Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

S incere
U nderstanding
S illy
A ddictive (in a good way)
N ice

Wow, that was harder than I thought it would be.
Happy Birthday Deb!

Had a great day at the fair. Wasn't super busy but did our usual for the Saturday. Will be there again tomorrow. Sundays are usually good days when the weather is nice.

I had one piece of Pita bread and some hummus and 2 mini peppermint patties and a Special K bar. I also had a dish of pad thai with a grilled chicken stick. It was yummy! I drank water and my one soda throughout the day.

Came home and made some turkey kielbasa with some crackers and laughing cow cheese.

I think I will have a small drink. Nothing with milk. watching Back to the Future with the family.

Great friend
Great cook
Enjoying being here with all of you
Real determined to reach my goal
13 is my lucky number

Have a great rest of the day.
Time to make DH and myself a drink and DD1 wants a frappe!
Very quick hello and some replies before I sit the sack tonight. I just finished drinking my water for the day. And, I barely got in my C25K run/walk, but I did! TOM, you are making me miserable. :rotfl2:

Tomorrow is a Wii day and maybe some elliptical, if I have time. I think it's also a family dinner day, plus church of course.

CC looking at your meal plan for yesterday you seem a little light on lunch. You might want to add some veggies to lunch to bulk it up.

Thanks for the advice! I just bought some salad stuff, so I will definitely do that tomorrow. :cool1:

CC- :hug: It makes me sad that your mom is not there and a support for you. I too think you are a wonderful person, and I hope you continue to know that it is her, and not you, and find support from other sources. I feel very blessed to have had a good relationship with my mom, for the most part. It's hard to talk about the bad times, now that she's gone, but there were tough times too. In her last 4 years, she had a lot of medical issues and I would help her out a lot, and take her to doctors visits, and it was frustrating when she wasn't doing what she was supposed to be doing, and one day we had a fight on the way to her cardiiologist about me treating her like a child, and after that, I sat down and wrote her a letter and told her how much I loved her and how hard it was for me to see her not taking care of herself, and how much I wanted her to be around many years from now to watch michael grow up, but basicly, her life was her life, and I would be here for her, but I was going to step back and do what she asked me to do, but I would butt out and not try to push her any more. It was so hard to do, and we weren't a family who said "I love you" at all. I gave her the letter in person, and I did step back and stopped pushing her, and though we never discussed it after, it did make a difference for her to know my feelings, and I think it did help to strengthen our relationship. I just wonder if your mom knows how much she hurts you.

Jeez, now I'm going to have a good cry. I've been on the verge today, with my sisters 40th. Those big milestones bring back memories. Though on a funny note, I'm regifting the naughty present my sisters gave me for my 40th tonight. It was never used, just so you know.:rolleyes1 We have a sick sense of humor in my family.

Thanks for sharing! You and my BL friends have been such a great support. I really do not know what has gotten into my mom lately. Thank you for saying that I am a wonderful person! I don't often think so, but when I really stop and think about it, I know I am.

Hope the party went well. You came up with a great plan! Love the regifting. :rotfl2:

I dont know if I wrote the entire name...Its 8th Continent soy milk. they have a variety of flavors/options.

I havent yet responded to the support question.

Thanks for the info! I will search for it the next time I go to the grocery store. My local supermarket just reorganzied the store, so it may take awhile before I tell you that I found it, but there isn't much that Stop & Shop doesn't carry.

Your BF sounds like a keeper to me! What a great support he is! :yay:

Also, what are you studying? Did I miss this? Sorry.

Hope everyone has a great, OP day tomorrow!

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

K rafty
E ntertaining
L oyal
L oved dearly by my husband
I ncredibly talented


And as for salem, most people do not wear costumes, but lots do so you don't need to wear them, but it is fun.

I went to Salem for Halloween about 11 years ago with an ex boyfriend. It was so much fun. I couldn't believe how many people were there, and so many were in costume. I've wanted to go back but haven't had a chance to yet. Disney keeps coming up instead! It must be so much fun to live nearby. If you like Halloween:).
Hey everybody! Fly by, to make sure I post! Just got home from another fun tailgate and game, and we did beat the Pirates, so DH is in a good mood for the week. Didn't eat much, drank wayyyy too much.

There is a lady we met there last week that is fostering a rescue dog that I think woudl be perfect for my mom. I don't know if I 've told you that Daddy's dog got hit by a car and killed 3 weeks after he died. I've been trying to talk mom into another one, and this little fella would be perfect for her. Housebroken, crate and leash trained, only goes outside to potty a few times a day, very cuddly jack russell mix, calm, needs companionship. I called to talk to her about it, she was crying. Someone from church had brought her flowers. Got me very upset. Spent some time talking to DH about it all on the ride home, and told him that it bothered me that he doesn't seem to miss Daddy. He started crying, too, and said that not a day goes by that he doesn't think about him, and gets upset a few days a week, too, but didn't want to say anything b/c he didn't want to make me more upset. WhY did it take us 6 months to have this conversation?

