Has anyone stayed at Delta Orlando Resort?


Earning My Ears
Mar 29, 2001
We have reservations for three nights 4/6 - 4/8, but just read on another message board that it's not all that great. It kind of bumbed me out; however, I'm sure we'll be spending most of our time at Universal than in the hotel. Basically, concerned about the cleanliness of the rooms.
Sorry to say I stayed there 2 yrs ago. It was not the cleanest of all hotels. Possibly (because of these boards) they have cleaned up their act. They are extremely close to the park and with the new hotels HRH & PBH going up, maybe they did some restorations. Call & ask them, if you are not satisfied, see if you can change hotels

we stayed there a year ago. I got a great rate ($59), but would have felt cheated had it been any higher. The room was fine, but the grounds and all the rest were kind of run down. Not dirty, though. It is very close to Universal, and the room was big enough for the 5 of us (2Queens and a rollaway). Hope this helps!

PS: we did not eat there, so I can't tell you about that part.
For $59.00, I think the place is great & right across the street from US. They have a great pool, they play music by the pool, they have 3 large hot tubs. All the things I personally like at a resort.The rooms are your standard "hotel" rooms, but very clean. They have in-room safes. It's not the Ritz, but for 59.00 you can't beat if for a short term stay. Personally, for $117.00 Entertainment rate, I would stay at Hard Rock on site, which we are this summer. I like on-site properties for numerous reasons & for $117.00 an exceptional value. However, if your on a tight budget, don't fret about Delta Orlando, I think it's nice, and was always my choice before the on-sites arrived.


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