~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Just checking in. I've been reading along, just live has been super insane.

So glad Allison is having a time of her life. Love all her adventures, and the fact you get to "see her". Thank goodness for technology.

The pictures of your lake vacation looks wonderful. The pups look like they really enjoyed themselves. So excited to hear that you are almost down to double digits.
If you ever want a travel buddy I'm game. I joke that now my daughter is off to college I have no one to travel with.

Sorry to hear that you are re-thinking your target day. Sometimes a change is always good. See how things go until after your trip.

Do glad the bank was looking out for you, but I can totally understand how embarrassing it was to use the card.

Asking for prayers, wishes, fingers crossed. About two weeks ago I almost lost my mom unexpectedly. She became so sick and she was so stubborn about going to the doctor. Finally, (because I can just be just as stubborn and forceful) my father and I dragged her to the doctor just in time to save her. If she waited one more day like she wanted she wouldn't be here today. She is finally home recovering, and her doctors are running more tests. Just one number is so far out of where it should be, even he can't figure out exactly why. We are taking one step at a time. We are just so thankful that she was so healthy and has never had any issues or was on any medications. My mom did say to me if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be here today.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
I LOVE it! Perfect for you and looks great with the rest of the area.

I don't think so. I keep my Americana stuff up pretty much from Memorial day all the way through Labor Day.

Thanks! :) I was thinking it would be OK too... I am hoping to get out there today and work with it a little bit. :lovestruc

I'm glad to hear your Target day went well.

The China cabinet looks great and I think it fits your kitchen/dining space.

Looks like Allison is having fun in Europe.

Thank you! I am happy to see it all coming together.

She is having a lot of fun - and happy to be "home" again.

I love your display on top of the china hutch! I think it's absolutely fine to keep an Americana display on your porch all summer -- Memorial Day through Labor Day is perfect for that.

My debit card.....so once we realized it was missing and probably had been thrown away (believe me, we searched everywhere multiple times for it....), we called the bank and they cancelled it (and we verified that there had been no activity on it since the last time I used it the day before) and I had to request a new one. It takes 7-10 days for the new card to arrive so I'm hoping it gets here today. It's such a hassle....because once it arrives I have to change all of my online stuff that's tied to my debit card (like Amazon and some of my monthly subscriptions). Frustrating. But it's my own fault for being careless and somehow throwing it away.

Allison is having so much fun! But there is no way on earth I would have gone spelunking and gone in that cave or on those stairs! I'm a chicken!

How much money do you plan for food each day while your at Disney? I'm having a hard time with that for this trip. We're only doing two TS meals -- one at Disney Springs and then BOG -- so I've already looked at those and figured out what we will probably eat, but who knows until we actually eat that night what we'll order...so I can estimate those...and Alyssa and I often split CS meals, but it's hard estimating.

In an effort to start prepping for our W30, we've started trying some recipes from the W30 book and making some food substitutions. I think my spiralizer is going to get a work out when we do our W30 because we love pasta and that's going to be hard to give up. But we've already tried substituting spiralized zucchini and parsnips and liked those, so hopefully we'll manage. I also decided to give up Coke (again....I've done that so many times....)....yesterday was day 1 and I had a bit of a headache but some Ibuprofen and plenty of water helped with that. We shall see how it goes...I shouldn't be drinking caffeine for various medical reasons and I've gone off of it for as long as three years before....but I have an "all or nothing" personality and once I start drinking it again I drink way too much. So I figured I'd go ahead and cut that out now so it's one less adjustment I have to make when we start our W30. I've also started cooking with ghee instead of regular butter. The more adjustments I can make up front the better off I'll be -- my body doesn't tend to react well to sudden changes.

Thanks! I am hoping to head outside this afternoon and mess with some of the Americana stuff - hopefully I can get it set up a little bit? ::yes::

I am glad you were able to get your debit card all figured out - hopefully you have it in hand now and it's a non-issue.

Hahaha... She seemed to enjoy it - for the most part... I know she did not enjoy the stairs at all though - can't say I blame her, I wouldn't have enjoyed that part either.

