Wk of May 11 - WISH Walking/Running Club

amykab - Summer Shandy beer? Clue me in please :) Glad to see someone else out there "carb loads" during training :goodvibes:

Summer Shandy is probably THE best summery seasonal beer ever. (I don't say things like that lightly, I am a total beer snob!:) ) It's brewed with just a hint of lemon and honey. Perfect for a hot summer day! I like to enjoy mine in our pool. It's brewed by Leinenkugel brewery in Wisconsin, and I discovered it last year when they started selling it in FL. Check out http://www.leinie.com/home.htm. It seems like they are pretty national now for the most part.

(ok, I probably just gave you way more info than you ever really wanted!)

I also checked out your trip report, Loved it!
Hi everyone!

My running buddy finally made it back from Disney! I got the whole scoop from her on the Minnie Marathon. She said there must have 200 people from the Wish boards in the race and on the side lines. She couldn't believe how many of you were there. (I resisted saying "I told you so")

Oh and she is looking to trade her Medium Minnie shirt for a large or extra large. She hasn't worn hers but she is willing to take one that has been worn. If anyone needs a smaller size just PM me.

We ran a comfortable 6 miler today and managed to finish before the rain hit.

I have two remaining classes to complete my MBA!!! Tonight is my last Thursday class - EVER! Next Tuesday I need to turn in two papers, attend a presentation for Corporate Strategy and observe presentations in my last Wednesday night class - EVER! Then it is all OVER!! :banana: :cool1: :dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo: :rotfl:

I will still have to complete a Corporate Strategy final online (a 6 to 10 hour simulation), but other than that, I am DONE!!!

I commence on May 31!!!!:cool1: :banana: :dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :cool1: :thumbsup2

I will be ready to join a running team, anyone looking for another member?

I will actually be joining a marathon training program in progress - training for the Marine Corps Marathon in October.

Look for me to be posting more in the upcoming weeks and years!



Congrats Howard. I know that you are more than ready for this and you have put in alot of hard work.

Summer Shandy is probably THE best summery seasonal beer ever. (I don't say things like that lightly, I am a total beer snob!:) ) It's brewed with just a hint of lemon and honey. Perfect for a hot summer day! I like to enjoy mine in our pool. It's brewed by Leinenkugel brewery in Wisconsin, and I discovered it last year when they started selling it in FL. Check out http://www.leinie.com/home.htm. It seems like they are pretty national now for the most part.

(ok, I probably just gave you way more info than you ever really wanted!)

I also checked out your trip report, Loved it!

Oh my gosh we LOVE Lenies in this household!! We've got Summer Shandy, Berry Wiess and Sunset Wheat in the fridge! Sunset Wheat is definitely my favorite; I love the notes of coriander! :thumbsup2

I got in my first post-chiro run in today. Sadly, it was on the dreadmill but a 2mi tempo run nonetheless. My back feels a little stiff but okay for the most part. I am intrigued to see what the good doctor has to say at my adjustment tomorrow!
Hello, WISH team!

Catching up on a couple days here....

: Wave hi to the horses for me at POR! Enjoy your run!

: I'm trying to find something cool to do. I am looking at the race across the GW bridge and the one across the Walt Whitman in the fall... Maybe one in Philly.... Saturday morning (two days away!), there's a 5k in town here for the American Lung Association, and Sunday there's a walk for cystic fibrosis in Pt. Pleasant Beach.... :confused3 Any suggestions for stuff that's fun? How about you--doing anything cool? I thought about the 18-miler the length of LBI and then got a grip on myself...

And I'm trying to decide if I should renew my gym membership or use the cash to take yoga classes instead...

Lily: Thanks! We had fun at the back of the pack, but that darn purple sign was always further than it looked! And I bet Kirby loved the walk. :)

Debra: First, that was the best invitation to not run with someone in a race ever. Second, thank you for the kind words about the Minnie Guide. I figure if it was my bright idea, I could do the work to bring it to life. No fair brainstorming big ideas and waiting for someone else to make them come true. And WISH is about volunteerism, right? No one gets paid here that I was aware of...

