I went and joined the work gym. My plan is to try to take a couple classes a month and hit the machines a couple times a month. If I get there once a week I will happy. Started looking at my schedule to see what calls I can take from the treadmill and there are a few. I’ll need the exercise to distract me from the other stuff. Hopefully it will do the trick.

:grouphug: - and such a healthy approach to everything you're facing
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Topic Tuesday: Where do you stand on this quote? - Are you a "have to draw the line at none" person, or do you prefer the moderation approach? Is it different for different foods?

I always try to do the moderation approach. One thing that usually works for me it just telling myself that this food will be here the next time I want it too, so no need to go overboard with it.

I also have to portion things out. DH can take a bag of chips to the living room and eat just a handful and close it back up. I would sit there and eat the entire bag. I have to put a normal portion in a baggie or on a plate in order to make myself stop. But, I have learned that about myself, so I usually just do that and am satisfied.
I also have to portion things out. DH can take a bag of chips to the living room and eat just a handful and close it back up. I would sit there and eat the entire bag. I have to put a normal portion in a baggie or on a plate in order to make myself stop. But, I have learned that about myself, so I usually just do that and am satisfied.

My DH is the same way. He knows he has no portion control and actually gives me his treats to portion out and hide until he asks for them, so he doesn't even know where the rest are.

I'm an everything in moderation girl, and I try to remember the law of diminishing returns: The first few bites are the best, and the ones after that just aren't worth as much.
@newski_mom I am so sorry this happened to you!!! I hope you are feeling better!!!!

I am so sorry I have been MIA but VBS is kicking my butt!!!! @Summer2018 I have no idea how teach kiddos day after day!!! You are amazing!!

We have about 90 kids ages 4-8 come through our craft room in a 2 hour period and they are broken into 4 groups, by grade. The kids are great honestly and I am absolutely delighted to see some of my awana kids again. But I think it’s the set up/clean up every night in addition to all the talking and repeating myself with instructions that is taking it out of me. 2 more nights!!!!

Also I talk to my friends too much so I know I am also part of the problem 🤣 but we don’t have Bible study in the summer so we wall want to catch up lol!!

I am modivated this week to close out the month by closing all my watch rings each day. If I make it to Sunday I will have done all my rings everyday this month!!

I also do everything in moderation! Sometime my moderation is not the best but for instance I bought these 60 calorie mini mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches at Aldi about 3 weeks ago-15 in the pack. Since I bought them I have not went out for ice cream or gotten Crumbl one time and that was becoming a 1 time a week trip for both places…not good at all! I tell myself-you can have 1 sandwich then if you still want sweet frog/crumbl you can walk down the street (this is dangerous to have both in walking distance) and get it! I have not went once after eating the little 60 calorie sandwhich! So yes I have ice cream but not a 500 calorie cup worth!!!
WooHoo - I got a long walk in my neighbor this morning before it got too hot! It was nice to catch up now that she's off for the summer, and I walk longer than when I just go on the treadmill.
Woohoo... yesterday was a lovely warm sunny summery day and I spent time in the evening just sitting in the side yard with the sprinkler going, very peaceful and nostalgic.

Woohoo... whatever aggravated my skin last week has resolved itself. And two new products I ordered arrived yesterday and I think I'm going to love both of them.

Woohoo... the baby juncos have left the nest. I think they are hanging out in the bushes nearby, I haven't seen them, but the Momma seems to be hanging out in that area.


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