Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Oops! Wanted to post the QOTD for tomorrow since I won't be on until about 9:30 a.m.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

That's an easy one....there are a few things I can't have in my view.
1. chips, potato and tortilla
2. cookies, Oreos or Chips Ahoy

If these foods are in the kitchen they call me. "ooooh Oreos/ me...soo good...crunchy....yum" I've asked the kids and DH to hide them so I won't eat them.

The funny thing is, the other day I went into the dining room where they "hid" the cookies and they were sitting on the sideboard. Not hidden very well. I guess "hidden" is not the right word, it's more like out of sight and not in the kitchen. I guess it's only kryptonite in the kitchen. :wizard:

I thought I'd share a picture of DH with his Street Rod yesterday
I have decided that I am not weak and I am not giving in. I will post about my mud race later tonight (have to run DD to dance in a few minutes) but I will say that I finished in the top 1/3 out of all the and woman. There were 1600 people who started the race and 400 never even crossed the finish line. I have looked at the photos, thought about all the wonderful things you all said here and thought about how strong I felt. I have decided that I am an amazing person and that this moment in my life is hard but I will run through it with a smile on my face like I do each race.

Jen I am so glad to hear you say this. You are strong and an amazing person. Keep thinking positive....good things will eventually come your way.

It is long but there you have the mud run the best I can explain it.

Jen you are absolutely amazing. This sounds like something you would do in the army. I am so amazed by you. I would love to try something like this some day. Just dont know if I am there yet. Great job. I bet you are so proud.

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

L- Loving
I- Incredible
N- Nice
D- Determined
S- Strong
A- Awesome
Y- Young at heart

T - talkative

Y - yells really loud at VT games, and gets crowd cheers going!

Where you voted life of the party in high school? This is the image Im starting to get.:lmao:

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

I think my Ah Hah moments were seeing pictures of myself and realizing how big I was getting. Also I got a promotion in march and went from wearing scrubs to dress clothes to work. I barely had any clothes to wear that fit. I realized at that point that I needed to do something about it.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

OREO COOKIES- enough said.

Taryn: I hope you made it through today. I am thinking of you:hug:

Happy birthday to those celebrating this week: shannon, my3princes, and anyone else I may be missing.

I was pages behind...I havent checked in since friday.:scared1: I missed you guys.

My weekend was pretty busy. I also seemed to pick up the head cold everyone was passing around. So between the two I just didnt get on the computer much.

My eating was a little rocky this weekend. We went to my nana's last night and played pokeno with everyone. I had a good time but snacked a little too much. Today was another day of snacking at my nana's. I really need to figure out a better plan for trips to my nana's. I did manage to get a 3.7 mile run in today.

Exciting news to report: I registered today to run the tunnel to towers 5K next sunday in New York City. It is in memory of a firefighter who was off duty on 9/11. He heard what had happend and tried to drive to the towers. He got stopped in traffic right outside the battery tunnel. He got out in his gear and ran to the towers. He died that day leaving behind his wife and 5 children. This race traces his steps on that fateful day. I am running it with my best friend and her dad who is a fireman for the city. Her husband and brother are also fireman. I think this will be a great race to participate in. I hope emotionally I can be strong. Even though the attacks happened 9 years ago the memories are still so fresh in my mind.
Thanks everyone. It's been a much tougher day than I even thought, feels like an xray vest is on my chest. The picnic was a disaster for me. It was just a reminder of how much Daddy loved the outdoors, his family together, the park. There was just a huge, black, gaping hole. Everyone else seemed to have a good time. It's tough to be Daddy's little girl without Daddy. It's like I'm having a nightmare, that I know the ending, and when I wake up, it won't be okay again.

I lost it when DH had to come home and go to bed, and then again when he left for work. I just feel like I have nothing, no one. I can't gain strength from the girls right now. I have a million things I need to do tonight, and I can't make myself do any of it. I really just want to take tomorrow off. I might see if someone can come in for the afternoon, Monday mornings are wild for us. Or, I might wait and take Wed. I don't know.

A LOT happened this weekend, I need to mega post, when I feel up to it.

