Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Even with the warm welcome it's hard to jump in. You all seem like you know each other so well and have been friends forever. I'm going to try though.

Sounds like you are off to a great start! :thumbsup2 Actually there are quite a few new folks doing the challenge this time around. I bet you will feel like an "old timer" in no time! ;)

Ok, so I weigh in on tuesday afternoons and on tuesday mornings I do a peek at my scale to check it out. Looks like I might be gaining over 7 lbs this week! OMG! I knew it was a bad week with everyone taking me out for meals and then a free for all of bad food choices when we went camping in Wenatchee not to mention not much excersize, but ouch! I may try to work out on my lunch break today to see if I can get rid of a bit. I am very nervous about losing my 100 lb clippie...that would suck!

:hug: SarahMay. Sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track -- I bet you get to hang on to your clippie.

You're right... my is Thursday and TS3 opens on Friday... but close enough! We are holding off on the celebration until Friday. When we saw the trailer last year for TS3 opening June 18th, I IMMEDIATELY told my family that THAT is how we were going to celebrate my birthday this year... and I haven't forgotten! But, no one is complaining! Trying to save most of my Flex points for dinner and movie treats that day!

:thumbsup2 Just want to be sure I wish you a happy birthday on the right day!

Anyone else having a birthday during the challenge? I have your birthdays next week noted too, JOANNEL and Ltl Mermaid.

FYI... Replying from iPhone SUCKS! Will reply more later.

ITA! :thumbsup2 Especially since my keyboard was somehow changed to German! :rotfl:

Hi all! I too have had trouble jumping in but I will do my best! So far the diet has been going well, I LOVE food so instead of giving up what I like I have been doing strict portion control and that seems to work better for me than cutting out what I love!

Sounds like a great way to start -- remember it's a lifestyle change! ;)

I'm determined to be on plan this week, because I'm heading back out to LA on Monday for another 5-day business trip!

Are you going back to DL again? If you are going to be there Wednesday afternoon please join us for the wine tasting at Wine Country Trattoria. :goodvibes

You know my motto, right? The very next bite is the chance to do it right.

::yes:: I love your motto, Cam!

I am a bottomless pit today. Told myself that I wouldn't journal as it would be too depressing. Then, I decided to put my COW points in a spreadsheet. (I'm a geek) Just htinking abotu how I could get another point just for journaling, made me do it. You know what? I ahven't been that bad. I'm just extra hungry because I started my day with yoga, so didn't get my normal breakfast.

Good job figuring out what it was and finding out it wasn't too bad! :goodvibes

Yall ever eat at Panda Express?

Their veggie spring rolls aren't too bad calorie or taste wise either.

maiziezoe, hope that you are feeling better soon. :hug:

As I read your posts, the things people have said and thought about the past...I think you and I are in kind of similar spots. I wonder how many people here have these sort of struggles when they get to those last 10 pounds? I feel like part of me doesn't think I can lose those last 10 pounds so I might as well go back to my bad habits. I thought when I got the end I would be so motivated it would be easy to lose the last bit but instead I am struggling with all the old habits and giving in to things I know I should not.

:hug:, jenanderson. You've come so far this year, I don't think that you will let all your hard work go to waste. I think that we all have to go through some adjustment periods on this journey. It's scary to realize how easy it is to fall back into our old habits but a good reminder that this a change for a lifetime.

:hug: Ever since I hit the 150's I've been daily struggling with the--there's no way I can do this, there's no way I can make goal, there's no way I won't gain it back thoughts. Pretty much daily. I've been keeping them to myself (well dh has had to listen to them ;)) because I just felt like such a loser for making it to this point and still feeling so out of control (sometimes) and cruddy about the entire process. I think this is probably pretty normal. Everyday that I stay at this weight or lose even an ounce is a victory, and I'm trying to see it like that. And if I'm up, then the next day is just a new day to try again--but more importantly it's not a failure. A failure would be to give into the full out binge and quit exercising. It would be to go back to drinking soda and eating garbage. I think it's ok to have period where you're fighting to keep moving forward. And it's even ok to have days where you fall off the wagon. But if you are not eating great but still exercising, you are still moving forward. And if you make even a few healthy choices that day you are still moving forward. Everyday is a day to keep moving forward. But not every day will be perfect. Sorry if this is too sappy/preachy. I think I needed to give myself a pep talk as well as respond to you. Hang in there.:hug:

Not sappy/preachy at all! Probably more likely to turn into a BL challenge quote! ;)

Have a great day all!
iI've been doing pretty good on the eating this week thanks to the journaling, except for my evening grazing habit, but I really haven't been going too far over my calories even with that.

Bree - Great job with your journaling. It is so helpful to be able to see where you are at! :thumbsup2

:hug: Ever since I hit the 150's I've been daily struggling with the--there's no way I can do this, there's no way I can make goal, there's no way I won't gain it back thoughts. Pretty much daily. I've been keeping them to myself (well dh has had to listen to them ;)) because I just felt like such a loser for making it to this point and still feeling so out of control (sometimes) and cruddy about the entire process. I think this is probably pretty normal. Everyday that I stay at this weight or lose even an ounce is a victory, and I'm trying to see it like that. And if I'm up, then the next day is just a new day to try again--but more importantly it's not a failure. A failure would be to give into the full out binge and quit exercising. It would be to go back to drinking soda and eating garbage. I think it's ok to have period where you're fighting to keep moving forward. And it's even ok to have days where you fall off the wagon. But if you are not eating great but still exercising, you are still moving forward. And if you make even a few healthy choices that day you are still moving forward. Everyday is a day to keep moving forward. But not every day will be perfect. Sorry if this is too sappy/preachy. I think I needed to give myself a pep talk as well as respond to you. Hang in there.:hug:

Roes - Totally not sappy or preachy. I so need to hear that others have hit this point and they keep going. I keep on with the Disney quote...."keep moving forward" and you worded it all beautifully. I am still moving forward because even though I am not losing much, I am not moving backwards. I also am so happy with the fact that even when I make the bad least I am aware of it now and am not just compulsively eating. I am also so happy that I find healthy choices and work hard to do at least some of them daily. I do believe that I will win this mental battle with myself and I will be able to overcome the bad habits enough to reach my goal. Obviously I am just going to have to keep moving forward until it happens. Thanks so much for sharing. :hug:

Just got done chatting (online) with DS. It's made me a little sad. Not enjoying my empty nest today. Sometimes I just want a parenting do over. I was planning on making a veggie lasagna for dinner so I guess I better get going. That way we'll have leftovers for Wednesday and Thursday. DH is going to have to drag me to run tonight. Hopefully he's in a dragging mood and doesn't want to skip it too, because I don't think I can drag him today.

Maizezoe--I bought some new purple nail polish today (to match my black and blue toenail :lmao:) instead of chips. I thought of you.:goodvibes

:hug: Sorry you are sad today. I hope that you can get DH to drag you on a run because even when I don't want to...a run always makes me feel better.

LOVE your nail polish by the way! I have taken to wearing blue, purple and other dark colors on my toes to match my black toenails as well! :rotfl:

Today I ran 10M in 119 minutes. I was really pleased. I deliberately slowed a bit since this was my second 10M attempt in 4 days, and I finished feeling strong.

Maria - What a great run you had! I love to hear about your runs because you always sound so positive about them...especially loved to hear how you finished feeling strong!

:hug:, jenanderson. You've come so far this year, I don't think that you will let all your hard work go to waste. I think that we all have to go through some adjustment periods on this journey. It's scary to realize how easy it is to fall back into our old habits but a good reminder that this a change for a lifetime.

