Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Well, all I can say is that it is amazing what NOT binging on Sunday can do for a Monday weigh-in. I'm down 3.2 pounds for the week! That means I lost what I gained last week AND I'm down 2.0 pounds since the start of this challenge.

Now THAT is a good way to start a Monday. :goodvibes

You ROCK, Connie!! :banana: Congratulations!!!
I'm not sure I had an AHA moment! I've been watching a slow steady rise for about a year and a half and knew all along it was a big problem!

My can't keep it in the house food is gummy candies. Not that they last long anyway!
Hi Lisa,
I would like to join the group - I guess better late than never!

:welcome: stitch'sgirl! Thanks for joining our challenge! :flower3:

Cam, :hug:, that was such an inspiring story! You have so much to proud of!

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

Potato chips and Halloween candy. :sad2:

dvccruiser, best wishes for a speedy recovery for your little guy! :flower3:

Tracey, same for you with DD! :flower3:

Susan, hope that the doctor can help you with those headaches! :hug:

Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?

:welcome: mikat! Thanks for joining our challenge :daisy:

50sjayne, glad that you decided to keep Penney. She will have a great home with you and DH (who is really as much of a softy as you are! :goodvibes).

MB, hope that the rest of your day goes better. :hug:

Healthy Habits part two- emotional support- I get most of my emotional support for all of you here. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have my friends here for support and inspiration. Last year, when my mom was sick, I'm pretty sure I would have stopped coming here and posting if it wasn't for Lisah. She reached out to me, and offered her support and encouragement so many times when I really feeling down, and it really helped me so much to deal with the stress, and to know she was always here to listen when i was confused and distraught. I also received so much support from so many, Dona, Maria, Shannon, JenA, Taryn, and Jennz. It was so helpful Jennz, to know that you knew exactly what I was going through. My weight loss journey has had it's ups and downs, and so many other things in life affect it, but since I found wish and the bl challenges, I feel like I have the support I need to reach my goals. Thank you to all of you, for being here, for sharing your journeys and for all the support. Michael is also a pretty big support of my efforts now too. I'm trying to keep him on a healthy track too, and when I'm doing my runs around the track, he's so cute and will cheer me on. I really am blessed.

That support is a two way street, girl! :hug: If it wasn't for you I don't think I would have had the courage to do the Princess in February. princess:

Welcome back, Maria, sounds like you did a great job travelling and staying OP! :thumbsup2

Shannon, enjoy your celebrations and think how good it will feel when all these renovations are behind you!

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

Reeses and peanut m&m's Dangerous!

Anyone else finding themselves not paying attention to the groceries that you don't eat? What I mean is I've stopped drinking milk. I do almond milk instead. So now when the family is low on milk, I don't really notice and have to be told half the time. The kids are old enough to pour their own, so I don't usually have to pull the gallon jug out of it's handy dandy door. I find myself running to the store for milk when normally I would have a back up gallon ready to go. Anyone else neglecting their families groceries?

Well, all I can say is that it is amazing what NOT binging on Sunday can do for a Monday weigh-in. I'm down 3.2 pounds for the week! That means I lost what I gained last week AND I'm down 2.0 pounds since the start of this challenge.

Now THAT is a good way to start a Monday. :goodvibes

:woohoo: Connie!

I would also like to welcome another new BL participant, boltfan! :welcome:

I've had two long replies goes poof on me this morning so I'll take that as a sign I need to get cracking on my work here. :goodvibes

I'm looking at the birthday list and after jenanderson's next month we don't have any other birthdays to celebrate? Really? :confused3 If you are having a birthday during the challenge please PM me so I can add it to the list. Come on -- don't be shy! :flower3:

Have a great day all!
Good morning! I have decided that I can enjoy a bit of time with you all while I am having my breakfast--after I have read my sparkpeople article for the day and logged in my foods...
Thanks for the great reads this morning! Hope you all have a fabulous day!

I just finished my 3 mile walk--my sister and I are training for the WDW half marathon in January. I am still a VERY slow walker - averaging 20 min/mile most days--but I am on week 4 of my training schedule and did 5 miles on Saturday--slow but steady. I know as I lose weight this fall that that will help with the speed--these muscles work hard carrying around 270 lbs!! But better 270 than 300 :)

Anyway - to-do list today is LONG--but only 1 training to do (I train medical office software over the internet) so it's a great catch-up day... so here's the QOTD: For me that would have to be pasta - I could eat spaghetti every day and not get tired of it--it's my comfort food and a 2 oz portion is just so small to me - it's like why bother - so I just pretty much steer clear of it when I am trying to lose :) I've found OK subs for my other problems (I love baked cheetos) but there is no substitute for a good plateful of spaghetti...

Looking forward to reading when I can (am not going to even try to keep up with every post right now). Have a magically Disney day!
:) Liz
I have no clue how I get so far behind with this thread...but I do. I keep saying that I will try to catch up but by the time I read through all the posts, there are even more posts. I must find more hours in my day! :rotfl2:

I had a pretty good weekend. I was able to get a 5 mile run in on Saturday and an 8 mile run in on Sunday. It was so cold on Sunday that I actually wore gloves! :scared1: It is kind of nice that it cooled down some but I do not like that it went from really hot to really cold almost over night and now we are suppose to be staying cold.

As for my food over the was not all that great. It was not all that bad but I could have made some better choices along the way. I will need to work on it better this weekend.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
Totally M&Ms. On Saturday I bought a bag of M&Ms (I had a really good coupon and they were on sale). I opened them up and put them in a bowl for the family to enjoy. By bed time last night, the M&Ms were pretty much gone. Yes, the kids did eat some. Yes, I did eat most. M&Ms should NOT be allowed in the house.

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

My "AH HAH" moment was when I was looking at photos over winter break. I knew that I was gaining weight but looking through the photos I felt sad that I could not find enough that I wanted to use for making a video of our vacation.

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself
j - juggles a crazy life with a smile (most the time)
e - energetic
n - nice
a - adores her family
n - new healthy outlook on life
d - dedicated
e - educator
r - runner
s - super thoughtful
o - open to new ideas
n - never gives up
A friendly reminder for those of you who watch the Biggest Loser show that the premiere is tomorrow night, 9/21.

Do you want to discuss the show on this thread or should we open a separate thread? As chatty as we are it may be best to open a separate thread? Something to think about . . . ;)
I gathered that is what you were listing from. Didn't mean to seem like I was singling you out or arguing. I know they know what they are talking about when it comes to dropping weight can see proof on tv. But people I have known say oh bananas have too much sugar then they chomp down on their "diet" bread with high fructose corn syrup. It's very cool you got to talk to some of them and get tips. Since I drink almond and dd drinks soy I have to admit I don't keep up the 2% cows milk really. My brother doesn't drink milk either so it really only goes into cooking. I think I will start using the almond milk to cook with when needed. I bought the last gallon only because I was having my friends boys' over so they could drink it or have on their cereal.

That seems typical for me too. Right when I get ready or even into a workout is when I start getting calls etc. Is it a 3rd Tinkerbell movie? I need to get these for dd she was enjoying the first one my dad had in his collection(they collect Disney movies) she had seen the 2nd one too. Are you saving it for Christmas gift? hehe Hope dd feels better soon.

Yep those Diva cups are weird to get used to but once you do it makes things much much easier. I've had mine about 6 years and I had the Keeper before this but after Zoe was born I had to get the after birth size and switched to Diva because a friend of a friend was selling them. Only one or occasionally two days I need a thin pad for back up but otherwise its amazing.
Trouble at aschool. Ahhh they should even out as they get into the routine though. I'm so glad Zoe hasn't had behavior problems in school. At least not major ones. Last year in 1st at public school she had some comments about fidgeting in her desk, she was bored which is what the teacher assumed as well.

How did it go at the library? Were you able to check it out? I had to wait on a waiting list. I have another of hers on hold request too. How long have you been on this current pill? After charting so long I feel every ovulation each time so I usually know. I charted to get pregnant and did the first month and when Zoe quit nursing I went off mini pill and charted to avoid in time I could just feel ovulation. Are you doing WW tracking and SP then? I keep wondering if I should try tracking points again. I got all the materials to do it. I never get that much protein even when I do eat meat. I stay around 50 at least though.

Wow what a race. WTG!! That is great time. I have been contemplating entering a 5K walk its for Autism awareness and I walked it years ago. Its on Halloween day though and I wasn't sure what I'd be doing. I should really get signed up but I don't think I could raise much if any money in 6 weeks time.