It honestly depends... I plan out each day individually... So, the TS meals - I physically go in and "order" what I think we will eat, then add tax and tip... I usually come out pretty close. With CS meals - I usually figure about $12 per person per meal - That covers an entree and a drink - and I only drink water, which is free - so that works out about right for us. Snacks - I budget about $10 per person per day... That covers it usually. Then I bring with a buffer of about $100 just in case... If I don't use it by the last day or 2, then that goes into my souvie budget. ::yes::

Giving up soda is soooo hard - I feel your pain. Thankfully - that is one thing I've never put back into my diet after I gave it up 4 years ago... Once in a great while - maybe twice per year, I will have a soda, but it's pretty rare and I find that it's just to sweet for me... Usually - my weakness is root beer... my other weakness is regular Coke... But like I said - that is super rare.

W30 is tough - it really is... There are so many rules and they are STRICT... but it's only 30 days. I wanted to "officically" start last week and it just didn't happen. But I have been super mindful about what I am putting into my body and also eliminating snacking - and limiting it to fruits and veggies only... That seems to be helping me a lot so far. I do intend to dive into a full W30 very soon though - I need it. Prepping yourself ahead of time is a great idea - I encourage anyone to do it if they can.

Yes with your new decor and your little town i think it would be perfect!!!

Allison is really having an adventure isn't she!!! I love it all and a wee bit jealous of all the awesome stuff!! except canoeing i don't want to do that... LOL!

she will be home in a blink of an eye! well for her anyway...

Still waiting on you to show up on my doorstep!

Awesome! I am hoping to get out there today to set some of it up. ::yes::

She is... She is having so much fun and it's so neat to see what she sees. She had a blast canoeing with Brian - I got to hear all about it yesterday.

It can't be soon enough for me - I think I aged about 50 years yesterday...

Packing up as we speak... I wish. :lovestruc

I think it would been ok to have an Americana display up for the summer. In fact, the neighbor across the street from me does that. Your display looks really good. My only concern is that the sewing machine might be too heavy for the top of the china cabinet.
I'm sorry that you're so unhappy with Target. They have to ask us before they can move us at our store. Most of us like working at our store. The assistant managers are all very nice. The store manager is still learning. There a few people I don't like working with. You get more that I got for 10 years. I got a certificate and a pin. We do get quarterly bonuses, though.
It looks like Allison is having great time travelling.
Have a great day

Thanks! I hope to get out there this afternoon and mess with setting it up a little bit. ::yes::

Well, the top of my China cabinet is solid wood - I always thought that top piece was just trim and then it dipped down up there... but it's actually one solid piece of wood laying across the top - so I don't think there is any danger of it falling through. Thanks for the reminder to be careful though. :lovestruc

Yes - it's frustrating... I find my unhappiness level greatly increases right around Tuesday night... LOL Once I get through my shift on Wednesday, I am OK with them again until Tuesday. LOL

Allison is having a wonderful time... She is very much enjoying the time she gets to spend with BMTL... We are all very jealous and cannot wait for our turns!

Thanks Liz - same to you! :lovestruc

I love the display on top of the china cabinet! What do you think of it now that you have it done?

I think an American display is always appropriate, it's the Navy brat in me :) I'd definitely say it's fitting from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

I don't associate a trip to France with caves, I think it's awesome that she is having experiences beyond the typical tourist.

Hope you have a great day!

Thanks! I like it - I still feel like that whole area is missing something - and I think it's because I don't have the actual China cabinet that I want there yet... Once I find it and get it painted - then I think I will reevaluate. ::yes::

Awesome! That is kind of what I was thinking too... I hope to get out there this afternoon and try to set some of it up. ::yes::

Hahhaa - me neither... I agree - I think it's so cool! And totally out of the ordinary for touristy stuff.

Thanks - same to you!

