Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

I DID IT!!!!!!

I finished the 5K in 36:17. I'm pleased with that time especially after having only 3 hours of sleep last night. I feel great and proud of myself! I knew a lot of people there and as I was approaching the finish line they all started shouting my name and cheering me on! What a great motivation. I walked and ran throughout the race. There were a lot of hills which made it very difficult. As I was getting near the end I put on Don't Stop Believin' from the Glee soundtrack! DD1 ran part of the end with me which was nice! She ran the 1 mile in 13:14. She also ran and walked! She was very proud of herself! And so am I!!!!

If it hadn't been for all of you I never would've done this. Seriously!!!! Listening to all of you talk about your 5Ks and half marathons really inspired me to try something new! The feeling of running alone on a beautiful cool fall day was great! I got to take in the colors of the trees and enjoy myself! I will definitely do it again next year and sign up for one on Thanksgiving morning!


QOTD: Old movies: Mary Poppins Newer movie: Monsters Inc probably though we watch a lot of Disney movies.

QOTD: a more recent magical memory was April 09 at 1900 Park Faire! The girls got to open the restaurant and were escorted into the restaurant by Cinderella and Prince Charming!

Eating some TJ's orange chicken for supper. Then I'm having some hot tea and lots of water! I need to wash out my system!

Tomorrow morning I will clean the family room all morning and get in 2 miles and a 5K.

I'm exhausted so I'm going to sign off for now!

TTFN :tigger:
Hi Everyone,

I am back from a baby shower. It was a last minute thing because the mom-to-be happened to be in town. I had already contributed to a gift, so I was glad that there was a shower nearby and not just where she lives in PA. Eating was okay. I tried the take small portions and come back for more if I was hungry approach and that worked out better than I expected. Dinner tonight is baked fish and breakfast was healthy, so I can’t complain too much.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! :goodvibes


The Big E is the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, MA. It is a huge fair that includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Today was very very hot and the fairgrounds were packed. I mean wall to wall people. You really couldn't move. Worse then a holiday in the Magic Kingdom. We had a good day, but it would have been much more enjoyable if we could have seen some of the exhibitions without people standing in front of us. I could not believe how many food booths there were :eek: I did very well though, I had 1/4 piece of fried dough, one mini doughnut and a few apple slices (healthy). We had grilled ham when we got home so food wise I was OP. I also got in a ton of walking, not to mention sweating from the sheer heat.

Sorry it was so hot and busy. I don’t recall it being so busy. Sounds like a good day for eating and exercising though! :cool1:

OK, drive by post. Its a work weekend, and I don't normally post, but I want to not fall too far behind, and keep points up for HH.

Its been a busy Saturday with work and church. Driving is going well and parking is getting better. Feeling more relaxed with and trained my right ankle to be accepting of switching from gas to brakes. (That's the 1 i broke that has all the hardware in it).

Good luck with driving! :goodvibes

I had a dentist appointment today. Im so glad to get it over with. Its so hot, I had to put on the AC. Im hoping to get some school work done today. I put on Julie & Julia to play in the background. The DVD has so much extra stuff as bonus features. Im going to go visit my grandma tomorrow. I just wanted to stop in and say hi. Hope everyone is having an OP weekend.
lots of planning to do.

Hope your visit with your grandmother went well! :goodvibes


Good party. AK got sad missing Daddy at the end, but otherwise fun! I had it clean, now it's not. Night everyone!

:tongue::p :mic: sez: "Taryn is signing off for the night." :teleport::tiptoe:

:rotfl2: Glad the party went well! Sorry you have to clean again. That is the worst part about these types of events. ;)

Got to split the post up.
50sjayne: Sounds like you are very busy! I love a good buy myself. :goodvibes

Connie: Nice run! :banana:

Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

I don’t know that I have just one but here are some that I remember most:
- Disney accommodating us having to rearrange our dates of arrival and departure because of Hurricane Andrew
- Losing power during the HDDR and being given a “Happy Birthday” light-up button
- Meeting someone who was going to run the WDW Marathon the next day
- Trying Beverely :rotfl:

CC, glad that you had a good time at the reunion!

Speaking of which, DS was very disappointed about having to cancel our cruise so I told him about the mother/son Disneyland trip coming up. That helped with the angst and also let him go into full bore planning mode, which does a mama's heart proud! :love:

Thanks! Hope DS enjoys his mother/son trip! So cute that he is helping to plan! :goodvibes

Tggrrstarr: Sorry about the hot dog. WTG on the ice cream! And, I can’t believe you suggested buying wraps! I don’t think I’d have the guts to say something like that to my superior. WTG! :thumbsup2

Tracey: How did the 5K go? :goodvibes

Jude: 12 miles! WTG! :woohoo: Love the picture too!

Kathy: You made me remember the day I had to “play” the Tooth Fairy because my sister lost a tooth and we were spending the week at our grandparents. For some reason, I didn’t think they’d remember and well, I wasn’t sure what would happen if no one did. My sister was at least 12 before she figured anything out. :goodvibes

CCSounds like you did a great job at the reunion. I think pretending you're at the spa is a great idea. Do you ever watch suite life on deck? It reminded me of when they were stranded on an island and London thought she was at a resort to deal with it. It was cute. Hang in there. I'm sure it's not easy not being able to get out and around like you'd like. :hug:

Thanks! I've seen that show a few times, but not that specific episode. Thanks for the support!

