Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

S incere
U nderstanding
S illy
A ddictive (in a good way)
N ice

Wow, that was harder than I thought it would be.

I don't think that should have been hard for you, at all! I can think of many adjectives for you including sweet, understanding, supportive, attentive (to the needs of your fellow BLers) and nice, for sure. Glad you thought of some I'd have chosen for you, as well. :goodvibes

L Loving
I Intelligent
S Sensitive (to the needs of others)
A Active (this is a new one but I am liking it! :goodvibes)

Whew! That was a tough one. This was a great question, Cam! We've had the discussion about how hard it is to say positive things about ourselves in previous challenges and how that affects our success on this journey. :hippie: It was a good reminder to be kind to ourselves!

. . .

It is a cool and rainy morning here. I slept until 6:45 am, which is late for me. I've been needing to catch up on my rest. DH and DS are still asleep. They need to catch up on their rest, too. Today is a laundry and getting ready for next week day. Dinner is planned and purchased so we can stay home and take it easy. I love those kind of days! :goodvibes

Have a wonderful, peaceful and OP Sunday all!

Lisa -- For "S" you could have also put sweet or supportive. Glad you "slept in" a bit. I hope the rest of your day is somewhat restful.

. . . . Part of this is due to my work schedule. We have been shorthanded for a while and are getting ready for a huge new product release (I don't even know what yet), so I've only been getting one day off a week. At first this didn't phase me too much, but I think it finally is.

. . . .

Oh, crap. I just looked at the clock and realized I have to shower and be at work in less than 40 minutes, I totally misjudged the time! Oops..

I hope you made it to work on time. I am really impressed at your discipline in carving out that activity time. I am sorry you are feeling so busy but I hope your work schedule calms down abit.

Ok not that bad really-- so long story short Penney is adopted. By us. We are insane people.

The poster (the one where she is in front--someone asked I forgot) is Sleeping Beauty-- a cardboard cut out I put on my wall ;-)

Oh, I'm so happy that Penny has found a forever home with you. She looks like such a darling. Thank you for answering my question about the poster behind her. That is really cool!

None of the clothes I had fitted anymore and need to buy new ones and even that wasn't easy.
I also started watching Biggest Loser and was in complete awe of what is possible. So inspired by that show, I think I will continue to watch it for many years.

It is wonderful that you were so inspired; I think that show has done even more for the viewers than it has for the participants. I've only seen one or two episodes and spent a lot of time crying.

Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. :goodvibes I feel better already.:grouphug:

Hey, sweetie. I am so sorry you've had a rough week. Sending you a huge hug. :hug:

I haven't done much today, but I did workout for 50 minutes on the Wii/balance board. No gym today as my sister and BIL are already here. It's a family dinner day. They are having chicken drumsticks and chicken thighs, plus ribs. I am having chicken breast tenderloins-grilled, with nothing added to them. I'll have a nice large salad too. Had a great lunch as well.

Thanks for saying that! Your support has been so great! I am thinking about driving down for my next WDW trip because I have a few people to meet on my way.

It's funny that you mentioned chicken breast because my parents did the grocery shopping yesterday and didn't buy much that is low-point, etc. They were good about it and gave me some money to go grocery shopping after my trip to the gym (best run/walk ever, btw) and one of things I bought was chicken breast. My father is going to grill them tonight when he is making less lean chicken and ribs for everyone else. I'll have plenty for the week. Thanks! :goodvibes

So glad that your parents are understanding about your desire to eat healthier. If you have a Costco near you they sell a huge frozen bag of grilled chicken breast strips. I don't remember how much it is, but probably less than $10 and you could have grilled chicken at hand very readily for sandwiches, salads, stir-fry.

BTW, if you are ever driving to WDW, we are less than 10 minutes off of 95 and would LOVE for you to visit or spend a night on your way there or back. Keep it in mind!

Program Evaluation analyzes a program to see if it is effective, identifies what parts of a program is the most effect, and provides information to help strengthen the program. Examples of programs would be things like school reading programs, sports programs, intervention programs, and even our BL challenge can be considered a program!

I really enjoy it. I feel like I get to help to provide better services to those who are in the program. Currently I am evaluating two mentoring programs. Whats great about evaluating a program is that it solidifies what people think are working and helps provide information to strengthen the parts that people are unsure of. Sorry for the long response, Im really passionate about it. Its been my life for the past 3 years, and probably 3 more years :scared1:

Jeanette -- Your job sounds amazing! It must be wonderful to know that what you are doing is improving services that are being provided and that your feedback is edifying to others. Wow!! That must give you such a sense of satisfaction at the end of every day.