Thanks Lisa! I know that I will not let it go in the end. I do think that I have hit a place in my life where things are a bit difficult and I am not able to focus like I want to on my weight loss. I am hoping that as I work through everything that is going on and get my personal life back in order that I will be able to get past this and reach goal. The best thing is that I am still doing enough to not really gain weight. I have been up a pound and down a pound but at least I am staying at this point and not slipping up. I will just have to focus on the positives and let the negatives work themselves out.

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

Watching Wishes right up by the castle. DS (10) always sings along with parts of it and it makes me tear up every time because he thinks there is nothing more magical then Wishes.

Time to go to WW and then to the YMCA. Chat with you all later!
:wave2: Hi Dawn! Hope that your foot heals quickly. Do you have any moleskin leftover from a Disney trip around?

Thanks for the suggestion! I have never used moleskin so this would probably be a good time to start! :thumbsup2

Welcome... and just a word of advise. I bought the Payless "shape up" shoes in late April. I broke them in quickly and wore them on a 4 day WDW trip with no problem. But I made the mistake of running in them once or twice and ended up with pretty severe hamstring pain that took a few weeks and lots of rest and stretching before it felt good enough to run again. Now, that said, I can't totally say that it was the sneakers. But I notice now that when I wear them just for errands around town, usually within a few hours my hamstring is a bit achey. Might be just coincidence. And YES, I know I shouldn't have run in them.... it was just a few times of heading out for a brisk walk and feeling inspired to run a few miles of it!

Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the info regarding the shoes. I am a little cautious when buying new shoes. I don't seem to have the best luck but I had heard good things about them so I will just try my best. :goodvibes

Lisa -- A konk cooler is a frozen rum drink that they make on the DCL ships and at Serenity Bay, that adult beach at Castaway Cay.

Here is the recipe I found on allearsnet !!!

3 oz. Light Rum (Suggestion - Malibu or Parrot Bay)
3 oz. Dark Rum (Suggestion - Cruzan Black Strap)
4 oz. Orange Juice
8 oz. Cream of Coconut (Suggestion - Coco Casa)
6 oz. Passion Fruit Juice Concentrate (Suggestion - Welches)
3 oz. Ice

Mix in blender until slushy.

Makes enough to fill a Disney Cruise Line drink glass... and then some!

This sounds DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing!

It won't let me PM since I have no posts. I think I read that it's never too late to join so here I am. I'd like to join the challenge too. I'll be on the losers team at 188.8 lbs and in 13 weeks I'd like to lose 30 lbs.

Welcome!!! You will love it here! Most of the time, I only have time to read the posts, but I am trying to be more active. Look forward to hearing more from you! :goodvibes

Well, I have done pretty well the last couple of days. I found out yesterday that I graduated my online course with Honors so DH took me out for a bite. I ordered a sandwich and split it and took 1/2 home which I brought for lunch today. Normally, I would have just eaten the whole thing whether I was hungry or not. Also, I went straight home and did the 2 mile WATP DVD. Not a super long workout, but it's more than I would have done in the past. I prefer to walk outside, but the temperatures have been over 95 degrees the past 3 days or so and it's just too hot to walk.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
Ok, so I weigh in on tuesday afternoons and on tuesday mornings I do a peek at my scale to check it out. Looks like I might be gaining over 7 lbs this week! OMG!
You have a few days to make some steps in the right direction, you can do it!

First of all....:hug::hug: Second.... I find that just ONE GOOD "IN CONTROL" day can make a WORLD of difference in how I feel. Take today, make it a good one... exercise, eating right, plenty of water, and lots of positive energy in the right direction (which for you right now might mean packing for your trip). I can almost GUARANTEE you that within 24 hours you will feel SO MUCH BETTER! Truly.... I think I can sympathize and understand how you feel. Even after being on this journey for 2 1/2 years and losing almost 90 pounds, just a day or two out of control can make me feel like I'm ready to give up!!

I'm so excited to have a sort of "free" day, that I don't even KNOW what I want to do

Thanks Pamela - You could come help me pack!

:Taryn--:hug:I was really stressed about food the week before our trip. I swear the only thing that kept me on track was that it was the end of the last challenge. I kept thinking--I'm going to gain next week anyhow, what does it matter. Subconsciously even if you have told yourself you're going to not worry about food on your vacation, this might be stressing you out a bit. Add in Father's Day and the million other things you have going on, and you have a lot of stress. A few days off plan and even a trip to WDW are not going to wipe out all of the hard work you have put in. All that you can do each day is the best that you can do. Hang in there.:goodvibes

Thanks! Food right now kind of just seems like something else I have to think and worry about, and I am kind of rebelling a bit, but then frustrated when I do, KWIM?

Hi all! I too have had trouble jumping in but I will do my best! So far the diet has been going well, I LOVE food so instead of giving up what I like I have been doing strict portion control and that seems to work better for me than cutting out what I love!
Whatever works for you!

I'm determined to be on plan this week, because I'm heading back out to LA on Monday for another 5-day business trip!
WOW!!! SOunds like fun!

Hi, everyone! Crazy busy at work, but just had to stop in to give Taryn a big, squeezy :hug: Sweetie, you totally rock! You have accomplished so much and are such a positive spirit. Don't allow a couple of days of indulgence to de-rail you. You know my motto, right? The very next bite is the chance to do it right. Sounds like you are already back on track. Just keep it up. You can do it. You've already proven that to yourself! :cheer2:

Thanks for the encouragement!!!!! Your vow renewal sounds great! I would actually love for one or both of my DD's to get married at WDW.

Try to think about how you feel right now the next time you want to endulge. :hug: I am a bottomless pit today. Told myself that I wouldn't journal as it would be too depressing. Then, I decided to put my COW points in a spreadsheet. (I'm a geek) Just htinking abotu how I could get another point just for journaling, made me do it. You know what? I ahven't been that bad.

Good for you!!!! And thanks! It's just a multitude of overwhelming stuff!

Good afternoon losers!

I had a bunch of blood tests done today... she took 6 tubes of blood and told me I might feel dizzy. She was right! I feel like a zombie.
Blood work always leaves me dizzy!!!!

You have done incredible and you ARE incredible. I have so much faith in you because of what you have already done and how you always are there to support any of us who need it. More for you below... I wonder how many people here have these sort of struggles when they get to those last 10 pounds? I feel like part of me doesn't think I can lose those last 10 pounds so I might as well go back to my bad habits. I thought when I got the end I would be so motivated it would be easy to lose the last bit but instead I am struggling with all the old habits and giving in to things I know I should not.

As I think about it...I know that I can do it and I know that you can do it. It may be hard...but we can do it. :thumbsup2
OK Jen. First of all, the incredible part made me feel like I need a suit and a cape! :rotfl2: You know what, you are right! I wish I only had 10 more though! I'll explain more at the end!

Hang in there, girl, you got this!:goodvibes

Thanks! I had to laugh, b/c that's what DD's gymnastics teammates all yell at each other while they are waiting to start an event "Come on ____ you got this! You GOT this! And, a question. Since you've already admitted some of your tendencies, does picnic food not appeal to you since you don't know who cooked it? I can't do potlucks, etc, unless I am REALLY close to the people that prepared it! I think about .... well.... lots of stuff, and I just can't do it!