I never knew about your mom. That is very sad. It has to be hard hearing that message. Weird she think its was jealousy. I know Zoe is very outgoing and I'm sure will have a lot better time in school than I did as far as socially. I'm happy for her though not jealous at all. My mother was something else too but not overly bad about it.
Yep I was sad about the cat especially since we didn't know if he was hurt. He seemed okay since he jumped up on a 4 ft wall but still was hard. My mom didn't put any effort into looking for him. She didn't care. I think cats are disposable to her and that makes me quite sad. Mine ride in car carriers so this doesn't happen(not that I open my windows anyway).

I love to do my simple before bed routine its a decent relaxing routine. I have to be careful as yoga really gives me energy. I guess I just need to learn to apply the energy to sleep energy.

I love the Silk soy milk(well now I drink their almond milk) more than 8th Continent which seemed to grainy/gritty to me. There seems to be a wide range of preferences between people though I have noticed. I also found I like the plain or unsweetened ones a lot more than vanilla ones. Soy has more protein but I'm trying to stay away from extra soy.
How neat you have class on video. I have done online courses but they were all email and groups. Thanks for the meal planning guide link. I'll save the pdf and I can refer to it.

I wonder how altitude plays in. I know living in the desert a lot people carry around a gallon jug. I suppose the "sweat" factor plays into that. So yeah sometimes I can drink more than 1 gallon in a day depending on how much I'm sweating inside or outside. I also know your weight plays in there. I'll have to check the links out. My brother can drink easily 2 gallons a day because he works outside 8-9 hours a day(some weeks 6 days). Probably is he drinks it all in the evening. I don't know how much he gets to drink at work but at home he probably drinks close to double what I do.

Penney is just to adorable. She reminds me of a tiny version of my brothers grown cat Aurora. Bless you for taking her in. :goodvibes
See Aurora:

Aurora sitting pretty by Melissa , on Flickr
Rain!! I miss my rainy Florida. :(

Way to go on the loss. It is a good way to start Monday. :)

Mine is in Nov I will PM when I get a chance in a few minutes.

Hi there. :) Yahy for some accountability and partner on the training. I need a local training partner. I'm not walking every morning and afternoon for the bus stop I suppose. Its close to a quarter mile each way. I could try to take long ways home so its longer. Well at least on the morning one the afternoon is still in 100s so not sure I'll want to do any extra walking then. But can take a swim when we get home from the bus stop most days until weather is better.
You train others or are training med office software? I need to find out some of them and learn them. I suppose if I put them in my resume it may help me get work in medical assisting world. So far its been hard I had a few interviews for it right after school in 2008 then a couple in Jan of 2009 but nothing. I just don't have extensive experience.

Stitch'sgirl and mikat,
Welcome. :) This group and WISH in general have been great motivation for me when I take the time to dig into a challenge/group thread.

Well that took well over an hour. I really need to work out a way to stay caught up by reading and checking in more frequently or something. I got in 15 minutes of walking this morning but really need to do my WATP dvd. I'd go swim but the pool guy was pouring in chemicals this morning so probably shocked it and it will be closed a couple days.

Now for some catch up on Q's.

Healthy Habit Q:(missed part 1)
I probably get the most support from Zoe. She will remind me to do yoga at night she hasn't been as equipped to help with workout reminders now since she has to go to school.

Mickey loving woman
Eccentric musical tastes
Silly and fun mom
Striving for a simple life
Artsy with the camera

Sunday QOTD:
My last straw is I don't want to become diabetic like my mother and my triglycerides and bloodpressure need to get in check so working on the "diet" to help lower both of these. Health is a big time ah ha moment for me and the scale has gotten too close to 300 and I made a promise to myself that I would not ever weigh more than 300 lbs. But the fact my jeans are all tight now kills me. Especially a pair I couldn't keep up last year have me not letting this journey fall away long.

Monday QOTD:
Doritos are like crack to me. I can't have them in the house I will eat way too many and snack on them when I'm not even that hungry. This is probably my worst weakness. Buying the little bags does not help I just take 2(or 3 :guilty: ) of them. UGH! I just can't buy them. Its a special treat when I do get them which isn't often not even monthly.
potato chips(except maybe salt and vinegar ones) aren't bad around me nor are the plain cheetos and cheese puffs. I can't stand them. Hot cheetos I do seem to have trouble stopping though.
Ice cream can be dangerous for me too. Especially Blue Bell pistachio almond. :scared1: Of course with the lactose I end up with a belly ache and avoid it for days only to gorge on it again. :confused3 Maybe I can write Rice Dream or Almond Dream and have them come out with a pistachio ice cream that won't cause me tummy issues.
Zoesmama- It is the newest one. We'll give it to the girls this week. They are sleeping over at their Aunt's on Saturday night though we'll probably watch it before that. I'll actually pick it up Wednesday morning after the girls are off to school since I don't work that morning.

I earned my way back to the boards! I did my 5K and I have to say today was the easiest time I've ever had doing it. I watched Y&R while I did it and tried to focus more on the tv. I think I was a bit faster today too and did it in about 65 minutes and burned over 900 calories on resistance level 2. Maybe I'll do some resistance 3 tomorrow. TOM started bright and early this morning so this is a good way to deal with it. Going to try and run a mile on the track tonight while DD1s at soccer practice.

Got the new temporal thermometer and DD2 definitely has a fever. She seems to be feeling better though. It's funny that she is much easier sometime to deal with when she's sick. She did eat a scrambled egg and a waffle with mini chocolate chips! Which of course is all over her and the couch! That's cleaned up now! We played some Lego Harry Potter and then she watched Disney channel while I worked out.

I really need to clean the kitchen and I have both of last week's podcasts to listen to.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

It used to be M&Ms which now I have under control. The new thing for me are those darn Cheeseburger Doritos! I had a huge handful on Saturday night!

Today I've been really good so far. I had a protein shake at the wc this morning and then had a special k bar and then had a frozen Boston Market dinner which was only about 440 calories. It's the roasted chicken and au gratin potatoes! It's so yummy! For dinner I'm planning on either a hamburger or a turkey sloppy joe depending on what everyone else wants to eat.

DD2 is watching the end of UP and I'm off to clean the kitchen and listen to those podcasts. DD1 has dancing and soccer tonight so it's a crazy night around here. DH will stay with DD2. Hopefully DD1 won't have too much homework. I better get going on the kitchen so I can help her with homework if necessary and I also have to get her soccer stuff together to change into in the car.

Have a great afternoon! I'll pop back on tonight. So excited for all of the new shows to start tonight! DH and I need to make a list of the new schedule!
Pamela - -Have a great weekend!! Wow! What an early morning you'll have tomorrow. I give your DD a lot of credit for that kind of dedication and discipline. Enjoy your run! Glad the cupcakes turned out well. Have never thought to try plain seltzer. Hmmm.... wonder how raspberry flavored seltzer would make them taste?

Thanks....the cupcakes were just the perfect addition to the weekend. A few of the other ladies appreciated having a lowfat option for dessert!

Hey Everyone! I am going to finally take time to really post. It has been a really hard week emotionally and I will share parts of it. Here we go...

Here is what is going to pick me back up and make me keep on moving forward....I have decided that I am not weak and I am not giving in. I will post about my mud race later tonight (have to run DD to dance in a few minutes) but I will say that I finished in the top 1/3 out of all the and woman. There were 1600 people who started the race and 400 never even crossed the finish line. I have looked at the photos, thought about all the wonderful things you all said here and thought about how strong I felt. I have decided that I am an amazing person and that this moment in my life is hard but I will run through it with a smile on my face like I do each race.

Time to run to dance but now you all know why I have been gone this week. I will be back because I am moving on and moving forward. Later everyone!


I am SO pleased that you are finding out such positive things about yourself, right when life is being difficult. If you keep that smile on your face, positive things will happen!

So yes or no on the banana?

We are having a rotisserie chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner!!

Personally... I say YES to the banana. Even though it has plenty of (natural)sugar, it is also loaded with lots of good stuff like vitamins (particularly C and B-6), fiber, potassium and manganese. Not to mention they are tasty and delicious and creamy.... so good with peanut butter and on cereal and oatmeal. Such a delicious HEALTHY treat! Tasty, inexpensive, easy to transport along, neat to eat on the go.... so many positive things to say about bananas!!

This thread is my emotional support. 100%. Yes, I get compliments, that I am still not good at accepting. Today someone said I was a stick, and I said I am more like an old oak. I still think that yes, I look good compared to where I was in Jan., but I want to look good period. When people ask me how I did it, I usually say I stopped eating and started running. I want to say, a fantastic group of Disney nuts helped a bunch, but I don't usually want to prolong the convo! I really could not have gotten as far as I did without you, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

P - have you read much or heard much about coconut oil? There is a lot of conflicting opinions on it...

