Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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My overall running goal is the 4-5 days a week. There are times I feel the urge to run every day but I also know that I need to let my body rest.
This summer is ZOOMING by! I wish it would slow down a little.
Taryn - I hope you can figure out how to have some quiet time to finish that project.
Until WDW, I did 3 days a week, without fail other than my dental stuff, since Feb. 8 when I started c25K. I think I could live with 4, if I can figure out how to do the mileage. I am aiming for 4-5-6, for a few weeks then up each run .5, but I could probably throw in a 3 mile on another day. I never did get quiet, the girls and I all feel like caged animals being cooped up in the den together, but that's the way it has to be. I am working despite it.

Oh, I should also mention that the three of us and our parents all live within a 1 mile radius.

I have one brother and he is 4 years younger than me. live next door to each other, take care of each other's kids, you get the idea.

You know, I forgot to mention that I live 7 miles from my mom, and my youngest older lives 2 doors down. We are together at least once a week, but sometimes more. We have such an age split, but we are "close" in an odd way, he doesn't like to talk about anything, but I know I could count on him for anything. When Daddy died, he, Mom, and I were in the room with him, and I think Daddy had it that way. My oldest older has just not been there enough. Before or after.

QOTD: I am an only child, DH is the youngest of 3.
My mother died when I was in my early 30's, it was very hard because no really knew what it was siblings to talk about the good 'ole days with.

I kinda had both worlds, my oldest brother graduated high school when I was 3, and the next 3 years later, so I had them all to myself. And even though I have them, they are men that don't discuss anything, so I've had to depend on others! I am sorry about your mom, I know how very hard it is to lose a parent you are close to and lean on! :hug:

I have to make this one complicated. :teeth:

Woah. That's some serious history there. Thanks for sharing!

:bday:party: jbm02! QUOTE]

Happy Birthday Jude!!!!!!

I was a few months into my loss when I went to Massachusetts and spent some time with my friend Jess - she was into the Eat-Clean stuff and got me thinking along the lines of choosing foods that will build my body instead of choosing foods because they are a moment of fun.
They think we don't need the "step" but we did not grow up together and I have a sister, so I do feel the "step" is valid. It's awkward when my step-mom introduces me as her daughter. I met a woman this spring who referred to her children's "bonus" dad, and I think I may adopt that terminology. It does sound more pleasant than "step!"

First, is there anything specific to Eating Clean? I hear that all the time thrown around, and always figured it meant letting go of processed stuff, but it there more to it? And secondly, I love the bonus dad, and I think you are perfect understandable in feeling step is valid!

I call him “the accident”
but then my friend texted me and I was distracted with him for a while

Now when we tease each other, at least one of my brothers will say "Yeah, but at least Momma and Daddy wanted us. You just happened." And you really thought you could throw that second little tidbit in a long paragraph and I wouldn't catch it?????;)

GOOD NEWS!!!! I weighed in today at work and I am only up .8lb from before I went on vacation.!


Quick jump in to keep me on track before dinner. I am getting hungry, and checking in always keeps me under control. I've had a pretty good day so far....

Funny story - DD2 was hugging her sister hard from behind, and DD1 was squealing that she was choking her. Of course, DD2 laughed hard, and did it again. I told her to stop reacting, and she would stop. DD2 does it again, DD1 squeals again, and DD2 says "You're still yakking. Mommy, she's still yakking." Yeah, they've yakked all day. They are rebelling against the "be quiet" rule!
I give for the week! I think the heat has gotten to me! I had two "adult" drinks tonight! We had TJ's Mandarin Orange Chicken! Yummy, but I ate too much!

Time for family Wii bowling before we watch the ALL STAR game! GO American League and GO BIG PAPI!

Probably won't get in my walk in the morning as we're expecting bad weather tonight through tomorrow afternoon. Weigh in will not be good as I've done nothing but give one massage today. Excited that I have 3 massages scheduled for next Wednesday, 2 hot stone and a deep tissue. Changed my schedule for next week due to dad's oral surgery.

