2004 WDW 1/2 marathon - my GREAT experience.....rather long!


more drink less run since 2008
Sep 5, 2001
I've just returned from WDW marathon weekend where DH and I ran the 1/2 marathon. I would have never thought that running 13.1 miles could be so much fun! WISHcon 2005 is going to be amazing! :Pinkbounc Ask me any questions....I'd be more than happy to share my story!!!!

We arrived on Friday and made our way to the World of Sports complex to pick up our race packets. We got our numbers and *goodie bags* (t-shirt, product samples, etc.) and spent some time at the Health and Fitness Expo looking at the different vendor booths and of course purchasing some of the *official* marathon merchandise for ourselves! :p The energy in that building was incredible! :hyper:

Saturday we went to the pre-race all-you-can-eat pasta dinner at the World of Sports complex....$8.99...the best deal in all of WDW :p There was salad, bread, pasta with a light pesto sauce, spaghetti, marinara sauce with or without meatballs, chocolate cake, and soda or water. It was great to be with so many wonderful people, all with a common goal - and loads of energy and excitement! :hyper:

Sunday morning (or was it still Saturday???) we were up at 3:15 am :eek: in order to catch our bus that would bring us to the starting area by 4:00 :crazy: The bus dropped us off at the Wonder parking lot of Epcot where the pre-race staging area was. It was COLD! About 35 degrees and breezy. I had on old sweatpants and 2 sweatshirts over my running clothes. We also had those mylar car emergency blankets to help keep us warm. After dropping off our bag with our warm clothes for AFTER the race, it was time to wait....and wait....and use the port-a-pottie. :rolleyes: I have never seen so many port-a-potties in my LIFE! It was amazing.....with 24,000 participants there was never a line for the bathroom!!!! :p Around 5am they began to *herd* us toward the start line. We had about a 15 minute walk to get there. We headed out of the parking lot down a service road (?) kind of behind Mexico and China.....out to the highway where the start corrals were (and of course, more port-a-potties!) As race time approached, they shot off a few fireworks....(not big ones, more like over sized sparklers). Then some *famous* star of flim and Broadway sang the National Anthem.....so famous I have NO idea who she was....:scratchin ...it was time to *shed* some of our extra clothing. (as an aside....the amount of discarded clothing was incredible! The good news though is that it is all picked up and donated to local shelters.....) Then at a few minutes past 6:00 Mickey and Minnie started the full marathon and Donald and Daisy started the 1/2. We were off and running, down the highway in the dark!

Now for the course.....I can't find my way out of a paper bag that early in the morning!:crazy: so my description may be vague! We ran down the highway, somehow crossing in front of the Epcot entrance-(full split off a different way)- because we entered Epcot behind the Land pavillion....went behind the buildings, entering the WS near where the Millenium Village was. The buildings were lit up with the white lights, and the Illuminations Ball was on the lagoon, rotating with pictures of runners on it! We exited near Germany, and made our way back down the same road that we took to GET to the start line - (where the full and 1/2 merged again) past where we began (where volunteers had already picked up and bagged most of the discarded clothes!) Down the highway in the pre-dawn. The sun came up as we headed toward MK :sunny: We went left of the toll plaza, actually on the wrong side of the highway....past the Exxon station, toward Richard Petty....across the parking lot at TTC turning left to go under the bridge to get to the Contemporary....past the hotel turning left again thru the security gate into MK behind ????? Buzz and Timekeeper area:confused: coming out next to Tony's and turning right down Main Street. Loads of spectators and characters.....headed thru Tomorrowland to Fantasy Land, thru the Castle, turning right to Liberty Square, toward BTMRR, and out the back gate...turning left to head toward GF hotel, and finally to the finish line in the parking lot where we got our medals.:hyper:

There were plenty of water stations where they had either water or powerade. Also several medical-aid stations....the full marathoners also had food, energy gel and sponges starting somewhere after the 1/2's had finished. Port-a-potties were abundant all along the course...

Amazing! We had soooo much fun! After returning to our hotel, showering, EATING, and *napping* by the pool, we went to PI for the post-race party Sunday night. I was v-e-r-y tired. It had been a long, wonderful day.

Now we're signing up to do the WHOLE marathon in 2005 ::yes::
Thank you Thank you Thank you ... for this detailed report :) I have been pretty excited about next year ever since I got my confirmation number on Sun night. And right now, I am more excited than ever. As I read your post, I was picturing the course and me trying to tackle it. You've given me more inspiration than you'll ever know ;)

I love the idea of wearing clothes you're willing to part with before the race. One question ... you mentioned having a bag with clothes for AFTER the race. Where exactly did you drop this off, and how did you retrieve it?

I know there will many questions coming your way ... I look forward to reading all of them.

Mary Liz
Thanks so much for posting your experience! I just know as soon as I hit the "submit reply" button I'll think of a million questions!!

You talked about getting to the Wonder parking lot of Epcot and stowing a bag with clothes for later? When & where did you pick this up again?

