Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)

Hi Chris! :wave2:

Welcome to WISH! We are so glad that you joined us! :jumping1: I think it's great that you and your DD are going on this weight loss journey together. ::yes::

That's great that you have lost 3 pounds already!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc You are already over 1/2 way to your Five for July goal!!! That is wonderful Chris! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a healthy and happy day today! :goodvibes
Hi, Chris, and welcome to WISH! And congrats on losing .5 lb even if you aren't counting it just yet!

Thanks for the support guys. :wave: :wave:

Today has been a hard day. Got dd off to camp this morning - we made a pact last night that we wouldn't cry but I did on the way back to town. 14 days without my dd is gonna be hard (we are very close). I know this is good for her and me and I'm glad she is 15 and still likes to be involved in Girl Scouts but it's so hard having her gone for so long - with no communication at all. I told her I would write her once as long as she wrote me too. DH put some letters in the "mail box" for delivery on different days while she is up at camp.

Now, normally on a day like today I would have had soda galore (diet of course, I don't like sugared sodas) and have eaten crazily. But I did good. I don't know where I'm sitting at right now because I forgot to email myself my spreadsheet with my food journal but I have written everything down I have put in my mouth. Brought some VERY low fat dip and lots of veggies and have been eating those this afternoon. Have had 56 ounces of water so far and I'm really getting tired of power peeing every 15 minutes!!!! I'm about ready to go again - UGH. The bad part is going to be I have to relieve the secretary up front in about 15 minutes and I'll be up there for 45 minutes by myself and won't be able to leave to go to the restroom. I can do it. I'm done on the water until I go workout.

Tonight is workout and lemon-pepper chicken breasts with some noodles or rice and salad. I didn't get on the scale today (very proud of myself because I so wanted to). I AM going to wait until Wednesday and NOT get on tomorrow.

Right now I'm at -
888 calories, 38.75 fat grams for the day, and 129.2 carbs. WHOOOHOOOOOO - I'M WAY UNDER FOR THE DAY AND HAVE KEPT THE FAT GRAMS DOWN!!!!!

Have a good night everyone!
Keep on :banana: :banana: :banana:
Congrats on watching those fat grams! I think if you make little changes here and there you will eventually have no problem sticking to low fat. One thing I do is put Butter Buds on all my veggies, instead of butter or margarine. It is 0 fat and tastes good! Keep up the good work! And if you do find some way to stop the power peeing, let me know! I probably go 8-10x in the course of a workday and it never gets any better... Just think of all the yuckies you are flushing out of your body each time you go!! ;) Keep yourself busy and work out extra hard - your DD will be so proud that you are sticking to your routine while she is gone, and I bet she will notice a change when she comes back!
Sorry, had to cut my post off because I had to go to the bathroom.

One thing I said to my dd, and she said to me too, was that I hope to be a little smaller when she gets home - like 10 pounds!!!! We'll see!
Chris -- I just had a chance to read through your journal. You are doing so great! I am really impressed by your commitment to jazzercise and it was so nice of your instructor to recognize how great you are doing! I know you will miss your DD, but just think of all the great accomplishments you can share with her when she returns. :)

Keep up the great work!
Hi Chris!! I just read through your journal and you are really doing fantastic!! I know it's hard for you missing your DD - I used to miss my mom horribly when I went to GS camp (many moons ago!) and I know she felt the same...but it was so much fun when I'd come home and we would do something special together. Maybe plan a surprise for her when she gets home?

Again - you are doing terrific! I am really impressed with all the jazzercise!

Well, I went to Jazzercise tonight and it was so weird not having dd there. But I know she's getting some good exercise hiking and having to had drag her gear to her sleep site today. It was a rough workout - I have always been a very warm blooded person and I get overheated easily. I've been just dealing with it thinking a lot of it is this extra weight I'm carrying. Tonight - I got really hot during Jazzercise. And I couldn't be by a fan, which does help me and lets me work harder. So I don't feel like I got a good workout tonight. I wasn't in my usual spot (partially because I wanted to be closer to do the door because I knew I'd have to go to the bathroom partway through, and sure enough) and I just really felt off tonight. I have to go back to my regular spot but someone else has kind of pushed us out of that spot when she is there (even though we started before she did). Oh well. I'll have to find another accommodating spot.

And I am hooked on those Nabisco 100 calorie snacks - OMG!!!! But not overboard, they are just enough to quench some cravings!!!!

