Wk of June 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Well, I'm off in a couple hours to my happy place (and happier that I'm meeting my girlfriends!) It's so weird to not have anyone else to pack for this time around. So, that being said, I'll probably not be around until Monday at the earliest. Will definitely give my TR here, hopefully with a review of the yoga at BC

AlohaJeff--Happy Birthday to your princess, cool that she shares it with Mulan!

Mel--so totally understand giving up one of the kiddos activities. I conveniently forgot to sign Emma up for soccer camp b/c I just couldn't deal with the run around. Isn't summer supposed to be for relaxing????

Debra--yes, they do yoga at BC on the beach, from what I've read now every morning. Back in January, I saw the sign but it was only a couple days a week. I figure what a great way to wake up at WDW, little jog over to the Studios and then some yoga with BW in the backdrop!

Okay, really need to get in the shower--and DS is asking to get his "dress on" Daddy will be so proud!:rotfl2: (to translate 2 year old: I want to get dressed)
Morgan- Welcome home.

Carol- Good luck on the job search, it sounds like you have some prospects.

Sunny- Sorry to hear about the infection, I hope it clears up and you get back to walking, then jogging, then running.

Debra- I guess technically it is an evening run since it is a 4 miler at 7:00 and won’t be dark. I like doing my training runs at night because the quiet and solitude is refreshing. Plus, it just fits better into my schedule better. Now, as far as Van Basten’s plans go and his not really wanting to beat Romania: There is a rumor that he will be offered the AC Milan job even though he just signed with Ajax. The speculation among many is that if he was unable to beat Romania he would be deemed unsuitable for the AC Milan job and the offer would be withdrawn. This of course is all speculation and we know how the English press likes to invent stories where none exist.

I have no real updates. I am hitting the gym for a bit but I have a 4 Miler tomorrow evening and a 10K Sunday so I think I will just be cross-training today and Saturday.
Did y'all see the story about the lady who ran a full within a year of giving birth to sextuplets? It was on the Today show.

Holy cow, I'm in total awe. I can't seem to manage to get the energy to even put my running shoes on lately, and I've just got one baby to care for. Can't imagine going for 26.2 with SIX of them! Amazing.
Did y'all see the story about the lady who ran a full within a year of giving birth to sextuplets? It was on the Today show.

Holy cow, I'm in total awe. I can't seem to manage to get the energy to even put my running shoes on lately, and I've just got one baby to care for. Can't imagine going for 26.2 with SIX of them! Amazing.

Wow, that is amazing! Although, if I had 6 babies at home, I might take up running as a way to get out of the house for a while. :rotfl:
Wow, that is amazing! Although, if I had 6 babies at home, I might take up running as a way to get out of the house for a while. :rotfl:

That was my thought:rotfl2:

Thanks for all the kind words. This job search is more exhausting then working!:lmao:

Jeff, Happy Birthday to your Princess!

Stephanie, Have fun at Disney

Sunny, Sorry about the infection. Those staph infections are a nightmare!

As for me I went to they gym tonight and did 2.5 miles on the Treadmill. Not too bad and I picked up the pace.

Going to do a 6 mile Saturday or Sunday in preparation for the 10K coming up! (YIKES just two more weeks!)

Sorry I have been sporadic again. I have not run since Sunday. Did weights Monday, Yoga & Pilates tuesday and did spinning tonight. So I found my favorite cross training when we really start marathon training. I have done spinning before but it's been a long time. This is the first time I have done it since I became a "runner" and I can see how it is going to fit in perfectly with my marathon training.

Speaking of training, I NEED HELP. What plans do you guys follow, and how many months before the race do they have you starting and how many miles a week should I be running before I start them. Believe it or not with all of the races we have done, I have never actually followed a training plan and being that this is the BIG ONE!! and we are injury prone I need a good training plan. But I am a little freaking out because the one I found on line takes 4 months to build up to a 10 mile LR then 4 more months to the marathon!!! Don't have time for that one:confused3

Hope everyone's training is going well.
Jeff - Happy birthday to your princess! I think it's pure coincidence (or something I ate), but I felt really lousy the entire day after I donated. I don't usually have any reaction, and it was the easiest donation I think I've ever done but the next day was really ugly.