Enjoy working with the Cub Scouts! :goodvibes

Deb: Great wedding dress! If you are comfortable with the idea of altering it, I think it’s possible to change it up a bit to look more 2010s, but keep the sentimentality. :goodvibes

Your boys are adorable too! :)

You made the RIGHT choice of a solution for YOU at that moment. It might not have been an ideal solution for everyone, but it worked for you.

Thanks! And thanks for the FYI on candy corn. I don’t love it, so I will definitely not be eating any now that I know it is 3 pts for next to nothing. :eek:

Lindsay: Sounds like a very powerful, moving race! :goodvibes

Dona: What a great QOTD! It has been so wonderful to read everyone’s memories! :cool1:

Rose: So relieved to hear your foot is fine! Sending :goodvibes that you “only” have allergies. You sound very prepared for the week!
I DID IT!!!!!!

I finished the 5K in 36:17. I'm pleased with that time especially after having only 3 hours of sleep last night. I feel great and proud of myself! I knew a lot of people there and as I was approaching the finish line they all started shouting my name and cheering me on! What a great motivation. I walked and ran throughout the race. There were a lot of hills which made it very difficult. As I was getting near the end I put on Don't Stop Believin' from the Glee soundtrack! DD1 ran part of the end with me which was nice! She ran the 1 mile in 13:14. She also ran and walked! She was very proud of herself! And so am I!!!!

If it hadn't been for all of you I never would've done this. Seriously!!!! Listening to all of you talk about your 5Ks and half marathons really inspired me to try something new! The feeling of running alone on a beautiful cool fall day was great! I got to take in the colors of the trees and enjoy myself! I will definitely do it again next year and sign up for one on Thanksgiving morning!


:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Great job Tracey! :yay: for DD1 too!

Have a great rest of your weekend!

(That answers my question. LOL)
I've had another good day of eating and went to the gym. I'm feeling good and ready to face the week.

Tigger813 - congrats on your accomplishment with the race!

QOTD - like everyone else, I have too many memories to list. My first trip, at 7 years old is so memorable and what made me fall in love! My most memorable trip was my wedding trip last year, and particularly the wedding day. I don't think I'll ever forget a single minute of it! One of the most "disney" parts of it was seeing the eyes of my niece (then 3) and nephew (then 5) light up as they got into cinderella's coach! My nephew (also 3) was playing shy. I also LOVED the first trip with my niece and nephews which was also the first trip with my husband. Those 3 trips probably stand out the most for me!
Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

My best Disney memory is going to the Pirate and Princess Party with my ds who was then 9. We had an incredible time all night, made even better when we stood near the entrance to Mickey's ToonTown Fair and watched the fireworks. It was great to be with my ds, and he was happy to be with me and excited to get character autographs and ride all the rides. We were exhausted but just ecstatic at the end of the night. :lovestruc

Today was my rest day, so no exercise. We went to church and it seems like I've volunteered to teach Sunday School for the 3rd Quarter (Feb. - Apr.). But this time, it's going to be a real challenge -- I have the Nursery! :eek::lmao: I actually am looking forward to it. The nursery kids are generally 18 months to 4 (most Mommies don't want to send them down before that point), so there can be a big range in what you can do for a lesson! I haven't been around little ones in quite awhile, so I think this will be fun. Once my dh realizes when you do nursery you miss the entire service, I'm sure I'll have a helper if I need one. ;) My Pastor also asked me to chair a committee for the next 3 years, and I seem to have said yes to that as well. I told her let's take it one year at a time, but I can't imagine I won't do at least 2.

I had a big accident with what used to be a can of Pringles :headache: I told my dh he has to stop buying them. For some reason I can stop when I take out one of the 100 cal packs, but when faced with a whole can...then I finally watched the BL from Tuesday. This was really motivating for me. I've packed my healthy lunch and I'm ready for tomorrow, planning to get up and run 4M. By the way, I just found 2 new flavors of Vitatops (well, they're new in my store), Raisin Bran and Apple Crumb. I can't wait to try them!

Tonight we're having a light version of chicken/ziti/broccoli, dh already made a Mexican rice side dish to have with seafood tomorrow night. It's a WW recipe, so I'm excited to try it.

Tracey -- Congrats on completing your 5K! :yay:

Redwalker -- Belated :bday:

My3Princes -- Absolutely precious pictures! :flower3:

Pamela -- Ok, you caught me! I have a ceramic pumpkin I fill with candy corn and every day when I go by during October, I grab a handful...which I will reconsider now! If I'm going to eat it, I'm going to point it out ::yes:: Thanks for the alert -- feel free to keep them coming, I need those reminders!

I haven't sent in a single thing yet, although I did figure them out. I'd better get moving on that before I get busy and forget yet again :rolleyes1

Maria :upsidedow
cc I was in DW during hurricane ANdrew. we were staying at POFQ and my twin sister and her family were also down there. We weren't watching the news too much so we didn't know the extent of the destruction until we started to drive home. All the way up 95 we kept seeing tree service trucks and electrical company trucks coming down to help out.
I DID IT!!!!!!

I finished the 5K in 36:17. I'm pleased with that time especially after having only 3 hours of sleep last night. I feel great and proud of myself! I knew a lot of people there and as I was approaching the finish line they all started shouting my name and cheering me on! What a great motivation. I walked and ran throughout the race. There were a lot of hills which made it very difficult. As I was getting near the end I put on Don't Stop Believin' from the Glee soundtrack! DD1 ran part of the end with me which was nice! She ran the 1 mile in 13:14. She also ran and walked! She was very proud of herself! And so am I!!!!

