DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 2

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YAY! I am plannng on getting a "on the go" style in the new Mod Floral Blue when i lose a total of 10lbs..yup..nothing like motivation ;) I think i will "reward" myself with the matching zip around/wallet when i hit a total of 15. heehee.
I love my little bag in "capri melon" with matching wallet..but its way too summery looking for the fall...

Cool! :) One of my best friends wants the capri melon. It IS cute! I liked the peacock and java blue ones also, but I decided on Mod Floral Pink because it had brown, pink, red, blue, and green in it, so I felt like it would go with a lot of different things. I want more now! :rotfl: But I don't actually NEED any more at this time. I already have two more Coach purses in my wish list, and those will probably take a couple of years to get! And I really want a SMALL (read: least expensive) Louis Vuitton purse to go with this little Louis Vuitton purse mirror that DH bought me while he was on a business trip a couple of years ago. Right now, what I need to find is a nice thin, long wallet that could hold my checkbook and has lots of credit card slots. (For some reason, I feel the need to carry my annual pass, DVC card, DDE card, Walt Disney Collector's Society membership card, and a bunch of other cards around with me all the time. :laughing: I think it's so I know where they are.) Anywho, my new Vera bag is to replace the freebie LL Bean/Subaru canvas tote bag (from DH's work) I have been carrying around for about 3 years. Needless to say, I am thrilled to be carrying something pretty now! ;)
Happy Friday!!

I haven't been online much the past couple days, just super super busy. My son Hunter started walking yesterday. I'm so excited, but I am now exhausted. Between crawling & now trying to waddle around everywhere, I have not had any time on the computer.

The week has been semi-successful for me weight wise. I haven't lost much weight, but I've been walking or jogging everyday so I'm happy about that. I've been following the diet pretty closely & have done a really good job controlling the sugar cravings.

Hopefully I'll get online more this next week. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

:) Becky
so i haven't had any luck with "shedding" any weight today, so i'm a samer....again! can you say plateau? i know the weight loss slows down tremendously when you get closer to your goal, but this is really frustrating. i've only lost like 2 pounds over the last month! i'm stuck at 135. i don't get it. i guess i'm gonna have to reevaluate what i'm doing to see if there's anything i can change. but i don't want to change too much because i want to be able to maintain.

<Punkin...John Mayer just came on the radio and I thought of you immediately!!! :hug:>


It's my kids who laugh at me for DISing! :laughing:

i have relatives and friends who just don't understand my disney "thing". they think it's weird.....that is until they want to go to disney world and need advice!
Why is it that I weighed 1.4 lbs less at 3PM than 11AM?? I think it is just to spite me on weighin days. I will stick with my original .6 lb loss and remember next week not to eat after 9PM on Thursdays. :laughing:

Yay! The electrician came and fixed my power issues and now my master bedroom and bathroom has power! :yay:
i have an odd question for you guys. our refridgerator is acting very strange. i came home on wednesday to find that the water dispenser didn't work. ray looked at it and realized that everything in our fridge compartment is almost frozen. so he turned down the settings a little. it says on the settings that it takse 24 hours for any adjustments to take effect. well, yesterday, everything was still frozen, so we turned it down a little bit more. today it's still not working. he turned it down as low as it will go and we'll see if it's any better tomorrow.

has anyone had this problem before? we've only had it 3 years and it's a fridgidaire. just wondering if we're overlooking something simple. :confused3
Happy Friday!!

I haven't been online much the past couple days, just super super busy. My son Hunter started walking yesterday. I'm so excited, but I am now exhausted. Between crawling & now trying to waddle around everywhere, I have not had any time on the computer.

The week has been semi-successful for me weight wise. I haven't lost much weight, but I've been walking or jogging everyday so I'm happy about that. I've been following the diet pretty closely & have done a really good job controlling the sugar cravings.

