Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I am really, really, really down. As in, I don't even feel like posting or reading this thread b/c I have been so out of touch with my will power. It feels like I've taken such huge steps backwards, I can't go forwards again. I feel like a water balloon, my face has broken out, and I feel like I've gained back all 55 pounds. I have been SO disciplined over the last 5 months, but the last 3 days, I just feel out of control. I am worried the old me is coming back.

First of all....:hug::hug: Second.... I find that just ONE GOOD "IN CONTROL" day can make a WORLD of difference in how I feel. Take today, make it a good one... exercise, eating right, plenty of water, and lots of positive energy in the right direction (which for you right now might mean packing for your trip). I can almost GUARANTEE you that within 24 hours you will feel SO MUCH BETTER! Truly.... I think I can sympathize and understand how you feel. Even after being on this journey for 2 1/2 years and losing almost 90 pounds, just a day or two out of control can make me feel like I'm ready to give up!!

Keep chatting with us, be sure the house is LOADED with healthy options, get in some FUN exercise (with the kids maybe?) and things will look so much better tomorrow.... I promise!! :flower3:

Taryn-Lots of people have commented, please forgive me for repeating them. First of all, the old you is NOT coming back. You have lost 55 pounds! You are one of the most inspiring members of our BL challenge. So what, you had some buffalo pretzel bites. You said it yourself, you have to enjoy your new lifestyle, and if that includes a few splurges, than so be it. You have to do what's right for you. Drink some water, I know you did last night. Make sure you drink as much water as you feel comfortable drinking. Maybe add some sugar-free drink mix to add some variety. Get your kids involved. Make a huge pitcher and have DD3 stir. See who can stir the fastest. Then, all 3 of you has an 8 oz. glass (if you let your daugters drink the sugar-free kind). Sip a 2nd glass while watching a movie or making a puzzle (or working on lesson plans for your class). YOU ARE NOT OUT OF CONTROL! You can and will do this!

Who has your daughters today? Do you have time to walk for an hour or run for 30 minutes? Could you go for a bike ride with DDs? I'm just throwing out suggestions. Jillian made it very clear in the most recent episode that exercise can be fun and family time. I have no idea if you have one of these, but I'm going to throw out another idea to help you multi-task. Take an audio recorder on your walk. Record ideas for your lesson plans. Play them back while you are typing away. Record anything else that comes to mind too! Tape record yourself saying affirmations:
I am in control.
I lost 55 pounds. I can and will lose 10 more.
I am an amazing mother. My daughters are wonderful because of my husband and me.
I am an amazing kindergarden teacher. I love my job and my students love me.

And, please continue to post. We are here for you even if we are not next to you IRL.


Not much new here. Staying within my points, and trying to have an extra healthy 2 days before my race tomorrow night. I made a big salad last night, and cut up a pear and put that in and it was so good. I'm not very adventurous and tend to make the same things over and over, but I think I need to try more things. Did wii fit this morning, and we have baseball tonight. Looks like a beautiful day out here.

Hoping everyone has a nice day.:)

I'm so impressed you have a race coming up! Run Kathy, run!!

Thanks everyone. :hug: Sorry for that pity party. I've spent the last hour crying, drinking coffee and water to flush out the salt, and researching how to get rid of water weight gain! Had a banana and a protein shake, it has some dandelion root in it which is supposed to help flush out water retention.

I am feeling slighty better, just really depressed, but as soon as my sleepy heads wake up and we start packing their WDW clothes with Almost There from Princess and the Frog and the 4 Parks 1 World CDs playing in the background, I'm sure my mood will improve! I bought them a bunch of new disney t's and DD2 some Disney sundresses when the online disney store was having a sale, so it will be fun to show them to them. I'm sure we'll have fashion shows, and DD2 will insist on keeping at least one of them on!

Going to clean all the glass in the house until they wake up! Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Glad you feel better.... but I hope you still read all of the advise that was given. Lots of us (ALL of us) really care and want to help you succeed! Stay close with us until you leave!

Even with the warm welcome it's hard to jump in. You all seem like you know each other so well and have been friends forever. I'm going to try though. Yesterday morning I got up at 6 and walked for 30 minutes, ate well all day, and then went crazy on choc chip cookies my hubby asked me to bake. He knows I'm trying to eat better and he is too but they were there. Well now they are gone, my to sons 12 and 14, helped too. I will no longer be buying them because I can't not eat them. Can you say "RED light food."

