Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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JenA - :grouphug: sorry about the job search struggles.

Kathy - :grouphug: for the rough evening. Great job bagging up the cookies for Michael to make them less tempting. :thumbsup2

Taryn - Add me to the list of people that enjoy your posts. Keep being you! Don't change, we like you how you are :yay:

Rose - pumpkin bars sound yummy. I can't imagine baking when its warm out. :eek:

Pinkle - If just subscribing doesn't work for you to bookmark where you are, then I suggest saving the page to "favorites" in your web browser, and then you can come back to the page you called a favorite. You do have to save it as a new favourite every time you want to update where you've left off.

I'm :cool1::banana::) that I joined DH's soccer team. I had fun tonight and it was definitely better with cleats and shin guards. Our DD's are happy to see me playing soccer after they did it all spring.

Hope everybody has a great Thursday! :goodvibes
Back from my walk with the neighbor. Now, it's time to get cleaning. I also have to shampoo my carpets. Going to be a long day. No clients so I won't be going into work unless I get called. Had trouble getting up this morning. Of course, I had to change DD2s sheets at 4 when she wet the bed yet again! I had trouble getting back to sleep as my mind started racing and when I finally did it was time to get up.

Guess I'll listen to the Disboards podcast while I get to my cleaning! I seem to stay focused listening to that! Just hope I don't get interrupted a million times!
I've spent the last few hours thinking about this. (Imagine that.:rolleyes:) But since you asked, I used to be this chatty IRL. Gymnastics has isolated me, my IRL friends are all together w/ their kids at dance, ball, Zumba, etc. While we're at gym in the summer, they are at parks, playgrounds, etc. together. I don't talk to anyone other than my mom and DH other than you guys during a normal day. When Daddy died last September, I literally shut down and cut out all relationships. When we were at HHI for NYE, I smiled at something, and DH cried. He said he hadn't seen me smile in 3.5 months. I am working my way back.

But, I am a cheerleader at heart. I know how hard it is to put stuff out here, and I want to make sure that I respond. You guys will never know how much a comment has meant to me over the months, and I want to be sure I am giving back. Hope I'm not overmonopolizing, and I'll try to be less wordy!
:hug: I am glad you are working your way back too. That first year is so tough, going through every milestone without him.:hug: You are never overmonopolizing. I love reading your posts too, and it's so nice to know we are all in this together, and we all have our struggles with weight loss and other things and you have been such a great support to us all. Don't you dare try to be less wordy!!;)

I had a busy day today at work. The person I jobshare with had her last day yesterday, and let's just say, I'm sure she did something during the five days she worked, but I'm really not sure what. So I spent a lot of today trying to sort things out. I start training the new full-time person on Monday. Can't wait! I have been so hungry this week. I'm thinking I might need to track on Spark people for a few days and make sure I am getting enough calories/ not too many calories. I did strength after work, and tomorrow I'm going to try to do the elliptical. Friday I'm taking off!
Oooh, I don't think I would like to job share. It's so hard when someone doesn't pull their weight. I think I would try to go the extra mile to make sure I did my share plus, but not everyone would, obviously. Good luck with the training.

Hello everyone.....had a good day...did a 3km jog this am and just finished a 5km walk.....and no junk food :)

I'm :cool1::banana::) that I joined DH's soccer team. I had fun tonight and it was definitely better with cleats and shin guards. Our DD's are happy to see me playing soccer after they did it all spring.
Whoo hoo!! World Cup, here you come!!!

Have a happy, healthy thursday!!!:)
Shannon--glad you are having fun with the soccer! As for the baking, it actually made it cooler on our second floor, because the air conditioner kicked on more often, so it was cool when we went to bed! I'm not a fan of the mid to upper 90s, but I keep reminding myself of how miserable I was this winter. It makes it easier to be positive about the heat!

I woke up way too early this morning (5:30). Today will be interesting. We have our staff retreat. This is my first one, but they have a bake off, so lots of temptations, I'm guessing. For a few months now, I haven't really wanted sweets, except icecream, but the past week, I've been craving sugar. I don't know what's up with that.

