Wk of June 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Craig I feel for you with the quad. I had pain in my right quad for about a year. I went to a chiropractor til the insurance ran out and it eased the pain, but nothing made it go away until about 2 months ago when I found that I couldn't make it to my TKD classes. I have been pain free for a while, but I haven't had the same level of activity in about 4 months as I did last year.

laughin I'm still fairly new here to. Welcome! I also am new to running. I did it in high school because I wanted to do the field events. Can you imagine that a 5'4" 125lb girl was the best shot putter on the team? It shocks me too! (I only wish I was that size again)

Steve Two baby showers? Lucky girl! I just wish I had an excuse to have a party for people to give me gifts. (preferably Bridal before Baby, by DM says she'd be happy for the Baby one sooner rather that later:lmao: ). I hope the ankle gets better! Don't forget to rest it!

Terri Yay for the run! I'm still working up to that.

Kira IKEA rules. I need to get there sometime soon. I swam in college and even 10 years later I have difficulty enjoying being in the pool unless I am doing laps or doing water polo drills.

Jackie I'm going to try mornings too. We live on a busy street so I will be joining you in the TM workouts

Dee Nope, I'm an only child. At the time I just remember being told to distract yourself by causing pain somewhere else, or something like that! So I had a nice bruise on my shin during my beginning of college. It was nothing compared to the huge bruise on my thigh when I started law school. I ran, yes ran, into the footboard on my bed. Mid-thigh height. Trying to get to the phone on the other side of the bed. I looked like a battered woman for weeks while I tried to not let anyone see the damage.

As for me.... I registered for the Princess Half! It is a big leap for me, but now I really need to get serious and focus on my C23K program so that I can start a 1/2 program in the fall. I also bought the PPP ticket for myself and if anyone decides to join me I will just have to purchase their ticket later (hopefully with an AP discount).

This morning, one of my furbabies:cat: or maybe :ccat: jumped on the bed an woke me up with such enthusiasm that I thought something was wrong. Not the normal head bump and snuggle. Several head bumps first, when I rolled over and actually opened my eyes to see what she wanted, she snuggled and gave my biceps a massage. It was also about an hour before I needed to get up. If she does it again tomorrow morning, I'll get up and get my workout in before DBF wakes up. Otherwise, I'll do a night time workout.
Thanks Maura, it is really good to be home.

Amazingly, I wasn't aware of any strikes while I was there. I suspect the only ones I would have noticed were the metro, trains, or bakers, but these groups worked for the 4 weeks I was there. I know, for France a group going 4 weeks without a strike may be a record.

Martha and I barely missed a riot when we were there in March of 2006. This one was by "students" in their late-20's still working on the bachelor's degree after 8+ years in College. The government wanted to change labor laws to allow temporary contracts instead of current law which effectively means once hired you have that job for life, no matter what. This proposed change wasn't well received, resulting in barricades and flaming projectiles. If we'd only turned left out of Musee D'Orsay we could have been on international CNN! My students would have been really impressed.

And just for you . . .

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do this
Doctor: Then don't do that

Badda-bing. I'll be here all week, be sure to tip your waitress on the way out!


YES on my Netherlands orange squad. They almost look like Cruyff's 1974 team, the one that got beat by Germany, oddly enough in Munich, with lots of home cooking from the center referee. Bitter, not me.

The best part of the tournament is the teams in the mix to win it are all playing attacking football. The Dutch reaction to being ahead of France 1-0, but France carrying the play was so great. Sub out 2 defensive players and put on their 2 dynamic young attacking wingers Robben and Van Persie. 3 Dutch goals later and France is in shambles, with the media pointedly asking the French coach after the match if he would resign when they get eliminated.

We are recording the Netherlands v Romania match right now. I know Van Basten has changed his line up some, but I cannot imagine they won't attack, even if it means Italy or France go through. Happy watching the Azzurri today.


Yes it stinks that 1 week away from the weights and you can feel the difference in your legs. I repeat, I used to just put on my shoes and take off. No matter what Howard says about glue and sticky tape, my muscles want to detach themselves from the bone when I get lazy in strength and stretching work.