:hug: Ever since I hit the 150's I've been daily struggling with the--there's no way I can do this, there's no way I can make goal, there's no way I won't gain it back thoughts. Pretty much daily. I've been keeping them to myself (well dh has had to listen to them ;)) because I just felt like such a loser for making it to this point and still feeling so out of control (sometimes) and cruddy about the entire process. I think this is probably pretty normal. Everyday that I stay at this weight or lose even an ounce is a victory, and I'm trying to see it like that. And if I'm up, then the next day is just a new day to try again--but more importantly it's not a failure. A failure would be to give into the full out binge and quit exercising. It would be to go back to drinking soda and eating garbage. I think it's ok to have period where you're fighting to keep moving forward. And it's even ok to have days where you fall off the wagon. But if you are not eating great but still exercising, you are still moving forward. And if you make even a few healthy choices that day you are still moving forward. Everyday is a day to keep moving forward. But not every day will be perfect. Sorry if this is too sappy/preachy. I think I needed to give myself a pep talk as well as respond to you. Hang in there.:hug:

Wise words!!!! I'll respond to you, Jen, and some others a bit more below.

Just got done chatting (online) with DS. It's made me a little sad. Not enjoying my empty nest today. Sometimes I just want a parenting do over..

I want a parenting do over daily!!!

Taryn -- :grouphug: We have all been there, and you have received fantastic advice. Let yourself get one thing right today, just one thing. You will feel so much better!

All in all we're having a great day, and I'm really glad I was able to spend it with ds. :cloud9:


Sounds like a wonderful day! Hope you enjoyed! And you are a running machine!!!!:worship:

Well, I have been VERY unfocused and unable to make decisions all day. It took me 2 hours to get the girls' outfits together, in bags, and decide which ones for which days/meals. I'm still not really happy with it, but it's done. Had a couple of people call me for advice today, one on breastfeeding and one on a Disney trip. That took away my motivation, and made me... lazy? Indecisive would be a better word!

Going to pack our park bags now, and then try to get their stuff in a suitcase. I got DH a couple of Disney t's and a travel wireless router to use w/his Ipod touch at WDW for Father's Day, so we might have a pretend Father's Day tonight so he'll have time to play with it and not take away from our vacation!:rotfl2:

I've had my weight in the back of my mind throughout all this, which is probably what's keeping me from giving it my all. Jen, if I thought I was 10 pounds, then I would probably be better right now. I made 10 my goal for this challenge, which would put me at 158. Friday, I was halfway there. Not so much now! Anyway, I think a combination of things made me lose focus: class, missing Daddy, planning my trip, knowing I'm going to gain on my trip, and oddly enough, a few compliments here and there! Plus, I just can't settle on a goal weight. Rose, I am so glad you made it to the 150's. I am beginning to think that I am going to say 150, which is about 16 pounds away now, and see.

Hopefully, I can come back from my trip so full I don't care if I ever eat again!

Thanks so much for your encouragement everyone. I have had so much water my eyeballs are floating, trying to stay away from the buffalo wing pieces, and stay busy!!!

Thanks again!:hug:
Good afternoon friends!

Well, my "free day" is winding down and I haven't done anything really fun yet! I did housework this morning (although I must say, the feeling of relief and accomplishment I had after cleaning out the kitchen closet was almost fun!), drove DD to school for her first Final, quick trip to the dump (picked up two paperbacks for summer beach reading in the "take it or leave it" building), drove to Target to order DS's new Rx, picked up a few pantry staples on clearance at Target, quick stop at Michael's for a few scrapping necessities and to buy some silk flower for my kitchen redecorating project. Home again and put away groceries and here I sit!

I don't think DH is going to make it home for supper, so I am skipping the baked vegetable ziti I had planned and everyone can have leftovers or cereal! That will free up some scrapping time for me!

Even though I did my circuit training this morning, I think I will head out for a 30 minute walk after the sun sets this evening... hopefully DD will go with me. SHe is skipping swim again tonight to study for finals, but she definitely needs an energy outlet.

I was desperate for a quick snack while I was running errands today.... I was VERY hungry and hadn't planned my day well, so had nothing with me. I didn't want it to take too long, so I was thinking of what I could "drive-thru" and get somewhere. Well..... I ended up at McDonald's because I like their iced coffee... and I ordered some apple dippers to go with it (sliced apple with a small packet of caramel to dip) and it was delicious! I think it is only 1 point too!! (I'll double check later). Sure, I wasn't exactly FULL when I was done, but it was enough for the moment and the caramel made it seem like a big treat!

Any other suggestions for when afternoon hunger strikes (away from home) and there isn't much time?? All I kept coming up with was fries, donuts, and the like. (Although the McD yogurt parfait is always an option if I don't mind using up 3 points on a small snack.)

Well... off to check on the status of the leftover for dinner! I know it will be a big salad for me with some leftover chicken. DS will probably have the leftover sloppy joe meat.... not sure about DD. I guess I'll offer to make her a salad too! Trying to stick to just my daily 18 points today to save most of my Flex points for movie popcorn! But 18 points is TOUGH, so I need to fill up on veggies!.........................P
Thanks! I had to laugh, b/c that's what DD's gymnastics teammates all yell at each other while they are waiting to start an event "Come on ____ you got this! You GOT this! And, a question. Since you've already admitted some of your tendencies, does picnic food not appeal to you since you don't know who cooked it? I can't do potlucks, etc, unless I am REALLY close to the people that prepared it! I think about .... well.... lots of stuff, and I just can't do it!

I want a parenting do over daily!!!


That is funny. It's not really something I would say IRL, it just kind of came to me as I was replying. Weird that it actually has a connection for you. (Twilight Zone music starts playing in the background...)

Ummm, yes... :rolleyes: that and the whole eating outdoors/warm mayo/buffet/bugs/"it's 90 degrees outside who feels like eating!" thing ;). I also don't like charcoaled meat - I've never been to a cookout/picnic type event where the meat wasn't burnt crispy :crazy2:(I know that one says "crazy", but it reminds me of the Mr. Yuck stickers from when I was a kid so I'm using it for YUCK!) - I guess none of my family/friends/acquaintances are very good grillers :confused3. All in all, my life experiences and neurotic tendencies have actually been helpful when it comes to these types of events - that's really about all they're good for so I'll take it. The lady that's bringing the salad is a member of the CSA at a local farm and she seems to be pretty vigilant about her food from what I've seen over the past few years, her son and mine have played together for three or four years now, that's why I'm OK with her salad.

I want a parenting do over daily as well. :rolleyes:

If it makes you feel any better, I was pretty off course the week before my WDW in May too. I think it's pretty normal, even people who aren't trying to lose weight are out of their routine so to speak when they are getting ready for vacation. The stress of traveling, packing, remembering everything, plus you've got a heap of other stresses at the moment too. Whenever you get overwhelmed, just picture yourself standing on Main Street looking at the castle... deep breaths:thumbsup2!

Gotta pick the boy up from a birthday party... talk to you guys tomorrow.

Have a stress free evening everyone!

Lisa -- Ah, the joy of braces. Turns out the standard treatment for 24-30 months add up to $5K. I'm so grateful he wasn't a candidate for any of the levels beyond standard, and our insurance will pay some of it. :thumbsup2

Well, if it makes you feel any better that is about the same price that we were given, too. You can't put a price on a great smile! :goodvibes

I found out yesterday that I graduated my online course with Honors so DH took me out for a bite.

Congrats on your Honors for your course! :thumbsup2 I have two independent study classes I am taking this summer. It is quite an adjustment to be taking classes again.

Going to pack our park bags now, and then try to get their stuff in a suitcase. I got DH a couple of Disney t's and a travel wireless router to use w/his Ipod touch at WDW for Father's Day, so we might have a pretend Father's Day tonight so he'll have time to play with it and not take away from our vacation!:rotfl2:

:yay: for packing! And if you are going to have computer access we will expect daily updates! ;)

That is just WRONG! :rotfl:

I added your birthday, Connie, because we will still be chatting by then as we wait for the final results of the challenge and we won't want to miss wishing you a happy day! :goodvibes

You should see what kind of things it comes up with for automatic spelling with the germanic settings -- my texts are really wild! :rotfl:

Any other suggestions for when afternoon hunger strikes (away from home) and there isn't much time?? All I kept coming up with was fries, donuts, and the like. (Although the McD yogurt parfait is always an option if I don't mind using up 3 points on a small snack.)

