DVC sales associate


DIS Veteran
Apr 28, 2001
We have a friend who is interested in joining DVC. We are not thrilled with the person who has helped us. We bought in at BWV and have done 2 addons at WL. We felt she was below par. At the last addon a great guy helped us at first. Very personable-said he remembers all of his members. Any idea who he was--I'd send him the referral. Or any other suggestions. Thanks. Beth
Our DVC sales rep. is Bobby Corsello. He's FANTASTIC. Great guy. I'd even send my own mom to him.

Hope I helped.
Just out of curiosity I was wondering who "she" was? I want to know if it is my guide you are talking about.

Just curious.
We just purchased the BCV and our representative was Michelle MacAlister, she was very knowledgeable and extremely pleasant to deal with. I had been talking to her since 1998, she kept in touch with me every year and when she called us on the BCV I couldn't say no.
I recommend Ken Bradshaw.

He helped me with VWL. He is SUPER!!!
He endured a 2 hour presentation in December
with a plethora of questions. He has since
followed up with me about add-on points I
wanted information on.

Ken is not driven by the sale, but by doing
the best thing for the DVC owner/potential
owner. I'll go back to him for sure!

:earsgirl: :wave:

Our guide is Randy Krueger. He was very personable, and friendly. Very low-key. He worked with us for over a year before we purchased (we were holding out for Beach Club, and finally bought this week :).
Bruce Douglas is our sale guide. He has been there from the beginning of DVC. He is great to deal with. his # is 800-827-0457

He is very low key and professional.

Good luck

DVC 1994
Our guide was extremely professional, personable and had the patience of Job! It took us almost 2 years to sign up and he never once pushed or harassed us into making a decision. He always remembered me each time I called with a question no matter how much time had gone by. His name is Jim McCoy and he is wonderul! His direct number is 800-827-7140.

My guide is Kim Moore, and he is great! He is very quick to return phone calls and is extremely knowledgeable. Very low-key and personable. I highly recommend him.
My guide is Kim Moore, and he is great! He is very quick to return phone calls and is extremely knowledgeable. Very low-key and personable. I highly recommend him.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I was hoping I'd recognize the name of the gentleman that was so helpful, but nothing rings a bell. I'll offer your suggestions to our friend. It sounds like there are some great people to work with out there. There were quite a few reps on the cruise we took also--they all seemed great, but I never got anyone's last name.
Does the name Paul ring a bell? I can't remember his last name right now-he was low key, very nice when we bought after about 1 1/2 years of thinking it over.
Another vote for Randy Kruger! I just bought another 250 points from him the other day. Now I have 210 at BWV and 250 at BCV :)

We've been working with him for over four years, and think he's the best!

We also have Byron and he's great. He's taken a great deal of time answering any question I've had. He also handled the transfer of the points from our initial inquiry to my parents flawlessly.

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