~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

i just want to thank all of you for your well wishes and concern - it means a great deal to me. As it turned out - the whole incident was a non-issue for Allison and family... Even though they were close - they were still far enough away for her to think I was a bit rediculous and over protective to think the worst. She told me "mom - that would be like something happening in Wisconsin and me freaking out for your safety..." And then she laughed. Sigh. Sorry child... I am your momma - and I can be concerned for your safety if I want to. At the time - all of the news reports were very speculative and I just wasn't sure how safe the rest of the country was - ya know? If something like that happens here - the whole country closes down... So, I wasn't sure how it would be over there?

Anyways - they are all safely home now. They were scheduled to leave yesterday morning anyways, and I am just so relieved to have them home and out of France. And the sheer panic and helplessness I felt during that time of not knowing - I don't ever wish on any mother/parent/person.


ETA: I did go back to yesterday's post and add my replies. :lovestruc

Despite the night before - I did have a decent, but busy day yesterday.

My girl was safe and life was good. :lovestruc

Yesterday was grocery shopping day... So V and I headed to town.

First stop was JoAnn's... i needed to grab stabilizer - and while I was there, I wanted to see if they had this chalk paint on clearance at my store... Some of the people in one of my furniture painting groups on FB have been talking about it. I was super excited when I found it - it was in an obscure aisle. So, each container here was regular price $9... The brushes were regular price $19... All of this was 75% off, plus I had a coupon for another 25% off my entire purchase... I was able to get all of this paint for $16. :woohoo: Not too bad. I am not exactly sure what I am going to do with it yet - I've never worked with chalk paint before, but I'd love to try it out. ::yes:: And at that price - well... I won't be too heart broken if I don't like the results.


V and I also stopped at Sherwin Williams - I wanted to grab a few paint samples... I grabbed several options - these are the colors I really want to paint the China cabinet (if I can talk Josh into it) - Coral Reef for the exterior and the Pineapple Cream for the interior... Aside from the bit of color I have with my fabric around the room - this China cabinet would be the only item that's really a color - so it would totally stand out. Don't they look lovely with my fabrics?


And Sea Salt(2nd one down and 2nd from the left) is the color I want to use in the bathroom - when we get that far. It's looking like it may be a while before we start that project though - I wanted to do it this summer while Allison is gone and V is staying with family - but that time frame is quickly approaching and I still feel like we are finishing up the kitchen with the chairs left to do yet and the China cabinet. :scratchin So, we'll see...


Then we stopped at Aldis and purchased a bunch of fruits and veggies... Back to the eating well and taking care of myself again. I am still not perfect - but it's a process, I guess and just trying harder at the moment seems to be leading me in the right direction again.

When we got home, I had every intention of working... But Allison called me... So V and I Skyped with her & BMTL for 2 hours! Can you believe that? It was a fun call and I think Allison was feeling a bit home sick and I desperately just needed to see her. It was good, filled my heart with joy after the night before. :lovestruc

Eventually - I was able to work... I was able to almost finish what I needed to. I am planning to put in a full day today - so I'll finish up yesterday's work and then work hard all day to finish up some side projects again. ::yes::

We went out for dinner last night - to our favorite Chinese place... I stuck to the veggies and meats - and tried to avoid the fried stuff and sauced stuff... I left feeling full - but not sick, so that's good right? LOL

And that's about all... As I said above - I will be working most of today. I also want to work on some front porch decorating and hopefully getting our old dining room table broken down and out of the kitchen... I've had 2 full tables set up in there for 3 days now... Hopefully V is feeling muscle-y and willing to help me carry the old one down to the shed. :scratchin

A few Snaps from Allison over the last day or so...




Again - thank you all so much for your care and concern for Allison and family... Every mother's worst nightmare, and I am just thankful that she was OK and never in harms way. :lovestruc

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Hi D! My name is Joanne. I started reading your post several months ago, when I saw one of your bags. Then I began following you to see all your beautiful creations . Loved them!. After that, i loved seeing your daughters' projects and mural. Your whole family has such an artistic talent. Finally, I got really hooked with your home renovations. The work you've done looks beautiful! I was going to reply before, but I thought that would be one more you would have to respond to! Anyway, I've really enjoyed your posts . Thanks for the inspirations with the home renovations ! Enjoy planning your next trip !
I saw Allison's post on fb so I knew she was safe, although I didn't hear the news until yesterday morning. Glad all is well and I would have been just as worried.

my suggestion is to paint the chairs different colors - I would probably do four colors myself, but even if you did two and two, it could be a statement.

Glad you are getting back to healthy eating. You will feel better!
I don't think it is possible for kids to have any idea of how much we worry until they have kids of their own. Where the heck do they think we get this grey hair from? Honestly!!
SO scary that something like that happened at all, let alone anywhere near your daughter!! I am so glad she was nowhere near...though I did chuckle at her Wisconsin comparison :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE the coral for your China cabinet--that fabric is just gorgeous and I think a bright colored piece of furniture will really bring life to a room without much other color.

I'm so glad Allison is safe. It's such a scary world these days...so many horrible things happening....so grateful she's ok. My daughters (and my husband) tease me for being a worrier but it's what I do...I can't help it. I know you were beside yourself with worry until you heard from her. So grateful all is well.

