AmyM's Quest for a Better Bikini Body!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: WTG losing the vacation weight :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
You have all of the pieces of the puzzle together right now: food, exercise and water - and it paid off!

it is the cocktails. Once I get a couple in me, apparently I think I weigh 115 and can eat whatever I want...
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Stay away from the cocktails this weekend ...
Yesterday was good! :thumbsup2 I actually went to the gym and we stayed home and watched a movie!!!!! 5 on-track days and counting! :cheer2: However, I sense a wrench getting thrown in today. We have been invited to our friends' house for a BBQ. These are people we go to Mexico with and they are big partiers. They will all make fun of me if I don't drink (I didn't know there was still peer pressure from people in their 40's!) I told DH I didn't know if I'd want to go - I have the dreaded dentist visit today. When he puts that permanent crown on it better fix all the issues I have on that side! I have gotten so used to chewing only on the right side that I don't even notice I do it anymore... I better be back to 100% after today. I already told him he has to give me a shot. I don't care what they have to do and I don't want to hear his "this won't hurt and it'll only take 5 minutes" nonsense either! So needless to say, we may or may not go to the BBQ. But I think DH wants to. We'll see... Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, a Minute Maid Light, 1 glass Passion Fruit Wine and a DC:

6:15am: Egg Beaters w/Spinach; Fiber Cake
9:00am: FF Cottage Cheese; Blueberries
11:30am: Chicken; Broccoli; 8 Multigrain Savory Thins
2:30pm: 4 Egg Whites; Cantaloupe
5:00pm: Pumpkin, 2 Creme Savers
6:30pm: Sauteed Shrimp w/Garlic, Zucchini, Spinach over Brown Rice; Fudge Bar
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Elliptical (35min)
RESISTED: More Creme Savers, another Fudge Bar
Jane, that is a sad but true statement. In fact we have been at Outback and after the 2nd martini I always tell DH "It's not like I'm obese or anything, so why not enjoy life and have another martini/bread/cheesecake, etc". Then of course the next day I am kicking myself! :blush:

Kate, I am glad that weight came off so quickly! I thought I did some permanent damage this time...

Marie, at work I bet I am in the bathroom at least once an hour, probably the same at home too. I guess you just get used to it after a while. Trader Joe's is nice, they have lots of unique stuff and their prices are not bad either. The one here is SO packed all the time, which is why I only go during the week. There is actually a line to get in on the weekends, it's insane!

Amy, thanks! Fiber cakes are bran muffins and they are only 80 calories with 13g of fiber. And they are actually moist and taste good! They are made by Zen Bakery, I think they also sell them at Whole Foods, in case you have one of those nearby. The kids get back next Sunday. I'm halfway there! Buckley is a total pain in the butt. Right now he is licking the tile floor right under my feet. Now my leg...

Anna, I still have a long way to go! I am still out of my comfort zone (around 135). But I am gonna get there soon! :cool1: Staying away from the cocktails is WAY easier said than done! :confused3
WTG for 5 good days and counting! :banana: :cheer2: :banana:
I hope the dentist appt went well today and you figured out what to do about the BBQ.

You're food and exercise are awesome!
5 days and counting...good job!!!
How was the dentist??
How was the BBQ & drinking party??!!
Let us know when you come to!! :)
I survived both the dentist and the BBQ! I am still miffed because my new crown is super sensitive to hot and cold. But at least I can chew crunchy things on it without hurting now!! I am going to do some research to see if the sensitivity thing is normal and will go away... The dentist was not too concerned since my tooth does not throb or hurt when I am just sitting here. At the BBQ I really did great with food! I ate a little more than I normally would have, but I did exercise portion control and common sense! I had a couple cocktails but didn't overdo it for a change, yay! So now I am at 6 days and counting. I REALLY wanted to weigh myself this morning, but I didn't! :thumbsup2 Yesterday I drank 50oz water, 12oz FF Chai, 2 Seagram's Blue Pina Coladas, 2 glasses Mango wine:

9:30am: FF Yogurt; Kashi Crunch; Blueberries
12:00pm: Pumpkin (1/2c)
2:30pm: Tilapia; Cauliflower; 8 Multigrain Thins; Nutter Butter 100 Calorie Pack
4:30pm: GoLean Caramel Peanut Bar
6-9pm: 5 Pita Chips, 5 Soy Chips; Queso Dip (1/3c); Chicken (4oz); Mustard Potato Salad (1/2c); Waldorf Salad (1/2c); S'more (2 Marshmallows and 1 Graham Cracker)
WORKOUT: On the Ball (60min); Incline Treadmill (40min)
RESISTED: More queso dip, more cocktails, chocolate on my S'more, cheeseburger w/bun
Anna, thanks! I'm glad my dentist is such a hottie, it makes it WAY easier to go!! :blush: I made him give me a shot before he even touched my tooth. I'm such a baby!

Marie, I am so proud of myself for behaving at the BBQ! And it was great because DH usually drives, but I stopped drinking early in the evening and drove home so he was able to drink whatever he wanted (he was feeling the effects this morning!). Note to self: It IS possible to behave and still have fun... :rolleyes:
Glad things went well at the dentist and the BBQ!

I had a crown a few years ago, and I do seem to remember it being sensitive at first, but all ok now, so hope that's the case with you too.

S'mores - now that's something I can't resist and would have had MANY of!! (AND couldn't do without the chocolate!) :sunny:
Hey Amy, way to go at the BBQ! You give me hope, our group of party animals is coming over next Saturday and I am already dreading it in some ways. If you can do it, I can! Glad the tooth is better, you have been through plenty with that one. Thanks for the heads up on the fiber cakes, I may see if I can order them online. And a big pat on your back for NOT weighing yourself. You have really come a long way with that haven't you? I am glad that Buckley is still being a pain, thats what beagles do best! And guess what, Benjamin still licks the floor constantly at almost 13. He also loves to lick heating/ac vents, the shower stall and anything else he can get his naughty little tongue near! Sounds like you had a nice weekend, the kids will be home soon (and then you will probably have moments when you wish they weren't :rotfl2: )!
I made it a whole week eating right!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :thumbsup2 Now I am going to work on Week #2 (one day at a time). I’m definitely not getting as many fruits and veggies as I should on the weekends, but I am getting some, so that has to count for something!! I bought huge things of spinach and blueberries at Costco, so I will be eating a bunch of that in the near future. I was very bummed because the instructor didn’t show up for the classes at the gym! :furious: And of course I didn’t have my magazine or workout gloves or anything with me. I did a run on the treadmill and that was it. I guess it’s better than nothing… :rolleyes: I still have some sensitivity to heat and cold on the crown but I think it is getting better. I am supposed to wait 4-6 weeks to let my poor tooth get over the trauma. If it is still sensitive after that amount of time, I need to go back to the dentist to see what is wrong. Yesterday I drank 80oz of water and a Diet Raspberry Rite:

7:45am: Egg Beaters w/Spinach; 1 c High Fiber O’s w/Skim Milk
10:45am: FF Yogurt; Kashi Crunch; Blueberries
1:15pm: Turkey-n-Pepper Jack-n-Spinach Wrap w/Low Carb Wheat Tortilla; Pumpkin; Oreo 100 Cal Pack
4:30pm: 25 small Snap Peas-n-Hummus; Blueberries; 2 Crème Savers
7:00pm: EFL Green Chili Soup; Low Carb Wheat Tortilla; Fudge Bar
WORKOUT: Treadmill (35min)
RESISTED: Another fudge bar, pretzels, trail mix (I should not have let DH buy this, it is gonna kill me not being able to eat any!)
Kate, it was hard to resist the chocolate but I'm glad I did! I think the marshmallows and the graham were not too damaging, but add in that chocolate and the calorie count goes WAY up!