This am I woke up with a sore throat but I'm plannig on walking tonight after my haircut. My 12 year son, Noah, runs cross country and wants to start running this summer for the fall season. We made a deal that 3 times a week I would go with him and walk while he ran. Sounds much better than walking on the treadmill by myself. Hope everyone has a good day. Lisa

Believe me, NO ONE is more shy or has a harder time meeting new people than ME! Just jump in with both feet. Share stuff about yourself (as you did) and feel free to comment and offer advise to the rest of us and soon you will definitely feel like part of the group!!

I totally understand about the cookies. We don't bake much here... mostly because I don't like to bake and NONE of us need the calories. But occasionally the kids/DH crave homemade cookies and I have to make sure that DH makes them either when I am gone, or on a day/weekend when I can plan in the calories. I just find it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to resist oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough!! So even though my kids might not think it is "fair", sometimes I need to lay down the law and make cookie baking off limits for a the day!

Thanks! :thumbsup2 I remembered it was the same day as the opening but for some reason I thought that was Friday.

You're right... my is Thursday and TS3 opens on Friday... but close enough! We are holding off on the celebration until Friday. When we saw the trailer last year for TS3 opening June 18th, I IMMEDIATELY told my family that THAT is how we were going to celebrate my birthday this year... and I haven't forgotten! But, no one is complaining! Trying to save most of my Flex points for dinner and movie treats that day!

Well... another beautiful day in NH today! I posted about a planned 5 mile run today, but forgot that I had planned to start alternating my runs with my circuit training, so today was actually a circuit day.... arms and abs and a few lunges and calf raises.

DD has her first Final today and asked me to make her "lucky" breakfast for her... real "on the stove" oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar, fresh fruit, juice, and tea. It makes me SO HAPPY that I have been able to have such a great positive impact on her eating habits that she would choose such a great healthy breakfast for a favorite "special" meal! Sure, she loves her treats, just like any girl/kid, but she also loves healthy stuff. I know that part of this is the way I STARTED feeding her when she was a baby, but another part of this is the influence of my past 30 months of really healthy eating. And really, as parents, isn't this a HUGE part of why we are on these healthy journeys.... to lead our children by example??

I'm so excited to have a sort of "free" day, that I don't even KNOW what I want to do.... I do need to run a few errands, but do I want to clean? Or scrapbook? Or do yard work? Or just enjoy the day and be lazy? (Okay... probably not that last option... I'm just not a "sit around" kind of gal)

Well.... off to decide on the direction my day will take! TTYL.............P
Ok, so I weigh in on tuesday afternoons and on tuesday mornings I do a peek at my scale to check it out. Looks like I might be gaining over 7 lbs this week! OMG! I knew it was a bad week with everyone taking me out for meals and then a free for all of bad food choices when we went camping in Wenatchee not to mention not much excersize, but ouch! I may try to work out on my lunch break today to see if I can get rid of a bit. I am very nervous about losing my 100 lb clippie...that would suck!

Honestly.... I find that the most recently it came on, the quicker it goes off! I know that might sound weird, but it seems to be TRUE! I struggle to lose every pound lately, but if I have a big gain (like during my trip to WDW), if I get right back on plan, most of it seems to be gone within a week to 10 days. You can DO IT!! ..............P
I just have a few minutes so I will post tomorrow's QOTD. I was going to base it off of something Leleluvsdis said, but I will wait until Wednesday. I don't want to steal her thunder. It will still be Disney related though!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

Glad I could be of some inspirations lol

My perfect way is to get a strawberry bar or dole whip if at MK and enjoy the parade/fireworks!!!
Wow! Another reason to consider staying there. My father really wants to do something other than value, but we are commando people, so any bed will do for my sister, my mom, and I. Heck, I think we've fallen asleep on the hotel floor once or twice.

We loved POFQ. It was beautiful and so easy to get around since it's fairly small. I'd definitely recommend it.

Connie - please don't take the peanut butter thing personally. Sometimes I get caught up in teasing, I get it from my Daddy, and I take it a little too far. A big personality flaw, and I'm sorry.

Oh, sweetie! You're fine. I'll admit you caugh me off guard, but that's when things are the funniest. It's all good!

FYI... Replying from iPhone SUCKS! Will reply more later.

