Basking in the Glow of the (not so) Creepy Clown -2/11-Pictures, Final Thoughts, PTR!

I'm SO behind but what a great update! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of the real pooh and friends! Some german elves were busy!!!!!!!!!!! How very cool

A quick drive by hello and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Brook,

I love the update! And I want to wish you, Joe and Henry a Merry Christmas! Have a fabulous holiday!!!:goodvibes
How fun to get packages! :cool1:

Whenever we find our way to NYC, you have got to be our tour guide.
Please? :)

Henry is so blessed to be getting all these rich experiences through mini-trips right in his own backyard.
One day I hope Henry will realize how blessed he is to live in NYC. The culture and adventures he is getting are incredible and will stay with him forever. Good for you Brooke for taking advantage of everything NYC has to offer. You seen like a really fun and caring mom to Henry.
May God bless you and your family.
Merry Christmas!
I've been mentioning I would share the pictures of the new Times Square Disney Store for quite some time, so here they finally are! If you are friends with me on Facebook you have probably already seen all these. :goodvibes Sorry for the poor quality on most of them, they were taken with my phone, which sometimes takes GREAT pictures, but other times, not so much...


This was from back in mid-November, I was excited to see this movie and it didn't disappoint! Such a great one!


The view just as you enter the doors


Directly in front - such cute stuff!


I really should have asked for one of these for Christmas!



This actually moves, it's very cool!






If we didn't already have stockings...


Love these!




There was a really nice selection of adult clothing, more than I have ever seen at any other Disney store.



Isn't this sweet?


Broadway section


Love these!


The view just as you come up the escalator to the second floor.


Directly to your left is a small Toy Story section.


And directly to your right, a HUGE Tangled section.


Around the corner is Marvel.


This picture didn't come out, but the entire glowing cylinder shows various Marvel characters - basically and LED screen.

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And the huge Toy Story section is found!


And right next to that, Cars!


There are four Ridemakerz stations. They only have McQueen and Mater that you can build and design.


This will be his potty training award. He talks about it almost every single day!


Under this gazebo is the movie screen, a kid table they can color at and adult seating.


A Cast Member will come and give every child a coloring sheet.


It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! You can crawl through the bottom of it, and inside are buttons to push that make noise. The top gear also rotates.


I was standing near the Toy Story section when I took this - so you can tell the store isn't huge, but there is a lot in there! To the right you can see one of the magical trees, they are like LED screens with various pictures, like swirls and snowflakes.



Just through the door of the Castle - there are no sides to it.


There are 2 mirrors like this. You have a wand or a crown in front of the jewel at the top of the mirror and...


It shows a clip of the Princess! Very, very cute. There were several little girls running around in here waving the wands and crowns.


Looking up



On the other side of the Castle was a small Beauty & the Beast section. This dress was beautiful, but $150!




The small Tron section, which is toward the front of the store near Marvel.


Going back down the escalator.



No report would ever be complete without a dorky Brook picture!



Overall we had a GREAT time in the store and thought the interactive elements were fantastic. We thought they were a great selection of items too! I've read a few reviews of the store here on the boards and many people are very negative about it-which surprised me when we liked it so much! But, I think people were expecting something like the old World of Disney store here on 5th Avenue (which I was never in), and expected more park merchandise. We didn't have any expectations and were pleasantly surprised. If you come to NYC, it's worth stopping in!
Thank you for putting me in the Christmas mood with your Palm Tree Extravaganza and deluxe trains!

If I don't get back on here before then, I wanted to wish you, Joe, and Henry a very

Merry Christmas!:santa:
love you photos of NYC!
I was just there two weeks ago for the first time ever... amazing city!! :goodvibes
I made sure we visited the Disney Store on Times Square (bought the special Vinylmation!) .. I saw those enchanted mirrors but didn't realise you needed a wand to set off the magic :rolleyes1 hehe.

Happy Holidays!

Emma princess: x
We left off after a long, wonderful day at Epcot, followed by a crazy walk of touring over half the Boardwalk resort on accident. I slept very, very well that night!

Monday, September 6, 2010

This was planned to be a "No Parks Day", which in our world just means a free day - we'll do whatever we feel like doing. In my notes I had a few ideas of things to do, DTD, Mini Golf, or resort hop. We had one ADR for the Grand Floridian Tea, and after we were going to have a DIS meet with ClaireW! :yay: I also wanted to go see MSEP this night if we could swing it.

So.........what happened?