Eek I'm behind again already. :guilty: I'll try to read and catch up in the morning. My darling Zoe is in her shower and I'll have to be sure she gets to bed and usually she'll be up all night if I don't go read with her in bed(YES she is in my bed ARGH). We gotta be up a little earlier than we are used to since she will be riding on the bus again. I just can't keep the car fueled up for it. I don't like watching other people help cover my fuel needs. :guilty: So after I do my job search, resume spamming I'll try to remember to read up the last 10 pages or so I'm behind.

Tomorrow will be interesting I have to go see what this pep squad Zoe is joining at school is all about. I know they start learning for the cheer squad and cheer on the flag football team. She was begging big time to join. It cost $5 so not bad and I sure hope it includes whatever uniform they need. It didn't say any extra fees for them. Probably will have a shirt and specific dress code. I'll see tomorrow at 5pm I guess. I'll be busy with pep squad and violin performances this year I see. If I can get employed she wants to take ballet. But then I can put the money her dad sends towards that over our living expenses. :cheer2:
Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?
I've been on a couple times today, but didn't have time to post.

I'm proud that I did exercise on Friday and Saturday - those days seem to be the easiest to skip, but I rearranged my regimen a bit this week and I think it helped.

My Monday weigh-in is tomorrow. I think I had a good week. We'll see if the scale agrees. I will admit that I used the "well, I did run 7 miles this morning" a couple too many times on Saturday, but I was conscious of it each time so I'm ok with it.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

Well, I have confessed previously about peanut butter being a big trigger food for me. Ice cream can be dangerous, but I did buy some yesterday. I'll see how long I can make it last.

Good night folks! Have a great week. :goodvibes
I've been trying some new things this week, I wondered if my calories were too low, so I have been eating about 2-300 more. Tonight we went out to dinner with my in-laws, so I planned out my calories in advance. I stepped out of my comfort zone and got the salmon with a sweet potato & brocolli. I ate half the potato and didn't hate the salmon. In fact, I almost liked it. I will keep trying it in the future.
Good for you, and so sweet about your dessert.

Taryn - I thought Greek yogurt was pretty weird the first time I tried it. The flavored ones are pretty easy to get used to, but the plain has more protein. In an effort to adjust, I stirred in about 1/2 a packet of Truvia.
Thanks. What is Truvia?

Well, I had a fun time last night, but ate and drank more than I planned, so today is a new day, and I will get right back on track. I learned a long time ago, if I drink too much, have a big glass of water before I go to bed, and it really does make a difference.
Water is the key to fixing a lot of evils! Good job getting back on track, and thank you.:hug:

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?
Yep, Jan.18th of this year I went to the dr. for a sinus infection, strep, and ear infections. Got on the scale and :scared1: My heaviest weight ever had been 235, but I lost down to 175 on Atkins. After getting pregnant w/ Sophie, and then daddy, it just crept back up. I had officially gotten to where I never wanted to be again, 218. 63 pounds later, I feel and evidently look like a new person!

My name is Liz ("Hi, Liz" echoes through the crowd) and I am an obese food-a-holic ;)
Welcome back Liz. I am thinking "hello Bruce" in my head. Good to have you!

I have to agree on the importance of resilience. I know people who are "totalled" by negative events in their lives and have a hard time getting back into the game. I hope your daughter will become more resilient with time. It must be so hard to see her having a hard time.Taryn -- I really hope your Mom will be amenable to taking in a new furbaby. And, I'm not sure how to say this the right way, but you are so fortunate to be missing your Dad. I hope you can look at it as a blessing, that he is in your heart and mind evey day and that you miss him.
I realize how very very fortunate I am to have had such wonderful parents. The 34 years I had were blessings, and I need to focus on those instead of the 1 that followed.

Taryn, I'm thinking of you and your family today! It is a cool and rainy morning here. I slept until 6:45 am, which is late for me. I've been needing to catch up on my rest.
I hope we can have one of the Saturday. I am trying very hard to not schedule much, although Anna Kathryn's bday is Monday, and we'll have the fam here Sunday, so Saturday will be cleaning. I need to shampoo the carpets. Thanks. And thanks for the reminder that I need to get something in the crock pot!

I feel like there are so many things I need to do, and not nearly enough time. Oh, crap. I just looked at the clock and realized I have to shower and be at work in less than 40 minutes, I totally misjudged the time!
Story of my life! Hope you can get it together in a way that works for you.

Meanwhile back at the ranch. Penney was adopted, all set to go. I was devastated of course but knew I'd get over it. Then the husband came in and started 'you sureing' me. Then he started crying. Then started us, renting our hair and clothes. Ok not that bad really-- so long story short Penney is adopted. By us. We are insane people.
So sweet! How many kitties do you have now?

Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. :goodvibes I feel better already.:grouphug:
I need to join you! The sand tastes awful.

I slept in this morning. I did sleep better last night than on Friday night, so that was good. I still woke up a few times, so I really needed to sleep in at least a little.
Love it that you all are getting rest. It makes such a difference.

I think it was seeing myself weigh more than I ever have in my life. I felt horrible (I was only wearing stretchy clothes because nothing else fit), I looked horrible (really- once I started losing weight, my hair became nicer and my skin started clearing up), and I was unhappy. Thats what started my journey, with the help of others of course.
Thanks for sharing. Hope TOM doesn't do you in. I need cranberry juice, too!

I would like to join the group - I guess better late than never!
Welcome stitch's girl. You'll fit right in. According to my DD, "I speak Aloha" so.... ALOOOOOOHHAAA in my best Ohana "lei lady" voice!

...and I have to ask - where/what is the "mitten state'Pretty good weekend here. DS's JV football team won, DD's Pop Warner team won (she cheers) and I finished my 11 mile run. Three more weeks til my first half marathon. Thank God for Advil. DD is making chocolate chip cookies to send to some of my friends serving in Afghanistan.
Glad you had a good weekend. I have no idea re: the mitten state. GREAT RUN! And so sweet of your DD!

Friday night was the football game (I was wrong, BTW, DS's school's team won 35-6; the other team scored with less than 6 seconds left). Yesterday, I did my 3 mile walk and then went to the farmer's market for fruits & veggies and meats and fresh flowers. Then one of my BFFs came to visit. We had lunch together and then went shopping -- Bed Bath & Beyond, Christmas Tree Shoppe, Target and Michaels. Then home to cook broccoli to take to DD22's apartment (she was cooking dinner for us). Alright, I am off to log my food and plan some menus. I meant to tell you guys. My weight is down nearly 3 pounds since Thursday morning, so it has helped me stay disciplined this weekend and I am hoping for that "WHOOSH" for next week's weigh in. :dance3:
WOW! BUSY TIMES! AND, sounds like you are tripping over those pounds, just as Jenn predicted!

I had lost a lot of weight (about 80lbs) in 1997-1998 - then got pregnant and had our 2nd daughter, then 18 mos later I had another daughter. I never regained all of my weight, but at this point I am only 25 lbs below my highest weight ever
Our stories are very similar!

51 pounds later, I am a different person. :)
Great job Ann! Pictures and scales are kinda... reality makers aren't they!

Yeah it's good that I recognize it, but I also realize that it's tougher than some people would expect. My poor DS came down with another sinus infection this week, so I had to take a back seat this week. I'm hoping that this week will go better now that he's feeling better and that I'll be able to get back to taking came of myself.
I am so sorry he was sick. It is sooo much tougher. When life gets in the way, our own health is usually what takes the backseat. I know that I coudl be so much more successful with my journey if I weren't a mom of a preschooler and a busy 11 year old, but then, they make the journey worthwhile. I need to tell them that today.

Back from the 2nd day of the festival! It was GREAT! I'm exhausted though!
Glad you had a good time! I bet your DD slept good, unless she's like mine and sleeps horribly when overtired!

You go with your menus. I feel like a short order cook. I'm following WW, my husband is doing Atkins and my DS (14 months) doesn't eat too much yet. He has his usual standbys, but it's tough making dinners.

It gives this handly little picture for estimating portion sizes based on your hand. 3oz of cooked meat=your palm; 1c.=your fist; 1tb=your thumb, 1tsp=tip of your thumb.
THat's good. I think my fist is probably a bit more than a cup. Need to go shove it in something to see.

As the condition wore my body down, I was increasingly fatigued, barely making it through shortened work days, not driving because of near blackouts and unable to go up and down the steps in my house more than once or twice a day. When I woke up after the fourth heart surgery and found out my condition was cured, I decided to re-take control of my life, get healthy and get active. Well, I am wiped out. I am calling my hour of very fast shopping at Costco, walking up and down every aisle, lifting all those heavy bulk items, carrying it all into the house and then being on my feet for hours, unloading groceries, reorganizing cabinets (up and down a mini stepladder), making lunches and dinners for today and lunches for tomorrow, mopping the kitchen floor, unloading and re-loading the dishwasher, etc. my 20 minutes of exercise for the day
How did your knee hold up with the step ladder? You were very busy. My Sunday nights are usually pretty intense cleaning exercise, too, last night, not so much, but it's amazing how much activity one can get doing that!