- Glad the job search is so busy, I think?

- I looked at the calendar for this week and couldn't believe it - the only thing on there was DD's work schedule! She does have drumline practice one night a week all summer long, but it's pretty low key. She's off to church camp next week, then nothing until band camp the end of July.

Beautiful day here, low humidity, low 80's, perfect afternoon for a run, right? WRONG! :furious: Went out for an easy 3 miles in anticipation of our 2nd timed mile of the season on Saturday. Planned to do an easy mile warmup with R2/W1 intervals, then run the entire 2nd mile, then maybe throw in some fartleks or some other speed work during the 3rd mile. What I failed to remember was that the greenway I was running is a 1.5 mile out and back with some nasty hills near the end. So stupid me plans my solid mile run for the hilliest part of the course, and I wasn't feeling that strong anyway. I ended up walking a good portion of the 2nd mile, and the 3rd mile was a disaster. I wanted to cry - it was absolutely the worst run I've ever had in the 2 1/2 years I've been running. I finally threw in the towel at about 2.5 and walked it in. Here are the splits just for laughs:
(I've been running 11:00-11:30 lately, which is why this is so ugly!)


I think you can calm down a bit. I suspect 4 months is a fair estimate for someone to go from zero to 10 miles. Since we talked for a few minutes in the finishing chutes at the Minnie 15K (9.31 miles) 8 weeks ago, you're not coming from zero.

I know you and Bobby are pretty injury prone, so I would recommend you guys start moving now for next January, which without a calendar with me seems to be 29 weeks from now. That way you can take it easy, and even have the luxury of easing off for a week every month.

I can tell you what I'm thinking about for January 10 and 11, 2009. I did almost no running, lots of walking when away for a month, and my first run back on Tuesday was really ugly. 4500 uncomfortable and difficult meters. I suspect tomorrow's effort will be easier and longer, so I'll shoot for long runs of 10K by June 30, 8 miles by July 31, and 10 miles by August 31. I'll continue this pattern, hoping for 12, 14, and 16 by the end of Sept, Oct, and Nov. During each of these months I'll make the long runs longer some weekends, and shorter others, to try to stay fresh and uninjured.

You may recall I managed to pull my hamstring 2 weeks before this year's full marathon, and I think that was from too many long runs in December. My strategy for this coming December will be different. I suspect I'll never go past 11 or 12 miles, but I plan to push the pace once a week. I'm not sure this will work, but lots of long runs in the last month failed me miserably last time. This time I'll stay shorter but more intense, hoping to avoid injury and be sharper for next year's Goofy.

And be sure to listen to your body. When it's fatigued or hurting, ease off. Pushing through is terribly manly, or womanly, but it's almost certain to put you back on injured reserve. And I need to take that advice as well. Remember I'm an educator, so I think I give good advice, but sadly I don't often take it.


Thanks for the advice and I SOOO need the reminder that I did a 15k not all that long a go because at this point ( and I am sure every injured runner has experienced this ) I feel like I am starting from scratch, and it has "been so long" I am happy to report DH has been chugging right along and he is doing 10 this week. I guess I am just a little worried because after my 12 mile week last week ( 4 -3 mile runs), topped off by 4 more on Sunday my knee and hip has been hurting again and it scares me. On the other hand my breathing and everything else says I am GOOD TO GO!! So if I can find alternate ways to keep up my fitness level (i.e. spinning) while my knee continues to fully heal, I guess that will serve me well come January.

As usual thanks for the words of wisdom and while I am at it

- I hear you on the heat issues and I guess the best we can do is push through unitl fall when we can get some kick but runs in and the heat is not trying to kill us :furious:

You guys are awesome!!!
Debra: Here is what I get to cover my toe (the one next to the big toe - kinda like it shows in the picture below).


