Wk of June 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
Happy training WISH Team!

Our Relay for Life event was "stormed out." We got some steps in, but was nasty and we had to take shelter. When it cleared momentarily we packed up and that was it.

I thought I'd share a bit of paradise I ran across last month.
It is not Jeff's daily paradise, but I enjoyed it for the week.

Getting ready to hit the Cancun Beach last month.

Off I go!

It is finally cooler here and better for me to get out in this. Much better!

Have fun this week everyone.
Good morning,
I am on my lunch break at this beautiful hour (3:45 AM) and I needed a break from the report I was doing on the emergence of gangs (the Bloods, the Crips, MS13 and all the others) in the beautiful province of Québec. So I was looking at a training program for the half-marathon I'll be doing next march , the Disney's Princess, and it has 5 runs a week with 2 tempos and a long run each week. The program last 17 weeks and my longest run is 20 k. Also starting at the 7th week, one of the tempo run is changed for hill work going from 3 hills to 9 hills at the 13th week (it scares me: 9 HILLS)
Do I need to do hill work for a half-marathon in Disney? What I remember from the Minnie's in 2007 is two small hills but I am not sure. Since it will be cold and snowy during my training (december-march) and don't have access to a treadmill, is it possible to run 4 times a week and cross-train once a week??
I've never run more than 15k and that was last year. I run mostly for fitness but would like to finish the half between 2:20 and 2:30. Right now, I run a hilly 10k in my training between 70-72 minutes, I run 4 times a week and cycle once a week. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Thanks and now back to work
Hello Everyone

I am back home, and very glad for it. Going is wonderful, but coming back home is great. I've been really out of the loop during my 4 weeks away, so I'll conveniently pick up here, treating today like it's day 1.


Working out on the sand at Cancun is both good for your fitness and good for your soul. I hope you and Ted had a great time, and I assume you are getting stronger every day.


I'll answer your last question first. Yes, it's okay to run 4 days a week and cross train once. Actually it better than okay, it's a really good idea. Mix up running with biking, some weight or strength work, and some type of stretching work, and you'll see lots of improvement. Running all the time will increase your likelihood of injury, while varying your workouts will allow you to get fitter while remaining fresher, both physically and mentally.

There are only 2 hills on the January Disney Half marathon course, in miles 11 and 12, both overpasses. My understanding is the Princess Half marathon next March will start in the NASCAR track, then go through the second half of the full marathon course. This means the hills you'll see are the same ones as the (sadly departed) Minnie 15K course, 2 overpasses in mile 7, the up and right ramp in mile 10, and the tiny bridges (well they're not so tiny when your legs are blown) between the Boardwalk and Yacht Club, past the Beach Club, and between England and France in EPCOT. So effectively hill work really isn't neccessary for a good half, as you won't face much in the way of hills.

Having said that, some type of higher intensity work is important if you want to push in a half marathon between 2:20 and 2:30. This needs to be a bit harder than your typical training runs, as it trains your body to run harder and still relax, and trains you body to recover from the harder work.

You can do this intensity work in many ways. Hills are always good, drive up them a bit faster than typical pace, and you get the dual benefit of a bit more speed and the hills. Track work is good too, it's flat so no hill benefit, but you can push your pace a bit more and train your body to deal with the stress. Fartleks also work, plus they are among everyon'es favorite running terms :) . Fartlek means "speed play" so you are running along at typical pace, then you open it up for a distance. Pick some landmark up ahead and run harder to the spot, then ease off and recover.

The key to all of these is they train your body to cope with a higher level of effort, so (1) early in the race your easier race pace feels like you're floating, and (2) when you are out in those last few miles and your body is under stress you've already trained it to deal with it.

A longest training run of 20K is fine for a half, which is 21, 098 meters. Oddly enough your body will tell you when you go past 20K (hey, we've never run this far, no fair), but you can drive in the last 1000 meters, particularly if you've done some hard training.

And lastly, don't do hard training too often, as it increases the chance of injury. 1 hard effort every 10 days or 2 weeks is enough to be sharp.

I got home Friday evening, so with the time change I've been up really early and in the fitness center the last 2 mornings, the true start of my Tower of Terror and Goofy training. I managed to strain my left quad 2 weeks before the Minnie 15K, but it's not wanting to heal completely. The importance of weight work was made very clear to me during my travels, as I did tons of walking but never got into a weight room. I assumed the walking would allow the quad to rest and heal, and that was false. I found the quad actually hurt every night, as I was walking a lot but never strengthening the darn thing.