I decided to invite 3 of my 4 sisters (one doesn't talk to me because of all the stuff with my parents) to Disney for the Princess. I really expected a no, but after a lot of email discussion this week, they are all in. It will probably be a short trip, but we haven't all been together without kids, husbands, etc for years. Can't even remember the last time. I'm going to look at making a reservation or waitlist at BWV this weekend. Since we're still inside the home resort priority timeframe, hoping for some good luck. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing, but excited. Like a lot of people, WDW is my "happy" place, and I don't know that they will be as enamored with everything as I am. I am planning on either going a day early or staying a day late so that I can have a few hours at the parks by myself. I've never done that before, so that's exciting!

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning. I realize that I am a little late this morning. A number of people have already been on this morning. I slept till 6:30 which is fairly late for me. But Tuesday night I had a rotten night sleep so I guess that makes up for it.

Nothing much planned for today. I have some phone calls to make and a couple of emails to send but that should be it.

Rose a few years ago I went to Dw with my twin sister. We are on opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of temperments. She is bossy while I am the peacemaker. People were taking bets as to see who would come back alive. We had a great time. Except for some travel problems (planes leaving late and getting to DW and NJ at 1 in the morning) we had a great time. WE did one girly thing since I only have boys in my family. We had tea at the GF. It was a great time.

Question of the Day

There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days of what we are doing wrong. For today I want each of us to say one thing that we have done right.

I have continued my yoga class even though it is summer.

HAve a great day everyone.
Question of the Day

There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days of what we are doing wrong. For today I want each of us to say one thing that we have done right.

I am still not drinking my calories, or more than 1 diet soda a week. I've done a good job of sticking to iced tea or water whenever I eat out, and citrus water and diet iced tea at home.

Today we are taking my dad to L. L. Bean's flagship store in Maine. We will be able to shop the outlets a bit and have a treat at Ben & Jerry's. It should be a pleasant drive and day.

Dona -- I really think yoga helps! My yoga class was discontinued for July, and I am missing it so much, it will be a relief when it comes back in August! :goodvibes

Rose -- The trip with your sisters sounds lovely! I would really enjoy that, if I could leave the crazy DSIL at home (since I don't have sisters, it would have to be my 3 SILs). I know you will all have an incredible time! :thumbsup2

jenanderson -- I should wear a "Don't Feed Me" sign on a regular basis! :rolleyes1

I'm with Kathy, Shannon and others -- Taryn I don't think you can write too much! I love reading long posts! I love writing them too, things have just been so crazy with company and work I haven't been able to. Don't worry, I promise I will post an epistle one night and you won't feel like the only one with alot to say! :blush:

DH is kicking me off the computer to get L.L. Bean directions...

Everyone have a fabulous day!
Maria :upsidedow
DS's 17th birthday celebration was Saturday. I had too much of the good subs we bought and the cake and ice cream and further indulged in leftovers on Sunday. Tonight we are going to Melting Pot for his family dinner so I'll endeavor to make the best choices available.

We just got a melting pot here. We had our xmas work get together there in dec. I loved it and probably had a weeks worth of points that evening. I am hoping you were able to do well but also enjoy yourself. Its delicious.

Well, the ups of the day? WENT SHOPPING! I have a few tops and 2, yes 2 pairs of capris, maybe a skirt, so I had to get some clothes for school. I was brave and took size 8s in, thinking that I want to lose more before school starts. One dress, wouldn't zip in the back at my bra. Hum... But one pair of capris in a 8 was almost too big. I AM SOOO PSYCHED! I graduated high school in a 13..... I ended up with a medium dress, 3 medium tops, size 8 capris and skirt, SIZE SMALL SKIRT! I was thrilled, they were all superbly on sale!!! 2 of the kids on AK's gymnastics team didn't know who I was today.

Downs? Didn't drink enough water, sat by in law's pool and felt bad. Not enough sleep catching up with me. Don't have a clue what to fix for dinner. SCHOOLWORK NOT DONE! Closer, but not complete!