Back later!
Hi Everyone,

Mixed day again today. I got in 50 minutes of exercise on the Wii this morning and felt really good about it. I was tired most of the day, though, so I'm thinking I might have pushed myself too much. Eating was great through lunch and mid-afternoon. Dinner wouldn't have put me too over if it wasn't for having ice cream just before it. I rarely eat ice cream, but the gelato (which at this ice cream shop is 1/2 the fat of their ice cream) looked like soup and the frozen yogurt wasn't labeled healthy and is filled with real chocolate chips. The ice cream seemed equally as healthy unless I wanted a milk-like soup. If I go with my 10-year-old neighbor again, and I likely will by the end of the summer, I'll either get gelato or nothing. Oh well. With any luck, I'll maintain for the week. There's still tomorrow and Thursday too. :goodvibes

QOTD: I have a younger sister. We are almost 2 years apart. Growing up, I was always the more responsible one. Then, she got to high school and did a complete 180 and started acting like me. Now, we're about the same, although she does go with the flow better than I do. I'm one of those planner types. She can leave the planning to me and not worry in the slightest. I think? that's an honor? :confused3

Happy Birthday Jude!

Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

CC - I think it is GREAT that you recognize how far you have is a TOTAL accomplishment and so important to your future health and happiness. Thanks for sharing your positive accomplishment!

Today I am feeling very happy with myself as I logged EVERYTHING all week this week. I had been so sloppy about journaling lately and it felt really good to look in my journal and see how hard I have worked. It is nice to reflect on all my running, cross training and food choices. I did not make good choices all week but I logged it all and so I feel a lot of control as a result.

Time to go get DD from dance! Have a great night everyone!


Way to go on the journaling! I know it helps me so much. Now, if only I actually did it.

Oh yea, forgot to mention that I bought new bras today for the first time in 2-3 years. The cool thing is that I went down from a 42C to a 38B. I ordered 7 more on Hanes and bought one in Penney's.

That's awesome! I'm so looking forward to getting a smaller bra size.

It's hard! Hang in there!

Thanks for the encouragement Taryn! I had a great workout this morning. 50 minutes!

OKay, this evening did not go as planned, but was still good.
DH went to his soccer game, and then phoned to ask me to come play as they needed another woman to play or they forfeit. So I grabbed some munchies for the girls and off we went. The kids had fun feeling grown up sitting on the sidelines without me being with them. DH's team knew I had no experience playing and were just happy to have another body out there, so I stayed back on defense and got some fresh air, and did a couple good moves and although I felt very self-conscious about being a poor player, I did okay for a first timer who was just a fill-in.
! have a great time!:goodvibes

:woohoo: That is wonderful and best of all, IMO, you enjoyed yourself!

I try to remember this as well, especially when I'm not losing, and usually when I'm really bad, like you say 50 points a day, it's so much better than those days in the past. Awesome attitude, cc.

Thanks! Thank you so much. I love checking in and finding so much support and empathy. :)

'maintainer' buisness is driving me nuts! I weighed myself again this morning! Once again I have managed to maintain my weight....too bad I'm supposed to be losing. I Really need to execercise...time has been tight. Hopefully tonight after work. :rolleyes1
Hang in there everyone!!!

:hug: You CAN and WILL do this!

Morning everyone! We were all up and down all night, nightmares, pottying, don't know what was up. Got up and tried to work on my project, but couldn't focus enough. Just did level 2 of 30 day shred to get my mind cleared and HR up. I have to do a lot of modifying of the cardio, so I ended up jogging and sprinting through the house. :laughing: I hope I can get in another workout this evening, maybe my abs video and the arms part of NMTZ. DH is home, and snoring in the recliner. I may end up calling mom to see if the girlies can hang out there so I can get my project done later, my mind's just not on it now!!!

Have a great day!

How is your project coming? When I was in grad school and trying to lose weight (some weeks were better than others), I found it so important to stay on top of assignments, etc. I can only imagine how complex things must be with your DH's schedule and gymnastics, etc. :goodvibes and :hug:

From the time I started the C25K, I was out at least 3 days a week. On the weeks that challenged me, I did 4-5 days a week. Once we finished the C25K, DH and I were easily running 3-5 days a week. So much of it depends on our schedule and there have been weeks where because of different circumstances we did not get our runs in. The 6 weeks before our 1/2 marathon, we ran at least 4 days a week and tried to run 5-6. Then we all know that after the 1/2, I totally struggled to get back into it. Last week was the first week where I got 4 days in again and I should be good for 4 days this week as well. My overall running goal is the 4-5 days a week. There are times I feel the urge to run every day but I also know that I need to let my body rest.

Thanks for sharing Jen! I know you were answering for Taryn, but I really appreciated you sharing. I am really trying to increase my running skills and am struggling with C25K. I am ok on the treadmill, but really struggle with even walking outside. I haven't even attempted a C25K run outside yet. Maybe soon.

Especially since Jillian is beating me to death every morning

Ahh, Jillian. What more is there to say? I do like the Shred. Again, if only I actually did it.

