Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Pjilla, I'm up for the challenge. I have a few ideas for veggies, fruits will be a bit more challenging. My first thought was blueberries because I've never eaten them plain, only in baked goods but i can do better!

Good for you! Let me know what you end up trying!!

Well it's been a really long and bad week. My DS seems to have recovered, but I ended up with a sinus infection as well :sick:

After my DS had a good 5 or 6 night stretch of sleeping in his crib all night, he ended up with another sinus infection, which landed him in my bed every night since then. Then by the end of last week I started off with the usual symptoms.... itchy throat in the morning, etc.

By the beginning of the week I had a full blown sinus infection.

Now, I know I had been forewarned many times about how my son would pick up everything at daycare, but no one ever warned me that I'd get sick all the time too :headache:

We made an appt. with an Ear Nose and Throat specialist for my DS for the end of October. He constantly has a runny nose and has had a good 3 or 4 sinus infections and he's only 14 months old.

Then (speaking of not putting myself first) I was at the doctors for my own sinus infection when she told me that I should be seeing an ENT specialist as well since I've had 3 or 4 sinus infections since he was born too. I also started snoring when I got pregnant and haven't stopped and started having allergies this year too. So, maybe she's right.

Grrrr...:mad: Not exactly what I was wanting to hear, but probably true just the same.

So, as a result, I've been slow in catching up and honestly had to skim quite a bit b/c I was overwhelmed with how far behind I was on the boards here, but I am back.

My first week I ended up doing my walking at home video 4 times and ended up maintaining since I ate terrible labor day weekend while my MIL was here. Week 2 I did my walk at home video 5 times, bumped myself up to the 2 mile video midweek and ended up with a loss of 2.5 lbs. This week I kept up with the 2 mile video, but only did it 3 times, b/c I was run down. I did walk 2 nights with my DH and DS, which was a little extra, but not enough b/c I ended up gaining 1/2 a pound :sad2:

So, I'm on amoxicillin and back on the wagon. Hopefully this will be a better week. Time to reply to some older posts.

Sounds like it is going around.... several of us have been similarly afflicted recently. It is miserable, isn't it? Feel better soon!

Advice Needed

Okay all you moms or anyone good with kids - How do I get my son to sleep in his crib again? He had a good few nights (5 or 6 actually) where I was shocked b/c I had to wake him in the morning for daycare.

However, he got sick and started sleeping with me. I know it's a bad habit, but when he's sick he wakes up all through the night wanting to be with me. Plus he sleeps so much better in my bed and when he's sick I want him to get as much sleep as possible to help him fight off his sickness.

So, now he keeps waking up between 12 and 1 and crying until we bring him into bed with us.

Trouble is, I'm sick and fighting with him isn't helping me get the sleep I need and if we let him cry too much, he makes himself puke and I honestly don't want to be cleaning puke at 1 AM when I'm sick and tired myself.

Sunday night I tried letting my husband try to get him back to sleep and he decided he'd let him cry, which turned into my son puking in his crib and on the rug and me cleaning it while my husband laid in bed with my son b/c my DH wretches at puke himself and doesn't do laundry the correct way (he was ready to throw the crib sheet with it's pile of chunks in the washing machine, which I find disgusting and think it should be rinsed first), but that's a story for another time.

I also went out and bought an egg crate to put on top of his mattress so it feels softer like my bed, but he wasn't fooled.

Any suggestions are much appreciated.

I was going to post my idea here, but someone else said exactly what I was going to say.... scroll down for my agreement with their suggestion.

As far as getting kids to sleep in their own bed, we had to do the let him cry it out routine. It took 2 full weeks of letting him cry for hours on end, but eventually he learned and he has been my best sleeper since then. It was certainly tough love and one of the hardest things to endure for me.

Yup, exactly.

I think we all have peaks and valleys along the way. Of course, you are welcome to print off whatever you like - it's a public forum, after all. I'd appreciate if you share it with anyone else that you attribute it appropriately, of course. :)
And I'm always happy to chat with you, Pamela! Any time!

Of course!!:thumbsup2

Uh, yeah. There might be a chocolate pattern there. It's not a crime! :rotfl: Definitely say hi at the WW site - it'd be great to see you over there!

I'll have to search for my WW password.... I haven't been on the site in a while.

Hey oh, I'm back to trying to lose weight after some medical issues.
I found out through it that one of the things I have is Type 2 Diabetes so it is a good idea that I lose the weight for my health.

Welcome back!! Sorry about the diabetes, but I'm willing to bet at your young age you can kick that diabetes to the CURB if you get to a healthy weight! You can do it!!

What is a Bagel Thin? I mean, the answer is obvious, I guess. Is it frozen, or with the reg. breads? I don't think I've ever seen one. How :scared1: that your DD has a boyfriend now! I love that it was too hot to snuggle up to get warm. It's been hot here all along. I think by next weekend we're supposed to be in the upper 70's, but we've had 90's all along! I'm sure if you are making them, the pumpkin muffins must be fairly healthy. Have you shared the recipe? I love the taste of pumpkin!!!!Taryn

Bagel Thin question has been answered, right?

I haven't shared the recipe because it is such a WW "basic" I guess I feel like everyone knows it.

1 spice cake mix
1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1 C water

Mix all. Bake according to cake mix directions. Makes 24 muffins at 2 pts each.

The muffins are small, but very tasty. For variations some people like chocolate cake mix.... makes a fudgy cupcake without any pumpkin taste. Not sure how it would be with white or vanilla cake mix. For variations, check out my recipe over on the BL recipe thread.

I hope you had a great time. I can tend to hang back in a crowd of new people, but I jumped right in w/ our new tailgate crew. I think weight loss gave me a bit more confidence in that area. Unfortunately, Brad says I come off as a total snob when my confidence is low and I don't jump in. Taryn

I didn't realize for YEARS that people mistook my shyness for snobbiness. I was horrified when someone told me. I can't help being shy.... but I must say that the weight loss has helped with that.

Ok I am speaking from a mom who has done this times 2 and I also gave phone advice to parents on this subject for 14 years (I work in a pediatricians office and I say gave because now Im the manager and no longer answer the calls). Ok so basically the only real way to get over this is to let him cry it out.

After 5 min go in..keep it low lights no talking etc. lay him back down cover him etc. quietly say time to sleep and walk out.

Repeat this step in lengthening intervals. wait 5, then next time wait 10, next time wait 15, etc.

If he vomits go in to clean up. Try to use minimal lighting. let him in his crib until you need to remove him to clean the sheet or his pj's etc. Just remember no eye contact conversation etc. act like he is really not there. No matter how loud he screams.

He has learned that if he keeps on screaming or vomits you will take him into your bed which is his comfort zone. You have to break this sequence and after a number of nights he will finally give up as long as you dont. It could take anywhere from 3 nights to 3 weeks. Typically 1 week is average. Start it on a weekend when you dont have to get up early the next day.

You are SPOT ON with this. We were forced to do it with DD after she started sleeping with us when she was sick and it was SO TOUGH! I remember sitting on the floor outside her bedroom door CRYING my heart out. It was SO miserable to let her cry and cry and cry. I believe it took about 6 nights of misery for BOTH of us before she gave up the crying. But you know what.... IT WAS WORTH IT! She is a great sleeper.... both of my kids are!

Saturday Question of the Day

Really 2 questions

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

It could be live action or animation

Have a great day. I will be on later when I get home from pillowcases.

Classic Disney...... Cinderella.

Recent is tougher.... my first reaction was to say The Little Mermaid. But I honestly could watch Toy Story 1 or 2 over and over (and have!!:lmao:).