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
Brownies. Lovely, warm, chewy. Ghiradelli is my favorite brownies. And Doritos. I cannot pass up either of them.

That totally depends on how committed I am to my diet. When I am totally committed, There is nothing that could come into my house and temt me. If I'm only partially committed, any sweet could do the job.
I love your list, sexy magnificent mama! I hear you on the committed part. For about 5 months, nothing tempted me. It's kinda been up and down since then.

Where you voted life of the party in high school? This is the image Im starting to get.Exciting news to report: I registered today to run the tunnel to towers 5K next sunday in New York City.
What a wonderful, wonderful race. I would have a hard time, but would probably be very determined at the same time. How far are you from NYC? Thanks for the hug.

Actually, miss smarty pants, I was "Most School Spirit" and my superlative was that I would be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.:cheer2: Nice way of saying I was a loud mouth. And no, I was far from the life of the party. I always had to leave before it got cranked up. My curfew was 10pm my jr. year, 10:30 or 11 my senior year, and in college, engaged to DH home for the weekends, 11:30. I had to beg to stay out to 1am on NYE at 20 years old! It served it's purpose, I stayed out of trouble.

So after I do my job search, resume spamming I'll try to remember to read up the last 10 pages or so I'm behind. Tomorrow will be interesting I have to go see what this pep squad Zoe is joining at school is all about. I know they start learning for the cheer squad and cheer on the flag football team. She was begging big time to join. It cost $5 so not bad and I sure hope it includes whatever uniform they need. It didn't say any extra fees for them. Probably will have a shirt and specific dress code.
I hoope it works out for you and her, and that the job search goes well!

Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?
Never too late! Welcome!

I'm proud that I did exercise on Friday and Saturday - those days seem to be the easiest to skip, but I rearranged my regimen a bit this week and I think it helped.
Good job lady!

I was asleep before the girls were last night, I could hear them talking. Yes, we are all - me, the girls, and the furboys in one bed. It's okay, though, it's comforting to us all with DH not at home. AK let Beamer out of his crate, and was holding him. When I got in the bed, he walked over, laid his head against mine, and was out! At least I got a bit of loving from him.

Weekend update in next post. Going to post some pics.
:laughing:I am still not sure how to make the pictures NOT HUGE on here, so I am going to do them as clickable thumbnails, just click them to make them bigger if you really want to see them.

So first, here is little Beamer:

And as for the whole people not recognizing me, I get it now. This is not a flattering picture by any means. But a friend took this at the tailgate of me and the dog I want for mom, Marvin. He took it on his phone, and emailed it. When I saw the small version, I thought "I don't remember a kid at the tailgate. Who is that with Marvin? Once I made it bigger, I realized, oh yeah, its' me.

Saturday, while we were at the game, MIL and FIL took the girls to a local fair. Anna Kat went down a slide, turned to say something to her sister, and walked head on into a pole. Cut her eyebrow, and she has a lovely black eye. It's pretty scary looking, and she asked if I could put lots of purple eyeshadow on the other eye for school today to help hide it. Uh. No. Poor baby!

BLack eye and new glasses, thankfully she didn't have them on when she had her run in with the pole!

21 days until DH is on first! And it can't happen soon enough. My body is aching for a run. Going to get in the shower, and make the drive to take Sophie to MIL. LOONNGG Day ahead. We'll come home after school, homework, eat a bit, leave for gym @5, home @9:30. Won't see DH until tomorrow night. ATe/drank too much, with TOM too, so my weigh in was abyssmal. It's a new week. That's all I have to say about that.

Hope you all have a great day!
QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
I am quite embarassed to admit this but for me it is Little Debbie Nutty Bars!
I keep (or used to) keep them in my freezer and could eat the whole box in the course of a few hours. I haven't bought a box in months just to avoid the issue - I feel bad for my kids!
UGH!!!!! DD2 is getting a cold. She had us up around 1:30 barking like a dog! We gave her some medicine and water and then she and I snuggled on the couch until she was asleep. She fell right back to sleep but DH and I were up probably another hour. May keep her home today as she's only there a half day. I have to work tomorrow so I'd rather she rested here with me today. She had fallen right to sleep. I didn't hear the first "barks" or "ribbiting" as she calls it.