Maybe a piece of string cheese and fruit from the grocery store? Or some chocolate milk? Nonfat iced lattes from Starbucks aren't too bad either.

Time to go for a walk and get my exercise in for the COW. :goodvibes
Good afternoon friends!

Well, my "free day" is winding down and I haven't done anything really fun yet! I did housework this morning (although I must say, the feeling of relief and accomplishment I had after cleaning out the kitchen closet was almost fun!), drove DD to school for her first Final, quick trip to the dump (picked up two paperbacks for summer beach reading in the "take it or leave it" building), drove to Target to order DS's new Rx, picked up a few pantry staples on clearance at Target, quick stop at Michael's for a few scrapping necessities and to buy some silk flower for my kitchen redecorating project. Home again and put away groceries and here I sit!

I don't think DH is going to make it home for supper, so I am skipping the baked vegetable ziti I had planned and everyone can have leftovers or cereal! That will free up some scrapping time for me!

Even though I did my circuit training this morning, I think I will head out for a 30 minute walk after the sun sets this evening... hopefully DD will go with me. SHe is skipping swim again tonight to study for finals, but she definitely needs an energy outlet.

I was desperate for a quick snack while I was running errands today.... I was VERY hungry and hadn't planned my day well, so had nothing with me. I didn't want it to take too long, so I was thinking of what I could "drive-thru" and get somewhere. Well..... I ended up at McDonald's because I like their iced coffee... and I ordered some apple dippers to go with it (sliced apple with a small packet of caramel to dip) and it was delicious! I think it is only 1 point too!! (I'll double check later). Sure, I wasn't exactly FULL when I was done, but it was enough for the moment and the caramel made it seem like a big treat!

Any other suggestions for when afternoon hunger strikes (away from home) and there isn't much time?? All I kept coming up with was fries, donuts, and the like. (Although the McD yogurt parfait is always an option if I don't mind using up 3 points on a small snack.)

Well... off to check on the status of the leftover for dinner! I know it will be a big salad for me with some leftover chicken. DS will probably have the leftover sloppy joe meat.... not sure about DD. I guess I'll offer to make her a salad too! Trying to stick to just my daily 18 points today to save most of my Flex points for movie popcorn! But 18 points is TOUGH, so I need to fill up on veggies!.........................P

I really have to get going, but I had to respond to you first, Pamela. I wish I was half as productive as you've been on a regular day, much less a "free-day"! Way to go on getting all that stuff done. Oh how I wish I had time to scrap again, I still have to finish our 2008 trip book :guilty:!

"See" you guys tomorrow!

Hi everyone. It's been a crazy few days and I need to post here to stay on track!!

For all the new members - welcome to a terrific board!!!!

Jen, I was "coasting" too for a while and now have kind of hunkered down and told myself to JUST STOP. However, I am not sure that my mouth is listening yet...but it's trying too! I've been bringing grapes and apples to the office for my snack, and desperately trying to avoid our secretaries desk, which right now is piled full with all the snacks certain members of our office brought back from the last Yankees game - M&Ms, Twizzlers, etc etc. It's like an obstacle course when I venture back there!!l

I am back in the exercise frame of mind, which is good. Although I need to up my miles for my runs. I've been trying to cross train with spin classes and then figure out how to fit some yoga or pilates in there too - I really need more hours in the day or week.

I missed so many of the QOTDs. I guess I'll just answer the last one:
What do you like to do at the end of a WDW day (paraphrasing may be off..) A few years ago, we were at MK at a late dinner and there was a huge thunderstorm. By the time we left Liberty Tree Tavern, most of the park had emptied out, the rain had stopped and the fairy lights were twinkling in the dark. We could hear the music but weren't jostled by crowds and just kind of meandered our way through Fantasyland and the castle. It is one of my favorite memories. We haven't been able to make it happen again but if I could, I would!! :goodvibes

I'm at the armory for a 1900 meeting (that's 7PM! LOL) so I better end this. have a great night all!!

QOTD: I love ending the day by walking around the World Showcase enjoying the atmosphere and lights!

I love WS at night too!

its just me my mom and my aunt doing a girls trip for the princess. I love WS at epcot and with our last trip having 2 little ones I did not get to fully enjoy just relaxing and browsing in all the countries. I think its one of the things I am looking forward to most this time around.[/QUOTE]

I could spend hours in WS myself!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

My favorite way to end our day is to take our time getting out and being in an almost empty park. Sitting and having a treat is a bonus.

I would love to exerience a park that late at night! We're more of the early riser, commando type, so we've never had that experience.

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

Being the last ones at Hollywood Studios, not realizing that the park has actually closed, and we seem to have it all to ourselves. It is quite and just just us. We get a chance to take in the lights and the sights. We hold hands as we walk down the street. Then as we pass through the gate...we hope the buses are still running...they are! We get on the bus and laugh how we were the last ones in the WHOLE park. That was a fun day....this past April.

I envy those of you who can stay up so late! Sounds like a great day/night!
OK Jen. First of all, the incredible part made me feel like I need a suit and a cape! :rotfl2: You know what, you are right! I wish I only had 10 more though! I'll explain more at the end!

I've had my weight in the back of my mind throughout all this, which is probably what's keeping me from giving it my all. Jen, if I thought I was 10 pounds, then I would probably be better right now. I made 10 my goal for this challenge, which would put me at 158. Friday, I was halfway there. Not so much now! Anyway, I think a combination of things made me lose focus: class, missing Daddy, planning my trip, knowing I'm going to gain on my trip, and oddly enough, a few compliments here and there! Plus, I just can't settle on a goal weight. Rose, I am so glad you made it to the 150's. I am beginning to think that I am going to say 150, which is about 16 pounds away now, and see.

I think we all need suits and capes! :rotfl2: Yep...I do think you are incredible for what you have done! I think we are all incredible actually just for working so hard at trying to live a healthier life.

You have pinpointed it for me...I have LOST FOCUS! I am sitting at 161 and I have basically been sitting there for almost a month with all the ups and downs. I would love for the 160s to go away and leave me alone but I realize that I am going to have to find my focus again.

Trying to stick to just my daily 18 points today to save most of my Flex points for movie popcorn! But 18 points is TOUGH, so I need to fill up on veggies!.........................P

Every point I lose is horrible. I cannot imagine getting to 18 points and still being able to survive! :rotfl:

Time to go for a walk and get my exercise in for the COW. :goodvibes

YOU GO GIRL! Way to get your exercise done!

Jen, I was "coasting" too for a while and now have kind of hunkered down and told myself to JUST STOP. However, I am not sure that my mouth is listening yet...but it's trying too! I've been bringing grapes and apples to the office for my snack, and desperately trying to avoid our secretaries desk, which right now is piled full with all the snacks certain members of our office brought back from the last Yankees game - M&Ms, Twizzlers, etc etc. It's like an obstacle course when I venture back there!!l

I am back in the exercise frame of mind, which is good. Although I need to up my miles for my runs. I've been trying to cross train with spin classes and then figure out how to fit some yoga or pilates in there too - I really need more hours in the day or week.