You (and everyone here) are part of my ongoing success too! You all are my support system... you are my therapist, my WW leader, my trainer, my dietician, and my best friend... all rolled into one neat spot on my computer!!

Coconut oil is a sat fat, so it wouldn't be considered a healthy fat on WW.

THEN I found out a school that Sophie and my friend's daughter got in time out at preschool for wrestling. Totally bummed out. 3rd day of preschool, in trouble already. TARYN

Don't worry too much about it. When DD was attending 3 y/o preschool, I got called in because she bit another child (didn't break the skin, no fight or argument involved... just a gentle bite:confused3). I was HORRIFIED. I called the parents of the other child to apologize and they took it in stride. Anyhow.... DD is now 15 and that was the ONLY trouble she has ever been in in school! We chuckle about it now (I only told her about it recently in fact).

So this doesn't mean that Sophie has a lifetime of school troubles ahead of her. Things happen.

Well, it has been one week since the mud run. I know it sounds totally crazy but I will say that it is a run that changed the way I feel about so many things. I will tell about the run and maybe you will understand how I now feel different about so many things.

I had NO IDEA that the run was that difficult! Still sounds like fun but....:scared1: I hope you gave those kids that called you an "old lady" the STINK EYE!!

always[/I] take them. Therefore never inform me of the situation again. Period. She was tossed out of a moving car into our parking lot...

I know that you and I have talked about our kitties before. Penney is very lucky to have found you. She is absolutely adorable! I have a soft spot for grey tiger kitties.

It always stuns me how people can treat children and animals so poorly/cruely.

Definitely out of character for him! I was shocked. He even used the paste to clean the ceramic cooktop! He made a comment about how he'd watched Sophie and the dogs and cleaned all day and was exhausted. VALIDATION!


:thumbsup2 to your DH!

Kept switching between Amazing Wedding Cakes and Chopped Champions. Finally fell back asleep.

Just chuckling because I fell asleep to Amazing Wedding Cakes about 10 pm last night.

My ds2 emailed us a website to check out the other night. It is about a scholarship/internship. He was thinking about applying it but it would mean that he could not to Gambia in January. This after he was told last month that he was the lead person for Gambia. The next day he told us he thought about and deided not to apply.

He must have a good reason for not applying to this program, since it sounds like it was such a positive experience in the past. Life must be getting ready to head him in another direction.

Today is a day for us all to look at the positives in ourselves. So, I thought I'd do something a bit different. So, here's today's QOTD:

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

Okay, I'm off to catch up on the thread.

Okay..... I deleted all of my responses a few minutes ago in my attempt to google adjectives to go with my name, so I'm going this on my own this time....

P= Positive Planner

J= Joyful (well... not all the time but...)

L= Loud (not sure if that is a positive :lmao:)

L= Loyal (makes me sound like a Retriever:rotfl: )

A= Able

MacG- I am new here too - and a WW drop out. I vowed this last time I stopped never to go back again, lol - I am not cut out for points - for me it gives me the license to use 25 pts of garbage a day, instead of planning healthy meals. I am jealous of all of you who can do WW successfully - it would make my life much easier!

Sorry WW didn't work out for you. What system/plan are you currently using?

Love to hear more about the nutrition class you took.

I have a question for everyone. I logged my food in Sparkpeople and on WWonline yesterday and was under on both. Any suggestions? Thanks!

I ate 1 egg on a 1 pt. thin roll plus 1 peach for breakfast.
For lunch, I had an apple, 1/4 cup of frozen yogurt (TOM), and 1 cup of milk.
Dinner was 8 oz. of haddock, another peach, another apple, 1 cup of zucchini, and 10 Spanish olives.
I also had a tall, no whip, soy hot choclate from Starbucks yesterday afternoon.

I track sodium because I try to keep it low partially because of the whole Meniere's thing and partially because sodium really affects my weight. I track calcium because I'm lactose intolerant and I really need the calcium.

I count 4 fruit, 1 veggie, 2 dairy (unless you count the soy as dairy), 2-3 protein and some fat. I would definitely try to increase the veggie count to more like 2-3. Fruits seem okay, but you had room for another one. You needed more protein with lunch and maybe more protein at mid-morning. You also had room for another whole wheat carb or something like that. You could have reached your points with another serving of fruit and another carb, or another fruit and another small portion of protein.

It's so nice to see such an active and supportive group.

Jeez, now I'm going to have a good cry. I've been on the verge today, with my sisters 40th. Those big milestones bring back memories. Though on a funny note, I'm regifting the naughty present my sisters gave me for my 40th tonight. It was never used, just so you know. We have a sick sense of humor in my family.

I've got a pjlla plan in my head for the party, but instead of making the low cal cupcakes like you did, pamela, I made oatmeal carmalitas which were a treat my mom used to make and they have 3 sticks of butter, 2 cups choc chips, 1 cup walnuts, and a jar of caramel ice cream topping, so not very point friendly. I cut them into 48 small bars and figured each one out to be 4 points. So good. I'll have one or two, and no cake. I did eat one last night, but only one, and when I cut them today, I threw all the crumbs out. That's progress for me.

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!!

I agree about the active group.... but honestly, I skipped two days and missed almost 10 pages!! :eek: The naughty gift exchange sounds like fun!!

Glad you have a "plan" for the party. Even though you didn't stick totally with it (I believe I read in another post), you still thought it out ahead of time. Thanks for NOT sharing the recipe for the carmelitas!!

There is a lady we met there last week that is fostering a rescue dog that I think woudl be perfect for my mom. I don't know if I 've told you that Daddy's dog got hit by a car and killed 3 weeks after he died. I've been trying to talk mom into another one, and this little fella would be perfect for her. Housebroken, crate and leash trained, only goes outside to potty a few times a day, very cuddly jack russell mix, calm, needs companionship. I called to talk to her about it, she was crying. Someone from church had brought her flowers. Got me very upset. Spent some time talking to DH about it all on the ride home, and told him that it bothered me that he doesn't seem to miss Daddy. He started crying, too, and said that not a day goes by that he doesn't think about him, and gets upset a few days a week, too, but didn't want to say anything b/c he didn't want to make me more upset. WhY did it take us 6 months to have this conversation?

Nice of you to try to do two things at once.... give the dog a good home and give your Mom a new companion. Hope it works out.

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

Okay, I'll be back as soon as I've caught up on everyone's posts from yesterday.

Well... I had sort of that "a ha" moment several times in my adult life. I hated being fat and I would (at least once a year or so) get DETERMINED that this was going to be THE time that I lost it all. But it wasn't until SOMETIME during my most recent attempt that I FINALLY realized that it wasn't a "weekend" trip, but a LIFELONG JOURNEY! That was TRULY my "A HA" moment. On every other previous weight loss attempt it was always about the "diet".... and I would day dream about what I could eat and such when I was finally "done dieting".

I now realize that it is a lifelong journey I am on. I will never be "done dieting". I have to continue to count my calories/points for the rest of my life if I want to maintain my weight loss and BE HEALTHY.

It really sunk in for me a few "challenges" ago. Someone posted a question as we finished up one challenge about "are you going to stay on your diet while we are between challenges?".... or something like that. And I realized that it NEVER OCCURED TO ME to "stop" my healthy eating habits! I never thought about it in terms of anything "ending".... it is just a continuation of my healthy eating lifestyle..... whether I am currently in the midst of a BL challenge or not. I kind of realized at that moment that I had made a HUGE change in my thinking about this weight loss.

It's time...

Meanwhile back at the ranch. Penney was adopted, all set to go. I was devastated of course but knew I'd get over it. Then the husband came in and started 'you sureing' me. Then he started crying. Then started us, renting our hair and clothes. Ok not that bad really-- so long story short Penney is adopted. By us. We are insane people.

Glad she found her "forever" home.:hug:

Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. I feel better already.

That's what it is all about.... CONTROL!

I haven't done much today, but I did workout for 50 minutes on the Wii/balance board. No gym today as my sister and BIL are already here. It's a family dinner day. They are having chicken drumsticks and chicken thighs, plus ribs. I am having chicken breast tenderloins-grilled, with nothing added to them. I'll have a nice large salad too. Had a great lunch as well.

Nice job PLANNING ahead for your dinner.

Hi Lisa,
I would like to join the group - I guess better late than never!

Welcome aboard! Hop right in and join our crazy group! It is a fast-moving train, so hang on! Glad to have you.

