Why Not Just Queue Up Another Disney Trip? Link to New TR 6/24 p136!

How cool that you'll be staying at BWV - congrats on reaching your East Coast DVC goal!!! :yay::yay:

And congrats on being asked to be a part of the Woodstock show!!! I'm sure you're going to have a great time! :goodvibes
How cool that you'll be staying at BWV - congrats on reaching your East Coast DVC goal!!! :yay::yay:

And congrats on being asked to be a part of the Woodstock show!!! I'm sure you're going to have a great time! :goodvibes

Thanks! I am very excited about both of these things PLUS I am all booked for F&W 2012, too! It's going to be a Disney year! :cool1:
Georgia Peaches!​
Tuesday October 25, 2011

Today was our day to visit Savannah. None of us had ever been to the historic district before, so we were pretty psyched to go. We had done a little pre trip research so we knew we should take a Trolley Tour. The choice was - which one?

But more on that in a moment. The plan was to leave HHI at 9am so we could be all parked and on the trolley by 10. Good plan, I think. Plus, it gave me time to go running outside of the resort.

I knew P&L had found the path to the beach house. Now I wanted to find it. It's a little hard to find unless someone tells you where to look. I ran out of the resort and straight through a parking lot, but I had to awing a left to find the path. It actually goes underneath the road as you can see here.


I actually don't know if I took the picture leaving or returning. It was a little eery since it was still a bit dark outside.

I like that there is actually a safety mirror here because I suspect this path may get a bit crowded from time to time

That drainage pipe is a bit of an eye sore.


I decided not to run back towards the beach, but to stay on the main road. I didn't want anybody nabbing me in the early morning dawn. So I ran about 2 1/2 miles total. Of course, I did stop for cell phone pics.

I took this picture just after I crossed the street to head back to the resort.


Such a great view of the resort and I wish I had gone back there with my camera.

Here is the path the leads to the road


Look what I found in the parking lot that morning



Not sure where Shadow 2 through 7 are. :confused3

We left the resort right at 9am and before long (45 minutes or so) we saw this.


I don't remember much about the ride except it was rural - really rural, especially for this midatlantic girl who lives in a state with there is no more rural. We barely saw any cars and any building I remember seeing looked like a worn down shack. We did pass a gas station with gas for $3.19 a galloon. That was memorable.

For those of you who plan to travel from HHI to Savannah, the visitor center is pretty easy to find. I'm sure we could have done it just following signs. The visitor center has a huge parking lot which seems to be the main mecca for all the tourist transportation in Savannah.

We pick Old Town Trolley because it had the best adds on the internet.


You can prepurchase tickets, but we didn't because the tour company also offers many combo ticket. The internet advertises a trolley rate of $26 with the online rate being about $2.50 cheaper. However, when we arrived the rate was suddenly $28 despite the fact that the trolley still had a sign saying $26.

We opted for a combo ticket which included two of the Telfair museums and the Owens Thomas house. We check a AAA book on the way there and according to their prices we were basically getting all 3 venues for the price of one. At any rate the combo ticket was about $45. A little steep and you will find out why soon.

Our first stop was the visitor's center.


Where Paula Deen is quite the celeb


I loved this mural. Very cool


The visitor center was in an old restored building and the bathroom has the highest ceilings I have ever seen in a bathroom. I ALMOST took a picture but didn't want to scare the other patrons away.

In the parking lot there were several other tour trolleys:




The Oglethorpe trolley was advertising a fair of only $15. I never saw there name on the internet, so my advice to you is shop around for the best fair when you get there. We did not see this BEFORE we purchased our tickets.

See....$26. Better fix that sign.


Old Town Trolley = Price subject to immediate change!


But I soon forgot about my lousy $2 when I saw this fine group of ladies ask the conductor to take their picture. Not being one to miss out on an opportunity, I couldn't resist.


Smile ladies because you going on the DIS boards. See what they have in their hands - peaches. They were so good natured about it, but I didn't have the nerve to get up and take a better picture because I knew the lighting in this one stunk. Anyway - 3 sisters and a mom. They told me when they went to Vegas last year they each carried around a miniature pink flamingo. Love these ladies! They actually have one more sister who couldn't attend this year's trip.

The first thing that we passed were buildings for the Savannah College of Art and Design. The college was started in run down and abandoned buildings. They even bought up motels for dorms....
A typical dorm


I honestly didn't do too well with pictures while on the trolley because it was bumpy.

Here's a pic of the bridge we crossed to get into town.


We actually didn't stay on the trolley too long because we got off for the Telfaire museums. I figured if I bought the ticket I wasn't going to ride right by them and come back later.

If I am not mistaken this was the first African American Baptist Church in the US


We exited the trolley at Julliette Gordon Low's house (the founder of the girl scouts).



There's our trolley....bye trolley


To tell you the truth, our driver wasn't too great at giving us directions to get back to the Telfair museums. We had to ask some people on the street. It was a bit confusing.


No, we did not buy the girl scout lunch special!

How cute is this?????? It was in the museum gift shop window.


It's raining cats and dogs, get it???? LOL!

