Wk of May 11 - WISH Walking/Running Club

TGIF everybody! I have spent the morning in fire-fight mode as I have to re-locate a 4-day meeting I have set up for next week due to no AC in the Conference Rm. Try sending out an email to someone who has probably already left his country in order to travel here! Oh well, I rather like being slightly crazed at work.

Angie Glad to hear from you and I really feel your pain--literally. I can't believe I am unhappy about not being able to run at 100%, but I am. But even in the short time that I have been running and WISH-ing, I think it is finally sinking in that it IS possible to take of much-needed injury/recuperate time and not lose your fitness or the goal you are working for. You WILL be fine for marathon training, just listen to your body.

Debra Loved your "race report". Sounds just like one that I would write (based on all of my "experience" with racing (one race)). Good luck this weekend. And I love the sound of a WDW bar/lounge scavenger hunt--a responsible, not-the-night-before-a-race one, anyway! Especially a 4 parks-in-one-day one!

Tracy Just when I think that Florida might not be a bad place to live, pictures like yours crop up!

Duckie We need details on the ice cream festival--where, when, how many flavors. Sounds yummy! I was also thinking of getting a new ice cream maker. And last month I went to a seminar here at work by a Penn State professor on ice cream! It was neat--took away a few good points.

kristykay Welcome! And you did the Minnie in 1:40 after not running more than 15 min straight? I am so jealous!

Carrie I would never consider you "lazy and weak". Some of those yoga poses get my legs/arms shakin' after a while. And as for keeping up? You will never, ever see me in a Step class, ever again. I can't even figure out what they're doing just watching, let alone doing!

Kira WTG on your great run. I'm not sure if I've ever had one of those yet (or maybe I just ddidn't appreciate it at the time), but one day soon, I hope.

After work, I'm off to do a swim workout. I will be the person doing weird drills and trying not to drown!

Hello All! Happy Friday!

Angie---I'm so sorry for your frustrations! ugh. I am happy to hear your back is better! It looks like you had a great Minnie! It was very nice to meet you!

KistiKay! Welcome!!!

Leana... :faint: !!!!

Duckie...An ice cream festival??? Where do you live again? :lmao:

All other WISHers...Peace, Love and ::MickeyMo

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll be doing a 5K tomorrow. Pretty small, local event. Should be fun!

HI all! I was just reading our local news website and saw that a jogger in a nearby town was hit and killed during her jog. A few weeks ago the same happened to a cycler. So sad!

I just wanted say "Be careful" to all you that walk/run/jog/wog or wun on the streets!!!

Another newbie here. I hope I'm doing this right. DH and I just received our registration confirmation e-mails for Race for the Taste this morning. It is going to be our first race EVER. I'm excited and scared. :scared1:

Today marked the conclusion of Week 2 of the Couch to 5K program for me. I totaled just under 6 miles this week. Sunday will be Day 1 of Week 3. Please wish me luck with that 3-minute run -- I've heard it's a bear!
ksoehrlein: WELCOME!! Glad to have you here. GOod luck with the 3min run, that sounds hard. (you have to understand I'm a racewalker and don't think I could run 1 minute straight much less 3mins.) Good luck with the training and keep us in touch with how its going. :cool1:
Welcome newbies. :welcome:

Ask your questions, and we'll gladly give you answers and tips. Your cost...:mickeybar

Have a great weekend everyone!
I just check out the couch to 5k program. As long as I don't look too far ahead in the training, I think I can do it. I'll start it tomorrow. Any advise on how I can stay on track while I am in WDW in 2 weeks?
mla1977: Hate to say this, but to stay on track while I'm at the "world" I get up early and get my walks (for you runs) done - usually before the others get up. That way I get back to the room and get a shower in as others are getting up. I feel I don't miss out on anything and don't have to stop in the middle or end of the day to get it in. Plus remember, you will be doing alot of walking while at WDW, so in that respect don't overdo it. And HAVE fun - remember you'll be at the happiest place on earth!! (You;ll see lots of others doing the same thing as you in the AM, so you won't be by yourself.)
Tracy - kudos to you for working out while you are down in WDW! I know how tough that must be, especially early in the morning.

mla - Take Tracy's advice!! I tend to do too much WDW carb loading and completely miss those morning workouts

ksoehrlein - Welcome!!! Great job with the C25k program so far! Don't be intimidated by that run, I bet you'll do just great :goodvibes: Congrats on the Race for the Taste signup! I want to do that one someday (cause they have wine and a cool medal!)

