Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Fav older--Fantasia. My first thought was Robinhood but it's '73. I watch Fantasia every year when I'm wrapping presents. I'd say Fantasia 2000 would be my next favorite although the part with the ark kind of ruins it for me even though it's cute and well done. It just kind of disappoints me as subject matter.

Keeping busy here as fall is kind of our spring cleaning season because we see more people in the house in the fall than at any other time due to Halloween and T-Day. Am in the middle of doing some kind of intense anti- kitty hoodlums cleaning, cleaning out a closet and scrubbing it out with vinegar. Then natures miracle. Hopefully this will work-- I have some repeat offenders spray in there, I think it's probably the feet
The kittens are all really playing with each other. It's occuring to me I have my avatar happening right now lol.

Been on craigs list a lot lately have found some good stuff. I've been spending a lot of time lately looking for supplies for candle making--have actually found a lot of stuff. I case the places while I'm there though of course-- have found some really cool stuff. Today I found a 2 story cat house? with sisal on each side that's pretty nice for $10. And I've managed to collect a bunch of great books on wine--all pretty recent except for the wine for dummies which was late 90's. Found a nice wood wine rack-- tall- for $6 today-- score! Haven't found much Halloween stuff yet but it's hard to come across anything we don't already have-- and I'm really very picky. Husband found a humongous blow up cat at Walgreens though--it is huge-- and it's head rotates..It's $50 but he goes there almost every day on his lunch and the 'gals gave him their discount lol.
Since I got the truck I'm kind of in the mindset that I can haul stuff now, so far haven't really needed it but today proudly had the wine rack and the cat furniture in the back lol.
Probably all this activity has helped me do a maintain that was actually a little below this week! 134.8. Have to say something for shopping thrift shops-- it's kind of like the wine-- very satisfying. Also exhausting the way I do it lol-- there's no corner in the store I leave unturned. ;)

**P.S. Lisa H--Found a wonderful book on Port today!
Howdy folks!

I got up early this morning for a long run. It was a good run covering 8.33 miles in 1 hr 30 mins. I'm pretty happy with that - especially because it was SO humid. Ate totally on plan today until dinner. We went out to eat with my sisters and their families. I ordered a salad and it was great but when my salad was gone, I started eating what was left of the kids' nachos. Oh well.

Anyway... I'm beat. Check y'all tomorrow. :goodvibes
Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Taryn, way to go on the 7+ inches and 10 pounds to go! :banana::yay: You've been having such a horrible time lately and you still made it all happen for you with your health goals! :cool1:

Glad that you had fun at your reunion, Jude!

Saturday Question of the Day

Really 2 questions

1. Which classic Disney movie to love to watch over and over again. I mean from before 1970

2. Which more recent movie to do you enjoy watching.

1. Cinderella! princess:

2. Pirates! pirate:

Tracey, how was the party last night?

And Redwalker, how was your birthday?

Kathy, I always love that story about Michael and the "great day." :love:

jenanderson, pixiedust: for you for your interview tomorrow!

Maria, great plan for Thanksgiving! :thumbsup2 Isn't there ususally a virtual 5K on the WISH events side of the board?

The Cirque du Soleil that we saw was "Alegria." It was an excellent show. The performers are amazing! And not an ounce of body fat on any of 'em! ;) We had a very good time.

pjlla, sorry about the crazy fluctuations but at least you know what is causing them. :hug: I think it was wise woman corinnak who once said those fluctuations are "interesting." :goodvibes

JOANNEL, :hug:

Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement.
I've been trying to eat better like I've been told and so far I've only had to take pills instead of needles. I haven't gotten to testing my blood yet. I haven't learned how at this time, but I'm going to be going to classes to learn what I need to know.

Kailey, the important thing is that you know what is going on now and can learn what you can do to take care of yourself. :hug: That is a big step in the right direction and I bet that you will start to feel better.

Rose, pixidust: that the race goes forward next week. You'll be at WDW -- it's a great place to be no matter what the weather is! :goodvibes

tggrrstarr, you probably can't tell us the big secret but maybe you can tell us if it is earth shattering or not? ;)

CC, glad that you had a good time at the reunion!

Deb, :hug: somewhere there is a job there for you where they will appreciate all your experience.

Maureen, glad that you are making progress with the driving! :thumbsup2

Cupcaker, 102! :scared1: You are making me worried for our DL trip soon.

Speaking of which, DS was very disappointed about having to cancel our cruise so I told him about the mother/son Disneyland trip coming up. That helped with the angst and also let him go into full bore planning mode, which does a mama's heart proud! :love:

BRB with the rest of my replies.
P.S. Lisa H--Found a wonderful book on Port today!