I missed so many of the QOTDs. I guess I'll just answer the last one:
What do you like to do at the end of a WDW day (paraphrasing may be off..) A few years ago, we were at MK at a late dinner and there was a huge thunderstorm. By the time we left Liberty Tree Tavern, most of the park had emptied out, the rain had stopped and the fairy lights were twinkling in the dark. We could hear the music but weren't jostled by crowds and just kind of meandered our way through Fantasyland and the castle. It is one of my favorite memories. We haven't been able to make it happen again but if I could, I would!! :goodvibes

Hi Jude! I am going to send you an e-mail yet this week but I am happy to read an update from you here. Great job on bringing healthy snacks to work...I don't know if I would be able to resist the temptation of snacks like you have. I hope you are able to figure out how to make more exercising work for you. It sounds like you are off to a really good start with all you have added.

I love you WDW memory...maybe we can work on making it happen again next year in February or in August (if you come then too).

Alright, went to WW and as I suspected, my weight did not change. Again, I will celebrate the victory of not gaining instead of thinking about the not losing. I did go to the YMCA with my friend and we biked for 20 minutes (6 miles). I would like to go back with DD tonight and try the Zumba class. I will let you all know if it happens and what I think about it.

Anyone feeling they're walking/running slow at 16m or more miles -- You are moving and you will only get faster! Don't worry about the speed, that will come naturally as you get more comfortable and lose a bit. Honestly, deciding you are going to move on a regular basis is the hardest part. Now you just have to keep going and let those endorphins kick in! :cool1:

You know Im glad you put this comment out there because I am around a 12-12:30 per mile pace and I feel so slow. I was wondering what to do to get faster but I guess just being repetitive and getting 3-4 runs in a week will help. Im hoping as I loose weight I will run faster....I thought this was just a funny idea I came up with but I guess its true and does happen. Thanks for the motivation:goodvibes

Well, I have done pretty well the last couple of days. I found out yesterday that I graduated my online course with Honors so DH took me out for a bite. I ordered a sandwich and split it and took 1/2 home which I brought for lunch today. Normally, I would have just eaten the whole thing whether I was hungry or not. Also, I went straight home and did the 2 mile WATP DVD. Not a super long workout, but it's more than I would have done in the past. I prefer to walk outside, but the temperatures have been over 95 degrees the past 3 days or so and it's just too hot to walk.

congratulations on graduation and your awesome grades.:thumbsup2 What a great accomplishment you had at lunch too! Eating 1/2 and bringing home the rest is a great idea and allows you to enjoy the meal twice!!!!

Good afternoon friends!

Well, my "free day" is winding down and I haven't done anything really fun yet! I did housework this morning (although I must say, the feeling of relief and accomplishment I had after cleaning out the kitchen closet was almost fun!), drove DD to school for her first Final, quick trip to the dump (picked up two paperbacks for summer beach reading in the "take it or leave it" building), drove to Target to order DS's new Rx, picked up a few pantry staples on clearance at Target, quick stop at Michael's for a few scrapping necessities and to buy some silk flower for my kitchen redecorating project. Home again and put away groceries and here I sit!

I don't think DH is going to make it home for supper, so I am skipping the baked vegetable ziti I had planned and everyone can have leftovers or cereal! That will free up some scrapping time for me!

Even though I did my circuit training this morning, I think I will head out for a 30 minute walk after the sun sets this evening... hopefully DD will go with me. SHe is skipping swim again tonight to study for finals, but she definitely needs an energy outlet.

I was desperate for a quick snack while I was running errands today.... I was VERY hungry and hadn't planned my day well, so had nothing with me. I didn't want it to take too long, so I was thinking of what I could "drive-thru" and get somewhere. Well..... I ended up at McDonald's because I like their iced coffee... and I ordered some apple dippers to go with it (sliced apple with a small packet of caramel to dip) and it was delicious! I think it is only 1 point too!! (I'll double check later). Sure, I wasn't exactly FULL when I was done, but it was enough for the moment and the caramel made it seem like a big treat!

Any other suggestions for when afternoon hunger strikes (away from home) and there isn't much time?? All I kept coming up with was fries, donuts, and the like. (Although the McD yogurt parfait is always an option if I don't mind using up 3 points on a small snack.)

Well... off to check on the status of the leftover for dinner! I know it will be a big salad for me with some leftover chicken. DS will probably have the leftover sloppy joe meat.... not sure about DD. I guess I'll offer to make her a salad too! Trying to stick to just my daily 18 points today to save most of my Flex points for movie popcorn! But 18 points is TOUGH, so I need to fill up on veggies!.........................P

Wow you make me tired just reading all the stuff you got done today. I miss scrapbooking too, I stopped shortly after having my first son. I just dont get the time anymore and its also quite an expense. I am hoping as the kids get older and we are not paying for daycare-$1800/mth. I will have plently of money to do fun things like this again.

I also dont know how you only eat 18 points a day. I was upset this week because I just went under 200 and had to drop from 26 to 24 points.:rotfl2: I guess I shouldnt complain. Great job at choosing the a good snack even at mcd's. That would be my temptation, I would justify how its ok to use 6 points for a hamburger....:rotfl2: You have great will power.
EMH at MK til 2am, wandering through tomorrowland and fantasyland with all the rides as walkons, stopping for a pic in front of the castle, and ending with a treat (ice cream cookie sandwich) from the main street bakery on the way to the bus.

I have to try staying up for all of EMH at MK, no matter how late!

Thanks everyone. :hug: Sorry for that pity party. I've spent the last hour crying, drinking coffee and water to flush out the salt, and researching how to get rid of water weight gain! Had a banana and a protein shake, it has some dandelion root in it which is supposed to help flush out water retention.

I am feeling slighty better, just really depressed, but as soon as my sleepy heads wake up and we start packing their WDW clothes with Almost There from Princess and the Frog and the 4 Parks 1 World CDs playing in the background, I'm sure my mood will improve! I bought them a bunch of new disney t's and DD2 some Disney sundresses when the online disney store was having a sale, so it will be fun to show them to them. I'm sure we'll have fashion shows, and DD2 will insist on keeping at least one of them on!

Going to clean all the glass in the house until they wake up! Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Glad to hear you are doing better! Disney music always helps me!

Even with the warm welcome it's hard to jump in. You all seem like you know each other so well and have been friends forever. I'm going to try though. Yesterday morning I got up at 6 and walked for 30 minutes, ate well all day, and then went crazy on choc chip cookies my hubby asked me to bake. He knows I'm trying to eat better and he is too but they were there. Well now they are gone, my to sons 12 and 14, helped too. I will no longer be buying them because I can't not eat them. Can you say "RED light food."

This am I woke up with a sore throat but I'm plannig on walking tonight after my haircut. My 12 year son, Noah, runs cross country and wants to start running this summer for the fall season. We made a deal that 3 times a week I would go with him and walk while he ran. Sounds much better than walking on the treadmill by myself. Hope everyone has a good day. Lisa

You will hear from a lot of us that one of the ways that we are successful is by keeping certain foods out of the house. Cookies are one of those foods for me.

It's wonderful that your son is going to join you on your new lifestyle!

I love to ride the boats back from MK to Wilderness Lodge at night. It is so pretty and relaxing. Or I like to hang out on my balcony at Grand Californian and watch the beautiful new lights on Mickey's Spinning Wheel o'Death aka the ferris wheel. I hate the ride but I love the lights! :rotfl:

I hate ferris wheels too. I have this horrible fear of getting stuck at the very top. I would love to stay at the WL just for the boat ride at the end of the night. I love the Lodge too, but there's something about taking a ferry that really appeals to me.

Ok, so I weigh in on tuesday afternoons and on tuesday mornings I do a peek at my scale to check it out. Looks like I might be gaining over 7 lbs this week! OMG! I knew it was a bad week with everyone taking me out for meals and then a free for all of bad food choices when we went camping in Wenatchee not to mention not much excersize, but ouch! I may try to work out on my lunch break today to see if I can get rid of a bit. I am very nervous about losing my 100 lb clippie...that would suck!


