DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 2

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Hi Peeps,

I'm putting out a request for some prayers and pixie dust.

Last night, a sheriff's deputy was shot and killed in the line of duty in my county (actually it was about 20 minutes from my house). He was completely caught off guard, wasn't even approaching anyone, and did not even have time to draw his weapon. 10 rounds were fired, with 5 hitting him, ultimately killing him. If this were not sad enough, one of his colleagues was shot in the head during a routine traffic stop less than a week ago and is in critical condition, still alive but not doing well. They caught the 1st shooter but they are still on the lookout for the more recent suspect. The reward right now for leading them to the suspect is $105,000! That is unprecedented.

Anyway, in addition to that, my brother (who is also a lieutenant with another county's sherriffs office), called to tell us that the deputy killed was the father of a former babysitter of my niece and nephew. She babysat for many months many times and schedule conflicts just made it not work out anymore. Needless to say, DB and DSIL were slightly more than acquaintences with these people although they had not seen each other socially in awhile. But actually, my DB did just see him at Target last week. DB and DSIL found out while reading the news online and DSIL was VERY upset by it. Doesn't help matters when you husband is a police officer.

So anyway, I'm so absolutely disgusted by this whole situation. If you could just pray for this deputy's family and that they find the scum that did it.

So sad...:sad1:

Just wanted to add that if you wanted to read the story, just head to http://www.sunsentinel.com . You can't miss the story.

Thanks Peeps.

I am so sorry to hear this. I will be sending prayers. :hug:

I will be gone most of the day. DH grandmother died on Wed. and the funeral is today--the family came over last night and it was late when all left. After the funeral and family time--DH and DS will leave for the beach since that is the first youth event DS is missing. They will drive almlost 4 hours for service the late night stuff and then go to church with everyone in the morning and then come home. Have a lot to get accomplished since I have 3 b-days to try and schedule before the newest addition arrives--so DD and I will be looking at party stuff since hers is scheduled first.
Hope that everyone has a great Saturday.
Good morning!

I haven't caught up on everything yesterday, but need some opinions from my Peeps! I am making the centerpieces for DD's wedding and have 2 different looks. Please tell me which one you like. I am trying to decide how to make them. Also, you can see the favors in the pics as well. I am going to put them around the centerpieces.



Good Morning and Hooray for the weekend!

WondersTons of prayers I often wonder how insane this world can get and pray each day my world stays safe for my family!

Punkin- may I please switch with you?? You are at my goal wight! I hope you enjoy it sounds like a wonderful place to be! Just think of how well you can bend and bounce like Tigger! My Hero!

Mony- AWe!!!! Baby is coming I am so excited and am wondering how on earth when you go into labor you will be able to type to us to tell us where you are headed! LOL

Ok I went to the doctor yesterday the lack of sleep is killing me the night eatting etc. I have not been feeling so wift lately and just chalked it up to lack of sleep and poor eatting.

Well Dr will let me know Monday what the deal is and insisted I go to Ob Gyn ick I told ehr I was there a year ago leave me alone! I hate those exams!

Anyway, pending the outcome of one of those test, I will be placed on a medication for my sleeping which honestly I don't really have a choice at this point. I had been on it 2 years ago and I did not care for the groggy head but if I talk my walk or bike in the morning beofre driving that should help clear out my head and force me to do some exercie in the morning so win win I think.

SO I am off till school starts again and have tons of clearing out the attic stuff to do, I wait till there is no school and I refuse to do that next school year! I have too much junk and it ain't all in my trunk !

OK have a ? for you all: does anyone have any info about the 6 week body make over ?? I was in tears over the success sotries this morning and related oh so well let me know if you are in the know ok thanks!

Love you peeps

Gayle....I vote the bottom one. The ivy just adds a lil sumpm extra. :thumbsup2

Fidgitte......Hope you don't need the sleep aid. You're not taking naps are you? Don't nap! Once you get back on the early riser school schedule it'll be better I hope. :hug:

Shannon....:hug: and prayers for the family of the man who was killed.

Monica....Yay for new baby and for not being pregnant anymore while it's 100 degrees! :cool1: Can't wait to meet her! Can you get Tim to email me pictures? I'll post them for you!?

:wave2: everybody!

Have a great day! I'm headed to the pool!
Ohh Melinda I only wish I napped sounds wonderful! LOL

Have a great day at the pool!

Anyone having a problem with the search today I am trying to search 6 week body makeover to see if anyone had any posts aobut it and its not doing anything and actting so wierd!
Fidge I just typed a huge thoughtful post on dhs computer, and it wont let me post... so I rigged up a new keyboard to my dead laptop... lets see how it works...

I did 6wk - dont do it... hold up..
I'm beyond frustrated, ok??