Sounds yummy! :thumbsup2 I still haven't found that port that we had that was the tawny port. I will have to go back by the wine bar and see what the brand is. It is getting to be port weather here in the NW, as you know. I think of you all every time I hear the music to Pixar Play Parade on my internet radio! :goodvibes

Susan and I got to have a little Dis meet when we were at DL in June. We had a great time and I can tell you she looks wonderful! ::yes::

Does that Feliway work? I guess it might be kind of hard to plug it in the closet, though. :confused3

Great run, Connie96!

Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

Boy, this is a toughie! Thanks to growing up in Anaheim and working at Disneyland, I have a ton of great memories at Disneyland. It's hard to pick just one!

We were in a stationary car and had to ask to be taken off of the Sun Wheel (aka Mickey's spinning wheel o' death) because it was a Santa Ana and the wind was blowing 50 mph and scared all three of us at DCA.

At WDW one would be Wishes dessert party that we did in December when we were there with my Mom and sister.

I imagine that the Princess will be one of my special Disney memories, too.princess:

We are lucky to have so many great memories at Disney!

Have a great day all!
JOANNEL, :hug:

tggrrstarr, you probably can't tell us the big secret but maybe you can tell us if it is earth shattering or not? ;)

I half expect I"ll be made to sign a confidentiality agreement! The release will be mid October, so we won't have long before I'll be allowed to tell. And yes, I will be able to say if it is in fact earthshattering! I've been working for Bose for five years, and they have never released a product in this manner of secrecy before. They are really building it up for us employess. In fact, they renovated our theater and only the store manager is allowed to see the changes. Its padlocked.

I have two days of catching up to do, and maybe 3 QOTD! I'm gonna try to do a couple now, I may be missing Friday's. I'll have to double check. Oh, and first -HH- I'll Never Give Up!!! I have observed people around me who have, or who don't want to make the Life Changing diet, just the for now diet. I am learning from what I see.

I wanted to go back to Friday night at the Indians game. I had said I was going to splurge on a hamburger. When I got to the grill, the hot dogs looked so good! So I chose that instead of the hamburger. It tasted so good. But it made me sick later. Now I know, no more stadium hotdogs! It just takes one experience like this to reinforce my (much) better eating. I had also eaten some carved turkey, three onion rings, one french fry (yep, only 1!) and some peanuts. Drank 1 diet pepsi, then transitioned to water to finish my quota for the day. I did make one unexpected splurge, a very small bowl of mint chocolate chip. Did not regret that. I had just enough to be satisfied, but not so much I felt guilty. My friend, who keeeps saying she wants to lose weight (I don't think she can keep to a plan for more than three weeks) had 3 bowls! (I even stopped the girl from filling my bowl all the way!!)
I had mentioned yesterday that I woke up and gained a pound from the lack of exercise on Friday. Well I am proud to say all my hard work of calorie budgeting and extra exercise yesterday helped me lose it! I was back to my Friday weigh in weight!

Last night was dinner at restaurant I hadn't been to in years, but I remember it being very good. A little place that isn't very well known, but it is on the fancy side. It was a birthday gathering for a friend, and I had stalked out the menu online before hand and chosen my dinner and estimated my calories.
I chose Wakkiki Sushi - coconut shrimp, cucumber & avacodo topped with Kiwi and a pina colada coulis. Yum! I also traded a piece of mine for my friend's French Toast sushi. Yep, I said french toast! It had some type of egg (Tomago?), bacon, scallion, cinnamon sugar sprinkle and Raspberry coulis. OMG! This was amazing! The only reason I didn't order it was because of the bacon!
I didn't even want to eat my entree after all this yummy sushi. I ate half of my grilled salmon, all of my snap peas, and just a bit of the rice pilaf. I really didn't like the rice. I even ate all of my husbands snap peas. My only complaint was the salmon was a little tiny bit rare. I love rare steak but hate rare fish. Go figure.

Today is difficult again. I work at one, then its straight through to the meeting at seven. They are ordering pizza and wings. I tried to get them to order wraps, but it was too expensive for the amount of food. Yeah, if you're comparing it to pizza! You can get lots of pizza for cheap, doesn't make it a better deal. I find that in these situations, as long as I preplan my calories, I can make the best of it. Oh, and as long as I burn some crazy calories! Off for some Kickboxing P90x style. I will try to get the QOTD in while I am at work!
Hopping on quickly!

Party was amazing! We had a crazy day! DH's Uncle's party was good too.

I have to say I didn't really eat much yesterday. I drank quite a bit at the party but not a ton. I drank water between drinks as I planned and water before going to bed. Only got about 3 hours of sleep so the 5K could be interesting.