My left one tends to bend at the tip, so the part that is at the tip is then pointing downward and it gets rubbed. My right toe was the one I actually injured during the ING Miami half because my sock was folded and bunched up above that toe and put pressure on it. My toenails never turned black or fell off. The toenail will start separating from the skin and then it has to be trimmed so as not to let moisture get under it and cause a fungus or something.

The Gel Toe Protector states it relieves painful toe irritations.
"Soft, shock-absorbing gell is enriched with mineral oil and vitamin E to moisturize and soothe. Cushions and protects the entire toe. It has an elastic sleeve that stretches to fit most toes so you can stand and walk comfortably all day. Protects and softens fingers too! Washable and effective for weeks."
Hi Everyone! Happy Thursday!

Angie: Listen to Craig, he knows what he's talking about. Good luck training! :hug:

I wanted to post my 5K results.
Cam, DS - Andrew and I ran in the Andrew McDonough Memorial 5K tonight at around 7 PM. It started late with considerable confusion as to where the actual starting line was, there was no gun or siren to kick it off, etc.

Here is my information:

Time: 26:23
Miles: 3.1
Pace: 8:34



Tomorrow is one of my rest days. :banana: :cool1: I am going to milk it for all its worth.

Have a great night!


A quick hello/goodbye as I am off to Arizona in the morning! I am really hoping that I can keep up with some modified training while on vacation. I'm a bit concerned about the elevation (Flagstaff is at 7000 feet), but I guess I'll just take it easy and see what it's like.

If I have decent internet access at the hotel I am planning to update my blog regularly with stories & photos. Check it out if you're interested. I think we'll be seeing some pretty awesome stuff.

Have a great week everyone!
Angie - If you are worried about injuries you may want to take a look at Jeff Galloway's program, although I think you may find it a bit light for your tastes. I'll be using one of Hal Higdon's plans (the Novice 1 plan) and it has me running 4 days a week. I may cut out one of the midweek runs since my crosstraining is pretty high right now, but we'll see. I start training for the Disney full the first week of September.

Good luck!
Speaking of training, I NEED HELP. What plans do you guys follow, and how many months before the race do they have you starting and how many miles a week should I be running before I start them. Believe it or not with all of the races we have done, I have never actually followed a training plan and being that this is the BIG ONE!! and we are injury prone I need a good training plan. But I am a little freaking out because the one I found on line takes 4 months to build up to a 10 mile LR then 4 more months to the marathon!!! Don't have time for that one:confused3

Hope everyone's training is going well.


This is for the December Honolulu Marathon, per my clinic training plan.

First of all, three times a week, one hour of activity. Do not worry about distance or pace. Walk, jog, run, whichever you choose. Keep doing this homework, and anyone can finish a marathon.

That being said, I run Tues/Thurs after work, 8 miles. In June, Sunday runs are 12 miles, and in subsequent months I add 2 miles per month.

In August I add a slow jog of 3-4 miles on Saturday, or go for a bike ride with the Queen and Princesses. If I feel like it, on Wednesday's I ride the stationary bike for 1 hour, while watching a dvd or show on tv. (Deb, that's how you make watching dvd movies count as exercise :lmao:).

Some of my workouts are hill runs, and others are speed work.

When I get up to 18 miles, the next month I do a single 20-22 miler, then start tapering off.

One and a half weeks before a marathon, absolutely no running.

During the season, I do race 10K's, 30K's, and half marathons. I try to push my pace time to 95%, so in December running slow is not a problem :rotfl:.

Be sure to stretch after every run, and ice bath after the long runs.

For the aches and pains, use a foam roller, a tennis ball, or a piece of PVC pipe if you can handle it.

Massages and chiropractor visits are well worth the money.

Don't be afraid to find a training partner who runs harder, longer, and faster than you. I'm an example of improving my running by going on runs with Guru Les. He's almost 63 years old, and kicks my butt any day. But I'm a better runner now, just from running with him the last 4 months.