Well, 6wk is successful if you are committed to no sugar, salt, condiments, (eat salad NO salad dressing) no artificial sweeteners... no flour, sugar, white rice, egg yolks... You end up on about 1,000 calories...

I said to look at Kat, Dene, Lynda et el they are committed and work hard at it - they write things down, they stick to an exercise, they work at it, they have that determined spirit... but they work.

I havent put in the work... I've put in the whine!! I'm doing better. I'm thinking a lot of Dene, Kat, and Lynda when I want to put food in my mouth or I dont want to exercise... At school we have this saying "What do you want? What are you doing? DO THEY MATCH?" I want to lose weight, I'm not doing anything... so it doesnt match...

One thing I took from 6week is to make meals ahead - plan... they eat about 1/2 of grilled chicken breast about 2 to 3 times a day - so if I grill a dozen breasts, then freeze them... I found this great mixed wild rice and I make 4 cups and freeze it in 1/2 cup (you eat that twice a day) They have a great philosphy on exercise and what to eat before and after to fuel your body (banana and protein - egg white is a protein!) I make the "breakfast pancake" which is ground oatmeal and eggwhite with a aflavor of apple sauce - very dense... not sweet... but it works!
I so dont trust anything to post...

Gayle I'm thinking of you!! I'm going to be there Jan '09!! I'm going to look to you for help!! I should see if my aunt (more like a sis 2 years older than me...) has that list of things to bring to the wedding/reception - scissors, thread, duct tape... things you should have "just in case"

The top centerpiece candle - are you allowed to have that open flame? Here you would have to encase it in one of those glass chimneys... I think the ivy does look nice in pictures, but I know people do complain about "plastic" - so basically - you wont please all the people... ever... so PLEASE yourself!!! The time you take making them will be filled with love for the couple, and that is what its all about!!
Wonders Prayers - and hugs... its so hard - I hope your community bands together for the family - even if they have a symbolic "night out" or candle ceremony...

Harley and Punkin refrigerator knowledge!!!

UMA YOU FORGOT - Prunes, ie dried Plumes!! Works like magic - of course I think it works better than myalli - I was close to having a problem then I remembered I ate extra prunes because they tasted so sweet!! They clean you out!!

Mony I forgot my other witty reply - but I do hope you have a beautiful hospital time!! Dont forget your online family here - we're waiting for pictures - and of course... somehow you need to share that newborn baby cry - it is such a heavenly sound!! and of course those toes... those cute baby toes... *sigh...

Good Luck!! Thoughts and prayers, and of course the :pixiedust:

PS DH says he has the Disney money!! I havent told you, but we missed the 45 day deadline, and I didnt call disney, because I didnt know what to say... now that I've procrastinated, I'm really, really scared to call...
Sorry to rain on all this celebrating, but I'm sitting here still pregnant. Monday is the magical day. While all of you will just start stirring for your day, I'll be under the "knife" at about 7am. Well maybe Melinda will be up already

:sad2: I am a samer

I am very depressed tonight. I only have 1 pari of jeans that arent holey. we are riding motorcycles to knoxville in 2 weeks. its a 4 day trip and i dont ride in shorts and i wont have a place to wash my clothes. I can get by with 2 pair that i have. and tonight i had the brilliant idea to go jeans shopping. :sad2: i left the store in tears. i kid you not. an i am not a cryer. i found a style at old navy in great old big size, but i am still so disgusted with me...

Well at least you won't be wearing maternity pants like me for a while. I totally feel your pain. I've soooooo been there. You have 2 weeks to get into those jeans. At least it's not 2 days.


Someone is overly excited!:goodvibes

OH, is it Friday?

Just Kidding!

This morning I did NOT like my number. At all!

Just a few days ago, it was a ROCKIN' number! So I waited alllllll day for my constipation(whispered) to "go away"...it did! I'm like a whole size down! J/k!

I am down 2 pounds! Oh wait....2 lbs! that's better...

I have been working on an Alice in Wonderland dress allllllll day today. Sorry so late! I have a little catching up to do!!! I left off on page 1203.

Is Sandy ok? :hug:

Wonders? :hug:

Punkie-cutie-bug? :love:

EVERYONE? :grouphug:

I took Ny-Quil a half hour ago...dangit!

Wait! Did Monica have her baby???? Someone? I'll catch up in the morning.

Not yet.............2 more days.

I go back the 20th... students on the 27th. Don't wanna go back...

