Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I feel like Disney is trying to subtlety break up with us all and we’re not taking the hint..
I finally took the hint yesterday and rage cancelled my resort reservations, ADRs, etc for my first week of July trip in the middle of their presentation yesterday. Kinda like cutting up old pictures of us or keying their car, lol. In the moment, it felt good, but I guess I’ll be left out of any guest recovery if there is any. And now I’m stuck with these little reminders that they never really cared about “us” at all called military tickets. Totally like a break up, lol.
People are interpreting the language that facial coverings be worn everywhere on property as being by the pool as well, except while in the water. Sadly, for the sake of across the board enforcement, that may be the case. If they start making exceptions in certain areas, I'm sure they fear/know people will take advantage.

Yes. I wish they would clarify.
People with July 11th reservations, are you keeping them? I'm really torn because if I had to pick 2 parks to do for an entire trip, I wouldn't pick MK & AK. I'm at a Skyliner resort too, which just makes it seem even more pointless, haha. On the other hand, it's a fun thought that I'd be there on the day they reopen. I will be really bummed at no SWGE, though.
I’m pretty sure I’m keeping my trip for 7/11-7/19. But, I’m good with a laid back trip. If I had any concern over “must dos”, I’d cancel. It helps that I still have my AP and that flights were $86 RT. I have a lot of empathy for those trying to plan significant trips (I.e. kids at the princess stage, once-in-a-lifetime, extended family, etc.).
Having that view means you assume a random picture with no context tells the whole story. If you stand up at a table while you are eating and a random blogger snaps your picture and post it on Twitter with zero context to shame you, you wouldn’t be saying too bad. We have already seen pictures took at angles to shame people for not social distancing when they are actually properly social distancing. But let’s get that ostracization train rolling at full speed.
I couldn’t agree more.
I'm not. One of the key elements of American culture is selfish individualism. Many, many people in this country only care about how things impact them personally. If you watch the world news, in the majority of other countries people have complied with COVID-19 measures without complaint. Compare to the U.S., where we've had armed protests because a bunch of selfish jerks don't want to wear facemasks.

I'm not surprised at all that people would complain about having to submit to new rules and regulations at WDW.
It is your constitutional right to protest in America. To the best of my knowledge, there weren’t any arrests.
I really don't see why a lot of people will keep their "normal" vacation (at the normal prices they booked) anytime in July or even August at this point. Unless you have to cancel by a certain time, just keep it until you find out more information, but no way would I go to WDW and pay those prices for 2 parks, reduced hours and reduced attractions and who knows what else (closed restaurants, etc.)
I'm considering keeping it because I'm excited to have a vacation (since my big vacation for this year was cancelled, was supposed to go to Paris for our anniversary in April) and now I wouldn't mind just hanging out at Caribbean Beach for a few days. My AP expired May 10th so I'm still watching & waiting to decide if I want to take the offered refund. I can't believe CM's that keep telling me to renew, to be honest. It's like $1200 and the parks are going to be so different - why on earth would I renew right now? But the refund would only be a couple hundred dollars so if I can go one more time just to be there, I might. I also might just scrap it all and rent a cabin in the mountains instead.
The county I live in is about 30% masks 70% non-mark indoors. Outside walking or exercising I would say about 99% non-mask. It's not even June and it's pretty rough out. I handle the heat very well but my wife and children do not. Our initial trip was scheduled in March before a Disney cruise. We have about 100 expiring DVC points that need to be used by October. I rescheduled our WDW portion of the trip to June, then to August.

As Floridians, we typically do not travel to WDW mid-summer as it can be miserable. Because we have expiring points, our plan was to go and enjoy the parks in the early morning and spend more time at the pool. Masks being required at the pool area is a deal breaker. Not a single pool in our area of Florida, our community pool, nor the beaches, require you to wear masks (for some reason my community pool took the lounge chairs away, so people have to sit on the pavers).

My family trip will wait until next year. Our youngest daughter will be 3 and a half so she may enjoy it more anyways. My oldest daughter complains that it's too hot at 10 am, so she would never make it.

My wife and I instead are staying a night in a Copper Creek Cabin for a little weekend getaway. It's something that we would never otherwise be able to do due to the high point cost.

I'm glad you are prepared for the masks in the Florida heat. But as the old saying goes, "everyone has a plan until they are punched in the mouth."

It’s only me and my fiancée, I do not question a single parent for not wanting to try WDW with a mask. I can only imagine the troubles...