My training today was another 8 miler with Guru Les. We needed a change of scenery, so took a different town route, ran through University of Hawaii, then back through park of Waikiki.

Have a great Friday team WISHers!
Debra: Here is what I get to cover my toe (the one next to the big toe - kinda like it shows in the picture below).


My left one tends to bend at the tip, so the part that is at the tip is then pointing downward and it gets rubbed. My right toe was the one I actually injured during the ING Miami half because my sock was folded and bunched up above that toe and put pressure on it. My toenails never turned black or fell off. The toenail will start separating from the skin and then it has to be trimmed so as not to let moisture get under it and cause a fungus or something.

The Gel Toe Protector states it relieves painful toe irritations.
"Soft, shock-absorbing gell is enriched with mineral oil and vitamin E to moisturize and soothe. Cushions and protects the entire toe. It has an elastic sleeve that stretches to fit most toes so you can stand and walk comfortably all day. Protects and softens fingers too! Washable and effective for weeks."

My 2 cents, always lube your feet with Body Glide or Vaseline before long runs, or a race. Prevents rubbing that cause blisters, and loss of toenails. Oh, and never wear cotton socks. Get yourself some Thorlos, or any other synthetic sock that wicks away the moisture. :thumbsup2
Hi Everyone! Happy Thursday!

Angie: Listen to Craig, he knows what he's talking about. Good luck training! :hug:

I wanted to post my 5K results.
Cam, DS - Andrew and I ran in the Andrew McDonough Memorial 5K tonight at around 7 PM. It started late with considerable confusion as to where the actual starting line was, there was no gun or siren to kick it off, etc.

Here is my information:

Time: 26:23
Miles: 3.1
Pace: 8:34



Tomorrow is one of my rest days. :banana: :cool1: I am going to milk it for all its worth.

Have a great night!



Nice race Howard! Is your heart rate back to normal yet?:rotfl2:
Bride Michelle: Ooooh, I'm so happy for you--you were able to get all that you wanted in your dress AND please your mom, too. It's a winner, as are the BMs' dresses. It looks like I'll have to be checking in on your PJ to get the skinny on your planner, the photographer, etc. So be sure to drop in a running tidbit now and then, even if it's on the PJ instead of here. (What? You don't have all the time in the world with what's going on?? :confused3 :rotfl2:)

lol, I know, I feel really bad for ditching you guys!!! I'm sorry, I promise to check in now and again but things just got so hectic lately! I think its the summer, you know, there is so much to do! Summer is just jammed packed with parties, and bbq's and the like so we've been quite busy. Right now we're planning our engagement party, so I've been makin the invites, getting them sent out, etc etc. But its all great things going on over here, and I'm still getting my early jogs in!! 3.5 miles, 1 hr of pilates, gardening, its all good for the training!!!

Thanks to everyone one else who complimented on my gown! I just love it and am so excited to wear it! :lovestruc

Happy training everyone, and happy friday! :goodvibes
Here is my information:

Time: 26:23
Miles: 3.1
Pace: 8:34




Wow, Howard! That's fab-u-lous!!! :worship: :woohoo: :banana: :worship:

You could easily do that for 47 more miles! ;)

Now, Where's your bride? We Minnie Gals are looking for her. popcorn::
Jeff: It took a few minutes, but it came back down to normal. :rotfl2: The good news is that I dropped over 3 minutes from my previous 5k on the same course last year. :cool1: :banana: :yay:

Judy Dear: Thank you! I am not so sure I could do that for another 47 miles. I think it would take Superman to do that... not a Minnie Muffin. :laughing:

My lovely bride :hug: :lovestruc :love: is around, just busy I suppose. I sent her a note to get in touch. I thought you were all communicating telepathically in real time, all the time. :goodvibes

Thank you to everyone for your advice I am feeling a little better and that's what we are here for!! I am so glad to have a place to go to give and get advice!! Thanks again.

Judy I haven't seen you in a while (because I have not been around) :wave:


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