DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I had my call today and ended up hanging up.

The so-called health expert was invited in after the clearly scripted CM conversation was in no-way personalised to my needs. The CM kept referring to my ulcerative colitis as IBS after I pointed out on numerous occasions it is nothing like IBS - I understand they are not medically trained but they did not even listen to the words coming out of my mouth. It could’ve been an AI robot it was that dire.

Health expert comes in and doubts that my condition means I need the bathroom within 2-3 minutes. Also labels my condition as IBS. Suggests I try breathing exercises. I am actually downright disgusted.

My whole life I have dealt with this, battled to be understood. As if breathing exercises can cure an autoimmune disease that has almost killed me on two occasions.

I have recorded the conversation and intend to share it with everyone I can possibly find at Disney. I know this is prohibited but this needs to be sorted. I am in utter disbelief at what happened.
As much as I don't blame the CMs for thr changes [especially since they have a script and some sort of check off system as based on several reports], I also do not doubt such a solution was given either by mistake or because of the script and such.
And that's the crux of it. I do think in many cases the CMs are reading a generic script. It is not tailored to the caller's specific situation anymore, because the alternative "accommodations" seem to be available to all guests. It's a generic "you don't qualify [for DAS] but we have these other options that might work for you..."

I 100% agree that if the call goes so poorly, allow it to end. At this point folks have at least a few days if not a couple of weeks before their trips. Give the dust time to settle, and try again.
She did. Honestly the whole call left me more confused than angry. It all sounded so scripted.
And that's why I encourage folk to try again either another video call or via email before throwing in the towel.

This is a new process for all stakeholders. Everyone isn't going to get it right.

Many Prior DAS holders aren't used to being explicit on the why queues will not work.

Just the same, Many new CMs aren't experienced with the new process and/or leading the converasation on getting more details to make an accurate assessment to match needs and accommodation.

Or 2nd level having same experience in dealing with theme parks and needs there can be different than needs at home....

All these are.learning ramps. Give it some time for adjustments to be made
I had my call today and ended up hanging up.

The so-called health expert was invited in after the clearly scripted CM conversation was in no-way personalised to my needs. The CM kept referring to my ulcerative colitis as IBS after I pointed out on numerous occasions it is nothing like IBS - I understand they are not medically trained but they did not even listen to the words coming out of my mouth. It could’ve been an AI robot it was that dire.

Health expert comes in and doubts that my condition means I need the bathroom within 2-3 minutes. Also labels my condition as IBS. Suggests I try breathing exercises. I am actually downright disgusted.

My whole life I have dealt with this, battled to be understood. As if breathing exercises can cure an autoimmune disease that has almost killed me on two occasions.

I have recorded the conversation and intend to share it with everyone I can possibly find at Disney. I know this is prohibited but this needs to be sorted. I am in utter disbelief at what happened.
I'm very sorry you had this experience. It's frustrating enough to have a particular condition but when you then have to deal with someone who insists it's something else and won't listen - Argghhh
Wouldn't it be nice if breathing exercises solved all of our problems?
I had my call today and ended up hanging up.

The so-called health expert was invited in after the clearly scripted CM conversation was in no-way personalised to my needs. The CM kept referring to my ulcerative colitis as IBS after I pointed out on numerous occasions it is nothing like IBS - I understand they are not medically trained but they did not even listen to the words coming out of my mouth. It could’ve been an AI robot it was that dire.

Health expert comes in and doubts that my condition means I need the bathroom within 2-3 minutes. Also labels my condition as IBS. Suggests I try breathing exercises. I am actually downright disgusted.

My whole life I have dealt with this, battled to be understood. As if breathing exercises can cure an autoimmune disease that has almost killed me on two occasions.

I have recorded the conversation and intend to share it with everyone I can possibly find at Disney. I know this is prohibited but this needs to be sorted. I am in utter disbelief at what happened.
I believe Disney are blanket using return to line for digestive issues.

From your post I can see why you are worried but I suspect you have not been to WDW before. I think it would be impossible to get to a restroom within 2-3 mins regardless of using the LL queue or not from many attractions. In fact there are many places in the park outside of attractions that are going to be really difficult.

I would try to do some forward planning before you go and maybe speak to a medical practitioner to see if there are products you can use during your visit to give you some peace of mind.
I believe Disney are blanket using return to line for digestive issues.

From your post I can see why you are worried but I suspect you have not been to WDW before. I think it would be impossible to get to a restroom within 2-3 mins regardless of using the LL queue or not from many attractions. In fact there are many places in the park outside of attractions that are going to be really difficult.