I know I said I was gonna stay off the scale but I have to get on tomorrow - so we'll see what it says.

I'm finishing my night with a small snack not yet counted but I had a good dinner - my numbers today were:
1249.5 calories, 36.25 fat grams, and 195.7 carbs.

I'm going to have some fat free frozen yogurt for snack. I was thinking popcorn but I think I'll save that for tomorrow if I want it.

Thanks again for the support. Hopefully I'll be able to get through some more journals tomorrow (boss is on vacation :cool1: :cool1: )

Keep on :banana: :banana: :banana:
Sounds like you had a great night....:) DD will be back before you know and you'll be able to share your losses!! :)
Just a quick check in this morning (I do have to get some work done today). I got on the scale and to my surprise - I am down 5.5 pounds total!!!!! I am so excited. And I feel so much better than when I went to bed last night - I was getting a little down that I wasn't doing as good as I could be. I have no idea why but I know this is the hard part - I've been here before but those 5.5 pounds ain't comin' back!!!!!! (Well, I'm sure some will each month with TOM water gain - UGH)

Thanks for letting me share. I'll do a more "official" journal tonight.

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Chris you're doing AWESOME!!! That 10 lbs WILL be gone by the time your DD gets back!

As for the power peeing, yep, it's not fun. DD timed me one day and it was just about every 7 minutes. UGH!!!!! And people keep telling me to drink more water...... and I'll just have to move my computer into the bathroom or the toilet in to here.

Oh well.....

Have a great Tuesday!
Howdy neighbor!!! I'm less than half an hour from you, straight down 88! Are you originally from the area or are you just there for school? Lesli's a little farther West so between her and me we make a little Chris sandwich. I always find it comforting to know there's WISH friends close by.

Congrats on the weight loss!!!! That's awesome!

I sooooo hear you about the constant potty runs! I finally had to cut back on my water a little bit, just because I figured what would be the use of losing all of this weight if I live the rest of my life in the ladies room!

Keep up the great work and have a wonderful day!!!
LOL pearliq - nope, have grown up in this area. I am originally from Paw Paw and started working at NIU 10 years ago next Monday. I got married almost 6 years ago so moved up here due to that.

My dd goes to ACC in Aurora and she had a project one night with a girl who lived just on the border of Aurora and Montgomery and got lost and ended up in Montgomery.

It is nice to know of someone close - adds to the extra support!!!!!

Just wanted you to know that I have begun reading your journal. It will take a little while to get caught up as I read it off and on. But I thought I would throw in a few comments here and there.

First off all, congrats on deciding to do something about your health. Us mothers tend to ignore ourselves for too long as we raise families (the same can be said for the "mothers & fathers" of those cats out there ;) ). Anyway, the first step is admitting that you need to do something before it effects your health too greatly.

You mentioned that you lose in your hands and face first. That is from water retention. The more water you drink consistently, the more your body will realize it is hydrated and will not hold any excess for too long. It's funny, because now, I can look at my wrists and ankles and know if I am retaining 1-2lbs. of water. It is never real weight so don't worry, but it's always the first to go.

BTW, I live probably just over an hour west of you on 88. The DeKalb Oasis (are they finished with that yet?) is about 1hr from here. DD18's boyfriend goes to NIU. Next time I go to Chicago, what do you say I pick you up and we meet Pearlieq for some fun? ;)

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Excellent job on the weight loss! Keep it up! And don't worry about the Jazzercise, we all have our off-days. And besides, the most important thing is that you actually WENT to class, since any not-as-intense-as-usual workout is better than no workout at all, right? And you are also doing a good job of getting your daily fat intake down. Way to go! :cheer2:
Way to go on the weight loss :banana: :banana: :banana: Awesome news!!!!!

You are doing a great job on sticking to Jazzercise, You should be very proud of yourself. You will be done the 10 pounds by the time your DD gets home.

Have a great day and keep up the good work.
Lesli - I'm up for a trip to Chicago anytime - I love going into the city.

Thanks for your comments. I decided last night that I wanted pizza for dinner - and not frozen. I wanted real pizza. I've kept my fat grams down already (through lunch I'm only at 9.1 grams!!!!! So I feel I deserve a little break and something that I want. My plan is to only have 2 pieces and then if I'm still hungry I'll have a salad - might anyway but depends on what time we eat. We are going camping this weekend and we are going to get the camper from storage tonight so that will take some time. Decided I'm not going to work out tonight - I was going to but I need my day off (I've been trying to go one night, rest one, go one, etc.).