If it hadn't been for all of you I never would've done this. Seriously!!!! Listening to all of you talk about your 5Ks and half marathons really inspired me to try something new! The feeling of running alone on a beautiful cool fall day was great! I got to take in the colors of the trees and enjoy myself! I will definitely do it again next year and sign up for one on Thanksgiving morning!


TTFN :tigger:

Way to go Tracey!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1: ... I usually do a Thanksgiving one too. it's called the "Turkey Trot"; this year I might try for the 10K (NEVER a consideration til I found everyone here!!! :goodvibes) My cousins have a huge tailgate party on the route - they set up a grill and make grilled eggs, ham and bacon sandwiches plus pitchers of mimosas and bloody marys - and cheer everyone who runs by... Quite a few people do the same. It's a really fun atmosphere even if we usually get snow...

...sitting here with a small bowl of goldfish and desperately trying to ignore the 1.5 dozen apple cider doughnuts in our kitchen. Luckily I still have a cold so I can't smell them....

Rose, soooo jealous!! Have a terrific time!!!

Lindsey, I loved reading your post.

Jen, good luck tomorrow!!!! :cheer2:

Have a good night everyone!!

Have a great night everyone!!
Hi Everyone:wave2:

I had the most amazing day. Perfect weather!!!! Spent the morning/early afternoon with my BFF from high school. Ran amongst some amazing people who risk their lives everyday for our country.

The race in NYC was such a wonderful experience. There were fire fighters from all over the world....yes from england, and spain and I think many more. We met people from CT, NJ, GA, MN, and we saw some with shirts from all over. At one point I even ran along with the Army and Coast Gaurd.

There were so many fireman running in full gear. Some carrying the american flag over their shoulder. There was a 70+ year old fire man running....yes I said running. He had on his fireman pants, boots and hat.

As we ran through battery tunnel completely packed in like sardines the chants of U.S.A began. It was just so amazing its hard to explain.

The tunnel was almost 2 miles long. It got really hot in there and I was so happy to see the end. When we exited there were FDNY in thier formal attire lined up for blocks cheering us on. They each held a flag with a picture of a fireman who lost their life on 9/11. There were 343 of them:guilty:. On the other side of the street were the U.S. coast guard also in their formal attire holding the american flag. They all were cheering us on and giving high fives. It was so inspirational.

Along the rest of the route there were cheerleaders and bands and onlookers all cheering for us. We passed ground zero and I have to admit I got a little choked up. I sprinted to the finish and never felt so great at the end of a race.

I was honored to be there. I thank god for all the people who risk their lives everyday for our freedom and safety. It truly was such a great day.

I did take some pics with my phone and I hope to post them later once I figure out how to get them to my computer. I am still awaiting my time. I didnt even look at it crossing the finish because I was to preoccupied with my surroundings.

I hope you all are enjoying your day. I will be back later to reply and answer the QOTD.

Oh my gosh!!.... that sounds AMAZING!! I heard more about the race when I was listening to some talk radio on Friday. When I heard what they were talking about I was like...."hey, I think one of my BL friends is running that!" I was so proud to "know" someone who was participating. :hug: Pictures???

I DID IT!!!!!!

I finished the 5K in 36:17. I'm pleased with that time especially after having only 3 hours of sleep last night. I feel great and proud of myself! I knew a lot of people there and as I was approaching the finish line they all started shouting my name and cheering me on! What a great motivation. I walked and ran throughout the race. There were a lot of hills which made it very difficult. As I was getting near the end I put on Don't Stop Believin' from the Glee soundtrack! DD1 ran part of the end with me which was nice! She ran the 1 mile in 13:14. She also ran and walked! She was very proud of herself! And so am I!!!!

If it hadn't been for all of you I never would've done this. Seriously!!!! Listening to all of you talk about your 5Ks and half marathons really inspired me to try something new! The feeling of running alone on a beautiful cool fall day was great! I got to take in the colors of the trees and enjoy myself! I will definitely do it again next year and sign up for one on Thanksgiving morning!

Congratulations on your first race! Sounds like it was a super time! And nice that DD could share it with you!

Kathy: You made me remember the day I had to “play” the Tooth Fairy because my sister lost a tooth and we were spending the week at our grandparents. For some reason, I didn’t think they’d remember and well, I wasn’t sure what would happen if no one did. My sister was at least 12 before she figured anything out. :goodvibes

This reminds me of a story..... when DS lost his first tooth, he accidentally ate it with a Christmas cookie. He was SO UPSET when he realized it! Well... DD doesn't let the tooth fairy take her teeth, so she had her teeth in a jar upstairs (I know....ewwww... but what can I say). Anyhow.... she brought down a tooth, tossed it on the kitchen floor, and convinced her brother that his tooth fell onto the floor! He was SO HAPPY! And I was so proud of DD for thinking of it and for sharing her tooth! :lmao: It made for a great scrapbook page!

Thanks! And thanks for the FYI on candy corn. I don’t love it, so I will definitely not be eating any now that I know it is 3 pts for next to nothing. :eek:

Unfortunately for me, I do like it. But you're right... 3 pts for NOTHING! Not going to happen again this year!!

Evening all......I got a lot done today, so I am happy. Scraped and sanded the dining room baseboards. Would have filled the nail holes, but the wood filler was dried up. :headache: They will get stained and urethaned and then replaced after the carpeting is installed.