Well, I was on a date. Went to a Vietnamese hole-in-the-wall and an... ummmm... unusual play. It was nice... it was kind of sweet actually, he held my hand during the beginning of the play... then, he put his arm around me after intermission. Yes... I did get a couple of flutters... but I don't know if they were from HIM or the fact that I was touching a man, any man in a semi-romantic way. The kiss goodnight wasn't bad... but it didn't knock my socks off either. Still don't think it's going to go anywhere... just don't know when or how to tell him.:confused3

Science Teacher Alert: I'm sorry to be the one to tell you... but that email is not true... it WAS sort of true in 2003... Mars was it's closest then, but it wasn't anywhere near the size of the moon. I got that email (or something similar) two different years, including this one.

:hug: :flower3: Trying to take your mind off shopping... I went to my friend's house in Denton today. We were outside taking pictures of me for match.com and eharmony. Anyway, either the sun or the plants or her perfume that I put on later caused me to get a rash... all over my chest... or to be more specific, all over my cleavage. :rolleyes1

I don't usually fall for those, but that just sounded too cool. That should have been my first clue to bogusness.

I am so sorry to hear this. I will be sending prayers. :hug:

I will be gone most of the day. DH grandmother died on Wed. and the funeral is today--the family came over last night and it was late when all left. After the funeral and family time--DH and DS will leave for the beach since that is the first youth event DS is missing. They will drive almlost 4 hours for service the late night stuff and then go to church with everyone in the morning and then come home. Have a lot to get accomplished since I have 3 b-days to try and schedule before the newest addition arrives--so DD and I will be looking at party stuff since hers is scheduled first.
Hope that everyone has a great Saturday.

Sorry about DH Grandmother. You and I are in the same boat with birthdays. Yesterday was Zach's. The 10th. Then the baby comes on the 13th and Mal's is on the 27th. Oh then the Christening is Sept 9th. People are just gonna be sick of coming over here.
UMA I have to tell you I tried the recipe - YMMMM yogurt, jello, coolwhip pie!! YUMMMOO!!
:sad2: I am a samer

I am very depressed tonight. I only have 1 pari of jeans that arent holey. we are riding motorcycles to knoxville in 2 weeks. its a 4 day trip and i dont ride in shorts and i wont have a place to wash my clothes. I can get by with 2 pair that i have. and tonight i had the brilliant idea to go jeans shopping. :sad2: i left the store in tears. i kid you not. an i am not a cryer. i found a style at old navy in great old big size, but i am still so disgusted with me...

:hug: I'm throwing the rope out to you my Peep!! I do know what you're saying - bottom line tho to please, please remember above ALL else

We are our worst critics! Period. Its not the size you are - or want to be, its who YOU are that counts! This trip, these people - are they so shallow they will snicker behind your back? NO? I didnt THINK so... but YOU will, you will have all that negative self talk!

Also remember - its just a NUMBER - that "size" does NOT define WHO YOU ARE!! Its just a number... so my friend...

GET OVER IT - and go buy the jeans because that trip is TOO AWESOME to be missed, or worrying over a number!!!


(or, hey, take me, when I stand next to you, you really WILL be the skinny minny!! Promise!!)
i forgot to post eli's weight yesterday.........he's a samer, too. but honestly we haven't been walking him this week because of the heat.

I have been working on an Alice in Wonderland dress allllllll day today.

if i send you my measurements can you make me an alice dress???? :rotfl:

DH grandmother died on Wed. and the funeral is today--

so sorry to hear this. my condolences...:hug:

i like them both but i think i'd go with this one. if those little candle holders are the favors, then that means that everyone will probably be picking them up and moving them and eventually taking them. so that would sort of leave your centerpiece kinda naked-looking. so i think the ivy would solve that problem. plus i agree with what eeyore said. you're never going to please everybody, so please yourself. normally i'm a huge people pleaser, but when it comes to weddings i say forget everyone else and do what you think the bride/groom would like!

Punkin- may I please switch with you?? You are at my goal wight! I hope you enjoy it sounds like a wonderful place to be! Just think of how well you can bend and bounce like Tigger! My Hero!

thanks, fidgie. reading this made me realize i shouldn't complain. i really hate it when skinny girls call themselves fat right in front of people who are bigger than them. and not that i'm skinny, but i just hate that sort of thing. it's just frustrating when i have 5 pounds to go and those pounds are being so stubborn!

PS DH says he has the Disney money!! I havent told you, but we missed the 45 day deadline, and I didnt call disney, because I didnt know what to say... now that I've procrastinated, I'm really, really scared to call...

yay for disney money! :woohoo: let us know what disney says.

Sorry to rain on all this celebrating, but I'm sitting here still pregnant. Monday is the magical day. While all of you will just start stirring for your day, I'll be under the "knife" at about 7am. Well maybe Melinda will be up already

i'm sure everything will go great! i'll be thinking of you on monday!!! :goodvibes
I am making the centerpieces for DD's wedding and have 2 different looks. Please tell me which one you like.