Gotta go work on something for dinner, hoping to get everyone to bed earlier tonight after a late night last night and an active day, but I'll check in after DH leaves for work. He is blissfully snoozing upstairs!

Great job on the sizes. I bet that felt wonderful. Good luck on getting the school work done, It always gets done in the end! Dont stress too much!:hug:

I've spent the last few hours thinking about this. (Imagine that.:rolleyes:) But since you asked, I used to be this chatty IRL. Gymnastics has isolated me, my IRL friends are all together w/ their kids at dance, ball, Zumba, etc. While we're at gym in the summer, they are at parks, playgrounds, etc. together. I don't talk to anyone other than my mom and DH other than you guys during a normal day. When Daddy died last September, I literally shut down and cut out all relationships. When we were at HHI for NYE, I smiled at something, and DH cried. He said he hadn't seen me smile in 3.5 months. I am working my way back.

But, I am a cheerleader at heart. I know how hard it is to put stuff out here, and I want to make sure that I respond. You guys will never know how much a comment has meant to me over the months, and I want to be sure I am giving back. Hope I'm not overmonopolizing, and I'll try to be less wordy!

I am glad you are slowly getting back to yourself. I too love your posts and dont think you have to shorten them at all. Im sure everyone else feels that way too. I tend to be long winded "chatty" too. Both in real life and on here. Its who we are :)

I decided to invite 3 of my 4 sisters (one doesn't talk to me because of all the stuff with my parents) to Disney for the Princess. I really expected a no, but after a lot of email discussion this week, they are all in. It will probably be a short trip, but we haven't all been together without kids, husbands, etc for years. Can't even remember the last time. I'm going to look at making a reservation or waitlist at BWV this weekend. Since we're still inside the home resort priority timeframe, hoping for some good luck. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing, but excited. Like a lot of people, WDW is my "happy" place, and I don't know that they will be as enamored with everything as I am. I am planning on either going a day early or staying a day late so that I can have a few hours at the parks by myself. I've never done that before, so that's exciting!

:yay:for doing this with your sisters. Im sure all will work out for you. I think its a good idea to have some alone time especially if they are not as disney excited as you are.

jenanderson -- I should wear a "Don't Feed Me" sign on a regular basis! :rolleyes1

We joke at work all the time about this. There are a handful of us who need to loose weight. I am the only one seriously doing it! Everyone is always bringing in brownies or junk. I always say we should post a "Please dont feed the workers" sign. I run a pediatric office so patients are always bringing treats to show there appreciation. :lmao:

QOTD- I am sticking to weight watchers and even if I have a bad day or week I just pick right up where I left off. I also have been running at least 3 times a week and I try to get a few more nights in of other activity.
I'm :cool1::banana::) that I joined DH's soccer team. I had fun tonight and it was definitely better with cleats and shin guards. Our DD's are happy to see me playing soccer after they did it all spring.

What a cool Mom you are! Glad you are having fun!

:hug: I am glad you are working your way back too. That first year is so tough, going through every milestone without him.:hug:

Rose - I can't imagine a WDW trip with anyone other than the 4 of us. You are so great to do this. I hope you get your alone time. Good luck avoiding the sugar today!

Question of the Day There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days of what we are doing wrong. For today I want each of us to say one thing that we have done right.
I have exercised 4 days this week. I have stuck to my 1200 calories.

I'm with Kathy, Shannon and others -- Taryn I don't think you can write too much! I love reading long posts! I love writing them too, things have just been so crazy with company and work I haven't been able to. Don't worry, I promise I will post an epistle one night and you won't feel like the only one with alot to say! :blush:

;) Your day sounds wonderful!! Have fun! I would love to see the LL Bean store!

I always say we should post a "Please dont feed the workers" sign. I run a pediatric office so patients are always bringing treats to show there appreciation. :lmao:

QOTD- I am sticking to weight watchers and even if I have a bad day or week I just pick right up where I left off. I also have been running at least 3 times a week and I try to get a few more nights in of other activity.

Too funny! I need one of those! And great job on not letting bad days get you down!