Painted the first color in DS's soon-to-be two-color room (I couldn't bear the thought of pumpkin orange everywhere, so we agreed on one pumpkin wall and three lime green walls :eek:). Also caught up on laundry and vacuuming and such.

Well.... kids decided it was a nice moment to start fighting over something, so I guess I'll run now....:mad:. TTYL.....................P
Okay.... either they killed each other or they stopped fighting because now it is quiet...:rotfl2:

I had a big accident with what used to be a can of Pringles :headache: I told my dh he has to stop buying them. For some reason I can stop when I take out one of the 100 cal packs, but when faced with a whole can...then I finally watched the BL from Tuesday. This was really motivating for me. I've packed my healthy lunch and I'm ready for tomorrow, planning to get up and run 4M. By the way, I just found 2 new flavors of Vitatops (well, they're new in my store), Raisin Bran and Apple Crumb. I can't wait to try them!

Tonight we're having a light version of chicken/ziti/broccoli, dh already made a Mexican rice side dish to have with seafood tomorrow night. It's a WW recipe, so I'm excited to try it.

Pamela -- Ok, you caught me! I have a ceramic pumpkin I fill with candy corn and every day when I go by during October, I grab a handful...which I will reconsider now! If I'm going to eat it, I'm going to point it out ::yes:: Thanks for the alert -- feel free to keep them coming, I need those reminders!

The new Vitamuffins sound good. I often wonder why they don't have a pumpkin variety.

I'd love the WW recipe, if you want to share it.

Yup... that darn candy corn!! And they are like Lay's potato chips.... can't have just one!!

Way to go Tracey!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1: ... I usually do a Thanksgiving one too. it's called the "Turkey Trot"; this year I might try for the 10K (NEVER a consideration til I found everyone here!!! :goodvibes) My cousins have a huge tailgate party on the route - they set up a grill and make grilled eggs, ham and bacon sandwiches plus pitchers of mimosas and bloody marys - and cheer everyone who runs by... Quite a few people do the same. It's a really fun atmosphere even if we usually get snow...

...sitting here with a small bowl of goldfish and desperately trying to ignore the 1.5 dozen apple cider doughnuts in our kitchen. Luckily I still have a cold so I can't smell them....

The turkey tro sounds like fun! The more you all talk about it, the more I'm thinking I should look for a morning run. It would certainly start the day on good healthy note!

MMMM... even though I'm not a donut person, those apple cider donuts sound delicious! Did you make them?

Well.... I bit the bullet, so to speak, and ordered pizza for the family for dinner (DH is on his way home and will pick it up). THe kids were begging for it. But I've decided I will have NONE. Not after last night's cookie dough debacle! But I am extremely ravenous, so I need to decide RIGHT NOW what I will eat when he gets home with it. Otherwise I might give it and eat some. Salad ISN"T going to cut it when I am smelling pizza, so it needs to be something delicious..... like maybe a small homemade pizza made with 60 calorie pita bread?? I'll go check the fridge situation. TTY tomorrow........P

P--I have been hungry all day today as well. Mike and I just played a game of scrabble as a distraction. I whooped him!:thumbsup2

Maria--the applecrumb vitatop sound yummy.

Ok, I am about to call it a day. We got home late last night, then around 1:00am our carbon monoxide detector beeped--not an alarm but a malfuntion. Anyhow, it drives the dog insane and he cried for the next 30 minutes. I am pooped! I feel like I hardly slept. We're going to crawl into bed and watch a movie.

Have a good night.:goodvibes
Driving by once again. Had work today and it was just painfully dull. Yawn city since I had to help with signing for the Ad.

Just waiting for the Amazing Race to come on and then will call it a night. Hope everybody had a great weekend.
DH and I are waiting for the Amazing Race too. That is our favorite show. We always have "date night" on Sunday night which means we sit together on the couch and watch the amazing race. Exciting...I know:lmao:
About to watch Amazing Race too.... we watch as a family.... that and Survivor are about the only things we all agree on!

I had a big bowl of steamed cauliflower to take the edge of my hunger. Then I had a homemade pita pocket pizza with some sauteed mushrooms and spinach, and a few Baked Lay's. The take-out pizza smelled unbelievably good, but I held strong. One bite of DD's slice was enough to enjoy.

I will use my last few points of the day to have a piece of the WW pineapple pie I made. I made it without the coconut so I could share it, but no one else wants it... not sure why, when the only other thing to eat are homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?? :confused3:lmao:

Good night!............P
I don't know if I'll make it through the entire episode since it just started at 9 and I can barely keep my eyes open!

Have a good night all!!!!!
It ws the first time I had been back since 1990 and surprise! everyone pretty much looked the same.
That's funny! We have DH's 20yr. high school reunion this weekend. I hope I know a few of the people...

Have you been to HHI before? We went in May and had an excellent meal there if you need advice. The one that I loved was more of a date night place but they have more kid friendly seating outside if you need it. Let me know if you need suggestions.
We were there last year for New Year's Eve. We just got sandwich stuff at Piggly Wiggly, had burgers from the cafe for lunches. We did go to Salty Dog, just because you have to. I was....underwhelmed! I'd love a suggestion!