Sorry to hear about V and the art school -- that's awful! :-( I don't blame her for not wanting to continue a relationship with them.

I love the paint colors -- that coral would look gorgeous on the hutch.

Thanks for the info on how you estimate food costs for your Disney trips. I think I've got more than enough and, like you, what doesn't get used for food goes into my souvenir budget...and since it's all in Disney gift cards I'll just have to make sure I spend it all. Darn! LOL I honestly don't know when our next trip will be after this...probably not for a few years... That makes me sad, but at the same time I feel like Disney is really pricing out the "average" visitor. So we may give them a few years to get more of the new stuff opened before we go back. I don't know. My husband and younger daughter really want to try something else for our vacations for the next few years, so we shall see. The girls really wanted to do a cruise next summer but some things have come up that I think will make that impossible...so we will just have to wait and see.

I'm still thinking about my wardrobe for the trip next month and if I found a cute royal blue skirt with huge white polka dots (knee length, knit, a-line -- my new favorite thing to wear in the parks after our last two trips) that would be fun if I want to do a Donald themed outfit one day. :-) It would be my first time doing a theme to match a character and I think it will be fun. Usually I go with white shirts and solid bottoms (navy or black skirt) or else a Disney t-shirt with a skirt....used to be white shirt and khaki shorts.... I could do Minnie or Mickey with my black skirt....but I still haven't been able to come up with a character that I could do with my navy skirt. But the skirts are SO much more comfortable than shorts -- and cooler, too. I also usually change outfits at some point during the afternoon just because I get so hot and sweaty and want to put on fresh clothes after our resort break....so I might be able to do a couple of different themes.... Any suggestions for a character I could do using the navy skirt? I just can't come up with one.

My Mom ordered us an Instant Pot for Christmas and it arrived yesterday...my husband didn't realize it was a Christmas gift so he opened it and used it last night and fell in love with it and refuses to box it back up and save it for Christmas.... One of my concerns with W30 is the amount of time involved in all of the prep....but I found a lot of recipes for the Instant Pot for W30 that look good, so I think I'm going to start adding those into my menu plans for the next few weeks and see how we like them. The more "ready" I feel for this W30, the more successful it will be. One thing I'm nervous about is giving up chewing gum. Chewing gum is an anxiety thing for me...some days I don't chew any at all, but when my stomach is really upset I chew peppermint gum, and when I'm anxious I chew gum. That's going to be a really hard thing to give up. I do love carbonated flavored water so I need to start experimenting with some different flavoring combinations using fruits and vegetables so I can have some of those available.

Are there are any websites that you like for W30 recipes, ingredients, or support?
Coming out of lurkdom again. I was worried when you were absent but glad to see you were having a good time at the lake! I totally understand you being cautious with not announcing your whereabouts. So glad to hear your daughter was safe and sound! Every mother can relate to your anxiety. Sadly, the world seems to be a scarier place. We need to be smart but at the same time not let it hold us back from pursuing our dreams. Good luck with getting your eating back on track - it's a constant battle for me too. Looking forward to reading more about your October plans!
Hey there! Glad all is awell. just glad i keep up with facebook. Otherwise i would be lost with everything going on in your life.

Hope you had a great weekend.
Love ya!
I'm so glad that Allison and family are safely home. It doesn't matter how safe they actually are, we will still worry more than we need to about our kids. Heck, I had a bad dream last night and I am overly worried about my husband today. :crazy2:

I feel like I need to go to JoAnn's now too! My dad repainted both of the girls' rooms for me over 4th of July so now I am trying to finish decorating them. I'm not sure what I'd use the chalk paint for, but I'm sure I could come up with something. I know you'll end up doing something great with your supplies.

I love all of the paint colors. We have a few rooms left to paint in our house and I'm eyeing your color samples for a couple of rooms.

I haven't ventured to Aldi's yet, we've only had one in the area for a few months. I need to give it a try. I'm doing slightly better with food which is the harder part for me, but I did manage to go to yoga Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I feel so much better when I make the time for yoga, I'm going to try my best to keep up 3 classes a week. I had my husband pick up some berries for me yesterday - I'm giving naturally flavored water another go. Plain water is too boring for me but pretty much anything else you can drink is too full of chemicals. I've tried La Croix and some other similar options but they just don't taste good to me.

OMG - Allison is so beautiful in that picture! Maybe we can Skype when she gets home and she can teach me to do my makeup!

I have a crazy busy week. My husband is travelling for work, I have one potentially sick kid home with my mom today, I have a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and an air conditioning maintenance appointment. Best of all, I have 2 interviews tomorrow!

Hope you have a great day!
Hey D!! I'm back on the DIS! I actually started a PTR too! I'm going back to catch up on yours now! Can't wait to follow along again!
So glad that Allison and the family is safe. I have been so out of touch with things lately please forgive me. Allison looks beautiful in her pictures. She looks like she is having the best time.

Sorry to hear about V's art school closing and that they treated her poorly. Something better will come along for her and it will have so much more to offer.