Got home about 30 minutes ago and made myself a Greek yogurt and strawberry smoothie so I could get some protein in. I'm also going to have a protein bar before I head over to the race in about an hour.

Need to run and shower and get ready. I had 3 glasses of water when I got up this morning as I had a slight headache. We danced a ton last night so the weekend gain shouldn't be too bad. May go get some food after the race. DH isn't feeling well so not sure if DD2 will make it to watch me run. Hoping my next door neighbor is going to watch so she can stand with her while I run.

TTFN :tigger:
Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

Mine is the first time I rode Space Mountain at WDW. I was probably 11 or 12, making it 1977 or so. My dad, who always rode the roller coasters with me, decided for the first time ever that this was one he couldn't do. And my two sisters were still too young to go on it. I never rode any type of a ride alone before - so not only was I excited to be riding the much-acclaimed Space Mountain (it had only been open for a short time and, in fact, I think that MK was still the only park back then!) but I felt so grown up doing it! Don't laugh - I can even remember what I wore that day!!:rotfl2: Not only did I love the ride but I thought that the after-show part was so much fun: the "home of tomorrow", complete with shopping via the internet (although that term wasn't used yet!), virtual skiing via goggles - I wish I could remember the rest!

We have so many terrific family memories (the first time my DS met Pooh and was totally wide eyed; my DD's everlasting grin the first time she was tall enough to ride Splash Mountain and singing through the whole ride..) but my absolute favorite: my DH and I took a "secret" trip to WDW to celebrate our 10th anniversary - no kids! We went to the Hoop De Doo (the first time for my DH! and only his 2d to WDW) and had great seats. Sean was asked to be part of the show and I sat alone through the show, waiting for him to come on. His was the last skit - and I could barely hold the camera to take a picture because I was laughing so hard when my 6'5", 280 pound DH came out wearing a tutu, tiara and doing pirouettes across the stage as the "fairy"....:rotfl2::rotfl2::lmao:

Thanks to growing up in Anaheim and working at Disneyland, I have a ton of great memories at Disneyland. It's hard to pick just one!

We are lucky to have so many great memories at Disney!

Have a great day all!

Lisa, as you see above, I couldn't pick just one! LOL. What did you do at DL? I'd love to hear some of your stories!!!

Redwalker, I hope you had a great birthday!!! :banana:

Two weeks til my first half marathon. I ran 12 miles today. I really wanted to do 13 but my body just wouldn't cooperate. I hurt my knee last week (lingering injury from Iraq) and really didn't run much. So, while I am a little disappointed in myself, I am glad that my knee is feeling better and think that if I can get a solid week of runs in, I should be able to hit 13 next weekend. I'm also on a team for the race for the Cure this week. We're running for the sister of one of my gym friends who is in year 4 of remission from breast cancer!! :goodvibes I'll reduce my runs during the last week before the half.

Yardwork day here! Time to go dig up a bush that has gotten out of control and see if we can separate it at root level. BTW, can anyone tell me how to post pictures? The foliage is AMAZING here this week. I love looking out my kitchen window...

Take care all!
Taking a break from cleaning.:goodvibes

Jude--for pictures:
I use It's free. I upload my pictures. Resize to a large or medium size. Then you need to copy the image link (img). I can't remember where exactly it's found, but I think under sharing. Paste the entire link including the brackets in the reply.

Let me know if you have any specific questions.:goodvibes
Hopefully this works - love the colors in our backyard!!!:

Good morning. I need and extra day on the weekends to do all I want to do. It's the dis time that gets left in the dust, and I miss catching up with everyone here. We've been busy. I ran 3 miles yesterday and after gymnastics we went for a bike ride on the path we discovered a couple weeks ago. Then we visited with friends, and last night we just chilled and watched tv. Michael lost a tooth yesterday morning, and I forgot to be the fairy, but luckily he woke up and didn't think of it right away so I went and left the cash while he was in the bathroom. Pheww. I think he's close to figuring it all out anyway, and if the fairy hadn't come, I'm afraid it would have been all over. I do love how one day he can seem so grown up and the next he can believe in the magic with all his heart.

Today he had ccd so I did th grocery shopping, and then we rode the bike path again. It's paved on each end but the middle has a part where you're on the street in west peabody and you have to go under a couple highways, so I was nervous doing it, but there was sidewalks on that part, and it went just fine. We've been biking a lot and he has really become a safer rider, and is not as easily distracted, though he did ride off the path when he saw a bunny yesterday, so he's still got a way to go. There's another path in Lexington we might check out next weekend.

