From Pop to the Top - Funtastic Adventures in the Summer Sun!

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Those sweet sleepy girls (and Bullseye) on the bus are just precious! I feel like that this morning. :laughing:

In Disney World, sleep sometimes comes in spurts wherever you can get it, even for the horsies. :goodvibes

I had to get up and at 'em yesterday, but it was a rainy day, so it would have been the perfect morning to stay in bed and turn on a Hallmark Christmas movie. :santa:

Don't you just love how kids can sleep anywhere?? :) Going back a few updates, I like your beach sand container. How nice to have a piece of the Poly at home!! I hope that your 4th of July dream of staying there comes true!

I hope that dream comes true, too. I checked the price last year of just getting one room for one night to crash in after the fireworks, and it was far above my budget. It would be so nice just to walk a few minutes and be ready for shower and bed instead of taking an hour to get back to Pop, but we are grateful to be there no matter what the trouble or where we are staying, so I can't complain.

Just catching up on your report and have thouroughly enjoyed returning to my happy place this morning. :goodvibes The pictures of the sleepy girls are just too sweet. The first one of Bella made me laugh. I feel like that this morning. Went to bed about 8:30 last night then woke up around 2:30. I couldn't go back to sleep to save my life so gave up and got up at 4:30. Now I'm ready for a nap but have to work all day. Boo!

I'm so sorry to hear about your car but am very glad that Drew and his passenger are OK. Sending lots of pixie dust that the check arrives on time.

The insurance company called yesterday, and everything is a go. I should have the check in the bank by Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed.

I know you are going to be catching up on sleep for the rest of the week. A Disney trip takes a lot out of a person. ::yes::

Bella is just adorable, all snuggled up on the bus!

Your shopping pics include so many things I want for Claire!!!

There are so many cute things for little ones. Some of them cost a bit much. It's fun when they are back at home wearing a real Walt Disney World outfit, though.

Love the pictures of that silly girl. It put a smile on my face on this rainy afternoon. Then the bus pictures reminded me that it is good napping weather.

She puts a smile on my face every time I think about her. I was missing them both so much yesterday after having spent Saturday and Sunday with them. I wanted them to still be here snuggling with me reading books or singing songs or watching a movie or playing baby dolls. I love being with those girls! :lovestruc

Fun! Fun! Fun! How I love MK and the POLY. Oh, and everything else in WDW!:goodvibes
The girls are just precious falling asleep on the bus. My girls still do that after a tiring Disney day.

Me, too. No matter what pictures I see, I can just transport myself right into them and be happy, happy, happy!!! :dance3:

I'm a little behind MeMom. What's the latest with the insurance company? I have been hoping for good news for you!

Great Poly pictures! What is it about those Disney busses that put a child to sleep? :)

If that check gets put in the bank by tomorrow, the news will be good. I can go get my friend's car and be back in action. I am getting used to the rental car, and it's nice, too, but I am always nervous driving someone else's car.

I love the Polynesian. If someone gave me a free week at WDW to stay anywhere, I would definitely stay there.

We had a great time going through the box of goodies that arrived today! Keeley and I were especially thrilled with the Seven Dwarfs bibs! Those are new to me, so cute!
I might just have to borrow that brag book....:cutie:
We packed the items for Harper back in and she can pull them out when she comes over next time!
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness!

Glad to know the package arrived safely. It wasn't much, but we enjoyed buying for those two sweet little ones. I wish our dates were going to overlap in March so that we could meet Harper. She's going on that trip - is that right?

Jill found those bibs. They are cute. :)

Loving all the updates MeMom! The girls are just too cute. :rotfl2: at Brooklyn calling it the Chicken Parade.

I'm really excited to see the new line for Pooh. I'm going on Friday for the filming of the Christmas Day Parade.:cool1::banana::cool1::banana:

Can't wait to

Very cool. You will have to share pictures so that the rest of us can 'be there', too! :cool1:
Back at the room, it was time for swimming for Jill's crew.



I took a few pictures from the balcony and then went in to give my legs some rest.


The big girl was happy splashing around in the big pool.


The computer pool area.


After swim and rest, we were off again.
Back at the bus stops - maintenance being done.


Brooklynn, Simba, and Nala waited on the bench, out of the sun.