You are so right about nutrient deficient foods, they are everywhere! Over the holiday I always get a bit sloppy with my eating too, and always feel like garbage afterward! It's just so easy to slip back into that cycle, for 34 years I ate basically unhealthy cheap foods, but for a little over a year I have switched my lifestyle as best I can. You are really inspirational and I think when we admit we make mistakes we know we are still growing and learning, you cannot change a lifetime of programming so easily. I am sure you know all this, but it's nice to find a kindred spirit! If you're on myfitnesspal, I am kbarrett562000.

Your hutch is goregous! Love it!

I say do the Americana display , I love themed displays and like someone else mentioned we still have labor day coming up!

That Allison, she is glowing, you can tell she is having the time of her life! What an amazing experience with family to boot!

I agree - it was way too easy... I did, very much, enjoy the whole "laziness" factor while we were remodeling... Quick easy meals with very little prep work involved... Yet they weren't satisfying and I was always hungry... Sigh... But back to meal prep here and good for me foods with good for me snacking. I really wanted to jump into a W30 this last week - but it just wasn't in the cards for me... I think I need to go back to reality and start off slow again. So, after my reality check - I decided just to concentrate on eating whole food and only snacking on healthy stuff - no processed stuff... That worked out well for me. This week - I will work on something else again... Eventually I want to work up to a bit more of a calorie intake restriction and journaling... After all - I still want to take off this size I gained, but I want to do it in a healthy and mindful way. ::yes:: Endless battle...

You can also find me on MFP... I have not logged in in months - but I do plan to get back on there with in the next week or two and concentrate on my journaling again. Same name there for me as here. :)

Thank you - we are actually trying to find a family member to take it, so I can buy one that I can paint... This one was once Josh's grandparent's and I wouldn't feel right painting it... So, hopefully one of his family members wants it soon, along with the dining room table set that matches, as we do NOT have the room to store all of this furniture. ::yes::

I am hoping to get out there today to set up some of my Americana stuff... I need to work upstairs for a while though. ::yes::

She is having an amazing time, I have a feeling it will be very hard for her to come home... She has only been there for a few weeks and I can already tell that she has bonded greatly with all of them.

Oh forgot to ask, how is V's art classes?

Well, I have not mentioned anything here yet... But sadly - she found out a few weeks ago that the art college she was accepted to is closing. It was a devastating blow to her. They stopped doing the Saturday classes completely and to be honest - they have treated her very poorly since the announcement... They offered to transfer her to one of their other art schools around the nation, but due to how they have treated her locally - I do not think she wishes to continue a relationship with them? So, right now, we've started the hunt again for another college - we have a few in mind... :scratchin At least we have that experience in our pocket and kind of know what to expect and what we are looking for.

I love seeing pictures of your kitchen. It is just so bright and I really love all the white. I think the display on top of the china cabinet looks very nice, and it's easy to change if you get tired of it. I agree with everyone else that I think you can leave your American display up all summer. I think it's patriotic.

My husband had been up at the lake with all the rain. The water came up to the bottom of the dock. There is a dam in Crosslake and he said all the locks are open so that should lower it pretty quickly. Anytime boats go by though the wakes splash over the dock. We'll be back up next week and I hope it has gone down by then. The grandkids are coming up for a few days so I'm looking forward to it.

I didn't get a lot of clearance at Target but did get 8 packs of napkins and some sunscreen. My daughter had coupons, so with the gift card deal they were free! We kept seeing it everywhere and she hopes to find more when it goes 90% off because then she will make money on it. The kids have summer passes to a local water park so they go through a ton of sunscreen. It was funny because she kept saying there was stuff she'd buy at 90% off, but not 70%. She is a real bargain hunter.

Thank you - I am still so surprised at how much I love it. For so many years I've totally hated our house and everything about it... It's still shocking for me to walk in and love it. :lovestruc

I hope to get outside this afternoon and set up some of the Americana stuff. Hopefully it stays nice - I have not even looked at the weather yet.

WOW!!! Ottertail is soooo low right now... Many boats are chained 20 ft off of the docks because the water is so low, people can't get them into the lifts.