- Remind me never to jog or cycle in your neck of the woods :scared: 5k tomorrow??!?!?!?! GOOD LUCK STACIE!!! Have a blast..I'm assuming Matt is doing it with you??

- Yikes...good luck with the work situation, I bet that was not fun to deal with. Hope the swim workout went well! I admire you for doing it...I can't swim a stroke. Hmmm..you are getting an ice cream maker....hmmm....I'll get back to you on that...

- CANCUN!! wow!! have a blast down there! I hope it is every bit as relaxing as I imagine it to be :goodvibes:

- Yep...welcome to the world of running!! That whole spring vs. pea soup thing will always be the case...just remember to shrug off those pea soup days :)

- Is child pose like a fetal position waving a white flag? (sorry, that was probably a really bad yoga joke from someone who knows nothing about it...but downward dog sounds interesting...:rotfl: ) Thanks for the halfs in Michigan tips, I'll check that out (timing is just not right for DL...maybe next year!). Running w/o music is somehow going good.

- Where is Cutler? I was born in Westerville (think Columbus) and spent 20 years of my life in New Concord (think John Glenn). Awesome job with the Minnie...and I say "go for it" regarding the princess half!!

Leana - Your training is impressive! and what are you doing actually reading instructions and FAQs?? You aren't supposed to do that, you know LOL! Thanks for the info on the race...I REALLY want to visit Vancouver and the surrounding area someday...hmmm...wonder if we could make this happen. ...Amy....calling Amy....how does Canada sound, eh?

Minnie - No chub rubbing for me :rotfl: (sorry, poor continuation from a different thread). I'm so jealous of the Beach Club booking!! I want to stay there in Jan for the Goofy.

Krista - Where did you go to school? I was born in Westerville...ended up doing a year of school at Ohio Northern up in Ada. Hmmmm...a half in Dayton...is Kings Island still open that weekend?? ...Amy...calling Amy...how does Ohio sound??


amykab - Thanks for the brew info! I'm partial to North Coast brewing company and Terrapin brewing, always good to know what the good beers are though :)

Morgan - You have Berry White in your fridge? Big fridge there. :rotfl: (sorry..VERY poor joke there) How'd the adjustment go today?

Duckie - Glad to see things are progressing well with the house! Hope you like the kitchen when it's all done :)

- DEFINITELY on for the bar/lounge scavenger hunt in January! Even though I don't drink, I'm sure I can find a way to participate. :rotfl: i LOVE the trip report!! I do wish you the best of luck though :goodvibes: Amy and I are a bit bummed about missing the DL half, but we'll do it some other year...we're thinking about heating things up in July instead. Hopefully some airfare will be booked soon...we've got some of the hotel/resort lined up...gotta look for dining places and then pick some uber stylish clothes so we can look good as we pretend to be high rollers ;) Of course, why am I typing all of this...you aren't even around...oh yeah, that's right, you're Debra and you always read every post :)

AMY!! - :hug: and one more BIG :hug: Can we spill the beans about our plans to take Sin City by storm in July, high rolling in an awesome suite in some Italian themed resort, seeing awesome Cirque shows, eating world class food all while hoping lady luck is on our side? Or should we just wait til later? :rotfl: Hope things are well for you...good luck this weekend getting all of your events in...I hope things go smooth for you.

Scott's World - Got a little sidetracked, but that Minnie wrap up is coming (tonight! ok..tomorrow at the latest). I have been hitting the workouts...did 45 on the elliptical last night and I completed a 5 miler after work this evening. Other than that, all set up for a productive weekend...I'm going to bike in the morning (hoping to do at least 30 miles) and get a long run in on Sunday (8-10 miles)

Have a great weekend everyone!
I wanted to pop in here and say hello. I posted for a little while here but due to some personal issues I completely died off. I have actually wanted to come back for awhile but have been feeling a little shy after having disappeared before. But I'm now registered to run the ToT and the non-Disney Falmouth Road Race, the two of which are big enough things in my life to make me decide to come back here to talk about my progress and hopefully grab some good pointers as I go along.