SO needless to say I skipped the early morning workout. I will do the 5K this afternoon or later this morning depending on what happens with her today. DD1 is up and bit grumpy. She's got dancing and soccer tonight so it's going to be a long day.

I'll stop at the Wellness Center this morning for my shake before heading off to get DD2s booster at the Enterprise place about 25 minutes from here. I think I'll go to WalMart to find that new type of thermometer that is out. Ours don't work very well.

Time to close for now.

Hugs to everyone feeling sad, lonely or just not themselves!:hug::hug::hug:

1) My AHA moment was when I got back in touch with people on FB and I refused to show them pictures of me because I hated the way I looked. I also knew that we had a big family event coming up (my niece's wedding) and I wouldn't want to be in any of the pictures. We found out the wedding date in May and since then, I've been beyond determined. I weighed 238 pounds then and today I weigh 195.

2) Peanut butter is just not something I can have around. I love everything about it. A big source of pride for me right now is the last jar of peanut butter I bought almost five months ago. It's sitting in our pantry with about 1/4 left and I haven't touched it in those five months. I can't bring myself to throw it out because it represents me being in control. I used to go through two jars a week. No more.

MB ... who has a very unhappy autistic teenager this morning...
Well, I have confessed previously about peanut butter being a big trigger food for me.

Peanut butter is a major weakness for me too . . . especially in the form of peanut butter cups, reese's pieces or peanut butter ice cream!!!
QOTD: My AHA moment was when my size 16s were getting too tight. We got a Wii that Christmas in 2008 and thus began my journey. Seeing pictures of myself were also starting to bother me. It's so great now to see people and them tell me how great I look. It inspires me to keep working. But then of course, like this morning, life gets in the way. I will stop at the Wellness Center for a shake this morning and have my green tea here. I wish I didn't have to go out at all with the way Izzie is feeling but I need to get her car seat and some medicine.

Have a great day. I'm not going to allow myself to check in again until I've done a 5K today.
Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?
:welcome: Welcome to the challenge. It's never too late to join. The first post has lots of information about how it's run, but you can pm your starting weight to Luvbaloo and we weighin on fridays. There is also a Healthy habits challenge and the WIN measurement challenge if you want to do those as well. This is a great group of very supportive folks, so come on along and join in the chatting if you'd like.

Oops! Wanted to post the QOTD for tomorrow since I won't be on until about 9:30 a.m.

QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?
Good chocolate, like dove or Lindt. For many years, my mom gave us all the 10$ bag of lindt chocolate truffles, and one year, when I was "on" I took that bag and ate one two point chocolate ball every night until they were gone. I think it lasted 2 months. Other years, I was lucky if it lasted a week.:rolleyes1 I try not to buy them except around the holidays.

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?
In july of 2005 my mom had an allergic reaction/cardiac arrest, and ended up in the hospital and rehab for the rest of that summer. She had many complications, and a really tough rehab, partly due to her obesity and copd from smoking. At the end of that summer I had packed on a few more pounds from the stress and was up to my all time, nonpregnant high of 229. I joined ww that september and told myself I would never quit, I was going to do it for myself. It was hard to watch my mom going through all that, and I wanted to have a healthier lifestyle, and hope that michael will not have to see me go through all she had been through. Though it's been up and down the past couple years, my weight has never gone back into the 220s, and I will never give up. At the same time, my scrubs were getting tight, and I was going to need to go into an XL, and I knew if I did I would just eat my way into those getting tight. Scrubs hide an awful lot.
Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. :goodvibes I feel better already.:grouphug:
Yay, I'm glad you feel better. We do have all the control.

I didn't control myself as planned yesterday, but instead of eating lunch followed by cake and ice cream I just had the cake and ice cream for lunch. Hmmm, last week it was donuts, I hear the commercial from Criminal Minds going off right now. "I'm sensing a pattern". Time to break that pattern. I'm only working 9-1 and then I've got a 6 mile run/walk route planned out before I pick up michael. I started with a healthy bkfst, and since there is no cake, ice cream, or really any foods in my house to sabotage myself with, I should be staying on track today. I did cook steak and vegies last night for dinner, and will have leftovers tonight.