Oooh awesome deals at Target! :woohoo: for you! I love to bargain hunt - but I am not nearly that good. ::yes::

Wow, Allison's adventures are just amazing!! Thanks for keeping us posted on all the awesomeness!!

I totally understand your Target feelings! Rob (my DH) has finally had enough, just shy of 10 years and worked his last day a week ago. It seemed like he enjoyed his time there A LOT more 10 years ago...policies and people in charge have changed SO much.

I am working our Sidewalk Sale at Hallmark this week, which is like a sidewalk sale on crack really!!! We take up almost a block and a half with all of our merchandise and have to lug it in and out every day/night. I'm on day 3, so I'm behind on everything, but we're halfway through--ends on Sunday!!! Hopefully I can make it....and when I get that pay check it goes straight to Disney Fairy Tale Weddings!! :)

Yes - she is having a marvelous time! I love seeing this trip through her eyes... Just doing the average every day things are fascinating and fun for her.

Wow!!! I am surprised he didn't stay for his $50 GC - LOL I figure, I've worked there this long, I might as well get that. LOL Good luck to him and I totally understand - things have changed so much, and not for the better. :(

OOOH - that sounds like a great sale! I don't think we have any here locally? :scratchin Good luck - and congrats on earning more $$ towards your trip! Exciting!

Just checking in. I've been reading along, just live has been super insane.

So glad Allison is having a time of her life. Love all her adventures, and the fact you get to "see her". Thank goodness for technology.

The pictures of your lake vacation looks wonderful. The pups look like they really enjoyed themselves. So excited to hear that you are almost down to double digits.
If you ever want a travel buddy I'm game. I joke that now my daughter is off to college I have no one to travel with.

Sorry to hear that you are re-thinking your target day. Sometimes a change is always good. See how things go until after your trip.

Do glad the bank was looking out for you, but I can totally understand how embarrassing it was to use the card.

Asking for prayers, wishes, fingers crossed. About two weeks ago I almost lost my mom unexpectedly. She became so sick and she was so stubborn about going to the doctor. Finally, (because I can just be just as stubborn and forceful) my father and I dragged her to the doctor just in time to save her. If she waited one more day like she wanted she wouldn't be here today. She is finally home recovering, and her doctors are running more tests. Just one number is so far out of where it should be, even he can't figure out exactly why. We are taking one step at a time. We are just so thankful that she was so healthy and has never had any issues or was on any medications. My mom did say to me if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be here today.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Yes - it's wonderful to be able to see her and communicate with her - and now that she is back at BMTL's house with data - it's so much easier to communicate with her. I missed her greatly while she was in France.

The dogs had a blast at the lake - I almost feel terrible for bringing them home - as they are totally different dogs there and enjoy the freedom that we just cannot give them at home.

I would be happy to be your travel buddy - we should talk more about that. I have this last trip with V in October, then I have to save to send her to Europe next summer... Then Josh and I will be going over the summer of 2018... I'd love a small trip to WDW in between summer 2017 & 2018 - just to get my fix. ::yes::

I did reply to this part yesterday... So, I am just leaving it here. Oh Lynee!!! How terrifying! I cannot imagine. I am so thankful for you that you had the courage and insight to get your mom to a doctor... She is so very lucky to have you! Continued prayers for her, please keep me updated. :hug:


I will come back later this afternoon to do some of the replies above, please bear with me today - as I had a rough night last night. :(

There was a terrorist attack in Nice, France last night... I knew Allison was near there - but I wasn't sure how close... It took me several minutes to get her location loaded on a map and determine her proximity to Nice... During that time - well, let's just say that this momma lost it completely.

In my opinion - she was too close for comfort... But far enough away to be safe - as long as they didn't alter their plans and they were where they were supposed to be. After a few hours of anxious worry & crying, I managed to calm myself down. I don't wish it on anyone.

I sent several messages around the world to different people... As I suspected, everyone was sleeping - as they should have been... At 2:30 this morning, I finally received a message that they were all safe.