Hopefully I'll get online more this next week. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

:) Becky

fancy seeing you here I didnt know you were a PEEP... So one can only assume you're going to be there for PEEP MEET... is this true because then you must let me know about Ohana's and a tshirt ASAP
I got my Vera Bradley bag yesterday! :woohoo: My mom called me from my house to let me know it had arrived. I LOVE it! I ended up getting the Vera in Mod Pink Floral, and I don't think I could be happier with it. Shannon - which one was it that you got?

Well, back to work for me! I hope everyone has a great weigh in day! ;) Thinking skinny thoughts for you all!

Cool! :) One of my best friends wants the capri melon. It IS cute! I liked the peacock and java blue ones also, but I decided on Mod Floral Pink because it had brown, pink, red, blue, and green in it, so I felt like it would go with a lot of different things. I want more now! :rotfl: But I don't actually NEED any more at this time. I already have two more Coach purses in my wish list, and those will probably take a couple of years to get! And I really want a SMALL (read: least expensive) Louis Vuitton purse to go with this little Louis Vuitton purse mirror that DH bought me while he was on a business trip a couple of years ago. Right now, what I need to find is a nice thin, long wallet that could hold my checkbook and has lots of credit card slots. (For some reason, I feel the need to carry my annual pass, DVC card, DDE card, Walt Disney Collector's Society membership card, and a bunch of other cards around with me all the time. :laughing: I think it's so I know where they are.) Anywho, my new Vera bag is to replace the freebie LL Bean/Subaru canvas tote bag (from DH's work) I have been carrying around for about 3 years. Needless to say, I am thrilled to be carrying something pretty now! ;)

Yay...I'm so obsessed with Vera Bradley right now. I have the "Vera" style tote bag. It's one of the bigger ones with a toggle closure and pockets on the inside. My "old" one is Java Blue and the one I just got is "Cambridge", one of the new fall colors...kelly green, navy and white. I love it!

I also got the Travel Organizer online from Vera Bradley because the style is retiring and I've been contemplating getting it for months. So no time like the present...the pattern wasn't my first choice but they didn't have much left. It's the brown and ivory one...Medallion maybe?

I am so obsessed with bags! I've already decided that when I graduate and land a job, I'm totally treating myself to a classic Louis Vuitton or Gucci bag...something I've wanted for so long but of course could never afford. I know its only material things and I'm just paying for the name but I still want one! :laughing:
Hey - where'd everybody go??? It's Friday night...

HELLO???? hello hello

Sorry I dont know anything about friges, did you google?? :surfweb:
I blew up my mini-stepper tonight. :eek: It went POP and a big mess of oil went everywhere. You know you need to lose weight when you can single-handedly blow up exercise equipment!! :laughing:

I guess I will go buy a new one tomorrow. I think they are only like $35 at wallyworld.
Hi Peeps,

I'm putting out a request for some prayers and pixie dust.

Last night, a sheriff's deputy was shot and killed in the line of duty in my county (actually it was about 20 minutes from my house). He was completely caught off guard, wasn't even approaching anyone, and did not even have time to draw his weapon. 10 rounds were fired, with 5 hitting him, ultimately killing him. If this were not sad enough, one of his colleagues was shot in the head during a routine traffic stop less than a week ago and is in critical condition, still alive but not doing well. They caught the 1st shooter but they are still on the lookout for the more recent suspect. The reward right now for leading them to the suspect is $105,000! That is unprecedented.

Anyway, in addition to that, my brother (who is also a lieutenant with another county's sherriffs office), called to tell us that the deputy killed was the father of a former babysitter of my niece and nephew. She babysat for many months many times and schedule conflicts just made it not work out anymore. Needless to say, DB and DSIL were slightly more than acquaintences with these people although they had not seen each other socially in awhile. But actually, my DB did just see him at Target last week. DB and DSIL found out while reading the news online and DSIL was VERY upset by it. Doesn't help matters when you husband is a police officer.

So anyway, I'm so absolutely disgusted by this whole situation. If you could just pray for this deputy's family and that they find the scum that did it.