Taryn-:hug: glad you got some sleep last night, and so sorry it was such a tough day for you. Love the pictures. At first glance I thought you were your daughter. You look awesome, and Beamer is just adorable.

Cam- I love that you're down 3 pounds already!! Coaching really is such a huge motivator to keep on track. Loving your qotds. Gotta think of a recipe.

Healthy Habits part two- emotional support- I get most of my emotional support for all of you here. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have my friends here for support and inspiration. Last year, when my mom was sick, I'm pretty sure I would have stopped coming here and posting if it wasn't for Lisah. She reached out to me, and offered her support and encouragement so many times when I really feeling down, and it really helped me so much to deal with the stress, and to know she was always here to listen when i was confused and distraught. I also received so much support from so many, Dona, Maria, Shannon, JenA, Taryn, and Jennz. It was so helpful Jennz, to know that you knew exactly what I was going through. My weight loss journey has had it's ups and downs, and so many other things in life affect it, but since I found wish and the bl challenges, I feel like I have the support I need to reach my goals. Thank you to all of you, for being here, for sharing your journeys and for all the support. Michael is also a pretty big support of my efforts now too. I'm trying to keep him on a healthy track too, and when I'm doing my runs around the track, he's so cute and will cheer me on. I really am blessed.

And now I am going to stay on track. For real today!!

Have a nice monday everyone.
Just wanted to quickly say "I'm Back!" -- I have a ton of work to catch up on at work and home, so I'm hoping to get to post later this week. I didn't do badly considering I was gone for a week -- I made 2 of my 3 scheduled workouts, and let me tell you, I am not used to the thin air of Denver! I lost .2, so I'll definitely take it. I know it was due to watching what I ate and those workouts, plus I did do a couple of walks in the evenings.

This thread moved over 20 pages while I was gone, so I probably won't actually catch everything -- just wanted to say :bday: to anyone I missed, and I hope everyone who is sick, sad, or just discouraged feels better -- and everyone feeling Grreat! -- continue to do so!

Maria :upsidedow
thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a busy birthday working on old house renos. The birthday celebration will likely happen tomorrow when DH&the girls can go get me a birthday cake. I've read a few pages, and decided to jump in and answer a QOTD before heading off to work.

Thanks to all of those who have been taking on the coaching role. Its obviously a busy but supportive & great thread!

Today is a day for us all to look at the positives in ourselves. So, I thought I'd do something a bit different. So, here's today's QOTD:

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

Okay, I'm off to catch up on the thread.

L = likeable
U = unique
V = versatile, vivacious
B = brave (at least about some things!)
A = artst (at least for some crafts!)
L = loveable
O = outstanding
O = out of time! :goodvibes
QOTD for Monday, September 20: What is your kryptonite, food-wise? In other words, is there a food (even one that might otherwise be good for you or "not so bad for you") that you cannot keep in your house because it is so irresistible that you might binge on it?

Reeses and peanut m&m's Dangerous!

Anyone else finding themselves not paying attention to the groceries that you don't eat? What I mean is I've stopped drinking milk. I do almond milk instead. So now when the family is low on milk, I don't really notice and have to be told half the time. The kids are old enough to pour their own, so I don't usually have to pull the gallon jug out of it's handy dandy door. I find myself running to the store for milk when normally I would have a back up gallon ready to go. Anyone else neglecting their families groceries?
Well, all I can say is that it is amazing what NOT binging on Sunday can do for a Monday weigh-in. I'm down 3.2 pounds for the week! That means I lost what I gained last week AND I'm down 2.0 pounds since the start of this challenge.

Now THAT is a good way to start a Monday. :goodvibes
When I am totally committed, There is nothing that could come into my house and temt me. If I'm only partially committed, any sweet could do the job.

This is such an awesome show of willpower. So glad you have good support and that you don't let anyone guilt you into eating anything you don't want to eat.

Susan -- I hope the doctor can figure out your headaches. Definitely tell her about what you are eating and drinking to see if he thinks making any changes would help. I hope you feel better. I am having an awful time with my sinuses this time of year.