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Ive had a tough weekend with controlling my eating. I cant say I totally went off plan but it was close. I feel like I am back on track and am chalking it up to being the week of TOM. Today I made a bad choice for lunch. I had an all day class for my job and the only thing close was a pizza place. I had planned to get a salad but when I saw the price of 9$ for a salad with grilled chicken I decided to just get a slice of pizza. Then I got to the counter and saw the specialty pizza and out of my mouth came "i will have one slice of the taco pizza":confused: Where that came from I have no idea. It totally was impulsive. Honestly it didnt even taste good and was so heavy in my stomach. I regretted it all day. I guess this was just my sign to focus again. I did a 4 mile run tonight in 48:30. I feel so much better.
:hug: Hope you are having an on plan day today!

We were on the boat from Ohana to MK when the fireworks were going off, and we've done a Wishes cruise. They were both magical! ITA!

I am really, really, really down. As in, I don't even feel like posting or reading this thread b/c I have been so out of touch with my will power. It feels like I've taken such huge steps backwards, I can't go forwards again. I feel like a water balloon, my face has broken out, and I feel like I've gained back all 55 pounds. I have been SO disciplined over the last 5 months, but the last 3 days, I just feel out of control. I am worried the old me is coming back.

Taryn--:hug:I was really stressed about food the week before our trip. I swear the only thing that kept me on track was that it was the end of the last challenge. I kept thinking--I'm going to gain next week anyhow, what does it matter. Subconsciously even if you have told yourself you're going to not worry about food on your vacation, this might be stressing you out a bit. Add in Father's Day and the million other things you have going on, and you have a lot of stress. A few days off plan and even a trip to WDW are not going to wipe out all of the hard work you have put in. All that you can do each day is the best that you can do. Hang in there.:goodvibes

Not much new here. Staying within my points, and trying to have an extra healthy 2 days before my race tomorrow night. I made a big salad last night, and cut up a pear and put that in and it was so good. I'm not very adventurous and tend to make the same things over and over, but I think I need to try more things. Did wii fit this morning, and we have baseball tonight. Looks like a beautiful day out here.

Hoping everyone has a nice day.:)

Can't wait to hear about the 5k, Kathy!:cool1:

Even with the warm welcome it's hard to jump in. You all seem like you know each other so well and have been friends forever. I'm going to try though. Yesterday morning I got up at 6 and walked for 30 minutes, ate well all day, and then went crazy on choc chip cookies my hubby asked me to bake. He knows I'm trying to eat better and he is too but they were there. Well now they are gone, my to sons 12 and 14, helped too. I will no longer be buying them because I can't not eat them. Can you say "RED light food."

This am I woke up with a sore throat but I'm plannig on walking tonight after my haircut. My 12 year son, Noah, runs cross country and wants to start running this summer for the fall season. We made a deal that 3 times a week I would go with him and walk while he ran. Sounds much better than walking on the treadmill by myself. Hope everyone has a good day. Lisa

I was new on the last thread, and was a little intimidated at first as well. Everyone is really friendly. Just keep letting us know how you are doing, and soon enough you will feel right at home!:goodvibes

Ok, so I weigh in on tuesday afternoons and on tuesday mornings I do a peek at my scale to check it out. Looks like I might be gaining over 7 lbs this week! OMG! I knew it was a bad week with everyone taking me out for meals and then a free for all of bad food choices when we went camping in Wenatchee not to mention not much excersize, but ouch! I may try to work out on my lunch break today to see if I can get rid of a bit. I am very nervous about losing my 100 lb clippie...that would suck!

SarahMay--:hug: Hang in there. Even if you have a bad week, I know you will get that clippie back soon. Sending good thoughts your way that the clippie is still there on Friday!:goodvibes

Good morning everyone! Things are about the same here. I am really fighting the carbs this week. So far, I think I'm winning, but it's definitely been a struggle. Tonight is our afterwork run and it's supposed to be in the low 90's. We're going to wait until 7:30 or so and hopefully it will just be really warm instead of really hot! Our pool is up to 89 already. Very unusual for June. Tomorrow is back to work.

Have a great day!
Hi all! I too have had trouble jumping in but I will do my best! So far the diet has been going well, I LOVE food so instead of giving up what I like I have been doing strict portion control and that seems to work better for me than cutting out what I love!