Anyway, made the dangerous mistake of drowning my sorrows, which I PROMISE is only a tailgate thing, and no other time, don't worry about me replacing one bad habit with another.

I didn't take a picture today, but my brothers and their families and my family and mom are going on top of the mountain for a picnic tomorrow. I'll be sure to take some then. We just need to be together, and probably being in public rather than sitting at home will be good. Daddy loved to picnic in this area.

f = fanatically organized
l = loving
i - inspirational
p = patient
f = fun
l = laughter inducing, at least for CC

forget it.... too hard!
T - talkative
A = achiever
R - reasurring
Y - yells really loud at VT games, and gets crowd cheers going!
N - nice

MUCH EASIER!!!:lmao:
Night everyone! I'll try to post tomorrow, just send some PD our way! AND send PD that I can talk mom into this dog. I KNOW it will be so positive for her, if she'll just take the step. I really worry about her becoming a hermit, isolated, etc.

Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday!
Welcome to our Healthy Habits Challenge


For part two of the challenge, post your thoughts about emotional support. You can give a shout out thank you to someone, talk about how someone has supported you, post about what has happened when you try to do it on your own or anything else about the topic.

Here's to a happy and healthy week!
My husband has been extremely supportive during my weightloss. So amazing. He encourages and praises me daily, saying how proud and amazed he is at how I am doing, he brags to all of our friends & family about me and barely complains about all the healthy food I am buying (and forgeting to buy him his unhealthy food!) He bought me flowers with a bonus gift card he earned and has just been the best support I could have. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

Good morning everyone.

Yoga was great last night. She really is working our shoulders this session. I took a couple of tylenol when I got home last night but I can still feel a difference. They don't hurt but just feel different.

Yoga is one of my P90x discs. I want to like it, but I haven't been able to get into it yet. So far most of the moves are more painful to me than relaxing and I keep giving up half way and moving on to a different disc. Do you have any advice on how to get past this? I am not going to be able to skip it much longer and I really do want to like it. I wonder is part of this is because I have such a hard time clearing my mind.

You can buy the flax seed already ground. I try to sprinkle it on salads or in an omelet. If you don't go crazy with your sprinkles, you don't really taste it. My problem is I forget to use it.

I bought some this morning, I put it in yogurt with some granola. Not bad. I want to try it in my pancakes tomorrow. Thanks for these great tips!

I've been trying some new things this week, I wondered if my calories were too low, so I have been eating about 2-300 more. Tonight we went out to dinner with my in-laws, so I planned out my calories in advance. I stepped out of my comfort zone and got the salmon with a sweet potato & brocolli. I ate half the potato and didn't hate the salmon. In fact, I almost liked it. I will keep trying it in the future. I think I can grow to like it better.
Now for the not so great part of the evening. My BIL brought deserts for everyone. I knew going in to the dinner that desert would be part of the meal, so I saved some calories for it. He was very thoughtful and picked out a specific desert for each person, he made sure mine wasn't too bad! It was a small individual strawberry shortcake. So yummy. I ate it like I hadn't had a desert in months. Oh, that's right, I haven't! It reminded me of the English Trifle at the Garden View tea lounge.

Now, even with the desert, I came in 26 calories under my limit. Hopefully the scale shows that tomorrow!
Here are some links for water requirements. In order to calcuate your exact requirements you would have to know exactly how much urine you put out, how much water you are losing through sweat, etc. I don't think this is necessary for general purposes -

The calculator is more specific - it takes water loss through vomiting, diarrhea and altitude into account - IMO - TMI, lol, as well as your weight and excercise level -

The Mayo Clinic (I prefer to look at websites that have some backbone behind them) gives general guidelines -

Regardless, two to three gallons is too much - 1 liter = 1000cc
there are 240cc in one cup and 16 cups in a gallon - so a gallon = 38400cc or almost 4 liters. If you are drinking 2 - 3 gallons of water a day that is roughly 8-12 liters which is way too much! You are going to really overburden your kidneys if you do this, not to mention throw off your sodium/potassium balance. I can't imagine how many trips to the bathroom anyone who drinks this much water makes, ;)
Taryn - I thought Greek yogurt was pretty weird the first time I tried it. The flavored ones are pretty easy to get used to, but the plain has more protein. In an effort to adjust, I stirred in about 1/2 a packet of Truvia. It killed some of that whangy flavor and backed off that after a while. Now I like to stir in berries or use it as a dip for sliced apples, pears or peaches. It's also good mixed with a good granola cereal - I think I used a Cascadian Farms variety, but it's been awhile.