Also weighed this am. I am bad about forgetting now that I have to take Beamer out so early. At 4:30, all I can think about is coffee. By the time I remember, I've had about 8-16 oz of the mind and body altering stuff and don't want to step on the scale. Can I get a :woohoo: for a 4lb loss this week? And that's since Sunday! I got rid of 3 pounds I gained last week, plus one! The tummy bug Tues. probably helped, but it is what I needed to kick start me back into losing mode! 10 POUNDS TO GOAL, BABY! 2 pounds to 65 clippie. I'd love to get that off this week, so if someone asks me at Brad's reunion I can say 65!

Of COURSE you can get a WOOHOOOOOO!:woohoo:

I chuckled at this too. Love to read all suggestions Pjlla has to share. Actually pamela, Michael loved the chicken corn chowder at chef mickeys and if you have a healthy recipe to share, I'd love to hear it. I'll check the recipe thread first.

Sorry... no chicken corn chowder recipe to share.... but I've got an excellent potato soup recipe. Can be made in either crockpot or stove top and I have successfully converted it from a regular recipe to a "light" recipe.

Pam – I hope your weigh in this morning was better! I’m glad you found an alternative to the pumpkin muffins. I’ve found ways to make less-bad-for-you blueberry scones, using whole wheat flour was the main change but I haven’t tried muffins yet.

Today has been pretty good, I think. For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal, hard boiled egg whites and a banana. With that, I had a glass of water (16 oz) and my coffee drink which includes a cup of skim milk. I wasn’t able to have a snack because I was teaching. For lunch I had ½ baked potato with cheddar and a slice of bacon and a little sour cream, strawberries and my yogurt is in the freezer so I will try that before going to t he gym.

I love scones!! I only have a recipe for cinnamon raisin, so that is what I make (occasionally), but blueberry sounds delicious.

Your food sounds pretty good for today. Increasing the protein at breakfast should help keep you full longer. But how about some vegetable with breakfast?? Maybe a side of steamed broccoli, baby carrots, or celery sticks? Hope the frozen yogurt is yummy.

Afternoon everyone!

Here is the report of my "do-over" on the scale......skip this paragraph if "women's issues" are TMI for you!

I was expecting a loss this week, so was disappointed to see a 0.1 gain yesterday. I decided to give it another 24 hours and try again. But as the day went along, I was getting more bloated and could feel ovulation "knocking at the door" so to speak! Well... after a full 24 hours of fully OP eating.... weighing/measuring my foods, journaling everything, 4 liters of water consumed, 6.4 mile run/walk, and only eating 16 of my allotted 18 daily points... I was UP 3 POUNDS this morning!! :scared1: After I got past the initial shock, I can actually chuckle about it. Obviously it is hormones, water, etc. Hopefully it will all be gone next Friday. I don't plan on stepping on the scale again until next Friday (I try hard to stick to once weekly weigh-ins), so we shall see. Obviously, for the sake of this challenge, I will be going with yesterday's weight!!:lmao:

I had all kinds of chatter posted, but I hit a "poof" button here on my keyboard and lost about half of what I have been typing.... and I am too impatient to repeat it all! Suffice to say, beautiful day here, no big plans. DD and I stopped at Home Depot after swim to finally pick out the carpet.... nothing fancy, but everyone likes it.

I have a 7:30 AM interview for a long term subbing position Monday morning. It would mean 6 weeks at one school in the same classroom at teacher contract pay. I really need to get this position. Not only for the money but just mentally. I have been surprised at how hard it has been for me mentally to not have a job.


Good luck, I feel your pain, not working for the first time since my kids went back to school is making me crazy. I liked it at first but it is getting boring. If we hadn't already paid for our cruise we would have cancelled. But DH insisted!! I just worry about every penny I spend now, since I don't know how long it will take to find a new job!

Again good luck Monday.
Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement.
I've been trying to eat better like I've been told and so far I've only had to take pills instead of needles. I haven't gotten to testing my blood yet. I haven't learned how at this time, but I'm going to be going to classes to learn what I need to know.
:banana: VT just shut out BC. Upstairs is clean! Downstairs, where the party will actually be, not so much. The theory was to clean upstairs, and clean downstairs during the game. Well, commercials anyway. It mostly consisted of laundry, flinging the stuff for the girls to put away in a pile in the floor, and a little kitchen work. Going to hit it hard for an hour, then shower and "creative distribution" of anything not yet put in it's place.:laughing: Giving AK the day off from her meds is not conducisive to her getting the cleaning done. :rolleyes1

So far, very OP. Had a protein shake for breakfast. For lunch a bit of venison with a TBSP of blue cheese and 2c. of cauliflower as munchies during the game. Lots of water. 4M run. Guess who got their mojo back, for this 24 hours anyway.

Dinner shouldn't be too bad. BBQ grilled chicken, to celebrate AK's newfound love of a different food! We'll have some salad and bread, I'll skip the bread. Of course, the cake and ice cream. I can do without the cake, but it's been so hot I might have to have a small dish of ice cream.

QOTD: Classic Disney - CINDERELLA! Mary Poppins and Snow White are up there, too. More recent - Little Mermaid, UP, TS's, but fav. is Princess and the Frog. We ALL have it memorized!

Gotta get moving!
Lindsay - I agree, the ages probably intimidated him. Get that house clean girl, and run like a GIRL tomorrow!!!!!!!!
P - Thanks for the recipe. Might be a good way to hide some veggies for the girls in the chocolate....
Scones - I think that sounds so very yummy!
Jen - GOOD LUCK!!!! I'm sending PPD your way!

To all those with job and money issues - PPD your way.. :grouphug:
Have a great Sat. afternoon!
I gained a few back over the summer and am off the "Maintainer's" list for the moment. I caught it at 5 pounds rather than 50 (which is my usual gig) so I think it is a form of maintaining. I appreciate that we're allowed to stick around after we reach our goals, as it's more like being in recovery or remission than a full fledged cure.
It was kind of a busy day for me today. I went to my first WW meeting since July. I am still too close to the top of my range, so I felt I couldn't wear jeans to weigh in if I had a hope of going as a "free" lifetime member. So I put on tights and a lightweight short skirt, lightweight watch. All sort of silly - I don't usually like to game the scale like that. Next week, I hope to be able to weigh in wearing pants. :laughing:
The bolded part made me smile and the part about the jeans. I have been known to do that at the doctors office--show up in March in shorts and a tank top.:rolleyes1 My goal for my checkup next year is to show up in jeans.:goodvibes And I know those 5 pounds are going to be gone in no time!

Hey oh, I'm back to trying to lose weight after some medical issues.
I found out through it that one of the things I have is Type 2 Diabetes so it is a good idea that I lose the weight for my health.
:hug: I know you can get things back on track!:goodvibes

Just got out of work a little while ago. I did 12 hours today because I want to make sure I have nothing pending while Im in WDW. I will definitely be busy until I leave. Im so excited about this trip. I will now dub it my reward for my weight loss. The challenge will be to stay OP while there. We got the free dining package and are staying at POP century. I will have to do some menu planning before I leave. Is anyone going to be there on those dates?