I ask for your continued prayers for Allison on this journey... As much as I want her to see and discover new places - our world is not a safe place, and things are scary right now.

Thank you to all of you who messaged me last night - I really appreciate your care and concern for Allison and my family. :lovestruc

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Thanks for the update. I know I don't know you, but when I heard, my thoughts and prayers were with you. I was a bit too afraid to ask on here if she was ok, but so happy you updated. I can't imagine.
I'm in the same timezone as France. I didn't hear anything about the attack on the 11PM news. I stayed up later than normal last night and was watching TV and surfing the internet. At around midnight I decided to look at a news site on the internet and then I saw that something was happening in France. I switched channel on the TV and watched the news for about 1 1\2 hour before I finally was sleepy enough to go to bed. They have had extra news since late last night until now on the radio. When I heard about the attack in France I immediately thought about Allison and I was wondering where she was. I knew she had been in France but I was not sure where in France and if she still was there. It was a relief to hear she was not in Nice.

I hope you are able to calm down and do what you planned for today. :hug:
When I heard what happened in Nice, my thoughts went to you and Allison. I'm so glad that she is safe. I can't imagine your night last night.. I hope you can get some rest today!!!:hug:
{{HUGS}} my friend. I was very glad to hear that all were safe. And as I mom, I would have been in the same position as you. Take care!
I thought about after I heard about the attacks in Nice. I'm glad Allison and your family are safe but I'm so sorry you had to go through all that worry. You're right about somethings being to close for comfort.
Oh my gosh, how terrible D! So glad Allison was safe, as a mother I feel your pain, even though you now know she was safe, it's just too scary! Way too close for comfort, hugs!
I immediately thought of you and Allison, so very thankful that she is safe...I can only image the terror you felt..Momma's just cant help but worry!!
Like the other posters, I thought of you and Allison as soon as I heard the news last night. I am sure you were worried sick and it must have been such a scary time for you. I am so happy that Allison is safe. My heart breaks for the world we live in. I truly do not understand people and why there is such hate in the world. We are headed to Washington DC tomorrow morning until Sunday evening, and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about our safety. It's so sad that we live in times like these.
Oh Lynee!!! How terrifying! I cannot imagine. I am so thankful for you that you had the courage and insight to get your mom to a doctor... She is so very lucky to have you! Continued prayers for her, please keep me updated. :hug:


I will come back later this afternoon to do some of the replies above, please bear with me today - as I had a rough night last night. :(

There was a terrorist attack in Nice, France last night... I knew Allison was near there - but I wasn't sure how close... It took me several minutes to get her location loaded on a map and determine her proximity to Nice... During that time - well, let's just say that this momma lost it completely.

In my opinion - she was too close for comfort... But far enough away to be safe - as long as they didn't alter their plans and they were where they were supposed to be. After a few hours of anxious worry & crying, I managed to calm myself down. I don't wish it on anyone.

I sent several messages around the world to different people... As I suspected, everyone was sleeping - as they should have been... At 2:30 this morning, I finally received a message that they were all safe.

I ask for your continued prayers for Allison on this journey... As much as I want her to see and discover new places - our world is not a safe place, and things are scary right now.

Thank you to all of you who messaged me last night - I really appreciate your care and concern for Allison and my family. :lovestruc


You were on my mind when I heard the news on the way home from work yesterday. I'm so glad to hear Allison and family are safe.
Thanks for the update. I know I don't know you, but when I heard, my thoughts and prayers were with you. I was a bit too afraid to ask on here if she was ok, but so happy you updated. I can't imagine.

I'm in the same timezone as France. I didn't hear anything about the attack on the 11PM news. I stayed up later than normal last night and was watching TV and surfing the internet. At around midnight I decided to look at a news site on the internet and then I saw that something was happening in France. I switched channel on the TV and watched the news for about 1 1\2 hour before I finally was sleepy enough to go to bed. They have had extra news since late last night until now on the radio. When I heard about the attack in France I immediately thought about Allison and I was wondering where she was. I knew she had been in France but I was not sure where in France and if she still was there. It was a relief to hear she was not in Nice.