I would try to do some forward planning before you go and maybe speak to a medical practitioner to see if there are products you can use during your visit to give you some peace of mind.
I have been several times. I have a lifelong condition and I am well aware of the treatments available considering I have gone through pretty much all of them.

I am not going to comment any more than I have on the specifics of my condition but if you do some Googling you will see the urgency can be a matter of seconds. I manage things like the buses by timing it well - or trying to. In the past, I used to eat at very odd times to try and regulate my symptoms. I now also have type 1 diabetes and have to eat when I get a low so that’s not possible now.

I love theme parks and I love Disney. It’s a risk going there - I risk worsening my condition, I risk having accidents, but I am going to live my life, thank you - and ideally without feeling like I have to justify myself to everyone.
I believe Disney are blanket using return to line for digestive issues.

From your post I can see why you are worried but I suspect you have not been to WDW before. I think it would be impossible to get to a restroom within 2-3 mins regardless of using the LL queue or not from many attractions. In fact there are many places in the park outside of attractions that are going to be really difficult.

I would try to do some forward planning before you go and maybe speak to a medical practitioner to see if there are products you can use during your visit to give you some peace of mind.
Agree that clearly hard stop and pivot away from DAS and to a return to line option for all GI related needs... my guess is Disneybbelieves that's where most of the grey area and abuse is happening and making that change and such a hard stop even for those that DAS brings the appropriate accommodation are getting swept into the hard stop.....

Those will most.likely need email and even a park visit and clear evidence of offered accomodations not meeting the moment.

At the same time, engage with your Healthcare team to optimize tools and products available in case Disney fails miserably.
I have been several times. I have a lifelong condition and I am well aware of the treatments available considering I have gone through pretty much all of them.

I am not going to comment any more than I have on the specifics of my condition but if you do some Googling you will see the urgency can be a matter of seconds. I manage things like the buses by timing it well - or trying to. In the past, I used to eat at very odd times to try and regulate my symptoms. I now also have type 1 diabetes and have to eat when I get a low so that’s not possible now.

I love theme parks and I love Disney. It’s a risk going there - I risk worsening my condition, I risk having accidents, but I am going to live my life, thank you - and ideally without feeling like I have to justify myself to everyone.
Appologies, you certainly don't need to justify yourself to me. I just read what you had written and worried you were getting yourself into a situation you didn't understand. Most attractions are longer than 2-3 mins I was thinking!

I hope you find a way to keep going to the parks :-)
I had my call today and ended up hanging up.

The so-called health expert was invited in after the clearly scripted CM conversation was in no-way personalised to my needs. The CM kept referring to my ulcerative colitis as IBS after I pointed out on numerous occasions it is nothing like IBS - I understand they are not medically trained but they did not even listen to the words coming out of my mouth. It could’ve been an AI robot it was that dire.

Health expert comes in and doubts that my condition means I need the bathroom within 2-3 minutes. Also labels my condition as IBS. Suggests I try breathing exercises. I am actually downright disgusted.

My whole life I have dealt with this, battled to be understood. As if breathing exercises can cure an autoimmune disease that has almost killed me on two occasions.

I have recorded the conversation and intend to share it with everyone I can possibly find at Disney. I know this is prohibited but this needs to be sorted. I am in utter disbelief at what happened.
Please know in FL it can be a criminal offense to record another party without their consent.

I'm not telling you what to do, I only mention that to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the consequences you may be facing before you share it with anyone. I would also be ready to be trespassed from all Disney properties and have ticket media revoked.
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Also, question. If their best alternative is RtQ or buying Genie+, what happens on the days where Genie+ is sold out, like, physically not an available option? I have no doubt that those using the system will find out soon, but I’d be interested to hear what CMs say when someone says that Genie+ is sold out (especially if they come day of and ask).

Are they going to hold spots of Genie+ specifically for disabled people, is there going to be some kind of mark on your account that lets you utilize it no matter if it’s sold out or not? Are they going to do something else? If these are the options being presented to people, then I’d love to see what that looks like when we can’t utilize them as intended.

If they cut down 85% of the old the old DAS usage (that’s usage, not necessarily individual approval rates), that could triple Genie+ capacity. Instead of 70/30 in LL it would be 10/90. I’m hoping they want to improve standby as well and they’ll only sell double the Genie+ slots, because that could improve things across all 4 groups: how well alternative assistance works, how well DAS works, how well G+ works, and how well standby works. Could be what they’re shooting for.

It’s likely they’ll have more G+ to sell now. The rare times it sells out now, that doesn’t happen until 7 or 10 hours after sales open. I don’t expect G+ to ever sell out immediately and whoever really wants it will have ample opportunity to buy.