So yesterday's #1 workout was lots of weight work and 8 miles on the exercise bike, and today's #2 was 11 miles on the bike. Amazingly, the quad feels much better after hard weight work and hard bike work than it did when I was walking. I've learned another valuable lesson; I need to do the weight work all the time if I'm going to run and stay healthy. Without the weight work my legs lose strength, and my dumb muscles begin to strain and hurt.

Man this getting old isn't that much fun. I used to just put on my shoes and take off. Now I have to carefully balance my workouts, otherwise my legs want to fall off.

Happy father's day to all. The title of father is one of my two favorites.

Hi All,

I'm still new-ish around here so I thought I jump in and say hello before this thread got too long. Ususally, by the time I get a chance to read it, it's several pages long and I don't really know how to jump into it by then.

Anyway, I'm still new to running. I've been running since January and my DH and I are planning to do the WDW marathon this January. I run a couple of times during the week, then on Sundays I do my long run (well, "long" to me - it's probably baby steps compared to many of you). Today I ran 7.15 miles and it was, dare I say it, pretty easy? I probably just jinxed myself by saying that. :scared1: It's the longest distance I've run to date and it felt really good. I'm still very slow, about 11 min/mile, but I'm hoping that speed will come in time.

Lily, those pics on the beach are great!

Diane, good luck with your training. I have no advice as you're way ahead of me, but it sounds like you're doing great.

Craig, glad to hear that your quad is on the mend.

Happy Father's Day to all of the DIS dads out there! :cool1:

Sorry I totally flaked out last week on the boards, I 'm jumping on early this week so I will be inclined to try to keep up.

So I did not flake on training however. I am happy to report that I did 4 - 3 mile runs last week and my knee is doing great. I am keeping up the yoga, core and pilates, as well as strength training. It is amazing, like Craig was talking about my knee/hip actually feels better after I get done the strength training and the intense stretching in the Yoga.

For the first time I feel like my body might just let me do that marathon inJanuary after all.

And even though I wasnt on the boards you guys were still inpspiring me as usual. When I was doing my runs this week my body wanted so bad to run faster but I made myself take it easy (those little WISH voices in my head) won again. THANKS GUYS!!!

Lily The pics are beautiful
Diane I'm sorry I don't really have any advice. I found the overpasses in the 1/2 very big, but I live in train in FL which could not get any flatter in reality they probably do not require training but I have always felt like all the people that do any kind of hill training must be in much better condition than myself because it requires such endurance :goodvibes
Julie Don't belittle yourself that is AWESOME good for you!!!!!!!!

Think I'm going to try 4 tonight, I will let you know how it guys.
Good morning, team! I thought I'd check in early before Krista is up (yes, yes I know that 10:00am is not early, but it is for a pregnant wife :) ).

Lily--I am sooooo jealous of your Cancun run. Looks like you had a GREAT time. Hope the paradise vacation for the week was all you had hoped for.

Diane--Craig is right-on in his advice (as a matter of fact, I've found that Craig is always right-on with his advice. Must be something about that whole professor thing... ;) ). Running 4 days a week with cross-training will get you to your goal, probably with very pleasing results. Take his advice about cross-training more and running less than you think you should. I never would have believed it a few years ago, but cross-training does make you a stronger, better runner. For the January marathon last year, I only had 4 runs a week and cross-trained, and I PRed the race. This year for Goofy, I plan to run only 3 times per week with a lot of biking and swimming.
Good luck with your training!

Craig--glad you made it back home safely. Are you suffering from post-exotic location depression? I know I would be. Although I bet it's good to be back in your own bed with 99.9% reliability on functioning electricity, right? :)
Glad your quad is holding up. I, like you, have found that if I let my weight work slip (as minimal as my weight work is), I tend to get injured a little more easily. Tell Martha that Krista and I said hi and that she is :worship: for holding the fort down while you were gone!