I'm still thinking about the Marathon weekend guide to make it fun.

And I'm not sure about Amy and the costume... She would make a cute Tink, I think, but that might just be the cute haircut...

As for ice cream flavors... I'm not sure what's in season where you are. We have a local ice cream place and the owner makes flavors based on what is in season. That said, cake batter is tasty... :)

Bill, Tracy, and other toasty folks: Sorry about the smoke. I hate forest fires. :(

: Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Don't make me come back to Florida to cheer you up and spur you along! [Don't I wish: I'm still on Mickey restriction... It applies to the entire state. And Disneyland. I checked.] Sorry your ankle is giving you a hard time...

MS Dave
: Way to go getting those miles in! And time with DD--a bonus!

: I'm with you. I flounder without a specific goal to work towards... Hope you and the family are feeling better soon! And pinkeye--yuck!

: I hope everything turned out okay at the dr....

: Those shoes are perfect! Too cute! Have a great time!

: I'm up for it if Deb is! ;)

And I'll tell you what: I'll do the Tri with you so you won't be the last one out of the water. I won't finish because i don't get my face wet, but I can make you look good. :)

Kira: I was considering adding Philly races. Have you done any before and specifically, have you done the half in the fall? I would add cross-training based on the wisdom of Bingham....

Judy: I think unpacking is XT. Of course, I try to get bathing the dog to count as XT, and I don't even bathe the dog. I guess the groomer gets the XT hours for that... And no, I haven't unpacked either. :) I keep hoping if I leave the suitcase packed long enough, I can go back. And there are Jellyrolls reports in the works... My DH ended up onstage in a chorus line after a single Corona and poor Dennyha discovered what happens when you don't follow directions....

BrideMichelle, we have a friend who refers to his wife of over 20 years as his bride to this day, so I'm not sure you need to change the title. And Wifey brings to mind a certain Judy Blume book...

: A close friend of mine is from Croatia and goes every summer. It is affordable and amazingly beautiful.

Aloha "The Machine" Jeff
: I hope you had some Haagen-Dazs for me--no nearby store here. And Vanilla honey sounded good, too.... Sounds like you are having long and productive workouts. If I were in Hawaii, I would totally be out there with you...:rolleyes1

: My parents are retired. :rolleyes: I hear you on the time and talking issue. Sometimes my mother calls my cell when I'm at work and says, "Oh...I thought it was Saturday." "No, mom, it's Thursday, when the rest of the world is at WORK!" At least you have a way to go to get there. We live a mile away....

And I'm sure you are kicking butt in your intermediate class!

Jen: I hope you can make the marathon weekend! I totally understand about not wanting to burn yourself out, though... Oh, and consider moving into a ranch. I can run my stairs all day and not get tired. ;) (I know, I still haven't really embraced the exercise part of working out)

And I love the piglet name! Great haircut! Woohoo!

Michelle: Good job getting the steps in! Glad to hear there is a point where working out becomes something you miss doing (I've missed my workouts since the Minnie, but I think that's a different definition of "missed").

: Wow! That's quite a workout! And i love your Canadian spelling. :lovestruc Someday I'll make it out your way.

: Good luck on your first 5K! I did my first 5k two weeks ago, and what a rush! :) I'm hoping DH decides ToT is in our future, otherwise we're doing the half in January, too. Looking forward to seeing you there!

: Wow! That's fast! It must feel great to see improvement. And new running shoes that feel good--woohoo!

Betsy: Good luck with the tri!

: LOL! I was told to choose carefully when I start as it will be the last thing I have control over once I become a parent! DH and I have a limited schedule since I took a new job. We have a short window this summer to try and then we need to wait until next summer so that am in a position to take enough time off without messing up my job security. Congrats again on the little one, and I love watching your ticker description!

: That Kings Island Run looks like a good time!

: Hi!

: Great job sticking with C25K! Woohoo!

: I'm loving the trip report! You are doing an amazing job keeping up with the post-Minnie workouts!