Have a good weekend everyone!
We are there from the Sept 30-Oct 5 (we leave late on the 5th.) We're staying at BWV and I have MK in our plans for Monday night.:goodvibes

I hope you had a great time. I can tend to hang back in a crowd of new people, but I jumped right in w/ our new tailgate crew. I think weight loss gave me a bit more confidence in that area. Unfortunately, Brad says I come off as a total snob when my confidence is low and I don't jump in.
Taryn--you are starting to sound like yourself again!:goodvibes I'm glad you are feeling a little better about things. I agree with the more confidence, and I think I came off as a snob as well, but really I was just very nervous and self conscious. And 10 pounds to goal--WOOHOO!:cool1:
I was told by a temp agency that I was "unemployable" becasue I have a 7 years "gap" in my work history. Now mind you I worked at the restaurant all 7 of those years that I was a SAHM, but because it was not in the field of work that I have my degree in, I guess it doesn't count. What is wrong with this world that we live in? Why do we penalize Mother's for choosing to stay home with their kids.
:hug: I went back to work last year after not working at all for 4 years, and it was so hard. I ended up volunteering first and that's how I got my job. I know you have a busy schedule, but if you have a place in my mind that you want to work at, it might be worth a shot. I would have never been offered this position if I hadn't volunteered there first. And you would think that waitressing would count for something. I got turned down for a job sorting movies for netflix because with my college degree I was underqualified.:confused3 It was such a humbling experience. Hang in there.:hug:

Not what I expected. but I guess as a kindergartner it was too overwhelming. I feel like I got the bad mother of the year award.

Lindsey--have a great race.:goodvibes It is so hard as a parent to know how hard to push or when to push. We were with friends last night whose 20something was having some issues, and they ended up pushing him a little too hard. All you can do is the best you can do. I know your kids know you love them.:hug:

Tracey--tell redwalker happy bday!

:hug: Sorry! While their immune systems get stronger, so do yours. :goodvibes It does get better as they get older. DS had two sets of ear tubes, pneumonia requiring hospitalization, his own nebulizer, and a tonsillectomy all before he was done with kindergarten. He is a very healthy 11 year old now.

I have the weigh in for my BL challenge today and then we are seeing Cirque du Soleil in Spokane. See you all tomorrow!
We had a kid who was sick all the time too. Pretty much from birth. We even stopped at an er on the way to Mike's mom's funeral for a breathing treatment. He's also had blood coming out of his eyes from allergies. In high school he was hospitalized on and off for two weeks, and they never knew what was wrong with him. The fun just went on and on. Anyhow, we have a very healthy college student, so it's all good. We did go through sleeping issues every time he got sick. I would say consistency is the key.:goodvibes

Have fun at Cirque!

This is so well said, Taryn. I know that I remember the great times growing up, I don't remember the times my mom had meltdowns and screamed at me as a kid, but I'm sure she did just like I do. I remember the times we spent together as a family, the cookouts, just hanging out in the yard. We didn't take many trips with 5 kids, but I remember all of them and how much fun it was to get away and just be together. I'm pretty sure our kids will remember us as the loving parents we are, and the good times. I know I shared this before when Michael was little and we had a horrific day, I thought I'd try and talk about it and talk about how we change our behavior, etc, and when I asked him how he thought today was, he said, "it was great, mommy." I realized then, that even though I might not feel like the best mom all the time, I'm doing the best I can, and always trying, and he is going to be ok.

Got to run. I"ll catch up more later.
Kathy--I used to worry about this so much. Like if we were on vacation and Mike and I had an argument, I was convinced that was all DS would remember. Because let's face it, all I remember is bad stuff, because mostly what happened was bad stuff. It took me years, but I am finally comfortable with the fact that kids are very resilient, and unless your childhood is a horror story, mostly what you remember is the good stuff.:goodvibes

Jen--sending good thoughts your way!:goodvibes

Yesterday I ran 3M in the morning, cut short because I needed to take dh to work, and 4 wasn't going to work. I felt a bit guilty, and when I got home I did 2M more. This sounds good, but it was clearly a mistake. I hit 6M today and it started to feel really hard. I made myself stick it out for 10M, but lesson learned -- do what I can Friday and stop, no going back for more. I also ate really well yesterday, and I have a good plan through lunch today. Not sure what dinner will bring, but I'm determined to not have "Monday Morning Regret", which is a weekly occurrence.

Maria :upsidedow
Way to stick out the run.:goodvibes I know it ended up being cruddy--but sometimes the lessons learned are worth it.

Today has been pretty good, I think. For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal, hard boiled egg whites and a banana. With that, I had a glass of water (16 oz) and my coffee drink which includes a cup of skim milk. I wasn’t able to have a snack because I was teaching. For lunch I had ½ baked potato with cheddar and a slice of bacon and a little sour cream, strawberries and my yogurt is in the freezer so I will try that before going to t he gym.
So could you tell any difference with having more protein in the morning? Oh and bacon, I miss bacon. Can you be a vegetarian and eat bacon?:lmao:

I was expecting a loss this week, so was disappointed to see a 0.1 gain yesterday. I decided to give it another 24 hours and try again. But as the day went along, I was getting more bloated and could feel ovulation "knocking at the door" so to speak! Well... after a full 24 hours of fully OP eating.... weighing/measuring my foods, journaling everything, 4 liters of water consumed, 6.4 mile run/walk, and only eating 16 of my allotted 18 daily points... I was UP 3 POUNDS this morning!! :scared1: After I got past the initial shock, I can actually chuckle about it. Obviously it is hormones, water, etc. Hopefully it will all be gone next Friday. I don't plan on stepping on the scale again until next Friday (I try hard to stick to once weekly weigh-ins), so we shall see. Obviously, for the sake of this challenge, I will be going with yesterday's weight!!:lmao:

Oh that stinks!

Well, we have had a busy day. We ran this morning--it was a good run as far as runs go, but stinky otherwise. First some guy in a truck in the park swerved towards us to avoid a bike, and I fell off the curb. Thank goodness it was a tiny drop, because that could easily have put an end to my running for several weeks. I tweaked my ankle a tiny bit, but I think it will be fine. Then we were running the path in the park at the end and three ladies were standing in the middle of the path. So I said excuse me ladies on your left and some other women who was walking said--you should have run in the grass, they can stand where they want. Ok.....I told her to mind her own business but she just kept running her mouth. Luckily we were running away from her. ;)

It was not the calm and relaxing run I was hoping for. And I now have the worst chafing of my life. The temp was in the 50s, and obviously the anti-chafing stuff I have doesn't work at low temps, because I had trouble at the 1/2 over labor day. Here's hoping it clears up by the weekend. We bought vaselline--even though it's gross, I guess that's what I'm using this weekend.

We are getting organized for our trip. I have a list, so that's calming my anxiety. We are both working half days thursday, and we fly out thursday evening. Everyone needs to be sending good thought that the hurricane that's developing cooperates and doesn't mess up the race!

Ok that's it for now. We are going to watch the Carolina game tonight! Go gamec--ks! I know it's not dis friendly--but I didn't pick the mascot!
Saturday Question of the Day

Really 2 questions

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

It could be live action or animation

Let's see...

1. The Parent Trap (1961 version)
2. Beauty and the Beast

I don't particularly care for the 1998 version of the Parent Trap, but I am anxiously awaiting the release of Beauty and the Beast's diamond edition in October :woohoo:
Busy weekend! Just popping in for a minute then out of work and on to my friends Birthday dinner. Sushi tonight! Yum. Last night wasn't too bad at the game, but since I didn't have time to exercise at all, I went up a pound. Oh well, I half expected it. Dinner tonight is in calorie budget, plus I walked first thing today and will again later tonight. Tomorrow is the big super secret meeting at work where I find out what the new product release is. It's supposed to be earth shattering news they imply!

I'll be back soon!
Hi Everyone,

I thought I came back to the thread last night and replied to a few of you, but I guess I was in my own little world and didn’t. The reunion last night went okay. I ate much more than I should have. Why? Because everyone else was. I really need to work on that. I will say this though. My parents drove me, so when I started to realize how bad I was just following everyone and eating more, I called them and had them pick me up. Wasn’t the best solution, but a solution nonetheless.