I hope you are able to calm down and do what you planned for today. :hug:

When I heard what happened in Nice, my thoughts went to you and Allison. I'm so glad that she is safe. I can't imagine your night last night.. I hope you can get some rest today!!!

{{HUGS}} my friend. I was very glad to hear that all were safe. And as I mom, I would have been in the same position as you. Take care!

I thought about after I heard about the attacks in Nice. I'm glad Allison and your family are safe but I'm so sorry you had to go through all that worry. You're right about somethings being to close for comfort.

Oh my gosh, how terrible D! So glad Allison was safe, as a mother I feel your pain, even though you now know she was safe, it's just too scary! Way too close for comfort, hugs!

I thought about you all yesterday when I heard about the attacks. I'm so glad she is safe and sound!

I immediately thought of you and Allison, so very thankful that she is safe...I can only image the terror you felt..Momma's just cant help but worry!!

Like the other posters, I thought of you and Allison as soon as I heard the news last night. I am sure you were worried sick and it must have been such a scary time for you. I am so happy that Allison is safe. My heart breaks for the world we live in. I truly do not understand people and why there is such hate in the world. We are headed to Washington DC tomorrow morning until Sunday evening, and I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about our safety. It's so sad that we live in times like these.

You were on my mind when I heard the news on the way home from work yesterday. I'm so glad to hear Allison and family are safe.

i just want to thank all of you for your well wishes and concern - it means a great deal to me. As it turned out - the whole incident was a non-issue for Allison and family... Even though they were close - they were still far enough away for her to think I was a bit rediculous and over protective to think the worst. She told me "mom - that would be like something happening in Wisconsin and me freaking out for your safety..." And then she laughed. Sigh. Sorry child... I am your momma - and I can be concerned for your safety if I want to. At the time - all of the news reports were very speculative and I just wasn't sure how safe the rest of the country was - ya know? If something like that happens here - the whole country closes down... So, I wasn't sure how it would be over there?

Anyways - they are all safely home now. They were scheduled to leave yesterday morning anyways, and I am just so relieved to have them home and out of France. And the sheer panic and helplessness I felt during that time of not knowing - I don't ever wish on any mother/parent/person.


ETA: I did go back to yesterday's post and add my replies. :lovestruc

Despite the night before - I did have a decent, but busy day yesterday.

My girl was safe and life was good. :lovestruc

Yesterday was grocery shopping day... So V and I headed to town.

First stop was JoAnn's... i needed to grab stabilizer - and while I was there, I wanted to see if they had this chalk paint on clearance at my store... Some of the people in one of my furniture painting groups on FB have been talking about it. I was super excited when I found it - it was in an obscure aisle. So, each container here was regular price $9... The brushes were regular price $19... All of this was 75% off, plus I had a coupon for another 25% off my entire purchase... I was able to get all of this paint for $16. :woohoo: Not too bad. I am not exactly sure what I am going to do with it yet - I've never worked with chalk paint before, but I'd love to try it out. ::yes:: And at that price - well... I won't be too heart broken if I don't like the results.


V and I also stopped at Sherwin Williams - I wanted to grab a few paint samples... I grabbed several options - these are the colors I really want to paint the China cabinet (if I can talk Josh into it) - Coral Reef for the exterior and the Pineapple Cream for the interior... Aside from the bit of color I have with my fabric around the room - this China cabinet would be the only item that's really a color - so it would totally stand out. Don't they look lovely with my fabrics?


And Sea Salt(2nd one down and 2nd from the left) is the color I want to use in the bathroom - when we get that far. It's looking like it may be a while before we start that project though - I wanted to do it this summer while Allison is gone and V is staying with family - but that time frame is quickly approaching and I still feel like we are finishing up the kitchen with the chairs left to do yet and the China cabinet. :scratchin So, we'll see...