I'm game to be your travel partner.:thumbsup2 When you get the bug for another trip; let me know.

I cannot thank you enough for your thoughts and prayers for mom. She is doing better. We did go back to the doctor and he was pleased with her numbers. However, something is still going on and we just don't know what yet. She was then referred to another specialist for more tests and they will work together. She is not thrilled with more bloodwork etc., but we have to do what is best. We have now as family started making changes to our diets. Not that it was terrible, but it could be improved. Mom is having a hard time with it; as she is the real fussy one. I've been doing my research.

Have a wonderful day!
Hey there D - finally - all caught up again. If it weren't for FB what would I do? I am so glad Allison and family are safe. I have been so down lately with what all has been going on here and abroad. Very troubled times we live in. You can't help but worry D! So glad you get to Skype and "see" Allison. Tyler is only 3 hours away and I really miss him. He is so busy with his new school and the house and everything else I hear from him about once a week.

So sorry to hear about V and art school. I did not know that had happened. I am sure more doors will open for her, she is so talented. Like you say, she at least got some experience out of it. It really stinks though how they handled the situation.

Good for you on your attitude and moving forward with eating well. I really need to quit the snacking. I get "stuck" on a certain snack food and am so hungry when I get home from work. Lately, for a few months now actually, I crave pita chips and hummus. Not a bad thing but definitely not a good thing.

Kudos for your $50 "bonus" at Target for 10 years! My benefits at work are really crummy. I have been there 28 years and I still get only 2 paid weeks of vacation and no paid sick leave. I have to tell myself its better than nothing but I always seem to end up taking a day or 2 or 3 unpaid. Life is too short not to have vacations and days off for various issues. I really feel like you could earn what you make at Target at your home business really easily, and it gives you much more pleasure. Like I tell my sons, write out the pros and cons and dwell on what makes you the best you, if that makes sense.

I cannot believe the Mom and V trip is coming up so soon! So exciting. I cannot wait for the big reveal on V's bag. Hope you find decent airfare soon.

Maybe one of these days we can coordinate a WDW trip D - I would love to go! You know my pain with a hubby that really could care less if WDW existed or not. We have our road trip coming up late September. I still haven't planned all of it out. I get pretty obsessive on our road trips and what all I can cram in a week. It will be just me and DH this time around; no kiddos for the first time ever. I love my DH, but its a little sad. We always had an annual family vacay every year.

I am lurking along here and on FB D! I love to see your updates and Allison's adventures. As always, hugs and prayers.
Lots of replies from the weekend... I will start with these and do the rest as I can... ;)

Love the colors! You will love the chalk paint. Clean furniture with denatured alcohol before painting.
I have chosen my interior colors from that "Coastal Cool" palette - How funny! Your end results have motivated me to paint - desperately needed.
I chose the color "Restful as the wall color for Dining Living Hall as they are all open and connected with "Cooled Blue" as my kitchen color. Cabinets are going grey. Son (electrician) put in new fan and pendant lite over sink. It's doing a good job of keeping my mind of Daughter who is now living in TX - SOOOOOOO far from Massachusetts.

As soon as I heard about France my thoughts went to your family - such a sad sad time. Glad everyone is safe. Truth is D that it could have happened here just as easily as in France. Hope you have a nice weekend and good week.


I hope so - I am anxious to paint something with it. And I will definitely clean before I paint - thanks for the reminder. :)

I bet it is beautiful! Yes - it's amazing how much house re-doing can distract... It's so hard when our kids are so far away.

Thank you! It was rough - but I am just so thankful that she and the rest of the family were safe. :lovestruc

Thank you - same to you!

What a great bargain you got at JoAnn's.

The color you want for the bathroom looks really nice :)

How great that you went from your favorite Chinese place after having dinner feeling full but not sick :woohoo:

I can't wait to hear what Allison is up to next.

Yes - I was pretty excited about it.

It was really good - but I am glad I didn't overeat.

Me too - LOL...

I'm so glad they were not near there. That was my thought when I heard the new. It is a mothers job to worry.
I love the coral color you picked.

Do you like Sherman Williams paint? We were thinking of doing berh marquee one coat no primer needed paint. But trying to decide what color. If this picture works there is the mirror in her room. It is hard to see in pictures but it is glittery.

Thinking about one of these blues

It was such a relief when I finally heard from Myrthe... It was scary up until that point.

Thank you... Hopefully Josh lets me paint it that color... As I purchased the paint yesterday. :lmao: This is the first time I purchased SW paint - so, I will find out when I paint the China cabinet. ::yes:: Our kitchen and living room were all done with Behr premium... So one step down from the marquee. I really liked that type... We did prime everything - we would have anyways, as we were covering red mostly...

The mirror is cool! Did you paint it while it was hanging on the wall?

Love both blues - I'd have a hard time choosing! :scratchin

So glad that Allison and family are safe. I cannot imagine the thoughts and feelings you were going through. We live in a pretty crazy world right now. Love the paint colors you picked. Can't wait to see it all finished. Did you ever do anything with the steps? Maybe I missed an update. I think an Americana theme porch is wonderful! We have a red/white/blue themed guest room. Hobby Lobby has a lot of great stuff, especially now and it is probably on sale! Although last time I was there they were starting with the fall/Christmas decorations. Too soon for me, especially since I'm in Florida and its 9,000 degrees

Thank you - it was very scary! Our world is not an easy place to live - I am not sure it ever was or ever will be... but I don't wish that night on anyone.