My birthday is next Friday the 25th and I am going out of town with my DBF so I won't be sticking to it that weekend!

I have been trying to walk 1 mile a day but my speed is pretty slow so I am going to try and walk/jog tonight and see if that feels more like exercise!

QOTD: I like to end a day at WDW by getting a beverage in my refillable mug and then walking around the grounds....or by shopping at DTD!
QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.
Watching fireworks with someone who shares in the Disney magic. Whether that's my sister, DH, DD or a friend. Any fireworks show will do. ;)

I got to go to the DL parks last week - just for a few hours after a business meeting. Wasn't quite as magical going with work colleagues, but still a fun visit.

I didn't eat quite as well as I could have on my 5-day business trip. I watched what I ate and exercised every day, but I did allow myself a few more treats than I would have at home. I'm determined to be on plan this week, because I'm heading back out to LA on Monday for another 5-day business trip!
Hi, everyone! Crazy busy at work, but just had to stop in to give Taryn a big, squeezy :hug: Sweetie, you totally rock! You have accomplished so much and are such a positive spirit. Don't allow a couple of days of indulgence to de-rail you. You know my motto, right? The very next bite is the chance to do it right. Sounds like you are already back on track. Just keep it up. You can do it. You've already proven that to yourself! :cheer2:

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

I just love to be in the MK when the crowds are gone. We'll find a place to sit where I can see the castle, and we'll just wait, enjoying the music and the serenity as the park empties. DH and I did a MK photo session the morning of our vow renewal, dressed in our wedding finery. Each time we are near the castle and it is quiet, we remember that 5:45 a.m. visit to the MK when it was beautiful and quiet and dark with the castle lit up and we watched the park come to life as the sun rose. It is my "happy moment" and being in the park at the very end of the day when the crowds are gone takes me right back to that moment.
Ok, so I weigh in on tuesday afternoons and on tuesday mornings I do a peek at my scale to check it out. Looks like I might be gaining over 7 lbs this week! OMG! I knew it was a bad week with everyone taking me out for meals and then a free for all of bad food choices when we went camping in Wenatchee not to mention not much excersize, but ouch! I may try to work out on my lunch break today to see if I can get rid of a bit. I am very nervous about losing my 100 lb clippie...that would suck!


A lot of time when you eat badly (especially carbs) you will gain mmore water. Drink lots of water this week to try to flush it out. Try to think about how you feel right now the next time you want to endulge. :hug:

DD has her first Final today and asked me to make her "lucky" breakfast for her... real "on the stove" oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar, fresh fruit, juice, and tea. It makes me SO HAPPY that I have been able to have such a great positive impact on her eating habits that she would choose such a great healthy breakfast for a favorite "special" meal! Sure, she loves her treats, just like any girl/kid, but she also loves healthy stuff. I know that part of this is the way I STARTED feeding her when she was a baby, but another part of this is the influence of my past 30 months of really healthy eating. And really, as parents, isn't this a HUGE part of why we are on these healthy journeys.... to lead our children by example??

Awesome!!!!! BTW, do some scrapping ofr me today! ;) Enjoy!

I'm determined to be on plan this week, because I'm heading back out to LA on Monday for another 5-day business trip!

If I was away and didn't treat myself some, I woudl feel deprived and end up going overboard. SO don't worry about not doing as well last week. Great goal to stay OP this week!

I am a bottomless pit today. Told myself that I wouldn't journal as it would be too depressing. Then, I decided to put my COW points in a spreadsheet. (I'm a geek) Just htinking abotu how I could get another point just for journaling, made me do it. You know what? I ahven't been that bad. I'm just extra hungry because I started my day with yoga, so didn't get my normal breakfast. Yay:banana:

QOTD Tuesday - Illuminations with DH and then Beaches and Cream or Ghiardelli. Heaven! Hopefully, it's not too cold for ice cream. :upsidedow
Jumping on for a minute before I go pick up the girls. 2nd client today postponed so I'm getting a chance to breathe for a few. Doing well again today. I did have a turkey club roll up and some fries but that was my big meal for the day. I'll be having a LC or WW for supper. I've had a bottle of water and my BL protein water. Will drink more this afternoon.

Mom and I walked 2.7 miles this morning and I'm giving 2 massages so that's my workouts today. I hope to get in extra miles and other workouts the next 3 days since I'm not working but running around with my mom and the kids.