So sad...:sad1:

Just wanted to add that if you wanted to read the story, just head to http://www.sunsentinel.com . You can't miss the story.

Thanks Peeps.
My sister sent me this. I hope it's true. Seems like a real treat to see.

Two moons on August 27*

*27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for.............*

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August.

It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye.

This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles of earth.

Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am .

It will look like the earth has 2 moons.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.

Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again

Well I just got the weekend to go. I thought I was really feeling some contractions this morning. NO I thought, today is Zach's birthday. We had some small plans today and I didn't want them to get messed up. Needless to say, it's false labor. Those good ole Hicks contractions just intensifying.

Remember I've never gone into labor so it's all a guess for me. But this pregnancy is the closest I've come to being "textbook".

If by some miracle I can guide Tim over the phone on how to post pictures for you all, I'll certainly try. But you may have to wait until I get home.

Or until I'm not totally drugged up. He he.

I haven't read anything yet, just posting. Hope it was a good day of posting loses.

I'm sure it's hard though to lose any weight in this heat. You should see my legs and feet. Oi!:eek:
i have an odd question for you guys. our refridgerator is acting very strange. i came home on wednesday to find that the water dispenser didn't work. ray looked at it and realized that everything in our fridge compartment is almost frozen. so he turned down the settings a little. it says on the settings that it takse 24 hours for any adjustments to take effect. well, yesterday, everything was still frozen, so we turned it down a little bit more. today it's still not working. he turned it down as low as it will go and we'll see if it's any better tomorrow.

has anyone had this problem before? we've only had it 3 years and it's a fridgidaire. just wondering if we're overlooking something simple. :confused3

i'm thinkin that your fridge is freezing up...your water line might be clogged and that might be causing it to freeze up...

Hi Peeps,

I'm putting out a request for some prayers and pixie dust.

Last night, a sheriff's deputy was shot and killed in the line of duty in my county (actually it was about 20 minutes from my house). He was completely caught off guard, wasn't even approaching anyone, and did not even have time to draw his weapon. 10 rounds were fired, with 5 hitting him, ultimately killing him. If this were not sad enough, one of his colleagues was shot in the head during a routine traffic stop less than a week ago and is in critical condition, still alive but not doing well. They caught the 1st shooter but they are still on the lookout for the more recent suspect. The reward right now for leading them to the suspect is $105,000! That is unprecedented.

Anyway, in addition to that, my brother (who is also a lieutenant with another county's sherriffs office), called to tell us that the deputy killed was the father of a former babysitter of my niece and nephew. She babysat for many months many times and schedule conflicts just made it not work out anymore. Needless to say, DB and DSIL were slightly more than acquaintences with these people although they had not seen each other socially in awhile. But actually, my DB did just see him at Target last week. DB and DSIL found out while reading the news online and DSIL was VERY upset by it. Doesn't help matters when you husband is a police officer.

So anyway, I'm so absolutely disgusted by this whole situation. If you could just pray for this deputy's family and that they find the scum that did it.

So sad...:sad1:

Just wanted to add that if you wanted to read the story, just head to http://www.sunsentinel.com . You can't miss the story.

Thanks Peeps.