I would recommend you get a couple runs of 11 or more before your half. The thing is you are training both your mind and your body to perform on race day. I came back to running 5 years ago, and my first effort was the 2004 WDW half marathon. I got up to 11 as a long run, and on race day at mile 11 I was done both mentally and physically. On the old course (same as marathon course) 11 was in the Magic Kingdom by the Country Bear Jamboree. At that point my body declared itself satisfied with the day's work and done. The last 2.1 miles I felt like I was carrying Big Al on my back. I got in, but it wasn't much fun. If your goal is to "finish with a smile" I think a couple of 10's, an 11, and a 12 would be sufficient to achieve that goal.

Best to all, I'm headed out for my first run since returning. Slow and easy and try not to strain the quad is today's chant.

A quick drive-by today. I'll be heading out for my run in a little bit (my son wants me to finish the glass cabinet from IKEA that almost defeated me yesterday: :badpc: - only with an Allen wrench and particle board). It's a gorgeous day, sunny and low humidity.

First of all, anyone who wants to come with me to Arizona in my suitcase is welcome! We are flying Southwest and can still check 2 bags for nothing, so we should have a couple of extras you could fit into. My only request would me some minor babysitting duties, and to come with me on my runs so that I keep up with my program!

A couple of quick shout-outs:

Debra - Are you all moved in? We've lived in the same house for 12 years and I hate to think what it will be like whenever we finally move.

Carol - I forgot to send you some :hug: and pixie dust for your "unplanned job change." Good luck! I hope something even better comes along very soon.

And thanks to everyone who told me about their trips to Arizona! I am very excited, and promise to take lots of pictures!
Hey WISHers,

Props to everyone doing their homework out on the roads, or in the gym, or in front of the tv/dvd player (exercise, not movies).

I got my 8 miles in today, at the usual guru Les pace of 8:45 minutes per mile. Thank goodness it wasn't the usual heat here today. Tradewinds kept it cool.

74 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes, and 40 seconds to the Disneyland Half Marathon! Are you ready?
Kira--I would love to stow away! Sedona was one of my fave vacations (except WDW of course) Hot air ballooning over the red rocks was amazing!

Okay, so really gonna try to workout this afternoon. Got my gym bag all packed so I can go after work (gotta love that I work at the gym--not many excuses to skip!) And then tomorrow is WDW!!!!!:cool1: Hey, anyone ever do the yoga on the beach at BC? Wondering what time they get going in the morning.

Okay, gotta jet to work!
Morning everyone!

Congrats to all for getting out there and getting it done!

Biked 7.6 miles last night and felt good. Just want to get back to picking up speed now. Today is rest day so will do some weight and core work.

Mentioned to DH about Maui in 2009, sent him the link and he said "sure, why not". Gotta love that guy. :goodvibes Never been to Hawaii so we'd definitely make it a long vacation.

Also, got an email from the organization that was running the 8K that was canceled Sunday due to storms. They're allowing us to sign up for a 5K they have in Oct for free. Very nice of them, I think, and we'll definitely be doing it.

Have a great day!!
Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop in and let y'all know I am still alive and sort of well. Disney was fabulous as always; much to short and why-oh-why did I have to come home to this gawd awful job? Of course, I am swamped now because I work in the most non-functioning department in the world. On top of all that, we got sick just in time for the plane ride home! Jeff is much worse off than I am and is laid up on the couch at home.

I am a lazy bug because I haven't ran since the day we left for Disney. I am hoping to get out there once I feel up to par.

I hope everyone is doing well!! :hug:
Morgan - I'm glad to hear that Disney was great, and sorry to hear about your sickness and being swamped at work. I hope things get back to normal for you soon!
Steve: How's the ankle?

Kira: If I don't post before your trip, have a great time in Arizona!!

Angie: Hi to a fellow "Humid Club" friend. Good work on your 4 miles. Hey Ugly or not you got it in and after all that is what counts right?

Debra: Training is coming along great for the DL 1/2 thanks. No Mount Trashmore this week I think. Mother nature is keeping me away. Not a great idea to be at the highest point during thunderstorms and lightening. As for booking for Jan., I just called to get prices for the basic marathon packages for some hotels so I could start calculating and budgeting.:scared1:

Julie: Yea 83 degrees in not so great and that was what it was when I got home from my walk at 8:40am. Although this will come in handy for the DL 1/2 which last year was very hot.

Congrats on the weight loss.

Maura: Hey girl!! The doc "doesn't do that" doesn't sound very nice. In my office we will give a letter stating the diagnosis and what treatments are needed. Sorry to hear that your docs office isn't willing to do that for you. :(
Glad to hear that you are going to keep at it anyway and I'm sure you'll be smart about it. I know your also doing some XT so that will help.