DH and DS are busy with yardwork, I'm doing the dreaded job of matching socks and DD is making chocolate chip cookies to send to some of my friends serving in Afghanistan. It's a beautiful fall day here - leaves are just starting to change, the days are slightly warm and it "smells" like fall. Yay!!! Now if my darn Bills would just get it in gear...!!!
Off to my parents for dinner tonight. Catch everyone tomorrow!

So glad it doesn't smell like fall here yet, but nice that you are enjoying it.

Yesterday, I did my 3 mile walk and then went to the farmer's market for fruits & veggies and meats and fresh flowers. Then one of my BFFs came to visit. We had lunch together and then went shopping -- Bed Bath & Beyond, Christmas Tree Shoppe, Target and Michaels. Then home to cook broccoli to take to DD22's apartment (she was cooking dinner for us). We left here around 5:30, stopped to buy dessert and then had a lovely evening at DD's apt. with her and her apartment mate. Jenn made us whole wheat pasta with sauce & grilled chicken, and we added broccoli to our plates. We all watched "The Backup Plan" which was fun and Marie and I got home around 11 or 11:15. This morning, we had breakfast, went shopping at Costco, and then home for lunch. She left, Andrew is studying, Howard is watching the Steelers game, and I am finally getting back on line to catch up here.

I wanted to give you all an early warning-- in the next couple of days, I am going to ask you to post your favorite recipe that takes 5 ingredients or less. So, start thinking now.
Sounds like you had a fun time with your friend.

HEY.... I've been posting my recipes over on the BL recipe thread.... does that mean I can just post a link??

Yeah it's good that I recognize it, but I also realize that it's tougher than some people would expect. My poor DS came down with another sinus infection this week, so I had to take a back seat this week. I'm hoping that this week will go better now that he's feeling better and that I'll be able to get back to taking came of myself.

Sending :hug: and sympathy to your DS. I'm just getting over my sinus infection and it was NO FUN.

You go with your menus. I feel like a short order cook. I'm following WW, my husband is doing Atkins and my DS (14 months) doesn't eat too much yet. He has his usual standbys, but it's tough making dinners.

I am ALWAYS feeling like a short-order cook. My DH has done Atkins in the past, for two years, while I was doing WW for part of the same time. Plus DS has multiple food allergies and DD won't eat ANYTHING that comes from the ocean (she wants to be a marine biologist and says that this feels like cannibalism to her! ). It have a tough time coming up with meals that we can ALL eat! Hopefully you can get into a pattern with it.

I QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

I know I've told this story before (in my WISH journal if nowhere else), but my a-ha moment came on January 6, 2005. I had been diagnosed with a potentially fatal heart condition in February 1995. It should have been curable but 3 heart surgeries had failed. As the condition wore my body down, I was increasingly fatigued, barely making it through shortened work days, not driving because of near blackouts and unable to go up and down the steps in my house more than once or twice a day. When I woke up after the fourth heart surgery and found out my condition was cured, I decided to re-take control of my life, get healthy and get active. I have been very overweight for all my life that I can remember and had stretch marks by the time I was 10. Once my heart was healthy again, I decided to start training to walk the 2006 WDW 1/2 marathon. Once I accomplished that goal, I had a new lightbulb moment where I realized that I can achieve anything if I am willing to work for it.

Thanks for sharing your story with us! I'm not sure if I have heard it before, but it was VERY inspiring! :hug:

Oops! Wanted to post the QOTD for tomorrow since I won't be on until about 9:30 a.m.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

Without a doubt.... sweet potato chips.

Thanks everyone. It's been a much tougher day than I even thought, feels like an xray vest is on my chest. The picnic was a disaster for me. It was just a reminder of how much Daddy loved the outdoors, his family together, the park. There was just a huge, black, gaping hole. Everyone else seemed to have a good time. It's tough to be Daddy's little girl without Daddy. It's like I'm having a nightmare, that I know the ending, and when I wake up, it won't be okay again.

I lost it when DH had to come home and go to bed, and then again when he left for work. I just feel like I have nothing, no one. I can't gain strength from the girls right now. I have a million things I need to do tonight, and I can't make myself do any of it. I really just want to take tomorrow off. I might see if someone can come in for the afternoon, Monday mornings are wild for us. Or, I might wait and take Wed. I don't know.

A LOT happened this weekend, I need to mega post, when I feel up to it.


Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?

Never too late! Glad you found us! Do you need any help getting started?? Check out the first page of this thread for lots of handy information. PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo, and you are ready to go!! WELCOME!

Eek I'm behind again already. I'll try to read and catch up in the morning. My darling Zoe is in her shower and I'll have to be sure she gets to bed and usually she'll be up all night if I don't go read with her in bed(YES she is in my bed ARGH). We gotta be up a little earlier than we are used to since she will be riding on the bus again. I just can't keep the car fueled up for it. I don't like watching other people help cover my fuel needs. So after I do my job search, resume spamming I'll try to remember to read up the last 10 pages or so I'm behind.

Tomorrow will be interesting I have to go see what this pep squad Zoe is joining at school is all about. I know they start learning for the cheer squad and cheer on the flag football team. She was begging big time to join. It cost $5 so not bad and I sure hope it includes whatever uniform they need. It didn't say any extra fees for them. Probably will have a shirt and specific dress code. I'll see tomorrow at 5pm I guess. I'll be busy with pep squad and violin performances this year I see. If I can get employed she wants to take ballet. But then I can put the money her dad sends towards that over our living expenses.

Hopefully she can get involved in the pep squad without too much $$. If there is a uniform required, ask around and see if you can find a mom of a girl who may have been involved in this in the past.... maybe she would have a uniform that you could borrow or buy cheap??

I am quite embarassed to admit this but for me it is Little Debbie Nutty Bars!
I keep (or used to) keep them in my freezer and could eat the whole box in the course of a few hours. I haven't bought a box in months just to avoid the issue - I feel bad for my kids!

DON'T feel bad for the kids. Sorry to sound brutal, but that Little Debbie's stuff is JUNK.... absolute unhealthy GARBAGE! You should be HAPPY that you have an excuse to keep it away from your kids! Instead of feeling bad that you are keeping that stuff from your kids, feel HAPPY that you are SMART enough to teach them better eating habits!!


1) My AHA moment was when I got back in touch with people on FB and I refused to show them pictures of me because I hated the way I looked. I also knew that we had a big family event coming up (my niece's wedding) and I wouldn't want to be in any of the pictures. We found out the wedding date in May and since then, I've been beyond determined. I weighed 238 pounds then and today I weigh 195.

2) Peanut butter is just not something I can have around. I love everything about it. A big source of pride for me right now is the last jar of peanut butter I bought almost five months ago. It's sitting in our pantry with about 1/4 left and I haven't touched it in those five months. I can't bring myself to throw it out because it represents me being in control. I used to go through two jars a week. No more.

MB ... who has a very unhappy autistic teenager this morning...

I love the symbolism of that jar of peanut butter!! You might have to have it bronzed someday!! I appreciate that you realize that it represents CONTROL!!

Sorry your DD is having an unhappy morning.

Just wanted to quickly say "I'm Back!" -- I have a ton of work to catch up on at work and home, so I'm hoping to get to post later this week. I didn't do badly considering I was gone for a week -- I made 2 of my 3 scheduled workouts, and let me tell you, I am not used to the thin air of Denver! I lost .2, so I'll definitely take it. I know it was due to watching what I ate and those workouts, plus I did do a couple of walks in the evenings.

This thread moved over 20 pages while I was gone, so I probably won't actually catch everything -- just wanted to say :bday: to anyone I missed, and I hope everyone who is sick, sad, or just discouraged feels better -- and everyone feeling Grreat! -- continue to do so!

Maria :upsidedow

Glad you are back!!!

O = out of time!

:rotfl2: Glad you found a moment to check in with us!!

Well, all I can say is that it is amazing what NOT binging on Sunday can do for a Monday weigh-in. I'm down 3.2 pounds for the week! That means I lost what I gained last week AND I'm down 2.0 pounds since the start of this challenge.

Now THAT is a good way to start a Monday.

I totally agree!!

Well... this started out to be a "good morning" post.... and now it is a "good mid-afternoon" post!!

I started reading and multi-quoting at about 8 am. Then my Mom called and I got distracted and didn't get back here until about 11 am. Then I accidentally deleted all of my responses when I was trying to google adjectives for Saturday's QOTD (where is that "hammer-hitting-computer" smilie!). And then I had to have lunch. So here it is, 1:41 pm, and I am finally nearing the end of my post for the day!! OOPS.... BRB...

When I posted the time, I realized that the day was slipping away and I hadn't hung the last load on the clothesline...:laundy:... so now it is 1:55 and I am just finishing up here.... :sad2: oh well.