Morning! Got up at 5, worked on school, did level 2 of shred, off to do more school work. Gymnastics from 3-7:30 tonight. Woo hoo!

Tomorrow's weigh in! Make today count!
I've spent the last few hours thinking about this. (Imagine that.:rolleyes:) But since you asked, I used to be this chatty IRL. Gymnastics has isolated me, my IRL friends are all together w/ their kids at dance, ball, Zumba, etc. While we're at gym in the summer, they are at parks, playgrounds, etc. together. I don't talk to anyone other than my mom and DH other than you guys during a normal day. When Daddy died last September, I literally shut down and cut out all relationships. When we were at HHI for NYE, I smiled at something, and DH cried. He said he hadn't seen me smile in 3.5 months. I am working my way back.

But, I am a cheerleader at heart. I know how hard it is to put stuff out here, and I want to make sure that I respond. You guys will never know how much a comment has meant to me over the months, and I want to be sure I am giving back. Hope I'm not overmonopolizing, and I'll try to be less wordy!

You are so NOT monopolizing! Don't even worry about it. I completely understand about the shutting down, I did the same thing when my mom passed away last year. I was basically a hermit for 9 months or so except for the BL challenge. I still go through withdrawal periods (like the last week). Post away girl! :banana: Don't change your wordiness either - it's you and we all love it! :hug:
Good morning everyone!! I am sure I have missed a ton. We went to the beach last thursday and came back sunday then I've worked every day since then, so needless to say I missed weighin, but hopeing to get back on track this week!!1 Have a great day !!
Question of the Day There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days of what we are doing wrong. For today I want each of us to say one thing that we have done right.

Wow. This one is actually hard because I'm having kind of a crappy week. I DID do 30 Day Shred last night. When exercise disappeared from the COW, I pretty much just dropped everything but running. And I've cut back from running 3 days a week to just 2 because my house needs a lot of attention since I've been, more or less, ignoring it for months. But, I did notice that my runs got easier when I was including the strength training and I've definitely noticed that running has gotten harder since I stopped. So, I "shredded" last night. I just did level one and I'm a tiny bit sore from the push-ups, but I think I need to do level 2 next time. I never have done level 3.

Anyway, the way this week is going, I'm probably gonna be a gainer this week. It'll be my first non-losing week and that sux. I haven't been "bad" (during the workweek, anyway), but I haven't been as strict as I have been previously. Like, I ate at LJS and ordered one of the 350 cal meals and water. But then I ate DH's coleslaw and two hushpuppies. And yesterday, I ate at KFC. I ordered the two-piece grilled meal with green beans and corn. I passed on the biscuit, but still had a couple bites of my mom's original recipe (even though I thought the grilled actually tasted better). I really don't know what my problem is, but I'm in a mood that wants to be fed.

Well, I took that positive QOTD and took it all the way negative. I've really been trying not to gripe, but I guess I just needed to finally vent.

I also want to apologize for not being as sociable as I had previously been. I've been more of a lurker lately because I just haven't had much time. Hopefully, I'll find more time soon.

Anyway... now I have to go to a department meeting and drink my tea while every one else eats donuts and other yummy snacks. (Wow, I'm in a rotten mood. Somebody slap me and snap me out of it!!!)
Morning everyone. I haven't had hardly anytime in the week or so to be on here, work has been rough, but I did some catching up last night and this morning. Congrats to the losers for last week! I really want to do a better job of keeping up, I love the camaraderie of this group and I need to take more advantage of the support here!

DS is going to day camp each day this week, so it has forced me to get up earlier each day and get him going..which means I can get some chores done before work while he is getting ready. It has made the evenings a bit easier, especially with the long work days.

I have missed so many QOTD, but I will start with today's - I would like to think I have done two things right since the beginning of this challenge - cut out sweet tea (I was drinking 4-6 glass a day!) except for one meal on the weekend. That, for me, is a big thing! I haven't drank soda in about 5 years, so I am basically drinking only water. I get at least 96 oz of water daily, and sometimes more. And my second thing is exercise consistently. This is the first time, in I don't know how long, I have stayed with some type of routine. Since the beginning of the challenge, I have worked out in some form at least 4 times a week, and a couple of weeks, 5 or 6 times. I am up to an 5 mile walk using my WATP DVDs once a day, 4-5 times a week, along with 30 minutes or so on the Wi every other day or so. I am almost at the point, if I don't exercise, I feel yucky. I think that is a good thing!