Amy, I still struggle not getting on that scale everyday, but I am very proud of that accomplishment. Keeping the scale in the closet and out of sight is the key. And as with everything else, the longer I resist, the easier it gets! DH and I were talking about leaving Buckley to roam the house while we are at work (after he is a little more "trained" of course) and DH is dead set against it. He knows the dog would be up on the counter, eating plants, etc. I guess we'll just have to see if Buckley ever matures... :crazy:
:cheer2: :cheer2: Way to go with eating for week 1!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

How's your tooth doing? It may take awhile longer to get over the hot/cold sensitivity stuff. It took me about a month to get over the sensitivity on my tooth. I had pain even when I wasn't eating - if I touched the tooth it hurt. I was scared to death he'd have to redo it and put in a crown. Then like magic the pain went away all at once.

I can't believe your gym instructor didn't show up. Its hard enough to motivate yourself to go into the gym on a weekend - its really bad when the instructor doesn't show up!

Great job on resisting the chocolate!
Keep it up!!!

You've got Buckley, I've got Gunner.....WTH were we thinking??!!
Congratulations on losing the vacation weight, its took me 2 years to lose mine!! (although i did put 14 lb on our trip to WDW!!)
You showed great will power at the bbq well done :)
Hope your tooth recovers quickly!
I love reading your posts you inspire me - especially to drink more water :)
Great job at the BBQ and finishing a whole week eating right :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Glad the tooth is starting to settle down now.

Have a great week!
Hi Amy,

Honey, Buckley isn't ever gonna mature, he's a beagle! Benjamin will be 13 in just two months, is totally grey and old looking but still has his moments. He can get to food so fast its amazing. And he still won't stay out of the trash, we do not have one trash can out where he can get to it. People come to our house and don't know where to put their trash :rotfl2: ! Crazy, dumb dog, I love him to death, he still cracks me up with his puppy like naughtiness! And he has never had the run of the house because we would test it for like five minutes while we peeked through the window and watched him immediately try to conquer and destroy! He stays in the utility room or his kennel, period. Okay enough about the Beagle Chronicles!

Your food and exercise looks great. Hope that instructor had a good excuse, major bummer to be there ready to go and nobody to lead the class. Keep up your good work, you are into week two now, what a huge accomplishment! Good for you!
There is one good thing about the kids being gone - LESS LAUNDRY!!! :cool1: They come back on Sunday, I can’t wait! I was starting to talk myself out of going to the gym yesterday, but I dragged myself there and was glad I did. :cheer2: I am taking today off from working out and I am going to clean both kids’ rooms. DS has a bunch of junk “hidden” behind/under his bed and DD cleans her room by putting everything on her dresser. :confused3 I should just let the dog in there to eat anything that is on the floor and be done with it… Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups green tea, 18oz Diet Fuze and a DC:

6:10am: Egg Beaters w/Spinach; High Fiber O’s w/Skim Milk
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Leftover EFL Green Chili Soup; 9 Multigrain Thins; 10 Baby Carrots
2:30pm: LF String Cheese; Blueberries; Almonds (1.2oz)
5:30pm: Snap Peas-n-Hummus; 2 Crème Savers
7:00pm: Chicken Marco Polo; Green Beans; Mashed Potatoes; Fudge Bar
WORKOUT: Weights (30min); Elliptical (35min)
RESISTED: Mrs. May’s Nut Clusters (good for you, but high in calories and I already had almonds)
Jane, that was the first time since I've been going to that gym in April that there was no instructor. The scheduled one was not there and her replacement hurt her back and didn't bother to get another replacement... I'm glad my tooth doesn't hurt just sitting here, I'm too big of a baby for that to be going on! It sounds like there is hope for the sensitivity to go away, I just have to wait it out... :hourglass

Marie, DH and I had talked about getting another beagle (when Buckley was still small and cute and innocent) but we talked about it again and both agreed - NO WAY! I can't imagine keeping track of more than one... :crazy:

Tracey, I'm glad I can inspire someone on these boards (since I have such a hard time inspiring myself!)