JenA - :worship: You are my hero. Or, "heroin" would be more accurate, I suppose. After reading your race report, I think I do understand how it could change your outlook on life, in general. You are an incredible example of what is possible.

CC, Cam, Rose and any others who have mentioned enduring hateful behavior from their parents - I am so sorry that these things happened (or continue to happen), but I'm glad that your paths have led you here. It's really something to share this journey with each of you.

I'm sorry, I'm doing this by memory, which isn't terribly effective this time of day, so I guess I'm done.

HH Part 2 - DH supports me by hanging out with DD while I head out to run. He also tries to help me not go too far off plan. My mom supports me by riding along on her bike during some runs - this is really helpful when I'm not really feeling it and I need a push. Mom also insists that I always pick our weekly lunch location so that she can't be responsible for sabotaging me. My sister was hanging out with us last night (to keep her mind occupied while her girls are with her ex; always stressful but, thankfully, infrequent) and she stopped at the convenience store on the way over to bring treats - she brought herself a Snickers ice cream bar, DH got a Tollhouse ice cream sandwich (his fave since WDW), DD got a pint of Cotton Candy ice cream (what 3yo wouldn't love pink and blue ice cream?) and for me... she brought a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. I think that qualifies as support. And, even when I'm not posting, just reading along here helps keep me on track and you have all been a real blessing to me.

Happy Birthday to Deb and Shannon!!

Goodnight, all. :goodvibes

(It's 11:10p right now, so this qualifies as my HH point for Saturday. :))
Good SUnday morning. Got up and did some yoga stretches. Will get in some walking later.

Just want to answer tggrrstarr's comment about yoga. They may not be explaining the poses completely enough. It should not hurt. Try not to push too hard. Do what you can. It is about what you can do not what they look like on the video. Perhaps listen and keep your eyes closed so that you don't press too hard. If that still doesn't work perhaps try a beginner's tape.

Have a great day. I will be back later.
Good morning!

Well, I had a fun time last night, but ate and drank more than I planned, so today is a new day, and I will get right back on track. My nephew drove us home, so we will ride our bikes over my sisters house this morning to get our car and also to help clean up. I'm drinking lots of water now and I actually feel pretty good. I learned a long time ago, if I drink too much, have a big glass of water before I go to bed, and it really does make a difference. I figured I'd catch up on the dis this morning and then put my pictures from vacation in the computer and organize them. Michael needs to get things together for a collage at school for tomorrow, so I'll help him with that.

Have a nice sunday everyone.:)
QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

Okay, I'll be back as soon as I've caught up on everyone's posts from yesterday.
Greetings all!! Hope you slept well and are having a fabulous Sunday so far :)

My name is Liz ("Hi, Liz" echoes through the crowd) and I am an obese food-a-holic ;)

Well - this summer kicked my behind and I am trying - I mean - I am in the process of getting back on track--and since this group helped me soooooo much last winter to get the ball rolling and the fat falling off - I've decided that this week I am going to read what I can during stolen moments in the day - and that I will post everyday.

Thank you all so much for being here and for all you post!! May you be blessed with lots of success--whatever that means for you.

Thanks, Keenercam, for yesterday's QOTD - I fell asleep thinking about what I would write--which was a great way to fall asleep--thanks!! So here goes
H - Happy, of course
A - Awed - by the beauties and wonders of this great world!!
P - Positive
P - Prepared
Y - Young in mind
S - Smart - I love using my brain to figure things out and keep learning
M - Mindful of others
Y - 'Yes' gal - If it doesn't 'matter' I say 'yes' - much more enjoyable for everyone that way
L - Loving
Y - Youth Leader - I work with the teens at my church - and LOVE it!!

And Sunday's - My 'Aha' moment for this journey? I began January 2010 - and for months I had been really concerned with my blood pressure - it was getting high and I was having panic attacks at night that made me think I could be having a heart attack - and so my sister challenged me to join her in this challenge--and since I LOVE disney I decided to try it. This board introduced me to sparkpeople--which was a tremendous tool to help me. And - as I experienced success - the support and cheerleading here was fantabulously magical :) I still am on the 'selfish' needy side of this whole thing--but know that eventually I will be able to be an example to others as you have been an example to me :) :grouphug: to everyone here!!!

Have a magically Disney day - find the magic in your life :)
:) Liz
C: Cooperative
C: CR (a neighbor)'s role model
L: Loving
O: Open-minded
V: Vibrant
E: Excited
S: Sincere
D: Dedicated
I: Inspiring
S: Sensitive (to the needs of others)

I have a question for everyone. I logged my food in Sparkpeople and on WWonline yesterday and was under on both. Any suggestions? Thanks!

