Epcot Forever - What did you think?!

What did you think of Epcot Forever?

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Would you Fastpass this? Or is the experience okay most places around the lagoon, like with Illuminations?
From what people are saying it's actually easier to see around the Lagoon then Illuminations was, since there is no central show.
I saw it last night. Its nice, but, clearly an interim show. The kites were very cool.
However, the crowds were tiny at the AA end of WS. I don't know if there are better viewing points.
For me, it was a one time watch, but, that's a personal view.
We saw this last night and it was beautiful. We had fast passes and stood along the fence. I recommend getting fast passes - if you can’t see the water you miss some of the fireworks displays. We will definitely go again.
DW and I are huge, huge fans of Illuminations, and we were very sad to hear it was leaving, so we booked a trip for 9/27 to 10/4 to send it off. After seeing two shows that week, including the final one, we braced ourselves for Epcot Forever on 10/1 intending to see it again 10/3.

Well, not to put too fine a point on it, we thought it was awful and left very disappointed. It felt like the music, fireworks, kites and all of that were just happening coincidentally at the same time. There was no coordination, the fireworks didn't match the music at all, the kites seemed to glitch a light. We ended up not even really doing the second viewing and instead choosing to book it out of the park.

Also, there was no story, no narrative, it was just a YouTube style mash-up of Epcot music/sounds, it didn't flow at all. Random Aladdin music was weird, and the kids voice as the announcer was just kind of a strange choice. I know it's just filler, but it feels like some high school interns made it in the last few days before the show. Actually, that's mean to high school interns.

What did everyone else think?
I think it's nice that they gave filler instead of nothing at all. I can't wait for Harmonius!

They should have extended Illuminations then, unless there was just no possible way to get more pyrotechnic stock, but I sincerely doubt that. EF is probably worse than nothing, it's going to be hard to shake that stench.

My friends and I could see the fireworks and kites from our stuck gondola Saturday night. We couldn't really hear the music, but we thought the fireworks were good and the kites looked really neat. It was time Illuminations to retire - I especially won't miss all the squinting trying to make out what was on the globe.
They should have extended Illuminations then, unless there was just no possible way to get more pyrotechnic stock, but I sincerely doubt that. EF is probably worse than nothing, it's going to be hard to shake that stench.

They need to redo the electric and other elements of the area. They wouldn't have been able to do that with the current Illuminations setup.
We won't get to see this live, but we loved the music & the kites when watching a video of it. But it would be a one and done for us, I think. The music was nostalgic, but it definitely felt like a filler show.
Now I am so excited for this show. Thanks for posting sneak peeks!:charac2::sail::jumping1::earsboy:pixiedust: Already booked a specialty cruise for DH and I for our upcoming trip in Oct. 10 days and counting till we will be there!

What did you think?
I've been looking everywhere for someones that's done the cruise with the new show.
Thanks :)
What did you think?
I've been looking everywhere for someones that's done the cruise with the new show.
Thanks :)
It was awesome! We loved it. You are right there under the international gateway. I would do it again for sure. Now with that being said, I still prefer the fireworks cruise over at Magic Kingdom. Our experience has been nothing but wonderful for all of the cruises we have done over there. We always leave out of Grand Floridian and the drivers over there are just so awesome.
DW and I are huge, huge fans of Illuminations, and we were very sad to hear it was leaving, so we booked a trip for 9/27 to 10/4 to send it off. After seeing two shows that week, including the final one, we braced ourselves for Epcot Forever on 10/1 intending to see it again 10/3.

Well, not to put too fine a point on it, we thought it was awful and left very disappointed. It felt like the music, fireworks, kites and all of that were just happening coincidentally at the same time. There was no coordination, the fireworks didn't match the music at all, the kites seemed to glitch a light. We ended up not even really doing the second viewing and instead choosing to book it out of the park.

Also, there was no story, no narrative, it was just a YouTube style mash-up of Epcot music/sounds, it didn't flow at all. Random Aladdin music was weird, and the kids voice as the announcer was just kind of a strange choice. I know it's just filler, but it feels like some high school interns made it in the last few days before the show. Actually, that's mean to high school interns.

What did everyone else think?

AGREE 100% - it was terrible. I can't believe Disney executives saw that and thought it was up to their standards. We will not be seeing it again. Better things to do with my time. Full disclosure, Illuminations was my favorite thing EVER at WDW - but I had already lowered my expectations. Very disappointing.
Saw again tonight. My opinion hasn't changed. Very disjointed and only Walt's voice and Tapestry music elicit any emotion.
No holiday tag either, which is incredibly disappointing.
Wow - I thought they might stick in the Let there be Peace on Earth part from Illuminations. It was very moving and holiday appropriate. We just switched our resort for our 2 night stay before our Christmas Cruise. Bye bye Beach Club - no reason to be so close to Epcot any longer.
I saw this earlier this month. I loved that they incorporated the old music (but wish the clips were a bit longer) and that only made me wonder why they can't bring the same music back to the pavilions. I always thought it might be a copyright issue but that doesn't appear to be it. The kites were cute though one of them didn't light up properly. The fireworks were inferior to prior shows. Overall it was cute but a bit disjointed. I also think it is ironic that they named a temporary show "Epcot Forever". There is nothing forever about this show.
I liked it a lot. I really miss the old Epcot rides and really enjoyed the music and how the fireworks were themed to the songs (i.e. giant red circles for "Universe of Energy" and green and red colors for "Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit").
Saw again tonight. My opinion hasn't changed. Very disjointed and only Walt's voice and Tapestry music elicit any emotion.
No holiday tag either, which is incredibly disappointing.
Completely agree. The kites were unique and I liked them alot.
The rest didn't do much for me.
The fireworks were no where near as good.
Maybe they made this inferior so we will be really happy when teh new show arrives?
Interesting to read the reviews now that I've seen Epcot Forever. I first went to Epcot somewhere around 1985/86. I also grew up with an old WDW soundtrack that has all the original Epcot songs on it. Illuminations was just ok for me. I rarely bothered to stay for it. But Epcot Forever was right up my alley. I loved revisiting all the old music and being reminded of original attractions (especially the original Imagination!). For me, it felt like a love letter and a fond farewell for the Epcot that was, which definitely put some tears in my eyes. The kites and fireworks were great too. I loved that no matter where you chose to view it from, you had a good view. We watched from Norway and had a great view of things. HEA for me is an exercise in frustration. I'm short (5 feet) and no matter where I go, or how early I get there, there ends up being someone or something in front of me blocking my view of the castle. And that show is so dependent on a good view of the projections. Unfortunately the Star Wars show at HS is the same situation (but the original HS Star Wars fireworks were awesome!).


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