Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I did group strength for an hour and the elliptical for half an hour. I've been struggling in my head for the last week or so with childhood issues. I think because I realized last week, that unless I weigh 100 pounds, my mom (remember--she puts the fun in dysfunctional) will still think I'm 'big.' What I can't figure out, is why I care so much still. I rarely even talk to her. I guess at the end of the day we still want our parents to love us and accept us. The point of all this is, I'm pretty sure this struggle in my head is why I continue to keep putting the weight back on again and again. Thanks for letting me share. I'm hoping by not keeping it in, I can continue to work through it.

I know the feeling. I have a great relationship with my parents but even though they never say anything directly negative about my weight, I just know what they are thinking. It is such a feeling of disappointment, like I have let them down. I hate that feeling and never thought I would care so much what my parents thought of me as I grew older. I guess its that constant feeling of wanting them to be proud of who you are and what you look like.:confused3 I think you have to just realize that you need to be proud of you and not worry about what anyone else says (even if it is your mom). As long as you feel good about yourself nothing else should matter.:hug:, and from your pics that you posted I think you look awesome. You should feel very proud of yourself!
QOTD: We have yet to do any tours! I would love to do the Segway with DH sometime. My parents did the Undiscovered Future World Tour and the Holiday Magic one in Dec. 07. They enjoyed them a lot. They loved the backstage pass for Soarin' which is now my mom's favorite ride.

Just finished DD2s bedroom. I bought each of them a "Cube Grid" at BB&B. The fabric bins are just full of junk but at least the junk is off the floor. Going to hold off starting on DD1s room since I have to go pick her up in about 40 minutes from soccer camp.

Taking Mom to Drs tomorrow at 8am. DD2s BFF's mom is picking them up for soccer camp in the morning and my mom will pick them up since I have to go to work after her appt.

FOr lunch I had some pretzel sticks from Auntie Anne's and then came home and had some ice cream. It's excruciatingly hot and humid here again. I hope DD1 is doing ok at soccer camp. She has some friends there so that may have helped her.

Been listening to Tarzan and Illuminations most of the day. Also listened to Wicked this morning for awhile. I love soundtracks! I think I would consider myself a collector of them as I like a variety of music.

Time to get a move on!
Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one thing you have accomplished on this journey. It could be the number on the scale, maybe it is the inches you have lost, how about sharing something you never thought you would be able to do or maybe it has to do with an improvement in your health. Feel free to share more then one I said, this week is all about positive feelings for what we are doing!
My accomplishment is that I’ve learned that I’m worth focusing on. I’m more than a mom, an employee, etc. I am valuable and deserve to be healthy and happy. I deserve to take the time to work out, even if it means DS has to get himself out of bed with the alarm clock in the morning. That doesn’t make me a bad mom – in fact, I’m teaching him valuable life skills while making myself a better person. I also learned that I was lying to myself when I used to say I was OK with being fat – I wasn’t and I’m not. Now I need to translate these mental accomplishments into physical accomplishments.

Question of the Day Saturday - What is the one thing that has helped you to eat healthier? Was it an inspiration such as WW or did something happen to make you eat healthier?
I eat better when I workout. I am more conscious of my eating and the food I am choosing when I put in the effort to get up early and workout. Unfortunately, I haven’t been too consistent with that which is a big reason why the scale hasn’t moved much since the challenge started. Thanks to my new motivation though, I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism on Saturday, No More Trouble Zones on Sunday and re-started Shred this morning. I am on a roll now! :woohoo:

Thanks for the well wishes for DS. He’s still a little under the weather, still had a slight fever this morning and the cough sounds horrible. But at least he’s in better spirits today so I think he’s turned the corner so to speak. He stayed with my dad today since the daycare was going to the pool and he’s not up to that yet.

Taryn, too funny about your class! I had a male professor in college that had that dry, monotonous tone like Ben Stein – kind of in the same vein as Roz. He used to bore me to tears :faint:! Good luck.

Bronchitis...poor guy!! You'll have some tough nights. :hug: I'm glad you felt like that about Twilight...I was thinking I was being an uber-feminist or something. We've always tried to teach dd you create your own happiness, don't depend on anyone else for it blah blah and now here's this series! :goodvibes

I have hurt my back again...this time serving my kid. :confused3 She was sick on the couch and I was squatting down to put some food on the table in front of her and ouch! Now it's moved down to my tailbone and it's killing me sitting here. :( That was Thursday, hoping it gets better soon!

Definitely not uber-feminist, just a strong, smart woman and a good mom! It’s funny because while I’m fiercely independent and I learned early on that I don’t need a man to be able to live my life, I still appreciate a good love story every now and then :rolleyes1.

Now I’m struggling through the movies – I just got to watch New Moon on Saturday evening. I dislike Bella even more when I have to watch Kristen Stewart play her. Um, complete sentences anyone? What’s with all the pauses and gasps? And it’s a love story for gosh sakes, how about a little eye contact with all these hot guys that you’re in love with! The absolute worst part about it is she actually talks the same way IRL, worse even. It’s disgraceful that this girl is now a “role model” for young girls when she can’t even string together a logical response in an interview. OK, sorry, off the soapbox…

I hope your back feels better real soon Jenn.