Angie--SO GLAD that your knee/hip are doing better. That is great news! Take it easy on yourself! By the way, the last time I was posting, Krista told me to tell you HI and I forgot. So......HI from Krista (and me)! :)

Well, the weekend has been good so far. Yesterday was crazy busy. Krista had two baby showers, one hosted by her sisters and another hosted by my mom and sisters. While she was at the first shower, I attended a cousin's wedding, then picked Krista up and we headed off to the second shower/family get-together. It was a great day, and we've successfully filled our guest bedroom with all the gifts we received for the baby. So now this baby has managed to take up his room AND the guest room, and he's not even here yet! :confused3

The only downside to yesterday was during my "driving around picking up stuff for the shower" activity. I had two large bags of ice sitting on the kitchen floor, and I was in the process of placing them in coolers. Well, I forgot that ice tends to melt slightly when sitting at ambient room temperature, which left a nice little puddle on the floor. I apparently stepped a little off balance into the puddle and fell on the floor, rolling my ankle in the process. It's not as bad as it could have been, but it's definitely swollen and very stiff. I used to have ankle issues during high school soccer season all the time, so I know how "bad" it can or can't be. It's probably right in the middle of the two extremes. So I'm off from running for a week (best guess) and biking for probably about as long. Thank goodness for the pool at our gym. :)

Anyway, enough of my pity party. It has been really good weekend, and today we're going to relax since we took the day off from our Sunday School class teaching. Hope everyone is having a great weekend, and Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

Steve - Oh, just wait until Carter actually gets here! He'll likely take over the entire house within a few days! At least that's what Sean did. :) Hope your ankle feels better soon!
Steve - Take care of that ankle. I've had ankle issues over the years, so I know how painful they can be (and how sometimes they take forever to feel "right" again.

Lily - I'll take training on the beach anytime!

- Welcome back. Glad you had a good time. It is nice to get back into the comforts of your own bed, though.

Angie & Julie - great job on your runs!

Diane - no hills to speak of, but those darn exit ramps seem like mountains when my legs are dead! ;)

Today I did my longest run/walk since January (not counting walking the parks at WDW:) ). I did a whopping 3.1 miles. Remind me to never become a slug again. It's too hard getting started again. It was hot and I was beat. I completed the 5K in 42:22 which is about just under 14 mpm pace. I've got a lot of work to do, but it all starts with the first steps.

Lily--Running on the beach looks nice! I'm hoping to do that next week in Maine, though I am certain it won't be as nice and warm as Cancun!

Diane--GL in your training! I know you'll find lots of good advice and suggestions here frm the experts!

Craig--Welcome back! I really enjoy your posts, you have lots of good info to share.

Julie--Sounds like you are doing great! I would love to be able to do an 11 min mile!

Angie--Best of luck upping your mileage this week!

Steve--Ouch, hope your ankle feels better soon!


Good for you for getting out there! That can be the hardest part some days!

As for me? We went to church and then took DH out to lunch for Father's Day. Then we stopped at a dealership to look at some vehicles. DH is getting a new one. Now we are home and I am chillin' on the couch. Enjoying my day off after yesterday's 5K and actually looking forward to getting out there tomorrow!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

Race Results: Hibiscus Half Marathon - Honolulu, HI

Hey WISH Team, it was a PR day!!! Official time when I crossed the finish was 1:59:06. I know I paced at 9:06 per mile, and finished 218 overall.




Part of the Honolulu Marathon Clinic group I help train.

Steve: You missed the memo, last week was slip and fall week, not this week. :rotfl2: Hope your ankle is healing.

Lily: Nice beach run. Get all the sand out of your shoes yet?

Happy Father's Day back to you in paradise. Congratulations on your half today. When the first number is "1" you've done a great job. My goal for the half portion of the 2009 Goofy is the same, 1:5X:XX. I hope to replicate your achievement today.


OUCH! Be sure to let that thing heal and "unswell" before you start running again. You don't want a problem with your ankle to change your gait and cause injury elsewhere.

Also, and I'll be really careful with this, given the number of engineers around here vs. the number of professors. But come on, "sitting at ambient room temperature?" Only an engineer would say something like that. We unwashed masses would say something like "Dude! When you leave ice out in the kitchen it melts, and I totally slipped and sprained my ankle. It's swollen like a harbor seal sunning himself on a rock!"

And my best back to Krista. Very soon your life will change, completely for the better. I so much enjoyed all those years when we had a youngster in our household. I can remember every day, and they were filled with love, growth, amazement, and some of the funniest things I ever saw or heard. I'd go back and do it again all over in a second if given the chance.


It is wonderful to see you. Be sure to stay healthy in the rest of the year. Your advice to "keep on stretching" is excellent, and I need to follow it.