I've been eating pretty well this weekend, but haven't been journalling, so I need to get back at that. It does make all the difference.

Lindsay- I meant to come back last night and wish you a wonderful race. I'm sure you had an amazing run, and what an honor to that fireman and all who were lost that day. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Tracey- Good luck on your 5K today!!

Connie- Congrats on your run!! That is an awesome speed!! Glad your little one is feeling better. Sounds like you had a rough week.

DVCcruiser:hug: Hope you and ds are feeling better real soon. It's so tough when they are little and getting sick all the time with day care. My son was the same way and sick a lot with respiratory stuff the first 2 years, but once he hit elementary school, he has been very healthy, knock wood. So even though it is so hard now, he's building up those immunities that will help him later. On the sleeping in his bed, I was bad, and just let him come in my bed. I never did the tough cry it out and he went back and forth between his and my bed. As a single parent, that's a little easier and I always said, I don't know any teenage boys who sleep with their moms. Somewhere during 1st grade, I remember thinking, I dont know the last time he came into my room during the night, so he did it himself. I know how crazy weekends can be, so some day we'll get together for a walk.

LisaI love that ds is in planning mode for your trip. It will be so fun to be there just the two of you. Not that it's not fun with your hubby too, but it's special to have your alone time with ds.

50sjayneI love to hear your stories about your great finds. I'm just starting to explore craigs list and ebay lately to save some money. We bought a mini trampoline last week from craigs list for our first purchase. 10$ in stead of 40$ new. We were looking at halloween costumes yesterday, because I didn't want to spend 40$ on a hotdog costume, and michael ended up finding an old astronaut costume that I had used years ago, and we fixed that up for him.

CCSounds like you did a great job at the reunion. I think pretending you're at the spa is a great idea. Do you ever watch suite life on deck? It reminded me of when they were stranded on an island and London thought she was at a resort to deal with it. It was cute. Hang in there. I'm sure it's not easy not being able to get out and around like you'd like. :hug:

Rose- Hope your ankle is ok. That woman was so rude. It's is so aggravating when people act like they own the world. Just wrong. You must be getting so excited for your trip later this week!!!!!

I have volunteered to be a cub scout assistant leader, so I need to do an online child safety course and fill out the paper work for that. We're supposed to get together with the other mom who's the den leader and michael's friend this afternoon and might go apple picking. So I need to hit the shower. bbl with to catch up on qotd.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
Great job on the costume-- I always think made costumes or 'embellished' costumes are the best-- and fun to do up. Our St. Vincent DePaul has an amazing arry of potentials and this year they have them all hanging from a high ceiling--it's great!

Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

It has to be the time my son used my daughter for a fire hydrant while waiting in line for Dumbo. Lol-- disastrous at the time of course but after everyone was cleaned up--it kept us laughing our rear ends off the rest of the trip. That and a few years ago when husband got soaked on magic morning on splash.

I half expect I"ll be made to sign a confidentiality agreement! The release will be mid October, so we won't have long before I'll be allowed to tell. And yes, I will be able to say if it is in fact earthshattering! I've been working for Bose for five years, and they have never released a product in this manner of secrecy before. They are really building it up for us employess. In fact, they renovated our theater and only the store manager is allowed to see the changes. Its padlocked.

I have two days of catching up to do, and maybe 3 QOTD! I'm gonna try to do a couple now, I may be missing Friday's. I'll have to double check. Oh, and first -HH- I'll Never Give Up!!! I have observed people around me who have, or who don't want to make the Life Changing diet, just the for now diet. I am learning from what I see.

I wanted to go back to Friday night at the Indians game. I had said I was going to splurge on a hamburger. When I got to the grill, the hot dogs looked so good! So I chose that instead of the hamburger. It tasted so good. But it made me sick later. Now I know, no more stadium hotdogs! It just takes one experience like this to reinforce my (much) better eating. I had also eaten some carved turkey, three onion rings, one french fry (yep, only 1!) and some peanuts. Drank 1 diet pepsi, then transitioned to water to finish my quota for the day. I did make one unexpected splurge, a very small bowl of mint chocolate chip. Did not regret that. I had just enough to be satisfied, but not so much I felt guilty. My friend, who keeeps saying she wants to lose weight (I don't think she can keep to a plan for more than three weeks) had 3 bowls! (I even stopped the girl from filling my bowl all the way!!)
I had mentioned yesterday that I woke up and gained a pound from the lack of exercise on Friday. Well I am proud to say all my hard work of calorie budgeting and extra exercise yesterday helped me lose it! I was back to my Friday weigh in weight!