Feel better soon too, Ann.

Congrats on the good results, Shelby!

Question of the Day Sunday - There have been reports that when we help others we feel better about ourselves. Do you have a favorite charity that you like to help out with?
We donate to Make A Wish regularly. Special Olympics, Unicef, cancer research, and most recently World Wildlife Fund (Ds's choice) are also pretty regular recipients. My annual holiday “gift” to my coworkers is a donation on their behalf to Prevent Cancer.

Shannon-I remember a conversation with a friend of mine whose daughter is late teens. She had just read the Twilight series, and said that no guy would ever compare. Her daughter was turning down fun "social" no committments dates because she was waiting for "HER Edward." In some ways, it's ruined a generation to understand that relationships are hard work, and Edward, mostly, doesn't exist. Maybe if men lived 300+ years, they would be that way. :laughing: Additionally, once the girl did find a boy she liked and proclaimed him her Edward, she was making wrong choices not to stand up for herself and followed him around like a love sick puppy. :sick:

I lost a Kindergarten student to cancer 2 years ago, and we just found out that a child that just graduated our school has been diagnosed. Cancer, especially childhood, is probably the one that gets me the most. I HATE to see anyone suffering, especially children.

That’s another thing – if there isn’t anyone around for the girls (and boys I guess?) to talk to about how unhealthy/unrealistic the relationships in these books are, it could be really damaging. It’s one thing for us as adult women to read the series for enjoyment, and quite another for adolescents to be reading it for relationship advice! Maybe there should be a warning label - "Edward does not exist, neither does Jacob, and really it's a good thing, you'll understand when you're older" :rotfl2:. I also agree that it would take 300+ years for a guy to be that in tune with women!

How heartbreaking to hear about your students. Most of the charities we contribute to are children’s charities as well, it tears me up to know that children are suffering, whether from disease or abuse or whatever other reason.

Jude – God bless you for serving and for being so involved with your community.

Happy belated birthday Lisa!

Congrats on your race Kathy!

Question of the Day – Monday Have you ever done a special tour at Disney World? If so, what was it and what was it like?
We just did the Family Magic Tour in May. It was a scavenger hunt through Magic Kingdom and it was a lot of fun! Our guide was a trip! There were three adults (me and two other ladies), my DS, and one little girl, so it was a small group which made it even more fun, even though we had to do some embarrassing things and drew quite a few odd looks. If you ever see anyone skipping or hopping around MK, they are probably on this tour. I think DS would’ve enjoyed it more a few years ago, the younger girl was much more “involved in the magic” so to speak, but it did help that he could read the clues since she couldn’t read as well. He helped her with some of hers which was really cute. When DS is older we both want to do the Segway tour too.

Oh your poor cake Lisa! It will be a memory that you guys talk about for a long time I’m sure.

Well, I was super productive this weekend since we were stuck inside and DS was too sick to want to do anything fun. I got tons of stuff done including two really good workouts, cleaning, laundry, balancing my checkbook, I was actually even bored for a few short minutes! Unfortunately I did not get to go to the farmers market or even to the grocery store since DS still had a fever. So I’m kind of bummed that I’ll have to go grocery shopping tonight. Hopefully I can get in and out quickly and not be too wiped to wash and prep all the fruits and veggies when I get home. I’m also hoping that my mom will drop DS off at my house later so I don’t have to go across town to pick him up after work. I’m really tired today and I’m sure it’s because I stayed up later than normal and then slept in both days this weekend, not to mention my body is trying to recover from the workouts. My plan is to be in bed early tonight so I can stay on track with my workout tomorrow morning, even if it means DS goes without a shower ‘cause he’s a slow poke. One night without a bath won’t kill him, regardless of what my mother says :rolleyes:…

Well, I should finish my novel and get back to work! Talk to you guys tomorrow.

I know the feeling. I have a great relationship with my parents but even though they never say anything directly negative about my weight, I just know what they are thinking. It is such a feeling of disappointment, like I have let them down. I hate that feeling and never thought I would care so much what my parents thought of me as I grew older. I guess its that constant feeling of wanting them to be proud of who you are and what you look like.:confused3 I think you have to just realize that you need to be proud of you and not worry about what anyone else says (even if it is your mom). As long as you feel good about yourself nothing else should matter.:hug:, and from your pics that you posted I think you look awesome. You should feel very proud of yourself!
Thanks and thanks for sharing.:hug: Nice to know I'm not the only one.:hug:
I just hope I don't say things that make my ds feel this way. (Not weight but in general.)
Hello again, all!

A little vent--our new dvc points are still not in the system! TSS and our guide are going to trouble shoot it Monday to see what happened. We are planning a trip at Christmas, and I know we're going to have to waitlist, so I'd like to get moving. We also need to add a night for our W&D trip and we're waiting on those points. You do save a ton onf money resale (we paid 68 for BWV and I think Disney was selling it for 112 or so), but it can be a slight hassle. Hopefully it will be resoved Monday or Tuesday.

