AmyM's Quest for a Better Bikini Body!

Hi Amy, I hear ya on the bloating thing. I have put on over 5 pounds in two days from being bloated. I don't think you have to have periods anymore to get monthly bloating. Its miserable huh? Your food sounds great AS USUAL YOU GODDESS OF DISCIPLINE!! And don't worry about the kids' rooms. Messy, nasty, children's rooms have a way of staying messy until you can get to them! Keep up your good work!
I had my first veggie burger yesterday and it was pretty good! I have been eating snap peas and hummus every day after work (since I got a 2lb bag of peas and 32oz tub-o-hummus at Costco) and I was nervous that my calories were getting out of control, but I put everything I ate on FitDay and I was at 1244 - right where I am supposed to be. I hope I see a loss when I step on that scale tomorrow, I have been doing really good with both food and working out and I think I will snap if I am still in the 140’s. I know it’s not about the number on the scale, but I was looking at some old vacation pix (4 years ago when I was still 128) and I just looked so much better then! I saw some pictures my friends took of me in MI a couple weeks ago and I am just so disgusted with how I look… :furious: Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, 18oz Diet Fuze, and a DC:

6:15am: Egg Beaters w/Spinach & Red Pepper; Fiber Cake
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Spinach Salad w/Chicken; 9 Multigrain Thins; Cauliflower
2:30pm: 2 LF Babybel; Blueberries
4:30pm: Snap Peas-n-Hummus; 2 Crème Savers
6:30pm: Veggie Burger on a bed of Spinach; Corn; FF/SF Pudding
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Treadmill (35min)
RESISTED: Trail Mix, Fudge Bar (craving sweets big time yesterday!)
Jane, if you can't find the Mrs May's, it'd be worth ordering some online. They are that good! I'm 99.9% sure the boating is PMS. I had a little spotting yesterday and now the water retention is subsiding. I'll take that 1 day mini-spot over my pre-surgery periods anyday!!! I marked the "spot" on my calendar and I bet in 3 weeks I'll get bloated again. The key is that I forced myself to behave with food instead of having that "well I'm fat and bloated already, I might as well eat whatever I want" mentality... :crazy:

Amy, I was hoping no periods = no bloating, but you are right. My body still goes through the motions... I will tackle the kids rooms today (since DH is golfing). I guess as long as there is nothing stinky and growing in there I should be happy! :rotfl:
Hi Amy, glad you liked the veggie burgers, I really like them too. The trick for me with veggie burgers is to find the brand I like. They are not all the same, some of them taste pretty gross in fact! I need to try the hummus with snap peas, thats a good way to get in fiber and veggies. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow, I have a feeling you will be pleased! Although remember you had a huge loss last week so this week might be a loss, just not as big of one! Keep it up and have fun cleaning!
Amy, WTG staying on track even when you felt bloated. :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: . I am sure it will pay off for you tomorrow when you step on the scale.

Speaking of the scale, :worship: :worship: :worship: for not getting it out. I know how hard that was for you and you resisted!

