Cruise 10/11/2003

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I just went back and revisited the 1st few pages of this thread. There are a few posters who said hello, then never posted again. I can not do a search as it is currently disables.
Has anyone heard anything from Puplecrzy or Josierac??? I sent them both a PM. Maybe we will hear from them soon:D
Amy, Chris and Emily - Have a great trip to Chicago. Hope you are NOT snowed in.

BTW - Teenson had to take Ollie back to vet today because stitches in lower lip loosened and flap fell away again. Keeping him overnight. So, picking him up tomorrow a.m. (day off). Therefore, appointment for Saturday a.m. null and void. Therefore, CAN MAKE CRUISETOBERFEST SAT CHAT!!! See ya there!!

TwinAve - Did you take note of what Windemere (I think it was Windermere) said about ICHAT?? I was kinda trying to say the same thing but she said it so much better than me.

And Cathy - Yes! Ollie's vet is in the Hamptons. They are Richard's niece and nephew-in-law. He has been in the paper many times because of his work. Hey! We know someone semi-famous! :D
Hi Mary! I didn't go back and look but if memory serves me right, purplecrazy poster was just visiting this site and really posts more on another website. Just wanted to let us know that their site is having a special cruise on 10/11/03. Since you just re-read that stuff, am I right in my memory? and as for Josierac??? - doesn't even ring a bell.

DAN - I thought I read you were off tonight. Where is you at, honey???
tulirose--where do you live on Long Island? My husband has cousins who live in Port Jefferson.

I'm up for a pennsylvania meet--we could maybe meet halfway somewhere once the weather breaks--for us and GoofyNut this would be close to you but padisneynut lives about 2 1/2 hours from us (past Harrisburg) so I don't know if that would be possible--maybe the rest of the PA delegation could meet padisneynut and the Maryland (Hopkins) delegation!! And while I am dreaming of summer and warm weather, why don't the PA people meet up with the Ohio people at Sea World (love the Ohio Sea World)--I have been holed up for so long this winter that I am starting to hallucinate (sp?)--We have actually driven to Washington, DC for the day and driven home (about 4 hours each way)!!

cdnmickeylover--if you are still lurking, do you know Disneykins from the Canadian board--we cruised the 7 day with them 2 years ago. Mary Jo
I figured out how to get search to work. Both of the above mentioned posters mostly post on the Resort boards. I PM them both, hopefully we will hear from them soon.
I do NOT have a Girl Scout meeting this Sat to bring DD to, so I think I will be able to make the chat! Looking forward to it.

Yikes about your kitty!!! I hope he is well soon:) It must be nice to have a vet in the family:bounce:
Ok, I'm trying to read all these posts and talk on the phone at the same time. I'm to old to do multi-tasks so may have missed somethings.

I'm really confused about all the different types of girl scout cookies. I didn't realize that they are different ones in different regions. It doesn't really matter because I am a thin mint and shortbread cookie fan. In my area, we haven't even had them delivered yet. I ordered them it seems ages ago. Maybe they are lost in a snow drift.

I am all for a PA/NY/Ohio/MD meet. But I really want to go to Amy's or Ave's for a Florida meet like tomorrow. Except, Amy for some strange reason came North to Chicago. I should have volunteered to watch her house for her while she was gone.

I only saw about 1/2 of survivor, but I see the girls seem to have it together and won both challenges. So at least I didn't have to jump through the TV to slap them silly.

It is snowing again and to continue into Friday morning. I feel like I am stuck in that Groundhog Movie and the weather just keeps repeating itself. Though a little further South in MD where Hopkins lives they even have more snow. We are to leave Friday afternoon to go out for Brian's hockey tournament. Though the western part of the state isn't suppose to get the snow. So I will be away from these boards until Monday. It will probably take me a day to catch up on all the posting.

Rosemary-- I hope Ollie will be ok. I had to take my 2 beagles to the kennel tonight and they were not happy.

I need to start to pack for the weekend trip. Wish I was packing for the cruise instead.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Originally posted by RellingTwin
........... It must be nice to have a vet in the family:bounce:
The overnight at the local Animal Emergency Center cost 500 buckos!! Karen and Wen charge us cost for whatever they do for our animals. At first I blanched at the 500 dollar bill but I figure we got a free ride all these years. I can't complain. And Ollie is definitely worth it!

Can't wait to SAT CHAT.

Umm. Since this is my Friday night (off tomorrow), and I had a REALLY REALLY BAD BAD day at work today, I went to the local package store (as they call them in New England - I'm not in New England So I really don't know why I said that!) ANYWAY, I restocked my Kaluha and had my first (okay second) White Russian in about a months' time! *Hic*

Sarah'sMom - PJ is not too far from us. We are in Suffolk county. I will PM you my town. After all, I have to keep SOME things private on a public board! Remember guys, this is a public board. Call me paranoid but we get lots of views to this thread and more people are reading this than we know!
Originally posted by cdnmickeylover
......... I'm so looking forward to the weekend -- when I get a chance to do laundry, dusting etc. :p .......