It sucks to yet again have little idea what to expect with WDW changes. Seems like each trip has been a whole new world these past 5 years. Annual visitors had to adapt to changes 5 years in a row. Disney’s not to blame for all of it but they certainly contributed. The FP+ era was popular because there was reasonable reliability to the park experience available to all guests. This is where I hope their focus is, making sure everybody has access to get a reasonable minimum done in a day.
I had my call today and ended up hanging up.

The so-called health expert was invited in after the clearly scripted CM conversation was in no-way personalised to my needs. The CM kept referring to my ulcerative colitis as IBS after I pointed out on numerous occasions it is nothing like IBS - I understand they are not medically trained but they did not even listen to the words coming out of my mouth. It could’ve been an AI robot it was that dire.

Health expert comes in and doubts that my condition means I need the bathroom within 2-3 minutes. Also labels my condition as IBS. Suggests I try breathing exercises. I am actually downright disgusted.

My whole life I have dealt with this, battled to be understood. As if breathing exercises can cure an autoimmune disease that has almost killed me on two occasions.

I have recorded the conversation and intend to share it with everyone I can possibly find at Disney. I know this is prohibited but this needs to be sorted. I am in utter disbelief at what happened.
Having been in a somewhat similar situation, I would suggest not sharing the recording (as others have mentioned) in case it backfires but using it to pull quotes from that you can reference in an email to higher-ups at Disney.
Please know in FL it can be a criminal offense to record another party without their consent.

I'm not telling you what to do I, I only mention that to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the consequences you may be facing before you share it with anyone. I would also be ready to be trespassed from all Disney properties and have ticket media revoked.
It depends. If someone lives in a one person consent state and it goes to court, usually it would revert to Federal law which is one party consent.
That said, Disney has the blurb about not recording. Edited to add that signing terms and conditions is legally binding.
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Having been in a somewhat similar situation, I would suggest not sharing the recording (as others have mentioned) in case it backfires but using it to pull quotes from that you can reference in an email to higher-ups at Disney.

Would definitely suggest this instead of getting into legal trouble and sharing footage like that.
I have recorded the conversation and intend to share it with everyone I can possibly find at Disney. I know this is prohibited but this needs to be sorted. I am in utter disbelief at what happened.

You don’t need to risk sharing the recording, just write up a transcript and share that instead. I don’t think that is prohibited.
Having been in a somewhat similar situation, I would suggest not sharing the recording (as others have mentioned) in case it backfires but using it to pull quotes from that you can reference in an email to higher-ups at Disney.

This is good advice. Without disclosing you recorded, you can still make clear you are certain of the conversation. There’s nothing that says you can’t take notes. Let them guess why you so accurately recall the conversation they recorded 😂
Does anyone have any experience with getting a DAS pass for medical reasons. We have a family diagnosed with epilepsy. This isn’t a leave the line until you feel better because it can happen without warning. I imagine similar situations with people with Type 1 Diabetes where you are ok one minute and you aren’t the next. So I am not sure how return to line will help.

Is the idea now that we spend less time in the park and/or take long breaks?

I understand most people probably think that we should make those adjustments but I guess the value of a Disney trip isn’t there
I know for my DD, once she has problems, we are usually done for the day or at least a couple of hours. We usually go back to the hotel to regroup/recover. It is our life and we deal with it. Some may say the “value” is decreased and perhaps it is. Disney has always been and continues to be a personal choice.
My whole life I have dealt with this, battled to be understood. As if breathing exercises can cure an autoimmune disease that has almost killed me on two occasions.

Reading stories like yours all over the internet this week has me so sad. If Disney is no longer going to accommodate the vast majority of us, that's their decision to make. I say tell us the decision and leave it at that! These stories where they try to give suggestions when they are almost certainly not medically qualified and even if they somehow are...we aren't their patients, they don't know our whole medical history nor has it been discussed in enough detail for them to know the first thing about it.

I hope some of them are going "off script" and are just trying to be helpful but it's enraging to be told how to deal with problems that we know far more about than they ever could.
So your son will hurt someone if he has to stay in a 20 minute line. But is fine ina dark boat for 7 minutes, or a high speed coaster in the dark?

It intrigues me how so many people are like that, where a quiet line is horrific, but a jerky ride is fine.

I don’t see how someone can even visit any part of WDW if a 20 minute wait is a deal breaker.
I reread the original post a couple of times but can't find where they say their son can do trill rides or dark rides...

I can't do those but I was happy to use DAS on Dumbo and Alien Swirling Saucer or Winnie the Poo

There are several rides I've never done in my life. But the rides I'm ABLE to do are possible to do because of DAS....


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