I ate 1 egg on a 1 pt. thin roll plus 1 peach for breakfast.
For lunch, I had an apple, 1/4 cup of frozen yogurt (TOM), and 1 cup of milk.
Dinner was 8 oz. of haddock, another peach, another apple, 1 cup of zucchini, and 10 Spanish olives.
I also had a tall, no whip, soy hot choclate from Starbucks yesterday afternoon.

Great character traits! I think most of us would have chosen a lot of those for you. Can you add some lean protein to your lunch? Maybe some chicken breast or the like?

QOTD - This is really, really hard - but here goes -

M - mature (most of the time, lol)
I - intelligent
C - caring
H - helpful
E - efficient
L - loyal
E - enthusiastic

And keenercam - Resilient is a great word to use - I never thought much about resilience in the past - recently I was talking to my neighbor who is a therapist - we weren't having a "session" lol, but it kinda turned into one - we were discussing my oldest daughter (24) - and I was trying to find a rational explanation for why she does some of the things she does - long story short - my parents are similar to yours in the sense that they are not the most supportive now (or when I was growing up) - and they were most often physically and mentally abusive - my neighbor said to me - well you are lucky that you are a resilient person, and you have to accept that your daughter might not be as resilient as you are - and I had never thought of it that way. Resilience is a great thing, it allows us to move past the negative influences in our lives and become a better and stronger person in the end.

I have to agree on the importance of resilience. I know people who are "totalled" by negative events in their lives and have a hard time getting back into the game. I hope your daughter will become more resilient with time. It must be so hard to see her having a hard time.

The Big E is actually short for the Eastern States Exposition. It features the "culture" of the 6 New England states. 4-H clubs participate. There are rides and lots of food, particularly of the deep-fried kind. It's about 35 minutes from where I live and I've only went once.

That sounds like so much fun!

Congrats on your half completions! My goal is the coast to coast in 2011!

I am doing my very first half marathon at WDW in Jan 2011. DH and I are doing the Wine and Dine half marathon relay in a few short weeks. Next 5k for me is Sat 9/25. Our goal was 12 races in 2010.

How is your training going for the WDW 1/2? I am hoping to see you at the start line!

5-+5+5+4==how many kitties I have. I do have someone coming over to look at her today and I'm hoping-- but their main perogative is that a kitten gets along with their other cat and so far she is very growly at everyone...(totally cracks me up btw) She loves humans.
O--Ocean. I love our pacific coast and am finally learning to eat the good stuff that comes out of it...
J--Jiggly--lol I've always been curvy
Y--young still
N--naughty--also a good quality

I definitely need some friends who are "naughty". You must be so much fun to hang out with! :love:

This is quite hard, I have a 'Y' :laughing:


LOL!!! Yeah, youthful is probably the best choice there. I am thinking "yeasty" or "yellow-bellied" wouldn't apply. :laughing:

Jeez, now I'm going to have a good cry. I've been on the verge today, with my sisters 40th. Those big milestones bring back memories. Though on a funny note, I'm regifting the naughty present my sisters gave me for my 40th tonight. It was never used, just so you know.:rolleyes1 We have a sick sense of humor in my family.

I love reading today's answers to the qotd. I thought I'd use mikamah so I could use the C for cries easily, but there's no c.:rotfl: duh. So I'll use mikamah, so I don't have a y.

M- Michael's Mommy
I-Incredible!! I am on the WISH Incredibles team!!!!
K- Krazy but fun
A-Apple pie baker
A-Always positive

That was harder than I thought. English was not my strong suit. I asked Michael for an A adjective, and he said Awkward!! Then he said I'm not awesome, like totally awesome like he is, but sort of awesome. He just came back and told me that I am "a very cool person".

Michael is such a sweetie! I'm sorry if you felt like crying today. :hug: OMG! That dessert sounds delicious!

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

J = JAG (I'm an Army JAG)
U= understanding (ha - my DD just suggested "underweight" - I love her!!! :rotfl2:)
D = determined
E= energetic

Tomorrow is my 11 mile run in preparation for my half marathon in October. I've been trying to map out a route that avoid busy or scary (not much of an area to run between road and cars) but it isn't easy. Up until now I've been anle to do double or triple loops close to the house but that is getting really old. I'm using mapmyroute....

Jude -- Good luck on your run today!! Oh, and give your daughter an extra hug. "Underweight" -- how sweet!!

Now on to my name...Jeanette seems hard,maybe I'll try Cupcake (it really is my nickname IRL).

C-creative, in situations (sometimes I feel like Lucy from I Love Lucy) or just with crafts/baking
K-keeps going, things may knock me down, but eventually I get back up

Yeah that was hard. But I think that pretty much sums me up.