Hope they got your points straightened out, Rose. You got such a great deal on your points! :thumbsup2

Happy birthday Lisa!! :cheer2: May all your wishes come true. pixiedust:

Thanks, jennz, you can never have too much pixiedust:! ;)

LuvBaloo, glad that you found a dress that you liked. I'll look forward to seeing it on the cruise! :thumbsup2 Sorry for the weigh in. :flower3:!

In need of PD this week!

pixiedust: for you Tracey!

Me too!! Oh well, I bet they both change the roll and put the seat down!!

You're looking for someone who will do both?!? That had better be some pair of shoes that you find! ;)

Hi Everyone! Im Back!!! So glad to be home.

Welcome back, Lindsay! Glad that you had a good time and hope those vacation pounds go away quickly. Hope that things will work out for the Princess next year. princess:

Question of the DayHave you ever done a special tour at Disney World? If so, what was it and what was it like?

Hope your doctor's appointment went well, dona! :flower3:

We did the Behind the Seeds Tour in 2008. It was a lot of fun and very interesting. I would like to do the Sunrise Safari or one of the other animal tours at Animal Kingdom Lodge sometime.

Well, I have 3 happy things to report this am!
1. I didn't freak out last night, and slept well. :cool1: (I have had an abnormal fear of someone breaking in my house during the night since I was a child, and a rash of breakins in my neighborhood early last summer didn't help. I kept a sleeping bag under my parents' bed, and even used it on college breaks once or twice.)

2. I laced up my running shoes again, and did 4 miles this am! Heat wasn't too bad, but it was really humid, made it hard to get clear breaths. The last .5 mile was rough, but that was because of my lack of running lately, not the humidity!

3. For the first time in a looonnngg time, I weigh less on Monday AM than I did on Friday AM! :woohoo: YAY for filling watermelon and cantaloupe! Of course, that was after my run, but still... I am very pleased that I can go all downward this week, instead of working until Wed to undo what I did on Sat. and Sun!

Woo! Hoo! :woohoo:

I've fallen off the internet! Really, I thought I would have more time to keep up here with it being summer and I have off work (school job), but I've been so busy. We have 3 garden plots (1 at home, 2 at a community garden), I'm completing redoing the kids' rooms (painting again today then ripping out carpet), we just returned from a wedding in Pittsburgh...and on and on.

I easily lost my mega vacation gain from a few weeks ago (mostly bloating, etc) and I'm back on track, but I MISS IT HERE! :(

Hope everyone is inching away and enjoying their summer! :sunny:

Sorry for your busy times! :hug: Check in when you can.

Good Morning Everyone. I hope to start this week off right and get my act together. Summer has proven to be more difficult than I had predicted. I start work in 10 minutes and have already driven my son to summer school, done a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen....I should have gone for a run, but I wasn't sure I would have hair is soooo thick and takes forever to make it look presentable and I have a looong day. So hopefully I will get my butt in gear tonight (after my sons soccer match!) :thumbsup2 I hope everyone can stay on track amd stay ahead of the humidity. :)

Good luck getting your run in later. Be careful of the heat!

I'm here and hopefully back for good! I haven't read the thread in over a week and I really miss the support and inspiration from all you guys.

I think (hope) all the craziness has settled down in my life so I can focus on my health again. My dad is settled into an assisted living home, so that takes a real load off our minds from all the worry we had with him. My 25th reunion has come and gone (eating, drinking and more drinking :scared1:). My daughter is home from a two week trip to a friend's house. My son is now temporarily living at home again (some drama there, as he and his gf broke up unhappily).

:hug: Glad that things are starting to settle down for you and everyone is doing okay.

Good Morning Everyone! I will come back later to comment on some posts but it is going to be a busy morning.

Workout for the day is complete! Here is what it looked like:
6 sets of 10 on core work (I need to get rid of the pooch)
3 miles running (Time: 30:47 / Pace: 10:10)
5 sets of 10 lifting weights

Housework has been started and the laundry is going.

I have now showered and will go eat my oatmeal for breakfast. I need to run a resume over to a school so I will be out for a bit.

When I return, I need to do more housework and laundry, write to some principals and work on a few projects around the house. I will reward myself with time on the WISH as I complete tasks so I will be back on later.

Go, jen, go! :cheer2:

DH called earlier this morning to tell me that his boss gave him an extra day off. That means we leave tomorrow instead of Wednesday night :cool1: It also means that I have a lot to do before I go to work tonight.

Woo! Hoo! An extra day of vacation. :woohoo: Have a great time!

Pirates of the Caribbean is on subsonic radio right now. I think it's the DL version. In about an hour will be World of Color that I requested. It will be a nice end to my work day. :love:

Have a great day and OP day!
ok, I'm back.....

Been gone for a few days. Long story short, I should have stayed home.

I'm overdue on posting and I'll be overdue for a little longer. But somebody has to tell me about these radio stations y'all listen to. Are they internet stations or ipod stuff:confused: If it doesn't involve an ipod I'm very interested.
DH called earlier this morning to tell me that his boss gave him an extra day off. That means we leave tomorrow instead of Wednesday night :cool1: It also means that I have a lot to do before I go to work tonight.
Yay!! Early vacation!! Hope everything got done before work, and have a wonderful vacation!!