SlrsWife: I hope you enjoy the MfM book as much as I did. I read it cover to cover the first day....

: :welcome:

: Congratulations! Woohoo!

On the home front, the kitchen has a countertop AND a working sink! Woohoo! It is really coming together. Each day we get closer to finishing brings me one day closer to getting my house AND my life back!

Just wanted to pop in and say hi: :wave:

Been avoiding the boards because I haven't been running (due to IT issues) and I get so dang depressed when I can't run!!! :sad1:

Article in my new runner's world today about girl with IT issues who couldn't get rid of them for long time until she tried YOGA!! (maybe i will have to try that too) So I have been doing my foam roller --OUCH!!! and stretching every day and I did run last night on treadmill actually went pretty well. It's just so darn frustrating because it took me sooooooo long on the treadmill (literally years) to get past the breathing issues - suffered from MAJOR side stitches when I first started running, plus just couldn't run to save my life. But now I have worked so hard to overcome that but between my back and now IT I just can't do what the rest of my body says I can do. Anyway - Just a little worried about the way I feel right now and the thought of training for my first full :scared1:

OK enough - downer stuff - on the positive side, absolutlely, positively no back pain whatsoever :banana:

There is no way I can catch up this week but just from skimming I want to say:

- WAY COOL HAIR --- SOOOO CUTE!!! :thumbsup2
Debra - Glad you found a place :banana:
Summer Shandy is probably THE best summery seasonal beer ever. (I don't say things like that lightly, I am a total beer snob!:) ) It's brewed with just a hint of lemon and honey. Perfect for a hot summer day! I like to enjoy mine in our pool. It's brewed by Leinenkugel brewery in Wisconsin, and I discovered it last year when they started selling it in FL. Check out http://www.leinie.com/home.htm. It seems like they are pretty national now for the most part.

Oh yah, gotta love WISCONSIN. I think I am the only Wisconsinite on here!!!! Beer, Cheese, Sausage!!!!!
Jackie: What exciting news about your Pilates! (I also read the other thread.) :woohoo: Your speedy progress really motivates me to keep up with things.

MB Michelle: Rocky Road. :rotfl2: Brilliant, bloody brilliant. We WISHers definitely need an ice-cream social. Wow, training for your first tri? That's got to be exciting. Plus, you get to buy new outfits & gear!!! Where is it?

Betsy: Some of those pieces are really cute, enough to make me think of rethinking the plain sports bra situation Gasp! Could I be thinking about outfits. That's so NOT me. What are you people doing to me?

Kristi: You're my enabler when it comes to free food. Thank you! :banana:

Bill: I'm glad the traffic's cleared, at least. Hopefully the smoke smell will dissipate soon. I'm sure Judy's relieved you were nice and only reminded everyone about the handcuffs.

Sailor's Wife: You'll find lots of support here, and I hope your DH comes on board too! As DVC members, who knows? He might really love the whole WISH team thing as much as I know you will/do. WTG with checking out the different training programs. I really like MfM for the 1/2 distance. But I'd be interested in what YOU think when you compare Bingham's plan with Cool Running, as I finished C25K. Either one you choose will be tailored to your needs, of course. I'm sorry to hear about your shin splits--are you doing any exercises for them. I love the ABC exercise, which helped me with mine. :cheer2:

Mel: And I love you running at POR. It's been years since I stayed there, but it does have a great running/walking path. I hope the meeting wasn't too exhausting.

amykab: Woo hoo for getting your miles in, and for balancing all that exercise with a few good drinks. Looks like you've found your motivation for all that TM time. :rotfl: Many of us understand the need to hydrate well, don't we Scott? ;) I don't drink beer, but DOOD is a bit of beer snob too, so I'll pass your recommendation on to him. Thanks!

Cam: CUTE and comfortable shoes. :thumbsup2 I totally forget your VR was right after the 1/2, so I think they're perfect for your gown, too!! Your feet would agree, at the very least. ;) I hope you can get your training in for your 5 miler. Not that you asked, but when I was going through C25K I also started training for my half, so I wold complete my C25K session and then tag on my R/W intervals to get my mileage up. It allowed me to make progress on both goals.