Our little 3 year old alarm clock woke us up around 7:15 am - we laid around in bed, eating breakfast, sipping coffee and watching a Bug's Life (since Henry and I crashed hard shortly into it! :laughing:) We had decided today would be a perfect day to go swimming, so around 9:30 we head down to the main pool to visit George the Slightly Creepy's closed!


We head over to the quiet pool by Community Hall. Which was a short walk. ;)






Look, there is even a stinkin' sign for Community Hall. :rolleyes:



A four legged friend.


The grilling area, loved the brick work to theme it!


The elusive Community Hall is in this building.

It was there we heard a rumor that there were a few issues with the main pool and they expect it to open at 10.

Okie-dokie, let's swim!





Just after 10 am we head back over to the main pool...


I posted this on Facebook. Yep, it was a very, very pretty day!


...only to find it's still not open. Apparently a part broke and it threw the chemical balances off. The poor lifeguards were running around and you could tell they were a bit stressed since there were several families waiting.

We grabbed a table and just soaked up the atmosphere.

:scared1: WARNING: Clown pics ahead! :scared1:


Eventually the slide turned on, which piqued Henry's interested and he said he wanted to go down it! :eek:

Around 10:30 the pool finally opened and in we went!


We both took a turn on the slide, I think Joe went down several times. I'm not a huge waterslide fan, but I even liked this one...though once was enough. ;)

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Henry was still itchin' to ride the slide, so Joe took him up the stairs in an attempt to show him how intense it was.

It didn't work.

He still wanted to ride! :eek:

We somehow convinced him that he didn't need to ride, there is NO WAY I'm sending my baby down that as his first waterslide at the age of barely 3! Uh-oh, no way. :sad2: I do wish they would have had one of the small kiddy waterslides like they do at some DVC resorts, he would have been all over that!


After about an hour or so of going back between the kiddy pool and the main pool we were ready to get some lunch. Henry had a ball in the pool, it was a lot of fun with him, on prior trips he wasn't as into swimming.

Back in the room we got ready for the day and browsed both the in-room menus and We were cravin' some corn dogs and other healthy items ;) so Joe went off in search of them...but soon found out the cart was closed, only the bakery was open. Which turned out to be fine, it was just disappointing and bit frustrating for Joe running all over the Boardwalk trying to find something that was open. This was his biggest complaint with the resort - there truly is not much at all for counter service. Epcot is right around the corner, but we didn't want to trek over there.

We ended up with:

Turkey sandwich - both Joe and I had this.


Grilled ham and cheese for the little man.


The sandwiches came with this-which wasn't anything fantastic, but was fine.


Tiramisu. Yum.

After our bellies were full Henry crashed out.

I probably did too. ;)

I'm mostly a lurker here, but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your trip reports, especially watching Henry grow up at WDW.

Thanks for including all the beautiful pics of Christmas decorations around New York.

Great city pics! Love Henry's little hat.:love: When we stayed at BVW in '03, our room opened up right to the quiet pool. But our kids were older, so we spent most of our time at the big pool on the slide.
We had decided today would be a perfect day to go swimming, so around 9:30 we head down to the main pool to visit George the Slightly Creepy's closed!


We head over to the quiet pool by Community Hall. Which was a short walk. ;)


Look, there is even a stinkin' sign for Community Hall. :rolleyes:


It was there we heard a rumor that there were a few issues with the main pool and they expect it to open at 10.

Just after 10 am we head back over to the main pool...

...only to find it's still not open.

Apparently a part broke and it threw the chemical balances off. The poor lifeguards were running around and you could tell they were a bit stressed since there were several families waiting.

I know what that is code for. :teacher: In order for the pool to be back open that quick, the chlorine was low. The "broken part" was that chlorine was not pumping in either due to mechanical or operator error. Once it reached the proper minimum level the pool was reopened.


Henry was still itchin' to ride the slide, so Joe took him up the stairs in an attempt to show him how intense it was.

It didn't work.

He still wanted to ride! :eek:

We somehow convinced him that he didn't need to ride, there is NO WAY I'm sending my baby down that as his first waterslide at the age of barely 3! Uh-oh, no way. :sad2: I do wish they would have had one of the small kiddy waterslides like they do at some DVC resorts, he would have been all over that!

I agree. A barely 3 needs a starter slide. ::yes:: Once you are ready ;), you, henry and Joe go up, you go down first, followed by Henry and then Joe.
This way you can be at splashdown, and Joe can make sure he does not change his mind and get seated properly.

Back in the room we got ready for the day and browsed both the in-room menus and We were cravin' some corn dogs and other healthy items ;) so Joe went off in search of them...but soon found out the cart was closed, only the bakery was open. Which turned out to be fine, it was just disappointing and bit frustrating for Joe running all over the Boardwalk trying to find something that was open. This was his biggest complaint with the resort - there truly is not much at all for counter service. Epcot is right around the corner, but we didn't want to trek over there.