Anna, hopefully I will remember how well I did at the BBQ the next time one comes around... :rolleyes1

Amy, thanks a lot! You just proved me wrong and DH right about Buckley! Oh well, he is used to being in his kennel, so he doesn't know any better... I am having a tough time right now because I am bloated (probably PMS) and it makes me want to give up all hope and eat everything in sight. But I am constantly reminding myself that this is temporary and will go away in a few days, so I have to stick to the program! :goodvibes
So that's what I have to do - send the kids away for a week to get a chance to clean their rooms!! :lmao:

I love those snap peas - I'll eat them plain or with hummus. Yummy snack.
Im with ya on the kids room, my DD is exactly the same, we now call it the 'pit' !!
Have a good week :)
I don't know what Mrs. May's nut clusters are but they sounds delicious! I'll never know how you ever resisted them!

Glad to hear that your problems at the gym were just a one time thing. Congrats on going in when you didn't feel like it.
Hi Amy. I'll bet you are so excited to have those kids home! Just a few more days. As usual, your food puts mine to shame, you amaze me. And good for you going to the gym when you didn't feel like it. Your doing great in your second week of the new you!


p.s. Tell Buckley I'm sorry for having no faith in him!
I didn’t get around to cleaning the kids rooms yesterday, but I figure I have until Sunday to get that done. I ended up working late then I had to get to the post office to mail off my passport renewal (work is paying for it since I will have to travel for business). I almost renewed it a couple months ago, I’m glad I dragged my feet – it saved me $67 AND I got to expedite it. :thumbsup2 I have been SO bloated these last couple days, I hate it! :furious: It has to be PMS, but I have no way of knowing since I don’t have periods anymore. Maybe I should track these bloaty times so I can see if they are every 4 weeks or so… :confused3 It feels like it’s been 2 months since I weighed myself, I am dying to get on the scale! It feels like I’ve gained 5 lbs, but I guess I have to wait until Friday to see what’s up… Yesterday I drank 80oz of water, 2 cups green tea, 18oz Diet Fuze, 1 glass Category 5 (white sangria) and a DC:

6:00am: Chocolate Oatmeal
8:30am: FF Yogurt; Cantaloupe
11:30am: Spinach Salad w/Chicken; 9 Multigrain Thins
2:30pm: 3 Egg Whites; Blueberries
4:30pm: Mrs. May’s Cashew Clusters (yum); Snap Peas-n-Hummus; 2 Crème Savers
6:30pm: Tri-Tip; Pasta-Roni; Carrots; FF/SF Pudding
RESISTED: Trail Mix (DH had the nerve to eat it right in front of me!)
Kate, I wish the kids would keep their rooms clean (well, they do, but not the way I'd like it clean). I told them it's not that difficult - pick up stuff when you are done with it. I guess that is a hard thing to grasp...

Tracey, my rule is that I have to be able to walk into their rooms without tripping or stepping on something. When that happens, they are stuck cleaning. DD7 is the worst. It is physically impossible for her to put her dirty clothes in the hamper every day. And she has a hamper in her room!

Jane, the nut clusters are SO good! My dad got me hooked on them. They are 1" cubes of nuts w/sesame seeds and something gluing them together. We got a variety pack of pumpkin (seeds instead of nuts); almond and cashew. Luckily they had the individual sized bags at our Costco. My dad's Costco had the monster bag which would not have worked for me due to my persistent lack of willpower... :rolleyes: Check out their website:

Amy, it'll be so nice when the kids are back. Except I will miss only getting myself ready in the morning and being on time to work everyday... :rolleyes1
I'll have to check out WalMart the next time I'm there to find those nuts. They sound delicious.

You're eating looks really good - very balanced - congrats on resisting that trailmix (more nuts again). You may want to track when you're feeling bloated - at least if you see a pattern you may be able to solve whats causing it.


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