Tomorrow night is a cook-out at the day camp, and they are having s'mores...yum, gotta work that into the plan somehow! We are going canoeing on the bayou, so hopefully I can row off some of those calories, because I know I going to have one!

I wanted to share this will you guys, because it made me happy.
I went shopping this past weekend for some new shorts, and I was able to buy one size smaller than last year! My size has pretty consistently gone up (and up) each year for a number of years, so it was very statisfying to put the old size back on the shelf and reach for the next size down. That was a great small victory for me! I stil have a long way to go, but that one small thing was tangible proof that I am making progress! :yay:And that is really thanks to this group. I can't count the number of times in the past 5 or more years I would tell myself, this is the last straw, I am going to make some changes, blah, blah, blah, but it never stuck, and I would gain even more weight. Until now. I know that my mind change has so much to do with being part of this group. It helps knowing there are others out there dealing with so many of the same things I am, and having a place to talk about those issues is so helfpul. So thanks everyone. I am really starting to think I can actually make this happen! I know I am not on here much, but just knowing I can come here and spill my guts if I need to really helps.

Have a great Thursday!

Life lesson of the morning: if your printer makes a funny noise when it tries to print. Open it! You could find a screwdriver, hairbow, WDW receipt, or all three! :scared1:
QOTD: Walking as much as possible! I have learned to love walking first thing in the morning.

Finally finished cleaning living room and dining room except for vacuuming the two rooms. Tonight I will shampoo the carpets when everyone is headed to bed so they can dry over night.

Turkey gorditas for supper tonight and more than likely I will have a drink. I think I've just needed to take a bit of a break for a week or two! I will not let it continue past the middle of next week after my siblings leave.

Busy day tomorrow getting the house cleaning done after working and going to Costco and Market Basket. I think we should do pizza tomorrow night. It's easier and I will not want to cook after running around all day!

Time to see if the meat is defrosted for supper!
Shannon – Good luck on your interview!

;):lovestruc If your hands are busy texting, they can't put food in your mouth! I'm sure if he's known you for a while, he gets your humor! If you don't know how to read him, ask....coyly of course. :rotfl2:

Well, the ups of the day? WENT SHOPPING! I have a few tops and 2, yes 2 pairs of capris, maybe a skirt, so I had to get some clothes for school. I was brave and took size 8s in, thinking that I want to lose more before school starts. One dress, wouldn't zip in the back at my bra. Hum... But one pair of capris in a 8 was almost too big. I AM SOOO PSYCHED! I graduated high school in a 13..... I ended up with a medium dress, 3 medium tops, size 8 capris and skirt, SIZE SMALL SKIRT! I was thrilled, they were all superbly on sale!!! 2 of the kids on AK's gymnastics team didn't know who I was today.

Very good point! Maybe I should start texting everyone I know! I ask, reluctantly, and I feel like he’s rolling his eyes thinking, “did this chick lose all her brains over the past 14 years”! But I’m sure that’s just me being my paranoid self. Luckily it’s only been a couple times so far and one time was about his police stuff which is like a whole other language so I didn’t feel too bad about that one.

Congrats on your tiny sized new clothes :thumbsup2:cheer2:!

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, they seem to be working! I was asleep before my head hit the pillow last night and I slept like a rock. I even had fewer than usual issues dragging myself out of bed this morning, and I got my Shred done. DS’s fever finally broke but his cough is still really bad so he decided he wanted to go to my parents’ house again today and this time he’s spending the night so I don’t have to drive back and forth and back and forth again tomorrow. That means I’m kid free this evening, and if it’s not storming I may go out for a walk/jog. All you runners are really inspiring me :flower3: ! Plus I got something in the mail the other day from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program, is anyone familiar with this? It sounds interesting.