Last night was dinner at restaurant I hadn't been to in years, but I remember it being very good. A little place that isn't very well known, but it is on the fancy side. It was a birthday gathering for a friend, and I had stalked out the menu online before hand and chosen my dinner and estimated my calories.
I chose Wakkiki Sushi - coconut shrimp, cucumber & avacodo topped with Kiwi and a pina colada coulis. Yum! I also traded a piece of mine for my friend's French Toast sushi. Yep, I said french toast! It had some type of egg (Tomago?), bacon, scallion, cinnamon sugar sprinkle and Raspberry coulis. OMG! This was amazing! The only reason I didn't order it was because of the bacon!
I didn't even want to eat my entree after all this yummy sushi. I ate half of my grilled salmon, all of my snap peas, and just a bit of the rice pilaf. I really didn't like the rice. I even ate all of my husbands snap peas. My only complaint was the salmon was a little tiny bit rare. I love rare steak but hate rare fish. Go figure.

Today is difficult again. I work at one, then its straight through to the meeting at seven. They are ordering pizza and wings. I tried to get them to order wraps, but it was too expensive for the amount of food. Yeah, if you're comparing it to pizza! You can get lots of pizza for cheap, doesn't make it a better deal. I find that in these situations, as long as I preplan my calories, I can make the best of it. Oh, and as long as I burn some crazy calories! Off for some Kickboxing P90x style. I will try to get the QOTD in while I am at work!

Your project sounds really cool. I have found when I eat something that's high in fat or not good for me since I've been eating better I get kind of sick to my get used to being kind to yourself.

Hopefully this works - love the colors in our backyard!!!:


That's really pretty!

Speaking of which, DS was very disappointed about having to cancel our cruise so I told him about the mother/son Disneyland trip coming up. That helped with the angst and also let him go into full bore planning mode, which does a mama's heart proud!

He's such a nice kid! Good job Mom. And yeah feliway is great-- mostly for dealing with stress with them-- it's spendy though, one refill goes for about $25 and lasts about 2 months if it's taken out occasionally. I never pay more than $14 though as a rule, through whatever methods.
The closet I try to keep shut but I forget and leave it open so this time I took boxes that I really like (I'm kind of a box junkie--working at a supermake) and put the stuff I have in there in the boxes, so that should motivate me well enough to shut the doors.
Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

I have so many wonderful memories of our trips to WDW. One that stands out for me was when my youngest son was about 2years old. We were at Hollywood Studios at opening and we walked down a desserted Mickey Ave. This was when they had the little airstream trailers that the characters made appearances in front of. We were actually waiting for the meet and greet with Scorcerer Mickey, but in the meantime Minnie was in front of her trailer and Pluto was in front of his. We visited both trailers, but our little guy was too scared to visit the characters. He ended up walking across the street and sitting on a bench. Minnie and Pluto saw him and they slowly approached him and let him warm up to them. This happened over about a 15 minute time frame (as I said, we were the only people on the street). Eventually he warmed up to them and from then on he thought he could just run up to them whenever he wanted, they were "his" friends :lmao::lmao:

And while I was looking for pictures I found some of me in my wedding dress:



And here were are first WDW accomodations at WDW, Fort Wilderness:

Hi Everyone,

I thought I came back to the thread last night and replied to a few of you, but I guess I was in my own little world and didn’t. The reunion last night went okay. I ate much more than I should have. Why? Because everyone else was. I really need to work on that. I will say this though. My parents drove me, so when I started to realize how bad I was just following everyone and eating more, I called them and had them pick me up. Wasn’t the best solution, but a solution nonetheless.

Today’s part of the reunion was okay. I’m not even sure what I ate. I will attempt to track it, but know that I have a lot of fruits/veggies left to eat for the day. My father planned a light dinner, so that’s good and I slept through breakfast, so not too bad. Tomorrow, I may be eating lunch someone other than home too. I’m not sure yet. It depends on whether or not my parents decide I can drive myself.

You made the RIGHT choice of a solution for YOU at that moment. It might not have been an ideal solution for everyone, but it worked for you.

I believe we hit about 90 today! It's crazy!

Thanks to everyone for checking in on me. The remainder of my day was good. My "frozen yogurt" was ok. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it but I didn't not like it either. For dinner I had wheat pasta with baked chicken, broccolini and tomato sauce. The tomato sauce is homemade so there is no sugar like a lot of jarred sauces. My dessert tonight was actually a mickey rice crispy treat. My little niece brought me a bunch home from Disney because she knows I love them. 130 empty calories but the only really bad thing I ate today so I am ok with that. I had also had peanuts, an apple, carrots and an orange around for a snack too but I just wasn't hungary enough.