:grouphug: I am so sorry
:sad2: I am a samer

I am very depressed tonight. I only have 1 pari of jeans that arent holey. we are riding motorcycles to knoxville in 2 weeks. its a 4 day trip and i dont ride in shorts and i wont have a place to wash my clothes. I can get by with 2 pair that i have. and tonight i had the brilliant idea to go jeans shopping. :sad2: i left the store in tears. i kid you not. an i am not a cryer. i found a style at old navy in great old big size, but i am still so disgusted with me...
I am a SAMER!!!! I am just glad not to see a gain. We have finally finished moving and next week WILL be better! Of course, the absolute last thing to be moved was the elliptical machine:rolleyes: . I need to do less of this popcorn:: and more of this :banana: . I have to say you guys are extremely motivating. All week long I was thinking of the friday weigh in whenever I ate something bad. The weekend was pretty bad, (the worst of the moving took place, and very little healthy cooking) but the closer to Friday it got, the more motivated I got! Congrats to all the losers out there!!!!!!:jumping1:
HARLEYGIRL That is what motivates me to. I have clothes that I am "comfortable" in, but when my "fat clothes" start to be my tight clothes, there is a problem. And actually that is where I am now. It's either buy new clothes (which I really need, I am tired of wearing the same things..lucky that I work at home) or fit into my smaller clothes. I can get them on...but boy would i not wear them. I look like a sausage in them!:scared1: So very unpretty. But I don't want to go bigger, been there, done that. So I really have no choice. Next week will be better.:angel:
Wonders - definitely sending some pixie dust. What a sad story. I have family in law enforcement so it hits too close to home.
Sorry I dont know anything about friges, did you google?? :surfweb:

i think we figured it out.....more below!

I blew up my mini-stepper tonight. :eek: It went POP and a big mess of oil went everywhere. You know you need to lose weight when you can single-handedly blow up exercise equipment!! :laughing:

or maybe you just kicked that mini-steppers booty!!! ;)

Hi Peeps,

I'm putting out a request for some prayers and pixie dust.

sending prayers your way. so sad.....and unnecessary. i see this a lot in my line of work and it's just horrible.

Well I just got the weekend to go.

how exciting!!! :yay: good luck!!! and post when you can.

i'm thinkin that your fridge is freezing up...your water line might be clogged and that might be causing it to freeze up...

ding, ding, ding!!! that's exactly what was wrong. ray took the thing apart and found that our our actual filter was frozen which was causing our water line to freeze. so we took it out and we're going to get a new one tomorrow. weird.

:sad2: I am a samer

I am very depressed tonight.

:hug: hang in there.......it'll get better as long as you hang on!!!
OH, is it Friday?

Just Kidding!

This morning I did NOT like my number. At all!

Just a few days ago, it was a ROCKIN' number! So I waited alllllll day for my constipation(whispered) to "go away"...it did! I'm like a whole size down! J/k!

I am down 2 pounds! Oh wait....2 lbs! that's better...

I have been working on an Alice in Wonderland dress allllllll day today. Sorry so late! I have a little catching up to do!!! I left off on page 1203.

Is Sandy ok? :hug:

Wonders? :hug:

Punkie-cutie-bug? :love:

EVERYONE? :grouphug:

I took Ny-Quil a half hour ago...dangit!

Wait! Did Monica have her baby???? Someone? I'll catch up in the morning.
:cool1: Dene!! Is school starting for you as well? We 'officially' start 27 or 28th of August (in between there are those 'get to know you days, teachers start the 21st!)

I go back the 20th... students on the 27th. Don't wanna go back...

Hey - where'd everybody go??? It's Friday night...

Well, I was on a date. Went to a Vietnamese hole-in-the-wall and an... ummmm... unusual play. It was nice... it was kind of sweet actually, he held my hand during the beginning of the play... then, he put his arm around me after intermission. Yes... I did get a couple of flutters... but I don't know if they were from HIM or the fact that I was touching a man, any man in a semi-romantic way. The kiss goodnight wasn't bad... but it didn't knock my socks off either. Still don't think it's going to go anywhere... just don't know when or how to tell him.:confused3

My sister sent me this. I hope it's true. Seems like a real treat to see.

Two moons on August 27*

Science Teacher Alert: I'm sorry to be the one to tell you... but that email is not true... it WAS sort of true in 2003... Mars was it's closest then, but it wasn't anywhere near the size of the moon. I got that email (or something similar) two different years, including this one.

:hug: :flower3: Trying to take your mind off shopping... I went to my friend's house in Denton today. We were outside taking pictures of me for match.com and eharmony. Anyway, either the sun or the plants or her perfume that I put on later caused me to get a rash... all over my chest... or to be more specific, all over my cleavage. :rolleyes1
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