Plans for the princess have unfortunately been up in the air. Right before I left on vacation my mom was saying she does not know if financially she wants to go. We are planning on going as a family in a few years and she is not sure if she wants to spend money on going just the 2 of us. I think she is more so feeling guilty about my dad staying behind. Im not sure what the outcome will be. I was really sad about it for a few days. My mom was going to pay my way as a christmas/birthday gift and otherwise I really dont have extra money to go either. Maybe we should just can the idea. I really really want to do it this year as my first 1/2 marathon accomplishment but I will not give up if it doesnt work out. There are always other years to do this too. I still will do a half closer to home next spring either way. I will keep you posted on the final decision.
:hug: I hope it all works out. There is a part of me that says to put a little guilt on your mom, how much you were looking forward to spending that time with just her, but I guess that's the immature part of me, or the part that wishes my mom was still around, or the disappointed dis-ser looking forward to meeting you. Either way, I'm a little crazy, but I hope you and your mom will be able to work it all out. Good luck.
I did group strength for an hour and the elliptical for half an hour. I've been struggling in my head for the last week or so with childhood issues. I think because I realized last week, that unless I weigh 100 pounds, my mom (remember--she puts the fun in dysfunctional) will still think I'm 'big.' What I can't figure out, is why I care so much still. I rarely even talk to her. I guess at the end of the day we still want our parents to love us and accept us. The point of all this is, I'm pretty sure this struggle in my head is why I continue to keep putting the weight back on again and again. Thanks for letting me share. I'm hoping by not keeping it in, I can continue to work through it.
:hug: We all want our parents to love us and accept us for what we are. I remember when I had lost 40 pounds, and I waited for my mom to compliment me, and she finally did when my sil prompted her, and I know she was proud of me, but we didn't always share our thoughts as well as we could have. It's tough. Mom's are tough. I try so hard to keep the communication open with my son too. So, no advice, just some hugs for you.:hug::hug:

I think you have to just realize that you need to be proud of you and not worry about what anyone else says (even if it is your mom). As long as you feel good about yourself nothing else should matter.
Good advice for all of us here. Thanks Lindsay.

Taking Mom to Drs tomorrow at 8am. DD2s BFF's mom is picking them up for soccer camp in the morning and my mom will pick them up since I have to go to work after her appt.
Good luck with your mom at the doctors. :hug:

Maybe there should be a warning label - "Edward does not exist, neither does Jacob, and really it's a good thing, you'll understand when you're older" :rotfl2:. I also agree that it would take 300+ years for a guy to be that in tune with women!
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Bree, you are too funny.

IWe got a big laugh out of it and said that we will always remember my 50th birthday cake! ;)
Ah, it was a sign from above, though if that mess of a cake was in front of me right now, I think I'd pull out a fork and dig in. I don't know why, but I've been searching the house for something to eat and nothing seems to satisfy me. I'm going to go cook supper soon and make a salad. You will always remember your 50th b-day cake and chuckle. I bet Robert thought it was hilarious.
ok, I'm back.....

Been gone for a few days. Long story short, I should have stayed home.

I'm overdue on posting and I'll be overdue for a little longer. But somebody has to tell me about these radio stations y'all listen to. Are they internet stations or ipod stuff:confused: If it doesn't involve an ipod I'm very interested.

The one that I was talking about it is internet radio -- no ipod needed. The address is Give it a try! :thumbsup2 Sorry about your trip :flower:
Once again I am way behind...trying to catch up a little...

Question of the Day

What is the one thing that has helped you to eat healthier? Was it an inspiration such as WW or did something happen to make you eat healthier?

WW definitely helps (I love checking off those boxes!), but frankly, it's my dh. He cuts up the raw veggies and fruit for the week and puts them in snack size bags. All I have to do is reach into the fridge, and I'm good to go.

Question of the Day

There have been reports that when we help others we feel better about ourselves. Do you have a favorite charity that you like to help out with?

Well, my full-time job is working with the homeless, and it takes alot out of me. I feel like I need to use my free time to recharge. Prior to working with the homeless I was involved with Girl Scouts, and now my volunteer time centers around our church. I am on the Staff/Parish relations committee, and I usually teach Sunday School for one quarter of the year.

Question of the Day

Have you ever done a special tour at Disney World? If so, what was it and what was it like?

I have never done a special tour. For those that have, they all sound like fun!

I like the Olive Garden a lot - I usually get the minestrone soup and salad with dressing on the side, since they usually drench the poor thing. It works easily into my plan.

Here is a list of nutritional info - it has the WW points, but also includes calories etc.