Rose, I ate breakfast at 7:30 and when I was on my way home at 11:45, I noticed I was starving. Before that, I didn't notice feeling hungary at all. I'm not sure if it was the protein or just the fact that I was on the ice and didn't have time to notice if I was hungary. When I try it on a work day, I'll have a better idea.

Pjilla, broccolini was my new vegetable. It's definitely one I can work in. I'll definitely try to work in your idea of veggies with breakfast. That's a completely foreign concept to me! I grew up as a waffles/bacon/fruit for breakfast and to be perfectly honest, tastycakes were often breakfast. It's definitely going to take time to learn to treat the waffles as only an occassional breakfast. I think you are the healthiest most balanced eater I've ever met! How do you determine the number of calories and proper balance for things? When I am good about journaling, I track calories and fiber so today I also recorded the protein. I was just under 1600 calories, 24 grams of fiber and 80 grams of protein. I also had around 80 - 90 ounces of water. Where should I be?

My C25k was good. I'm a slow runner but I made it through all 8 60 second runs. the gym was good.

Honestly.... I have to say I've never tried to track my actual grams of protein. I just know that I eat about 1 serving of protein at each meal and a bit occasionally at snacks and that seems to be enough for me. My breakfast protein is usually either 3 egg whites or 1 Tb. of peanut butter (or occasionally Nutella :love:) or oatmeal with a bit of almond milk.

Lunch protein really varies.... low fat cottage cheese, all-natural lunch meat (hormone free, nitrite/nitrate free, preservative free), some sort of lowfat cheese, hardboiled egg whites, hummus, tabouli, beans.

Dinner protein is more the standard dinner fare... chicken, fish, beef.... but I try to make at least 2 dinner meals per week meatless... so cheese, tofu, TVP, eggs.... or even just a "non-protein" meal like pancakes sometimes.

I track my intake with the Weight Watchers points system.... really it is just a glorified way of counting calories..... but I like it and it works for me. And I am so used to it now I could almost do it in my sleep. Most things don't really surprise me any more too much. The WW system sort of "rewards" you for eating foods with higher fiber, so I don't worry too much about that. Plus many veggies are 0 points per serving, so I can eat lots of veggies without any impact on my points.

In fact, today's lunch was a HUGE plate of sauteed veggies.... broccoli slaw, green peppers, mushrooms... sauteed in PAM spray and topped with just a bit of salt. I do need to return to the kitchen for some protein though... those veggies won't keep me full for long.

Your intake for yesterday sounds good to me.... but I don't know how big you are or how active you were, so it is hard for me to really comment.

Broccolini is a GREAT start on introducing new veggies. How about trying it grilled? I love broccoli, broccolini, and cauliflower and eat at least one of them virtually every day.

Fav older--Fantasia. My first thought was Robinhood but it's '73. I watch Fantasia every year when I'm wrapping presents. I'd say Fantasia 2000 would be my next favorite although the part with the ark kind of ruins it for me even though it's cute and well done. It just kind of disappoints me as subject matter.

Keeping busy here as fall is kind of our spring cleaning season because we see more people in the house in the fall than at any other time due to Halloween and T-Day. Am in the middle of doing some kind of intense anti- kitty hoodlums cleaning, cleaning out a closet and scrubbing it out with vinegar. Then natures miracle. Hopefully this will work-- I have some repeat offenders spray in there, I think it's probably the feet
The kittens are all really playing with each other. It's occuring to me I have my avatar happening right now lol.

I've never been able to really get into Fantasia.... maybe I should give it another try.

I'm with you on the fall cleaning. For some reason I am much more motivated to clean inside in the fall..... to me, Spring is for gardening.... kind of like outdoor cleaning!

Love your profile pictures of the kitties. How is the newest one doing? (Can't remember the name.)
Question of the Day

Disney's theme for the next year is "Let the Memories Begin" What is your best Disney memories.

Oh my gosh.... this could take me forever. Earliest best Disney memory.... riding the skyway gondolas (name??) with my family... seeing the almost-completed Space Mountain and wishing we could return in a few months to ride it... it would be almost 10 years before I returned!

Best memory with my kids... sitting on the warm pavement in California, waiting for WISHES to start.... pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.. that I was actually in the original DISNEYLAND with that warm tropical California breeze blowing (sadly, DH was just a few weeks post-op and was very worn out and had returned to the hotel room a few hours earlier :sad2: ).