GOOD NEWS!!!! I weighed in today at work and I am only up .8lb from before I went on vacation. Not as bad as I thought. My home scale even went down today too. It must of been alot of water weight. I am hoping to get rid of the .8 by the end of the week and continue on my journey of being a loser!

Great news! You'll have that gain gone in no time. I probably wouldn't even call that a gain. :goodvibes

Hello Everyone! I thought I would check in quickly before I head off to WW...

I had a great morning but it was not as planned. I was going to run to the store to surprise the kids with some pastries this morning but they got up before I could leave so we decided to bike to get pastries (I did not have one) and then bike to Target to do our weekly shopping (great plan because only so much can fit on my bike - this limited any "extras" from ending up in our cart). We had a great time together and the 6 miles of biking was a nice hange of pace.

I have decided that I am going to run to my WW meeting though. I think it will be about 3 miles there and then 3 miles home.

You are about to have one exercise-filled day! :)

pinkle: :hug: Sorry about the loss of your mom at such a young age.

I really enjoyed reading the responses to today's QOTD. I was particularly intrigued by the number of only children we have and your respones especially interested me. I once did this project in preparation for a student leadership role in undergard about birth order and birthdate/astrological signs and your responses seemed to really make sense with what I learned that day. Ok, I'm done being overly analytical now.

Have a great night!
:goodvibes You know I think you're great Tracey--but I just have one thing to say--GO NATIONAL LEAGUE!!!! IT'S YOUR TURN!!! YOU ARE DUE!!!!! I love Albert Pujols, but can't wait until Joey Votto replaces him at first base!!!

Mike is on a conference call--can you tell what I'm doing, besides checking in here of course.;)

Pinkle--:hug: I'm sorry.

Had a good day. Not very productive and I struggled with food--I did ok, but I wanted to buy a ton of junk at Kroger. I resisted, but it was hard. I did however get in two workouts--44 min on the bike at the Y this morning and a 4 mile run and 2 miles of walking this evening. We are having a coldspell--it was only 88 when we started.;) I was not sure how the run would go after working out this morning. It was hard--but I ran the entire 4 miles, so I was happy.:goodvibes On our cool down lap we ran into Mike's boss' boss--does that make sense? He started talking work. After a minute or two, I said ok, gotta go so Mike can get home and do his conference call! I do not like mixing work and my workouts!

Have a nice evening! Back to work tomorrow. Gotta get organized for the new person!:)
Had a good day. Not very productive and I struggled with food--I did ok, but I wanted to buy a ton of junk at Kroger. I resisted, but it was hard. I did however get in two workouts--44 min on the bike at the Y this morning and a 4 mile run and 2 miles of walking this evening. We are having a coldspell--it was only 88 when we started.;) I was not sure how the run would go after working out this morning. It was hard--but I ran the entire 4 miles, so I was happy

Not very productive? 2 workouts? NOT buying the junk at Kroger? Very productive in my book, lady! :thumbsup2

Dh has gone to work, the 4 walls of our den closed in on the girls and I today. Rainy and stormy all day, couldn't send them outside, we did run to the grocery store between downpours, but I was trying to focus on this project, which didn't make it any easier. The girls were snippy, DD2 wanted everything DD1 had. Just talking, b/c I've not talked to an adult other than my mom for a few minutes all day.

Too bad DIS doesn't have chat. I WOULD HUNT YOU DOWN!!!!!!:lmao:

Hope everyone has a good night! I hope we can sleep well, despite the strong storms that are supposed to come through! Also hope they are gone in time for me to run before taking DD to gymnastics in the am!
Not very productive? 2 workouts? NOT buying the junk at Kroger? Very productive in my book, lady! :thumbsup2

Dh has gone to work, the 4 walls of our den closed in on the girls and I today. Rainy and stormy all day, couldn't send them outside, we did run to the grocery store between downpours, but I was trying to focus on this project, which didn't make it any easier. The girls were snippy, DD2 wanted everything DD1 had. Just talking, b/c I've not talked to an adult other than my mom for a few minutes all day.

Too bad DIS doesn't have chat. I WOULD HUNT YOU DOWN!!!!!!:lmao:

Hope everyone has a good night! I hope we can sleep well, despite the strong storms that are supposed to come through! Also hope they are gone in time for me to run before taking DD to gymnastics in the am!
That's pretty much all I did today.:rotfl: I need a regular schedule. I really am a schedule person.

Mike is still on a conference call--he took it outside, hoping the bugs aren't getting him.