In my attempt to become a better teammate, I suppose I should post early and often! That being said, I'm leaving for WDW on Thursday for a Girl's Only weekend, so my "often" posts may be few and far between!;)

No running today, except around the pharmacy. Hoping to get a workout of some kind in tomorrow. Will shoot for a run, but depending on my mood might end up on the bike

Craig--great to see you back stateside again! Take care of that quad!

Angie--Hey girly! Glad to see that your runs are going so well! you're gonna be awesome in January!

Jeff--Awesome time! Love the pics as well!

Steve--eeek on the ankle! Take care of it! And yes, I agree with TXAng, as soon as the litte one arrives, he'll take over your house. We have 2 bedrooms and a dining room that have been conquered by 2 small people. And if we'd let them, they would conquer the rest, along with their army of toys with obnoxious sounds and loads of tiny little pieces (whoever designs Happy Meal toys must really hate parents!):lmao:

To all our WISH dads: Happy Father's Day!
Apparently I've become a once a week poster. Oops!

The past week kind of turn most things upside down for me. The showers at the gym are under renovation, so that means I've had to get up at 5 to get in and out of the communal showers before the rest of the women arrive. Its a 10 week project. One down, 9 to go!

I did manage to get some runs in as well as cross training and those crazy wall squats with the stability ball and added weights. My legs were pretty sore again this week, but not as bad as last. Makes me wonder if I did it right. I can't actually be getting used to it! Swim class ends this week, so hopefully I will be able to make it to the complex pool and keep up with the progress I've been making.

Everyone sounds like they've had great weeks and making great strides. I am happy to report that I am ahead of my nike+ goal I set for myself. Yahoo!

Jeff/Lily - I love the pictures! I am jealous that the scenery here in NJ does not even come close!

Julie - 7.15 miles at an 11 min pace is awesome! You'll be marathon ready in no time!

Steve - hope the ankle gets better. And congrats on the new addition to the family!

Here's hoping this week isn't as crazy as the last one...
Wow - I found time to check in here twice in the same day! :goodvibes

Jeff - Congrats on your PR! :thumbsup2 I'm trying to plan out my races for 2009 and HI is a possibility. Now comes the tough decision: Which 1/2 do I do? Something in Honolulu or Maui? Any suggestions? Sometimes these race decisions can be so hard! :rotfl:

Hi Everyone!!

Lily: Loved the photos from Cancun! Bet the leg workout from running in the sand was awesome.

Craig: Glad to hear the quad is doing well.

Julie: Nice job on your 7.15 mile run today. I did 7 miles walking today but my time was alittle bit longer than yours.

Angie: Glad to hear that the knee is feeling better. Glad my voice came in handy for something.:rotfl:

Diane: As for the overpasses/hills. I am in South Florida and as everyone knows when I was training for the Minnie 15K I would go over to my favorite Mount Trashmore to get some hill work in. Now the Half has overpasses. At the beginning of the race you go over two overpasses and down an exit ramp heading over to the Magic kingdom. There is the little down hill/up hill heading towards the Contemporary going under the 7 seas lagoon. At the end you go back up the previous ramp, over that overpass, then another overpass and you make a right turn and over one more overpass to the parking lot area heading toward the Bus Parking lot. That is pretty much much I remember and I know I HATED that last little overpass before the parking lot!! My little bit of hill work helped alot at the Minnie (that had 3 over passes and the little hill near the boardwalk area and the one near France) I hope that helps you in any way. Plus I like the walk changup doing hills instead of flat work.

Steve: Sorry to hear about the ankle. Don't forge the RICE rule. I have rolled my ankled a few times each. Other than the ankle it sounds like you had a nice weekend.

Terri: Hey, you got out there and did it!! That is what counts in the end. Good For You!

Aloha Jeff: NICE half race!!!!! Congrats on the PR!! That is awesome and by the way.... you look nice in lime green. :) Wow you'll be done in time at the DL 1/2 to go back to your room, shower and then come back and see me cross the finish line. Please have some ice, ice cold towel and treat for me when I'm done. Thanks!

Duckie???? Where are you, you have disappeared. Please come back and let us know how your doing.

As for me I did another 7mile long walk today and it went pretty well. Legs felt good. It was pretty hazy this morning and felt much warmer than the 83 degrees than the thermometer sstated. I think I will start back to my favorite place at mount trashmore soon to switch up the walking routes and routines. DL Half has a few overpasses so it will help a bit.