They were having quite the conversation.


On this day, we boarded a brand new Disney bus.


Leaving Pop.


Bella's spikey hairdo.


Where are we going now, girls?
I truly don't know, as that is the last picture in this group.
Jill, you're up again.
Load 'em up and let us know where this brand-spankin' new Disney bus is carrying us!
It looks like you and Bella had a fun Fantasy Land morning. She looks like she belongs in IASW with the other dolls.

I am glad you got to spend time with your girls over Thanksgiving. I got to see my parents and my brother. I won't see my brother again until May.:sad1:

That picture of Bella going to sleep on her head is too cute.
:laughing: Yes, it's in that area! Wish I could just show you in person!

I love the pic of Bella with her head down on the bus.

Ahh! The computer pool! As you know, that was the pool for our area. But, it was so cold in March that we never got to use it. Bummer.
Love all the MK updates. Even though Danielle is 11 now she still loves Small World. The only times we haven't done it was when it was down for rehab.

The Poly is my dream resort.:cloud9: Maybe someday. I love that y'all stopped for lunch at Captn Cooks.

The pictures of the sleepy girls on the bus are so cute. I've been caught sleeping on the bus too.:eek:

I love the picture of Bella's spikey hair!:rotfl:
Sending special pixies for the mail man to deliver your cheque today...pixiedust:

Then you can happily do this again....:drive: in your own car!

Very cute pics of the girls napping on the bus! (My DMom fell asleep on a bus one night too, it was so funny)

I'm just home for a couple hours and then I'm going back to work. I could definitely use a nap this afternoon.

Happy Wednesday! :hug:

BrooklynnsMommy did you buy Epic Mickey for Wii? If so, how do you like it?
We have never been on a brand-new Disney bus! I wonder where you were all headed in such style!

Jill put up the new set of pictures, so we'll see in just a moment.

That bus was sparkling new, and as you can see by the back seats, it was built a little differently.

Pictures of Pop!!!

Almost time to see it again. :yay:

It is December, Dad!
It's almost time for the super surprise! :dance3:

It looks like you and Bella had a fun Fantasy Land morning. She looks like she belongs in IASW with the other dolls.

I am glad you got to spend time with your girls over Thanksgiving. I got to see my parents and my brother. I won't see my brother again until May.

That picture of Bella going to sleep on her head is too cute.

I am sorry you won't see your brother for so long. Family time is so precious. I don't know where he is, but can you guys plan a 'meet in the middle' weekend sometime?

Bella and I are quite content doing the mild rides together, now that Brooklynn is such a thrill ride girl. :goodvibes Of course, I'd be happy going on thrill rides with Brooklynn, too. I like spending one-on-one time with each of them so I don't feel like I am slighting either of them. I'd like to take Brooklynn someday for a long weekend - just she and I - and just do whatever she wants.

Yes, it's in that area! Wish I could just show you in person!

I love the pic of Bella with her head down on the bus.

Ahh! The computer pool! As you know, that was the pool for our area. But, it was so cold in March that we never got to use it. Bummer.

I'm sure we've walked on top of you guys about a hundred times!
One day our paths are bound to cross in Disney World, and that will be our meeting spot.

I'm thinking the same thing about the end of February and wondering if the girls will get any water time. We'll just have to wait and see.

Love all the MK updates. Even though Danielle is 11 now she still loves Small World. The only times we haven't done it was when it was down for rehab.

The Poly is my dream resort. Maybe someday. I love that y'all stopped for lunch at Captn Cooks.

The pictures of the sleepy girls on the bus are so cute. I've been caught sleeping on the bus too.

I love the picture of Bella's spikey hair!

We have seen (and gotten a smile from) many people asleep on buses. The heads flop, and they pull back up, and then slowly they go down again. :laughing:

We've eaten at all three Polynesian restaurants. We've eaten at Captain Cook's several times, Kona three times, and 'Ohana once for breakfast. We're planning for one of our all-family meals to be an 'Ohana dinner this summer.

Sending special pixies for the mail man to deliver your cheque today...

Then you can happily do this again....:drive: in your own car!

Very cute pics of the girls napping on the bus! (My DMom fell asleep on a bus one night too, it was so funny)

I'm just home for a couple hours and then I'm going back to work. I could definitely use a nap this afternoon.