Taryn--you are starting to sound like yourself again! First some guy in a truck in the park swerved towards us to avoid a bike, and I fell off the curb. Then we were running the path in the park at the end and three ladies were standing in the middle of the path. So I said excuse me ladies on your left and some other women who was walking said--you should have run in the grass, they can stand where they want. Ok.....I told her to mind her own business but she just kept running her mouth. Luckily we were running away from her. ;)
YIKES!!! I can't believe that woman said that! Everyone always gets out of my way, must be all the heavy breathing! :lmao: Glad your ankle was okay!

Hair washing was definitely interesting. They took me outside and I tried to get comfortable, but my sister was like, “What is she at the spa?” The joke was, I tried to wash my hair in the bathtub today and was completely successful.Taryn, you are amazing! I will always have faith in you-and everyone here! Speaking of AK, has anyone mentioned CAPD? I’m not an audiologist, but in all my testing, I had that test done.
No, that one hasn't been mentioned... I need to read up on it. Glad the spa experience wasn't too humiliating! Thanks for the vote of confidence!!!

I love AK and I’ve never met her! up later. I need to rest my foot a bit.
Thanks, we decided to keep her. I cannot believe she'll be 11 tomorrow. Time simply flies! Take care of yourself!

Thanks, I'm feeling ok and just moving along in life
Anything we can do to help, just ask!

Good evening everyone. We had an okay day of sewing. We only had 5 people of sewing. Two who came were excited about sewing 5 pillowcases by lunch time. I am able to sew 5 in about 45 minutes. Even though we we still sewed 60 pillowcases and had 150 donated ahead of time so we had 210 for todays total. New ones I love Beauty and the Beast which was ds2's first movie. He was very small and started to cry during the dance scene. we were in the back of the theater and just rocked him and watched the end of the movie. we also love TS 1, 2, and 3. For TS3 ds2 emailed us and told he was coming home for the weekend. Maybe we could do a family movie night. So we went with both my sons and ds1's gf. And yes I cried.
I cried, too! It was Sophie's first theatre experience. AK's was Lilo and Stitch! That's great about the pillowcases!

When I am good about journaling, I track calories and fiber so today I also recorded the protein. I was just under 1600 calories, 24 grams of fiber and 80 grams of protein. I also had around 80 - 90 ounces of water. Where should I be?
I suggest going to You enter your height, weight, goal weight. It gives you a calorie range, fat range, protein range, and carb range. You can enter the foods you eat each day into it, and it will tell you if you are in your recommended ranges. It has been EXTREMELY helpful to me! You can keep track of your water intake and exercise there, too!

We're at 102!!!
My response has nothing to do with that, other than :scared1:. I think you had asked before if we had been to HHI. We went last year for New Year's Eve. We simply fell in love with the resort, activities, etc. :cloud9: We decided to make it tradition to go for NYE, 3-5 days, depending on how it falls and how many days DH has off at the end of the year. DH said it was the first time he had seen my smile, literally, since Daddy died 3 months earlier.

Been on craigs list a lot lately have found some good stuff. I've been spending a lot of time lately looking for supplies for candle making--have actually found a lot of stuff.
I need to look on there more often! Congrats on the bargains!!!

I got up early this morning for a long run. It was a good run covering 8.33 miles in 1 hr 30 mins. I'm pretty happy with that - especially because it was SO humid. Ate totally on plan today until dinner. We went out to eat with my sisters and their families. I ordered a salad and it was great but when my salad was gone, I started eating what was left of the kids' nachos. Oh well.
Great run Connie!!!!!!! I bet you didn't have too many nachos! Hope you had a good day today!

Taryn, way to go on the 7+ inches and 10 pounds to go! :banana::yay: You've been having such a horrible time lately and you still made it all happen for you with your health goals! The Cirque du Soleil that we saw was "Alegria." It was an excellent show. The performers are amazing! And not an ounce of body fat on any of 'em! ;) We had a very good time.[Speaking of which, DS was very disappointed about having to cancel our cruise so I told him about the mother/son Disneyland trip coming up. That helped with the angst and also let him go into full bore planning mode, which does a mama's heart proud!

A lot of gymnasts go on to work for Cirque, there are ads in the back of all of AK's gymnastics magazines. We've never seen a show, might have to get to La Nouba at WDW sometime. Sorry DS was heartbroken, but glad you have a trip to take his mind off it!!!

I half expect I"ll be made to sign a confidentiality agreement! The release will be mid October, so we won't have long before I'll be allowed to tell. Its padlocked.II had mentioned yesterday that I woke up and gained a pound from the lack of exercise on Friday. Well I am proud to say all my hard work of calorie budgeting and extra exercise yesterday helped me lose it! I was back to my Friday weigh in weight!
Great job on getting right on that weight gain. I weigh on Mondays, I expect I'll have a lot to work on! That sounds... crazy. Padlocked rooms? I hope it lives up to your expectations!

His was the last skit - and I could barely hold the camera to take a picture because I was laughing so hard when my 6'5", 280 pound DH came out wearing a tutu, tiara and doing pirouettes across the stage as the "fairy" Two weeks til my first half marathon. I ran 12 miles today. I really wanted to do 13 but my body just wouldn't cooperate. I hurt my knee last week (lingering injury from Iraq) and really didn't run much. The foliage is AMAZING here this week. I love looking out my kitchen window...
That image had me :lmao:. YOUR PICTURE WAS GORGEOUS!! Great job on your run, I hope the knee holds up. You'll have a great half!!!