Tomorrow is a rest day for me, have a nice evening everyone!!
Total drive-by....

Lily - awesome pics!

Craig - welcome back!

Stephen - ouch! :eek:

Jeff - awesome job on that PR!

Carol - lots of good job-hunting vibes coming your way!

I still read everything, and I still forget half of what I am going to respond to. Ugh. I did manage to sleep 12 hours last night. Of course, I am still awake now and will be lucky to get 4 hours this evening. I am doing a little better in the sleep dept. as of late though!

(Of course I could have skipped night out with the 'desperate housewives' Friday and slept more.
But what fun is that? :rotfl: I tell you, it's very interesting cuz I am the tame one!)

ETA: Someone was asking about Applefest (amybeth?). I remember to ask Chad today. He said there is a significant hill around mile 9. And on a hilly scale of 1-10, he gives it a 5. Now, I have no idea if that means it's hilly or not, so take it for what it's worth. Oh yeah, and sign up!!! The closest hotels are in Nashua where I live, so if anyone needs recomendations, let me know. Although I don't think there's any bad hotels in town...off hand, anyway. I'd inivte people to stay here, but our house is too small for the 3 of us!
Hi everyone! Cam, Jenn, Andrew and I spent all day Friday and most of the day Saturday working at the Delaware Special Olympics Summer Games. I probably logged 8 to 10 miles each day walking from venue to venue. I am not going to count those miles because they were not measured. I was exhausted each night afterwards for sure. We were there from 6:45 AM on Friday until about 10:30 PM and then from 6:45 AM until 4 PM on Saturday. It was a great event and all the athletes inspired me.

I didn't get my 7 miles in yesterday as I had hoped. But I got them in tonight. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it was after a big meal at Carrabba's for Father's Day and lounging around all day watching the U.S. Open.

Here is my info:

Miles: 7
Time: 1:10:34
Pace: 10:05


Steve: Feel better... soon!

Craig: Welcome Home! I don't think your legs will actually fall off. If they do, I suggest a very strong apoxy or double sided tape and velcro.

Have a great week of training everyone!


Hi everyone! I am going to attempt to say hi to people now before it becomes impossible for me!

Lily - Cancun looks beautiful! I love the idea of running on the beach.

Diane - I think your intuition is good (and everyone else's advice confirms that).

Craig - Great advice as usual. I end almost every run with a long slow uphill similar to an overpass. So far that is the only "hill work" I have done, but I may work some in when I am farther along in my training.

Julie - Welcome! Feel free to jump in any time!

Angie - I am glad you are feeling so good! It is great to see how much you enjoy running when you are healthy.

Steve - OUCH! Take care of yourself.

Terri - Great work getting back out there! You've taken the hardest step.

Jeff - Awesome PR!

Allyson & Stephanie - Hi! :goodvibes Enjoy your runs tomorrow.

raangoli - I tried swimming a few laps today at the pool. It was the hardest workout I had done in ages! I only lasted 10 minutes. I hope you do better than I did!

Tracy - Great work on your 7 miles!

Kristi - I looked up Applefest and it looks great! It's not going to be happening this year, since it is only 2 weeks after my first half marathon (and my husband will have a fit if I talk about traveling for any more races!). However, I definitely want to do it someday. Maybe in 2009.

Howard - Great job!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! We celebrated Father's Day with a trip to IKEA (my husbands idea), and now our living room is filled with cardboard boxes! I just need to keep repeating "The Allen wrench is my friend" until I get everything done.

I also got in that 10 minute swim I mentioned above. I remembered that I love water, but hate swimming! However, I will keep doing it at least once every time I take the kids to the pool - it was an awesome workout. I also got in 3.5 miles this evening. I have now decided that if I start out after 7:30 I will not go on the trails I usually run on. It was so dark it was scary! I'm sure that contributed to my faster than usual pace! I think I am finally recovered from my hard 10K last week, since I felt much better this time than my last 2 runs.

On Friday morning our family is headed off to Arizona for a week. We are spending one night in the Phoenix area, and then the rest of the time in Flagstaff. This will be our base of operations for seeing the Grand Canyon, Sedona, the Hopi Indian reservation and lots of other stuff. I am very excited since I have never been to the Southwest before. Any tips from anyone? We have a very loose agenda. I hope to keep to my training schedule on vacation - we'll see if I can pull that off.


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