Interactive pins?

Gator Kate

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Aug 18, 1999
I haven't been bitten by the pin collecting bug yet but was intrigued by this one.
I recall something about the pin reacting to parades and rides. Please excuse my ignorance, it's been awhile since I heard about it and my memory of the details are sketchy. Can anyone offer any more info ?
Thanks for your patience with a newbie.
The interactive pins are not made of metal -- actually made of plastic, and are larger and thicker than the usual collectible pins. They need the room to accommodate the technology. But the pins aren't heavy.

There are five flavors -- one for each WDW park and a 100 Years logo. I believe the cost is $15 each. The pins are available at all pin locations and any of the larger shops in the parks and resorts.

Special extra: If you go to and follow the links to the 100 years celebration, there is an online game where you "collect" virtual pins. Once you have all four (this is very easy to do) pins, you can print out a certificate for a free 100 years pin. You redeem the certificate at MGM ONLY, at the pin station under the Sorcerer's Hat, when buying one of the interactive pins. You get a special 100 years pin, traditional metal type -- Sorcerer Mickey at a computer. I believe you can get one pin for every interactive pin you buy, up to four, per certificate.

The interactive pins light up during parades, shows, some attractions, certain bathrooms.....well, let's not go there. :rolleyes:
Many thanks Eeyorespal for the friendly and informative post. I clicked on the link you provided
and got the certificate for free 100 years pins. I'll be there in Feb. with my nieces and I think they'd get a kick out of the interactive pins. Sounds like they go off at quirky places though...bathrooms?
Thanks again, I may get into it yet!
We also collected the virtual pins and got the certificates. The free pins were gone when we were ther in October and also with this past trip, we got back yesterday. Mybe by the time you get there the will replenish the pins.

Good Luck!


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