Mla: Congratulations on signing up for the Princess Half in March. I think it great to have that goal to work towards.

Stephanie: I hope you get your workout in today and let us know how the yoga at the BC is.

Liz: Hi! Glad to see your getting out there after your spill. Maui - WoW!! I think its great that you are getting to do a 5k in the place of the event that was cancelled.

Morgan: SOrry to hear you got sick, but at least it was as you were going home and not while you were there. It is NO fun being sick at a hotel!!

Scott,Amybeth, DUckie : :wave2:

Wow, I haven't posted since page 2. DOing pretty good today, I have the day off!! Whoo hoo. I tried to get in a walk yesterday after work but the weather wasn't cooperating and I also forgot my Garmi. So tried my usual path and it was raining most of the time and a bit more than sprinkling. About the last .50 the rain stopped and the saun was blairing out and I was just very umcomfortable at that point. Today I had to pick up a RX at a Walgreens down the road so I rode my bike over there to pick it up along with another cap for my other toe, which I irritated on Sunday. Went to Podiatrist today to check it. (this is the last toenail that I injured in the ING MIami half) it is almost grown out, but I irritated the corner of it. He trimmed it more and suggested I soak it and get a cap for it like I have for my other toe on my other foot. SOrry I just babbled on about a toe :rotfl:
Hey all you Humid Club people, just a few more month of this.:rotfl2: also hurricane season ends in November, yeah!

Have a good evening.
Hey teammates. Got in a workout today:cool1: 7.5 miles on the bike and 15 min of weights. Now off to finish packing!
Hello Everyone!

Didn't I recently say I was going to have MORE time to keep up here. :rotfl2: I was crazy.

This weekend I posted my resume on Monster and CareerBuilder..... The response has been AMAZING! However, I am overwhelmed. I have talked to 10 recruiters, had one in person screening with one today, have THREE screenings tomorrow. I had two phone interviews yesterday, have another one Friday (I might have two one person wanted the same time as the previously scheduled... waiting to see what she comes back with) I think I have an inperson interview next Tuesday ..... YIKES! And I haven't really dealt with some people who probably have some good leads. I did transition of my last client today so I am done until next week when I turn in the laptop etc.

I did get out and run a few miles yesterday evening!

Tracy, Good luck with the toes!

Morgan, Glad you had a good trip, sorry you are sick

Craig, Welcome back and I am still jealous!

Mia, If I can get the bravery to sign up for a half then anyone can!

To everyone I missed. SORRY! I never knew looking for a job was quite this wild!

Hello all,
I see a lot of new faces and some dear old friends as well. This is just a quick update to let you know I'm still on planet earth.

I believe last I updated you was after I had the spinal cord stimulator implanted. It worked fairly well for a while (~6 WEEKS) and then began to be sporatic and then malfunctioned altogether sending random (PAINFUL) shocks through my body. So that was the last straw. I went for the spinal fusion (L4/L5, S1). Much to my surprized the results were spectacular. NO PAIN in either leg or buttocks. I was doing so well they ditched PT. At the "walking 800 ft milestone" I was walking three miles. I was psyched.

The surgery was on May 13th, I returned home May 16th and by May 25th I took my first 4 mile walk1

Then tragedy struck again:worried: On Memorial Day (may 26th) I thought I had a medication reaction because I got fiercely sick after taking my meds. We called 911 and it turned out I was battling a Staph infection I had contracted during surgery. SOooooo, I had two more surgeries; openinig up the same wound to clean it out within 3 days of eachother. I was sent home after two weeks in the hosp; with a GIANT bottleof killer antibiotics (clinamycin hcl). I'm not sure if it's gpoint to kill the bacteria before it kills me. I feel like I've been run over by a mac truck All my joints hurt, I sleep 18-20 hours per day and walking is totally outof the question. The hearburn is deadly and eating is torture.

I went for my followup after the 3rd sx to get the stiches removed this Monday. The dr assured me that I should feel like a mac truck; having been through 3 major surgeries in three weeks, battling the infection and trying to tolerate this nasty antibiotic. Somehow that made me feel better:confused:

Anyway, I must confess that I do not feel like a runner and fear I may never do so again. But I am so grateful fur the drawer full of medals and plaques that document that era of my life.