Today’s part of the reunion was okay. I’m not even sure what I ate. I will attempt to track it, but know that I have a lot of fruits/veggies left to eat for the day. My father planned a light dinner, so that’s good and I slept through breakfast, so not too bad. Tomorrow, I may be eating lunch someone other than home too. I’m not sure yet. It depends on whether or not my parents decide I can drive myself.

I am going to attempt to catch up with the thread. I am making friends with Word and hoping for the best. I have a feeling I’ll be posting my replies in multiple posts.

Need to take measurements today as well.


CC--have a great time tonight.:goodvibes

You know CC I was thinking this earlier. It's kind of an awful way to be forced to watch you eat, but you have such a good attitude about it.:goodvibes

Well I slept until 8 this morning. It was awesome! I finally feel caught up from the weekend. We had a good run last night I haven't downloaded the garmin yet. We decided for w&d to run a mile walk a minute. And we are not planning on being fast. I fully expect to be slower than the 1/2 over labor day. (Ok, I really want to be faster, but I have to keep telling myself it's not realistic. It's going to be hot.)

Thanks! My eating at the reunion could have been better, but the event itself was fun.

Thanks for the compliment about my attitude! :cool1: (You don’t want to know what my mom says about my attitude. ;))

Glad you got some extra sleep! Sounds like a good plan for the W & D! :goodvibes

Good morning everyone. I am feeling better today. Being friday totally helps. Im down 2.2 this week :cool1: gained .2 from yesterday's "food fest". I dont mind because Im still down 2.2.


So, in the last week I have:

Walked 39.03 miles and 135,305 steps

Eaten 8560 Calories

Burned 21,058 Calories

Done 1141 minutes of Moderate Activity

I've exceeded my water intake daily and journaled every bite.

And lost......... .6!! :confused:

Oh, well! It happens! All too frequently with my weird body. At least it was a loss! And if that is what it takes each week to lose .6, I'll still do it!

I’m with everyone else, I’m guessing you’ll see a great loss next week! Yep, a loss is a loss. :goodvibes

I'm so glad you found a way to attend the reunion. You will have so much fun!

Don't feel bad about Mom and Sis having to help you wash your hair. You would do the same for them if they needed it, right? Enjoy the pampering!!
Pretend you're at the spa!

:lmao::rotfl: OMG!... am I that predictable??!:rotfl2: I just about spit my seltzer on the screen laughing when I saw this! Have I become the "protein police"??

And CC... good call on the protein for breakfast!

Had a good WOG this morning (6.4). I was able to run 4 of the smaller hills that I walked on Wednesday. Only cut my time by about 2 minutes, but still... I figure I am walking a .5 mi warm-up, a .5 mi cool down, and probably another .5 on the big hills and I am running the rest, so not too bad. I was really dragged out by the time I was done. I really need to keep myself hydrated without having those pesky bladder issues.... I'm sure that some water would have made it a more bearable run.

Tonight's dinner was scheduled to be take-out pizza. I need to plan something else for myself.... maybe Subway? DD is going to a football game with her boyfriend (YUP.... she officially has a boyfriend:eek:)

Like I said, I thought I had replied; I hope I remember everything I was planning to say to you. I took your suggestion and tried to pretend I was at the spa and my sister caught on and called me out on it. :rotfl2:

Glad you liked my comment. I pretty much almost did the same thing when I read your response. :rotfl2:

Great WOG! :thumbsup2

DD has a boyfriend! :eek:
Since she was 6 wks old when DS21 got her, I have walked her. And my walks over about 5miles usually involve a 'potty' break at Starbucks as I can hook her leash over one of their umbrella stands & she is safe. It started out that I would drink my latte & give her the foam stuck inside the lid. Then she would stop & refuse to go any further at the spot where I would give her the foam. If I get her a glass of water, she snubs it and waits until I dump it & pour coffee into the cup. Anymore, it's like her radar is set on Starbucks as she will pull to go there if anywhere near. She loves coffee here at home, too. When she smells it brewing, she sits staring at the pot until I give here a bit(decaf, fortunately!) She also loves Cherry Dr. Pepper, won't touch regular DP or any other soda, just Cherry! STRANGE DOG!!

Hope the hair washing wasn't to difficult! Have fun a the reunion!

Down .6 here and .4 at WW. VERY SLOWLY moving, but at least it is something!

What a great story about your dog! ITA though, definitely strange. :confused3

Hair washing was definitely interesting. They took me outside and I tried to get comfortable, but my sister was like, “What is she at the spa?” The joke was, I tried to wash my hair in the bathtub today and was completely successful. ;)

Great mentality about your loss! :thumbsup2

CC, you’re such an incredible support here!

Thank you for saying that! You are quite the inspiration too! I know so many people who refuse to try anything new and you are jumping right in and eating so much more than before! How did freezing the yogurt go? What about C25K? :goodvibes

At your follow up appt. on Mon. IF you do not get a removable cast, then ask for a cast protector for the tub. Your Dr SHOULD have given you 1 at your first appt. It will enable you to have your foot in the tub without ruining the cast. Instructions say to put pantyhose on the cast first but you really don't need to do that. Do you have a bench for the tub? That will be so much easier cause even with removable cast you won't be able to put much weight on it.

Glad your mom got you a wheelchair. I broke my ankle in the wintertime, and there was NO way my parents were letting me anywhere without it for the first couple of weeks because it was so icy. Which is how I broke it. HAH!!

Any advice you need, tips etc. just pm me or ask here. I spent approximately 9 weeks in the cast and about equal time in PT afterward. Oh, and the cast weighs a ton so if you haven't already ask Shannon for an excused weigh -in until you get it off.

Oh and as long as you aren't sporting stitches under the cast, if you itch scratch it. Not too much mind you but enough to take the edge off. An untwisted coat hanger should do the job nicely. People lie and tell you its the bone knitting:rolleyes1 It is because you can't clean under the cast!.

I got you covered because I've been there. I remember. Boy do i remember:sad2:

Thank you for all the advice! :worship: I will definitely ask the specialist on Monday for a cast protector. Granted, I am hoping for a removable cast then, but I know that a walking cast that cannot get wet is more likely in my future. As long as I don’t need crutches.

The wheelchair worked wonderfully last night! Today, I remembered at the last minute that the tables would be too close together to navigate a wheelchair so I went with just my crutches and the go-carts current college students were driving to help others in similar positions get around. Worked well enough. :cool1:

I made a plan for the 2nd party tomorrow. Each drink I have will be followed by a big glass of water! I don't want to get dehydrated with the race on Sunday. I'm planning on getting in 2-3 miles in the morning.

I think I missed something. 2 parties in 1 day? Hope you have a great time! :goodvibes

So glad you have faith in me! ;) I am so happy you get to come off some meds! That will be wonderful!

I will say that my mental state is better this am. Being Friday helps. I am still overwhelmed, but feel a bit more equipped to deal with it. Maybe losing 7.5 inches helped. Unfortunately, 3 were from chest area. Brad calls them the incredible shrinking b**bies. I guess doing the strength and ab stuff even though I haven't been running helped some. Maybe it was the realization that only 2 more weeks of this crazy 2nd shift. Maybe it was being together as a family at the fair. Maybe it's b/c it's Friday. Heck, I'm beginning to think I am bipolar!