Good morning. I need and extra day on the weekends to do all I want to do. On the sleeping in his bed, I was bad, and just let him come in my bed. I never did the tough cry it out and he went back and forth between his and my bed. As a single parent, that's a little easier and I always said, I don't know any teenage boys who sleep with their moms.
I tell you - one to work, one to play, one to rest! 3 day weekends are a MUST! I never did cry it out, either. I nursed my girls so long, it was so much easier to do it from the bed. I don't do well w/ up and down. I can get up, but I STAY AWAKE once my eyes open. I said the same thing. "Well, if she's in our bed as a teenager, she won't be in someone else's." AK moved out when Sophie was born. So...11 years later, still have kids in the bed. We added 2 dogs to the mix, too! It's okay. I have night terror issues myself, so I understand. I kept a sleeping bag under my parents' bed, and remember using it about a month before I got married after a particularly bad nightmare!

I have so many wonderful memories of our trips to WDW. One that stands out for me was when my youngest son was about 2years old. We were at Hollywood Studios at opening and we walked down a desserted Mickey Ave. This was when they had the little airstream trailers that the characters made appearances in front of.
TOO CUTE!!! Great looking wedding pictures, too!

I had the most amazing day. Perfect weather!!!! There were so many fireman running in full gear. Some carrying the american flag over their shoulder. There was a 70+ year old fire man running....yes I said running. He had on his fireman pants, boots and hat.
As we ran through battery tunnel completely packed in like sardines the chants of U.S.A began. It was just so amazing its hard to explain.The tunnel was almost 2 miles long. It got really hot in there and I was so happy to see the end. When we exited there were FDNY in thier formal attire lined up for blocks cheering us on. They each held a flag with a picture of a fireman who lost their life on 9/11. There were 343 of them:guilty:. On the other side of the street were the U.S. coast guard also in their formal attire holding the american flag. They all were cheering us on and giving high fives. It was so inspirational.
Lindsay, what a wonderful memory to have for the rest of your life. That seriously had me in tears! I can't find an appropriate smilie for how that made me feel. Write it all down, so you can share with your boys when they are older!

Both Mike and I had to take claritin so hoping it's allergies and not a cold. We got a ton done today, so I think we will be nice and relaxed by Thursday, and not have one of those flying out the door departures, knowing that you forgot something. My eating has not been great, but hoping it's pms. Who knows. Probably tmi, but I can't remember the last time we went to WDW and I didn't have to deal with girl stuff.
AMEN! I hope that I stay on the same track as far as TOM's actual tom, b/c I actually have next year's trip planned for a non-TOm time for change! Hope those allergies get better soon!

I finished the 5K in 36:17. I'm pleased with that time especially after having only 3 hours of sleep last night. I feel great and proud of myself!
:cheer2:Great job Tracey!

Today was my rest day, so no exercise. We went to church and it seems like I've volunteered to teach Sunday School for the 3rd Quarter (Feb. - Apr.). But this time, it's going to be a real challenge -- I have the Nursery! :eek::lmao: I actually am looking forward to it. The nursery kids are generally 18 months to 4 (most Mommies don't want to send them down before that point), so there can be a big range in what you can do for a lesson! I had a big accident with what used to be a can of Pringles
Sing He's Got the Whole World in his Hands. Sophie's been singing that ALL day long!! Good for you! As upset as you are, I love the way your put your "accident". I seem to be in the same boat, my willpower is all or nothing. Great job with your plan for tomorrow!

I usually do a Thanksgiving one too. it's called the "Turkey Trot"; this year I might try for the 10K (NEVER a consideration til I found everyone here!!! My cousins have a huge tailgate party on the route - ...sitting here with a small bowl of goldfish and desperately trying to ignore !
Sounds like a fun run! I thought you meant real goldfish, and wondered if they were somehow comforting to you!:lmao:

Painted the first color in DS's soon-to-be two-color room (I couldn't bear the thought of pumpkin orange everywhere, so we agreed on one pumpkin wall and three lime green walls :eek:). Also caught up on laundry and vacuuming and such.
My daddy picked an orange wall for their bedroom in the early 1970's, with 3 dark paneling walls. Mom begged for years to paint it, but he wouldn't budge Now, she wouldn't change it for the world!

I had a big bowl of steamed cauliflower to take the edge of my hunger. Then I had a homemade pita pocket pizza with some sauteed mushrooms and spinach, and a few Baked Lay's. The take-out pizza smelled unbelievably good, but I held strong. One bite of DD's slice was enough to enjoy.
Great job!

QOTD:It was our first day ever in WDW as a family, we had dinner at Chef Mickey's, and the girls got to open the restaurant, walk down the red carpet with Mickey, and sign his autograph book. For their first time ever meeting Mickey, we had a little private audience with him, it was so magical. :cloud9: The look on Sophie's face is priceless!

If you want to see a picture, click on the Pixie dusted july 09TR link. It's on the first page. I tried putting it here, but I still don't know how to make them medium sized, and it messed up the layout of the page and irritated me!

Okay, so I BLEW it today. Pizza, M&Ms, sausage biscuit. Yeah, that bad. Like 2100 calories. What happened? NO WILLPOWER! Overslept this am, it's raining, it was there.

Bummed, I'm all ready for a run in the am, and we are in some sort of monsoon. We've gotten about 2 inches already today, and they are calling for 4-7 by Tuesday am!:scared1: I might try for it anyway, depending on how hard. I don't usually mind running in light rain, but with the cough I already have, not sure. And of course I let my neice borrow all my Jillian DVD's Sat. night and told her "I won't need them before Monday night.":rolleyes: I 'll just have to make something up in the morning, I need to burn some calories!!!!