Thanks - me too - I cannot wait to finish.

No, I have not done anything further with the steps... Trying to finish up everything in the kitchen... I am still a little nervous about painting the steps... I will do them before V's party for sure, LOL. For right now - they are ugly, but clean. ::yes::

I never did get out to the porch, I still plan on it, but our weekend was quite busy with me working and then we had guests for dinner last night. Hopefully this week I will get out there to set it up. :lovestruc

So glad everyone is safe and happy!

Love your paint choices especially the coral, I truly enjoy a punch of color!

So sad to hear about Victoria's art school, that is a real blow. Just hope she sees it all as a life lesson and a stepping stone for her art career I am sure she will find a better art school soon!

Good job sticking to veggies and protein, I find it is so hard to eat out and stick to my guns, but I always feel better both mentally and physically when I do!

Thank you - it is such a relief to have it over.

Thanks - It was terrible and I am just relieved it's over.

Thanks - me too... I just hope Josh lets me do coral - I can understand why he wouldn't want a shade of "pink" in the main room of our house. LOL

It was a terrible week for her, but we are exploring other/better options... I hope she is able to find something she likes - close to home would be good.

Thanks - it's been a good week, I am sure hoping to see some sort of progress soon... It's just been a rough year for me all around with how I eat and work out... I just keep pushing on. :lovestruc But I do feel much better, definitely!

Oh, I was wondering after seeing pictures of Allison, and as a stylist myself, has she ever considered cosmetology school? She seems to have a natural talent and it would go well with her photography business.

Well... And this is where I think she struggles a lot. She loves to do hair/make-up... Make-up especially, and she is good at it. Her dream is to have her own photography business, where she also does their hair and make-up before hand... but it's what she loves and she is afraid if she makes it her income - she will begin to hate it. She sees, doing that, as more of a weekend hobby type thing. I think she would be great at it - she is so personable... I know she feels very pressured about what she is going to do with her life, my girl who lives for having a plan, is very much bothered by not having one... I try to tell her, I have yet to decide what I am going to be when I grow up. ::yes:: I hope she chooses to do what she is passionate about, because the rest of her life will be so much happier. :lovestruc

Thank God Allison & the rest of your family are home safely! I heard "France" and immediately thought of you all...
Thank goodness for social networking to be able to connect with them

Good Luck to Victoria on her college hunt! Probably best this happened now & not a year from now?

I think American decor is in year round, I have a couple friends with that theme in a room in their house year round:thumbsup2.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thank you - it was a blow to my heart for sure... And I am pretty sure, my entire head of hair is now gray. ::yes:: I am just so relieved they were all safe and never in any danger at all. Definitely - being able to talk to Allison has made this time away so much easier on both of us... I sometimes think that Josh is annoyed that we still talk to each other so much, It's not a matter of me not letting go - I don't think - it's just part of our friendship and who we are. I know lots of moms and dds who have a great relationship through out their lives - I pray I am one of them. :lovestruc

Exactly - it took a few days for me to get her to see the bright side, and I think - now that she sees how they have treated her recently, I think she feels like she may be better off somewhere else? I hope that is the case anyways. She has talent, and I know she will find a school that suits her perfectly.

Sigh - I still have not got out on to my front porch to get it set up... As crazy as life was before Allison's leaving - it just doesn't seem to be slowing down for me... Sigh.

Thanks Monica - I hope you had a nice weekend too?


Trying to catch up on replies this morning... ::yes::

The mirror is cool! Did you paint it while it was hanging on the wall?
We did paint the mirror on the wall. Figured since we were painting the wall anyway some extra gray wouldn't matter. Turns out it kind of did.

hank you... Hopefully Josh lets me paint it that color... As I purchased the paint yesterday. :lmao: This is the first time I purchased SW paint - so, I will find out when I paint the China cabinet. ::yes:: Our kitchen and living room were all done with Behr premium... So one step down from the marquee. I really liked that type... We did prime everything - we would have anyways, as we were covering red mostly...
We went with a deeper purple than i thought we were going to use. We did the marquee. I like that we didn't have to prime and they guaranteed it would cover in one coat.
I'm not sure if I didn't use enough paint or what but we had to do a second coat

I could still see the outline of the mirror from the gray we did. We had enough paint left over to do a second coat so we did that last night. I think it covered everything.
I know she feels very pressured about what she is going to do with her life, my girl who lives for having a plan, is very much bothered by not having one... I try to tell her, I have yet to decide what I am going to be when I grow up. ::yes:: I hope she chooses to do what she is passionate about, because the rest of her life will be so much happier. :lovestruc
Great that you are letting her take the time to figure out what she wants to do with her life instead of forcing her to go right to college.
Hi D! My name is Joanne. I started reading your post several months ago, when I saw one of your bags. Then I began following you to see all your beautiful creations . Loved them!. After that, i loved seeing your daughters' projects and mural. Your whole family has such an artistic talent. Finally, I got really hooked with your home renovations. The work you've done looks beautiful! I was going to reply before, but I thought that would be one more you would have to respond to! Anyway, I've really enjoyed your posts . Thanks for the inspirations with the home renovations ! Enjoy planning your next trip !