I hope to pop in here from time to time.

I wasn't sure if this was the best place to put my update as some may miss itl Maybe I''ll repost a main thread;

Take care all, and take care of our backs-- life is not worth living without them.

Hey Sunny, I posted a reply on the single thread out on the WISH events/competitions area.
Sunny! I too replied on your other thread.
I so WISH you have some relief soon!
You have been through so much.
Info: I posted some prices I got from Disney for resort rates for the WDW Jan. weekend. I called the 407-939-IRUN number and these were for the Basic Marathon Package, no tickets. Its the "Resort Question" thread.
Hi everyone!

Sunny~ So sorry to hear about your ongoing issues. Here is some pd pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:and hugs, :hug: :hug: I hope it helps. We miss you dearly!

Tracy ~ Thanks, the weight is coming off but it isn't easy, is it?

Here is my running information from tonight's effort:

Miles: 6
Time: 54:05
Pace: 9:00


My plan called for 5 miles, but my DS (who rode his bike along with me) said "why don't you run 6?" and I said sure, why not? :confused3

Tomorrow Cam, DS and I are running in a 5k event in Wilmington. I hope to get a good finish time, it will be difficult, the course has a long, killer hill at about mile 2.25 which almost goes to 2.9 miles.

Happy training!



Hope your doing better now after all you've been through. Warm WISHes for a healthy and short recovery. :wizard:
Terri: Which event has the better bling? Spoken like a true addict! :rotfl2: :thumbsup2

Aloha Jeff: Thanks for giving everyone props on their activity. But I do think you unfairly excluded movie-watching from your list. After all, it's one of my favorite activities! :( :rotfl2: So, you're on a countdown clock for the DL 1/2. And here I was worried that you weren't getting excited about the race. :rolleyes1

Julie: Ooooh, martinis! That's a much better idea than RICE or an OSHA intervention. Is there anything that a good drinkl doesn't make better? It certainly made a lot of my dates (in my younger, wilder years) better looking. You know...a bet a martini or two would make ToT look better to you. Hmm...

Howard: Oh, you called me an athlete (at least by association)! I'm so happy. :woohoo: And yay for dropping below 200! Good luck on tomorrow's 5K, hill and all! Your splits suggest you might have a great time, IMO.

Frank: DISing or football. Tough choice. I think you made the right one, of course. What's so appealing about night runs? I don't do them in training, as I run by myself. But I'm doing ToT in October because it sounds cool--but that's only a gut-level reaction. Details, man, I need details!

Maura: The experts my running store, who fit me for shoes, keep telling me I need to work on my quads/abductors, too. So it sounds like I got almost the same advice for free, as I was buying the shoes anyway. What do you mean, they don't do that? You can't get a full written report concerning your examination? That's frakked up!

MLA: I'm always looking like a battered woman, as I bruise extraordinarily easy. It tends to get me sympathy--and suspicious looks--from people who don't know me. If you do know me, you realize that 1) I'm a klutz or 2) I deserved what I think of as the slug-bug/sibling punch. (Kinda mouthy, I am.) So...do you remember who told you to induce pain to forget pain? That, too, is frakked up! Awww, head bumps are cute though and not too painful--although the massaging of the biceps can be, if the cats aren't declawed.

Oh, and congrats on committing to the Princess 1/2! DOOD and I are still on the fence with the event. It comes during his spring break, we have APs, and, well, it's in Disney. But then we think we'd like to go someplace else during that time. We'll probably spend more time on the fence, as we do with every other race, and then lament letting good airfare deals go by. (Are there any of those left.)

Craig: I didn't know if I agreed with your assessment of Van Basten's plans, figuring it would be smart to eliminate stronger teams. Shows how much I know, doesn't it? :duck: How's your quad doing?

Kira: I'm as moved in as we're going to get. I definitely don't need to settle down here, so lots of things will remain in boxes. I so want to live in a place for a dozen years, letting dust settle all over my stuff. Either that, or I want to get rid of everything and live on room service as I travel, travel, travel. One extreme or the other. Of course, if it's the latter, I might have to stick with Southwest, because those checked baggage fees just make me :headache: Any plans to see the saguaro while in AZ? I know the Saguaro National Park is out of your way. Are you doing Walnut Canyon?