Carrie: Pre-race jitters? Me? You think? :rotfl2: That might explain all the ice cream and the sudden superstition. Neither of which is really me. (Okay, maybe the ice cream isn't unlike me, but I do prefer chocolate.) Seriously, thanks for the suggestion. I'm sure I'll be fine post-race--just going through a little bit of stress with everything going on recently, and been taking things way too seriously. Someone slap me.

Oooh, too bad for DH's cramps. Doesn't he realize you're his pacer? Congrats on doing your 40 minutes w/o having to invoke the 10 minute rule. That's strength. Are you doing the run again--it sounds like it's a challenging run but one that's well worth it. Have fun at yoga tonight!

Leana: So...did I count 4 WOs yesterday? 1) Bike to work; 2) Run 4 miles at lunch; 3) Bike from work; and 4) hot yoga. And possibly another 4 today? :worship: Have you made a decision on the DL 1/2 yet?

Kira: I'm really looking forward to your pics of the ballet and that PM on Jane Yolen. I really think you're going to like Pilates for Dummies; Jackie's making incredibly progress and I can see a big difference too. (Thanks Amy--and Scott for seconding the recommendation.) I'm not taking a biking class, but I have found that biking has strengthened my legs and lessened my knee pain; so I have positive expectations for your class and how it will affect your running!!! :thumbsup2

Bride Michelle: $1.04 for the very Pilates DVDs you were looking for? You're a bargain-hunting goddess! :goodvibes That's such a sweet story about running with your mom--I do hope you gett your running buddy back soon. I can't talk to my mom about running or exercise in general, as it just sends her into a spiral of guilt and shame about her weight. So I'm always happy, maybe a little envious of those of you who have that kind of connection: you, Stacie, Angie, etc. It's very special, and I'm happy for you. :cloud9:

Oh, believe me. I hate moving as I always feel the need to winnow my possessions. But that's also a reason why I like it--I keep saying to myself, "I am not my stuff, I am not my stuff."

Maura: I hope your new hovel works out well (enough) for you after all the dust settles. You'll have to tell me about Crafton sometime, as that might be a permanent hovel for me--no solid decisions yet. :banana: for deciding on your next training strategy--I can't believe you chose the tri. There goes my prediction! :lmao: I love, love, love the idea of a bar/lounge scavenger hunt; maybe Scott could design something? (Hint, hint.) And I think I'm hearing some support for the idea from Ms. Duckie!

Megan: Welcome to WISH! :welcome: It certainly seems like the Princess 1/2 will have a lot of WISHers for its inaugural event. Just ask away, and we'll do our best to answer various questions. I'll just start out with a kind of gimme statement: lots of us like Bingham's Marathoning for Mortals book & training plans. Also, in case you haven't found it, there's a Princess 1/2 thread on this forum; check it out! (And keep coming back here.)

Scott: I wouldn't look forward to a TR from me. I don't have much of a memory on the best of days. I anticipate it going something like:

I got up.It was dark, I was tired and hungry. I ate. We drove to the race. It was still dark. The race started, and I followed people faster than myself. It got lighter. I got hungry and thirsty, and didn't think to pay any attention to the buildings I was told are lovely. I heard some noise--spectators? Sweepers? Oooh, I do remember the porta-potties. And I kept thinking, when will this race end? Some nice person pointed out the split in the course and promised me a finish line. Eventually, I saw it, but it turned out to be much further away than it seemed at the start of my training. My immediate thoughts after finishing were 1) that took a long time to get there 2) Where are my banana and bagel? 3) How did DOOD finish the full before I finished the 1/2?
There you go. Now I don't need to write one--heck, I don't need to even go. I feel much better about things.

As for your runs, I'm pretty darned impressed you're going without your mp3 player. It always impresses me when people can think when they're running AND like the thoughts they're having. I tend to obsess about the wrong things. Maybe I'll give it a go during recovery. Big question: how are you and Amy feeling about missing the DL 1/2? I hope it's for something bigger, better, more fun.