Welcome Joanne! I love to hear that you are enjoying my TRs... I truly enjoy writing them, and believe me - I love responding too, so don't let that stop you from speaking up. :lovestruc I've made so many wonderful friendships here, it's great to have you on board and reading along. :lovestruc

Thanks for all of the compliments too... I feel like I have my hands in everything lately. LOL Trying to find a balance, and prioritizing... It's a little crazy! But I love everything I do, and it's fun to see it come together.

I hope you'll continue to follow along - and continue to reply. :lovestruc Welcome again!

I saw Allison's post on fb so I knew she was safe, although I didn't hear the news until yesterday morning. Glad all is well and I would have been just as worried.

my suggestion is to paint the chairs different colors - I would probably do four colors myself, but even if you did two and two, it could be a statement.

Glad you are getting back to healthy eating. You will feel better!

I am glad you saw that... It was a rough night for me, I just wanted her out of France... But realistically - it could have happened anywhere, and I have to remember that.

ACK!!! I soooo want to paint the chairs different colors, I think it would be so cute! I am just afraid, if I do that, it will really detract from the China cabinet when I (eventually) get it painted... I am so bad at decisions like this! I think I am painting all of the chairs/bench white, for now... I can always paint over them later... I really want to see how the white looks with the (hopefully) coral China cabinet... :scratchin

I am working on it and slowly getting there. I keep seeing pictures of me, even from a few months ago, and it's really hard not to get discouraged... It's becoming more and more of a focus for me as the days go on. I just want to go to Disney in Oct, not looking like this. ::yes:: I plan to ramp up my eating and working out over the next several weeks - and inevitably, everything else will fall into place - I hope. LOL

I don't think it is possible for kids to have any idea of how much we worry until they have kids of their own. Where the heck do they think we get this grey hair from? Honestly!!

True... Very, very, true... I sometimes think that even Josh didn't understand what I was going through. Either that, or he has the ability to be much more calm and rational in situations like that? :scratchin It's probably the latter. Regardless- I don't wish those thoughts or feelings on anyone, it was terrible!

SO scary that something like that happened at all, let alone anywhere near your daughter!! I am so glad she was nowhere near...though I did chuckle at her Wisconsin comparison :

LOVE LOVE LOVE the coral for your China cabinet--that fabric is just gorgeous and I think a bright colored piece of furniture will really bring life to a room without much other color.


Yes, LOL, she always has a way of putting things into perspective for me... I am just thankful that she is OK!

I sure hope so... I still haven't talked Josh into it - but I did purchase the coral paint this weekend, so it's a "done deal" for me... LOL I am just waiting for the right moment. ;)

I'm so glad Allison is safe. It's such a scary world these days...so many horrible things happening....so grateful she's ok. My daughters (and my husband) tease me for being a worrier but it's what I do...I can't help it. I know you were beside yourself with worry until you heard from her. So grateful all is well.

Sorry to hear about V and the art school -- that's awful! :-( I don't blame her for not wanting to continue a relationship with them.

I love the paint colors -- that coral would look gorgeous on the hutch.

Thanks for the info on how you estimate food costs for your Disney trips. I think I've got more than enough and, like you, what doesn't get used for food goes into my souvenir budget...and since it's all in Disney gift cards I'll just have to make sure I spend it all. Darn! LOL I honestly don't know when our next trip will be after this...probably not for a few years... That makes me sad, but at the same time I feel like Disney is really pricing out the "average" visitor. So we may give them a few years to get more of the new stuff opened before we go back. I don't know. My husband and younger daughter really want to try something else for our vacations for the next few years, so we shall see. The girls really wanted to do a cruise next summer but some things have come up that I think will make that impossible...so we will just have to wait and see.

I'm still thinking about my wardrobe for the trip next month and if I found a cute royal blue skirt with huge white polka dots (knee length, knit, a-line -- my new favorite thing to wear in the parks after our last two trips) that would be fun if I want to do a Donald themed outfit one day. :-) It would be my first time doing a theme to match a character and I think it will be fun. Usually I go with white shirts and solid bottoms (navy or black skirt) or else a Disney t-shirt with a skirt....used to be white shirt and khaki shorts.... I could do Minnie or Mickey with my black skirt....but I still haven't been able to come up with a character that I could do with my navy skirt. But the skirts are SO much more comfortable than shorts -- and cooler, too. I also usually change outfits at some point during the afternoon just because I get so hot and sweaty and want to put on fresh clothes after our resort break....so I might be able to do a couple of different themes.... Any suggestions for a character I could do using the navy skirt? I just can't come up with one.