I've spent the last few hours thinking about this. (Imagine that.:rolleyes:) But since you asked, I used to be this chatty IRL. Gymnastics has isolated me, my IRL friends are all together w/ their kids at dance, ball, Zumba, etc. While we're at gym in the summer, they are at parks, playgrounds, etc. together. I don't talk to anyone other than my mom and DH other than you guys during a normal day. When Daddy died last September, I literally shut down and cut out all relationships. When we were at HHI for NYE, I smiled at something, and DH cried. He said he hadn't seen me smile in 3.5 months. I am working my way back.

But, I am a cheerleader at heart. I know how hard it is to put stuff out here, and I want to make sure that I respond. You guys will never know how much a comment has meant to me over the months, and I want to be sure I am giving back. Hope I'm not overmonopolizing, and I'll try to be less wordy!

I lost touch with most of my girlfriends once DS was born so I can completely understand the “isolation” feeling. I was the first of my friends to have a kid so they were still going out dancing and drinking while I was home with the baby. We never did end up hanging out again even once they got married and some had kids; just fell out of touch I guess. I absolutely cannot imagine the depression I am sure to go through when I lose either of my parents as I am very close to both of them, I am so sorry for your loss:hug:.

See how much we all love you! Please don’t stop being a Chatty Cathy ;)! And no one asked me, but yes, I am this chatty IRL… :rolleyes1

I am planning on either going a day early or staying a day late so that I can have a few hours at the parks by myself. I've never done that before, so that's exciting!
That does sound exciting. I’ve always wanted to stroll around WS by myself!

Question of the Day - There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days of what we are doing wrong. For today I want each of us to say one thing that we have done right.
I’ve changed my attitude about food. I’ve been more aware of what I’m putting in my body. I’ve added a ton more fruits and veggies to my diet (which wasn’t hard as I started from zero!), and I’ve cut out a considerable amount of processed foods, including soda. I know that I feel better when I eat better and that knowledge helps keep me from overeating (but not necessarily from eating the wrong things - yet).

Life lesson of the morning: if your printer makes a funny noise when it tries to print. Open it! You could find a screwdriver, hairbow, WDW receipt, or all three! :scared1:

FYI: Biggest Loser Season Premiere is September 21!!!!!
:woohoo: Thank you!

Well, I didn't get much accomplished at work today - the one day all week that I actually had stuff to accomplish. Go figure... So I'm going to get out of here and come in early tomorrow, completely rested and refreshed, with my workout done, hell, I may even do my hair instead of throw it in a pony tail like I usually do! OK, don't count on that last part... too much work :rolleyes:!

Have a great evening everyone!

Good afternoon all! :goodvibes

:moped: Flyby post here. Second round of company arrives tonight. Spent the last two days having a root canal twice -- once at the dentist and once at the endodontist. I now have a "souvenir" file in my root forever. I feel like I am sort of half here and spend a lot of time vacantly looking out the window . . . :crazy2: Not drafting any important legal documents today! ::yes::

Please be sure to PM those weights to LuvBaloo tomorrow and COW numbers to jenanderson.

Thank you donac for being our coach this week! And another thank you to our incoming coach tomorrow, mikamah. You guys totally :rockband:!

I'll try and come back later to answer the QOTD.

FYI: Biggest Loser Season Premiere is September 21!!!!!

Thanks for letting us know the date, Tracey. Any hint about the ending date? I'm thinking maybe the finale would be 12/14 if it went 13 weeks. I wish they weren't so secretive about the dates -- it would be easier to plan the fall challenge!

Have a great day all!
Thanks for letting us know the date, Tracey. Any hint about the ending date? I'm thinking maybe the finale would be 12/14 if it went 13 weeks. I wish they weren't so secretive about the dates -- it would be easier to plan the fall challenge!

Have a great day all!

I am new to the challenges...does the start date of the fall season change the end date of the summer challenge, or is there a gap between this one and the fall start date?


I am new to the challenges...does the start date of the fall season change the end date of the summer challenge, or is there a gap between this one and the fall start date?