Thanks, Corinna! -- We have a gift card to the Olive Garden burning a hole in our pockets, and now I can feel more confident using it! :yay:

I did 4M on Saturday, I haven't run since then. Just had a bad weekend body image wise, I think I'm starting to recover. I have come to the conclusion that dh's family is detrimental to my weight loss. Even when they are trying to be nice, they find some way to dig at me. I don't think it's even conscious, I think they just don't like me for various reasons. They also like to imply that our life is inferior because we live in Boston. Um, my street with city cops, Staties and jail guards is safer than your meth-infested woods :rolleyes1 No one is about to commit a crime on my street, they know better...My FIL actually asked me if the homeless services agency I work for, the largest in New England is "One big scam"...Yes, it is, and I am the biggest scammer of them all :rolleyes1 Ok, I sound like I belong on an IL vent thread. Every once in awhile it all seeps out...I've almost decided to book us at the Wilderness Lodge in January, sort of as a happy thought to keep me sane, since I know I will have to see them more this month, and then when we host the family holiday party. I've spent the last 2 weekends with dh's family, and it looks like this one will be the same. I just have to make it to the 18th, and then my life can go back to normal and I can lose some weight...Tracking doesn't do alot of good when you eat as much as I have...and barely exercise...:headache:

I wanted to do a 10M today, but then dh asked me to take him to work and take ds to the orthodontist to get his braces on, which meant no early morning workout for me. DS did great, and I had an hour or so to read which was nice, but it didn't help the body image at all.

It didn't help that my dad kept talking about all the weight my stepsisters (my dad's been married 5 years, since my mom passed, so I don't actually know these people since they live 1500 miles away) had lost and regained. He mentioned it more than once. I finally turned to him this afternoon and said, "Did you even notice I lost 20 lbs (I exaggerated a bit) since you last saw me in January?" He said he didn't like to comment on weight because he didn't want to get it wrong. I understand, but if he noticed they lost, you'd think he would notice the child he raised was a bit slimmer...

Ok, this has turned into therapy...I'd better stop before you call a hotline for me! :goodvibes

And before I forget again -- Shelby -- Congrats on the very good news! :yay:

And a belated :bday: to Lisa!

Maria :upsidedow
My accomplishment is that I’ve learned that I’m worth focusing on. I’m more than a mom, an employee, etc. I am valuable and deserve to be healthy and happy. I deserve to take the time to work out, even if it means DS has to get himself out of bed with the alarm clock in the morning. That doesn’t make me a bad mom – in fact, I’m teaching him valuable life skills while making myself a better person. I also learned that I was lying to myself when I used to say I was OK with being fat – I wasn’t and I’m not. Now I need to translate these mental accomplishments into physical accomplishments.

I hope your back feels better real soon Jenn.

Well, I was super productive this weekend since we were stuck inside and DS was too sick to want to do anything fun. I got tons of stuff done including two really good workouts, cleaning, laundry, balancing my checkbook, I was actually even bored for a few short minutes! Unfortunately I did not get to go to the farmers market or even to the grocery store since DS still had a fever. So I’m kind of bummed that I’ll have to go grocery shopping tonight. Hopefully I can get in and out quickly and not be too wiped to wash and prep all the fruits and veggies when I get home. I’m also hoping that my mom will drop DS off at my house later so I don’t have to go across town to pick him up after work. I’m really tired today and I’m sure it’s because I stayed up later than normal and then slept in both days this weekend, not to mention my body is trying to recover from the workouts. My plan is to be in bed early tonight so I can stay on track with my workout tomorrow morning, even if it means DS goes without a shower ‘cause he’s a slow poke. One night without a bath won’t kill him, regardless of what my mother says :rolleyes:…

Well, I should finish my novel and get back to work! Talk to you guys tomorrow.

Bree--teaching your son to be independant does not make you a bad mom at all. It means you are raising a young man who can take care of himself.:goodvibes And one night without a bath definitely won't kill him.:)

ok, I'm back.....

Been gone for a few days. Long story short, I should have stayed home.

I'm overdue on posting and I'll be overdue for a little longer. But somebody has to tell me about these radio stations y'all listen to. Are they internet stations or ipod stuff:confused: If it doesn't involve an ipod I'm very interested.
Welcome back!
Yay!! Early vacation!! Hope everything got done before work, and have a wonderful vacation!!

:hug: We all want our parents to love us and accept us for what we are. I remember when I had lost 40 pounds, and I waited for my mom to compliment me, and she finally did when my sil prompted her, and I know she was proud of me, but we didn't always share our thoughts as well as we could have. It's tough. Mom's are tough. I try so hard to keep the communication open with my son too. So, no advice, just some hugs for you.:hug::hug:

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Bree, you are too funny.
Ah, it was a sign from above, though if that mess of a cake was in front of me right now, I think I'd pull out a fork and dig in. I don't know why, but I've been searching the house for something to eat and nothing seems to satisfy me. I'm going to go cook supper soon and make a salad. You will always remember your 50th b-day cake and chuckle. I bet Robert thought it was hilarious.
Thanks Kathy.:hug: I have had one of those days with food as well. I wanted potato chips desparately, but ended up buying pistachio crisps instead. They are pretty good. We are having Moe's for dinner, but I usually don't do bad with Moe's--no meat, no cheese, and I get the junior. They have spinach right now, so I'm having them add spinach to mine!

Maria--:hug: It must be the day for needing a little online therapy. Hope you are feeling better.