Oh, "creative"!! I am so jealous! I don't have a creative bone in my body. That must bring the people around you so much pleasure!!

Had a great day at the fair. Wasn't super busy but did our usual for the Saturday. Will be there again tomorrow. Sundays are usually good days when the weather is nice.

I had one piece of Pita bread and some hummus and 2 mini peppermint patties and a Special K bar. I also had a dish of pad thai with a grilled chicken stick. It was yummy! I drank water and my one soda throughout the day.

Came home and made some turkey kielbasa with some crackers and laughing cow cheese.

I think I will have a small drink. Nothing with milk. watching Back to the Future with the family.

Great friend
Great cook
Enjoying being here with all of you
Real determined to reach my goal
13 is my lucky number

You had a great day, on-plan, yesterday. WOW! That wasn't easy, I'm sure. Have a great time today.

K rafty
E ntertaining
L oyal
L oved dearly by my husband
I ncredibly talented

"LOVED" is so good. :cloud9: It enriches every moment of every day, doesn't it?

There is a lady we met there last week that is fostering a rescue dog that I think woudl be perfect for my mom. I don't know if I 've told you that Daddy's dog got hit by a car and killed 3 weeks after he died. I've been trying to talk mom into another one, and this little fella would be perfect for her. Housebroken, crate and leash trained, only goes outside to potty a few times a day, very cuddly jack russell mix, calm, needs companionship. I called to talk to her about it, she was crying. Someone from church had brought her flowers. Got me very upset. Spent some time talking to DH about it all on the ride home, and told him that it bothered me that he doesn't seem to miss Daddy. He started crying, too, and said that not a day goes by that he doesn't think about him, and gets upset a few days a week, too, but didn't want to say anything b/c he didn't want to make me more upset. WhY did it take us 6 months to have this conversation?


f = fanatically organized
l = loving
i - inspirational
p = patient
f = fun
l = laughter inducing, at least for CC

forget it.... too hard!
T - talkative
A = achiever
R - reasurring
Y - yells really loud at VT games, and gets crowd cheers going!
N - nice

MUCH EASIER!!!:lmao:

Taryn -- I really hope your Mom will be amenable to taking in a new furbaby. And, I'm not sure how to say this the right way, but you are so fortunate to be missing your Dad. I hope you can look at it as a blessing, that he is in your heart and mind evey day and that you miss him.

Now for the not so great part of the evening. My BIL brought deserts for everyone. I knew going in to the dinner that desert would be part of the meal, so I saved some calories for it. He was very thoughtful and picked out a specific desert for each person, he made sure mine wasn't too bad! It was a small individual strawberry shortcake. So yummy. I ate it like I hadn't had a desert in months. Oh, that's right, I haven't! It reminded me of the English Trifle at the Garden View tea lounge.

How sweet and thoughtful of your BIL!!!

Here are some links for water requirements. In order to calcuate your exact requirements you would have to know exactly how much urine you put out, how much water you are losing through sweat, etc. I don't think this is necessary for general purposes -

The calculator is more specific - it takes water loss through vomiting, diarrhea and altitude into account - IMO - TMI, lol, as well as your weight and excercise level -

The Mayo Clinic (I prefer to look at websites that have some backbone behind them) gives general guidelines -

Regardless, two to three gallons is too much - 1 liter = 1000cc
there are 240cc in one cup and 16 cups in a gallon - so a gallon = 38400cc or almost 4 liters. If you are drinking 2 - 3 gallons of water a day that is roughly 8-12 liters which is way too much! You are going to really overburden your kidneys if you do this, not to mention throw off your sodium/potassium balance. I can't imagine how many trips to the bathroom anyone who drinks this much water makes, ;)

Thank you for the links, Michele! I hadn't had a chance to do the research yet.

HH Part 2 - DH supports me by hanging out with DD while I head out to run. He also tries to help me not go too far off plan. My mom supports me by riding along on her bike during some runs - this is really helpful when I'm not really feeling it and I need a push. Mom also insists that I always pick our weekly lunch location so that she can't be responsible for sabotaging me. My sister was hanging out with us last night (to keep her mind occupied while her girls are with her ex; always stressful but, thankfully, infrequent) and she stopped at the convenience store on the way over to bring treats - she brought herself a Snickers ice cream bar, DH got a Tollhouse ice cream sandwich (his fave since WDW), DD got a pint of Cotton Candy ice cream (what 3yo wouldn't love pink and blue ice cream?) and for me... she brought a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. I think that qualifies as support. And, even when I'm not posting, just reading along here helps keep me on track and you have all been a real blessing to me.

WOW! how thoughtful! I am so glad you have all that support!