That was my only complaint about the Boardwalk as well. Even at the Beach Club the only "real" choice for CS is hurricane Hannah's by the pool.
You think I was going to end there? At a nap! No way! :goodvibes

Ready for a mega-update??? Here we gooooooooooo!

Around 3:00 Henry was still snoozin' hard and I just wan't feeling the tea. Which was odd....I had been looking forward to it, I LOVE it, but in the moment it was just wasn't right, we needed to let H sleep.

I believe ClaireW and I were communicating via text or Facebook, so I explained we wouldn't be making the meet-we hoped our paths would cross later in the week. Which turns out, they probably did-more than once, but we never actually MET. I was bummed to miss the meet, but it just didn't work - we would have been rushing with a cranky toddler. Anyone remember our last Grand Floridian Tea?



Henry running out of the room...over and over again.

Ya, I didn't want a repeat of that! :rolleyes:

It was around 3:30 that Henry woke up, we slowly got things ready and made our way down to the lobby. We stopped in the little DVC gift shop for some H2O foot lotion, it works wonder for Joe! Henry also got a bit of pixie dust


The CM working had given him chocolates! He was THRILLED, sooooo excited for Mickey and the gang chocolate!

As you might be able to tell in the above picture we are at the bus stop - we were off to MK!

By 4:40 we were walking toward the gates.


Little boy, big World. :) (Mickey and Nemo also came along!)



We headed straight for our favorite, Tomorrowland!

But first, we must visit some 2 legged friends

We grabbed a Baby Swap pass and Joe hopped into line for

While Henry and I went off to



Ready to rock!


My score.

Pretty good right?


Okay, I'll admit it. We got stuck.


Okay, okay, THREE times. :rolleyes1


Henry's score




Now it was my time to ride Space Mountain! :banana:

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He he.

Once I was in the dump shop I called the was raining! This was our first true Disney rain. The one yesterday in Epcot was more of a drizzle, this was a downpour! They were currently on the Peoplemover and be over as soon as they got off. Thankfully we had brought the ponchos and Henry's stroller has a rain cover.

It'll be a while, so I might as well shop, right???




The store was filling up with more and more people as the rain continued.

The boys made it over--and we only had one poncho.

Why? I haven't a clue. :headache:

So, we continued to browse while waiting out the rain.


I likey.



And then I saw the $10 rain jackets that were flying off the shelves.

$10! For a Disney jacket!

Yep, we grabbed one of those babies and were outta there!

Onwards to the horses!

I still think of this at Cinderella's Carousel. They changed the name for the new Fantasyland, right? What is the story behind it?



You can see a bit of the jacket here on Joe - it's light blue and gray, has a hood and all zips up into it's big kangaroo pocket.


After our spin on the carousel we were ready for some dinner. We went off to one of our favorites, Columbia Harbor House.


Henry's choice


Joe's choice - Anchor's Aweigh (tuna sandwich)


And mine - fried fish. This was my first time trying the fish, I usually go right for the tuna sandwich. I wasn't disappointed! Very, very good.

Henry was eating his macaroni and cheese at lightening speed. This kid must have been starving! I couldn't believe how quickly he was gulping down his grapes...and then it happened.


Yep. That. It all came back up.

Poor kiddo.

However, we are pros on puke at Disney World. Seriously. We had napkins in seconds, I was out the door, room key in hand headed straight for the one shop I knew had boys clothing nearby - the dump shop of Mickey's Philharmagic. Shirt grabbed and purchased (the line took FOREVER, people returning something and arguing with the CM) and I was back to CHH.


A happy and clean little boy.

And I LOVE this shirt! I had spied it earlier in the week and Joe had just sorta brushed it off. I had ran to the Philharmagic shop with one of the cheap basic Disney shirts in mind, but they didn't have them. Oh, darn, guess I gotta get this one. ;)

We got settled again and finished our meals. Henry was completely fine. Whew. It was a hairy moment, but quickly ended and all was good.

Once outside a CM had a big bell and was letting all the kids ring it.



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We wandered into Adventureland and over to the Tiki Room. I was determined to see this and find out what all the groanings were about. Today, it was running, so into line we went.



We only had a few minute wait before everything started and we ushered into the little theater.


For some reason I had never noticed the word "Automagic" on these signs! So cute.

I attempted a few pictures during the show, but they aren't great.