I like the 2nd one... with the silk ivy. :bride:

OK have a ? for you all: does anyone have any info about the 6 week body make over ?? I was in tears over the success sotries this morning and related oh so well let me know if you are in the know ok thanks!

Well, 6wk is successful if you are committed to no sugar, salt, condiments, (eat salad NO salad dressing) no artificial sweeteners... no flour, sugar, white rice, egg yolks... You end up on about 1,000 calories...

One thing I took from 6week is to make meals ahead - plan... they eat about 1/2 of grilled chicken breast about 2 to 3 times a day - so if I grill a dozen breasts, then freeze them... I found this great mixed wild rice and I make 4 cups and freeze it in 1/2 cup (you eat that twice a day) They have a great philosphy on exercise and what to eat before and after to fuel your body (banana and protein - egg white is a protein!) I make the "breakfast pancake" which is ground oatmeal and eggwhite with a aflavor of apple sauce - very dense... not sweet... but it works!

Eeyore is right. I lost 40 lbs on SWBM 2 years ago doing just the diet... didn't excercise like I do now. The diet worked, but it was very restrictive and I always felt like I was missing something. Some people like the structure, I'm not one of them though. Ironically, during school, I eat in a very similar way to the SWBM... just not that extreme (like I eat the whole egg and not just the white). The best thing I brought away from it was to eat several small meals a day.

Sorry to rain on all this celebrating, but I'm sitting here still pregnant. Monday is the magical day. While all of you will just start stirring for your day, I'll be under the "knife" at about 7am. Well maybe Melinda will be up already

I'll be thinking about you... or is that dreaming? ;) :hug:

I don't usually fall for those, but that just sounded too cool. That should have been my first clue to bogusness.

Don't feel bad... some of the SCIENCE teachers I work with thought it was true. If I hadn't been so into NASA stuff when it did happen, I might have believed it, too.

if i send you my measurements can you make me an alice dress???? :rotfl:

You would totally look SOOOO cute!

Just wanted to share my 5K picture!!

Reminds me, I finally have a "full body" pic to post. I also have a couple of others I liked enough to post on match/eharmony. I had a great cleavage shot... but my eyes looked kind of funny so I didn't use it... not that anybody would have been looking at my eyes in that picture... :rolleyes1


Punkinyou are skinny to me!!!Enjoy that fact while those last tough 5 melt away !

Eeyore- OMG i lvoet aht pic you look terrific!

Dene- you look at goal to me! How wodnerfully happy you look! I can't help but smile seeeing all you guys pics wroking hard and showing how well it feels!

Mony- Dear girl! I rember sitting with my big belly growling at anyone that came in the door! I felt like a zoo exhibit with everyone asking "how aobut now"?? Well listen you have my chubby armed hugs and hope your long weekend goes quickly and painlessly!
dene hubba hubba - and a wolf :rolleyes1

You go girl!! Keep it real!!

OK Peeps, I like the suggestion, walk away the pounds has a video - just walk around your house, or "step in time" while watching tv, get up and walk, march knees up, walk side to side - during the commercial break - have a good amount of ice water (OK I know someone posted you lose more weight with warm water, something about fat couagulating - eww) JUST WALK THEN WATER!!


and dont forget - suck it up - and suck it in... while dis'ing you'd better be sittin up straight and sucking in your gut!! IT HELPS!!
OU know Snady I remember a girl I grew up with her Mom made her hold in her stomach ALL THE TIME!!! Her Mom said htat wy when she was older and had children she would never have a gut!

I really wonder how that worked out no one has seen her since childhood. Hmmm I wonder

It hurts when I suck it in and think her Mom was onto something way back!
Just wanted to share my 5K fat picture!!


YAYYY! How cute! I don't "see" you as fat!

I'm envious of you who can run...I piddle and piddle on each and every impact.
I KNOW! I've had that problem forever! DONT tell me to Keigal. I Keigal and Keigal (I don't know if I spelt that right). There's a surgery I can have but hoo-hoo surgery skeers me.

I'm glad you like my recipe. Speaking of it, I changed it.

Here's my sure-fire refinement:


1 ready made reduced fat Graham Cracker crust- or make your own- (OR OMIT)

TWO small pkg. sugar free lime jello (this is important! use 2!)

1/2 C. boiling water (NO more)

2 six ounce containers of Yoplait fat free key lime flavored yogurt

1 8 oz. semi-thawed container of fat free Cool Whip (or generic)

dissolve water and jello- stir until desolved. Add yogurt with a wisk. Don't over wisk.

fold in Cool Whip with a rubber spatula and spread into crust. Chill for a few hours.

Lick rubber spatula- those calories never count ;)
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