Fair was fun. Ran into MIL and FIL, and they paid for one of the girls' wristbands while we were trying to decide what to do about them. AK found a friend, stepped out of her comfort zone a bit, rode some of the rides she had said she wouldn't. Sophie wanted to ride them all, little daredevil! They rode some together. This was the first year that we let AK walk around with a friend. Rite of passage. Made me want to hug them more! DH decided that these fried balls of dough were cheaper than the funnel cake, got more for his money, so he bought those. Well, I took a bite and they were NASTY!!!! Saved me some calories, for sure! Stayed from 5:30-10pm.

Taryn, you are amazing! I will always have faith in you-and everyone here! So, somehow I must have miscommunicated that my meds were decreased, but I hadn’t talked to my dr yet. Well, on Thursday night, my mom picked up a script I had to have called in in tablet form because I couldn’t figure out how to pour the liquid form and be on crutches at the same time. So, I read the directions and she lowered my dose! I only have to take it 1x a day now! I’m sure you and everyone else can guess how ecstatic I was. :banana:

Glad you were doing better yesterday morning! :thumbsup2 Less than 2 more weeks to go! 7.5 inches! Friday! All great. (Not bipolar either. Sore subject with that one. One of the reasons I knew I needed to change doctors was because she decided I have bipolar disorder. Um, no. I have vertigo. She actually told another one of my doctor’s this diagnosis and then argued that she hadn’t said that. Well, okay, but you put me on antipsychotic to help with vertigo? Yeah. Right. Sure. I was told you would help with vertigo. You diagnosed with a major psychiatric disorder. My new doctor had to contain her laughter when she heard about the “diagnosis.” Probably not professional, but I knew she was real that way, if you KWIW. I don’t even have a diagnosis other than occasional vertigo. I don’t even think they my diagnosis is “vertigo.” The doctors call it a symptom. Okay, vent over. Don’t worry. You definitely did not offend me. You gave me an opportunity to share something that is important on my journey to a healthier lifestyle and for that, I thank you. :cool1:)

Yeah for MIL and FIL! AK is really growing up! Sophie, :eek:. I am the complete opposite. I will barely ride a merry-go-round.

Speaking of AK, has anyone mentioned CAPD? I’m not an audiologist, but in all my testing, I had that test done. ADHD had been ruled out and my hearing was all over the place (one day it was normal, another day I had a profound loss in the highest frequencies in my left ear) so my neurotologist recommended this test. Insurance doesn’t typically cover it after you turn 18 (or 19), so my mom paid OOP for it. We both felt it was worth it to know for sure, especially since I am a very visual learner and rely on reading and rereading to learn material. Well, that and, not that my mom knew, but that was not the first time a professional recommended the test. It was negative, but I’m glad I had the test. Just a thought. :goodvibes

My mom called a little bit ago and informed me that we are meeting friends for dinner (which I’m excited about, but wish I had known before I got dressed this morning…) and I am so looking forward to the crabcake salad at the place we are going to, so yummy even without dressing!

That crabcake salad sounds delish! I love salad that doesn’t require dressing! :cool1:
Well, DD is back at school today and I'm back at work. I'm so far behind, but I had a good day. (Staying off the DIS until late in the day sure didn't hurt my productivity!) And, being back in my routine sure does help with the eating plan. DH is making hamburgers tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. (I splurged and bought sirloin patties, so the burgers should be nice and lean.)

Glad DD is better! :goodvibes

cclovesdis Have fun at your reunion

pjlla We have 2 Thanksgiving also. On tday we do dh's family. On another day in the weekend we usually see my family. My mom's birthday is the 27th of Nov so her birthday is that weekend. A couple of years ago her birthday was on Thanksgiving. My sisters and I cooked the dinner but we first went to a hotel nearby. My mom had rented some rooms so that we could use the indoor pool. My mom wanted a pool party for her birthday. All the kids and the grandkids had a great time in the pool. My mom had gotten everyone water guns and we had a ball. There was no one else in the pool so it our own private party. It was a very memorable birthday.


What a great idea of your mom’s! :cool1: I can’t imagine my grandmother ever doing anything that “hip” (as she likes to say). :rotfl2:

When I shattered my leg, I had to lay on the kitchen table, and mom called the hairdresser to come help her!!!! Daddy had to help me get on the table. BTDT. Hope it went okay!

It went okay. Interesting is more like it actually. My mom actually considered taking me to the hair dresser to have it washed. But having her come to your house! :rotfl:

I managed to loose another .6lbs. At least its a loss and not a gain and believe me with the past couple of days I have had Off plan I am thankful for the .6 gone.


So I am making a boneless skinless chicken breast with homemade salsa on top and melted reduced fat pepper jack cheese on top of that but I have no idea what to make for a side? I am making corn for a vegetable side but I need an additional side.

ITA with what pjlla said! I actually don’t like corn very much. I do, however, think broccoli should be eaten with every meal. I also think salad is an entrée and chicken is a side dish so I’m probably not the best help here. Good luck!

quick post- I saw round trip airfare to orlando was cheap from lax ($160!!!!!) so I had to book. I called my bf and told him youre not saying no, we are going to disneyworld. so im leaving to wdw in two weeks :yay: oct 4-7. my first food and wine festival. lots of work to do between now and then. I will be working 24/7 so that everything is taken care of before I leave letting me relax on my vacation. !

:yay: Enjoy!

Flood update -
2nd quote was what the insurance company wanted - they would peel back the carpet, pull up the padding, after the carpet was dried they would re-install - as for the walls, they said they would pull up the baseboards and put some blowers down there to dry things out -
All that for over $1000 - and I have a $500 deductible -
So, Paul and I decided to pull up the carpet and throw it out, pull off the baseboards, dry things out and then use the $500 we would have spent for the deductible toward new carpeting b/c I am not to sure of the "dry out the carpet" plan - I feel it will take long to dry and it will get mildewy -
So much for insurance - I don't think new carpet will cost too very much - the room isn't huge -

Sounds like a great plan! I think someone else already said it, but sometimes it’s not worth it to use your insurance. :goodvibes

Evening friends! I hit the grocery store to the tune of almost $200! But I am well stocked now... apples, bananas, grapes, watermelon, lettuce, spinach, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, hummus (roasted garlic...YUM), tabouli salad, SO MUCH YUMMY STUFF!

In fact, I couldn't decide what to have for dinner, so I had a bit of a lot of stuff.... I had a big bowl of zucchini, and then I toasted an everything Bagel Thin. I topped one half with refried beans and a 1/2 srvg of mexican cheese and broiled it to make my mexican "brown" pizza. Then I topped the other half with 1 Tb. of garlic hummus and 1 Tb. of tabouli salad! Spicy and mediterranean and so yummy! The mexican pizza half was hot and the hummus have was cool... interesting contrast! Loved them both. Hope the sodium level wasn't too high, as I will be making a "do-over" on the scale tomorrow. Not sure it will show any improvement, but I wanted to give it a try. (Ovulation bloat has started... I can tell by the way I feel :rolleyes: )

$200! :eek: I think I’d be headless if I spent that much. Well, maybe if I bought 2 weeks worth of food. What a creative dinner! I don’t have nearly that kind of creativity.

Heat. It was probably 90 yesterday and is easily 85 now.

Well it's been a really long and bad week. My DS seems to have recovered, but I ended up with a sinus infection as well :sick:

After my DS had a good 5 or 6 night stretch of sleeping in his crib all night, he ended up with another sinus infection, which landed him in my bed every night since then. Then by the end of last week I started off with the usual symptoms.... itchy throat in the morning, etc.

By the beginning of the week I had a full blown sinus infection.