This is the first museum we went in. Sorry I don't feel like looking up the exact name.


Inside the museum




And that was all the pictures I got before getting nailed for taking pictures. I did not see a No photography sign, but I really wasn't looking for it either.

Actually, here's one more that I took from a giant wall hanging. This was about a 1/10th of what was on the wall.

I enjoyed this museum, but I noticed the P and L were way ahead of me. I think I've gotten better at looking at art work and photography BECAUSE of my own endeavors at photography. There was a whole room of heavily edited photos and I found each one of them amazing, but when I looked around P and L were already gone. Uh - oh! I found them downstairs in the lobby/ cafe.


I actually took this from the lobby


L said all the white was starting to making her sick and she felt dizzy when she got out on this walk way.

This was the ceiling of the lobby


While they were sitting in the lobby I did a REALLY fast walk through the rest of the museum and I went down to join them. I knew they weren't into it, so we left.

Oh, but not without a gift shot visit. I actually asked if I could take ONE picture in there. And the lady behind the counter begrudgingly told me "just one".


See anything there that you might want to copy and profit from? I didn't think so.

Our next museum was a block away.


Gorgeous Exterior. I rushed to get these pictures because P and L were already inside.



Again - I felt really rushed and I was always lagging behind. The people at this museum were very friendly and they even watched my soda while we walked around. What I liked best about this place was the absolutely amazing old pianofortes they had. The wood was fabulous. Of course, none are ever played and that must be terribly out of tune. But what gorgeous instruments. I snagged a cell phone pic.

I just couldn't help it.


I was still inside asking questions when I realized P was already outside calling her parents. I thanked the staff and left.

Here are some misc pictures I took as we walked to the Owens Thomas House






I loved this sign




This is a view of the Owen Thomas House


And some nice man took a picture of us



I am going to take a break here because I have to leave to work the concession stand in an hour for the state soccer final this year. No, we are not in it this year. It's a great money maker.

When I return, more pics of the Owen thomas house and Savannah!

Great update! Savannah looks beautiful! I love that bridge, it looks a lot like the one in Boston!

Can't wait to see the rest of your pics!:cool1:
You have totally sold us on HHI and now Savannah too!!
Great pictures - including the one with YOU in it!!! I know how rare those are!!
I've got to go to Savannah! So far this looks like the spot for us. I take my time in museums & old houses. I don't think that I would care for the first one that you went to as I hate modern art. I think that most of it is like the emporer's new clothes!.

Why was the house draped in mourning? Do they keep it this way all the time?
Curious minds want to know!:yay:
Beautiful Savannah pics!!! You really have me thinking about hhi!!!

It's too bad you felt rushed in the museums! I bet there was a lot of cool things to see!!!!
Congrats on making your goal on staying at all the East Coast DVC Resorts! :banana:

Great Savannah pics, sorry you felt rushed in the museums
Savannah....my dream destination! I love Paula Deen and when she has had shows where she is going around Savannah I just thought it was everything I thought the old south would be. I would love to go to her restaurant too!

Great pictures Mary Ellen and it sounds like you're having a heck of a trip:thumbsup2
Great first update!! Looking forward to more of Savannah! What a cool trio trip you 3 planned!
Savannah looks so nice, I'm glad you guys had a nice time there!

I still think you should have gotten the Girl Scout special though! Think of what they could do with a Thin Mint!! :laughing:
Nice pictures of Savannah MEK. Bummer that you couldn't take pictures in that art museum, but I'm glad for the ones you got, they're really cool. We have the Brandywine River Museum up here near me, with lots of Wyeth art in it and it kills me to not be allowed to take pictures of them.
Savannah looks gorgeous. It's a city we've only ever passed through, but it looks beautiful. There are so many places that I want to visit.
Love the pics of the Savannah and the mural shot :thumbsup2

Yay on meeting some nice ladies and taking their picture!

The museum shots look so pretty - a shame you felt a bit rushed but it just means you'll have to go back! :laughing:
This Northern girl is loving your tour of the South :thumbsup2

Loving the pictures and that umbrella is too cute! :)
Savannah is such a beautiful place. You did a great job capturing all you did, even the museum where you got busted :laughing:.
Hi guys - If I have a free minute at work today I will get to replies. I expect to be busy and then I'm leaving early to pick up Brian and then I have rehearsal for the church music this weekend.

Just wanted you to know I'm here, but things are hectic right now!

How many days to Disney?????? Better look at my ticker cause I'm not even sure. My guess is 22!!!!!
I had two fabulous updates to catch up on! :goodvibes

Those sunset pictures on HHI are fabulous! Love how you captured the sun going down AND Spanish moss! Beautiful!

The beach house is very cute -- Disney does know how to decorate!

Okay, that bridge you went over to get into Savannah? Yeah, that's the one I saw in the distance on our way to Tybee that made my heart drop. My heart dropped when I saw it in your pictures and imagined driving over it. :laughing:

Is gas not $3.19 in Maryland? That's about what it has been around here lately. When Charles filled up Friday night, it was $3.17.

Gorgeous pictures of Savannah, but what a shame you felt rushed at the museums. :(


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