I generally go to WDW for the entire month of August so am well aware of the heat. I’ve also gone to Egypt and wearing long pants, long sleeve shirt, and head piece covering my entire head but my face so honestly a mask in Florida is nothing compared to what I felt then! Maybe it’s just each person’s perspective and past experiences?
I'm in western MA. I mean grocery stores, hardware stores, CVS, and going in to restaurants to pick up takeout. I don't see anyone wearing them on hiking trails or walking/running/biking around town.
In IL (one of the strictest shut downs in the country) we are required to wear them when going into stores unless we have a medical reason not to. Outside it isn't recommended unless you can't stay away from people. And you should not be wearing them for heavy exercising.

The humidty has been picking up here and even wearing them inside a/c stores is difficult. I was in a store yesterday for maybe 45 minutes and my mask was very damp when I exited the store. As soon as I stepped out of the store the thing came off. The worker standing outside said everyone does that. I felt really bad for her having to have the thing on outside in the horrid humidity (per her stores rule).
I really don't see why a lot of people will keep their "normal" vacation (at the normal prices they booked) anytime in July or even August at this point. Unless you have to cancel by a certain time, just keep it until you find out more information, but no way would I go to WDW and pay those prices for 2 parks, reduced hours and reduced attractions and who knows what else (closed restaurants, etc.)

To each their own, for me this is not a “normal” trip, it’s my honeymoon. Nothing normal about our wedding now, so why not have an unusual honeymoon too?
Since yesterday’s presentation, the thing I have found most incredible is the number of people who truly thought the parks would be totally back to normal for summer trips.
I understand being hopeful and then disappointed, but there is so much anger.

The protocols are no surprise and had all been discussed round and round here: mandatory masks, limited experiences (no shows, fireworks, parades, meet & greets, opening DVC resorts first, etc.)

We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Disney was supposed to just jump in and go back to typical crowds and offerings with no virus mitigation efforts? While we don’t even know if children can go to school in the fall?

I understand being hopeful, but now people are are acting like Disney is personally victimizing them because hours will be shorter, experiences will be limited. Everyone has to make their own personal decision about if it is worth it to them. But I really think pointing the finger at Disney about this stuff is unjustified. People seem to be forgetting that a pandemic is causing this.

Now that the limited experiences and new protocols are announced, people are already jumping to a new unjustified conclusion - Disney will use this to reduce and cut these experiences FOREVER. Come on. Can you just let them get through opening up in the the middle of a pandemic?

The whole world (not just Disney) is going to look different for a while. Even if my child was not high risk and we could go to WDW, we would not. I am not angry that they are implementing these procedures - I fully understand them, but I know the uncertainty and discomfort would not make a trip enjoyable for us.

It is going to be uncertain and uncomfortable if you travel to a worldwide theme park destination in the middle of a pandemic. Things will be different. But Disney is not personally victimizing anyone.
So if you have no plans to go, why are you so interested in this thread just to come here & preach to ppl about being disappointed?
People are interpreting the language that facial coverings be worn everywhere on property as being by the pool as well, except while in the water. Sadly, for the sake of across the board enforcement, that may be the case. If they start making exceptions in certain areas, I'm sure they fear/know people will take advantage.

Just to add, this is from an email I received yesterday from DVC.

" Like our Cast, all Members and guests will be asked to wear face coverings in public resort areas when not eating or drinking and to respect physical distancing."

That makes me believe the pool is included.
It hasn't been said. It started as speculation when people found out mask will be required at resorts. People now stating it as a fact are just on the tail end of a big game of telephone.
This is exactly what the email said that I received.

"Guests will be asked to wear face coverings in public resort areas when not eating or drinking and to respect physical distancing."

This clearly requires more in depth clarification with regards to pools, however none was provided in the FAQ's.

So, it isn't speculation. However, everyone understands things could change with better information and clarification that Disney isn't providing.
Masks are required everywhere on property except while eating and drinking.

They have not confirmed they would be required poolside, this is just what people have taken that statement to mean, particularly those who want to believe Disney is being insane and unreasonable with masks.

Could they be? Yes, never say never, right? Do we know enough to cancel a vacation based on wearing masks poolside? Absolutely not, IMO. If that is someone’s only dealbreaker, I would wait for Disney to specifically address pools.
Question - to those cancelling trips this summer due to the mandatory mask rule, where are you coming from? I’m from Massachusetts where the expectation is you don’t leave your house to walk your dog without wearing a mask. So this whole mandatory mask thing literally is no different than what we are dealing with right now, plus the uncomfortable Florida heat added to it. But I get that and am prepared for that extra element.

I’m interested in understanding if people cancelling due to this are from states where mask use is more flexible or not as vastly used.
I’m in CT. I wear a face mask in public places, and that’s it. I’m not expected to wear a face mask walking my dog, or jogging in a park.
I'm considering keeping it because I'm excited to have a vacation (since my big vacation for this year was cancelled, was supposed to go to Paris for our anniversary in April) and now I wouldn't mind just hanging out at Caribbean Beach for a few days. My AP expired May 10th so I'm still watching & waiting to decide if I want to take the offered refund. I can't believe CM's that keep telling me to renew, to be honest. It's like $1200 and the parks are going to be so different - why on earth would I renew right now? But the refund would only be a couple hundred dollars so if I can go one more time just to be there, I might. I also might just scrap it all and rent a cabin in the mountains instead.