Did you bother with going to the parks at all or was it a full and busy weekend without spending money for park tickets? My annual pass will be expired next year and I'm not sure if I'll even have time or energy to go to the parks and do MORE walking the Friday and Saturday before the half marathon.

At the water stops during the race, do they dispense water in cups or just hand you a bottle of Dasani?
ok....first the after-race baggage....

The full marathon ended near the initial pre-race staging area, so they had numbered tents set up there where you dropped your bag off according to your race number (bag tag & race # are the same....)

For the 1/2 marathon, there were numbered school buses at the pre-race staging area where we checked our bags. The buses were numbered according to a range of race numbers...and a volunteer was there to take our bag. At some point then, the buses were moved from Epcot to the TTC parking lot right near the 1/2 marathon finish line - and we claimed our bags there. Again, there was a volunteer on the bus who handed us our bag.

It was all VERY well organized (would you expect less from Disney?!? :p ) and e-a-s-y to follow!

After claiming our bags, we boarded buses that took us BACK to the pre-race area where there were MORE buses that took everyone back to their hotels.

The water stations.....the water & powerade were in cups....can't really run well with them!:rolleyes: I only took 1 water - we had the water bottle belts, so I chose to drink my own mostly. I make a HUGE mess with cups unless I STOP completely. And for me, it was too cold out to spill on myself!
Thank you so much for all the work you did to re-tell how your weekend went.

Here is a great website for Marathon Walking or it could apply to running too. The link I am giving gives great information for what a person training in a marathon needs to think about and what things they need to bring with them for the walk/run. It really is a great read, and I encourage everyone who is planning to go to read it. It really gave me lots of ideas and things to think about.

Marathon Walking

The questions are great. I also would really like to know the answer to the one that Doreen asked about if you were too busy to need park tickets. My season passes expired in November, and we probably won't by more till November 2005 (unless I talk DH into going to Disney this fall).

Thanks for all your help.
Sorry! I forgot to answer the ticket question! :o

We arrived on Friday afternoon....went to Epcot after dinner (ate at Jikos...yum!) and were able to get a VERY last minute spot right on the bridge between France & UK to watch Illuminations.....that's how un-crowded Epcot was. Granted it was chilly for Florida, but not THAT bad....Saturday MGM & Epcot - walk-ons for everything we wanted to do.....showed up at MK 10 minutes before Wishes and found a PRIME viewing location right on Main Street near Casey's. Sunday we relaxed after the race, went to Epcot for lunch and Margarita's in Mexico - beautiful day - NO CROWDS. Monday was EE day at MK and we found it to be a little busier there, especially by noon time, but definitely not unbearable. Tuesday am we went to AK - again, not bad at all....

So would I purchase a ticket if I hadn't had my AP? Based on this past experience I would say yes.
Congrats on completing the Marathon!!

Thanks for the detailed report of your weekend. HOW EXCITING!!!!!!! :bounce: Are you able to post a picture of your medal? I would love to see what one looks like!

Also - do you know what a ChampionChip is? I saw references to them briefly on the 2004 WDW Marathon website but now the site has been updated with the results. I guess I am just really curious to know what exactly it is!

I don't think it is possible but I am even MORE excited now!!! :tongue: :tongue:
Well, I'm rather technologically challenged when it comes to figuring out how to do the digital camera thing. I think DH and DS have just about given up on me:rolleyes: I'll check with them later when they get home - maybe someone will have pity on me and help! :p The medal is cute though - it's a gold Donald head!

The ChampionChip is a little electronic "tag" that you wear on your shoelace. It's a little plastic thing - you won't even notice you're wearing it! But it's purpose is to track you as you cross the various timing mats on the course - there one at the start, one near the Contemporary just prior to entering MK (so you can't cheat and take a detour!!!) and one at the finish. You get your chip at the race packet pick-up, and at the completion of the race, there are volunteers right there to remove it for you (or you can purchase one for ???? maybe $30?)
Hi, AKASnowWhite,

Great Job!::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

What time was the party on Sunday?

My plans were to arrive at Disney after picking the kids up from school on Friday and leaving Sunday so they wouldn't miss school on Monday.

I would hate to miss the best part of the half-marathon.:)

Thanks for your report.

It was promoted as the "Post-race Party" at Pleasure Island...from 7pm-2am. Each race participant got free entry to PI by showing their race number. In addition to the free ticket, each person could get 3 (? I think) tickets at 1/2 price for family/friends. We went to the comedy club and Adventurers Club - drank diet coke and left by 10:30. :rolleyes: We were exhausted!
AKASnowWhite, Thank you so very much for posting the detailed report of the marathon!!!!! I really enjoyed reading it and I am now more excited than nervous!!! I can't wait to tell my friend that is walking with me all the details. In many ways this sounds alot like the cross country ski competitions we have been in. How great to start with fireworks and Daisy and Donald; DD wants to know do they do the full race?