Hope the storms aren't too bad, Taryn. We got tons of rain this morning, but that was it.
Funny story - DD2 was hugging her sister hard from behind, and DD1 was squealing that she was choking her. Of course, DD2 laughed hard, and did it again. I told her to stop reacting, and she would stop. DD2 does it again, DD1 squeals again, and DD2 says "You're still yakking. Mommy, she's still yakking." Yeah, they've yakked all day. They are rebelling against the "be quiet" rule!

:lmao: thats funny. Tonight I came back from running and my dh asked how it was. I said "well Im not getting any faster" my 5 year old says "what you need mom is new shoes, they always make me run faster". Gotta love it!

Thanks for sharing Jen! I know you were answering for Taryn, but I really appreciated you sharing. I am really trying to increase my running skills and am struggling with C25K. I am ok on the treadmill, but really struggle with even walking outside. I haven't even attempted a C25K run outside yet. Maybe soon.

You know when I first started really seriously running back in april I did so well on the treadmill, then I would go outside and I could barely run 1/4mile without wanting to stop and cry. After a week or two of forcing myself to run/walk outside it became so much easier and now I never want to run on the treadmill again. It is a hard transistion but if you really stick to it you will see that it will get easier and easier. Your doing great! Be proud of yourself!:thumbsup2

I got a 3 mile run in tonight and it was so humid outside I could barely breathe. I actually felt so gross when I finished. It took me 38min which is not my greatest but at least I did it. I am hoping to get 1 or 2 more runs in this week and then start my 10K training on monday. I really hope this humidity breaks but then again its summer I should just come to terms with it. I am looking forward to running in the fall.

My mom asked me tonight about the host resorts for the princess. I told her CBR was one of them and thats where she really wanted to stay. I said "I thought you didnt really want to go now", she said well we can look into the prices. So I guess its not a total nix yet. I am hoping she comes around and realizes this would be a great trip for both of us. My mom is a heavy smoker and i always worry about her getting cancer and dying young. I know this is a sick thought but its moments like this that I think what if we dont do this and then I will always regret not going and getting to share this with her. I dont want to live with regrets. I hope she pulls through and gives me a yes. Gosh I feel like a teenager again waiting on my parents decision.:lmao:

Have a great night everyone Im off to catch up on my ZZZZZZZ's.
Jumping on to do a quick post and then get the results up.

Busy day today. I decided to be brave and just join the soccer team. DH had told me to go buy the shoes/shin guards/socks so I'd be ready if they need again Wed. I decided if I'm going to be called on to fill in, I'd rather just join and make it part of my routine. So hopefully it'll be fun doing soccer twice a week for the rest of the summer. So after work, it was: get the kids, get changed into running clothes, go buy the soccer gear, get to the post office, stop at subway, go running and then finally get home in time to get the kids to bed.

QOTD: Siblings:
I have one sister that's 14 months younger than me. As kids we were the same size (within 1/2") from the time I was 3 to 14. People used to always ask my mom if we were twins, and if she said no, they'd always point to my sis and say "she must be the oldest". It drove me crazy. If Mom was not in the mood for a big discussion with a stranger, she used to just say yes, they're twins. I was so shocked the first time I heard her LIE! In many ways it was like having a twin, as we did all extra activities together (dance, guides, etc). I used to joke that I never got to do anything first except drive and start school, and for school, mom was a helper parent and brought sis with her, so even that wasn't really mine. :lmao: Oh well, my sis was originally planning to be an exchange student and brought home the application, but decided to put it off for a year, so I ended up using her application form and went off to Holland!
anyhow, time to finish answering the QOTD, she's the outgoing one, and I'm the quiet one. She's always late, and I'm mostly on time.

Time post some results!:goodvibes
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you’ll be marked excused :goodvibes

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining: 2
(congrats PrincessBride6205 & Corrinak!)

Current Participants-------------75!
not reporting in for 1 week------ 12
not reporting in for 2 weeks------ 11
not reporting in for 3 weeks------ 12
Excused------------------------- 1
weigh ins----------------------- 39
gains---------------------------- 9
maintains------------------------ 6
losses-------------------------- 24
new members --------------- 0

Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 6!
This week’s group loss = 23.3 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.29 %
Total group weight loss so far 337.1 pounds!
Let’s see how fast we can reach 500 pounds!
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: AWESOME!

Retention Rate (compared to the 78 weighins for our start weigh-in on May 28th)
(39+2+1)/ 78 = 53% :goodvibes (this includes the Losers and Maintainer and Excused people!)