A bird with a bullhorn and an annoying voice to boot. :rolleyes1


When we exited the show Joe looked at me and said, "Um...ya." :lmao: I personally kinda liked it. I have never seen the old one at all-not even on YouTube, so I have nothing to compare it to. I liked the bits of music, and wish the songs stopped getting interrupted by the crazy bird. It's not a must do for every trip, but I wouldn't hesitate to go again.

After the show we went into a shop where a very nice CM named Anne was working. She had a cute little bean bag game set-up for the little ones.


Henry did such a good job ;) with the game that she awarded him with a pin of his choice!



It was a very sweet and magical moment. She made our trip into the gift shop, where we didn't even buy a thing, very memorable!

After we said good-bye to Anne we went over to the Jungle Cruise, I was excited to finally ride this at night!

The sign said it would be a 5 minute wait, and you couldn't see a single person in the actual line-yet the CM gave Henry one of these


which he was thrilled about!

And ya, we walked right on. :laughing: The wait was as long as it took you to walk the queue.

Our driver was Erin, and she was fantastic! We've had some really great guides the past three trips and they truly do make or break the experience. Because it was at night, no pictures I even attempted to take would turn out, so I soon gave up and just enjoyed the cruise. It's a totally different ride at night! Loved it!

Video: The backside of water, 25 seconds


After the Jungle Cruise we completely crossed the park again to hit up

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Joe and I watched this back in 2006 on our honeymoon, but we haven't been back since! :eek: During Henry's first trip he would scream during any 3D type movie, and we cautiously have gone to more and more shows since then. Now he's has no problems and we've just missed it on the last two trips, it was DUE TIME! I couldn't remember anything about it, but I've read the rave reviews over and over again, and Joe did remember that he thought it was the best 3D show on property.



Waiting for the doors to automagically open.


He's so cute.


We were trying to be very serious, Joe looks depressed! :laughing:


Still waiting for the automagic doors....:rolleyes1



The carpet, which you don't realize is so stained until you turn a bright light on it!

So eventually the doors DID open...and it was AWESOME! LOVED IT! What a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic show! Henry, Joe and I all bopped out of there singing songs with huge grins. It's definitely a must do for future trips! And the best part? When Henry reached his tiny little arm out attempting to grab one of the jewels. I loved seeing hands from all over the theater go up. :cutie:

In the dumpshop...

This shirt was on sale for like $10, but only came in size small, and I ain't a size small!



Ah, the buses.

Look at those pleading eyes.

Henry first spied these buses in the DVC gift shop at the Boardwalk - and pretty much managed to find them in EVERY gift shop in the World. And asked for them every time.

We didn't buy them. (at this store :rolleyes:)


The time was getting close to MSEP, so we walked around a bit and found a good spot in Frontierland right on the rope. I think this was the first time we have ever watched the parade from a location other than Main Street! It turned out to be a great spot, and far less crowded.

While we waited, Joe made a treat run:



His. Those Minnie Bakeshop Cookies are dern good.

And fairly soon we heard those unforgettable opening bars...

Video: Opening of the MSEP, 1 minute 1 second

Henry waved at all the characters, shouted out their names, laughed and shrieked with delight.

And I did too. ;)





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I thought this part of the parade was adorable.






I hadn't heard the characters speak during the parade, it really surprised me and I thought it was great!



The hooka smokin' caterpillar.



Such a neat touch that his tongue would randomly shoot out!





I LOVED the dancers!!




The stepsisters are hilarious.







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Pete and his dragon played hide and go seek during the parade. The dragon would "hide" by all his lights turning out! It was pretty cute.

And then this came around the bend...and truly ANYTHING patriotic gets me to tear up, this was no exception.






Tink blows Henry a kiss and the train, 1 minute 55 seconds
Cinderella and the Royalty, 1 minute 10 seconds
Peter Pan, 50 seconds
7 Dwarves, 39 seconds
Pete's Dragon, 49 seconds - the video shows the dragon going dark
America, 1 minute 41 seconds

We really enjoyed the MSEP. I think Spectro will always be my favorite, because it was the first night parade I have ever seen, but the MSEP has some wonderful and unique attributes. I am not disappointed to see it again in just over 60 days! :hyper:

After the parade was over we asked Henry if he'd rather go back to the hotel and go to the pool, or if he'd like to watch the fireworks - he chose fireworks! :yay:

I quickly hightailed it over to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad while Henry and Joe aimed for Main Street to find a spot for Wishes.


However, it was down. :sad2:

Off to Main Street!


A quick phone call and I found the boys right at the start of the path from the hub to Liberty Square.


Our view.


That's a keeper!

Continued in next post

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