We try to end one challenge one week and start the next the following Friday. Sometimes there have been weeks where there was no challenge but that was when the folks running the challenges really stuck to the BL schedule. For the past few challenges we like to ask what the participants want and go by that -- usually everyone wants to keep going. :goodvibes
So I guess the short answer is I don't know but if we are floating the idea of extending the challenge or the dates for the fall challenge we will ask for input before deciding anything.
Life lesson of the morning: if your printer makes a funny noise when it tries to print. Open it! You could find a screwdriver, hairbow, WDW receipt, or all three! :scared1:

I decided to invite 3 of my 4 sisters (one doesn't talk to me because of all the stuff with my parents) to Disney for the Princess. I really expected a no, but after a lot of email discussion this week, they are all in. It will probably be a short trip, but we haven't all been together without kids, husbands, etc for years. Can't even remember the last time. I'm going to look at making a reservation or waitlist at BWV this weekend. Since we're still inside the home resort priority timeframe, hoping for some good luck. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing, but excited. Like a lot of people, WDW is my "happy" place, and I don't know that they will be as enamored with everything as I am. I am planning on either going a day early or staying a day late so that I can have a few hours at the parks by myself. I've never done that before, so that's exciting!
This sounds wonderful, Rose, and I'm sure you will have a blast. A day alone will be awesome too. I went to a conference in orlando 10 or so years ago alone, and I had one free afternoon-evening, and I spent it in Epcot walking around WS. I saw the Tapestry of Nations parade they had back then, and loved it. I'm excited for you and your sisters.

Rose a few years ago I went to Dw with my twin sister. We are on opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of temperments. She is bossy while I am the peacemaker. People were taking bets as to see who would come back alive. We had a great time. Except for some travel problems (planes leaving late and getting to DW and NJ at 1 in the morning) we had a great time. WE did one girly thing since I only have boys in my family. We had tea at the GF. It was a great time.
That is so funny. Isn't wdw wonderful for that reason, you can find something for everyone to enjoy.
Question of the Day

There has been a lot of talk the last couple of days of what we are doing wrong. For today I want each of us to say one thing that we have done right.
I have consistently exercised 3-5 days a week. This week, I ran/walked twice, and biked twice.

Wow. This one is actually hard because I'm having kind of a crappy week.
(Wow, I'm in a rotten mood. Somebody slap me and snap me out of it!!!)
:upsidedow:hug::):grouphug::cool1: Come back here and vent away, get up and dance!:dance3: Have a good stiff drink. :drinking1 I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Hang in there.:grouphug:

FYI: Biggest Loser Season Premiere is September 21!!!!!
Thanks Tracey.

DS’s fever finally broke but his cough is still really bad so he decided he wanted to go to my parents’ house again today and this time he’s spending the night so I don’t have to drive back and forth and back and forth again tomorrow. That means I’m kid free this evening, and if it’s not storming I may go out for a walk/jog. All you runners are really inspiring me :flower3: ! Plus I got something in the mail the other day from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program, is anyone familiar with this? It sounds interesting.
Glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your child free night. They go by too fast.

:moped: Flyby post here. Second round of company arrives tonight. Spent the last two days having a root canal twice -- once at the dentist and once at the endodontist. I now have a "souvenir" file in my root forever. I feel like I am sort of half here and spend a lot of time vacantly looking out the window . . . :crazy2: Not drafting any important legal documents today! ::yes::
:grouphug: hugs to you on the tooth. I so hate the dentist. Enjoy your visit with your company!!

We came home from work and camp, and all I wanted to do was lay on the couch and take a nap, but Michael wanted to go for a bike ride, so I did, and I feel so much better. I think I will go to bed early tonight. I must start thinking of some qotds. Thank you for coaching this week Dona!! Love today's questions especially. We really all are doing so many positive things in our lives, yet it is easy to dwell on the not so perfect things. Let's all keep it positive!! Off to drink a few extra glasses of water, to maybe wash a few of the extra pounds I managed to keep around from the weekend.

Have a wonderful evening all.
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