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 6? This time I’ve done a TOP 10 LIST ! That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl: (and if there’s something you want to know, just ask me!)

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 6 Superstars!!
#10- 0.82% - cclovesdis
#9- 0.83% - A.Mickey
#8- 0.98% - maiziezoe
#7- 1.09% - OctoberBride03
#6- TIE at 1.14% - sherry & Dahly
#5- 1.34% - carmiedog
#4- 1.41% - DisneyTaylors
#3- 1.47% - DaniB
#2- 2.16% - Tricia1972

and now
The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 6 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.33% - flipflopmom

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations flipflopmom !!!
What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :goodvibes:

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great! ::yes::

NOTE: this list includes participants who have reported in within the last 3weeks, once someone misses 3 weigh-ins they are dropped from this report.
How this works: you set your goal for what to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.
Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.
Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know. :goodvibes
We have done 6 out of 13 weeks, so the challenge is 46% complete.

aamomma 25
bellaphia 15
bouldertcr 0
brinalyn530 2
buzz5985 12
carmiedog 46
cclovesdis 33
Connie96 72
Dahly 44
disneymom2one 70
flipflopmom 0
happysmyly 2
jbm02 13
jenanderson 33
jennz 25
keenercam 45
Leleluvsdis 4
lisah0711 5
LMDisneygirl 28
lovedvc 107
LuvBaloo 11
maiziezoe 14
mommyof2Pirates 40
N&B'smom 14
NCRedding -5
njcarita 32
nunzia 10
OctoberBride03 8
Piglet18 21
pinkle 25
planaholic 11
redwalker 17
RENThead09 -5
Rose&Mike 47
sahbushka 5
sherry 15
tigger813 -13
tiki23 42
Tinker'n'Fun 24
Tricia1972 68
Worfiedoodles 58
wtpclc 25

I hope everyone had a great week. I hope the scale showed happy numbers this morning for everyone! If it didn't, think back to your week and try some self-analysis. Did you take a few too many BLTNs (bites, licks, tastes, nibbles) that you didn't count? Did you accurately weigh/measure your foods (especially the more calorie-dense things like nuts, peanut butter, oils, salad dressings)? Were you brutally honest in your food journaling? Did you honestly get in as much exercise as you planned? Just some things to think about.

by pjlla

Congrats Flipflopmom and all the other losers! One of these weeks I'll join you again!

Canceled my walk due to the unsettled weather and hoping that I could sleep in but it's 5:21 and I'm wide awake. Going to try and go back to sleep in a few. I went to bed early for a change, asleep by 9:30!

Cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning today. DH is going to pick DD1 up at soccer camp at 4 today so I won't have to leave the house again after picking DD2 up at 10:30. I may come home and shampoo the living room carpet at 9 as that won't take me too long to do. Hoping the podcast will be up this morning so I have something to listen to while cleaning.

Not expecting a good weigh in today at all. We're not used to this much heat in NE so I'm struggling. I'm also letting the stress of life get to me and I need to stop that! Tummy is complaining about the bad stuff this morning too!

Time to try and go back to sleep for awhile. I'm sitting here sweating!
Congratulations Flipflopmom :thumbsup2
New day! Let's try again. I'm up early to drive to summer school...then hopefully I quick walk....way toooo humid to run.
catch up later
How is your project coming? When I was in grad school and trying to lose weight (some weeks were better than others), I found it so important to stay on top of assignments, etc. I can only imagine how complex things must be with your DH's schedule and gymnastics, etc. :goodvibes and :hug:I haven't even attempted a C25K run outside yet. Maybe soon.

CC- I hope to have the family literacy powerpoint project completed by today. I also need to answer 2 of my 6 question for the final, 1pg. each w/research, and read 2 articles. ALL BY FRIDAY!

That's pretty much all I did today.:rotfl: I need a regular schedule. I really am a schedule person. Hope the storms aren't too bad, Taryn.

I am much more motivated when I have no time!!!! I know what you mean by a schedule! We had some thunder right when I went to bed, but the bad stuff thankfully stayed south!

My mom asked me tonight about the host resorts for the princess. I told her CBR was one of them and thats where she really wanted to stay. I said "I thought you didnt really want to go now", she said well we can look into the prices. So I guess its not a total nix yet. Gosh I feel like a teenager again waiting on my parents decision.:lmao:

LOL! Sending :goodvibes and pixiedust: your way!

Oh well, my sis was originally planning to be an exchange student and brought home the application, but decided to put it off for a year, so I ended up using her application form and went off to Holland!