Hi Lisa,
I would like to join the group - I guess better late than never!

stitch'sgirl -- Welcome!! :welcome: So happy to have you here. Jump right in. Tell us something about you. Would love to hear your answer to today's question of the day. It would be a great way for us all to get to know you, and whether you like it or not ;) we'll get you thinking positively about yourself right from the beginning. :thumbsup2
Hi Lisa,
I would like to join the group - I guess better late than never!

Hi!! This is a great group - glad you found us!! :goodvibes

...and I have to ask - where/what is the "mitten state'?????

Pretty good weekend here. DS's JV football team won, DD's Pop Warner team won (she cheers) and I finished my 11 mile run. Three more weeks til my first half marathon. Thank God for Advil.

DH and DS are busy with yardwork, I'm doing the dreaded job of matching socks and DD is making chocolate chip cookies to send to some of my friends serving in Afghanistan. It's a beautiful fall day here - leaves are just starting to change, the days are slightly warm and it "smells" like fall. Yay!!! Now if my darn Bills would just get it in gear...!!!
Off to my parents for dinner tonight. Catch everyone tomorrow!
Jude -- What a fun weekend your family has had!! It is so sweet of DD to bake cookies. :hug: congrats on your 11 mile run. Have fun tonight. You have to carb re-load, right? ;)

I can't believe it is already Sunday afternoon. The weekend is flying by! Ours has been so busy but so productive. Friday night was the football game (I was wrong, BTW, DS's school's team won 35-6; the other team scored with less than 6 seconds left).

Yesterday, I did my 3 mile walk and then went to the farmer's market for fruits & veggies and meats and fresh flowers. Then one of my BFFs came to visit. We had lunch together and then went shopping -- Bed Bath & Beyond, Christmas Tree Shoppe, Target and Michaels. Then home to cook broccoli to take to DD22's apartment (she was cooking dinner for us). We left here around 5:30, stopped to buy dessert and then had a lovely evening at DD's apt. with her and her apartment mate. Jenn made us whole wheat pasta with sauce & grilled chicken, and we added broccoli to our plates. We all watched "The Backup Plan" which was fun and Marie and I got home around 11 or 11:15. This morning, we had breakfast, went shopping at Costco, and then home for lunch. She left, Andrew is studying, Howard is watching the Steelers game, and I am finally getting back on line to catch up here.

I had thought to ask DH to go to a movie but I'm pretty wiped out and will enjoy cooking for the week instead.

I wanted to give you all an early warning-- in the next couple of days, I am going to ask you to post your favorite recipe that takes 5 ingredients or less. So, start thinking now. :cutie:

Alright, I am off to log my food and plan some menus. I meant to tell you guys. My weight is down nearly 3 pounds since Thursday morning, so it has helped me stay disciplined this weekend and I am hoping for that "WHOOSH" for next week's weigh in. :dance3:
Don't really know if there was one ah-ha moment - much more like years of feeling this way -
I had lost a lot of weight (about 80lbs) in 1997-1998 - then got pregnant and had our 2nd daughter, then 18 mos later I had another daughter. I never regained all of my weight, but at this point I am only 25 lbs below my highest weight ever -
Most of the weight gain has occurred over the past 2 yrs - not sure why b/c I don't think I significantly changed my eating habits, although I admit I have slacked off considerably on the amount of exercise that I do. I have been slowily trying to get back on track with that -
So for me the recent series of weight loss failures has caused me to more closely examine what I can do to seriously commit to weight loss - and then I found this group here on the DIS boards and I felt like this time it will work.
QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

Indeed, I did. Christmas day 2009... two things happened. First, I went to my parents house for dinner and my mom took a family picture and printed it up for all of us (my parents, brother and my grandma). I could NOT believe how large I was. I had been small my entire life (had a bout of bulimia for several years from my teens to my 30's), I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. My second moment that day was later that night when I pulled out the Wii Fit my H had gotten me for Christmas (I asked for one). In front of my children and H I stepped on that stupid thing and witnessed what my weight really was... not what I thought it was. 2 a-ha moments in one day. 51 pounds later, I am a different person. :)

Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. :goodvibes I feel better already.:grouphug:

:hug: to my special buddy!!! :)
Okay I'm back again trying to get caught up. I'm not having very good luck with multi quotes, so I'll try to do them again in a bit. Maybe it's that I'm quoting posts that are too long and already full of quotes :confused3

Good for you on recognizing this early! Sophie was 3 before I even began to think of myself again! In fact, I started my WL journey 1 week after her 3rd bday! However, I am NOT good at putting myself first, at all!