I was proud of myself at lunch - I brought a sandwich and had a plum, a tomato, and some rice from last night and I had planned on a cheese stick and a reese's peanut butter cup (if I plan for it, I can have it and I've been able to have the bite sized candy bars with no problem) and by the time I got the tomato done I almost couldn't eat the plum and so I put the RBP cup back in my drawer!!!! I'll save it for later if I get hungry. But I also have carrots in the fridge so I'm eating those first. Then the RBP cup if I'm still hungry!

Right now I'm at:
790 calories, 9.1 fat grams, and 153.6 carbs (a little high for having pizza tonight but that's not my main focus - my calories and fat grams are so as long as I can do good on those, I'm satisfied).

I realized that I am not posting what I'm eating and everyone else is. So I'll start doing that as I'm logging it on an excel spreadsheet anyway - so here's what I've had today...

breakfast strawberry fruit and oatmeal bar fat free yogurt

snack 100 calorie Nabisco snack

lunch 97% fat free ham sandwich on light bread with romaine
1 TBSP fat free mayo
1 medium tomato
1 small plum
1 c. mushroom rice

snack 18 baby carrots
2 TBSP light homemade dip (I use the Hidden Valley Ranch dry dressing mix for this also and it's not bad - 30 calories, 2 grams fat and 2 carbs for 2 TBSP - I can't eat carrots raw, they mess my stomach up)

Water - 56 ounces so far - 16 to go for the day. I'm trying to drink earlier in the day because I was up 4 times last night going to the bathroom since I didn't get all my water in until after 8pm. NO WAY am I doing that this weekend when we are camping - the bathrooms too far away!!!!!

One downfall which I hope and I can overcome - I HAVE TO - I woke up in the middle of the night with a blazing ear ache and then later a sore throat. My sore throat went away but now it's back. I'm hoping it's just some sinus drainage - I hate being sick!!!!
Chris~ 5.5 lbs lost! Wow! You are doing great, girl! And you know I had pizza last night for dinner even though I hadn't planned on it. I just worked out extra hard afterwards. So you can definitely have that pizza w/o hurting your weight-loss efforts. Just stick to your plan and you should do fine and lose 10 lbs in no time!
Hey Chris! Sounds like you've made an excellent start- Congratulations! I'm really impressed that you're sticking to the water...that's something I could work on myself.

I ADORE pizza! Sometimes you just have to give in and make up for it on other fronts. ;)

BTW- you mentioned on my thread that you're headed to Hilton Head, one of my all time favorite places. Have you been before? Let me know if you want information/recommendations. We usually go there every May for a week.

Hope you have a great day! :)
Thanks for the willingness to give me info about Hilton Head. That was me. We are going next year for my dd's spring break and Easter (her break is after Easter so we don't have to hurry home). We stopped for the day/night on our way home from our cruise in 2003 because we wanted to check it out. We are DVC'ers and we ended up buying points at Hilton Head. I can't wait to go!!!!

I have a staff member who goes every August for 2 weeks so he's going to gather some stuff for me next week. Thanks again for the offer.

Well, I had the pizza. Ended up being 3 pieces in total (because it was a 12" pizza) according to dh. But I ate it while we were working on getting the camper set up. So I ate and worked at the same time. Not counting that working for my exercise though. But I am done for the night and didn't do too bad today - went high on the carbs but that's okay according to the nutritionist/staff member that I work with. I talked to her about not hitting my daily calories that I've set for myself. She says I really do need to work on getting up to 1800 as much as possible as it can affect my metabolism. But I'm finding I can't really eat any more. She said not to focus so much on fat but work on the carbs/calories. Which is when I have lost both times now - my fats were a bit high but my calories and carbs were on track. Weird how our bodies work isn't it??? Oh, and I had the Reese's at work because I needed something to tide me until I could eat tonight.

So I ended the day with:
1460 calories, 32.3 fats, 230.8 carbs

Gotta get those calories up. My throat is sore tonight on the left side and I can feel it in my left ear. May end up at the docs tomorrow. I am also feeling very sluggish so I'm heading to bed soon.

Have a good rest of the night everyone! Oh, and this was Journal #7.

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