The funny thing is, the other day I went into the dining room where they "hid" the cookies and they were sitting on the sideboard. Not hidden very well. I guess "hidden" is not the right word, it's more like out of sight and not in the kitchen. I guess it's only kryptonite in the kitchen. :wizard:

Kim - I had to laugh. Even with kryptonite, wasn't there someplace it could be contained where it didn't have any power? I LOVE that your kryptonite foods can be in the house, but only have powers in the kitchen. :rotfl:

Deb - cool pic of DH with his street Rod!

Lindsay -- Wow! That 5k sounds so amazing. Does it fundraise for his children or some other cause? It will be such a powerful event. Keeping my fingers crossed for all the participants for a gorgeous, cool fall day.

Oh, Taryn, sweetie. What a rough weekend you had. I am so sorry that you are feeling your Daddy's loss so strongly. :hug: Poor AK. Thank God she wasn't wearing her glasses. DS did something like that and ended up with broken glasses that cut his eyebrow on their way off his face, and needed stitches in his eyebrow. I hope your day gets better. And I am so happy you got some puppy love from adorable little Beamer. What a great picture of you, too! WOW! You really do look like a teenager.

Tomorrow will be interesting I have to go see what this pep squad Zoe is joining at school is all about. I'll be busy with pep squad and violin performances this year I see. If I can get employed she wants to take ballet.

Melissa - I hope the pep squad doesn't mean any more expense. It sounds like Zoe will have lots of fun to occupy her this year, with some active time with the pep squad and the edifying time learning the violin. Good luck on your job search!

Hi all, I just learned about the W.I.S.H. board and I was wondering if it is too late for me to join the Fall Challenge?

Welcome aboard!! :welcome: It's definitely not too late to join. Just PM your starting weight to Shannon (LuvBaloo) and enjoy this thread.

I'm proud that I did exercise on Friday and Saturday - those days seem to be the easiest to skip, but I rearranged my regimen a bit this week and I think it helped.

Great job, Connie! Good luck with your weigh in. :goodvibes

How did your knee hold up with the step ladder? You were very busy. My Sunday nights are usually pretty intense cleaning exercise, too, last night, not so much, but it's amazing how much activity one can get doing that!
. . . . I was "Most School Spirit"

Thanks for asking, Taryn. I ended up "one stepping" it up with the good leg. The bad knee wasn't cooperating. My sweet furbaby, Cali, was completely frantic that I was on a stepladder and Howard actually came in to see what she was crying about and scolded me. I think he appreciates my independence, but not at the cost of me possibly getting hurt, so I had to reassure him that I could be trusted on the small stepladder. :lovestruc

I'm not surprised about the title you got. You have a lot of spirit and it shows here and we are all grateful that you share it with us. :cloud9:

I am quite embarassed to admit this but for me it is Little Debbie Nutty Bars!
I keep (or used to) keep them in my freezer and could eat the whole box in the course of a few hours. I haven't bought a box in months just to avoid the issue - I feel bad for my kids!

Good for you for not buying them. I'm sure there are lots of other treats your kids can have in the house intstead. And if those are sold in individual packs, maybe you could let them each buy one once in a while to eat right then.

Tracy -- So sorry DD2 was up during the night coughing. I hope she is doing better today.

A big source of pride for me right now is the last jar of peanut butter I bought almost five months ago. It's sitting in our pantry with about 1/4 left and I haven't touched it in those five months. I can't bring myself to throw it out because it represents me being in control. I used to go through two jars a week. No more.

MB ... who has a very unhappy autistic teenager this morning...

MB -- Kudos to you on resisting the PB!!! I'm sorry DD is unhappy today. Mondays are hard for all of us.

I took that bag and ate one two point chocolate ball every night until they were gone. I think it lasted 2 months
. . . Michael is also a pretty big support of my efforts now too. I'm trying to keep him on a healthy track too, and when I'm doing my runs around the track, he's so cute and will cheer me on. I really am blessed.

So glad you figured out a way to deal with the chocolate temptation. A friend of mine does the same thing with Ghiradelli dark chocolate squares.

Maria -- Welcome back!! You are so awesome for exercising twice at that altitude!! :woohoo:

Shannon -- Sorry your birthday was busy, but so happy you have a family celebration to look forward to.

Anyone else finding themselves not paying attention to the groceries that you don't eat?

I am so spoiled!! DS17 drives and can go get groceries if he knows we need something. Love that! He is also good about putting non-urgent groceries on our ongoing grocery list.

Okay, it's taken me forever to catch up and I'm sure I'm pretty far behind again. BBL!


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