:hug: I'm sure you'll lose that weight in no time. I'm thinking....WATER!

Well... another beautiful day in NH today! I posted about a planned 5 mile run today, but forgot that I had planned to start alternating my runs with my circuit training, so today was actually a circuit day.... arms and abs and a few lunges and calf raises.

DD has her first Final today and asked me to make her "lucky" breakfast for her... real "on the stove" oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar, fresh fruit, juice, and tea. It makes me SO HAPPY that I have been able to have such a great positive impact on her eating habits that she would choose such a great healthy breakfast for a favorite "special" meal! Sure, she loves her treats, just like any girl/kid, but she also loves healthy stuff. I know that part of this is the way I STARTED feeding her when she was a baby, but another part of this is the influence of my past 30 months of really healthy eating. And really, as parents, isn't this a HUGE part of why we are on these healthy journeys.... to lead our children by example??

I'm so excited to have a sort of "free" day, that I don't even KNOW what I want to do.... I do need to run a few errands, but do I want to clean? Or scrapbook? Or do yard work? Or just enjoy the day and be lazy? (Okay... probably not that last option... I'm just not a "sit around" kind of gal)

Well.... off to decide on the direction my day will take! TTYL.............P

You have a wonderful daughter! Hope you had a great day!

Glad I could be of some inspirations lol

My perfect way is to get a strawberry bar or dole whip if at MK and enjoy the parade/fireworks!!!

Sounds delicious, healthy, and magical!

We loved POFQ. It was beautiful and so easy to get around since it's fairly small. I'd definitely recommend it.

Thanks for the info!

I was new on the last thread, and was a little intimidated at first as well. Everyone is really friendly. Just keep letting us know how you are doing, and soon enough you will feel right at home!:goodvibes

Same here!

Good morning everyone! Things are about the same here. I am really fighting the carbs this week. So far, I think I'm winning, but it's definitely been a struggle. Tonight is our afterwork run and it's supposed to be in the low 90's. We're going to wait until 7:30 or so and hopefully it will just be really warm instead of really hot! Our pool is up to 89 already. Very unusual for June. Tomorrow is back to work.

Have a great day!

That is one warm pool! How did your run go?

Hi all! I too have had trouble jumping in but I will do my best! So far the diet has been going well, I LOVE food so instead of giving up what I like I have been doing strict portion control and that seems to work better for me than cutting out what I love!

My birthday is next Friday the 25th and I am going out of town with my DBF so I won't be sticking to it that weekend!

I have been trying to walk 1 mile a day but my speed is pretty slow so I am going to try and walk/jog tonight and see if that feels more like exercise!

QOTD: I like to end a day at WDW by getting a beverage in my refillable mug and then walking around the grounds....or by shopping at DTD!

Portion control is one thing I struggle with, but am doing better. Glad to hear it is working for you! Another birthday during the challenge!

I think someone mentioned a few days ago about the importance of being able to walk for at least 30 minutes before adding in jogging, but I could be mistaken. Was it Ann? Would anyone like to add to this? TIA!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.
Watching fireworks with someone who shares in the Disney magic. Whether that's my sister, DH, DD or a friend. Any fireworks show will do. ;)

I got to go to the DL parks last week - just for a few hours after a business meeting. Wasn't quite as magical going with work colleagues, but still a fun visit.

I didn't eat quite as well as I could have on my 5-day business trip. I watched what I ate and exercised every day, but I did allow myself a few more treats than I would have at home. I'm determined to be on plan this week, because I'm heading back out to LA on Monday for another 5-day business trip!

You can do it! You can do it! Sounds like you had a great trip and are planning very well for the next one!

I love the fireworks displays too!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

I just love to be in the MK when the crowds are gone. We'll find a place to sit where I can see the castle, and we'll just wait, enjoying the music and the serenity as the park empties. DH and I did a MK photo session the morning of our vow renewal, dressed in our wedding finery. Each time we are near the castle and it is quiet, we remember that 5:45 a.m. visit to the MK when it was beautiful and quiet and dark with the castle lit up and we watched the park come to life as the sun rose. It is my "happy moment" and being in the park at the very end of the day when the crowds are gone takes me right back to that moment.

Sounds very magical!

I am a bottomless pit today. Told myself that I wouldn't journal as it would be too depressing. Then, I decided to put my COW points in a spreadsheet. (I'm a geek) Just htinking abotu how I could get another point just for journaling, made me do it. You know what? I ahven't been that bad. I'm just extra hungry because I started my day with yoga, so didn't get my normal breakfast. Yay:banana:

QOTD Tuesday - Illuminations with DH and then Beaches and Cream or Ghiardelli. Heaven! Hopefully, it's not too cold for ice cream. :upsidedow

I have my COW points in Excel too! Beaches and Cream sounds delicious!

Jumping on for a minute before I go pick up the girls. 2nd client today postponed so I'm getting a chance to breathe for a few. Doing well again today. I did have a turkey club roll up and some fries but that was my big meal for the day. I'll be having a LC or WW for supper. I've had a bottle of water and my BL protein water. Will drink more this afternoon.

Mom and I walked 2.7 miles this morning and I'm giving 2 massages so that's my workouts today. I hope to get in extra miles and other workouts the next 3 days since I'm not working but running around with my mom and the kids.

Time for my handful of M&Ms for the day. Also gotta order a pizza for the kids shortly so they can have something before dress rehearsal.

I'll be back on later tonight!


Yall ever eat at Panda Express? I grabbed lunch there today. Panda Bowl with mixed veggies (instead of rice) and Kung Pao Shrimp. According to the website, that should be about 320 calories. Well, let me tell ya... there is plenty of POW in their Kung Pao! That stuff is SPICY! :scared: This is the first time I ordered a bowl because I was always afraid that getting the bowl instead of the 2-entree plate would leave me hungry (I have been ordering the Broccoli Beef and the String Bean Chicken w/ mixed veggies lately), but the spiciness made me slow down enough that I am pleasantly full.

Now, if you're fighting the sodium this week, I'd say don't eat any take-out at all. Otherwise, if you're in a pinch for lunch, not a bad option. :thumbsup2

I'm not really into spicy foods like that, but it does sound good calorie-wise. I am one that watches my sodium, though. But you are right, "not a bad option."

Hey- we share a birthday!!! Mine too is the 25th. I have bunko that night, so it will be very hard to stick to a diet for me also!!!

Another b-day during the challenge!

Good afternoon losers!

I had a bunch of blood tests done today... she took 6 tubes of blood and told me I might feel dizzy. She was right! I feel like a zombie.

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

I like to go back to the resort and swim in a quiet pool. Especially if it was scorching hot at the parks.

Hope you feel better! Swimming....pure bliss for me!

CC - I wish I could say that was the case. I am doing okay but I am really struggling to get things back OP. I am really just "coasting". I know when I am making bad choices and I make them. I know when I am working out and doing the right thing. I know that really, I am just going in a circle because each time I do something right....I do something wrong. I have been trying to do the right things but there have been too many wrongs to get me going again.

CC - I know you posted this for Taryn but I am going to use it to motivate myself as well. While it is not totally all me...I can apply what you said to myself. I have felt like I can see myself gaining back the wait instead of losing the last 10. I need to make myself a list of things I can do as well as a list of positive statements. I feel like I am really battling myself lately.