Time for my handful of M&Ms for the day. Also gotta order a pizza for the kids shortly so they can have something before dress rehearsal.

I'll be back on later tonight!
Yall ever eat at Panda Express? I grabbed lunch there today. Panda Bowl with mixed veggies (instead of rice) and Kung Pao Shrimp. According to the website, that should be about 320 calories. Well, let me tell ya... there is plenty of POW in their Kung Pao! That stuff is SPICY! :scared: This is the first time I ordered a bowl because I was always afraid that getting the bowl instead of the 2-entree plate would leave me hungry (I have been ordering the Broccoli Beef and the String Bean Chicken w/ mixed veggies lately), but the spiciness made me slow down enough that I am pleasantly full.

Now, if you're fighting the sodium this week, I'd say don't eat any take-out at all. Otherwise, if you're in a pinch for lunch, not a bad option. :thumbsup2
Hi all! I too have had trouble jumping in but I will do my best! So far the diet has been going well, I LOVE food so instead of giving up what I like I have been doing strict portion control and that seems to work better for me than cutting out what I love!

My birthday is next Friday the 25th and I am going out of town with my DBF so I won't be sticking to it that weekend!

I have been trying to walk 1 mile a day but my speed is pretty slow so I am going to try and walk/jog tonight and see if that feels more like exercise!

QOTD: I like to end a day at WDW by getting a beverage in my refillable mug and then walking around the grounds....or by shopping at DTD!

Hey- we share a birthday!!! Mine too is the 25th. I have bunko that night, so it will be very hard to stick to a diet for me also!!!
Taryn --- :hug: :hug: :hug:

I just love to be in the MK when the crowds are gone. We'll find a place to sit where I can see the castle, and we'll just wait, enjoying the music and the serenity as the park empties. DH and I did a MK photo session the morning of our vow renewal, dressed in our wedding finery. Each time we are near the castle and it is quiet, we remember that 5:45 a.m. visit to the MK when it was beautiful and quiet and dark with the castle lit up and we watched the park come to life as the sun rose. It is my "happy moment" and being in the park at the very end of the day when the crowds are gone takes me right back to that moment.

I love the pictures in your sig... every time I look at them I daydream about having a vow renewal. *sigh* I wish my DH loved Disney as much as I do.
Good afternoon losers!

I had a bunch of blood tests done today... she took 6 tubes of blood and told me I might feel dizzy. She was right! I feel like a zombie.

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

I like to go back to the resort and swim in a quiet pool. Especially if it was scorching hot at the parks.
It won't let me PM since I have no posts. I think I read that it's never too late to join so here I am. I'd like to join the challenge too. I'll be on the losers team at 188.8 lbs and in 13 weeks I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

Welcome! There is so much great information and support here. Jump right on in!

How are you doing? I'm guessing very OP!

CC - I wish I could say that was the case. I am doing okay but I am really struggling to get things back OP. I am really just "coasting". I know when I am making bad choices and I make them. I know when I am working out and doing the right thing. I know that really, I am just going in a circle because each time I do something right....I do something wrong. I have been trying to do the right things but there have been too many wrongs to get me going again.

Actually, it is Thursday. Wasn't it nice of Disney/Pixar to open a movie for me so that we would have a fun way to celebrate!?

What a great way to celebrate your birthday! I hope you have a great time!

I am so mad at myself. Don't know, again, if my overeating is a subconscious "I'm killing my plan next week, what difference does this week make?" or just pms, or just busy, but it feels like a miserable downward spiral. Very depressed.

:hug: It is amazing all the things we think and how we think we have a plan and it doesn't work out. I don't think I am one to give any advice because I feel like I have been spiraling downwards...but...I still have some for you! :rotfl: You have done incredible and you ARE incredible. I have so much faith in you because of what you have already done and how you always are there to support any of us who need it. More for you below...

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

One of my favorite way to end the day is to be on a boat and watch the fireworks. I am not talking about the expensive boats. We have seen the fireworks from the ferry. We also saw them from the boat from FW to MK. If you are really lucky you could also see the water pagent that way.

I love to watch the fireworks from the boats! :lovestruc

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

Being the last ones at Hollywood Studios, not realizing that the park has actually closed, and we seem to have it all to ourselves. It is quite and just just us. We get a chance to take in the lights and the sights. We hold hands as we walk down the street. Then as we pass through the gate...we hope the buses are still running...they are! We get on the bus and laugh how we were the last ones in the WHOLE park. That was a fun day....this past April.