Got my menus planned for the week, stew beef and potatoes are in crock pot, will add veggies in the am for soup. It's veg soup weather!

Lots of random stuff in my head, but nothing important, so I guess I'll go!
Have a great night!
Hi everyone. Today I went to go visit my family. My bf and I had a great time today. I did talk to my grandma to see how she was doing. Shes fine in her eyes because she says the Dr has not told her to go on a diet or that she will be on dialysis. But they have had her take nuitrition classes and a workshop on dialysis. So I guess the next step would be to confirm with the Dr to see if he explicitly wants her on a diet and if she will for sure go on dialysis. Other than that we spent a lot of time with my entire family. Afterwards we even went to go visit my BF's grandma to spend time with her. It was also nice just being with BF because we have opposite schedules. He works evenings/nights while I work days. So I actually only see him 2-3 times a week- even living together.

Well Im going to go do the elliptical for the day. See you all tomorrow morning if I havent melted yet :rotfl:

Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

I have an upcoming trip that I am sure will be one of my best memories. DCL is coming to LA in January. All my family, mom, dad, 2 brothers, sister will be going. I have cousins going, friends going, and even my BF's family is going. We have joked around that we should get married on this trip since everyone is going to be there. My family has never gone anywhere on vacation other than their home town in Mexico. I am really looking foward to sharing this experience on a great cruise ship with all those that are closest to me.

Cupcaker, 102! :scared1: You are making me worried for our DL trip soon.

Today was a whopping 108! I looked at the weather and it should be down to the high 80s by Wednesday. Im sure that no matter what the weather is, you will have a great time with DS!

I chose Wakkiki Sushi - coconut shrimp, cucumber & avacodo topped with Kiwi and a pina colada coulis. Yum! I also traded a piece of mine for my friend's French Toast sushi. Yep, I said french toast! It had some type of egg (Tomago?), bacon, scallion, cinnamon sugar sprinkle and Raspberry coulis. OMG! This was amazing! The only reason I didn't order it was because of the bacon!

Ive never heard of crazy sushi like that. Sounds yummy. Glad you had a good time.

Yardwork day here! Time to go dig up a bush that has gotten out of control and see if we can separate it at root level. BTW, can anyone tell me how to post pictures? The foliage is AMAZING here this week. I love looking out my kitchen window...

Your yard looks amazing. Wish we had foilage like that in California. Good luck on your running.

I have so many wonderful memories of our trips to WDW. One that stands out for me was when my youngest son was about 2years old.

Too cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

The race in NYC was such a wonderful experience. There were fire fighters from all over the world....yes from england, and spain and I think many more. We met people from CT, NJ, GA, MN, and we saw some with shirts from all over. At one point I even ran along with the Army and Coast Gaurd.

There were so many fireman running in full gear. Some carrying the american flag over their shoulder. There was a 70+ year old fire man running....yes I said running. He had on his fireman pants, boots and hat.

As we ran through battery tunnel completely packed in like sardines the chants of U.S.A began. It was just so amazing its hard to explain.

The tunnel was almost 2 miles long. It got really hot in there and I was so happy to see the end. When we exited there were FDNY in thier formal attire lined up for blocks cheering us on. They each held a flag with a picture of a fireman who lost their life on 9/11. There were 343 of them:guilty:. On the other side of the street were the U.S. coast guard also in their formal attire holding the american flag. They all were cheering us on and giving high fives. It was so inspirational.

Along the rest of the route there were cheerleaders and bands and onlookers all cheering for us. We passed ground zero and I have to admit I got a little choked up. I sprinted to the finish and never felt so great at the end of a race.

I was honored to be there. I thank god for all the people who risk their lives everyday for our freedom and safety. It truly was such a great day.

Just gave me chills reading this. It must have been amazing experiencing this if it was just amazing for me to read this.

I DID IT!!!!!!

I finished the 5K in 36:17.

:cheer2: congrats to you and DD!!! Thats a great time! youre also an inspiration.

I've had another good day of eating and went to the gym. I'm feeling good and ready to face the week.


By the way, I just found 2 new flavors of Vitatops (well, they're new in my store), Raisin Bran and Apple Crumb. I can't wait to try them!

I just noticed that they started carying Vitatops at Target. What store do you get them at? I would love to try new flavors.

This reminds me of a story..... when DS lost his first tooth, he accidentally ate it with a Christmas cookie. He was SO UPSET when he realized it! Well... DD doesn't let the tooth fairy take her teeth, so she had her teeth in a jar upstairs (I know....ewwww... but what can I say). Anyhow.... she brought down a tooth, tossed it on the kitchen floor, and convinced her brother that his tooth fell onto the floor! He was SO HAPPY! And I was so proud of DD for thinking of it and for sharing her tooth! :lmao: It made for a great scrapbook page!

What a cute story. How nice of DD to not only share her tooth, but make it so that it was DS's lost tooth. Very sweet.

My response has nothing to do with that, other than :scared1:. I think you had asked before if we had been to HHI. We went last year for New Year's Eve. We simply fell in love with the resort, activities, etc. :cloud9: We decided to make it tradition to go for NYE, 3-5 days, depending on how it falls and how many days DH has off at the end of the year. DH said it was the first time he had seen my smile, literally, since Daddy died 3 months earlier.