My Mom ordered us an Instant Pot for Christmas and it arrived yesterday...my husband didn't realize it was a Christmas gift so he opened it and used it last night and fell in love with it and refuses to box it back up and save it for Christmas.... One of my concerns with W30 is the amount of time involved in all of the prep....but I found a lot of recipes for the Instant Pot for W30 that look good, so I think I'm going to start adding those into my menu plans for the next few weeks and see how we like them. The more "ready" I feel for this W30, the more successful it will be. One thing I'm nervous about is giving up chewing gum. Chewing gum is an anxiety thing for me...some days I don't chew any at all, but when my stomach is really upset I chew peppermint gum, and when I'm anxious I chew gum. That's going to be a really hard thing to give up. I do love carbonated flavored water so I need to start experimenting with some different flavoring combinations using fruits and vegetables so I can have some of those available.

Are there are any websites that you like for W30 recipes, ingredients, or support?

Exactly - my family teases me about the same thing... I worry too much. Bah-humbug... One day, maybe, they will understand. Until then, I will worry for them. ::yes:: Thank you - I am so very thankful they are all OK.

Yes, it was a tough blow for her, but we are exploring other options - and hopefully better ones. :lovestruc

Thanks! I purchased the coral paint the other day when Sherwin Williams was having their sale... I still haven't talked Josh into it at all - or even brought it up... I hope to have him on board, as I've already purchased the paint... Can't back out now. LOL

I agree totally... This trip is going to be a tough one... Food prices have gone up, and as you said - Disney has started to price out the average family... Which, I am reading - their numbers are down... Hopefully they continue to go down and Disney re-evaluates their prices, I do really think it's out of hand... People that used to go yearly or more are having to go less or not go at all. I know, it's getting VERY difficult for me to make these trips work financially, and if it wasn't for our Shades of Green option - these graduation trips wouldn't have happened at all. It's very sad to me, we are lucky that we have that option as many don't. :(

Your outfits sound adorable!!! Especially the blue dotted skirt - I've been looking for one for years and I've yet to find one. For navy, this last trip, I did Chip n' Dale... I thought it was cute - sort of a cruise type theme. :scratchin I was having the same issue with navy myself...


That is awesome! And too funny! My thought on the W30, is don't make it any more difficult than it needs to be. So, yes, try out a few new recipes (made in bulk) to keep it interesting and fun... but in all reality... grilled meat, a huge side of grilled/steamed veggies and a plop of ghee on top and your meal is done... The easier you make it on yourself, the easier it will be to stick to it. There are so many recipes and Pinterest ideas out there - but the reality is, there is a LOT of food prep involved as it is, don't make it too hard on yourself. :lovestruc

Good luck with the gum... I gave it up years ago - I couldn't figure out where my headaches were coming from - as it turned out, many of them were due to gum chewing. I am still not sure if it was the chewing motion that caused them or if it was the chemicals in the gum itself - but my headaches have dramatically decreased to almost never after giving up gum. I wish I had some sort of hints for you, but I don't... Maybe ask in the W30 first timers group on FB? They have lots of great ideas. :thumbsup2

I do love infusing my water - I go in spurts with it though. My go-to drink of choice for years now is H2-Oh water... It's flavored naturally, and it gives me the carbonation that I like. LaCroix is mostly the same thing.

I just used Pinterest for recipes for the W30... But always double check them... Most all of them, even though they are tagged W30, need to be modified to be compliant... I am guilty of that too - pinning something that could easily be modified to be compliant, but the recipe as written is not. ::yes:: But again - don't rely on recipes too much, keep it simple as much as possible, it will be easier on you. :)

Coming out of lurkdom again. I was worried when you were absent but glad to see you were having a good time at the lake! I totally understand you being cautious with not announcing your whereabouts. So glad to hear your daughter was safe and sound! Every mother can relate to your anxiety. Sadly, the world seems to be a scarier place. We need to be smart but at the same time not let it hold us back from pursuing our dreams. Good luck with getting your eating back on track - it's a constant battle for me too. Looking forward to reading more about your October plans!

Welcome back... I feel badly for dropping off the face of the earth like that, I know it's unusual for me, but it seems to be happening more often lately - as I am trying to figure out how to get my schedule back to normal.

Yes - it was a terrible night for sure... I am just so thankful for modern technology, as I would still be a frantic mess with out it.

Thanks... I am working it back into my life - slowly and deliberately... I struggle a lot with perfection - I always have - so, it's always my goal to not be 100% perfect, yet to make progress - it's a tough balance. I am moving in the right direction, so that's what I am trying to concentrate on... Hopefully progress will happen naturally? :scratchin

Me too... I worked on them yesterday morning for a while... V and I are really starting to get excited about it. ::yes::

Hey there! Glad all is awell. just glad i keep up with facebook. Otherwise i would be lost with everything going on in your life.

Hope you had a great weekend.
Love ya!

Hahaha... Me too! I think I am lost living my life sometimes... But I think we can all relate to that. :lovestruc

I hope you had a great weekend too! :lovestruc Miss you!

I'm so glad that Allison and family are safely home. It doesn't matter how safe they actually are, we will still worry more than we need to about our kids. Heck, I had a bad dream last night and I am overly worried about my husband today.

I feel like I need to go to JoAnn's now too! My dad repainted both of the girls' rooms for me over 4th of July so now I am trying to finish decorating them. I'm not sure what I'd use the chalk paint for, but I'm sure I could come up with something. I know you'll end up doing something great with your supplies.