As I think about it...I know that I can do it and I know that you can do it. It may be hard...but we can do it. :thumbsup2

I've went through the cycle you described too. It can be very difficult, but I think you said it yourself when you applied what I said to Taryn to yourself. You CAN and WILL achieve your goals! I will PM in a bit.
You have pinpointed it for me...I have LOST FOCUS! I am sitting at 161 and I have basically been sitting there for almost a month with all the ups and downs. I would love for the 160s to go away and leave me alone but I realize that I am going to have to find my focus again.

Ok girl. Me and You. 150 by my birthday, Sept. 5 - deal

Ok, for whatever reason, I couldn't step away from those crazy buffalo wing pretzel bites. But I entered it each time into spark, and I am NOT eating dinner. I'll have a banana just to help w/ nutrition and metabolism, but I fixed stuff for the family and walked away. I can't go over calories again.
I'll let you know how the teeth brushing trick works the next time we'll actually be home for the evening (tentatively Thursday:confused3). I hope it helps me a lot too! *fingers crossed*

Do let us/me know!

My pediatrician put me on that too (Rx naproxen) but it didn’t really help; she wouldn't put me on the pill so I didn't even know that was an option for relief until I was in college. Then I discovered the Depo shot and it changed my life! Although my fiance at the time and I did have a little accident with it about 10 years ago :eek: (DS is 9) so if I need birth control at some point in the future, I'll use something else in addition to the shots just to be safe. I don't know if you've experienced it yet or not, but labor and childbirth was nothing compared to what we went through every month, for me anyways. Of course YMMV ;).

I know now that childbirth is much more painful, but at 14-15, after having been taking out of social studies class in a wheelchair because I was in so much pain I thought I was going to pass out (and even my teacher noticed), I had a much different idea.

QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.
Watching Illuminations and meandering out of Epcot afterwards. Unfortunately, I’ve only gotten to do this once as no one else in my family loves Epcot as much as I do. I am putting my foot down whenever we go on our next trip though –“I am staying for Illuminations, if you don’t like it y’all can leave without me!” Which really means – “You guys don’t know how to get back to the hotel so you have to wait for me anyways, now sit down and hush up!”:lmao:

I love Epcot! I feel you. I wish my sister, my traveling buddy, loved WS as much as I do.

My body protests when I have to get up at 6, there’s no way it would voluntarily get up at 4. Hope you get to take a nap or something later!

Funny you should say that. I took an over hour long nap before dinner.

I've been doing pretty good on the eating this week thanks to the journaling, except for my evening grazing habit, but I really haven't been going too far over my calories even with that. Unfortunately, I've been getting to bed too late to drag myself up for my workout in the morning, so I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll just restart Shred #2 on Monday and continue on from there. We have a picnic for DS's baseball team tomorrow evening and we'll probably end up doing a kids vs. parents wiffle ball game, so I'll get a little workout there since it's going to be close to 90 degrees tomorrow:scared1: and I like to win :rolleyes1! I'm not really tempted by the picnic food and someone's bringing a salad, so that'll be my dinner. I expect to have a pretty good day tomorrow and I'm actually looking forward to the celebration. Our team won the division championship on Saturday and the boys worked so hard all season, I'm super proud of them. I'll try to talk DS into some Wii on Thursday, and Friday I am buying and putting up (super heavy!) shelves in the garage, then organizing and moving stuff around. Then cleaning the basement and the bathrooms Saturday during the day for the game night. Too bad most of that activity will be after my Friday am weigh in, but I'll try to be good this weekend and next week so I'll still be able to see it on the scale next Friday.

I love being able to "talk out loud" with you guys. So glad I found this group!

We love having you a part of our challenge! Best of luck with the scale. :goodvibes

:woohoo: to your son and his team! Have a great weekend!

:thumbsup2 re: eating!

:hug: Ever since I hit the 150's I've been daily struggling with the--there's no way I can do this, there's no way I can make goal, there's no way I won't gain it back thoughts. Pretty much daily. I've been keeping them to myself (well dh has had to listen to them ;)) because I just felt like such a loser for making it to this point and still feeling so out of control (sometimes) and cruddy about the entire process. I think this is probably pretty normal. Everyday that I stay at this weight or lose even an ounce is a victory, and I'm trying to see it like that. And if I'm up, then the next day is just a new day to try again--but more importantly it's not a failure. A failure would be to give into the full out binge and quit exercising. It would be to go back to drinking soda and eating garbage. I think it's ok to have period where you're fighting to keep moving forward. And it's even ok to have days where you fall off the wagon. But if you are not eating great but still exercising, you are still moving forward. And if you make even a few healthy choices that day you are still moving forward. Everyday is a day to keep moving forward. But not every day will be perfect. Sorry if this is too sappy/preachy. I think I needed to give myself a pep talk as well as respond to you.


Just got done chatting (online) with DS. It's made me a little sad. Not enjoying my empty nest today. Sometimes I just want a parenting do over. I was planning on making a veggie lasagna for dinner so I guess I better get going. That way we'll have leftovers for Wednesday and Thursday. DH is going to have to drag me to run tonight. Hopefully he's in a dragging mood and doesn't want to skip it too, because I don't think I can drag him today.

I'm going to plug my ipod in to charge and get busy on dinner. I'll check in later.

QOTD--spectromagic followed by wishes. Absolutely perfect.

For some reason I have a gut feeling that you were/are an excellent mother!

What a magical way to end a day at MK!

My perfect way to end the day at WDW is relaxing in the BC pool, watching the fireworks over Epcot. We were fortunate to spend the first night of our Land/Sea this way, and it really seemed like a magical beginning to a fantasy trip.

It does sound very magical and perfect!

Today I ran 10M in 119 minutes. I was really pleased. I deliberately slowed a bit since this was my second 10M attempt in 4 days, and I finished feeling strong. I literally sprinted through my shower and left with only moisturizer on my face to make it to the theater for Shrek. DS and I had the theater all to ourselves, which was awesome! However, I don't think I'm a candidate for mother of the year since I let him have popcorn as his lunch. :rolleyes1 He ate throughout the whole movie, and then wasn't hungry for anything else. On the bright side, I brought grape tomatoes, carrots and a snack size bag filled with pretzels, and drank diet tea.


All in all we're having a great day, and I'm really glad I was able to spend it with ds.


QOTD for Tuesday, June 15: Share your idea of the perfect way to end a day at WDW or DL.

Watching Wishes right up by the castle. DS (10) always sings along with parts of it and it makes me tear up every time because he thinks there is nothing more magical then Wishes.

Time to go to WW and then to the YMCA. Chat with you all later!

Wishes is very magical! Your son hit the nail on the head!

Well, I have done pretty well the last couple of days. I found out yesterday that I graduated my online course with Honors so DH took me out for a bite. I ordered a sandwich and split it and took 1/2 home which I brought for lunch today. Normally, I would have just eaten the whole thing whether I was hungry or not. Also, I went straight home and did the 2 mile WATP DVD. Not a super long workout, but it's more than I would have done in the past. I prefer to walk outside, but the temperatures have been over 95 degrees the past 3 days or so and it's just too hot to walk.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

:thumbsup2:cool1: and Congrats!

Well, I have been VERY unfocused and unable to make decisions all day. It took me 2 hours to get the girls' outfits together, in bags, and decide which ones for which days/meals. I'm still not really happy with it, but it's done. Had a couple of people call me for advice today, one on breastfeeding and one on a Disney trip. That took away my motivation, and made me... lazy? Indecisive would be a better word!