I had a great weekend.... thanks to all who asked. The family outing on the Cape wasn't nearly the food disaster it could have been. I ate a good breakfast after my run (finally free of sinus pain) and a healthy but light lunch in the car on the way there (protein and fruit).

I snacked on carrots and celery and peppers with a bit of hummus for appetizer and avoided the mini tacos, cheese and crackers, spinach and artichoke dip, etc.

For dinner I had a bit of beef and a bit of chicken, green salad (predressed, but not heavily), sliced fresh tomatoes, grilled broccoli, rice salad, and the couscous salad I brought (skipped the potato salad). I only went back for seconds on the tomato, broccoli and the couscous.

For dessert I had the lowfat cupcakes I brought (one right at dessert time and another one later in the evening). I avoided the alcohol (was tempted to have a beer but didn't care for the brand available, so I skipped it.... wasn't in a mood for wine) and the birthday cake and ice cream (SO glad I had brought those cupcakes).

It was not at all a disaster of a day!! I probably went over calories, though, because I was hungry when we arrived home late, so I had another helping of the couscous salad (can you tell I really love it?). But honestly, considering the disaster it could have been, it was a good day. And I had a great time visiting with some family that we rarely see and meeting my grandniece who was born this spring. (Golly, that makes me sound OLD!)

Yesterday was a quiet day here at home.... I was tired from the busy day Saturday and needed to catch up on a few things around the house. DS was disappointed we didn't start painting his bedroom, but I was just not mentally prepared to start that project. Maybe this weekend. I stayed on track with my eating all day, even though the family had pizza for dinner. I had a half a slice and then had something else for dinner. But I did splurge on a small serving of real ice cream. DS was kind enough to scoop for everyone... and he made mine just the right size!!:love:

Tonight is a busy one with a soccer game in one town and DD's Rainbow Girls in another town. I will be missing the soccer game, but it would be just too much running around. I am planning to do a 5 mi walk/run tonight up the hill behind the Masonic Temple where DD attends Rainbow. I was doing it every Monday for a while this past spring and it is a great workout. I walk UP the hill 2.5 miles, briskly, and then run the 2.5 mi DOWN. Hopefully it won't get dark too quickly tonight, but I will wear my white sweatshirt and carry my penlight, just in case.

We will have dinner together as a family late tonight after all of the activities. Fortunately I have a delayed start setting on my oven. I will prepare the porkchops and put them in the oven with the delay set. They should be ready to eat when we all get home around 8pm. I will have broccoli in the pot, ready to steam and we will hopefully be eating by 8:15pm.

Well... DS will be home on the bus in about 15 minutes.... my, my, my this day went by FAST!!! TTYL...................P
Liz, ... You train others or are training med office software? I need to find out some of them and learn them. I suppose if I put them in my resume it may help me get work in medical assisting world. So far its been hard I had a few interviews for it right after school in 2008 then a couple in Jan of 2009 but nothing. I just don't have extensive experience.

Actually I train medical offices how to use our (Advanced MD) Practice Management and Electronic Health Records software. I've trained this kind of software off and on since 1995--and now work for this company (have for 5 yrs) where I can train from home--which is great cause I live in the middle of nowhere. I use GoToMeeting to train (wow--just had a strong Deja Vu--weird - hmmm).
Medical billing is a hard field to get into - not sure about Medical Assisting - I guess it depends on where you live--and what connections you have to others in medical offices. I'd be happy to walk you through some software basics to help you be familiar with terminology of software (I've worked with 4 different programs so know the similarities). PM me and we can set something up :)
'Just keep swimming' - as Dory so happily encourages us to do... in whatever parts of our lives that we need that advice :)
So glad I checked in here--I was debating on what to have for lunch--and since I came here - I've decided to get off the computer now and fix myself something healthy and get back to my to-do list--thanks all for being here!! :thumbsup2
:) Liz
My can't keep it in the house food is gummy candies. Not that they last long anyway!

Dani - DS17 is the same way with gummy candies. I do think that recognizing the weakness is the strongest weapon in my arsenal to avoid the temptation.

Lisa -- Thank you for keeping the birthday list!

I just finished my 3 mile walk--my sister and I are training for the WDW half marathon in January. I am still a VERY slow walker - averaging 20 min/mile most days--but I am on week 4 of my training schedule and did 5 miles on Saturday--slow but steady. I know as I lose weight this fall that that will help with the speed--these muscles work hard carrying around 270 lbs!! But better 270 than 300 :)

Liz -- Congrats on getting in your training walk!

I had a pretty good weekend. I was able to get a 5 mile run in on Saturday and an 8 mile run in on Sunday. It was so cold on Sunday that I actually wore gloves! :scared1: It is kind of nice that it cooled down some but I do not like that it went from really hot to really cold almost over night and now we are suppose to be staying cold.

Jen- I am not looking forward to running outside in the winter, even if I do prefer running in the cold to the heat. I found a running top with a collar I can pull up over my mouth so that I am breathing in my own warm air if I need to for a moment or two -- the cold air hurts my lungs, and I had to resort to that when I was training for the 2008 WDW full marathon. It was sooo cold!

A friendly reminder for those of you who watch the Biggest Loser show that the premiere is tomorrow night, 9/21.

Do you want to discuss the show on this thread or should be open a separate thread? As chatty as we are it may be best to open a separate thread? Something to think about . . . ;)

I think a separate thread would be good. I'm not sure if that chatter would take over this thread or if it would get lost in the normal posts here, but at least it would be easier to find if it were a separate thread.

Melissa --It is wonderful that at such a young age, Zoe is seeing a wonderful example of the benefits of being active.

Tracey - Great job on getting your 5k done! Where do you go to use an elliptical? I am so fortunate that our YMCA has so many and I have never had to wait to use one. Have a great night, even though it will be very busy!

Pamela - You were so amazingly in control over the weekend! Give yourself a huge pat on the back. As for your lightbulb moment - that realization that you'd made this a lifestyle change must have been so reassuring and validating. Congratulations! I hope your evening isn't too crazy. :goodvibes

I hope everyone is having a good Monday! :grouphug:
QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

I am, sadly, a carb addict, and if there is leftover pasta in the fridge (especially with meat sauce), it will call my name. I have had to remove myself to my bedroom to keep myself from opening the fridge. Another big problem is salty snacks, and this is especially bad later at night. If there is party mix or doritos or pretzel thins in the snack closet I have to make a conscious effort not to eat those things. :eek:
Yay, have you been before? We went in Sep/Oct of 08. If you have any questions, just PM me.
It will be my first time to DLP! I cannot wait.

QOTD: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
Cheese, I always have too much. It's deceiving how may calories are in it, even a small amount! We have minimal food in during the week, just enough to get us through and then have a splurge meal on a Sunday.

Do you want to discuss the show on this thread or should we open a separate thread?
I would like a new thread please! I don't know when that series will show in the UK and I don't want to catch any spoilers! :eek:
Cam- I have an elliptical in my family on our lower level. I like working out at home. We bought it several years ago and it collected a lot of dust until I got on my workout habit. I've put 200-300 miles on it over the last 2 years. I put the volume of the tv up or put the closed captioning on. It has been a really good investment especially over the last year.

Had 2 hamburgers on my 60 calorie pita bread with some italian cheese and onions. I put a little ketchup on one and A1 thick and hearty on the other one. Hadn't had many calories before that so it was worth it. I'm drinking my water and will be doing another run at the track during soccer practice. I will probably come home and make myself a Greek yogurt smoothie with frozen strawberries and blueberries.

Gotta go shower and get DD1 ready for dancing and soccer.
I am, sadly, a carb addict, and if there is leftover pasta in the fridge (especially with meat sauce), it will call my name. I have had to remove myself to my bedroom to keep myself from opening the fridge. Another big problem is salty snacks, and this is especially bad later at night. If there is party mix or doritos or pretzel thins in the snack closet I have to make a conscious effort not to eat those things. :eek:

Oh, yes, party mix is a big weakness for me, too. ::yes:: Luckily I only make it once a year and when those boxes of cereal are gone, I stop making it.
Firstly, thank you everyone! Friday was rough for me, and then I got stuck at work and didn’t even get to run so I didn’t even get to feel better. But then I had a great conversation with my policeman friend :-)lovestruc) – he told me how proud he was of me for being so strong and so on, it really made me stop and think. Not only am I so lucky to have great people around me, my family, my friends IRL, and all of you guys here, but the truth is, I wouldn’t be this person if my dad hadn’t been in the accident. I would still be relying on my parents too much, I would still be unhappy with the life that I was “given” instead of deciding that I was going to live the life I wanted. I am still angry at the person who took so much from my dad, but I am also grateful that I learned and grew as a person from the whole situation. So, funk has passed and I’m back to my (chatty) self!