Taryn-Lots of people have commented, please forgive me for repeating them. First of all, the old you is NOT coming back. You have lost 55 pounds! You are one of the most inspiring members of our BL challenge. So what, you had some buffalo pretzel bites. You said it yourself, you have to enjoy your new lifestyle, and if that includes a few splurges, than so be it. You have to do what's right for you. Drink some water, I know you did last night. Make sure you drink as much water as you feel comfortable drinking. Maybe add some sugar-free drink mix to add some variety. Get your kids involved. Make a huge pitcher and have DD3 stir. See who can stir the fastest. Then, all 3 of you has an 8 oz. glass (if you let your daugters drink the sugar-free kind). Sip a 2nd glass while watching a movie or making a puzzle (or working on lesson plans for your class). YOU ARE NOT OUT OF CONTROL! You can and will do this!

Who has your daughters today? Do you have time to walk for an hour or run for 30 minutes? Could you go for a bike ride with DDs? I'm just throwing out suggestions. Jillian made it very clear in the most recent episode that exercise can be fun and family time. I have no idea if you have one of these, but I'm going to throw out another idea to help you multi-task. Take an audio recorder on your walk. Record ideas for your lesson plans. Play them back while you are typing away. Record anything else that comes to mind too! Tape record yourself saying affirmations:
I am in control.
I lost 55 pounds. I can and will lose 10 more.
I am an amazing mother. My daughters are wonderful because of my husband and me.
I am an amazing kindergarden teacher. I love my job and my students love me.

And, please continue to post. We are here for you even if we are not next to you IRL.

Have a great day!

CC - I know you posted this for Taryn but I am going to use it to motivate myself as well. While it is not totally all me...I can apply what you said to myself. I have felt like I can see myself gaining back the wait instead of losing the last 10. I need to make myself a list of things I can do as well as a list of positive statements. I feel like I am really battling myself lately.

Thanks everyone. :hug: Sorry for that pity party. I've spent the last hour crying, drinking coffee and water to flush out the salt, and researching how to get rid of water weight gain! Had a banana and a protein shake, it has some dandelion root in it which is supposed to help flush out water retention.

Never worry about posting what you need to get out here on our thread...this is the perfect place for a pity party! :goodvibes It sounds like things are a bit better today...planning for a wonderful WDW vacation always helps.

As I read your posts, the things people have said and thought about the past...I think you and I are in kind of similar spots. I wonder how many people here have these sort of struggles when they get to those last 10 pounds? I feel like part of me doesn't think I can lose those last 10 pounds so I might as well go back to my bad habits. I thought when I got the end I would be so motivated it would be easy to lose the last bit but instead I am struggling with all the old habits and giving in to things I know I should not.

As I think about it...I know that I can do it and I know that you can do it. It may be hard...but we can do it. :thumbsup2

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

I just love to be in the MK when the crowds are gone. We'll find a place to sit where I can see the castle, and we'll just wait, enjoying the music and the serenity as the park empties. DH and I did a MK photo session the morning of our vow renewal, dressed in our wedding finery. Each time we are near the castle and it is quiet, we remember that 5:45 a.m. visit to the MK when it was beautiful and quiet and dark with the castle lit up and we watched the park come to life as the sun rose. It is my "happy moment" and being in the park at the very end of the day when the crowds are gone takes me right back to that moment.

This sounds so special! I love your happy moment!
QTrunninglady – Welcome!

Brushing my teeth helps me A LOT!

Hell, here too. I used to wonder what child birth would be like the pain was so bad. No shots for me, I was on naproxen sodium-Rx strength. I was still going to the pediatrician, I was so young when all of this was happening. I was "lucky" enough to have started TOM on the morning of a physical and my APRN was like, "What's with her?" because she say me lying down on chairs pratically in tears. My mom told her and she was like, "Absolutely not. Something needs to be done about that now." I am on the pill now, but that APRN made my life 1000s times better. Oh, and my mom's...:rotfl:

I'll let you know how the teeth brushing trick works the next time we'll actually be home for the evening (tentatively Thursday:confused3). I hope it helps me a lot too! *fingers crossed*