Greetings all!! Hope you slept well and are having a fabulous Sunday so far :)

My name is Liz ("Hi, Liz" echoes through the crowd) and I am an obese food-a-holic ;)

Well - this summer kicked my behind and I am trying - I mean - I am in the process of getting back on track--and since this group helped me soooooo much last winter to get the ball rolling and the fat falling off - I've decided that this week I am going to read what I can during stolen moments in the day - and that I will post everyday.

Thank you all so much for being here and for all you post!! May you be blessed with lots of success--whatever that means for you.

Thanks, Keenercam, for yesterday's QOTD - I fell asleep thinking about what I would write--which was a great way to fall asleep--thanks!! So here goes
H - Happy, of course
A - Awed - by the beauties and wonders of this great world!!
P - Positive
P - Prepared
Y - Young in mind
S - Smart - I love using my brain to figure things out and keep learning
M - Mindful of others
Y - 'Yes' gal - If it doesn't 'matter' I say 'yes' - much more enjoyable for everyone that way
L - Loving
Y - Youth Leader - I work with the teens at my church - and LOVE it!!

And Sunday's - My 'Aha' moment for this journey? I began January 2010 - and for months I had been really concerned with my blood pressure - it was getting high and I was having panic attacks at night that made me think I could be having a heart attack - and so my sister challenged me to join her in this challenge--and since I LOVE disney I decided to try it. This board introduced me to sparkpeople--which was a tremendous tool to help me. And - as I experienced success - the support and cheerleading here was fantabulously magical :) I still am on the 'selfish' needy side of this whole thing--but know that eventually I will be able to be an example to others as you have been an example to me :) :grouphug: to everyone here!!!

Have a magically Disney day - find the magic in your life :)
:) Liz

Welcome, Liz! It is so wonderful to have you here. So glad you found your way here. :hug:
Okay, yesterday was crazy busy right up through about 11:15 last night, but I'll be back later to catch up. Today is busy too. Off to Costco to buy lots of fruits and veggies.
Today is a day for us all to look at the positives in ourselves. So, I thought I'd do something a bit different. So, here's today's QOTD:

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

L Loving
I Intelligent
S Sensitive (to the needs of others)
A Active (this is a new one but I am liking it! :goodvibes)

Whew! That was a tough one. This was a great question, Cam! We've had the discussion about how hard it is to say positive things about ourselves in previous challenges and how that affects our success on this journey. :hippie: It was a good reminder to be kind to ourselves!

That was harder than I thought. English was not my strong suit. I asked Michael for an A adjective, and he said Awkward!! Then he said I'm not awesome, like totally awesome like he is, but sort of awesome. He just came back and told me that I am "a very cool person".

Awww! Isn't that guy a riot? :lmao: And so earnest! Great job on the pjlla plan that let you enjoy your Mom's treat recipe! :thumbsup2

Jude, enjoy your run today! :goodvibes

Taryn, I'm thinking of you and your family today! :hug:

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

I have to say that I did not have an "ah hah" moment -- more like good intentions of fixing things for years turning into a realization that good intentions were not going to cut it and that "some day is today!"

Greetings all!! Hope you slept well and are having a fabulous Sunday so far :)

:welcome: Liz! Nice to see you! :flower3:

It is a cool and rainy morning here. I slept until 6:45 am, which is late for me. I've been needing to catch up on my rest. DH and DS are still asleep. They need to catch up on their rest, too. Today is a laundry and getting ready for next week day. Dinner is planned and purchased so we can stay home and take it easy. I love those kind of days! :goodvibes

Have a wonderful, peaceful and OP Sunday all!
Good Morning!
The last few days have been a huge challenge for me. I feel like there are so many things I need to do, and not nearly enough time. My life usually isn't so hectic, so this is a little new to me. I know many of you are much busier and have so much more to balance and I am in total awe of you right now. For the last few weeks, my exercise routine has been done in the evenings, and that has been fine. I block out an hour for P90x and a half hour for my walk. This has worked for me until this week. There seems to be so much more I need to do (you don't even want to step into my kitchen!) so my mind is focused on all of that during my workouts. I have the energy to complete them, but I end up cutting out early of the p90x (the last three times) so I can do other things. I still complete my walk and am still under calories, so I don't feel like I am compromising too much on my total day, but I really want to get the most out of these workouts strengthwise. Part of this is due to my work schedule. We have been shorthanded for a while and are getting ready for a huge new product release (I don't even know what yet), so I've only been getting one day off a week. At first this didn't phase me too much, but I think it finally is.
My husband has been in a similar situation with his work schedule, so we haven't had as much time together either.
My goal for the next week is to try getting up earlier than usual to try to get some of this out of the way early on to give me more time to do more of what I've been neglecting. I am not a morning person, so this will be a challenge.
Oh, crap. I just looked at the clock and realized I have to shower and be at work in less than 40 minutes, I totally misjudged the time! Oops..
There is a lady we met there last week that is fostering a rescue dog that I think woudl be perfect for my mom. I don't know if I 've told you that Daddy's dog got hit by a car and killed 3 weeks after he died. I've been trying to talk mom into another one, and this little fella would be perfect for her. Housebroken, crate and leash trained, only goes outside to potty a few times a day, very cuddly jack russell mix, calm, needs companionship. I called to talk to her about it, she was crying. Someone from church had brought her flowers. Got me very upset. Spent some time talking to DH about it all on the ride home, and told him that it bothered me that he doesn't seem to miss Daddy. He started crying, too, and said that not a day goes by that he doesn't think about him, and gets upset a few days a week, too, but didn't want to say anything b/c he didn't want to make me more upset. WhY did it take us 6 months to have this conversation?