Best memory with DH.... on our honeymoon, dressing up for our "night out" at Pleasure Island.... feeling like hot stuff in my new black sundress and black hat :-)lmao:... so 80's!!). Laughing at the comedy club.... dragging ourselve on the bus back because we were so tired! Enjoying our evening walk back around CBR. Oh... and leaning back to kiss him as we took off on our rocket ship in Space Mountain!! :love:

TOO MANY good memories to list them all!

pjlla, sorry about the crazy fluctuations but at least you know what is causing them. :hug: I think it was wise woman corinnak who once said those fluctuations are "interesting." :goodvibes

She is very wise, isn't she!?:thumbsup2

I half expect I"ll be made to sign a confidentiality agreement! The release will be mid October, so we won't have long before I'll be allowed to tell. And yes, I will be able to say if it is in fact earthshattering! I've been working for Bose for five years, and they have never released a product in this manner of secrecy before. They are really building it up for us employess. In fact, they renovated our theater and only the store manager is allowed to see the changes. Its padlocked.

I did make one unexpected splurge, a very small bowl of mint chocolate chip. Did not regret that. I had just enough to be satisfied, but not so much I felt guilty. My friend, who keeeps saying she wants to lose weight (I don't think she can keep to a plan for more than three weeks) had 3 bowls! (I even stopped the girl from filling my bowl all the way!!)
I had mentioned yesterday that I woke up and gained a pound from the lack of exercise on Friday. Well I am proud to say all my hard work of calorie budgeting and extra exercise yesterday helped me lose it! I was back to my Friday weigh in weight!

They are ordering pizza and wings. I tried to get them to order wraps, but it was too expensive for the amount of food. Yeah, if you're comparing it to pizza! You can get lots of pizza for cheap, doesn't make it a better deal. I find that in these situations, as long as I preplan my calories, I can make the best of it. Oh, and as long as I burn some crazy calories! Off for some Kickboxing P90x style. I will try to get the QOTD in while I am at work!

OOOh... I have a family member who works for Bose... I'll have to see if he knows anything!

Good job at the game... and with the ice cream. I've done that before... ordered the smallest size cone available... and then told them to give me LESS ice cream. They usually get confused and look at you funny. I am willing to pay their minimal price for a small.... but that doesn't mean I NEED to eat that much ice cream. Especially if it is one of those places where the small is HUGE! Often, if you ask, they will give you a "baby cone" or "kiddie size", even if is not on the menu.

Could you bring your own food to the meeting??? I mean, I realize I am responding too late for today, but for another day. Or would that be frowned upon or would you feel self-conscious? Just a thought.

Well... happy Sunday! The morning was beautiful and warm, but it has clouded over and gotten much cooler. In fact, it is downright dark here right now. I have clothes to put out on the line, but it looks like they will be going in the dryer.

I had a full-blown collision with cookie dough last night. As many of you know, this is a HUGE weakness for me. DH asked if it was okay to make cookies last night and I figured being a Saturday I could afford to spend a few Flex points on dough... but of course, in my overtired state, I made poor decisions and ate WAY MORE than I should have. Hard to figure out exactly how many points I had, but I'm figuring I will have to be sparing with any extra points I use this week... which always makes for a tough week. Live and learn.

**Halloween Candy Alert ** Before you go munching without thinking, be aware that Candy Corn (yes, that seemingly harmless, fat free candy) is 150 calories/3 points per serving... and a serving size is only 20 candies! How many times have you walked by the bowl and just grabbed a "handful" and then, a few minutes later, another "handful"? Well... there go 150 calories, just like that! Think before you munch!!

Gotta run.... TTYL.........................P
I have so many wonderful memories of our trips to WDW. One that stands out for me was when my youngest son was about 2years old. We were at Hollywood Studios at opening and we walked down a desserted Mickey Ave. This was when they had the little airstream trailers that the characters made appearances in front of. We were actually waiting for the meet and greet with Scorcerer Mickey, but in the meantime Minnie was in front of her trailer and Pluto was in front of his. We visited both trailers, but our little guy was too scared to visit the characters. He ended up walking across the street and sitting on a bench. Minnie and Pluto saw him and they slowly approached him and let him warm up to them. This happened over about a 15 minute time frame (as I said, we were the only people on the street). Eventually he warmed up to them and from then on he thought he could just run up to them whenever he wanted, they were "his" friends :lmao::lmao:

And while I was looking for pictures I found some of me in my wedding dress:

And here were are first WDW accomodations at WDW, Fort Wilderness:

HOLY COW! That picture of your DS is SO STINKING CUTE!! I had to call DD in to look at it.

Your wedding dress looks a bit like a white version of mine (I got married in my favorite color.... pink). DD got a kick out of the bowties matching the girls dresses!