Yeah it's good that I recognize it, but I also realize that it's tougher than some people would expect. My poor DS came down with another sinus infection this week, so I had to take a back seat this week. I'm hoping that this week will go better now that he's feeling better and that I'll be able to get back to taking came of myself.
QOTD- 1. Wore a size 12 pant for the first time in a long time this week.
2. Ran 7 miles....longest run to date
3. Hit my half way goal. Official lost 30 of the 60lbs:yay: that was
a 2.2lb weight loss for the week.:yay:

Yay :banana: smaller pants and 7 miles, you go! That's great progress.

Wow, I can't keep up!
I am happy that all my hard work this week paid off- I lost 4.6 lbs.

4.6lbs is awesome, now that's dedication :yay:

For lunch I ate 2 Morningstar Farms mushroom lover's burgers! OMG they were sooooo good!

Huh :confused3 What are these and where do you find them? I love mushrooms.

So proud to say Im down a total of 4lbs!:)

Im having seriouse disney withdrawls:guilty: so I think Im going to get my Halloween stuff this will either help or make it worse! LOL:rotfl:

4 pounds, great job :cool1:

I hear you on the Disney withdrawal. We haven't been in a few years. My DS is about 14 months old and I don't want to bring him yet so we did Disney's Hilton Head in May and are going on the Disney Dream next May and the Fantasy the year after. If you look at the small box at the top of the Disboards there is a link to where someone posted the whole MNSHP fireworks show. It helped with my withdrawals. I also watched 2 Disney behind the scenes tv shows on the Travel Channel this week to fill my void.

Too funny, I love holidays and did the same thing with my decorations 2 weeks ago. Though when I took out my Mickey pumpkin from my trip to MNSHP a few years ago I wanted to go again. I feel your pain :hug:

Well, I have to add a new positive aspect… I went to the running store at lunch to find something more comfortable to run in for tomorrow. I was set to buy XL shorts or a skirt, but they didn’t have any XLs. The lady convinced me to try on a L to see how I liked the style of the skirt over capris and IT FIT :eek:! So then I tried on the shorts in L and THEY FIT TOO :faint: ! The last time I put anything on my bum that was smaller than XL was before I was pregnant with my son – that was ten years ago! :dance3:

:woohoo: That's the best feeling. Keep up the good work!
There is no way I am going to catch up tonight. We just got home from the Mud Run and I am totally exhausted. I had an incredible amount of fun. I conquered the mud and decided that I am strong beyond belief!

Jen, you go :thumbsup2 That looks amazing! You look great, I wish I could do a workout like that :worship:

Can Mickey give me $500 instead of $100?

Now that made me laugh :rotfl:

I have to admit, I've ben skimming a bit. When I realized how far behind I was, I was a little overwhelmed :headache:
Back from the 2nd day of the festival! It was GREAT! I'm exhausted though! I did well with eating. I had my smoothie this morning and then DH and I did the sampling of pulled pork. Then I had a watermelon slushie. I came home and had 2 pieces of leftover pizza and some cheesy garlic bread. Not been super hungry which is good. I got a few Christmas presents and the girls had a blast. DD2 spent at least 2 hours in the bouncy houses!!!! She's wiped out!

Back to working out in the morning. Plan on doing 2 miles on the elliptical at 5:15 and then I'll do my 5K after I pick up DD2s car seat that I left in the rental car on Friday or do it after DD2 gets home from Kindergarten at 12:10. I also might run to WalMart as there's one near by.

I hope to get in a few laps during DD1s soccer practice tomorrow after dancing. Not sure what we'll be eating the next 3 days. I'll have to look into that in the morning too.

Back to watching the Patriots game! GO PATS!!!!!
QOTD: It is almost time for Fall. What are you looking forward to about the new season? It doesn't have to be related to working on your healthy/healthier lifestyle, but it can be!

I just love the fall :cloud9: I enjoy the weather, buying fall clothes as if I was shopping for school clothes like I did when I was younger, putting up my Halloween decorations, all of my favorite shows start up again, the leaves change color and the Topsfield Fair is back! The only thing that I enjoy more than fall in New England is fall in WDW :love:

Hope that you are feeling better soon, jenn! :flower3:

Yes, hope you are back to feeling yourself. Unfortunately I have joined those of you with colds.


Oh I just love that song. I was listening it to it this week watching Disney behind the scenes on the Travel Channel.

You go with your menus. I feel like a short order cook. I'm following WW, my husband is doing Atkins and my DS (14 months) doesn't eat too much yet. He has his usual standbys, but it's tough making dinners.

I'm back from a great yearly check up!!!!!! Drumroll please........

Down 18 pounds since last August!!!! motivation then what is!!!!!