It makes me wonder just how Disney will do over the next year (rest of 2020). Their experience is different, guest confidence is shattered (in "knowing" what to expect and how to plan). We here a lot of people just not wanting to go until next year, not renewing APs because this entire year looks "shot", being burned out trying to plan (after being canceled 2-3 times), and of course still worried about going to a very public place amid a pandemic.

You'd think after 4 months of being closed .. they'd want to come back with a roar and get people back in the parks, but it seems like the circumstances warrant them coming back with a whimper (which .. to me .. further erodes guest confidence of coming back sooner than later).
It makes me wonder just how Disney will do over the next year (rest of 2020). Their experience is different, guest confidence is shattered (in "knowing" what to expect and how to plan). We here a lot of people just not wanting to go until next year, not renewing APs because this entire year looks "shot", being burned out trying to plan (after being canceled 2-3 times), and of course still worried about going to a very public place amid a pandemic.

You'd think after 4 months of being closed .. they'd want to come back with a roar and get people back in the parks, but it seems like the circumstances warrant them coming back with a whimper (which .. to me .. further erodes guest confidence of coming back sooner than later).

We are into our reopening process here, and everything has been opening with a “wimper” because this isn’t a one time event where the threat has passed. Our malls opened, but with only a handful of stores at first. Schools are opening, but with a very small number of children in classrooms for a shortened amount of time. Restaurants were allowed to move from curbside pick up to patio only. Then slowly increasing to half capacity I believe inside.

You don’t want to open things with a big bang and you don’t want to try and entice as many people to come as possible right off the bat. This isn’t Disney trying to urge people to travel after 9/11.
So if you have no plans to go, why are you so interested in this thread just to come here & preach to ppl about being disappointed?

Ummm ... because I love Disney, I’m interested in their operations and how they are approaching the pandemic. I’m a shareholder, I’m a DVC member, I used to work at WDW, we will be going back to Disney at some point ... this is a thread about cruise and theme park operational updates related to the pandemic, which I do have an interest in. You really want this to just be an echo chamber of the same opinion? It’s a DISCUSSION board. My goodness.

So Disboards is only for people who currently have a trip on the calendar? That’s news to me.
I think the reality is, especially with Disney’s track record of lack of communication, that if you’re going in the first few weeks after opening, you’re going to be flying blind. Until some people go and report back on actual conditions you aren’t going to know every detail. Masks at the pools? Who knows. If you take what they’ve said literally, the answer is yes. But who knows what it will really be once you’re there. I wouldn’t be expecting Disney to be much more forthcoming on details. They never have been, not going to start now.

I’d base going at opening on whether or not I was willing to accept anything and everything that happens.
They have not confirmed they would be required poolside, this is just what people have taken that statement to mean, particularly those who want to believe Disney is being insane and unreasonable with masks.

Could they be? Yes, never say never, right? Do we know enough to cancel a vacation based on wearing masks poolside? Absolutely not, IMO. If that is someone’s only dealbreaker, I would wait for Disney to specifically address pools.

Honestly, it’s illogical to expect people to wear them in a pool. Wet masks fall off and will get stuck and break the pool equipment. Therefore, the discussion should really be will the pools be open? It won’t be pools are open but wear a mask and potentially drown. There is WAY too much liability with that. I just can’t see Disney being advised masks in pools should be the rule...
People with July 11th reservations, are you keeping them? I'm really torn because if I had to pick 2 parks to do for an entire trip, I wouldn't pick MK & AK. I'm at a Skyliner resort too, which just makes it seem even more pointless, haha. On the other hand, it's a fun thought that I'd be there on the day they reopen. I will be really bummed at no SWGE, though.
I arrive July 11-22 at BWV. If they allow me to modify the dates, I will ask for a July 13th arrival to get all four parks in. I was thinking July 11th would be fun too, but I’m going to try to modify.
I finally took the hint yesterday and rage cancelled my resort reservations, ADRs, etc for my first week of July trip in the middle of their presentation yesterday. Kinda like cutting up old pictures of us or keying their car, lol. In the moment, it felt good, but I guess I’ll be left out of any guest recovery if there is any. And now I’m stuck with these little reminders that they never really cared about “us” at all called military tickets. Totally like a break up, lol.

I rage cancelled my June 18-22nd trip. That was my 4th trip I had cancelled so I was furious at the time. I guess i'll miss out on any guest recovery offer but hopefully i'll get something being an AP holder.
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