Thanks for sharing the pictures!.............P
Here is the series of pictures that I described before. It took me a while to locate them on my portable hard drive





















Hi Everyone:wave2:

I had the most amazing day. Perfect weather!!!! Spent the morning/early afternoon with my BFF from high school. Ran amongst some amazing people who risk their lives everyday for our country.

The race in NYC was such a wonderful experience. There were fire fighters from all over the world....yes from england, and spain and I think many more. We met people from CT, NJ, GA, MN, and we saw some with shirts from all over. At one point I even ran along with the Army and Coast Gaurd.

There were so many fireman running in full gear. Some carrying the american flag over their shoulder. There was a 70+ year old fire man running....yes I said running. He had on his fireman pants, boots and hat.

As we ran through battery tunnel completely packed in like sardines the chants of U.S.A began. It was just so amazing its hard to explain.

The tunnel was almost 2 miles long. It got really hot in there and I was so happy to see the end. When we exited there were FDNY in thier formal attire lined up for blocks cheering us on. They each held a flag with a picture of a fireman who lost their life on 9/11. There were 343 of them:guilty:. On the other side of the street were the U.S. coast guard also in their formal attire holding the american flag. They all were cheering us on and giving high fives. It was so inspirational.

Along the rest of the route there were cheerleaders and bands and onlookers all cheering for us. We passed ground zero and I have to admit I got a little choked up. I sprinted to the finish and never felt so great at the end of a race.

I was honored to be there. I thank god for all the people who risk their lives everyday for our freedom and safety. It truly was such a great day.

I did take some pics with my phone and I hope to post them later once I figure out how to get them to my computer. I am still awaiting my time. I didnt even look at it crossing the finish because I was to preoccupied with my surroundings.

I hope you all are enjoying your day. I will be back later to reply and answer the QOTD.
Good afternoon everyone.

jude what a great picture of the trees. The weather man said that there was lot of color in NY state.

tigger813 good luck on your race

kathy it is a lot of fun working with the cub scouts. Working with someone else makes it easier. Have fun. I did it for a good number of years. I have two Eagle Scouts to prove it.

momof 2 pirates I am glad you had a great run. It is must have been very inspirational. The history of it brings tears to my eyes.

QOTD Thank you everyone for the great memories. I love the pictures from my3princess especially the ones in Fort Wilderness which is one of my favorite places in all of the world.

I agree i have too many to write down. The first time I saw DL on our honeymoon.
Taking ds1 on our 10th anniversary. My parents mets us down there also a couple of my sisters and other family members. They got to see dh perform in Hoop De Doo Review. he didn't play the guy in the tutu but cried when Davey Crocket died.

Taking dnephew down and staying in FW and him preforming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at Cranium Commando when the movie broke down

Going down with just my twin sister. Having tea at the GF. We had a great time. Our family thought we would kill each other but we got along great.

Going down for our 30th anniv and the boys graduations from college and high school. Meeting dsis and her family and doing the segway tour since the kids were all old enough. Also surprising ds1 and his gf by inviting her to join us on that trip

The unexpected trip last year with dh after I had foot surgery. Just the two of us again after 32 years.

Thanks again everyone for all the great memories.
Jude--love the fall colors. We're in a rain deficit, so I think the leaves will just get brown and fall off this year.

My3princes--what a wonderful memory and what great pictures!

Lindsey--wow, what a great race!

QOTD--We have had lots of great trips and lots of great memories, including day trips to DL when we lived in San Diego. But I would say our first trip to DW was one of my favorites. DS was 3 and Mike had just gotten out of the Navy about 6 months earlier. It was our first real vacation. I can still see DS on the dock at WL with his pooh "panny pack". It was the first Christmas WL was open, so it was magical. DS was so tired on the way home that he fell asleep in his car seat in Orlando and slept through plane changes in atlanta and didn't wake up until we were home.

My foot feels great, so nothing left over from falling off the curb. Both Mike and I had to take claritin so hoping it's allergies and not a cold. We got a ton done today, so I think we will be nice and relaxed by Thursday, and not have one of those flying out the door departures, knowing that you forgot something. My eating has not been great, but hoping it's pms. Who knows. Probably tmi, but I can't remember the last time we went to WDW and I didn't have to deal with girl stuff. Such a pain!

I did plan out our meals for the rest of the week, so hopefully we will head into our mini vacation having eaten healthy. I am planning on sharing a couple of sundaes while we're down there.:goodvibes I am even planning on picking up a subway veggie sub for dinner on the plane, because it's not always easy to find veggie food in airports. Though MCO is great--last time I got hummus and grapes and cheese! Yum.

Have a good evening.:goodvibes


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