I'm glad to hear the parks weren't very crowded! We are planning on coming in Thursday and staying until Tuesday nad doing the parks along with the marathon. I just hope we won't be too sore and tired on Monday to go to the parks!

Thank you thank you thank you for giving information. I would never have thought about the layering of old clothes. What a great idea. The information you provided will be most valuable for all of us.

Knowing a little of what to expect has certainly tamed the beast of fear in me some. I look forward to meeting up with my WISH friends next year.
even more pumped up for this "event" !! Did a 6 mile walk this AM - in the comfy of my home (treadmilling) - ice storm here today!

Can't wait for some of that fun next year at WDW - how exciting that you are going for the "gold" - doing the full event next time! I will be so excited to just comlete the half!!

Your report answered some of my questions, but I was wondering is a photograph taken at the finish line that is avaible to purchase (probably at a later date - review on line and then decide)?

How/when did you get tickets for the pre-party (pasta dinner) - info for that when you picked up your packet?

Thanks for being available for questions ;)

CONGRATULATIONS and good luck on training for next year - see you in 2005!!
Originally posted by AlreadyexcitedGrammy
....I was wondering is a photograph taken at the finish line that is avaible to purchase (probably at a later date - review on line and then decide)?

How/when did you get tickets for the pre-party (pasta dinner) - info for that when you picked up your packet?

There were people taking *posed* pictures once we finished....although DH and I didn't pause for a photo at that time...DH was certain that there were photographers taking our pictures just BEFORE the finish, but to be perfectly honest with you I didn't notice them. We haven't yet received an email offering us the chance to purchase a photo - in events that we have participated in previously there were photos available reasonably soon after the race.....I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one.

As for the pasta dinner - when we first received our Marathon packet in the mail, it had a booklet outlining the weekends events. The pasta dinner was *advertised* in there and we were instructed to call World of Sports (not Disney dining) directly to make a PS. When I called, I was told they had changed their procedure. It was a "come when you want" buffet style....no tickets or anything. Just come. It was served part of the day on Friday and all day Saturday. We went Saturday late afternoon - around 4:30, and there was a line that took about 15-20 minutes to get up to the food. There seemed to be plenty of seating - indoor picnic tables actually. Food was good - and ample! The folks who worked there said that there had been a steady stream of people all day long!

I still can't believe I signed up for the whole thing! :eek: Happy training! :wave2:
AKA Snow WHite-
Glad you had a great experience...as did I! I have to say it was one of the best experiences in my life :)

I'm going to post a long report (in parts) for those who wanted more info on the Family Fun weekend races and our experiences staying and doing the parks after the 1/2 marathon!

BTW--DH was so thrilled with his 5K run we decided to go at least do the 1/2 together next year :)

Thanks for the great information. I have a question about the training you did to prepare. Were you always a runner, or is this something more recent? What was your training schedule like, and do you plan to do a full marathon training program for next year? I want to be as prepared as possible so I can enjoy it as much as you did! :)

edited to add this question (I asked Karen the same!)
Did you walk/run the day or two before the marathon. I thought about walking the 5k the day before (as a family thing) but don't want to overdo it.
No, I was never a runner...always HATED it! I have exercised regularly (?obessively?) for most of my adult life....but not running! The most unexpected thing for me was, the more I ran, the more I actually came to ENJOY it. :p go figure!

I did follow a 1/2 marathon training schedule. I looked at a few and chose the one that looked the most do-able to me. I ended up following the one that was published in the July 2003 Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine....it was written by Hal Higdon (who, btw, was at the Fitness Expo signing books...). This particular schedule says right on it "keep in mind that this program works just as well for walkers"! Because it's a 12 week training guide, you could start earlier in the year, and simply repeat some of the first weeks in order to build up a bit more slowly. If you don't have access to that magazine, you can also find his training schedules at www.halhigdon.com (or pm me....) I've chosen one of his for the full marathon training as well.

We worked out *easy* on Thursday before the race....traveled and went to the parks Friday, and Saturday we went to the parks, just taking things slowly - not our usual *commando* style! I had so much pent up energy from my 2 days *off* (and the carbo-loaded pasta meal!) that running the 1/2 marathon was easier than expected!
the halhigdon site is coming up as a blank page for me ???

i'm training to run the half marathon next year as well. i think i've seen some training schedules where you do a 3 mi run the day before, or i could be wrong and it's a run on the fri and nothing on the sat. so would it be a good idea to run in the 5k? i plan on flying down thurs night, doing parks fri, not sure sat, running sun, and parks mon, flying home mon night or tues.
Thanks for the report. I have signed up for the 1/2 and get excited each time I start to think about it. I really enjoyed hearing about your experience and tips.
Originally posted by marsh0013
the halhigdon site is coming up as a blank page for me ???

That's odd....they must be having issues with the site - I just tried to go there as well.....there is LOADS of running info and advice for all levels on his site. Definitely worth going back to later....


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