Those Mrs. Mays nuts look really good, but I don't think I would have the willpower to stick with just one single serving bag :rolleyes1 . snap peas and hummus are a good idea though. I've added that to my shopping list. Veggie burgers are pretty good, especially if you grill them. I haven't tried any other "Veggie" stuff: sausage, hot dogs, etc.
You are sooo lucky not to have periods!!!
Hope the scale has been kind to you :)
Weigh-in was 140. I am not going to lie, I was :furious: :furious: :furious: when I saw that! I did awesome all week with my eating and I thought for sure I’d see a loss. For the first 10-15 minutes of getting ready, I was still :furious: , wanting to give up, wondering why I even bother working out, etc. Then I finally was able to get a grip and give myself a pep talk and remind myself that it’s not about the number on the scale, but about how I look. But my jeans are still snug and that has to stop. I absolutely refuse to buy new clothes until I am back to my comfort zone (135 or less). I am doing everything I can and if I don’t start seeing some results by the end of August, I am throwing in the towel. That doesn’t mean I’m going to go off the deep end and eat myself into oblivion, but that means I will stop actively trying to lose weight. I’ve been at it for over a year and I weigh more than ever. :sad2: And I know I have more muscle, but I am definitely not as thin as I used to be. My body is a mess from the waist down and I don’t know what else to do. I do everything you’re supposed to! :confused3 OK, enough of the whining, time to get on with my day. Yesterday I drank 96.9oz of water, 2 cups green tea, 18oz Diet Fuze, and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal
8:30am: FF Yogurt; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Veggie Burger w/Spinach on Low Carb Wheat Tortilla; 10 Baby Carrots
2:30pm: 3 Egg Whites; Blueberries; 10 Peanuts
4:30pm: Pumpkin; 2 Crème Savers
6:30pm: Leftover EFL Green Chili Soup; Low Carb Wheat Tortilla w/Strawberry Rhubarb Jam; FF/SF Pudding
RESISTED: Mrs Mays, Trail Mix
Amy, I got the Morningstar Farms brand and even DH liked them! I'll definitely try some more. They also have some veggie patties at Costco that I tried that were REALLY good. I should have bought some, but the cart was already overflowing... :rolleyes1 You were right about the scale, this week was NO loss! It's amazing that last week I was so thrilled to see 140 and this week I am absolutely furious to see 140. Yep, I need medication...

Anna, I am toying with the idea of weighing myself more often again. I definitely want to get out of the 3x a day habit, but I don't think once a week is going to cut it. Maybe every other morning or something. I still haven't decided yet. I also have a problem eating just one bag of Mrs Mays, but it is definitely easier to resist when you see that 1 bag is 200 calories and there is no way to justify eating another one!

Tracey, the scale is lucky it is still in one piece... I am very happy I had that surgery to stop my periods. I was really having problems so it was definitely worth it! :thumbsup2
Amy, don't give up. Lordy, that scale is one evil little contraption isn't it? You had a big loss last week. Six pounds on a 145 frame is almost 5% of your total body weight. Even a big old gal like myself can never count on losing the week after a big loss. Maybe weighing twice a week actually would help. Sometimes when you wait too long, the anticipation can build up to a point that you can't live up to the hype. I know it sucks plain and simple though! Your food is good, your exercise awesome. So catch me up on something. Did you have a hysterectomy? Because as I recall it took my sister about two years to have her body ajust to not having the monthly hormones etc. It sounds like you have basically gone through a forced, surgical menopause so your body has had a forced, immediate, no-time-to-adjust change of plans. My body has been going through a slow, perimenopausal change for over 8 years (dr. told me it can take up to 14 years God help me). Anyhow, I have noticed with each year it seems to take my body longer to adjust to diet changes etc. You have had this happen with one fell swoop. So give yourself some time to catch up. You will do this, your body has to given the wonderful food and amounts of exercise you are treating it to! And also, doesn't that Body for Life book tell you to sort of blow it one day a week? The old one did (the one by Bill Phillips). He said a free day makes your body realize its not in some sort of starvation mode. So maybe treat yourself to some goodies one day this weekend to sort of fool your body into thinking "oh I can burn fat, she's giving me some extra calories so I don't have to store up". Weight Watchers does this in the form of flex points. You basicallly give yourself over a full day's worth of points each week to play with so that your body doesn't feel deprived and hang onto every damn calorie and also to give you some enjoyment to keep you going. Just some food for thought! You are doing great!
Darn Darn Darn!!!! I keep forgetting to get the veggie burgers until I read your thread. I hate it when grocery stores move their food around. Its no fair - it used to be by the frozen breakfast foods and juices. I'd never include it on my list because I'd see it - now that its moved to another aisle I always forget!!! Guess I'll have to include it on my list. No wonder why I'm eathing all this junk food.