Jen A – That mud run sounds impossibly difficult – you totally rock for even attempting it! And I bow to you for finishing it - with a smile on your face even! :worship:

And I want to say I do not like cats, but that kitten is adorable and the people that did it to her should also be thrown out of a moving car.
ITA on both points – couldn’t have said it better myself.

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself
Oh, geez, I used to hate this in school :rolleyes:… I’m going with the shortest option!
B - Bright
R - Resilient
E - Enthusiastic
E – Efficient (more accurately Anal Retentive, but I didn’t have an A)

Resilience is a great thing, it allows us to move past the negative influences in our lives and become a better and stronger person in the end.
Totally worth repeating.

Kathy – Michael’s awesome comments made me smile!

Connie – I think you mean Jen is your heroine – not heroin (like the drug) – at least I hope that’s what you meant :rotfl2:!

CC, Cam, Rose and any others who have mentioned enduring hateful behavior from their parents - I am so sorry that these things happened (or continue to happen), but I'm glad that your paths have led you here. It's really something to share this journey with each of you.

Ditto :thumbsup2 !

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
Candy, chocolate mostly, but I am also fond of Skittles, Twizzlers, jelly beans (I could keep going) so it’s probably just sugar in general. I had to give my mom most of the stuff I got at Hershey Park last month after realizing that I had consumed an entire bag of Cherry Cordial Kisses in two sittings! I am telling my mom this weekend that there better not be any candy in my stocking this year or Santa Claus is gonna get it! That goes for the Easter Bunny too!

Exciting news to report: I registered today to run the tunnel to towers 5K next sunday in New York City. It is in memory of a firefighter who was off duty on 9/11. He heard what had happend and tried to drive to the towers. He got stopped in traffic right outside the battery tunnel. He got out in his gear and ran to the towers. He died that day leaving behind his wife and 5 children. This race traces his steps on that fateful day. I am running it with my best friend and her dad who is a fireman for the city. Her husband and brother are also fireman. I think this will be a great race to participate in. I hope emotionally I can be strong. Even though the attacks happened 9 years ago the memories are still so fresh in my mind.
Wow, Lindsay, this made me tear up. Good luck!

Taryn – :flower3: I’m so sorry you had a tougher than expected day yesterday. You look so tiny in that picture! Can I just say Beamer is just sickeningly adorable! And AK’s poor face (she’s a cutie pie, too) – hopefully it heals quickly!

Sending PD to everyone who is not feeling well, including all the kids (and me – I have a fever today, feel generally run down, but not sure what’s going on – hopefully a good night’s rest will take care of whatever it is).

A few of you guys have posted some awesome weigh ins – great job to all of you :thumbsup2 !

I found onederland again on Saturday – I’m hoping to stay there this time!

That’s all I have time for, gotta get changed and hit the road. I’m going to try to run while DS is at baseball practice, but if I’m not feeling it I’ll just walk instead since I didn’t bring anything else to keep me occupied.

Have a great evening everyone!

Good Evening!

I can’t believe it is so late and I am just posting. Yesterday was a very OP day, until a birthday celebration after church. Two different people brought a cake and I brought a pie. Everyone was eating a slice from at least 2 of the desserts. I had lots of points leftover (I planned very well yesterday) so I didn’t end up doing that badly.

Today has been very OP too. I have fine with my points, but I do want to compare them to Sparkpeople. I have a feeling I ate too many calories and am low on protein.

I did W2D3 of the C25K today. Tomorrow will likely be an elliptical day plus some Wii Fit+. I may do something else tonight as well. I would like to burn a few more calories for the day.

Hope everyone had a great day today and have a great day tomorrow! :goodvibes


Thanks, I agree! Im actually studying Program Evaluation.

Program Evaluation analyzes a program to see if it is effective, identifies what parts of a program is the most effect, and provides information to help strengthen the program. Examples of programs would be things like school reading programs, sports programs, intervention programs, and even our BL challenge can be considered a program!

I really enjoy it. I feel like I get to help to provide better services to those who are in the program. Currently I am evaluating two mentoring programs. Whats great about evaluating a program is that it solidifies what people think are working and helps provide information to strengthen the parts that people are unsure of. Sorry for the long response, Im really passionate about it. Its been my life for the past 3 years, and probably 3 more years :scared1:

That sounds absolutely fascinating! It must be so wonderful to assure people that their program is amazing! :cool1:

Hi Lisa,
I would like to join the group - I guess better late than never!


So glad that your parents are understanding about your desire to eat healthier. If you have a Costco near you they sell a huge frozen bag of grilled chicken breast strips. I don't remember how much it is, but probably less than $10 and you could have grilled chicken at hand very readily for sandwiches, salads, stir-fry.

BTW, if you are ever driving to WDW, we are less than 10 minutes off of 95 and would LOVE for you to visit or spend a night on your way there or back. Keep it in mind!

Thanks for the info on Costco! We don’t have a membership, but are often considering it. It’s definitely something to look into-and sooner than later. Even Wal-Mart is getting pricey for my taste. But, I will be brutally honest here: I am CHEAP! :rotfl2:

Thanks for the offer! I will definitely remember! The first thing I am going to do after I get a job is plan a trip to WDW. :woohoo:

...and I have to ask - where/what is the "mitten state'?????

Pretty good weekend here. DS's JV football team won, DD's Pop Warner team won (she cheers) and I finished my 11 mile run. Three more weeks til my first half marathon. Thank God for Advil.

DH and DS are busy with yardwork, I'm doing the dreaded job of matching socks and DD is making chocolate chip cookies to send to some of my friends serving in Afghanistan. It's a beautiful fall day here - leaves are just starting to change, the days are slightly warm and it "smells" like fall. Yay!!! Now if my darn Bills would just get it in gear...!!!

DD is so wonderful! Baking cookies for our troops is such an admirable thing to do. :goodvibes

WTG on the 11 mile run! :yay:

Sorry, never heard of the “mitten state.”

I wanted to give you all an early warning-- in the next couple of days, I am going to ask you to post your favorite recipe that takes 5 ingredients or less. So, start thinking now. :cutie:

Alright, I am off to log my food and plan some menus. I meant to tell you guys. My weight is down nearly 3 pounds since Thursday morning, so it has helped me stay disciplined this weekend and I am hoping for that "WHOOSH" for next week's weigh in. :dance3:

Thanks for the warning! I think I have something in mind, but not sure on the points/calories, so I will do some research.

3 pounds! That’s awesome! Isn’t coaching great? :woohoo:

Yeah it's good that I recognize it, but I also realize that it's tougher than some people would expect. My poor DS came down with another sinus infection this week, so I had to take a back seat this week. I'm hoping that this week will go better now that he's feeling better and that I'll be able to get back to taking came of myself.

Hope DS is better soon! :goodvibes

You go with your menus. I feel like a short order cook. I'm following WW, my husband is doing Atkins and my DS (14 months) doesn't eat too much yet. He has his usual standbys, but it's tough making dinners.

I don’t know too much about Atkins, but there are plenty of meat options that are low in points. Are you doing WW on your own or meetings/online? I am a huge fan of eating foods that are “Filling Foods.” I have found many options like pork, chicken, and beef that are lean and low in points, but make for great full-family meals. Just “food for thought.” :goodvibes

Got to split these up into at least 2 posts.
Just a quick post- As I was cleaning out my book bag, I found a Meal Planning Guide my dietitian gave me. Its great for having a handy packet that tells you the serving sizes for different foods. I found a copy online if anyone is interested in it, just click on the link above.

It gives this handly little picture for estimating portion sizes based on your hand. 3oz of cooked meat=your palm; 1c.=your fist; 1tb=your thumb, 1tsp=tip of your thumb. I think its easier for me to remember it this way since I always have my hand in front of me :rotfl:

Thanks! :cool1:

Luckily::yes:: I have have a very supportive family. My DH, and my girls are always ready to cheer me on. :cheer2:I love it when I give them a report about losing weight and they congratulate me : ) My girls have gone to the gym with me even when they don't want to....I always thank them for that : ) My DH watches the kids a lot during the weekends so I can go to the gym. Even when we are on vacation they make sure we carve out time for me to use the hotel gym. My sisters are very supportive as well, they always notice when I lose weight and tell me I look good. When my family isn't around (and sometimes when they are around) and I am feeling a need for emotional support I just read this board for support. Isn't it funny how people who have a common goal and you've have never met can be so supportive. You are all wonderful:grouphug: and I'm glad to be getting to know everyone:flower3:

Kim, DH and DDs sound great! :thumbsup2 Not sure how old your DDs are, but would they be interested in swimming, if you are and the gym has a pool? Just an idea.