Well after having a very sad day, I am happy to say I'm feeling much better.:goodvibes I watched Oprah (which I never do anymore) and it was about food and compulsive eating and the thoughts/feelings we are trying to squelch by overeating. Perfect timing for me today! Then I just checked my email and found out they hired someone to fill my position!!!:banana::banana::banana:

I can't wait to be on a more regular schedule--though I still am not sure what it's going to be. We have a staff retreat Thursday and I start training her on Monday. I'm a little nervous about training her because she was an administrative assistant for a Senator and I have a degree in social work and have been faking it as an administrative assistant.:lmao: This is what happens when you stay home with your kid--you start at the bottom again.:) Anyhow, I'm really looking forward to my new job. And our dvc points are in the system. We booked a room at SSR for the first night of our trip in October. We're waitlisted at BWV. Hopefully, since it's just for one night it will come through.

Ok, enough about me.;) Hope everyone has a good evening!
Been a loooonnnngggg day! I'm exhausted!

DD1 survived soccer camp but has a sunburn on her face and neck. She said there were a couple times that she just wanted to come home but she stuck it out! Won't be as hot tomorrow so she should do just fine. I bought her some watermelon and cut it up and froze it so she could take with her. She'll also bring her water and Powerade Zero.

Made girls French toast for supper and the adults had Paninis with homemade bread and chipotle mayo! YUMMY! I need to drink some more water/lemonade as I feel really thirsty. Girls are watching Planet 51 on our bed. Hoping they will both go to sleep early. DD1 is wiped so I'm not making her clean her room tonight. I'll help her tomorrow. Just hoping DD2 keeps her room clean.

It's nice and cool in the house tonight. I hope to get in bed and do some reading and listen to music. I'm just not in a tv mood today. I enjoyed listening to some music today while cleaning. We're watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy with my dad though he's napping at the moment.

Tomorrow is another busy day. Taking Mom to the dr at 7:30, friend is picking up girls and taking them to soccer for me. I have a client at 10 tomorrow. Then I will come home and clean again. Hoping to also get my haircut sometime this week.

DOn't know if I'll get a walk in tomorrow morning. I may try and do my solo walk/run so I can try out my new sneakers. I wore them shopping today and really liked them.

I'm done babbling as I really just want to go to sleep!:angel:
I just have a few minutes to post and it looks like I missed a lot of good discussion today. Lindsay, you hit nail on the head: we have to think about what we think, not what others think. :goodvibes

I had another okay day today. I got in some exercise, but had hoped for more. I think it's the humid-it's bad even in my basement! Eating wasn't so great, but it could have been much, much, much worse. I definitely know that. Another lead in to a COW part 2...My accomplishment is realizing that I my worst days now would have been my best days when I gained 50 pounds in about 10 months. It puts such a perspective on things. I could easily have eaten 50-100 points a meal, now 50 points over 3 meals/snacks is a bad day. No, I won't lose weight if I eat 50 points in a da, but I know how far I've came and that's the important part.

Have a great day tomorrow!

Happy birthday, Lisa! :hug:

Did okay today! Had the soup & salad at Olive Garden and my dad was SO thrilled to get out of town for a while.

Tomorrow -- the goal is to catch up on the COW and get back into the groove of answering the QOTD.
I laced up my running shoes again, and did 4 miles this am! Heat wasn't too bad, but it was really humid, made it hard to get clear breaths. The last .5 mile was rough, but that was because of my lack of running lately, not the humidity!

For the first time in a looonnngg time, I weigh less on Monday AM than I did on Friday AM! :woohoo: YAY for filling watermelon and cantaloupe! Of course, that was after my run, but still... I am very pleased that I can go all downward this week, instead of working until Wed to undo what I did on Sat. and Sun!

:yay: Great job on both the run and the weight! I bet you feel so great about yourself as a result! WAY TO GO!

So back to day 1 all over again for me! :banana:

Welcome back! :hug: The best thing is that every day is the opportunity to start over again!

I really really want to do it this year as my first 1/2 marathon accomplishment but I will not give up if it doesnt work out. There are always other years to do this too. I still will do a half closer to home next spring either way. I will keep you posted on the final decision.

Sorry that you might not be able to do the Princess in 2011 :hug: BUT...I am so happy to read you type that you will not give up if you can't do the princess. There are so many other 1/2 marathons around, I am sure you can find a good one near home to try out. I hope that things work out for the best and ONE DAY you WILL run the princess!

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one thing you have accomplished on this journey. It could be the number on the scale, maybe it is the inches you have lost, how about sharing something you never thought you would be able to do or maybe it has to do with an improvement in your health. Feel free to share more then one I said, this week is all about positive feelings for what we are doing!
My accomplishment is that I’ve learned that I’m worth focusing on. I’m more than a mom, an employee, etc. I am valuable and deserve to be healthy and happy. I deserve to take the time to work out, even if it means DS has to get himself out of bed with the alarm clock in the morning. That doesn’t make me a bad mom – in fact, I’m teaching him valuable life skills while making myself a better person. I also learned that I was lying to myself when I used to say I was OK with being fat – I wasn’t and I’m not. Now I need to translate these mental accomplishments into physical accomplishments.

Bree - This is a VERY positive thing. I think it is so important that we all recognize our self worth and know that we DO deserve to be a healthy and happy person! Thank you so much for sharing.

BTW...I loved your whole "novel" had great things to say! :goodvibes

Ok, this has turned into therapy...I'd better stop before you call a hotline for me! :goodvibes

Maria - This board is my therapy! :rotfl2: Sounds like you have had a lot to deal with and I hope that you can find time for yourself to run tomorrow!