Reminds me of the parent swap movies! :rotfl2:

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge
Week 6 Biggest Loser!!#1- 2.33% - flipflopmom
flipflopmom 0

'Nuff said! I was halfway there before WDW, Friday I was back to where I started!

One of these weeks I'll join you again!
Not expecting a good weigh in today at all. We're not used to this much heat in NE so I'm struggling. I'm also letting the stress of life get to me and I need to stop that! Tummy is complaining about the bad stuff this morning too!

Hoping you can get back on track soon Tracey! The humidity and heat is really atrocious! Someone said the power companies are really controlling the weather, first all the snow and cold this winter,now the heat and humidity this summer! Try to have one Dead On Plan, knock out, killer day. It will get your motivation going again, I promise. BTDT.

Congratulations Flipflopmom :thumbsup2
New day! Let's try again. I'm up early to drive to summer school...then hopefully I quick walk....way toooo humid to run.
catch up later

Thanks! Be careful out there!

Okay, I learned a few lessons this am.
#1. Running on only 4.5 hours sleep is NOT fun. My crazy dog saw something outside our door right before we went to bed. Scared me half to death, never did see what, but he wouldn't calm down. Now, we've been known to have deer out there, groundhogs, or it could have been most anything. Whatever it was, he didn't like it and I never saw it. This adrenaline rush kept me up until at least 12:30, got up at 5!
#2. When running on little sleep, drink more than 1 cup of coffee first. I had read that caffeine blocks the pain receptors for a bit, and I needed that this am. Felt like I was running into a brick wall for most of the 4 miles!
#3. Somehow the thrill of being the weekly biggest loser was greatly dimished at the zero by my goal. Oh well, back on track now!
#4. One really good OP day can make all the difference in the world. I was very pleased with the scale this am, however, I somehow woke up feeling very light, and thought I should have lost at least 10 pounds yesterday.:rotfl:
One day OP does not equate to a 10lb loss!

Oh well, I am geared up for another really good OP day, I would love to have big loss this week! Gotta hit the shower. Going to drop DD2 at MIL and FIL on our way to gymnastics, and then I can work on my class stuff for 3.5 hours while she works out. Thank goodness for laptops and wi fi hotspots! That is actually why I bought the laptop!

Have a great OP day everyone!:hug::flower3:
Good morning everyone. I was going to get on yesterday afternoon but my internet shut down. Then I never got back on.

Happy Belated Birthdays Lisa and Jude

Congrats Taryn on being our biggest loser for this week.

Yesterday we decided to take a drive out to see a new camper we have been thinking about for several years. It was supposed to be a 2 hour drive. With rain, traffic and construction it took 4 hours to get there. I took over driving after the first hour thinking we were almost there. Little did we know that the last hour would last 3. We got to see 5 different models and we loved them. We were very responsible and didn't buy. We could have. They had one that we liked and it was last year's model. At least the ride home wasn't too bad and only took 2 hours.

Here is the website of the camper we were looking at.

I loved all the answers from yesterday's question of the day.

I have 4 sisters and a brother and dh has 4 sisters and a brother.

I am the oldest but not really because my twin sister is 55 minutes older than I am. I am one of the more responsible ones in my family. About 4 of us are pretty helpful with my parents. My brother is the non responsible one. He was putting a new railing up for my parents. He started over a year ago and he has not finished and he has been unemployed for the last year. One of my sisters is really not responsible. She doesn't know how to get anywhere on time and never RSVP's to anything. I know she has some health problems (RA) but she could be more helpful. He husband is a real trip. He will come to a party and NEVER eat anything. Will drink beer but not eat. My sister was upset that I didn't have beer at a party but I told her wait for brother since he is bringing it. I didn't even know that sister was coming to that party.

Dh is the responsible one for his family. He has a couple of responsible sisters and his brother is no help since he lives in Kansas. But he is the only one his parents call if they need something worked on for them or his sister.

Question of the Day

If you are not going to DW or DL this year what is the one thing you will miss?

I wish I was going this year to see the Main Street Electrical Light Parade. we saw it on our honeymoon in DL and at least once at DW. Ds is going down in Aug and he is taking the small video camera I won to tape the parade.

Well off to get somethings done. I have been up and down since midnight with stomach problems. I made up some chococlate chip cookie dough last night and I ate too much and it really got to me. It taught me a lesson.

Have a great day everyone.
:cool1: Congratulations to all the losers! A big and special WAY TO GO to Taryn for being the biggest loser this week! :cool1:

:hug: To everyone who did not see the number on the scale they wanted or who are struggling with weight this week. :hug:

This morning I sat and thought about how I feel about things and I have decided that I am feeling frustrated but positive. I will break it down a bit...

