Wk of Nov 20--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

chimera said:
There are other ways of finding out. :cool: Took me less than 5 minutes. ;)

Btw, Sunny...I think you got tagged!

Race results are a dead give away! I got that tag the first time I posted the Goofy song!!!!
chimera said:
I am still packet-free at this point :sad1: ! Thinking I should just drive up to WDW and pick the darn thing up.

DH and I are both packet-free, too... I think they are doing the floridians last... :sad:

DH and DS are coming down with colds, so they are taking airborne. I really hope it works - we can't afford to be sick at this point in the training!!! DH is supposed to do 23 miles (I think) on Saturday. I did my very LR last week, so just need to get 10 in sometime this week. Hugs for everyone that is dealing with colds/flu/injuries!!! :grouphug: We can do this!!!

Sunny - love your tag!!! :flower:

TiffJ - Great job on the pace! And congrats on getting your packet! :goodvibes

Helen - hope your run goes well!!! And good luck with that toenail! ;)

lacool - great job on your run! :banana: Also, thanks for the info on the Advil - DH switched to Tylenol before and after runs - I should do that, too!

Honeibee - Hope you feel better soon!!! WTG on the treadmill! :)

alladinsgirl - Good luck on your race!!! Thinking warm thoughts for you!!! :sunny:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! :wave2:
Sunny--Just waiting to take my sweet potato casserole out of the oven and my pecan pumpkin pie to cool. I thought to myself, "what can I do for 30 minutes?" I know, I can search for Sunny's real name. While I'm not as computer savvy as Mel, I did find your name in 10 minutes. ;) Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Krista princess:
Well I know it is late but wanted to wish everybody a Happy and Joyful Thanksgiving. I ran two miles at PT but had to stop there because of ashmaha(sp). I think I am going to take the offer, just have not made the final, final decision yet. We got our race stuff Monday. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how they get sent out.

Chimera- How can you post pictures like that when we have snow. You are no fun! How is the wild tod doing? I hope she is doing well.

Craig- good luck on exams. I have them too but mine are fairly easy.

Sunny- I like your name but agree with you about the website corrisponding.

Liz-I hope everything is OK and :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: PD for you and your family.

Well I should get to bed so I can run at 9:30AM. :worship: I will probly need coffee after the race. Good night fellow WISH team members.

Erin(The Rat)
Did 45 minutes of spinning today. Finally gave in and scheduled a PT appointment for Monday morning. Hopefully, they will figure out why my quad is not getting better.

Happy Turkey Day to all!

Wow, you guys are big :dog: on the computer too! I wouldnt have any idea how to find out Sunny's real name.

Sunny-how does it feel to know everyone's investigating you :sunny:

Terri-great job on the spinning. I am getting to really love the bike thing!
(although my derrier doesn't agree :rotfl: )

Erin-good luck on your race in the a.m.

crzy4pooh-let me know if that Airborne works. I've heard good things about it & may need to keep some on hand this season. None of us has time to get sick. We need to TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN. :cheer2:

I just want to let you guys know that one of the many things I am thankful for is this group. Without you I would never have had the courage to go on this adventure. That is what this has become to me and I am enjoying every minute of it! (and my body is thankful too) You supported me in the decision to sign up & know that I could do this and you are helping me through the training process! You have greatly contributed to this lumpy couch potato becoming (or at least on her way to) an athlete. THANK YOU!!! :grouphug:
Wow, this new board freaked me out this morning! I wondered where I was at first.

BTW, what does it mean if you are "tagged"???
Happy Thanksgiving!

I did my own turkey trot around town this morning as it is snowing here in CT and I'm not doing the big one in Manchester. It was nice and quiet running in the snow (about 2 inches and falling).

Jodi- I hope you're not going to be looking for me in Manchester because I'm not braving the drive.

Sunny- it's cool to have an out of the ordinary name. I'm glad you told us that exotic site wasn't yours!

No packet for me. I'm getting desperate. My maillady thinks I'm stalking her. I watch out the window for the little truck then run to greet her. I'll definitely have to give her a little gift this year to make up for my weird behavior.

I'm loving my Garmin. My learning curve is going slowly (us old folks take longer) but it is fun to use.

Have a great holiday!!
My neice and I haven't received our packages yet, should we be worried?
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great holiday. Hopefully I will get my mid-week run in today after Phil gets home from work! The boy and I both have a cold, so I'm not expecting any great time. Just getting to do it would be an accomplishment today.

Sunny - Thanks for a little bit of board excitement! When i googled your name, I only got race results :confused3 :rotfl2:

I did finally get my race packet. I noticed it said that our corrals are based on our projected finish time. I projected 5:15 but I would really like to get in under 5. What did you guys put? I can't remember who all was wanting to run together, but I have a good enough 1/2 mar time to change my projected time.
I should either quit my job or there should be holidays every day. 4 miles this morning in 54:47 for a 13:42 pace!

Monica...I don't think you need to worry yet. Looks like there's several of us that still don't have packets. That said, patience is not one of my 5 virtues...I'm giving them til Monday before I'm calling ;)

Colleen...there are tag fairies among us. Look under everyone's user name...anything that's done in color is a gift from the tag fairy. You can actually change what it says yourself, but only the tag fairies can do it in color.

Kiena...glad you're enjoying your Garmin. Running in the snow sounds quite lovely.

Erin...glad to see you around! The wild tod is just fine, thanks for asking. Tell us more about the offer you're thinking on.

