Traveler's Checks


Bre'r Karen

I'm wondering if anyone has experience using traveler's checks in WDW. In particular I'm wondering if there are only certain places in the world that take them, or if I can use them anywhere. I'm guessing that I can cash them at Guest Services at each park, but it would be easier to cash them as I go. I'm wondering if the gift shops and counter service eateries would accept them. Does anyone know? I always feel much more comfortable carrying traveler's checks than cash, and I'm trying to avoid using the credit card, when possible. Thanks in advance!

WDW:Offsite '85
Offsite '90
Offsite '96
DI '00
DI '01 (Feb 24-Mar 4)
DL: '00
We used both our credit card and travelers cheques on our last trip there. There is no problem using travelers cheques in WDW. They take money from you with ease! Even some of the cart vendors will accept the travelers cheques! You can use them at the shops, restaurants, resort etc. I quite frankly never ran into a situation where we COULDNT use them. I plan to use them even more on our upcoming trip - as I would prefer to not come home with a huge credit card bill. Rather just pay it at the time. I love to spend money when I vacation - so I checked this out REALLY well. :eek: :D :eek:


Thanks Dixie! I don't want to come home to a huge credit card bill like I did last year!!!

WDW:Offsite '85
Offsite '90
Offsite '96
DI '00
DI '01 (Feb 24-Mar 4)
DL: '00
ditto. Used them everywhere last June and will do so again this June!!!

I was going to ask the same question. We will be on our first trip to WDW the first week of April.
We always use them, everywhere, never a problem, even at pin carts. We buy the traveler checks for 2, that way it doesn't matter which one of us cashes them, they cost a little more but it's worth the flexibility.
I just get the one signature ones because I don't have to share my money with anyone. I don't care what my mother says, there are definitely benefits to being single ;)

WDW:Offsite '85
Offsite '90
Offsite '96
DI '00
DI '01 (Feb 24-Mar 4)
DL: '00
All of our tc were in my name and so I had to cash one to give DH some money...the SunTrust bank in MK charged us $2 to just cash the tc! Didn't make that mistake again. :( Don't think they still have the bank in the parks anymore(everyone using the ATM's now) but heard there was one by Downtown Disney.
We brought them all with us and put them in our safe.
During the day we charged everything to our room (and kept reciepts).
At the end of the day when we were back at our room and the kids sleeping peacefully, one of us would take a walk down to the main hall and get a print out of our days spendings and then pay the bill right there. That way there were no credit card charges when we got home and didnt have to bring the checks everywhere with us and risk losing them. It worked great and loved looking at the printouts. It helped us budget our food and souveneir bill for this trip.
Hope this helps. :D

All Star Music 10/4/98
Next trip All Star Movies 05/3/02-05/12/02
The fees vary. Sometimes your banks will issue them free, but you have to check. My credit union charges .75 per $100 for checks for 1, and 1.50 per $100 for checks for 2. We usually get $100 checks because we find if we get anything smaller, we feel like we are constantly breaking them. We also leave a copy of the receipt at home in case we lose the checks and the receipts. We usually cash one everyday at lunch time. Never had a problem even with the size checks we use. You can cash them at the front desk at the resorts at check in or at guest services. We have never had a problem. They are worth the peace of mind.
If you're a member of AAA, you can get traveler's checks for free at their offices.

WDW:Offsite '85
Offsite '90
Offsite '96
DI '00
DI '01 (Feb 24-Mar 4)
DL: '00


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