Now, I know I had been forewarned many times about how my son would pick up everything at daycare, but no one ever warned me that I'd get sick all the time too :headache:

We made an appt. with an Ear Nose and Throat specialist for my DS for the end of October. He constantly has a runny nose and has had a good 3 or 4 sinus infections and he's only 14 months old.

Then (speaking of not putting myself first) I was at the doctors for my own sinus infection when she told me that I should be seeing an ENT specialist as well since I've had 3 or 4 sinus infections since he was born too. I also started snoring when I got pregnant and haven't stopped and started having allergies this year too. So, maybe she's right.

Grrrr...:mad: Not exactly what I was wanting to hear, but probably true just the same.

So, as a result, I've been slow in catching up and honestly had to skim quite a bit b/c I was overwhelmed with how far behind I was on the boards here, but I am back.

My first week I ended up doing my walking at home video 4 times and ended up maintaining since I ate terrible labor day weekend while my MIL was here. Week 2 I did my walk at home video 5 times, bumped myself up to the 2 mile video midweek and ended up with a loss of 2.5 lbs. This week I kept up with the 2 mile video, but only did it 3 times, b/c I was run down. I did walk 2 nights with my DH and DS, which was a little extra, but not enough b/c I ended up gaining 1/2 a pound :sad2:

So, I'm on amoxicillin and back on the wagon. Hopefully this will be a better week. Time to reply to some older posts.

Hope you feel better soon! :goodvibes

Also, not to pry, but you are from the Boston area. Is the ENT out of Mass Eye and Ear? I have heard from many people that the drs there are the best. A family my sister baby-sits for had their son evaluated there and was so happy with the results. I understand that many people from CT go there as well. :goodvibes

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

Thanks! I kept telling people today that it looks much worse than it really is. I really am counting my blessings. I didn’t faint or have vertigo. I only broke 1 bone. Etc.
It was kind of a busy day for me today. I went to my first WW meeting since July. I am still too close to the top of my range, so I felt I couldn't wear jeans to weigh in if I had a hope of going as a "free" lifetime member. So I put on tights and a lightweight short skirt, lightweight watch. All sort of silly

I’m sorry, but this had me laughing. It so sounds like something I would do. ;)

Hey oh, I'm back to trying to lose weight after some medical issues.
I found out through it that one of the things I have is Type 2 Diabetes so it is a good idea that I lose the weight for my health.

Hi Kailey! I hope you are feeling okay. Sorry about the Type 2. :hug:

She's so much more reserved when it comes to stuff like that. Sophie will do anything. I told Brad that I am glad their roles are like that, having an overly cautious big sister made it easier to let the 2 of them ride the ferris wheel together without us. AK was so scared Sophie would stand up, fall, etc. that she had a death grip on her body the whole time!!!!:lmao:

I love AK and I’ve never met her! :love:

I'm not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. Between the camping trip which included my birthday (cheesecake) and the stress I've had this week, I don't think it will show a loss, I'm hoping for only a small gain. TOM came, 5 days late and I was told by a temp agency that I was "unemployable" becasue I have a 7 years "gap" in my work history. Now mind you I worked at the restaurant all 7 of those years that I was a SAHM, but because it was not in the field of work that I have my degree in, I guess it doesn't count. What is wrong with this world that we live in? Why do we penalize Mother's for choosing to stay home with their kids.


The PTA dance last night was interesting. Most of the kids had a blast. Ryan was a wall flower. He was so darn nervous. Only one girl was there from his class and he acted like he didnt know her. She came over to him and was like "Ryan why are you being shy to me your not shy to me at school":rotfl2: She wanted him to dance but he said no. I kept encouraging him to go out and dance with the kids and I guess I said cmon if you go out and have a good time and then we can get a snack to take him and it will be fun. Apparently he took it as if he doesnt go out and dance he couldnt pick a snack. I didnt realize the pressure I had put on him. He was standing there all tense and said he would go out during the next song. then he ran out on the floor and almost got run into by an older kid, and was looking around like he didnt know what to do. He came running back over in tears and was honestly shaking. OMG it broke my heart. He said he really tried but didnt know who to dance with, and that he was upset I wouldnt get him a snack. So needless to say we got them snacks and went home.:lmao:

Not what I expected. but I guess as a kindergartner it was too overwhelming. I feel like I got the bad mother of the year award.

You are not a bad mother. Sorry about Ryan. ITA with what Taryn said to you. K is a big transition year. He is having so many new opportunities and you are being a great mom by helping him out through them all. :thumbsup2

Good luck tomorrow! :goodvibes

Saturday Question of the Day

Really 2 questions

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

It could be live action or animation

Have a great day. I will be on later when I get home from pillowcases.

Um, I don’t have an answer to the first question. Maybe Snow White. Was that before 1970? Sorry. My first major Disney movie was The Little Mermaid. I watched it at a slumber party. I remember feeling all special that I got to watch a movie and be at a slumber party in the same day and then I fell asleep before it ended. :rotfl:

I have the weigh in for my BL challenge today and then we are seeing Cirque du Soleil in Spokane. See you all tomorrow!

Have a great day! Enjoy Cirque! :)

Well, I am happy :confused3 to report that I finally ran again! I did not fully realize that it had been 2 weeks :scared1: until I started running. I wanted to go for 5, but decided to stick with 4 after my hiatus. Man, oh man, did it hurt so good. I feel so much more empowered.

Also weighed this am. I am bad about forgetting now that I have to take Beamer out so early. At 4:30, all I can think about is coffee. By the time I remember, I've had about 8-16 oz of the mind and body altering stuff and don't want to step on the scale. Can I get a :woohoo: for a 4lb loss this week? And that's since Sunday! I got rid of 3 pounds I gained last week, plus one! The tummy bug Tues. probably helped, but it is what I needed to kick start me back into losing mode! 10 POUNDS TO GOAL, BABY! 2 pounds to 65 clippie. I'd love to get that off this week, so if someone asks me at Brad's reunion I can say 65! :lmao:

:woohoo: for 4 lbs and running!

Really, you are signing off? (Sorry, I had to) ;)

Popping in before heading out to DS's JV football game this morning. I was not here last night because I was at my 20th law school reunion. It ws the first time I had been back since 1990 and surprise! everyone pretty much looked the same. All but one or two were pretty much instantly recognizable (although I shoul have reviewed my yearbook before going!! LOL). Fun night and other than one small glass of wine, I didn't go nuts with the appetizers!! Yay!!

Nice job at the reunion! Glad you enjoyed yourself (but not too much)! :goodvibes

Good morning!QUOTE]

Have a great day Tracey! :goodvibes

Thanks for sharing this cc. I know for me, even though I've gained through come challenges, if I wasn't coming here and getting the support, I would have gained so much more. It is a lifelong challenge, and we are going to reach our weight goals, no matter how long it takes. And we're going to have lots of fun along the way. It is the journey.

Definitely! “It is the journey.” I love that! :thumbsup2

I ran 7 miles this morning and now we are getting ready to go to the cabin. We are just going to pull our boat our for winterizing and pack up some extra items. We will have to go back up north the next weekend to finish everything. So this means driving 3 hours today, working hard and then driving home early tomorrow.

We are coming home early because we have so much going on that we need to get ready for the week.

I have a 7:30 AM interview for a long term subbing position Monday morning. It would mean 6 weeks at one school in the same classroom at teacher contract pay. I really need to get this position. Not only for the money but just mentally. I have been surprised at how hard it has been for me mentally to not have a job.