It must be a great resort then. How fun to have a tradition like that. I will keep it in mind for future vacations!
Just a friendly reminder... Of the folks that measured-in on week 1, these have not yet PM'd their current measurements:


Lose, gain or maintain, please report in by Monday evening, if possible.

If anyone did NOT measure-in during week 1 and you'd like to join us going forward, just submit those measurements any time and come on along. :goodvibes
About to watch Amazing Race too.... we watch as a family.... that and Survivor are about the only things we all agree on!

I had a big bowl of steamed cauliflower to take the edge of my hunger. Then I had a homemade pita pocket pizza with some sauteed mushrooms and spinach, and a few Baked Lay's. The take-out pizza smelled unbelievably good, but I held strong. One bite of DD's slice was enough to enjoy.

I will use my last few points of the day to have a piece of the WW pineapple pie I made. I made it without the coconut so I could share it, but no one else wants it... not sure why, when the only other thing to eat are homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?? :confused3:lmao:

Good night!............P
Love your profile pictures of the kitties. How is the newest one doing? (Can't remember the name.)

Someone on craigs list emailed me and asked for me to put an update on her so this was the last in 2 posts of Penney’s Diary:

Day 2 Penney the wonder kitten.

After being unceremoniously tossed out in a busy grocery store parking lot, Penney the wonder kitten is recovering. Here is her account:

I continue to ‘act cute’ in front of my original captor, she seems to have the power here and if I am to survive I must align myself appropriately. There are 2 others that seems ok, the big male one yelled a lot when he saw me, but then came and pet me later. I let him know though his behavior was not appropriate. But he pets good. The other one I keep cautiously visiting although I definitely let the other inhabitants of the room know I will not be messed with.
For the most part I am left alone in a room with music that goes from nice to annoying with people warbling in a different language than the one I’ve almost got down. I let my captor know I much prefer the television, preferably OPB. Really like that big purple dinosaur.
Other beings such as myself come to look and sniff at me and I reproach them mightily as soon as they are within my vision. If I’m busy with my ball in the circle though-- I still let them know, but really there has to be some way to… get… this thing out….
I play with some other toys but growled at them first as they smelled like other kitty’s and definitely gave Mom’s---ummm-- my wardens, stomach a good talking to when it growled right at me. They decided to call me Penney. It was fine until a show came on the tv and I kept hearing “Penney” “Penney” “Penney” repeatedly. I don’t think I look like a Penney although the tv Penney was pretty of course and I do have a lot of coppery fur. This house would actually be kind of nice except for the millions of hairy beasts trying to get me constantly. Won’t someone please come rescue me?

Conclusion: Diary of a rescued kitten.

Well. A nice lady came, picked me up and I could tell she liked me. Then she left and Mom—um—my captor, started to act strangely running around the house, then coming in and playing with me on the bed finally. Then the big one came in and they talked a lot petting me and both of them started leaking. Then Mom left and came back with a big bag of my food and I never saw the nice lady again. Puzzling but fine. I also decided earlier that day it is fun to play with someone about my size that lives there too. Well. I like to run after him and jump on him—I love that! He’s a little bigger than me but mom says I make up for my size in spunk. I don’t feel the need to warn everyone of my sheer ferocity anymore—I feel pretty safe, although that big pretty one with milk I’d like to drink won’t let me…she lets the other one, the one I like to ‘play with’ do it?
All in all this is ok, I follow Mom around the house everywhere, even helping her read, see:

Guess I will conclude now, thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your responses-- we tried--we are hopelessly in love with her though, cat people we are. I hope the ones interested in her give some other rescued kitten/cat a chance-- they are all precious and in such need of loving homes.

Penney’s doing great now, sleeps on my bed every night—it’s unbelievable how Mowgli lets her…She doesn’t growl anymore unless there’s some tuna in front of her lol.


Minnie was in front of her trailer and Pluto was in front of his. We visited both trailers, but our little guy was too scared to visit the characters. He ended up walking across the street and sitting on a bench. Minnie and Pluto saw him and they slowly approached him and let him warm up to them. This happened over about a 15 minute time frame (as I said, we were the only people on the street). Eventually he warmed up to them and from then on he thought he could just run up to them whenever he wanted, they were "his" friends

That is really really cute!

I had a big accident with what used to be a can of Pringles I told my dh he has to stop buying them. For some reason I can stop when I take out one of the 100 cal packs, but when faced with a whole can...then I finally watched the BL from Tuesday.

Heh. I have those accidents too. That’s why I always take any kind of chips out of the container and put ‘em in a bowl. Those small bowls are kind of nice for this—my Mom has a name for them? They are used for sauce a lot. Yeah it’s nice BL is Tuesday then our weigh in is Friday—keeps you on track.

Went to my bosses birthday party tonight. In my 18 years of not mixing business with pleasure-- I went! And it was fun, 'm glad I went. Fortunately my slow eating saved me from eating all my nachos, they came around with containers so that was good-- did have 2 blackberry margaritas though...:rolleyes1

Caught an estate sale that was closing up on my way home and found some really nice wine glasses for a quarter each, this for $9 (it's 8 ft.):

One of those Target animated fiber optic things that my husband did not have--score--for $5 and a cute old tin with roses on it I picked up and it was filled with old matchbooks, something else the husband collects for a quarter. Think I'm done bargain hunting now for awhile as I just found out my kid needs 5 books for school-- the photography alone costs $80. Eeek. I'll find them cheaper somewhere else but jeez one more thing....


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