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

I know I've told this story before (in my WISH journal if nowhere else), but my a-ha moment came on January 6, 2005. I had been diagnosed with a potentially fatal heart condition in February 1995. It should have been curable but 3 heart surgeries had failed. As the condition wore my body down, I was increasingly fatigued, barely making it through shortened work days, not driving because of near blackouts and unable to go up and down the steps in my house more than once or twice a day. When I woke up after the fourth heart surgery and found out my condition was cured, I decided to re-take control of my life, get healthy and get active. I have been very overweight for all my life that I can remember and had stretch marks by the time I was 10. Once my heart was healthy again, I decided to start training to walk the 2006 WDW 1/2 marathon. Once I accomplished that goal, I had a new lightbulb moment where I realized that I can achieve anything if I am willing to work for it.

That is a life-altering experience. And congrats on the WDW ½ in 2006 and for many more to come! :goodvibes

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

Just 1? :rotfl2: Um, let me think: chocolate, any type of dessert, pasta, French fries, potato chips, tortilla chips, the list could go on and on. The best thing with me is to only keep point-friendly, low-calorie, low-fat options in the house. We do eat pasta one or twice a month and have gotten better about fitting it into my day.

I have a very strong support system. My kids will remind me that I'm on a diet if they see me heading towards items that they know I shouldn't have and my husband will stay on plan with me and he will exercise with me. He's my hero :love: My parents can be supportive, but my Mother will sometimes try to sabotage me by cooking things that she knows is not on my plan then complaining about how hard she worked making xxx and I'm not eating it. I think I've told her no enough times now that I don't feel guilty.

What a great family you have! :thumbsup2

I have a similar problem with my grandmothers, especially my father’s mother. I usually find a way to fit at least a tiny portion into my points. Of course, the food often isn’t anything amazing, so that helps. My mother’s mother is better about making healthier food, but still pushes desserts. When we were there last week, my mom and I split the donut and that easily fit into my plan. :goodvibes

Still having headaches, but I have a dr appt tomorrow to see what she thinks is causing them. Neighbor believes I'm not eating enough. I don't think that's the problem since I was a very bad girl yesterday and still had headaches.

Hope the doctor’s appointment helped! :goodvibes

Exciting news to report: I registered today to run the tunnel to towers 5K next sunday in New York City. It is in memory of a firefighter who was off duty on 9/11. He heard what had happend and tried to drive to the towers. He got stopped in traffic right outside the battery tunnel. He got out in his gear and ran to the towers. He died that day leaving behind his wife and 5 children. This race traces his steps on that fateful day. I am running it with my best friend and her dad who is a fireman for the city. Her husband and brother are also fireman. I think this will be a great race to participate in. I hope emotionally I can be strong. Even though the attacks happened 9 years ago the memories are still so fresh in my mind.

What a wonderful 5K! :banana:

Thanks everyone. It's been a much tougher day than I even thought, feels like an xray vest is on my chest. The picnic was a disaster for me. It was just a reminder of how much Daddy loved the outdoors, his family together, the park. There was just a huge, black, gaping hole. Everyone else seemed to have a good time. It's tough to be Daddy's little girl without Daddy. It's like I'm having a nightmare, that I know the ending, and when I wake up, it won't be okay again.

I lost it when DH had to come home and go to bed, and then again when he left for work. I just feel like I have nothing, no one. I can't gain strength from the girls right now. I have a million things I need to do tonight, and I can't make myself do any of it. I really just want to take tomorrow off. I might see if someone can come in for the afternoon, Monday mornings are wild for us. Or, I might wait and take Wed. I don't know.


Tomorrow will be interesting I have to go see what this pep squad Zoe is joining at school is all about. I know they start learning for the cheer squad and cheer on the flag football team. She was begging big time to join. It cost $5 so not bad and I sure hope it includes whatever uniform they need. It didn't say any extra fees for them. Probably will have a shirt and specific dress code. I'll see tomorrow at 5pm I guess. I'll be busy with pep squad and violin performances this year I see. If I can get employed she wants to take ballet. But then I can put the money her dad sends towards that over our living expenses. :cheer2:

Hope the pep squad is extra-cost free! :goodvibes

Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?


I'm proud that I did exercise on Friday and Saturday - those days seem to be the easiest to skip, but I rearranged my regimen a bit this week and I think it helped.


I was asleep before the girls were last night, I could hear them talking. Yes, we are all - me, the girls, and the furboys in one bed. It's okay, though, it's comforting to us all with DH not at home. AK let Beamer out of his crate, and was holding him. When I got in the bed, he walked over, laid his head against mine, and was out! At least I got a bit of loving from him.

:hug: How sweet of Beamer!

21 days until DH is on first! And it can't happen soon enough. My body is aching for a run. Going to get in the shower, and make the drive to take Sophie to MIL. LOONNGG Day ahead. We'll come home after school, homework, eat a bit, leave for gym @5, home @9:30. Won't see DH until tomorrow night. ATe/drank too much, with TOM too, so my weigh in was abyssmal. It's a new week. That's all I have to say about that.

:hug: Hope you have a great week!:goodvibes

UGH!!!!! DD2 is getting a cold. She had us up around 1:30 barking like a dog! We gave her some medicine and water and then she and I snuggled on the couch until she was asleep. She fell right back to sleep but DH and I were up probably another hour. May keep her home today as she's only there a half day. I have to work tomorrow so I'd rather she rested here with me today. She had fallen right to sleep. I didn't hear the first "barks" or "ribbiting" as she calls it.

Hope Izzie is back to herself tomorrow, or even tonight! :goodvibes

2) Peanut butter is just not something I can have around. I love everything about it. A big source of pride for me right now is the last jar of peanut butter I bought almost five months ago. It's sitting in our pantry with about 1/4 left and I haven't touched it in those five months. I can't bring myself to throw it out because it represents me being in control. I used to go through two jars a week. No more.

MB ... who has a very unhappy autistic teenager this morning...

WTG with the PB! :yay:

Sorry about DD. Hope tomorrow is a better day! :goodvibes

Okay, I have to go eat dinner. Replies are in Word. Will finish in about an hour!
Here are some links for water requirements. In order to calcuate your exact requirements you would have to know exactly how much urine you put out, how much water you are losing through sweat, etc. I don't think this is necessary for general purposes -

The calculator is more specific - it takes water loss through vomiting, diarrhea and altitude into account - IMO - TMI, lol, as well as your weight and excercise level -

Thanks for the interesting sites! I live at about 6000' in the high desert in NM. I do what BBugg considers 'moderate activity' (burning 3+ calories/minute for about 90 min+ daily. This says I need 104 oz water/day which is about what I get. Any less and I begin to feel dehydrated. Even if I up the water, I never feel really hydrated - skin always dry, sinuses dry, etc. It's the altitude!! And 65 degrees in the sun here is worse for me than 90 in FL where there is humidity. At 6000' it is HOT!

Busy weekend here, but all in all, an ok one. I feel like I 'took it easy' on walking, but in reality I just checked and Fri - Mon I've done over 20 miles. I think I'm becoming an addict!:scared1: Most importantly, I crossed my walking goal of 750 miles on Saturday pushing towards 1000.

Food has been all over the place and I used my APs and some FPs. Oh well, it happens!

Dishwasher is installed & so far I love it! I am slowly getting my 'to do' list pared down a bit, but it won't ever be 'done'.

To catch up on QOTD's :

Saturday -

J-ust plain me - what you see is what I am!
L-oves God, Dogs, most people, learning to love exercise & trying to learn to
love myself
I-ntelligent (well, about some things)
E-ternally a kid - 'aging is mandatory, growing up is optional' is my philosophy

Sunday -

My Ah-Ha moment ties in with my HH question of emotional support, and CC's and Cam's posts. My initial reaction to the question of support, was to laugh and question 'what support?'. I was 7 the first time my mom told me (and then repeated pretty much weekly the rest of my life at home) that I never should have been born - she didn't want another child and that she wished she was not Catholic so she could have had an abortion. Then, at 8, before my DSis in FL got married, she found papers and gave them to me showing that when I was born, my mother had signed the paperwork for me to be put up for adoption - my father & older siblings (I'm the youngest of 6, and the oldest is 18 yrs older) stopped it. I was never able to do anything right or please her no matter how hard I tried. I would have to remake my bed several times most mornings as if it wasn't military perfect, she would rip it apart and I had to start over. When I got my first job at a clothing store, I bought 3 pairs of jeans(my first - in 1976!) and when she found them, she cut them to shreds while I was at school. When she came to visit after we bought our house in TX, I got up the morning after they arrived and she was rearranging my kitchen as it wasn't arranged correctly! That's the trip that I drove them to the airport & put them on a plane have her not speak to me, nor allow my dad to speak to me for YEARS. The one time they visited after that, she had my DS24(then 5) on the floor almost the entire time as she told him repeatedly that he was going to 'burn in hell' because he was not Catholic. We took our kids to a family camp in the AZ mountains with church, and she told the family we took our kids to a nudist colony that was part of a get the picture!