Another lead in to a COW part 2...My accomplishment is realizing that I my worst days now would have been my best days when I gained 50 pounds in about 10 months. It puts such a perspective on things. I could easily have eaten 50-100 points a meal, now 50 points over 3 meals/snacks is a bad day. No, I won't lose weight if I eat 50 points in a day, but I know how far I've came and that's the important part.

CC - I think it is GREAT that you recognize how far you have is a TOTAL accomplishment and so important to your future health and happiness. Thanks for sharing your positive accomplishment!

Lisa - Oh my...your cake made me laugh so hard. You showed great will power because I would have eaten that whole cake! I am glad you had a happy birthday.

For all of you out there feeling like you are way busier then you thought you would be this summer...I am right there with you. I thought that today I would have time to get everything I wanted done and still have time for a nap. Didn't finish my list and did not get my nap in. Still, it was a fairly productive day.

Today I am feeling very happy with myself as I logged EVERYTHING all week this week. I had been so sloppy about journaling lately and it felt really good to look in my journal and see how hard I have worked. It is nice to reflect on all my running, cross training and food choices. I did not make good choices all week but I logged it all and so I feel a lot of control as a result.

Time to go get DD from dance! Have a great night everyone!
Oh yea, forgot to mention that I bought new bras today for the first time in 2-3 years. The cool thing is that I went down from a 42C to a 38B. I ordered 7 more on Hanes and bought one in Penney's.

DH picked vacation days for the summer so we are looking into going up to Storyland and the White Mountains for 2 days. Trying not to take time off from work this summer so we're planning it around that and before my birthday.

OK, I really need to go to bed now!
I'm here and hopefully back for good! I haven't read the thread in over a week and I really miss the support and inspiration from all you guys.

Glad you are back. It's amazing the difference staying in touch makes!

but they called me in to work early, which is better overall, cause I won't have a bagel with the coffee, and if I get to leave earlier another day, my paycheck won't suffer.

Love that spin on things!

6 sets of 10 on core work (I need to get rid of the pooch)
3 miles running (Time: 30:47 / Pace: 10:10)
5 sets of 10 lifting weights

Housework has been started and the laundry is going.

Sounds like a great workout! I hope to be productive tomorrow. Tuesdays are the only days on the calendar without plans!

At what point did you start running every day, or most every day? I have come to the conclusion that cardio is the only thing that really helps me, yes, I love the muscles in my arms now, and feel muscles under all the belly flab, but until I reach goal, I need daily cardio. I have several other options, but I'd rather be running!

All other runners can answer, too!

We got a big laugh out of it and said that we will always remember my 50th birthday cake! ;)

What a memory!!! Love it! And so glad you could laugh and not be upset. I was thinking "What if this was dd2's cake? She would melt down!!!!" Glad you had a good day!

I only ran 2.5miles and it took me 32min. My legs felt like jello, breathing was easy. I think my body is still so over tired from vacation. Then next week I will start my 10K training. I really really want to do it this year as my first 1/2 marathon accomplishment but I will not give up if it doesnt work out. There are always other years to do this too. I still will do a half closer to home next spring either way. I will keep you posted on the final decision.

So sorry Lindsay. I know you were really looking forward to the Princess. I hope something works out for you!!!! It took a while for my body to recoup from vacation,too. But the important thing is that you did it! BE PROUD!

Don't you hate the humidity. It's really sticky here as well. The runs this week are going to be hard.
I think because I realized last week, that unless I weigh 100 pounds, my mom (remember--she puts the fun in dysfunctional) will still think I'm 'big.'

I think at the end of the day, we formed our first bonds with our parents, for good or bad. I can't relate, as I have a wonderful relationship with my Mom, and you all know how I feel about Daddy, but I just want to remind you that WHAT YOU THINK is what matters. Are you healthy? Uh. Yeah. Big time. So hang on to that, as the health aspect is what SHOULD be underlying all of our decisions. That being said, I know how hard emotions are to deal with, and THANK YOU for sharing with us!!:hug:

I'm inspired to eat in such a way that running comes a little easier. And I've got a closet full of clothes that I bought last summer (clothes that FIT last summer) that I'm trying to get back into. About 8-10 pounds oughta get me there.
That's great!!!! You're almost there!

It is such a feeling of disappointment, like I have let them down. I hate that feeling and never thought I would care so much what my parents thought of me as I grew older.

Lindsay, just wanted to give you a hug, too:hug:.

That doesn’t make me a bad mom – in fact, I’m teaching him valuable life skills while making myself a better person. I also learned that I was lying to myself when I used to say I was OK with being fat – I wasn’t and I’m not. Now I need to translate these mental accomplishments into physical accomplishments.
Bree, oh dear Bree! ;) First, glad Jillian is kicking your butt and you are living to tell about it! Those DVDs are TOUGH! You'll see results SOON if you stick with it, my arms have muscles from NMTZ for the first time in a long time! Second, I haven't watched any of the movies. I have a hard time watching movies from books I love, they never live up! Next, your tour sounds like a lot of fun, and possibly one we could do in a few years. And so sorry you got bored for a few minutes! Glad you are on a roll, lady! AND not only are you teaching your son life skills like getting up, but you are also teaching him the importance of exercise!

