

Jan 29, 2001
I just found this board which is pretty exciting! I have a million questions, but I will start with What is an upsell???? Thanks!
Welcome to the boards!

An upsell is where you ask for one level of resort (say the value resorts) and Disney offers you a discounted price at the next level (in this case the moderate resorts) resorts for the same time period.

Hope this helps!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

An upsell can also be used as a deceptive practice. For example, you reserved a mid-size car through a rental car company. You get there and they tell you they are out of mid-size cars and you'll have to pay $X more for a full size car. In fact, if your confirmation says you reserved a mid-size car and they are out of them, they must give you the larger car at the same price as your confirmation states.

Sometimes, they even use this practice when they are not out of the size you reserved, but rather are deceiving you into believing so in order to charge you a higher price, of which the agent gets a commission.

This has been written about in the travel media and certainly can happen.
Has anyone gotten an upsell for a stay as short as 3 nights? I think that last year we were offered an upsell at two different resorts for our 10 night stay but they wouldn't let us split our time between the two. This makes me think there might be a minimum stay requirement. Thanks.
I have an upsell rate of $129 for DL for 2 nights in April. I don't think it mattered how long I stayed.
I was offered the $159/$179 AKL upsell for 3 nights in May. I asked about dxl and she didn't mention the upsell offer, but when I asked if there was a special animal kingdom rate for that time, she found it.


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