I'm also hoping that this will help me get more motivated to do my weight lifting and such. I actually enjoy doing it but I find myself unmotivated when I get home from working at a day care all day!

So hi, I'm Megan and I couldn't stay away.

Good for you 2 signing up for the Race for the Taste, and good luck with training and on race day. It's a pleasant and flat 10K course, with only 3 tiny hills, the bridge between the Boardwalk and Yacht Club, the bridge toward EPCOT's international gateway, and the bridge between England and France in World Showcase.

Enjoy the entire experience, the training and especially the race. Some days will go well and others not so well, but keep your eye on that Sunday morning in October.

Megan, how are you? I've missed seeing you around here. Glad to see you are back into the racing thing!
I had a short break here so thought I'd check in since I'll be MIA for the week. We leave for Cancun tomorrow and return next Saturday. I'm looking forward to running/wogging/walking along the beach, reading the books I've brought and holding out my hand for some lovely person to put a yummy beverage into it.
:drinking1 :beach: :dance3:

You go girl! Sounds like a wonderful week; have a beverage for me.:goodvibes
Thanks for the early CONGRATS!... I am down to the last few days... things finish up on Wednesday (May 21) for me. I should have all of my requirements handled/turned in by the end of the evening. Then it is the long wait until commencement on May 31.

:welcome: to the newbies... welcome to the frey. :rotfl: :cool1: :cheer2:

Happy training!

Hopefully someone will contact me about signing on with a needy WISH running/training team sometime in early June. I am ready to be ready...


Good luck to all this weekend running races. Everyone have a great weekend and have fun training. Deekaypee i'll look for that lime green shirt Sunday.:thumbsup2
Total newbie here, thought I'd just say hello and glad to be on board with WISH.

I do have a question, is there a favorite Yoga DVD anyone can recommend that might be geared toward runners? I have decided to run every other day, alternating with Yoga. I have a show tivo'd (what did we do before Tivo?) that I have done twice, but it seems it's geared for people who have been doing Yoga for a hundred years. But I can't believe how sore I was the first time, then how much better and stretched out I feel after the second time. I dropped out of running 5 years ago from knee pain/lack of discipline and really trying to do all of this the "right" way this time and stick with it.

TIA! :)
Good morning, team! I think I'm going to get dressed and do a local 5K in a little bit. It's here in town. I'm trying to figure out, since it is a walk, if dogs are welcome. Robin would love to come!

Tracy: That is a scary water monster! Sounds like he was doing more than just "monitoring" the lagoon! [you all might as well laugh now, the jokes don't get any better]

AlohaJeff: First, I have no idea what VOG is. The best I can do is "Volcanic overgrown grass," and i'm guessing that's not it.... And thanks for rubbing in that you have more than just beautiful, natural scenery to watch. Makes me feel MUCH better about walking around the block here. I would be too distracted to finish my walk! :rotfl: Keep up the good work!

Minnie: Enjoy your week at the Beach Club! That was the week I had to take off the schedule due to Mickey restriction.... So have a cone at Beaches and Cream for me!

Leana: Have a great weekend! And Monday a holiday! Nice! I think next Monday is a holiday here. I'm just trying to get through May--June usually takes care of itself. Sounds like you are enjoying the boot camps, though.

KristyKay: :welcome: You are definitely in the right place!

Carrie: I'll definitely need someone to go through the guide and double check my work--thanks for the offer. Sounds like you are enjoying your classes. DH and I stopped by my parents' house last night at 5 pm. They had already eaten. :rolleyes:

Kira: Wow! Legs like springs! I wish I could find those. But I agree--all those days that I didn't feel like walking, and it was hard and felt terrible and I hated every step--it was so worth it when I did the race. I was thankful for all those days I pushed myself. And now, I can wait for springs!

Lily: Hope you are enjoying slushy drinks brought by sweet-looking staff members....