My pediatrician put me on that too (Rx naproxen) but it didn’t really help; she wouldn't put me on the pill so I didn't even know that was an option for relief until I was in college. Then I discovered the Depo shot and it changed my life! Although my fiance at the time and I did have a little accident with it about 10 years ago :eek: (DS is 9) so if I need birth control at some point in the future, I'll use something else in addition to the shots just to be safe. I don't know if you've experienced it yet or not, but labor and childbirth was nothing compared to what we went through every month, for me anyways. Of course YMMV ;).

pinkle – Congrats on the compliment! It’s so nice when someone acknowledges all your efforts!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.
Watching Illuminations and meandering out of Epcot afterwards. Unfortunately, I’ve only gotten to do this once as no one else in my family loves Epcot as much as I do. I am putting my foot down whenever we go on our next trip though –“I am staying for Illuminations, if you don’t like it y’all can leave without me!” Which really means – “You guys don’t know how to get back to the hotel so you have to wait for me anyways, now sit down and hush up!”:lmao:

Good Morning,

I had hoped to sleep in this morning, but I woke up just after 4. I tried to fall back to sleep, but to no avail. I'm all caught up responding (can you tell where my priorities are...?) so I'll go downstairs and exercise now. Grabbing my water.

Back later,


Yikes! :scared1: My body protests when I have to get up at 6, there’s no way it would voluntarily get up at 4. Hope you get to take a nap or something later!

Taryn – Please take a deep breath and give yourself a hug from all of us! And ditto to everything Redwalker, CC, Kathy, and Pamela said! Hang in there, girl, you got this!:goodvibes

My 12 year son, Noah, runs cross country and wants to start running this summer for the fall season. We made a deal that 3 times a week I would go with him and walk while he ran. Sounds much better than walking on the treadmill by myself.
Lisa, that’s so cool that your son wants to exercise with you! It does sound a lot better than “treadmilling” by yourself!

I've been doing pretty good on the eating this week thanks to the journaling, except for my evening grazing habit, but I really haven't been going too far over my calories even with that. Unfortunately, I've been getting to bed too late to drag myself up for my workout in the morning, so I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll just restart Shred #2 on Monday and continue on from there. We have a picnic for DS's baseball team tomorrow evening and we'll probably end up doing a kids vs. parents wiffle ball game, so I'll get a little workout there since it's going to be close to 90 degrees tomorrow:scared1: and I like to win :rolleyes1! I'm not really tempted by the picnic food and someone's bringing a salad, so that'll be my dinner. I expect to have a pretty good day tomorrow and I'm actually looking forward to the celebration. Our team won the division championship on Saturday and the boys worked so hard all season, I'm super proud of them. I'll try to talk DS into some Wii on Thursday, and Friday I am buying and putting up (super heavy!) shelves in the garage, then organizing and moving stuff around. Then cleaning the basement and the bathrooms Saturday during the day for the game night. Too bad most of that activity will be after my Friday am weigh in, but I'll try to be good this weekend and next week so I'll still be able to see it on the scale next Friday.

I love being able to "talk out loud" with you guys. So glad I found this group! Thanks everyone!:flower3:

As I read your posts, the things people have said and thought about the past...I think you and I are in kind of similar spots. I wonder how many people here have these sort of struggles when they get to those last 10 pounds? I feel like part of me doesn't think I can lose those last 10 pounds so I might as well go back to my bad habits. I thought when I got the end I would be so motivated it would be easy to lose the last bit but instead I am struggling with all the old habits and giving in to things I know I should not.

As I think about it...I know that I can do it and I know that you can do it. It may be hard...but we can do it. :thumbsup2

:hug: Ever since I hit the 150's I've been daily struggling with the--there's no way I can do this, there's no way I can make goal, there's no way I won't gain it back thoughts. Pretty much daily. I've been keeping them to myself (well dh has had to listen to them ;)) because I just felt like such a loser for making it to this point and still feeling so out of control (sometimes) and cruddy about the entire process. I think this is probably pretty normal. Everyday that I stay at this weight or lose even an ounce is a victory, and I'm trying to see it like that. And if I'm up, then the next day is just a new day to try again--but more importantly it's not a failure. A failure would be to give into the full out binge and quit exercising. It would be to go back to drinking soda and eating garbage. I think it's ok to have period where you're fighting to keep moving forward. And it's even ok to have days where you fall off the wagon. But if you are not eating great but still exercising, you are still moving forward. And if you make even a few healthy choices that day you are still moving forward. Everyday is a day to keep moving forward. But not every day will be perfect. Sorry if this is too sappy/preachy. I think I needed to give myself a pep talk as well as respond to you. Hang in there.:hug:

Just got done chatting (online) with DS. It's made me a little sad. Not enjoying my empty nest today. Sometimes I just want a parenting do over. I was planning on making a veggie lasagna for dinner so I guess I better get going. That way we'll have leftovers for Wednesday and Thursday. DH is going to have to drag me to run tonight. Hopefully he's in a dragging mood and doesn't want to skip it too, because I don't think I can drag him today.

