Aeroplan, and Flying during March Break


DIS Veteran
Feb 16, 2000
Has anyone used their Air Canada points to fly to Orlando during March Break? If so, what was availability like? How far in advance can I book? If we end up having to pay for flights, are airline tickets inflated during March Break week? Would this week be as "prime" as say, Christmas? Unfortunately, our dates aren't flexible. Any information would be great!
Aeroplan blacks out the March Break dates I believe. We have never been able to use our points for that time. I tried to use them for our trip in Aug. but there were no seats available even then. I ended up getting good prices for flights out of Buffalo so I am glad I didn't use my points for this trip after all. I will save them for a different destination. I have used my points to fly to New Orleans but we had to be very flexible with our dates to find flights.
I concur. We were unable to use our points during march break. You really have to plan ahead too, we booked our seats in May 2000 for our April 2001 trip.

Mike in the Maritimes
8 Days and counting!


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