So, my Ah-hah moment was at my dad's funeral in 1994, although it took me until 2003 to do anything about it. I got the call just over 24 hours before he was to come visit for the first time in over 2 years. He had called a week before and told me he didn't care what she said, he needed to come. I have a nephew who is a professional photog (now the photo editor for the Baltimore Sun) who took a family pic after the funeral ( this was the only time all 6 of us kids had been together since my wedding 12 yrs before). My mother saw the proof and went NUTS! I was at the edge of the group and with a curved lens to fit in everyone it accentuated my size. She repeatedly told me I had ruined the photo because I was so fat, made him retake one without me or my family in it. Yes, I was at my almost heaviest (I went home & ate & ate & ate before I realized I was worth taking care of) about 195 and 5'3 - I ended up at 215 at one point - started WW at 198.8 after she was put in a nursing home with alzheimer's. I think I was subconsciously waiting until she wouldn't know I was losing weight before I would do it. But, I was by far not the largest person in the picture.

I totally understand what CC & Cam are feeling and say. Almost everytime I look in a mirror, I hear her voice inside my head negating what I see and feel.

As for support, y'all are pretty much it! DH is an engineer, used to be much differnt than he is now, but pretty much feels/acts that emotions are stupid, adults don't need reaffirmations of love or anything else, they are adults. He is very quiet. Kids are...well, kids(but all technically adults!) DD will one day understand the struggles I have with weight as she has my genetics, but thinks it should be easy. DS24 is oblivious to everything. DS21 is pretty good, sometimes, but doesn't really know how to express emotions ( thanks, dad!), but he is learning. I go to WW, but usually don't make meetings and they are HUGE. After living here almost 10 yrs, still don't have any friends to speak of....trying to work on that, but it's hard.

So, if you're still reading, YOU ARE AWESOME!!! :hug:

Kryptonite food - DONUTS!!!!! In 8/9th grade I had to walk to a bus about a 1.5 miles from the school and at least a couple days a week I would stop at the donut shop & consume an entire dozen before reaching the bus stop. They are a family addiciton! My DSis in FL used to get the number of donuts each birthday for her age. We were there for her 48th.....and the donuts didn't last 2 hours:scared1: (she was diabetic before her 49th as were all my siblings ....I'm the hold out!) And I think I should add pretzel M&M's to that. If they are here I just can't stop!

So, now that I"ve caught up, bared my deep dark secrets, I need to get something else done.

Hope I can get back on here later or at least in the morning....catching up is VERY time consuming! Have a great evening everyone!
Healthy Habits part two- emotional support- I get most of my emotional support for all of you here. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have my friends here for support and inspiration

Ditto what Lisa said! We get so much support from you too! Thanks! :goodvibes

Just wanted to quickly say "I'm Back!"

Hope you had a great trip! WTG on the loss, on vacation, at a different altitude! Can’t get much better than that! :)

Shannon, enjoy your birthday celebration! :goodvibes

Anyone else finding themselves not paying attention to the groceries that you don't eat? What I mean is I've stopped drinking milk. I do almond milk instead. So now when the family is low on milk, I don't really notice and have to be told half the time. The kids are old enough to pour their own, so I don't usually have to pull the gallon jug out of it's handy dandy door. I find myself running to the store for milk when normally I would have a back up gallon ready to go. Anyone else neglecting their families groceries?

I too, have the advantage of having my parents do some of the shopping and I do some of the shopping. Sometimes, we go together and I pick out what I want and my parents get their food. Would buying milk once a week work? We buy mostly lactose-free milk and it’s ultra-pasteurized, so it lasts for weeks unopened. Don’t know much about “regular milk.” :goodvibes

Well, all I can say is that it is amazing what NOT binging on Sunday can do for a Monday weigh-in. I'm down 3.2 pounds for the week! That means I lost what I gained last week AND I'm down 2.0 pounds since the start of this challenge.

Now THAT is a good way to start a Monday. :goodvibes


I'm looking at the birthday list and after jenanderson's next month we don't have any other birthdays to celebrate? Really? :confused3 If you are having a birthday during the challenge please PM me so I can add it to the list. Come on -- don't be shy! :flower3:

Definitely do NOT be shy! I was during the last challenge, and am so glad I changed my mind! Having all the good wishes from my BL friends was the best part of my day! :goodvibes

I just finished my 3 mile walk--my sister and I are training for the WDW half marathon in January. I am still a VERY slow walker - averaging 20 min/mile most days--but I am on week 4 of my training schedule and did 5 miles on Saturday--slow but steady. I know as I lose weight this fall that that will help with the speed--these muscles work hard carrying around 270 lbs!! But better 270 than 300 :)

WTG! That’s an awesome goal you have! :woohoo:

I had a pretty good weekend. I was able to get a 5 mile run in on Saturday and an 8 mile run in on Sunday.

Um, okay. 13 miles in 2 days is “pretty good?” :confused3 Sounds absolutely great to me! :dance3:

A friendly reminder for those of you who watch the Biggest Loser show that the premiere is tomorrow night, 9/21.

Do you want to discuss the show on this thread or should we open a separate thread? As chatty as we are it may be best to open a separate thread? Something to think about . . . ;)

I liked having a separate thread during BL 9. I tend to not stay awake to watch the entire show, so it would be good to not have spoilers here. :goodvibes

How did it go at the library? Were you able to check it out? I had to wait on a waiting list. I have another of hers on hold request too. How long have you been on this current pill? After charting so long I feel every ovulation each time so I usually know. I charted to get pregnant and did the first month and when Zoe quit nursing I went off mini pill and charted to avoid in time I could just feel ovulation. Are you doing WW tracking and SP then? I keep wondering if I should try tracking points again. I got all the materials to do it. I never get that much protein even when I do eat meat. I stay around 50 at least though.

I haven’t made it there yet. I was convinced the library was closed yesterday, so I waited until today. I will be going right after dinner. :)

My goal right now is to track on WWonline and SP. Some days I only use WWonline though. Today is a both day. :goodvibes

I earned my way back to the boards! I did my 5K and I have to say today was the easiest time I've ever had doing it. I watched Y&R while I did it and tried to focus more on the tv. I think I was a bit faster today too and did it in about 65 minutes and burned over 900 calories on resistance level 2.

:banana: 900 calories? That’s amazing! I need to start working my way up to that kind of distance. I’m at about 2 miles now.

I count 4 fruit, 1 veggie, 2 dairy (unless you count the soy as dairy), 2-3 protein and some fat. I would definitely try to increase the veggie count to more like 2-3. Fruits seem okay, but you had room for another one. You needed more protein with lunch and maybe more protein at mid-morning. You also had room for another whole wheat carb or something like that. You could have reached your points with another serving of fruit and another carb, or another fruit and another small portion of protein.

It was not at all a disaster of a day

You did wonderfully on your day at the Cape! Definitely not a disaster! :woohoo:

Thanks for commenting on what I ate. I am working on adding more protein and veggies to my menu. You know, I’m going to be honest here, I’ve heard so many different views on what is considered a serving of fruit and what is considered a serving of vegetables, that I’m not even sure what these are servings are anymore. Right now, I am using the highest amount as a portion size. Like 2 cups of lettuce = 1 veggie. 1 whole apple = 1 fruit. 1 cup of broccoli is 1 vegetable. But, I’ve also heard 1 cup of lettuce is 1 veggie, ½ cup of apple is 1 fruit, and 1 cup of broccoli is 2 veggies. :confused3

Cheese, I always have too much. It's deceiving how may calories are in it, even a small amount! We have minimal food in during the week, just enough to get us through and then have a splurge meal on a Sunday.

I would like a new thread please! I don't know when that series will show in the UK and I don't want to catch any spoilers! :eek:

ITA with your spoiler concern. :thumbsup2

You made a very good point on the cheese. I try to always keep lowfat in the fridge for me. :goodvibes


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