Frustration =
1. I am only losing .5 each week and that is so slow. If I continue at this rate, it will take me 20 weeks to reach my goal of 10 pounds...that is 5 months!
2. I have added even more exercising to each day. I have started doing exercises that help my core, lifting weights and biking. I upped my running mileage this week as well. For example, yesterday I did 15 minutes of core, 6 miles on my bike and 5.4 miles of running. It takes so much time to exercise that much and I still am only losing .5 a week.
3. There are days where even though I journal all my food, I do not figure out all the points and I know that I should. I am frustrated with myself for working so hard in some ways and then throwing it all away with choices I make.

1. I AM LOSING. Well, it is slow and steady but a loss is a loss and if it does take me 5 months...I will reach my goal.
2. For the most part, I like what I see when I look in the mirror. It takes a lot for me to say that because I am very critical of how I look. I look in the mirror now and can think that while there is room for improvement...I still look good.
3. I don't mind the good habits. This week I left my journal out on the table and it was easy to write everything down, I put my large water bottle out and drank water all the time. I didn't mind getting up early to exercise. I actually feel really positive and in control when I take the time to do the things I know I should.
4. I am more then just a number on the scale...I wear jeans in size 6 or 8 (not 14 or 16 anymore), I wear tops in size small or medium (not extra large anymore), my blood sugars are back in control (no more insulin for me), I am in the normal BMI and I have run a half marathon!

I typed all of this out mainly for me this morning. I AM working hard and I AM feeling strong and positive about things. I also still get frustrated and I still make some bad choices. However, this is the new me and this is for the long haul so I need to focus more on the positives and less on the negatives.

Now that I completed my own self therapy for the day, it is time to get moving. I need to fill out an application for a job has been posted, go grocery shopping, finish the housework, get in my exercising, print off some plans for our camping trip and I am sure there will be many more things that come up in my day!

Have a good one!
QOTD: I am going this year but I will miss Star Tours since it will be closed for its update!

Well, just as expected! Up another 2 lbs. Will try to work it off by cleaning today and hopefully find an hour for a WATP workout! Will also drink a lot of water and Crystal Light today (without the added rum!).

Raining a little this morning! Humidity is an absolute killer this week! I'm soaked just sitting here! Heading up to Target with my mom to return something and pick up a few things.

Gotta finish getting the girls ready for soccer!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Congratulations to all our superstars and especially to our biggest loser, flipflopmom! :cool1:

Rose, thanks for posting that Sparkpeople article. I thought it was very interesting and emphasizes the need to make a lifestyle change. :goodvibes

I wouldn't want to mix work and a workout either. I run into people all the time while I'm not at work who want to talk about their cases -- they shut up pretty fast when I tell them that I am happy to talk to them but I do charge double with a 2 hour minimum on the week-ends! :rotfl:

I have 1 younger sister and no brothers. I am the serious, responsible, rule follower, slightly obsessive one of the family! :rotfl2:

I can so totally relate! :thumbsup2

GOOD NEWS!!!! I weighed in today at work and I am only up .8lb from before I went on vacation. Not as bad as I thought. My home scale even went down today too. It must of been alot of water weight. I am hoping to get rid of the .8 by the end of the week and continue on my journey of being a loser!

:woohoo: Isn't it nice to see how quickly you can overcome that vacation and get right back to where you want to be?

jenanderson, I am so impressed by all your biking and running! I know it must be hot and humid in MSP.

I never did get quiet, the girls and I all feel like caged animals being cooped up in the den together, but that's the way it has to be. I am working despite it.

:hug:, Taryn. Can you go hide out at your Mom's every once in awhile to let the caged animals out? Also maybe add some foam insulation to the windows to cut down on the noise and have a fan or some other white noise going so DH can sleep with a little more background noise? It will get easier once school starts I hope. :thumbsup2

My mom asked me tonight about the host resorts for the princess. I told her CBR was one of them and thats where she really wanted to stay. I said "I thought you didnt really want to go now", she said well we can look into the prices. So I guess its not a total nix yet. I am hoping she comes around and realizes this would be a great trip for both of us. My mom is a heavy smoker and i always worry about her getting cancer and dying young. I know this is a sick thought but its moments like this that I think what if we dont do this and then I will always regret not going and getting to share this with her. I dont want to live with regrets. I hope she pulls through and gives me a yes. Gosh I feel like a teenager again waiting on my parents decision.:lmao:

I'm glad that it sounds like you might be there after all. princess: I don't think there is anything wrong with telling your mom that you don't want to have something happen to either one of you and wish that you had done a mother/daughter trip -- she may not know that is how you feel.

