Cruise 10/11/2003

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OK--What are Di-so-dos? Are they some kind of girl scout cookies or something? Just remember that us Pennsylvania folks have been buried in snow and ice since Christmas day and we have brain freeze so you have to spell everything out!! If these are Girl Scout cookies than we must have different names for them up North!!

If my boss ever catches me doing this, I will get killed!!:Pinkbounc
Wow--you have different cookies than us up north--your Samoas are our carmel delights; your tag alongs are our Peanut Butter Patties; Do-si-dos are our peanut butter sandwich; thin mints are the same; trefoils are our shortbread cookies. We don't have any Ole' Ole' (I will take 2 boxes) or All Abouts or Aloha Chips. We do have Animal Treasures (square shortbread cookie with one side dipped in chocolate) and Friendship cookies (round shortbread cookies with fudge filling)

Geez Dan maybe you were right, we do speak a different language in Pennsylvania!!

So if anyone is selling the Ole Ole and All Abouts, I will buy them!!
I little clarification on cost for the Scavenger Hunt. Kids 10 years and under are FREE. Everyone else is $20/person. Sorry for the misinformation. Good news for the above 4 cruisers!

Tina :)
Been lurking for a couple of days since it's the end of the month and I've been busy at work. I'm so looking forward to the weekend -- when I get a chance to do laundry, dusting etc. :p

It's still cold here but it's supposed to go above 0C (32F) so I'm happy.

Am hoping to make the Saturday morning chat. Have a teenager who tends to dominate the computer at home but am hoping that he'll sleep in this Saturday or rather goes to bed Friday night and still isn't up when I want on the computer.

Must go and see about the traffic to get home.

We have lots of sun here even though it's cold though so I guess that's a plus.


The Southernmost Hunt Scavenger people are sending me an e-mail file of their logo and their mascot pinky. They said we can use that if we want. I going to e-mail you the information when I get it.

Tina, Great news about the kids being free! Thanks!

Since I was the "Cookie Mom" this year I can tell you that not only do I have no more cookies, but if I NEVER SEE amother GSC it would be fine with me. Our troop (6 girls) sold over 3000 boxes! Regina did make her goal of 300 boxes (ok...I sold 300 boxes! LOL) I did know that different parts of the country sell cookies at different times. The "All Abouts" were new last year and are quickly becoming a favorite. My favorite are the Do-si-dos!DH has to have the Thin Mints!

Arlene...PLEASE do not feel intimidated. Yes, some of us have met before, and since Papa, @GoofyNut and I have been on the past 2 cruises we probably know more then most BUT...There are far more people I do not know then people I do!I think you will be pleasently surprise at how "normal" everyone is when you meet them. No Ax murderers, no Super models, just Disney fans who are looking forward to fun! I could not agree with Cathy more about the cruise after Sept 11th. We were all very upset (as were all Americans) but we shared a special time with one another. I simply could NOT imagine going ahead with plans to cruise if I had not been on these boards. I would have felt so alone!
On a happier note Arlene...jump right in! The more you read/post the better the cruise!:bounce:

I had to shorten my "signature" due to new rules...anybody else get a message from Deputy Mickey??

Now....those darn women better get it together tonight!I still can't belive not one of them thought about using the lanturn fuel to start a fire! It must be from all my camping, but that was the FIRST thing I thought of when they showed the provisions.
Finally, someone else that still watches NBC on Thursdays. Actually I usually work every Thursday but due to coverage problems I am off tonight but have to work Friday night instead. I still tape every Thurs
Roll out the barrell, we'll have a barrel of fun
Roll out the barrell, we've got the blues on the run ....

Shall I go on?
I need your last name for the scavegEar Hunt. e-mail me add or here.

Tina :)

PS: I'm going to watch Survivor tonight, but I can't wait until they mix the men with the women. I'm not into the male vs female thing, though the females will win. LOL!
I thin k the cookie names are different in here because we are just stubborn.. i remember them changing the names of the cookies when I was still selling them ( and we won't even go there). But somehow the names never caught on here in PA. Just say what you mean and mean what you say --- trefoils what? shortbread, do-si-dos what? peanut butter sandwiches
Want to get together for the scavenger hunt? You and George can run around and Anja and I will guard the collection back in the cart with our short legs.

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