What a busy weekend you have already had! :worship:

Good luck with your interview! I am keeping you in my thoughts. :goodvibes

Yesterday I ran 3M in the morning, cut short because I needed to take dh to work, and 4 wasn't going to work. I felt a bit guilty, and when I got home I did 2M more. This sounds good, but it was clearly a mistake. I hit 6M today and it started to feel really hard. I made myself stick it out for 10M, but lesson learned -- do what I can Friday and stop, no going back for more. I also ate really well yesterday, and I have a good plan through lunch today. Not sure what dinner will bring, but I'm determined to not have "Monday Morning Regret", which is a weekly occurrence.

Sounds like all is well, but please don’t push yourself too much! :goodvibes

Today has been pretty good, I think. For breakfast I had a bowl of cereal, hard boiled egg whites and a banana. With that, I had a glass of water (16 oz) and my coffee drink which includes a cup of skim milk. I wasn’t able to have a snack because I was teaching. For lunch I had ½ baked potato with cheddar and a slice of bacon and a little sour cream, strawberries and my yogurt is in the freezer so I will try that before going to t he gym.

How did things go at the gym?

Pamela- Got to love being a woman! Glad you are taking it in stride!

Good luck, I feel your pain, not working for the first time since my kids went back to school is making me crazy. I liked it at first but it is getting boring. If we hadn't already paid for our cruise we would have cancelled. But DH insisted!! I just worry about every penny I spend now, since I don't know how long it will take to find a new job!


Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement.
I've been trying to eat better like I've been told and so far I've only had to take pills instead of needles. I haven't gotten to testing my blood yet. I haven't learned how at this time, but I'm going to be going to classes to learn what I need to know.

Classes sound great! Good luck! :goodvibes

Well, I see that some of you have posted since I started this around 3:15 this afternoon. I'll attempt to catch up later. I need to rest my foot a bit.
Good evening everyone. We had an okay day of sewing. We only had 5 people of sewing. Two who came were excited about sewing 5 pillowcases by lunch time. I am able to sew 5 in about 45 minutes. Even though we we still sewed 60 pillowcases and had 150 donated ahead of time so we had 210 for todays total.

pjlla It was still pretty warm here today. Supposed to cool off tomorrow. Glad everyone likes the new carpet you picked out.

cupcaker I am so envious of a spur of the moment trip. Have fun

dreamer24 your food for today sound pretty good.

dvccruiser Hope you are feeling better. I went through the same kind of thing for a year and a half. I not only got sinus but ear infections and lost my voice several times. I did got to an ENT. Nose sprays and a couple of doses of antibiotices helped.

my3princes What is the big E? Sorry about the employment agency. The most organized person in the world is a woman. Try another agency.

corinnak good job at catching it at 5 pounds. It must be fun to walk into a store and try on clothes.

captjacksparrowsgirl welcome back Good luck getting the diabetes under control.

flipflopmom hope you got your house clean

momof2pirates good luck with the race on Sunday. It sounds like an awesome race. I have heard about it for the last couple of years.


lisah0711 hope you have fun at Cirque

jbm02 and cclovesdis Glad you both had fun at your reunions.

tigger813 hope you had fun at the party.

mikamah I would think the holidays would be hard without your mom. :grouphug:

jenanderson good luck Monday morning with your interview. I will think of you as I start my first class Monday morning.

worfiedoodles Superbowl for Thanksgiving sounds like fun. I wish I could pull that off. I always buy my halloween candy on my way home from school.

joannel hope you find a new job soon.

rose&mike I don't know why people block an entire walkway and then don't move when someone was coming.. Good luck getting ready for the trip

tgrrstarr you will have to tell us what new product is being introduced.

Welll it is time for me to get off. My feet hurt and I don't know why. Off to finish a book. I just found out who the killer was but I don't know how they are going to tie things up.

QOTD Many of you have mentioned many of my favorites. Early I love The Parent Trap (Haley Mills and Brian Keith and Maureen O'Hara) and also 101 Dalmations (cartoon version)

New ones I love Beauty and the Beast which was ds2's first movie. He was very small and started to cry during the dance scene. we were in the back of the theater and just rocked him and watched the end of the movie. we also love TS 1, 2, and 3. For TS3 ds2 emailed us and told he was coming home for the weekend. Maybe we could do a family movie night. So we went with both my sons and ds1's gf. And yes I cried.

Have a great evening everyone.
I believe we hit about 90 today! It's crazy!

Thanks to everyone for checking in on me. The remainder of my day was good. My "frozen yogurt" was ok. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it but I didn't not like it either. For dinner I had wheat pasta with baked chicken, broccolini and tomato sauce. The tomato sauce is homemade so there is no sugar like a lot of jarred sauces. My dessert tonight was actually a mickey rice crispy treat. My little niece brought me a bunch home from Disney because she knows I love them. 130 empty calories but the only really bad thing I ate today so I am ok with that. I had also had peanuts, an apple, carrots and an orange around for a snack too but I just wasn't hungary enough.

Rose, I ate breakfast at 7:30 and when I was on my way home at 11:45, I noticed I was starving. Before that, I didn't notice feeling hungary at all. I'm not sure if it was the protein or just the fact that I was on the ice and didn't have time to notice if I was hungary. When I try it on a work day, I'll have a better idea.

Pjilla, broccolini was my new vegetable. It's definitely one I can work in. I'll definitely try to work in your idea of veggies with breakfast. That's a completely foreign concept to me! I grew up as a waffles/bacon/fruit for breakfast and to be perfectly honest, tastycakes were often breakfast. It's definitely going to take time to learn to treat the waffles as only an occassional breakfast. I think you are the healthiest most balanced eater I've ever met! How do you determine the number of calories and proper balance for things? When I am good about journaling, I track calories and fiber so today I also recorded the protein. I was just under 1600 calories, 24 grams of fiber and 80 grams of protein. I also had around 80 - 90 ounces of water. Where should I be?

CC - I'm sorry the reunion was tough for you. My C25k was good. I'm a slow runner but I made it through all 8 60 second runs. the gym was good.
Good morning. I went to bed early last night so I never read all the posts since then.

I only have one minute to post. I have to pick a friend to go sew for the day.

Saturday Question of the Day

Really 2 questions

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

It could be live action or animation

Have a great day. I will be on later when I get home from pillowcases.

1. Snow White
2. Cars

Enjoy the Big E! We went last weekend and it was nice and spacious, not too crowded during the day. It looks like today will be nice weather like last Saturday too.

The Big E is the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, MA. It is a huge fair that includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Today was very very hot and the fairgrounds were packed. I mean wall to wall people. You really couldn't move. Worse then a holiday in the Magic Kingdom. We had a good day, but it would have been much more enjoyable if we could have seen some of the exhibitions without people standing in front of us. I could not believe how many food booths there were :eek: I did very well though, I had 1/4 piece of fried dough, one mini doughnut and a few apple slices (healthy). We had grilled ham when we got home so food wise I was OP. I also got in a ton of walking, not to mention sweating from the sheer heat.

I have a 7:30 AM interview for a long term subbing position Monday morning. It would mean 6 weeks at one school in the same classroom at teacher contract pay. I really need to get this position. Not only for the money but just mentally. I have been surprised at how hard it has been for me mentally to not have a job.

Well, this is all I have time for and I am sorry for that. I am reading and following along. I wish I had more time to post but right now that just can't happen every day.

Happy Healthy Weekend to you all!

Good Luck. I truly hope you get the position:wizard:

:hug: I went back to work last year after not working at all for 4 years, and it was so hard. I ended up volunteering first and that's how I got my job. I know you have a busy schedule, but if you have a place in my mind that you want to work at, it might be worth a shot. I would have never been offered this position if I hadn't volunteered there first. And you would think that waitressing would count for something. I got turned down for a job sorting movies for netflix because with my college degree I was underqualified.:confused3 It was such a humbling experience. Hang in there.:hug:

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately none of the businesses I'm considering are in need of volunteers. I do volunteer with several organizations and have included them on my resume.