Howard: :cheer2: The end is in sight, the MBA is almost in hand! Two classes, then let the festivities commence!!! Welcome back to more running, more WISHing, more fun! Congratulations! :yay:

Cecilia: Thanks for your update, via your running buddy, about the Minnie. 200 WISHers--that's incredible! Thanks for sharing.

Morgan: Thanks for the recommendations on the Cleveland scene. We'll be eating at the 4th Street Bar and Grill for our pre-race dinner; it sounds casual and relaxing, with something for everyone in our party. Including a fun atmosphere. It sounds like your run on the TM went well, all things considering. I hope your chiro thinks so too.

Ms. Duckie: I truly love the idea of a guide. I'm SO bad with screen names/real names/pictures--which is one reason I post so much, in an effort to learn everyone's stories--and your guide seems like it would be so much fun. You're very cool to step up like that. And if you need/want any help, let me know. I'm not very talented in that way, but I can be taught. (She says, optimistically.) Local flavors huh? Reminds me of Izzy's Ice Cream (St. Paul, MN) and its People Awards, where locals pitch their ideas. Please tell me you're doing ToT this year--in addition to the 1/2, of course. (Even if it means leaving the house reno unfinished; what's more important?)

Angie: Great to hear from you, but I'm sorry to hear about your IT issues. It sounds like you're doing the right thing with the foam roller and maybe yoga. But good news about the back!!!

Jen: Cheese AND cheese curds. Now that's a dairy-loving state!! :goodvibes

As for me: Not much...some XT today. We're leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Monday. If you want to read my RR, look at my post to Scott, above. It's prescient, I tell you, prescient.

And who's up for a bar/lounge scavenger hunt in January? :woohoo:
I have found myself falling asleep with my laptop in my lap :rotfl: trying to catch up with the thread since I posted and I just can't right now. Not that you all are boring because you are not, its just I need to get some sleep or something.

Here is just a few catchup's:

Debra: Congrats on the new apartment. Sorry, there is no pressure. Yeah, I was working on the push off the other night while I was doing a few miles. When you land with a straight knee, your toes are up and you hit with the heel first then you roll along the foot as the leg goes under the body with a smooth motion - knee stays straight as it passes under the body - your push off the toes to help propel you forward. SOmething like that. My ankle only hurt for a minute and it was like twinges on the front of the ankle. I haven't had it since, so we'll see.

Betsy: GOOD LUCK at the TRI this weekend and at Disney!!

Jen117: Sorry to hear about your MOm at the hospital I hope everything is ok or at least better.

Morgan: thanks for the FLorida well wishes. I only had smoke warnings in my area for about a day and a half.

Scott: I have been enjoying you Minnie Trip report on your blog!! You sure are keeping up with your workout and here I am resting it up this week before I start training for the DL half.

Aloha Jeff: Great report about the i2i shirt not wicking....thanks!! Not sure if I will be able to get a RR shirt for the DL half. I can't think about wearing a shirt that doesn't wick, I sweat alot and need lots of breathing of my shirts!! Last year it was so hot , I heard, so I will need a good wicking and breathing shirt. The Haagen Daas sounded great and I hope it tasted good.

EVERYONE ELSE: I hope things are good, hope your getting out there and enjoying your training/workouts, rest your aches and pains, get a massage when you can (mine is two sats away!!), aim higher, go faster and enjoy it all along the way!!

Here is an exciting thing that happened across from my Dad's hardware store today at closing time.

Neighbors who lived on a canal were noticing that all the normal wildlife in the area (ducks, warterbirds, eguanas and even a little dog) were missing. They found a 6' Water Monitor living in the water. This brought out the Florida Fish and Wildlife officers to capture it. This is the kind of reptile that the saliva is very poisonous and a bite can kill you. Thought you all would be interested.