I'm sorry about your weigh in - if you're theory is right - that this is pms then next week your weight will be lower. Great idea to keep track on the calendar. Your workouts and eating have been great - much better than me.
Hi Amy,

Love the new journal....when I found your other one I was a little worried that something had happened. But I didn't panic!!!

You are doing great....congrats on losing the 6 pounds that you gained on vacation so quick! That is great!!!

Keep up the good work!!!!!

Have a great evening :)
We went out to eat yesterday. It was SO good! And I was bad and got an ice cream later, but that is the first time in almost 2 weeks I've indulged, so I'm not worried about it. I found out this morning that my beloved On the Ball class is no more after this month. Bummer! But they are going to have a Bosu Fitness class at 8am (which means I can sleep in an extra hour) so I guess I'll have to try that... I am over my weigh-in temper tantrum. I've decided I will weigh myself in the mornings that I am going to do cardio at the gym (so I can input that weight into the machine). That way I won't be so shocked/disappointed at my Friday weigh-in. I know I shouldn't care, but I guess I still do... Yesterday I drank 120oz water, 2 cups green tea, a Minute Maid Light, a DC and a Passion Fruit Margarita:

6:15am: FF Yogurt; Blueberries; Fiber Cake
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Spinach Salad w/Chicken, Bacon, Red Pepper, LF Dressing; Black Cherries
2:30pm: 2 LF Babybel; Apple
6:30pm: Chips-n-Salsa; Chorizo Stuffed Chicken with Amaretto Mushroom Sauce; Steamed Julienne Veggies; Chili Mashed Potatoes (couple bites)
7:45pm: Single Scoop Apple Pie a la Mode on Sugar Cone :cloud9:
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Elliptical (35min)
RESISTED: Trail Mix (DH left it on the counter!), Snacking before dinner
Amy, thank you SO MUCH for that pep talk! I really needed it. :hug: You are right, my body is probably stabilizing after that huge vacation weight loss. I didn't get a hysterectomy, I had a tubal ligation and endometrial ablation (they laser the inside of your uterus so there is nothing to shed every month). The Dr claims my hormones were not affected, but I think they were (and I've heard other women say the same). I'll just keep chuggin' along and hope eventually my body realizes it better act cuz I'm not stopping until it does!

Jane, I think I am right about the PMS bloat. I am starting to feel the whoosh of water letting go, so that is a good sign! I think I will get some more veggie burgers, they were a nice change. I bet the kids would even eat them!

Jamie, glad to see you back! I'm glad you found my new thread! :banana:
Amy, I don't blame you one bit for having a temper tantrum with the scale. You are doing everything right in my book and the darn scale should have reflected that. I'm sure your right and next week will be better with the bloating gone. It sounds like a good idea to weigh in on your cardio mornings. For me, the key is to take the number as a challenge. If it is down, then behave and keep it down. If it is even or up, then behave and get the @#*&%$ number down! Doesn't always work though. Of course, I weigh myself too much :rotfl2: , morning and evening, at a minimum. (Hello, my name is Anna, and I am a scale addict ....)

WTG resisting the trail mix just sitting there on the counter! :banana:

I hope you are having a great weekend!
when the scale doesn't do what you want it what my sister does....
BUY A NEW ONE!!!! :rotfl2:
You are doing really good on your food and exercise...don't give up.
I still wish I'd joined a gym, but we're not going to yet....the classes sound like a really good thing...they sound fun! Keep it up Amy....the scale will show a bigger loss this week.....I FEEL IT!!! :wizard:

Oh my, yesterday I was SO SO SO SO SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!! I am embarrassed to write all the stuff I ate, but that is what this journal is for. So all you guys who think my eating is so great, you are in for a real treat!! The day started out fine, then quickly went downhill when DH decided to call some friends to invite them over for an impromptu party. I swear, we need to get some different, non-partying friends! My friend brought over a veggie tray, I didn't even look at it twice... :rolleyes1 I drank 80oz of water, 8oz FF Cherry Chai Latte, 2 martinis @ Outback and about a gallon of rum drinks (I have no idea how much I had, but it was a lot :blush: ):