I love all of the paint colors. We have a few rooms left to paint in our house and I'm eyeing your color samples for a couple of rooms.

I haven't ventured to Aldi's yet, we've only had one in the area for a few months. I need to give it a try. I'm doing slightly better with food which is the harder part for me, but I did manage to go to yoga Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. I feel so much better when I make the time for yoga, I'm going to try my best to keep up 3 classes a week. I had my husband pick up some berries for me yesterday - I'm giving naturally flavored water another go. Plain water is too boring for me but pretty much anything else you can drink is too full of chemicals. I've tried La Croix and some other similar options but they just don't taste good to me.

OMG - Allison is so beautiful in that picture! Maybe we can Skype when she gets home and she can teach me to do my makeup!

I have a crazy busy week. My husband is travelling for work, I have one potentially sick kid home with my mom today, I have a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment, and an air conditioning maintenance appointment. Best of all, I have 2 interviews tomorrow!

Hope you have a great day!

Isn't that the truth? I feel like, as a mom, I will always worry. I hate dreams like that- I have them occasionally too, and they just make a person feel so unsettled. I hope all went well. :lovestruc

Yes - you should check out your Joann's, it was a pretty good sale. Most people use chalk paint to paint furniture... So, if you have anything you want painted - this is a good time to do it. ::yes::

You need to make a point to go to Aldis yet this summer - soon - because right now, they have such good deals on my favorite fruits and veggies... Well, fruits - LOL... Berries are so cheap and so delicious right now. I buy tons of them, bring them home, wash them up and throw them in a bowl... They make great snacking!

Yes - try again with flavored water... Even just squeezing a lemon slice or two into regular water is enough for me - I really can't do plain water unless it's while I am working out. I don't like the taste of LaCroix either, I prefer H2-Oh water, but I do think that's a regional brand, I've never seen it in other places. :scratchin But I never go with out it at home, and I love that it's in 20oz bottles, because I can just put the cover back on and put it in the fridge if I don't want it all at once. ::yes:: Great job keeping up with yoga - that's one thing I've not tried yet.

Yikes - your week sounds a lot like mine! Phew! Good luck with your interviews today - I know you will rock them!

Hey D!! I'm back on the DIS! I actually started a PTR too! I'm going back to catch up on yours now! Can't wait to follow along again!

Welcome back Casey! It's great to see you here, I hope you are well? I'll try to locate your PTR - woohoo - however, I am running late today, so I will have to try for later or tomorrow. :lovestruc So, tell me, when are you going and where are you staying???? :scratchin

So glad that Allison and the family is safe. I have been so out of touch with things lately please forgive me. Allison looks beautiful in her pictures. She looks like she is having the best time.

Sorry to hear about V's art school closing and that they treated her poorly. Something better will come along for her and it will have so much more to offer.

I'm game to be your travel partner. When you get the bug for another trip; let me know.

I cannot thank you enough for your thoughts and prayers for mom. She is doing better. We did go back to the doctor and he was pleased with her numbers. However, something is still going on and we just don't know what yet. She was then referred to another specialist for more tests and they will work together. She is not thrilled with more bloodwork etc., but we have to do what is best. We have now as family started making changes to our diets. Not that it was terrible, but it could be improved. Mom is having a hard time with it; as she is the real fussy one. I've been doing my research.

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you - I totally understand... It's so hard keeping up anywhere, especially when life needs us. :lovestruc

Thank you = I hope so... It was a rough blow for her, but she has talent and I am sure she will find something worthy of that. ::yes::

Awesome! LOL - I always have a bug for another trip... It's just finding the $$ to do so. It's not looking promising for me over the next few years, however... We have V's trip here in Oct and that looks like it will be my last one for quite some time... I have her Europe airfare to pay for right after that... And then Josh and I are planning our turn for Europe- we are going to try for 5 weeks in 2018, if he can save up that much vacation time. :scratchin So, we'll see... :)

Thank you for the update on your mom... My continued prayers go out to her and to all of you... I am happy to hear that there is progress, and I am also happy to heat that they are continuing to look for the root cause, I hope you have answers soon. :hug: It's so hard to change food intake and a way of life, but sometimes our health warrants it and makes it more of a priority. I hope this is an easy transition for you all, I am sure you will all feel better in no time! :lovestruc Please keep me updated! :hug:

Hey there D - finally - all caught up again. If it weren't for FB what would I do? I am so glad Allison and family are safe. I have been so down lately with what all has been going on here and abroad. Very troubled times we live in. You can't help but worry D! So glad you get to Skype and "see" Allison. Tyler is only 3 hours away and I really miss him. He is so busy with his new school and the house and everything else I hear from him about once a week.

So sorry to hear about V and art school. I did not know that had happened. I am sure more doors will open for her, she is so talented. Like you say, she at least got some experience out of it. It really stinks though how they handled the situation.

Good for you on your attitude and moving forward with eating well. I really need to quit the snacking. I get "stuck" on a certain snack food and am so hungry when I get home from work. Lately, for a few months now actually, I crave pita chips and hummus. Not a bad thing but definitely not a good thing.