Duckie: Thanks for cheking up on me. I'm doing ok, I think I need to try and sleep in tomorrow. Ankle is good, just a bit of a twinge for about a minute and it went away. SOrry about the MIckey restriction. I guess I'll have to wait until Jan 09 to see ya's (you and Noah) :-(.

I did a 30min Pilates for Dummies and then 8min of the foam roller tonight. I will do some light walking in the monring since I am off tomorrow.
LOST comes on soon, so I will try to stay awake or TiVO will get it for me.
Debra- There's an ice cream festival in July in our county and the local ice creameries compete for different honors, one being original flavor. I'll see if I can find the winning flavors and give you ideas. I bought an ice cream maker so that I can have more control over my ice cream addiction.

And I'm on Mickey restriction--I bargained away the rest of our planned WDW trips for the rest of the year in exchange for the Minnie. :( I'm not sorry--I loved the Minnie, and I know my grandmas were watching, but now I have to hope that DH changes his mind. He DID like the ToT medal....

I would love some help with the guide. I have some ideas, so we could definitely do some stuff to move it along. I'll start working when school gets out (I teach).

And I am totally on board with scavenger hunts and other silliness! I need more of that!
Aloha "The Machine" Jeff: I hope you had some Haagen-Dazs for me--no nearby store here. And Vanilla honey sounded good, too.... Sounds like you are having long and productive workouts. If I were in Hawaii, I would totally be out there with you...:rolleyes1 Duckie

LOL, me a "machine", er thanks.

My RoadId says "Live to run, run to eat." That's the motto of my running group. We have lots of picnics, dinners out, and trips to the ice cream parlor. We've been known to eat hot fudge sundae's and banana splits for dinner, and rootbeer floats for lunch.

Going for a 6 miler, since there's way too much VOG out today.

Checking back in...

It ended up being a 7 3/4 run at at 9 minute pace, the VOG is pretty thick, making breathing a little difficult. I did the sand run through Waikiki and back.

Down near the zoo they were filming a movie on the beach. Lots of eye candy for both genders. Yes, we stopped to watch the filming!:rotfl2:
Haven't read all the posts yet, just wanted to say...

Scott--You can do the Columbus half/full marathon in Columbus, OH on 10/19. I've never run in Columbus, but I went to school a little north of Columbus and I can tell you that part of Ohio is very flat. There is also the United States Air Force half/full marathon at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH on 9/20. We are really close to Wright Pat, maybe 45 minutes and only 1.5 hours from Columbus, so Stephen and I can definitely be your scream team. :)

Leana--Oasis?? I am jealous! I used to LOVE them and I'm so glad I have XM radio and can listen to the Lucy station, they play them on there ALL the time. It's like I'm back in high school again. :goodvibes

I'm going to get caught up on the other posts, be back later!

Hi all :goodvibes

I tested some new gear last night and it worked well. If anyone has a well "chub rub" issue :guilty: then I found some loose fitting capris that worked well :thumbsup2 It's a line called CK Sport found in the Christopher Banks stores. The capris were extremely light weight and the shirt (lime green ;) ) is a wicking material. I tried the RR WISH gear but found that the run small so it may be a while before I can wear what I bought.... The visor though was great :thumbsup2

I definitely need new shoes though. With my hip/back deal I'm currently walking rather than wogging so my Kyanos aren't the best. Anyone have a suggestion??? :confused3 We don't have a "running" store in my area so I need opinions. Thanks!

Oh one last thing.... we booked our summer trip to WDW :woohoo: A week in July at the Beach Club :beach: at an AP rate :cool1:

Take care everyone!
Morning team! Monday is a holiday here, so today is really quiet in the office...

Last night at boot camp it was supposed to be plyometrics. I wanted to get all my scheduled weekday mileage in and I still had 2.25 miles left to run. I got to the park early to get those miles in at a nice slow recovery pace. As for boot camp...change of plan! We did a total body circuit and speed intervals... :faint: I wound up getting an extra 2 miles thanks to the intervals. Guess I shouldn't have worried about getting to the park early! I have to say the legs did alright on those intervals, I was pretty impressed!