Lisa thank you for you perspective from an employers viewpoint. I know that someone will appreciate the fact that I stayed home with my kids and that I still held down a part time job. Waitressing is not an easy job at all and hopefully perspective employers will realize that I'm a very hard worker, if nothing else from that job.

Redwalker Happy Birthday!!
OK, drive by post. Its a work weekend, and I don't normally post, but I want to not fall too far behind, and keep points up for HH.

Its been a busy Saturday with work and church. Driving is going well and parking is getting better. Feeling more relaxed with and trained my right ankle to be accepting of switching from gas to brakes. (That's the 1 i broke that has all the hardware in it).

Hope everybody is having a great weekend. Will drop in again tomorrow sometime after work.
I had a dentist appointment today. Im so glad to get it over with. Its so hot, I had to put on the AC. Im hoping to get some school work done today. I put on Julie & Julia to play in the background. The DVD has so much extra stuff as bonus features. Im going to go visit my grandma tomorrow. I just wanted to stop in and say hi. Hope everyone is having an OP weekend.

That's a great reward! I never reward myself, for anything. We have a trip to Disney's Hilton Head Island resort planned for New Year's Eve,

afterwards she said "Sheez mom, you were right, that was nothing." The look on her face during the drop, however....:lmao:

That sounds like a really fun New Year's. Have you been there before?

Kids faces say it all! What a fun time!

What is wrong with this world that we live in? Why do we penalize Mother's for choosing to stay home with their kids.

SAHM is one of the hardest jobs I can imagine. There is so much that goes into it.

I have the tunnel to towers 5K in NYC tomorrow and we are leaving at 430am.

Have a safe trip and run.

Saturday Question of the Day

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

1. Alice in Wonderland.
2. Right now Im still into Enchanted. I can watch that over and over and still laugh...and get grossed out with the roaches.

Cupcaker, :yay: on a last minute trip! Put a plan in place to get yourself right back on track when you return so no matter what happens on vacation you are ready to get back on that wagon!

Thats a good idea, thanks! I have lots of planning to do.

I have a 7:30 AM interview for a long term subbing position Monday morning.

I'll be praying for you.

I still have not seen TS3.
I was one of those crying in the movie theater. It definitely is a must see!

I haven't shared the recipe because it is such a WW "basic" I guess I feel like everyone knows it.

1 spice cake mix
1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1 C water

Mix all. Bake according to cake mix directions. Makes 24 muffins at 2 pts each.

Thanks for sharing. I will definitely make these for my pumpkin carving party. Glad you found a carpet you all like.

We are there from the Sept 30-Oct 5 (we leave late on the 5th.) We're staying at BWV and I have MK in our plans for Monday night.:goodvibes

Maybe we can meet up if you have time. Sorry to hear about the run. It must be frustrating since it is so close to the race. That lady was crazy.

I believe we hit about 90 today! It's crazy!
We're at 102!!!
Well, today ended up being an okay day. No exercise. I was thinking about doing some, but that plan got scrapped now that I have a headache and feel like I'm going to throw up. The headache is unusual, but the stomach, well, that's easy. I had too much milk.

A few minutes for some quick replies and then off to bed.


Taryn- Sounds like you had a great, OP day! Glad to hear AK is eating something else! :cool1:

Rose- Sorry about your run. Some people just don't get it, do they. Hope your ankle is ok! :goodvibes

Tomorrow is the big super secret meeting at work where I find out what the new product release is. It's supposed to be earth shattering news they imply!

Hope it is as excting as they say it is! :goodvibes

Thanks, I'm feeling ok and just moving along in life :goodvibes

Like Taryn said, keep posting. :goodvibes

Even though we we still sewed 60 pillowcases and had 150 donated ahead of time so we had 210 for todays total.

:banana: That's great! You are so generous with your time and I'm assuming money (you donate the material too, right?). :thumbsup2

Thanks to everyone for checking in on me. The remainder of my day was good. My "frozen yogurt" was ok. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it but I didn't not like it either. For dinner I had wheat pasta with baked chicken, broccolini and tomato sauce. The tomato sauce is homemade so there is no sugar like a lot of jarred sauces. My dessert tonight was actually a mickey rice crispy treat. My little niece brought me a bunch home from Disney because she knows I love them. 130 empty calories but the only really bad thing I ate today so I am ok with that. I had also had peanuts, an apple, carrots and an orange around for a snack too but I just wasn't hungary enough.

Rose, I ate breakfast at 7:30 and when I was on my way home at 11:45, I noticed I was starving. Before that, I didn't notice feeling hungary at all. I'm not sure if it was the protein or just the fact that I was on the ice and didn't have time to notice if I was hungary. When I try it on a work day, I'll have a better idea.

Pjilla, broccolini was my new vegetable. It's definitely one I can work in. I'll definitely try to work in your idea of veggies with breakfast. That's a completely foreign concept to me! I grew up as a waffles/bacon/fruit for breakfast and to be perfectly honest, tastycakes were often breakfast. It's definitely going to take time to learn to treat the waffles as only an occassional breakfast. I think you are the healthiest most balanced eater I've ever met! How do you determine the number of calories and proper balance for things? When I am good about journaling, I track calories and fiber so today I also recorded the protein. I was just under 1600 calories, 24 grams of fiber and 80 grams of protein. I also had around 80 - 90 ounces of water. Where should I be?

CC - I'm sorry the reunion was tough for you. My C25k was good. I'm a slow runner but I made it through all 8 60 second runs. the gym was good.

I'm thinking that the protein helped. I definitely need to try broccolini. It sounds like the new "veggie in town." I use Sparkpeople to help track how many/much calories, carbs, protein, fat, fiber, sodium, and calcium I eat/drink in a day. It provides me with recommendations. I decreased my sodium and increased (just a bit) my calcium goals but kept the rest of the recommendations. Based on my recommendations, your totals sound fine, but again, that is based on me. DNiece sounds adorable!

Glad you were successful with C25K! I actually found W2 easier than W1. A few others have said that as well. :goodvibes

Reunion wasn't too bad. I hope I didn't exaggerate it. :scared1: The food options were various wraps, potato chips, potato salad (the amount of mayo was :eek::eek::eek:), pasta salad, pretzels, party mix, various candy, and cupcakes. I think the healthiest option was a bag of pretzels. I really want to have more of a say in the menu next year. So basically, nothing was particularly filling, and everyone was constantly hungry and eating. I looked out of the ordinary not having a plate in my hand or lap. I think what also made me less than thrilled was that today's menu wasn't too healthy either and I'm really trying to work on my eating. One thing I continue to struggle with is when the options are out of my control. I know that there will be times when I could have to go days when my options are out of my control, so I am definitely working on this. :goodvibes
Got in 7.59 miles today, have run errands all day. Trying to read thru what I need to catch up on and can't focus. Time for bed! Weekends are hard to get on the computer as DD's BF sleeps over since he works north of us about 18 miles and lives with his grandma who lives about 30 miles south. Easier on him since he works til 3 a.m. on weekends. And he sleeps on the daybed in my 'office' - computer room.

I'll NEVER EVER QUIT trying to make it to goal weight and getting healthier! You shouldn't either!!;)

Good party. AK got sad missing Daddy at the end, but otherwise fun! I had it clean, now it's not. Night everyone!

:tongue::p :mic: sez: "Taryn is signing off for the night." :teleport::tiptoe:


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