Stephanie: I didn't even know they did yoga on the beach at BC! Wow! I definitely need a TR from you upon your return! WTG with getting in your WO before finishing your packing--that's the way to prioritize!

Liz: Good new on your biking. Pain free, I presume?
Mentioned to DH about Maui in 2009, sent him the link and he said "sure, why not". Gotta love that guy. Never been to Hawaii so we'd definitely make it a long vacation.
Now that's the kind of couples communication we like to see! (Even better to hear it!) And the race organization's response to the cancelled 8K is pretty good too.

Morgan: I'm glad you enjoyed Disney--was there any doubt? But sorry to hear about the post-trip illness (and while still on the road) and what sounds to be a little post-trip depression, too. Does it help if I tell you to get that little quick-like-a-bunny tail out on the road. Running cures the blues, you know! :thumbsup2 As does sharing your Disney trip stories.

Tracy: Color-coded names? Boy, it IS slow around here, isn't it? Where are you thinking of staying for marathon weekend? (DOOD would be so happy if we were off-site, because he didn't think driving to the races was that big a deal. I kept telling him we were missing a huge part of the experience, but he doesn't listen to me about such things.... I'm still going to convince him to stay on-World though.Btw, thanks for posting that information in the Resort Question thread--I'll look it up after I finish here.

Technical question--can you explain the cap on your toe thing? I have a black big toe from January, and it's growing out slowly.

Carol: Wow! So much interest in you. That's fabulous and has to make you feel good. I hope you have people fighting over you and you can command an increase in your salary. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Sunny: I replied over on the other thread, but know that I am thinking of you. And know that we hope to see you post here as often as you feel comfortable. You are a member of the WISH family no matter what!

As for me: Working through some blahs/blues with the WO, including the need to bribe myself to do them. With WO gear, not ice cream. What a novelty, huh? But I did intervals today for 3 miles, then some biking. Tomorrow is strength training and a recommitment to core, which I've neglected. "Bad Debra, bad girl. Don't you want a six-pack?" (Abs, that is.)

In an interesting twist, DOOD asked me today what was going on with WISH. He's in D.C. right now, doing research, and apparently I haven't done a good job of keeping him informed as to our goings-on. I think this means he's been assimilated. :rotfl2:
I think this means he's been assimilated. :rotfl2:

I believe all the DH's eventually learn....resistance is futile :lmao:

I am enjoying some quiet time this week. Dance class and colorguard camp have ended. The recital is over and my inlaws went home. DD15 is away for a few weeks with her dad. We were going to sign WT up for swim lessons, but I really need a break from trying to coordinate schedules and who picks up which child on any given day. So a few weeks off from activities until we go on vacation.

I've started C25K to try to eliminate the r/w intervals I've always done. I was up to R5/W2 so started at week 4. It's going okay so far, though I'm waaaay slower now than before. It's a nice, relaxing program though. I'm enjoying it so far.
Aloha Jeff: Thanks for giving everyone props on their activity. But I do think you unfairly excluded movie-watching from your list. After all, it's one of my favorite activities! :( :rotfl2: So, you're on a countdown clock for the DL 1/2. And here I was worried that you weren't getting excited about the race. :rolleyes1


Movie watching usually coincides with buttered popcorn, a extra large soda, a box of some sort of candy, and bon-bons. So no, dvd's of the film genre does not count as cross training. :happytv:

I "countdown clock" all my upcoming races. Doesn't everyone?

Here's a link to a download for a countdown clock to put on your desktop:


Once you install the program, you plug in the name of your event, date, and start time, then click apply. You get a clock that reminds you how many days, hours, minutes left until the start.:thumbsup2

Jackie way to go on getting back in to donate blood. ::yes:: Our GS troop is coordinating a blood mobile drive on 7/20/08 at our school. We have 41 people signed up so far to donate. The planning and coordinating the girls are doing is going towards their community service for their Bronze Award.

We celebrated Princess #1's tenth birthday tonight, on the eve of her actual birthday. She requested a tenpenyaki dinner, so we went to Tanaka of Tokyo's at Ala Moana Shopping center.

Her actual party will be on the 28th, at the water park with 5 girlfriends from school/scouts.

By the way everyone, it's Mulan's 10th birthday on Thursday as well. How cool is that, Mulan has the same birthday as Courtney. Disney animators, what a brilliant move to "give birth" on the same day as my Queen. LOL. :lmao: Also Garfield the Cat's birthday!


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