Great job :thumbsup2
Just a quick post- As I was cleaning out my book bag, I found a Meal Planning Guide my dietitian gave me. Its great for having a handy packet that tells you the serving sizes for different foods. I found a copy online if anyone is interested in it, just click on the link above.

It gives this handly little picture for estimating portion sizes based on your hand. 3oz of cooked meat=your palm; 1c.=your fist; 1tb=your thumb, 1tsp=tip of your thumb. I think its easier for me to remember it this way since I always have my hand in front of me :rotfl:
Lord knows I try! DH doesn't help. Basically says nothing to anyone, even me. When I try to encourage him or compliment him on his loss (and it shows) I am told to stop and it's none of my business. Tough group here. I THINK DS21 might be starting to get it after I started crying in front of his friends when he jokingly said it last week. Maybe.....

Oh no, I sure hope he realizes the error of his ways :hug:
Just a quick post- As I was cleaning out my book bag, I found a Meal Planning Guide my dietitian gave me. Its great for having a handy packet that tells you the serving sizes for different foods. I found a copy online if anyone is interested in it, just click on the link above.

It gives this handly little picture for estimating portion sizes based on your hand. 3oz of cooked meat=your palm; 1c.=your fist; 1tb=your thumb, 1tsp=tip of your thumb. I think its easier for me to remember it this way since I always have my hand in front of me :rotfl:

Thanks for posting this guide....very helpful.

Week 3 HH Challenge
For part two of the challenge, post your thoughts about emotional support. You can give a shout out thank you to someone, talk about how someone has supported you, post about what has happened when you try to do it on your own or anything else about the topic.

Here's to a happy and healthy week!

Emotional support is extremely important to me when I'm trying to lose weight and be healthy. When I feel that someone "has my back" I can draw on it during moments of weakness. Having emotional support also helps me pick myself up and dust myself off when I do slip.....we all have our moments.

Luckily::yes:: I have have a very supportive family. My DH, and my girls are always ready to cheer me on. :cheer2:I love it when I give them a report about losing weight and they congratulate me : ) My girls have gone to the gym with me even when they don't want to....I always thank them for that : ) My DH watches the kids a lot during the weekends so I can go to the gym. Even when we are on vacation they make sure we carve out time for me to use the hotel gym. My sisters are very supportive as well, they always notice when I lose weight and tell me I look good. When my family isn't around (and sometimes when they are around) and I am feeling a need for emotional support I just read this board for support. Isn't it funny how people who have a common goal and you've have never met can be so supportive. You are all wonderful:grouphug: and I'm glad to be getting to know everyone:flower3:

Don't really know if there was one ah-ha moment - much more like years of feeling this way -
I had lost a lot of weight (about 80lbs) in 1997-1998 - then got pregnant and had our 2nd daughter, then 18 mos later I had another daughter. I never regained all of my weight, but at this point I am only 25 lbs below my highest weight ever -
Most of the weight gain has occurred over the past 2 yrs - not sure why b/c I don't think I significantly changed my eating habits, although I admit I have slacked off considerably on the amount of exercise that I do. I have been slowily trying to get back on track with that -
So for me the recent series of weight loss failures has caused me to more closely examine what I can do to seriously commit to weight loss - and then I found this group here on the DIS boards and I felt like this time it will work.

I am so impressed that you are able to work on this effort with 3 children. I wouldn't drive myself too crazy at this point on the activity, since just keeping up with 3 kids probably keeps you hopping. I'm really glad you found us!

51 pounds later, I am a different person. :)
51 pounds is so inspiring!! :worship: Keep up the great work!

My poor DS came down with another sinus infection this week, so I had to take a back seat this week. I'm hoping that this week will go better now that he's feeling better and that I'll be able to get back to taking came of myself.
Sending good vibes :goodvibes and pixiedust pixiedust that DS will feel better really quickly. Sinus infections are so painful and exhausting.

Back to working out in the morning. Plan on doing 2 miles on the elliptical at 5:15 and then I'll do my 5K after I pick up DD2s car seat that I left in the rental car on Friday or do it after DD2 gets home from Kindergarten at 12:10. I also might run to WalMart as there's one near by.

I hope to get in a few laps during DD1s soccer practice tomorrow after dancing. Not sure what we'll be eating the next 3 days. I'll have to look into that in the morning too.