6:15am: Kashi Crunch; FF Yogurt; Blueberries
10:00am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe
1:00pm: Turkey-n-Pepper Jack-n-Spinach on Wheat; Pumpkin
5:00 @ Outback: 3 pieces Bread-n-Butter, House Salad w/Ranch, 1/2 Chicken Breast w/Mushroom Sauce; Cornbread; 3 Shrimp (split a meal w/DH)
7-11pm: Stupid amount of Trail Mix (I'm guessing 1.5 cups); Cheese-n-Crackers (at least 10); 3 (yes 3) Chocolate Chip Cookies
WORKOUT: On the Ball (60min); Treadmill (45min)
RESISTED: nothing, obviously!
Anna, I'm sure I did some serious damage yesterday, so I don't know if I even want to get on the scale tomorrow... I used to weigh myself that much (or more) and I am glad I am slowly getting out of that habit. Maybe you can challenge yourself and start weighing just once a day or something...

Marie, if I have a loss this week, I will be very happy. I'm glad my official weigh-in is on Friday, it will give me time to undo the damage I did this weekend :rolleyes: . I love my gym, the more expensive one was worth it. I was so hung over this morning but I dragged myself to my class and I am glad I did! I think I sweated out some rum... :teeth:
You worked out for almost 2 hours on saturday and you ate really well until the evening. That trail mix has been on your mind all week. Is it gone now? The heat is definitely driving us all crazy. I am super impressed that you worked out this morning after all that rum though :crazy: . Don't let the bad scale completely derail you. You will get back on track monday and undo your weekend and then some! The scale WILL show a loss for you this week, if it knows whats good for it :rotfl2: .
My kids are back, my kids are back!!! :cool1: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :Pinkbounc They each look like they’ve grown so much! The dog is very happy to have his playmates back (and now DH and I don’t have to entertain him as much!). I did OK with my eating even though I was by myself most of the day (DH had a golf tournament and we didn’t pick up the kids until 6pm). Could've done better at dinner, but oh well... :rolleyes: I finally got the kids rooms cleaned (nothing like waiting until the last minute!). I thought DD7’s room would be the worst, but DS10 won by a landslide! He had so much junk tucked away and his closet was a nightmare. So even though his room “looked” neat, it wasn’t. And while cleaning I found – brace yourself – a sandwich under his dresser! :eek: :scared: :crazy2: :faint: It used to be a bologna and cheese, I was appalled. At least it was still in the sandwich baggie. I’m glad we didn’t have an ant or cockroach farm in there too… Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 8oz FF Cherry Chai Latte and a DC:

7:45am: FF Yogurt; Kashi Crunch; Blueberries
11:00am: Snap Peas-n-Hummus
2:45pm: Turkey/Pepper Jack/Spinach on Wheat; 100 Cal Pack (Cheez-Its)
4:00pm: Mrs Mays Almond Crunch; 1 Crème Saver
7:00pm: 3 pieces Ham-n-Pineapple Pizza; ½ piece Cheese Bread; Chocolate Chip Cookie
WORKOUT: TBK (60min); ABT (30min)
RESISTED: The other 10 cookies, Fudge Bar
Anna, no, the trail mix is not gone, but I ate so much that it is not even tempting anymore. The cookies are another story. DH will be taking them to work tomorrow (I forgot to set them out for him today). I think that by weighing myself a couple times a week I can avoid the scale meltdown in the future. I was definitely not pleased with the number this morning, but I know it is all water, there is no way I ate 15,000+ calories over what I burned. :rolleyes1 I'll just keep chugging along and hope for the best!
OMG!!! Bologna under the dresser!!! :rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao: Sorry, sounds like my DS10 also!!! He will have empty wrappers under the bed, behind the dresser, between the mattress...but at least they are empty!!!!
Have you ever noticed, boys rooms just smell funny...kinda like socks, sweat, food, and butt? Every time I go in DS room, I ask him if he needs to take a shower!! (even if he just got out of the shower!!!) Maybe it's just my kid...... :confused3

Glad the kids are home, and you got the cleaning done!!!
Great job on the workouts!!