I'm going to plug my ipod in to charge and get busy on dinner. I'll check in later.

Maizezoe--I bought some new purple nail polish today (to match my black and blue toenail :lmao:) instead of chips. I thought of you.:goodvibes

QOTD--spectromagic followed by wishes. Absolutely perfect.
Monday, 6/14 QOTD: What is one "treat" (your definition) you have to fit into your new healthier lifestyle?

I need chocolate! I have to fit it in in some form. I found these tiny single serve boxes of raisinets for about 150 calories, and they seem to be popular with me this week. ;)

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

My perfect way to end the day at WDW is relaxing in the BC pool, watching the fireworks over Epcot. We were fortunate to spend the first night of our Land/Sea this way, and it really seemed like a magical beginning to a fantasy trip.

I will never be able to catch everything up with you guys -- but here's a couple of shoutouts:

Taryn -- :grouphug: We have all been there, and you have received fantastic advice. Let yourself get one thing right today, just one thing. You will feel so much better!

Lisa -- Ah, the joy of braces. Turns out the standard treatment for 24-30 months add up to $5K. I'm so grateful he wasn't a candidate for any of the levels beyond standard, and our insurance will pay some of it. :thumbsup2

Anyone feeling they're walking/running slow at 16m or more miles -- You are moving and you will only get faster! Don't worry about the speed, that will come naturally as you get more comfortable and lose a bit. Honestly, deciding you are going to move on a regular basis is the hardest part. Now you just have to keep going and let those endorphins kick in! :cool1:

I did yoga yesterday, and it was like coming home to an old friend. While I do yoga at work, it had been awhile since I did the BL Weight Loss Yoga workout with Bob. It was encouraging to see Michelle "in progress" again -- sometimes I need to be reminded you can get smaller, it is possible! ;)

Today I ran 10M in 119 minutes. I was really pleased. I deliberately slowed a bit since this was my second 10M attempt in 4 days, and I finished feeling strong. I literally sprinted through my shower and left with only moisturizer on my face to make it to the theater for Shrek. DS and I had the theater all to ourselves, which was awesome! However, I don't think I'm a candidate for mother of the year since I let him have popcorn as his lunch. :rolleyes1 He ate throughout the whole movie, and then wasn't hungry for anything else. On the bright side, I brought grape tomatoes, carrots and a snack size bag filled with pretzels, and drank diet tea.

After the movie we went to Target to pick up jammies for ds and a present for dh for Father's Day. Then we went to Hallmark so we could load up on Father's Day cards (gotta earn my points for $ off at the July Open House!). I offered him various food he enjoys (cheese pizza, chicken fingers), but he just wasn't hungry. I brought him home and then had hummus with peppers and sugar-free jello pudding (cinnamon roll, not bad), and after I finish typing I have to download from I-tunes for ds, and then I promised to watch some Tivo before I pick dh up from work.

All in all we're having a great day, and I'm really glad I was able to spend it with ds. :cloud9:

Maria :upsidedow
Just got done chatting (online) with DS. It's made me a little sad. Not enjoying my empty nest today. Sometimes I just want a parenting do over. I was planning on making a veggie lasagna for dinner so I guess I better get going. That way we'll have leftovers for Wednesday and Thursday. DH is going to have to drag me to run tonight. Hopefully he's in a dragging mood and doesn't want to skip it too, because I don't think I can drag him today.

I'm going to plug my ipod in to charge and get busy on dinner. I'll check in later.

Maizezoe--I bought some new purple nail polish today (to match my black and blue toenail :lmao:) instead of chips. I thought of you.:goodvibes

QOTD--spectromagic followed by wishes. Absolutely perfect.

:hug: For you!!

Yeah for purple nail polish!! I'm wearing orange today! :)
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