Today is sort of a rest day, except I did bike in to work... Had a freak out when my Garmin wouldn't turn on after charging all night. Thanks to the FAQ section on Garmin's website the problem is now resolved. I guess sometimes the unit can lock up after charging. All you have to do is hold down the "mode" and "reset" buttons for 10 seconds, release, then power on. Worked like a charm! Whew!

I am a newbie to the boards. I am 26 years old and live in Ohio. I have been reading these boards for months now because I have been nervous about the Minnie. This was my first race and I loved it. I just started running in January. I could only run a few minutes at a time and slowly build up to running about 15 minutes at a time with 2 minute walking breaks. The race was the first time I had ran more than 15 min. straight. I finished in 1:40:09. I am now super excited and wanting to sign up for more. I am not officially signed up for the Princess half, but I think I am going to do it. We usually go in Jan. to Disney, but the half then is closed so I am not sure. I love reading about all of your training and the encoragement you give your members. I hope I am posting this in the right place.
Scott - lol. We are children of teh 80s, what can I say! Glad you like being mp3-free. Hopefully, they will have new good music out by the time you get tired of that! BTW, there are 2 halfs in MI October 19. How did I miss tha tyou can't do DL? :(

Debra - Good luck this weekend! lol. DH knows I'm his anchor, I mean pacer. he just thinks he only needs me on teh LRs. :sad2: We are nw proud owners of The Stick. Hopefully that will help.

Duckie - Yes, I did get my Butt kicked lst night. (Yes, I know that's nopt what you said) Still, felt good. My mom knows what day it is, but calls at work anyway. :upsidedow Oh, I'm not sure if I'm of much help, but I'd do what I can if you want guide help!

Minnie - SO good to see you!

Jeff - WOw, you really do have quite the scenery! :rotfl:

HOward - Huge congrats!!!!

Leana - :faint: I'll do a boot camp when it's somethign I can do well, like eat or sit. :rotfl:

Tracy - OMG, that's just one of the resons I live in MI. :scared1:

Well, I went to my intermediate yoga. I am tired now, but did slighty better than last time. Ther are 1 or 2 poses that I want to ocntinue on my own. It moves way too fast fo rme, though. At one point, I just gave up adn laid there. When she asked if I was ok, I figured it was time to try again, although I di dnot want to. After that, I went into child pose when I agve up, so she knew I was ok, but lazy and wek. :rotfl:
Why is it that some days (like Tuesday) I feel like my legs are made of lead, I'm running through thick pea soup and can barely make it to my next walk break?

And other days (like yesterday) my legs feel like springs and I know that if I tried I could run forever?

I had such a great run yesterday! My pace on Tuesday was 12:40, my pace yesterday was 12:04. I only took a few walk breaks, felt great the whole time, and joyous and happy afterwards!

I was never an athlete in my life (up until now :) ) so this world is completely new to me. At least I know now on the "pea soup days" that every once in a while I will be blessed with a "legs like springs" day!

What a wonderful journey!
KristyKay: :welcome: Welcome to the team!! Glad to have you hear. Ask anything and someone can help you along. Have a good day!
KristiKay - Welcoem adn congratulations on teh Minnie! :cool1: :thumbsup2 :banana:

Megan - Welcome!!!!

Kira - Welcome to teh mysteries of running. ;) If we didn't have those bad runs, the good ones would nto feel half as good! Congratulations on teh springs in your feet feeling!
Welcome! to the new WISH Team members!

You will so love it here. It makes your events much more fun as you train with us along the way.

Eek on that water MONSTER! :eek:

Scott, looks like you are definitely going to find a race with all the recommendations here.

Howard, early CONGRATULATIONS! to you. It will be wonderful to have you back on the boards with us too.

I had a short break here so thought I'd check in since I'll be MIA for the week. We leave for Cancun tomorrow and return next Saturday. I'm looking forward to running/wogging/walking along the beach, reading the books I've brought and holding out my hand for some lovely person to put a yummy beverage into it.
:drinking1 :beach: :dance3:


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