It's time...

Meanwhile back at the ranch. Penney was adopted, all set to go. I was devastated of course but knew I'd get over it. Then the husband came in and started 'you sureing' me. Then he started crying. Then started us, renting our hair and clothes. Ok not that bad really-- so long story short Penney is adopted. By us. We are insane people.

The poster (the one where she is in front--someone asked I forgot) is Sleeping Beauty-- a cardboard cut out I put on my wall ;-)

Speakin' of Sleeping Beauties-- here's Penney helping me learn more about wine...

I then guiltily ate everything in sight. It was a cool :cool1:night though. I sat out on the porch with the rain pouring down and it's warm still...nice-- needed a little kettle corn bought from the farms...
Today I'll be completely back on track!
QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?
None of the clothes I had fitted anymore and need to buy new ones and even that wasn't easy.
I also started watching Biggest Loser and was in complete awe of what is possible. So inspired by that show, I think I will continue to watch it for many years.
Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. :goodvibes I feel better already.:grouphug:
Good Afternoon Everyone,

I slept in this morning. I did sleep better last night than on Friday night, so that was good. I still woke up a few times, so I really needed to sleep in at least a little.

I haven't done much today, but I did workout for 50 minutes on the Wii/balance board. No gym today as my sister and BIL are already here. It's a family dinner day. They are having chicken drumsticks and chicken thighs, plus ribs. I am having chicken breast tenderloins-grilled, with nothing added to them. I'll have a nice large salad too. Had a great lunch as well.

Have a great day everyone!


I went to Salem for Halloween about 11 years ago with an ex boyfriend. It was so much fun. I couldn't believe how many people were there, and so many were in costume. I've wanted to go back but haven't had a chance to yet. Disney keeps coming up instead! It must be so much fun to live nearby. If you like Halloween:).

Thank you tggrrstarr and Kathy for all the info! My BFF and I haven't talked about it in a few days, so I'm not sure what she is thinking anymore. She kept saying how going is one of her life-long dreams, so I definitely see it in her future. I'm not sure if we will go together or not because her brother mentioned that he was interested in going. I think I have a phone call to make. ;)

f = fanatically organized
l = loving
i - inspirational
p = patient
f = fun
l = laughter inducing, at least for CC

forget it.... too hard!
T - talkative
A = achiever
R - reasurring
Y - yells really loud at VT games, and gets crowd cheers going!
N - nice

MUCH EASIER!!!:lmao:

First, I am :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: (but I'm guessing you expected that ;)!

Taryn- I think the rescue dog sounds perfect for your mom! So glad you and DH talked. I have been thinking about you this morning and am sending PD your way. :hug:

My husband has been extremely supportive during my weightloss. So amazing. He encourages and praises me daily, saying how proud and amazed he is at how I am doing, he brags to all of our friends & family about me and barely complains about all the healthy food I am buying (and forgeting to buy him his unhealthy food!) He bought me flowers with a bonus gift card he earned and has just been the best support I could have. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

DH sounds great to me! :cool1:

BIL does too!

Here are some links for water requirements.
Thanks for finding these for us! I will be checking them out next. :goodvibes

CC, Cam, Rose and any others who have mentioned enduring hateful behavior from their parents - I am so sorry that these things happened (or continue to happen), but I'm glad that your paths have led you here. It's really something to share this journey with each of you.

I'm sorry, I'm doing this by memory, which isn't terribly effective this time of day, so I guess I'm done.

HH Part 2 - DH supports me by hanging out with DD while I head out to run. He also tries to help me not go too far off plan. My mom supports me by riding along on her bike during some runs - this is really helpful when I'm not really feeling it and I need a push. Mom also insists that I always pick our weekly lunch location so that she can't be responsible for sabotaging me. My sister was hanging out with us last night (to keep her mind occupied while her girls are with her ex; always stressful but, thankfully, infrequent) and she stopped at the convenience store on the way over to bring treats - she brought herself a Snickers ice cream bar, DH got a Tollhouse ice cream sandwich (his fave since WDW), DD got a pint of Cotton Candy ice cream (what 3yo wouldn't love pink and blue ice cream?) and for me... she brought a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. I think that qualifies as support. And, even when I'm not posting, just reading along here helps keep me on track and you have all been a real blessing to me.