Hi Amy, Love the bologna sandwich story :rotfl2: ! I have found pizza under my daughter's dresser before. Actually Ben the Beagle will find it, if I see him staring at her dresser like its a bakery case I know something is under there! Glad your kids are back, that must feel good. Don't worry about the weekend eating/drinking. You are still doing great, its a big picture not a small one. And I had some serious rum drinks too (Planter's Punch, yummy), so it must be in the air right now! Keep up your good work, you are doing so well. Have a great Monday!
:rotfl: No more bologne sandwiches!!! They're bad enough the first time around! :rotfl: Thank God no roaches found his stash. Glad the kids made it back safe and sound. You must've really missed them.

I don't know where you got'em but the chili mashed potatoes sound really good.

Great job on the exercising - glad your bloating is going away. Dr's don't always know - I'm with you about the symptoms. Sometimes I think dr's ignore what they don't want to acknowledge. The medical community is always changing and updating stuff about hormone replacement therapy etc. Alot of times they end up with conflicting statements. There's probably an entire website dedicated to this very subject.

Don't get down on yourself!!!! You've been doing a great job!
Hi Amy!

I'm glad you're kids are home, that's got to make you feel good that they're back with you.

I got a good laugh from the bologna story - that sounds like my house!!!

Keep up the good work on your exercising. :thumbsup2
I wanted to eat everything in sight yesterday, but I controlled myself. :cheer2: I am trying to get out of the after work snacking habit. My body doesn’t need it, since I just ate a snack 2 hours before and will be eating dinner in 1-2 hours. It’s a mental thing and it is hard to break! :crazy: I’ll get there someday… I had a really rough night last night. I was absolutely exhausted and went to bed at 8:30pm. And in the middle of the night I woke up to freezing cold night sweats. I was drenched! And I kept having really bizarre dreams. Not a restful night’s sleep, that is for sure. I wonder what it up with my hormones – I think 34 is too early to start pre-menopause isn’t it? :confused3 Yesterday I drank 96.9oz of water, 2 cups green tea and a DC:

6:15am: Egg Beaters w/Spinach & Red Peppers; ½ Bran Muffin
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Blueberries
11:30am: Spinach Salad w/Chicken, Bacon, FF Feta, Red Pepper, LF Dressing; Snap Peas
2:30pm: 3 Egg Whites; Cantaloupe
6:30pm: Spinach Taco Salad w/Turkey, Red Pepper, pinch of Cheddar, 2 tbsp FF Sour Cream; Pumpkin “Pie” (1c pumpkin w/Splenda & pumpkin pie spice)
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Elliptical (35min)
RESISTED: Chocolate Chip Cookies; Fudge Mini-Swirls cereal; Potato Chips
Marie, I haven't noticed any odd smell in DS's room, but I'm sure that will come when he is a teenager. He ate 2 burritos last night. I am going to have to get a home equity loan just to go grocery shopping in a couple years! I always used to find empty candy wrappers behind his bed. I'd rather have found those than the sandwich...

Amy, Buckley is banned from both kids rooms. They have to keep their door shut because he will eat all their stuffed animals or anything else he can get his obnoxious mouth around. I thought DD was going to need therapy when he got a hold of her favorite Snoopy doll and chewed its nose off...

Jane, there is a Dr here in the Phoenix area that will test your hormones and give you a customized mix to fix what ails you. I just might check him out if my body doesn't figure out how to regulate itself on its own. I don't think I can take 20 years of this crap! The mashed potatoes were from a little restaurant called Blue Adobe Grill. The potatoes actually came in a huge green chili. They were really spicy!

Kate, I am very glad the kids were back even though DD7 was already screaming at DS10 last night... I told both kids I'd be doing a room inspection every night before bed, so they better keep their rooms clean! Ya, that will work for about 4 nights... :rolleyes:


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