Congrats on being so in control and for having an activity plan for tomorrow! :thumbsup2

Luckily::yes:: I have have a very supportive family. My DH, and my girls are always ready to cheer me on. :cheer2:I love it when I give them a report about losing weight and they congratulate me : ) My girls have gone to the gym with me even when they don't want to....I always thank them for that : ) My DH watches the kids a lot during the weekends so I can go to the gym. Even when we are on vacation they make sure we carve out time for me to use the hotel gym. My sisters are very supportive as well, they always notice when I lose weight and tell me I look good. When my family isn't around (and sometimes when they are around) and I am feeling a need for emotional support I just read this board for support. Isn't it funny how people who have a common goal and you've have never met can be so supportive. You are all wonderful:grouphug: and I'm glad to be getting to know everyone:flower3:


That is an awesome support system you have in place there! It's great that your family is so helpful. :grouphug:

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

I know I've told this story before (in my WISH journal if nowhere else), but my a-ha moment came on January 6, 2005. I had been diagnosed with a potentially fatal heart condition in February 1995. It should have been curable but 3 heart surgeries had failed. As the condition wore my body down, I was increasingly fatigued, barely making it through shortened work days, not driving because of near blackouts and unable to go up and down the steps in my house more than once or twice a day. When I woke up after the fourth heart surgery and found out my condition was cured, I decided to re-take control of my life, get healthy and get active. I have been very overweight for all my life that I can remember and had stretch marks by the time I was 10. Once my heart was healthy again, I decided to start training to walk the 2006 WDW 1/2 marathon. Once I accomplished that goal, I had a new lightbulb moment where I realized that I can achieve anything if I am willing to work for it.

Well, I am wiped out. I am calling my hour of very fast shopping at Costco, walking up and down every aisle, lifting all those heavy bulk items, carrying it all into the house and then being on my feet for hours, unloading groceries, reorganizing cabinets (up and down a mini stepladder), making lunches and dinners for today and lunches for tomorrow, mopping the kitchen floor, unloading and re-loading the dishwasher, etc. my 20 minutes of exercise for the day. LOL! I have to lay everything out for physical therapy tomorrow, pack all my shower stuff and work clothes, and pack a gym bag for tomorrow night. Then, I am off to take a nice bath (still achy from those 3 miles yesterday) and try to get to bed before 10.

Have a great night my friends!
Oops! Wanted to post the QOTD for tomorrow since I won't be on until about 9:30 a.m.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
I'm going to try to catch up. I had a post ready last night and the boards went down :headache: Hopefully I'll remember some of it.

I have a very strong support system. My kids will remind me that I'm on a diet if they see me heading towards items that they know I shouldn't have and my husband will stay on plan with me and he will exercise with me. He's my hero :love: My parents can be supportive, but my Mother will sometimes try to sabotage me by cooking things that she knows is not on my plan then complaining about how hard she worked making xxx and I'm not eating it. I think I've told her no enough times now that I don't feel guilty.

M Magnificient Mom
Y Young (I feel that way even if my age doesn't agree)
3 3 wonderful boys
P Pretty
R Relentless
I Intellegent
N Nurturing
C Creative and Crafty
E Energetic
S Sexy

Today QOTD: Mine wasn't really a moment, but more of a realization. I realized that I was a size 20, the biggest and heaviest I had ever been in my entire life. I had used the excuse for years that i was going to have more children so why put forth the effort to lose. I knew that I was finished having children and I knew that my children were faster that I was. That is when I finally made the decision to diet for the first time in my life (I was never overweight before children) Dh and I went on Atkins and I lost 50 lbs in 4 months. Since that time 6 years ago, I have gained a few lbs, lost a few lbs, but never made it to my goal weight. I have lost 60 lbs, but our last vacation sabotaged that and I'm working at losing that weight then onto those last few lbs.

Oops! Wanted to post the QOTD for tomorrow since I won't be on until about 9:30 a.m.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

That totally depends on how committed I am to my diet. When I am totally committed, There is nothing that could come into my house and temt me. If I'm only partially committed, any sweet could do the job.
QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it? I think it was my last trip to Disney World. Being on the rides and having to pull the seatbelt all the way and wondering if it was going to fasten. I was mortified. It was a big eye opener.

Did I say that the BL contestants said 2-3 gallons? If so, I screwed up. It was 1-2 gallons. Sorry about the confusion. Don't know what I was typing. Maybe I was thinking about the number of times I fill my big water bottle each day.

Still having headaches, but I have a dr appt tomorrow to see what she thinks is causing them. Neighbor believes I'm not eating enough. I don't think that's the problem since I was a very bad girl yesterday and still had headaches.

Oh, I need to talk about my support. My DH is great most of the time. He eats the low cal/low fat meals that I fix without complaint and makes sure I have the time I need to workout. He also is so excited when I pack up the clothes that are too big and take them to goodwill. He does have those moments when he starts telling me what I can't eat and I don't do well when someone tries to tell me what I can't do. I just want to show you that I can do it.


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