Thanks Connie! I am very glad I found these challenges too! :goodvibes

What an awesome support system you have!

Have a great day Dona!

Good morning!

Well, I had a fun time last night, but ate and drank more than I planned, so today is a new day, and I will get right back on track. My nephew drove us home, so we will ride our bikes over my sisters house this morning to get our car and also to help clean up. I'm drinking lots of water now and I actually feel pretty good. I learned a long time ago, if I drink too much, have a big glass of water before I go to bed, and it really does make a difference.

Sounds like a great nice last night and way to get right back on track! :yay:

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

Not sure that I really had an "ah hah" moment but, it didn't help that most of my clothes didn't fit and that my mom kept commenting on how "fat" I was.

Greetings all!! Hope you slept well and are having a fabulous Sunday so far :)

Have a magically Disney day - find the magic in your life :)
:) Liz

Good to hear from you!

Great character traits! I think most of us would have chosen a lot of those for you. Can you add some lean protein to your lunch? Maybe some chicken breast or the like?

Thanks for saying that! Your support has been so great! I am thinking about driving down for my next WDW trip because I have a few people to meet on my way.

It's funny that you mentioned chicken breast because my parents did the grocery shopping yesterday and didn't buy much that is low-point, etc. They were good about it and gave me some money to go grocery shopping after my trip to the gym (best run/walk ever, btw) and one of things I bought was chicken breast. My father is going to grill them tonight when he is making less lean chicken and ribs for everyone else. I'll have plenty for the week. Thanks! :goodvibes

It is a cool and rainy morning here. I slept until 6:45 am, which is late for me. I've been needing to catch up on my rest. DH and DS are still asleep. They need to catch up on their rest, too. Today is a laundry and getting ready for next week day. Dinner is planned and purchased so we can stay home and take it easy. I love those kind of days! :goodvibes

Glad to hear you got some extra sleep today! :goodvibes

Enjoy your relaxing day!

Good Morning!
The last few days have been a huge challenge for me. I feel like there are so many things I need to do, and not nearly enough time.


so long story short Penney is adopted. By us. We are insane people.

Not insane, loving! :goodvibes

I also started watching Biggest Loser and was in complete awe of what is possible. So inspired by that show, I think I will continue to watch it for many years.

I find BL inspiring too! I have learned quite a bit from it and look forward to watching it! :cool1:

Our goal was 12 races in 2010.

Wow! WTG!

Hello everyone...just pulling my head out of the sand and posting. It's been a rough weekend here and I'm taking some control - I control what I put in my mouth, how I move my body, and posting on our thread. :goodvibes I feel better already.:grouphug:

:hug: WTG getting back on track!
Today is another study day. I got a lot done yesterday so that was good. TOM comes by for a visit tomorrow. Im already feeling blah. Im really going to have to push myself to exercise this week. Hmm maybe I should pick up some of that cranberry juice to get rid of bloating.

Your BF sounds like a keeper to me! What a great support he is! :yay:

Also, what are you studying? Did I miss this? Sorry.

Thanks, I agree! Im actually studying Program Evaluation.

Program Evaluation analyzes a program to see if it is effective, identifies what parts of a program is the most effect, and provides information to help strengthen the program. Examples of programs would be things like school reading programs, sports programs, intervention programs, and even our BL challenge can be considered a program!

I really enjoy it. I feel like I get to help to provide better services to those who are in the program. Currently I am evaluating two mentoring programs. Whats great about evaluating a program is that it solidifies what people think are working and helps provide information to strengthen the parts that people are unsure of. Sorry for the long response, Im really passionate about it. Its been my life for the past 3 years, and probably 3 more years :scared1:

Here are some links for water requirements.

Thanks I'll check them out.

QOTD for Sunday, September 19: Did you have an "AH HAH" moment that started you on this journey? If so, what was it?

I think it was seeing myself weigh more than I ever have in my life. I felt horrible (I was only wearing stretchy clothes because nothing else fit), I looked horrible (really- once I started losing weight, my hair became nicer and my skin started clearing up), and I was unhappy. Thats what started my journey, with the help of others of course.

My goal for the next week is to try getting up earlier than usual to try to get some of this out of the way early on to give me more time to do more of what I've been neglecting. I am not a morning person, so this will be a challenge.

It takes a while to get used to, but its a good way to wake you up. Good luck :goodvibes

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'll probably be back on later.



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