Then we stopped at Aldis and purchased a bunch of fruits and veggies... Back to the eating well and taking care of myself again. I am still not perfect - but it's a process, I guess and just trying harder at the moment seems to be leading me in the right direction again.

When we got home, I had every intention of working... But Allison called me... So V and I Skyped with her & BMTL for 2 hours! Can you believe that? It was a fun call and I think Allison was feeling a bit home sick and I desperately just needed to see her. It was good, filled my heart with joy after the night before. :lovestruc

Eventually - I was able to work... I was able to almost finish what I needed to. I am planning to put in a full day today - so I'll finish up yesterday's work and then work hard all day to finish up some side projects again. ::yes::

We went out for dinner last night - to our favorite Chinese place... I stuck to the veggies and meats - and tried to avoid the fried stuff and sauced stuff... I left feeling full - but not sick, so that's good right? LOL

And that's about all... As I said above - I will be working most of today. I also want to work on some front porch decorating and hopefully getting our old dining room table broken down and out of the kitchen... I've had 2 full tables set up in there for 3 days now... Hopefully V is feeling muscle-y and willing to help me carry the old one down to the shed. :scratchin

A few Snaps from Allison over the last day or so...




Again - thank you all so much for your care and concern for Allison and family... Every mother's worst nightmare, and I am just thankful that she was OK and never in harms way. :lovestruc

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

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Love the colors! You will love the chalk paint. Clean furniture with denatured alcohol before painting.
I have chosen my interior colors from that "Coastal Cool" palette - How funny! Your end results have motivated me to paint - desperately needed.
I chose the color "Restful as the wall color for Dining Living Hall as they are all open and connected with "Cooled Blue" as my kitchen color. Cabinets are going grey. Son (electrician) put in new fan and pendant lite over sink. It's doing a good job of keeping my mind of Daughter who is now living in TX - SOOOOOOO far from Massachusetts.

As soon as I heard about France my thoughts went to your family - such a sad sad time. Glad everyone is safe. Truth is D that it could have happened here just as easily as in France. Hope you have a nice weekend and good week.

What a great bargain you got at JoAnn's.

The color you want for the bathroom looks really nice :)

How great that you went from your favorite Chinese place after having dinner feeling full but not sick :woohoo:

I can't wait to hear what Allison is up to next.
I'm so glad they were not near there. That was my thought when I heard the new. It is a mothers job to worry.
I love the coral color you picked.

Do you like Sherman Williams paint? We were thinking of doing berh marquee one coat no primer needed paint. But trying to decide what color. If this picture works there is the mirror in her room. It is hard to see in pictures but it is glittery.

Thinking about one of these blues
So glad that Allison and family are safe. I cannot imagine the thoughts and feelings you were going through. We live in a pretty crazy world right now. Love the paint colors you picked. Can't wait to see it all finished. Did you ever do anything with the steps? Maybe I missed an update. I think an Americana theme porch is wonderful! We have a red/white/blue themed guest room. Hobby Lobby has a lot of great stuff, especially now and it is probably on sale! Although last time I was there they were starting with the fall/Christmas decorations. Too soon for me, especially since I'm in Florida and its 9,000 degrees
So glad everyone is safe and happy!

Love your paint choices especially the coral, I truly enjoy a punch of color!

So sad to hear about Victoria's art school, that is a real blow. Just hope she sees it all as a life lesson and a stepping stone for her art career I am sure she will find a better art school soon!

Good job sticking to veggies and protein, I find it is so hard to eat out and stick to my guns, but I always feel better both mentally and physically when I do!
Oh, I was wondering after seeing pictures of Allison, and as a stylist myself, has she ever considered cosmetology school? She seems to have a natural talent and it would go well with her photography business.
Thank God Allison & the rest of your family are home safely! I heard "France" and immediately thought of you all...
Thank goodness for social networking to be able to connect with them :woohoo:.

Good Luck to Victoria on her college hunt! Probably best this happened now & not a year from now?

I think American decor is in year round, I have a couple friends with that theme in a room in their house year round:thumbsup2.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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