Krista...What time should we be there for dinner? ;)
I host Christmas and do all the cooking for that, so Thanksgiving is at my aunt and uncle's and I slack. I only have to bring dessert...blueberry and apple cobblers from a local restaurant :lovestruc

It is kinda scary what info is out there on the internet. If you google me, there's many of the articles I wrote last year, some of my race results, and several people with my name, including some neat stuff on a girl who competes in equestrian events. The state of FL also has a website where you can search your health care practitioners' license that lists our mailing address :scared1: I'd rather not have that info out there, but have no choice.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Good morning all!!

I just wanted to pop in and wish my marathon family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

It's snowing here... a lot. I had hoped to go running this morning, but that was not to be. 13 degrees with a wind chill of -4... I don't think so. 8 miler tomorrow to work off dinner, though.

Got to get ready to head to dinner--

Happy Training,
Solotraveler :earsboy:
Mom and I did the Turkey Trot in Bville this morning. Hadn't pre-registered so the decision came down to this morning. Got up and there was about 2 inches new white fluffy stuff but it wasn't actively snowing at that point. We decided to head over to Bville and hope that everywhere else had been plowed. We were in luck and most of the course was plowed for the 10 mile. There was one fairly steep downhill that was almost at the end of both courses that was treacherous though with the snow/ice. The 10 mile started 5 minutes after the 5 mile and the sun was trying to peak out while we were waiting. By mile 2 it was snowing again but stopped fairly quickly and then it was just cloudy and kind of windy. I wasn't happy with my time but made a new running friend that I did the entire race with, Brad from northern VA. That's why I don't wear headphones 'racing'- I'd rather talk my way through it. I don't know if it's the cold, not rested, the 2.5x1.25 inch oval of blister on the bottom of my foot from the arch supports, but I'm not happy with how I ran for pace. I was under 10 min/mile so it was okay for training but not where I want to be at for racing. Oh well, it's still 6 weeks to the marathon so plenty of time. It's not like I'm danger from the sweeper anyway.

Happy T-day to everyone. We have to drive to Grandma's house now.
I finished my first official race. Didi the Turkey Trot this morning;. It was supposed to be a 5 miler but the garmin says I only did 4.6 miles. My time was 1:06. :banana: :banana: When I crossed the fininsh line, someone standing their "She's only a 5 miler." Some of the 10 milers were starting to come in also.

The temp was hovering around freezing and it snowede during part of the race. I didn't get cold until after I stopped.

My splits were:
Mile 1 - 12.52
Mile 2 - 14.22
Mile 3 - 14.05
Mile 4 - 15.20 (walked whole mile, no jogging)
Mille .6 - 7.44

If I can keep up that pace for the half, I will definitely get the Donald medal.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. Am off for a 2.5 hr drive to my Mom's even though she said not to come. It is currently snowing here and she is a worry wort. But she keeps saying I got my stubborness from my Dad.
Hi all--in to report I did a series of 4:1's and then 3:2's of walk/jogging/running--got up to 5.2 on speed....getting near 4 on the walking.

All very good---did 3 miles in 41:50 (I think that was the time anyway).

Legs are very happy :).
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We're getting ready to go to my parents for Thanskgiving, but I had to post our race results from this morning. Stephen and I did the Thanksgiving Day 10K Run/Walk, Stephen kicked butt finishing in 47:22 with a pace of 7:38. He was very pleased with the results. I was pretty happy with my run too, I finished in 1:06:11 with a pace of 10:40. Now it's time to eat!!!!

Krista princess:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Glad to hear some of you were out and doing the steps today. Great news!

I'm fatted turkey and dessert! Haven't done any trekking, maybe b4 bed.
Happy Thanksgiving! Great job to everyone on their runs today!

I finally got out and exercised today. It feels great to be back after the long break from the hip injury. I got my Christmas present early yesterday (a new carbon fiber road bike). I rode 17 miles this morning.

I am looking forward to walking/running some this weekend. I hate to admit this to all of you suffering through snow, ice, and cold, but the weather here is perfect. Today's high was 80. :sunny:
Still on our trip but have a few min on a friend's computer. I wanted to check in and report on our Turkey Trot this AM. Woke up to that white stuff (snow) on the ground that we thought we had left behind when we moved to FL, but over DH's protests we went anyway. We did our 2 mile walk in what was a personal best for me. Now, please remember, I'm a very little dog here. I did a personal best for the 2 miles of 31:40! That's 15:20 per mile! I'd only gotten into the 16 min. range once before, and that was just for 1 mile! A lot of our walk was on slippery muddy grass, so I was really pleasantly surprised that my pace was good, but my legs really felt it after the race! Very shaky! :earseek: I might be able to go that pace for a 5K, but no way am I ready for a half at this point.

We head back home to warm, sunny FL tomorrow. I can hardly wait! I have no idea how I lived up here for 53 years, and this weather never bothered me much. 18 months in FL, and I'm in climate shock here! :sunny: I'll finish catching up when I get home but I do want to say I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to all you Turkey Trot-ters! You did great!

Me - I dogged it today. Wanted to get up early and get my short walk in. But I slept through the alarm. So I just skipped it altogether.

Had a nice dinner and am now planning my early morning shopping trip. I'm doing my "short" walk tomorrow afternoon and a long one on Sat.

And my niece informs me today that she got her packet on Monday. We only live 4 miles apart and still none for me :confused3 .



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