Been gone for a few days. Long story short, I should have stayed home.
Sorry hon. :hug: Welcome home!

I did 4M on Saturday, I haven't run since then. Just had a bad weekend body image wise, I think I'm starting to recover. I have come to the conclusion that dh's family is detrimental to my weight loss.

Sorry Maria! Lots of us seem to struggle with how our families affect us. My in laws eat too much, have too much for us to eat, and it's all unhealthy!!!

And our dvc points are in the system. We booked a room at SSR for the first night of our trip in October. We're waitlisted at BWV. Hopefully, since it's just for one night it will come through.

:cool1: YAY!!!!!

DD1 survived soccer camp but has a sunburn on her face and neck. She said there were a couple times that she just wanted to come home but she stuck it out! Won't be as hot tomorrow so she should do just fine. I bought her some watermelon and cut it up and froze it so she could take with her. She'll also bring her water and Powerade Zero.

Hope she enjoys tomorrow!!!! :goodvibes

I had another okay day today. I got in some exercise, but had hoped for more. I think it's the humid-it's bad even in my basement!
It's hard! Hang in there!

Today I am feeling very happy with myself as I logged EVERYTHING all week this week. I had been so sloppy about journaling lately and it felt really good to look in my journal and see how hard I have worked. It is nice to reflect on all my running, cross training and food choices. I did not make good choices all week but I logged it all and so I feel a lot of control as a result.

Good for you!!!

Oh yea, forgot to mention that I bought new bras today for the first time in 2-3 years. The cool thing is that I went down from a 42C to a 38B. I ordered 7 more on Hanes and bought one in Penney's.

That's great. I did that a few months ago, but I am wearing the same undies I did 50 lbs ago. They are....slightly baggy. Add that to my to-do list!

Well, best laid plans. DD2 woke up with a slight fever and stuffy nose. Mom woke up feeling really badly and didn't go with us. (she has fibromyalgia, some days are better than others) No snuggling the baby for me today! She slept the whole way to gymnastics, and about an hour after we got there. I took her to a new playground nearby, she ran right for the rock climbing wall, and scaled it in no time flat. She's never even seen one before!!!!! We had a lot of fun, until it starting raining, but we needed the rain. Went and watched DD workout for a while.

DH had a hard time getting a schedule today. He came home and slept from 10-2, stayed up, and at 4pm wanted dinner. He went and got pizza:scared1: and we had an early dinner, then he went back to bed from 5-8. So all that enthusiasm I had just couldn't hold up to pepperoni pizza, I had really planned to do a very low cal day today, and a little higher tomorrow. Trying to keep the body guessing. Oh well, I guess tomorrow will be low cal and lots of water, I can already feel the fingers swelling!

It's definitely going to be interesting being home tomorrow trying to keep the quiet so DH can sleep. HOWEVER, leaving the house is NOT an option, b/c Tuesdays are the ONLY blank days on my calendar, and I HAVE to do a power point to turn in to class Friday on Family Literacy, plus start on a few other things.

Going to set my alarm for 5am so I can exercise and try to get some things done before the sleeping beauties arise! Going to try to get some sleep! I am sweating sitting here, it's humid even after a mostly rainy, damp day!

Good night!
OKay, this evening did not go as planned, but was still good.
DH went to his soccer game, and then phoned to ask me to come play as they needed another woman to play or they forfeit. So I grabbed some munchies for the girls and off we went. The kids had fun feeling grown up sitting on the sidelines without me being with them. DH's team knew I had no experience playing and were just happy to have another body out there, so I stayed back on defense and got some fresh air, and did a couple good moves and although I felt very self-conscious about being a poor player, I did okay for a first timer who was just a fill-in.

QOTD - no tours yet for us, but maybe one day.:goodvibes

tigger - hope your mom's leg is improving:flower3:

dona - hope your check up went well.:flower3:

Mushy - your life sounds crazy busy!:scared1:

my3princes - early start to a vacation sounds great! have a great time!:goodvibes

Rose - I think you are right, and sharing your thoughts about dealing with your mom is part of the process of working through it and changing the patterns you've always followed.

I'm beat and its time to get some sleep.
Skipped my walk/run this morning. I've been awake off and on since 3 am worried that I'd oversleep and with weird dreams.

Not sure how today will go. Leaving here at 7:30 to take Mom to the doctor. Then she is dropping me off at work and will pick me up at noon. She's also picking DD2 up at soccer camp at 10:30. I'm hoping to get in some WATP this afternoon and also start to clean DD1s room this afternoon. Not sure what I'll be eating today either. Haven't planned supper yet for tonight.

I need to go shower so I can then get the kids going this morning so they will be all ready by the time I leave with Mom.

I feel like I could fall right back to sleep so I had better stand up before that happens.
Good morning I will post some comments later.

WE are going out today to check out a camper. WE are not going to buy the one we want we have never been in. We think we should check it out so we have to go to Pa to do it.

Question of the Day

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

In every family there is a responsible one and the one where everyone says "That's just so and so". Which are you?
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