Guides to Disney World


Earning My Ears
Mar 12, 2001
I am in the process of creating an "offline" guide in Microsoft Word format. The purpose is not to compete with the Disney World websites nor making money off from it. Most Disney World guides on the web are quite good and contains many helpful tips, but I found that everytime I wanted to use a guide, it took a long time to sort through the webpages and downloading various files. It is also very difficult to print out a nicely formatted report for a specific trip.

Once my guide is complete, I plan on offering it to everyone free of charge via download or email. The biggest dilemma is figuring out where to host this file as it is already 30MB big.

Information on the following subjects would be greatly appreciated...
1. A place where I can host the file for free downloads. The final file may be around 40MB.
2. Detailed information about the WDW resorts.
3. Little known programs or activities at the parks or resorts.
4. Technical details such as the size of a resort, room, park, distance between parks and resorts, etc.

Thanks in advance!

OKW 8/00, OKW DVC 2/01
Try - which is quite easy to use.

If poss. I would be interested in a copy.

I won't be finished for another few months. E-mail me and I will send you the link when it goes up.

My e-mail address is

No spam please! :)

OKW 8/00, OKW DVC 2/01


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