Maura: I hope you didn't drown, or you can't really read this. Which would be terrible, because I do have the information on the Ice Cream Festival!

New Jersey Ice Cream Festival

They have links to the past winners. Each vendor can only enter ONE flavor into the competition and they MUST give it away--they can't sell it. They are free to sell other flavors, though.

Stacie: DH and I are going to try to make it this year to the festival--we'll report back. And we'll look for lime shirts in case you are joining us!

ksoehrlein: :welcome: And well done on the C25K program!

Scott: I already like it more--you can actually USE these cabinets! The kitchen was in BAD shape when we bought the house. It isn't finished yet, but it looks great already. And I painted the walls a color called "sugar cookie"--so what's not to love about that? :)

Poppinspal (Megan): :welcome: Good to see you here!

Ryley26: Have a great weekend!

Rozzie: :welcome: Someone will probably be along to recommend a good yoga dvd. You are in the right place for support and encouragement. I'm not an athlete, and with the support of everyone here, I finished the 15K two weeks ago. You can do it!
Good morning Everyone!

Kira - if only we could bottle that "legs like springs" feeling.

Howard - I am thrilled for you!

Welcome Rozzie! I just bought Pilates for Dummies that was recommended here. Its still in its wrapper though so I can't tell you much about it. I have been doing planks every night. I find cussing helps me make it to the one minute mark so I have to wait until the kids go to bed.

Welcome Kristykay! You are definately in the right place! Have you looked into some of the alternative ways to get into the Disney half? Some travel agencies have entries if you book with them and some charities have very minimal fundraising minimums
Welcome ksoehrlein! C25K (couch to 5K) is very popular here. We have lots of graduates. COngratulations on signing up for your first race! You will find it really helps motivate you!

Welcome back Poppinspal Megan! - a fulll day at a day care would send me to the couch too. Probably with a stiff drink in hand. Good for you that you are determined to get back to regular exercise!

Any advise on how I can stay on track while I am in WDW in 2 weeks?
mla1977: Hate to say this, but to stay on track while I'm at the "world" I get up early and get my walks (for you runs) done - usually before the others get up. That way I get back to the room and get a shower in as others are getting up.

I have to agree. Dh and I get up and run and shower before the rest of the clan is awake. We have been known to run the staircases at a hotel when forced inside during a thunder storm. Although, I don't advise that before a day at the parks...

Cecilia's exercise for the weekend: Today I have a softball/basball marathon. Minimum of 8 games between the 3 kids. I am hoping they win them all or we have to fight our way though the losers brackets which means even more games. As it is, it took a spreadsheet and 2 hours on mapquest to figure out how to get everyone to the places they need to be at the right time. I even had to call in relatives from out of town to make sure each kid gets enough cheers. I have been up since 5 packing coolers. The only workout I am getting today are some squats while I warm up pitching arms.
Hi all! I just wanted to WISH everyone a fabulous day! It is rainy and overcast today. I am supposed to do the final run of Week 4 today, although I may wait till tomorrow if the weather looks better then!
Well, (deep subject for such shallow minds - go ahead Duckie and Debra comment all you want :rotfl2: )

I am back in the saddle and started up my traning for the DL 1/2. I did 3 miles today of some brisk walking - not too hard and concentrating today on posture, pelvic tilt and toe pushoff. Did 3 miles in 43:58 (14:39 pace) not too bad for not pushing to to much. Amazing how taking a few days off can help me appreciate how much I have progressed. About 6 months ago doing that pace would've been panting like a dog.

Today there is a smoke warning again in my area - there is a big fire in the Everglades west of Miami-Dade and the winds are coming from the southwest moving it into Broward. Not too bad this morning, but supposed to be worse tomorrow. I will call SOG like Jeff has VOG and Cali has SMOG. I am supposed to do 4 miles tomorrow and I'll do it as long as I'm not choking too much.:)

JacobsMommy: Sorry about the rain, but could you send some to South Florida?

Cecilla: GOOD LUCK with all the games/events today. I think some of that counts as XT - :rotfl: .

Duckie: "Sugar cookie" sounds like you should be able to lick the walls and get the flavor like in the original Willy Wonka movie with the tastey wallpaper. :lmao:



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