ARLENE!!!!! I sent you a PM yesterday ( I think it was yesterday). Did you get it??????
Rosemary they are called liquor stores or package stores here in Nashville. Hope that Ollie continues to improve. Looking forward to the chat especially Saturday morning. It will be good to see you and Rich again, although you two wild and crazy kids are going to have to keep the noise down on the ship. Us old codgers need our rest.

Cathy got your email and it looks great. Hope that Art is on the mend with the creeping crud and all.

We had Chinese food tonight and I am thinking about making a big pot of homemade chili tomorrow night.

Dan did Scott make you wear that baked yard bird???? You work and slave over a hot stove and all people do is fuss about your cooking:jester:

Originally posted by dan and scott
OK, I just pissed Scott off! I told him the chicken that he baked for supper didn't look good. Why do cooks ask you something but if you tell them the truth they get all mad?Dan
OMG DAN!!!! YOU DIDN'T REALLY, DID YOU????? No wonder Scott is pissed at you! I would be too!!!

So where are you?? I thought you were off tonight. I'm not gonna be on here much longer......
Mike - I thought I was the only one around tonight. Happy to see you here! :wave:

As far as GS cookies go.... there is only one.... THIN MINTS! THIN MINTS! THIN MINTS!!!! Frozen, but of course! :D
Originally posted by @GoofyNut
..............Haven't seen Dave (CheesePlease) posting lately -- hope they are OK. He was the first person that we met from the Cruisetoberfest I ... parking lot of Radisson with his T-shirt on.
See those shirts are good for somethiing!
Missing him and Ellen too, Cathy! Maybe they will pop in on Cruise Chat Friday night and/or Saturday. How come YOU are never in chat??? Come on GIRL! It's the 21st Century! The Age of Technology! GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!

BTW- I can only add "AMEN!" to what you and Mary (RellingTwin) said about meeting on the internet and cruising with these crazy bunch of people!

And Mary - I actually ADDED to my signature. We are allowed (I think) eight lines!! How many did you have?

Windy - Sorry you are working Friday night - BUMMER!
Originally posted by Windermere
ok, need to add a depressing note tonight - Mr Rogers will be missed. Grew up with that man. Especially being from Pittsburgh and all
I cried this morning when I heard the news. :( :( :(
Originally posted by RellingTwin
Hi Gang! A new cruiser has posted a new thread about the 10/11/03 cruise. I have invited Hope to post here. She is cruising with 2 DD and DH and her parents. She is a newbie! If she posts (and I'm pretty sure she will) please say hello !!!
We will anxiously be awaiting her post and to give her a BIG CRUISETOBERFEST WELCOME!!!!
Originally posted by padisneyfan
........I am all for a PA/NY/Ohio/MD meet. But I really want to go to Amy's or Ave's for a Florida meet like tomorrow. Except, Amy for some strange reason came North to Chicago. I should have volunteered to watch her house for her while she was gone........Nancy
You are absolutely right! Instead of going to that hockey tournament this weekend, we will meet you at Amy and Chris's house this ummm watch the house.... and use their pool......and we will turn the pool heater on..... up REAL high!!!! heeheeheeheee!

Have a great weekend Nancy! It will take you MORE than a day to catch up with the thread upon your return!:jester:
Well, I think I'm all caught up now and that's it for me for tonight. Dan - Honey - I tried waiting up for you but, sorry, you missed out.....

Oh! and Mike - You keep referring to us as young kids.... Tulirich is older than you! Just because you are retired and a grandpa, doesn't mean you are an old fogey! I can still see that twinkle in your eye when you look at Kathy and she at you! :teeth: We just may be calling upstairs to tell them that there is too much noise going on in the cabin next to ours and we can't sleep!! Looking forward to seeing you both again. Love ya! :)
Originally posted by Windermere
Want to get together for the scavenger hunt? You and George can run around and Anja and I will guard the collection back in the cart with our short legs.


Sure, Nancy.
But I think Anja will also do some running - She's nearly as fast as I'am (I usually run at 7.5 mph, Anja does 6.5) and as enduring as I am :p
But a combination of runners and drivers will be unbeatable!!
Thanx for all the good wishes and PD for Roland's Mom. I haven't heard from Roland for the time being acuse he's up in Hannover, where his Mom lives and they also spend some time at Sylt, a very posh island in the North Sea. As soon as I hear somthing from them, I'll inform you.

Wasn't posting yesterday as we went out for some drinks with an old friend.

Saturday I have to be in the office :( , because we have too much work to do - But this is the most wanted problem by many people nowadays ;) It's so much better to have too much work, than none at all!!
I think I can make it to the chat nevertheless, I will be in the office at 630am, that should allow me to finish early for the caht.

Tomorrow night we'll have the semi-finals of "Germany seeks its Superstar", which is known as "American Idol" to you. There are 3 contenders left and one will have to go. The Grand Finale will be next week.
Hi Folks,

I just received Hope's info, please welcome her aboard:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Mary and Rosemary: Good Job!! Thanx for directing hope to our thread. I also asked Hope to close her thread to avoid confusion for future cruisers.
I intend to do an update tomorrow after the chat. Please send all requests for changes until 1100am EST.


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