Happy Wednesday!

BrooklynnsMommy did you buy Epic Mickey for Wii? If so, how do you like it?

The check came, and it is in the bank. I did all that late yesterday. Now I have to make arrangements to get the rental car back and get over to pick up the new car. Then I have to deal with getting the tags and insurance and such straightened out. Nothing will be done today, as this is our big Culture Day at school. The whole city is invited to come to school from 4-7, so it will be a long and very full day.

I would have laughed at your mom, but I would have done it inside. ;)
Did you video her? :laughing:

Don't work too hard!

I have felt that same way on a bus before at Disney! lol precious!! That is too cute she was in that position!

Yeah, Disney trips gets the best of us. I'm sure I have nodded off or come close.

Bella was certainly scrunched up. Wonder if she'll be able to do that when she's grown! :eek:


So, that shiny new bus was taking us to


Or, as Brooklynn used to call it -

Wonder what Bella will call it?

I'm guessing
because she loves balls.


Some of the faces of Epcot.


First ride was



Come along on a ride through mostly blurry history.








Teaching before testing, testing, testing was introduced.


I just noticed the skull over at the side watching him paint.




Let's all go to the movies!




The man who would change the world.


The world.


Not the way to drive a spacecraft.


I have the Great Wall of China right next door to my classroom this week. Our hall is Japan, China, and India.


Bella in a bubble.


John being silly.


He made the face. I'm just puttin' out there for all to see.
It's not like he didn't know better. ;)

Have a Thrilling Thursday, friends.
I will have a Long, Cram-Packed Thursday, so I will be grateful for
Beautiful Bedtime this evening. :thumbsup2
Be safe and stay warm.
Enjoy Christmas music.
Hug the people you love an extra time.
Tell some random person you cross paths with at work how much you appreciate them.
Make it a good day. :cool1:

P.S. For those of you who have seen our cousin, Brandy, in pictures and knew she was having another baby from reading about the October trip, she just found out yesterday she is having her third boy. :dance3: Her grandparents will be having their seventh great-grandson. So far, zero great-granddaughters. :laughing:
Happy Thursday! (Is this week ever going to end?)

Yes, John should know better than to make a silly face, but I needed the laugh this morning. :laughing:
Happy Thursday everyone! I have been listening to Christmas music on the way to work. I am so excited to leave in 8 days!!!!!!!!!! I think we will focus mainly on holiday stuff this time. My little one, Blake, really wants to eat breakfast with Pooh.
It cracks me up that your family on that side has all boys. It is like that in my family. My mom has 7 grandsons! My husband's family is mostly boys too. I really do not know what to do with a little girl.
I am so glad you got the check and can get a car soon!! :cool1:
I hope you survive today!
First I am very sorry to hear about Drew and your car, but I am glad that Drew and his passenger were not hurt.

I was so far behind because it looked like for a little bit we would have to cancel our trip and then it all worked out we just had to postpone it for a couple of months. During that time I stayed away from the Dis because it was just to depressing to read about other people trips when I didn't think I was going to be able to go on my own trip.
Have a great day, all!! The weekend is nearly here! :)

I need to make some decisions on my hotel for my May solo trip - any suggestions, anyone? :)

Have a fabulous day!! :)
Ahh yes.. The "Ball". We used to call it that too! Little Guy calls Epcot, "Apricot". So that's what we called it the rest of the trip. :laughing:

Hey! Is that a 'hidden' MeMom picture I see?! I see you! :laughing:
We love Spaceship Earth!:lovestruc The perfect family ride.

I've been meaning to ask you if you ever go see the Nutcracker? I have an ex-coworker whos daughter is going to be Clara. I text her today and she said they are there now and will be until Christmas Day.:scared1: Payton is only 11 and she's a fabulous dancer.
Good news about the cheque arriving on time! :thumbsup2

Looks like you are having a busy day today, sounds like my life lately.

Only 23 more shopping days left til Christmas and the madness will end!:rotfl:

Funny, I had a craving for Chinese food tonight...must have been thinking of your cultural day (subconsciously) ;)

I came home to chili instead. :laughing:

Sweet Disney dreams!
Hope your culture day went well. Yay for getting the check and good luck gettting the car. Happy almost friday!!
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