Going to pack our park bags now, and then try to get their stuff in a suitcase. I got DH a couple of Disney t's and a travel wireless router to use w/his Ipod touch at WDW for Father's Day, so we might have a pretend Father's Day tonight so he'll have time to play with it and not take away from our vacation!:rotfl2:

I've had my weight in the back of my mind throughout all this, which is probably what's keeping me from giving it my all. Jen, if I thought I was 10 pounds, then I would probably be better right now. I made 10 my goal for this challenge, which would put me at 158. Friday, I was halfway there. Not so much now! Anyway, I think a combination of things made me lose focus: class, missing Daddy, planning my trip, knowing I'm going to gain on my trip, and oddly enough, a few compliments here and there! Plus, I just can't settle on a goal weight. Rose, I am so glad you made it to the 150's. I am beginning to think that I am going to say 150, which is about 16 pounds away now, and see.

Hopefully, I can come back from my trip so full I don't care if I ever eat again!

Thanks so much for your encouragement everyone. I have had so much water my eyeballs are floating, trying to stay away from the buffalo wing pieces, and stay busy!!!

Thanks again!:hug:

:hug: It may have taken longer than you expected, but you have the girls packed!

Good afternoon friends!

Well, my "free day" is winding down and I haven't done anything really fun yet! I did housework this morning (although I must say, the feeling of relief and accomplishment I had after cleaning out the kitchen closet was almost fun!), drove DD to school for her first Final, quick trip to the dump (picked up two paperbacks for summer beach reading in the "take it or leave it" building), drove to Target to order DS's new Rx, picked up a few pantry staples on clearance at Target, quick stop at Michael's for a few scrapping necessities and to buy some silk flower for my kitchen redecorating project. Home again and put away groceries and here I sit!

I don't think DH is going to make it home for supper, so I am skipping the baked vegetable ziti I had planned and everyone can have leftovers or cereal! That will free up some scrapping time for me!

Even though I did my circuit training this morning, I think I will head out for a 30 minute walk after the sun sets this evening... hopefully DD will go with me. SHe is skipping swim again tonight to study for finals, but she definitely needs an energy outlet.

I was desperate for a quick snack while I was running errands today.... I was VERY hungry and hadn't planned my day well, so had nothing with me. I didn't want it to take too long, so I was thinking of what I could "drive-thru" and get somewhere. Well..... I ended up at McDonald's because I like their iced coffee... and I ordered some apple dippers to go with it (sliced apple with a small packet of caramel to dip) and it was delicious! I think it is only 1 point too!! (I'll double check later). Sure, I wasn't exactly FULL when I was done, but it was enough for the moment and the caramel made it seem like a big treat!

Any other suggestions for when afternoon hunger strikes (away from home) and there isn't much time?? All I kept coming up with was fries, donuts, and the like. (Although the McD yogurt parfait is always an option if I don't mind using up 3 points on a small snack.)

Well... off to check on the status of the leftover for dinner! I know it will be a big salad for me with some leftover chicken. DS will probably have the leftover sloppy joe meat.... not sure about DD. I guess I'll offer to make her a salad too! Trying to stick to just my daily 18 points today to save most of my Flex points for movie popcorn! But 18 points is TOUGH, so I need to fill up on veggies!.........................P

Wow! You have had one busy day! 18 points is tough, but I know you can do it. I can't come up with any other snack options than what you've mentioned. Sorry.

Gotta pick the boy up from a birthday party... talk to you guys tomorrow.

Have a stress free evening everyone!


You too!

Time to go for a walk and get my exercise in for the COW. :goodvibes


I missed so many of the QOTDs. I guess I'll just answer the last one:
What do you like to do at the end of a WDW day (paraphrasing may be off..) A few years ago, we were at MK at a late dinner and there was a huge thunderstorm. By the time we left Liberty Tree Tavern, most of the park had emptied out, the rain had stopped and the fairy lights were twinkling in the dark. We could hear the music but weren't jostled by crowds and just kind of meandered our way through Fantasyland and the castle. It is one of my favorite memories. We haven't been able to make it happen again but if I could, I would!! :goodvibes

Sometimes the unplanned is the best!

Alright, went to WW and as I suspected, my weight did not change. Again, I will celebrate the victory of not gaining instead of thinking about the not losing. I did go to the YMCA with my friend and we biked for 20 minutes (6 miles). I would like to go back with DD tonight and try the Zumba class. I will let you all know if it happens and what I think about it.


Wow! If I could only reach that pace...Zumba is great, btw!
Home from work and DH and the girls are back from the dress rehearsal. Been a long day but I've been good all day. I did have 2 sodas today but also lots of water! Going to have one more thing to eat tonight as DH and I each had WW meals for supper. Also will be having some more CL lemonade!

Interested to weigh myself in the morning and see if I was building a lot of muscle doing so much working out. I didn't even have my M&Ms earlier as I got distracted!

Gotta get the girls into bed! Probably be a late night as the Celtics are playing tonight. Hope they end it tonight! I need some sleep!

Will walk at 5:30 in the morning. I have a bunch of errands to do tomorrow and Mom and I are going to pick some strawberries to freeze for our smoothies!
Good Evening Everyone,

:hug:to everyone struggling and sending :goodvibes for a great day tomorrow!

Today was an okay day for me. I had 23/21 points, so just barely over. I was thinking about dessert, but I am really not hungry, so I'll skip it. I've had at least 7 glasses of water, 2 veggies, and got in 30 minutes of exercise. The only thing that would have made the day perfect is making it to the gym. I won't be able to go tomorrow or Thursday either. Although, if I wake up at 4 again :-)rotfl:), I could go tomorrow morning.

I will post tomorrow's QOTD in the morning. Good night!

After a week off from No more trouble zones, I decided to get back on it to try to add some tone for those sleeveless shirts next week. Man, I am sore!!!!! It's amazing how much strength I lost in just 1-1.5 weeks.

I'm going to try to do the arm and ab segments at least once a day for the next 3 days, I'd love to get in 2.

I am thinking about doing my ab video now, and then maybe a little yoga. I really should be cleaning! I did have my mail held, got dinner for everyone else, gave DH his early Father's Day...

Still haven't decided on my photopass and whether or not to do online check in. I HAVE to make those decisions and do them tomorrow. DD has gymnastics, MIL is keeping DD2. I'm going to hit a few stores while she is in gymnastics to look for any possible sales, and then finish all my assignments for class. (She's there from 9:30-1, so I have time, if I use it wisely!) Need to transfer what I have started onto a jump drive so I can use my laptop!

My knee started hurting a bit while I was running Monday, and it feels... crunchy? Almost like it needs to pop, achy. I REALLY want to run in the am to get the exercise, but there is a part of me that wonders if I should hold off since I have WDW next week. I could always start, and see if it bothers me, and if it does, try to walk, or maybe swim some at MIL's when I pick up DD, although I know neither will give me the burn. What do you all think?
Ok girl. Me and You. 150 by my birthday, Sept. 5 - deal

YOU ARE ON! I think we will both be there in plenty of time! :thumbsup2

Went to Zumba with DD and had a blast. It was a really good workout and I am sure I earned some serious activity points today with the biking and Zumba! :thumbsup2

I will be swimming and running tomorrow. I plan on doing some laps i the pool either at DSIL's house or the Y. My DBIL and DSIL have a beautiful pool - they will be going out of town for over a month and have asked us to take care of it so we will be able to swim whenever we want. I will have to see what the temperature is like.

DH wants to run tomorrow again and then we plan on doing a couple of long runs at the cabin this weekend.

I am really excited because I found another race to enter! DH and I will do a 10 mile run and then almost immediately get in line for the 5K run that our kids want to do. I think it is great that the organization set it up so that people who want to do the long run can then do the 5K with the family. So essentially, it will be another 1/2 marathon for us. We have to complete the 10 miles in under 2 hours to qualify for the 5K after but I think we can do it. The race is October 30th and we are excited to race as a family!

Time to have a healthy smoothie and settle in for the night! Wishing everyone a great night!
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