Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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Good point, I agree. I still think barber/BBB services return before than the mass gatherings, but we'll see.

Barbers have opened where I live but highly restricted on number of people allowed in at once and everyone has to wear a mask at a times (so they aren't able to do bear trims) ... I think scaling down capacity for BBB and still make some $ would be hard and also would be hard for everyone (including the kids) to wear masks at all times
Ok.. the mystery of the YC to Poly switch. Apparently there is a convention that was scheduled for the Yacht/Beach the last week in August & beginning of September - it was cancelled to go virtual — but is now back on.
Disney making its return to doing conventional/conference business...
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Genuinely curious, what if we are worse off in the fall and winter with a much larger bounce back of the virus? Should they still open in the fall then?

I don’t think anyone would disagree that Disney costs a lot of money because it certainly does.

I guess I am asking what do people deserve that they aren’t getting? Not lecturing just curious.
Disney had several months to plan their opening. When they announced their date they should have said what resorts would be open AP should have all been extended and details on the reservation system should also have been announced. Also phone cast members should have been back to their offices so they could better handle the volume of calls with the correct info. Everything looks like they were not prepared for opening are playing catch up. Very bad show for a company that has trained its guest to plan as early as possible but now they can't give people the information they need. How many wasted phone calls have their been just because people haven't been told what is going to happen. People that have to fly can't just make plans a week ahead of time.
BC DVC is opening on Monday. If you have a points reservation there, you’ll be staying there. Just won’t have SAB for a while.
Lets hope SAB being closed is not longer than 8/30. At least with the lower seeded NBA teams being at YC, there is a good chance that those teams will be eliminated by that date if they are in fact closing it for the NBA's private use.
BBB requires close contact between CM and guest(s) for prolonged amounts of time. Distance and limit all you want, but that is a major issue.

I think they’re making the responsible choice for their CMs not putting them in that position at this time. It’s a huge money maker for them, yet it isn’t happening.

I get that, but at the same offices are opening everywhere. Salons are opening everywhere. They all have the same issues, but they make it work.

I am not saying the experience wouldn't change, due to PPE and maybe you don't do makeup because of masks, etc. But I think they COULD make it work, with some modifications.

Besides....what's the point of taking temperatures anyway? If you think people could still be infected, why take the temps?
Disney had several months to plan their opening. When they announced their date they should have said what resorts would be open AP should have all been extended and details on the reservation system should also have been announced. Also phone cast members should have been back to their offices so they could better handle the volume of calls with the correct info. Everything looks like they were not prepared for opening are playing catch up. Very bad show for a company that has trained its guest to plan as early as possible but now they can't give people the information they need. How many wasted phone calls have their been just because people haven't been told what is going to happen. People that have to fly can't just make plans a week ahead of time.
I disagree. They can’t say what resorts will be open outside of DVC because they didn’t know what their guest numbers would be. They knew people would cancel and really wanted people to cancel. That way they wouldn’t have to cancel for guests. This process is all about reducing the number of guests they have for their capacity numbers. Universal didn’t tell us officially which hotels would be open when they announced their plans either. Certainly Disney could’ve handled some aspects better but I also believe they have been waiting as long as possible to get those numbers down.
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