Busy day today. I decided to be brave and just join the soccer team. DH had told me to go buy the shoes/shin guards/socks so I'd be ready if they need again Wed. I decided if I'm going to be called on to fill in, I'd rather just join and make it part of my routine. So hopefully it'll be fun doing soccer twice a week for the rest of the summer. So after work, it was: get the kids, get changed into running clothes, go buy the soccer gear, get to the post office, stop at subway, go running and then finally get home in time to get the kids to bed.

Wow! Great job on taking up another sport, Shannon! :woohoo: It's probably not too romantic running around the soccer field together but still nice to do something with DH that the whole family can be a part of!

CC- I hope to have the family literacy powerpoint project completed by today. I also need to answer 2 of my 6 question for the final, 1pg. each w/research, and read 2 articles. ALL BY FRIDAY!

I am so impressed with your being able to work while you are cooped up inside making everyone be quiet! :thumbsup2 I have quiet and still can't get my assignments in regularly for my two classes -- luckily they give me a year to finish them. This going back to school thing is a lot harder than it looks! ;)

Okay, I learned a few lessons this am.
#1. Running on only 4.5 hours sleep is NOT fun. My crazy dog saw something outside our door right before we went to bed. Scared me half to death, never did see what, but he wouldn't calm down. Now, we've been known to have deer out there, groundhogs, or it could have been most anything. Whatever it was, he didn't like it and I never saw it. This adrenaline rush kept me up until at least 12:30, got up at 5!
#2. When running on little sleep, drink more than 1 cup of coffee first. I had read that caffeine blocks the pain receptors for a bit, and I needed that this am. Felt like I was running into a brick wall for most of the 4 miles!
#3. Somehow the thrill of being the weekly biggest loser was greatly dimished at the zero by my goal. Oh well, back on track now!
#4. One really good OP day can make all the difference in the world. I was very pleased with the scale this am, however, I somehow woke up feeling very light, and thought I should have lost at least 10 pounds yesterday.:rotfl:
One day OP does not equate to a 10lb loss!

I think that you should still bask in the glory of being the Biggest Loser for a few days -- that goal number will go back up soon! :thumbsup2

Question of the DayIf you are not going to DW or DL this year what is the one thing you will miss?

Hope that your stomach feels better soon, dona! :flower3:

I have to say that I miss Illuminations. We missed it in December so it's been a couple of years since I we've seen it. I don't think I've ever actually seen it with the flaming barges working so I would probably be quite impressed. I love the music!

I may be able to snag my 40 pound clippie again this week in spite of having another round of guests.

Have a great day all!
4. I am more then just a number on the scale...I wear jeans in size 6 or 8 (not 14 or 16 anymore), I wear tops in size small or medium (not extra large anymore)

woohoo! Thanks, that is motivational for me this morning. I'm still losing weight, but I can't "see" it like I did when I dropped from a huge size. I want to see it in the mirror! I think I should run to the store and hit the dressing room with some XL and 1X's to see how big they are on me now.

We're 46% through this challenge and I weighed in at 46% towards my goal. That kind of tickled me!

It's only July but I'm already starting to obsess about Thanksgiving/Christmas. This will be the first time in years that I won't be obese or at least severely overweight. I don't want to be focused on food during the holidays, but I'm worried about what will happen if I don't - weight gain, depression, more weight gain... Am I at the point yet where I can handle it? (My confidence is low this morning!)
Jen at the times of your frustrations just get out and read your positive list. You have made amazing accomplishments for yourself and if you continue working hard the results you want will come even if it takes you 5months to get them. This is a life change for you so there is no need to rush to your goal. You have done set a great job, keep positive and be proud of yourself.:goodvibes

:dance3::yay:Great Job Taryn!:woohoo::yay::banana: and congrats to all the losers this week.

QOTD- I will not get to DW in 2010, I am hoping for a quick trip in 2/2011 but what I would really like to see is the summer nightastic fireworks, I wish I could leave right now to see it! If I do not get to go in feb, I will miss the princess half marathon :guilty: and I was also looking forward to ohana's for dinner (never been for dinner only breakfast), I also looked forward to spending a whole day at WS-Epcot exploring and just taking our time. Ok so basically I would miss everything....its hard to pick one thing.

Have a great hump day!
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