Kudos for your $50 "bonus" at Target for 10 years! My benefits at work are really crummy. I have been there 28 years and I still get only 2 paid weeks of vacation and no paid sick leave. I have to tell myself its better than nothing but I always seem to end up taking a day or 2 or 3 unpaid. Life is too short not to have vacations and days off for various issues. I really feel like you could earn what you make at Target at your home business really easily, and it gives you much more pleasure. Like I tell my sons, write out the pros and cons and dwell on what makes you the best you, if that makes sense.

I cannot believe the Mom and V trip is coming up so soon! So exciting. I cannot wait for the big reveal on V's bag. Hope you find decent airfare soon.

Maybe one of these days we can coordinate a WDW trip D - I would love to go! You know my pain with a hubby that really could care less if WDW existed or not. We have our road trip coming up late September. I still haven't planned all of it out. I get pretty obsessive on our road trips and what all I can cram in a week. It will be just me and DH this time around; no kiddos for the first time ever. I love my DH, but its a little sad. We always had an annual family vacay every year.

I am lurking along here and on FB D! I love to see your updates and Allison's adventures. As always, hugs and prayers.

Hahaha... I know the feeling - sometimes it's so much easier to keep up on FB... However, there is a lot I don't post there - or sometimes I don't post here... It totally depends on who I want to know things. :scratchin LOL Or where I need to vent. ::yes::

It definitely makes life easier being able to "see" her... I know she is feeling home sick too, and a little lonely - it's hard for her to be away from us, and not know many people. I worry about that a lot. Hopefully she will find her groove soon. Myrthe's brother and his girl friend are here in the States right now... When they get back, Kim is off of work for several weeks, so she has plans to spend some time with Allison - that will really help her a lot, I think... Just to have someone near her own age, who knows people and is familiar with the area, to hang out with. We had them over for dinner the other night and she is such a nice girl - I think Allison will really enjoy spending time with her.

Yes - it was so tough for her... I didn't announce it anywhere really, as we are still trying to work through it and come up with some options. Hopefully we are able to find something soon, as I don't want her to lose sight of her dream. :lovestruc

I am definitely trying to move forward with me eating well and working out... I have to admit, my working out has been pretty lazy lately... I am still doing it - but my heart isn't in it. I try to tell myself that 90% of my body comp is due to my diet, but I still feel better when I am getting a good work out.

Totally makes sense and very insightful. I could easily make up what I make at Target by working at home that 1 day per week... but I guess it's the whole "job safety" thing, and having something to fall back on if my business doesn't go well - I can always bump my hours at Target back up... But, it's been 6 years now... I am feeling pretty secure in my business... We'll see...

Yes - it's approaching so quickly now... I am really starting to get nervous that I don't have airfare yet. I am starting to stalk it several times per day now... As soon as it goes below my budgeted number, it's mine. LOL Just praying it does...

Yes - I totally understand... We are much the same Carol! :hug: It's tough, when what we love to do, isn't our spouses idea of fun... I hope you have a great time on your vacation... It's going to be so different for you, ith out the boys... We are approaching that time in our lives too, as next summer, our lake trip will be our first with out the girls in almost 20 years... Times are a-changin' and I don't think I am going to like it... :scratchin But who knows? Maybe I will? Hopefully we can plan to meet up in Disney one day - that would be so fun! :lovestruc

Thank you Carol - sending out hugs and prayers to you too! Take care my friend! :lovestruc


I am trying to take time to get caught up here this morning too... I am trying to get back into my "normal" schedule, but I am having a hard time with that - it seems like it's been chaotic for too long and I am having a hard time finding my groove.... I am getting there though, but please bear with me. :lovestruc

We had a wonderful Sunday... Myrthe's parents are still here, also her brother and his girlfriend are here now too... So, we had them over for dinner on Sunday night. It was a lot of fun! We've spent a lot of time with Jerle (pronounced Year-la) over the years, so it was great catching up with him and meeting his new girlfriend. She is very nice, as well, and has the summer off at home - so when she returns, she has plans to spend some time with Allison, showing her around and just hanging out with her... So, I thought it was a good idea for her to meet us and see where Allison grew up. It was a great evening and just a delightful time! Sorry - no pictures.

I was able to get so much work done yesterday - it felt good, my work schedule seems to be right on time, and that's good. ::yes:: I have a big project I am working on, and I plan to be mostly finished with that over this coming weekend. Then things will settle down a little bit with work, but they will ramp up again very soon, as I prepare for our own trip and hopefully making a few new items for us.

I have yet to get out on the front porch to get my Americana stuff set up... I am still hoping to do that.

But... I did get 2 of the 4 chairs for the farmhouse table sanded... I still have not decided if I am going to sand/paint the other two... I ordered the bench the other day, so the other 2 chairs will only get used if we have company - otherwise, they are full-time residents in the girls' rooms under their desks. We'll see how ambitious I am... I really didn't enjoy sanding the chairs enough to subject myself to doing 2 more. :lmao: But here's a look at the farmhouse table anyways... With 4 of our old dining chairs (which I am keeping here until the others are painted and ready) and 2 of the chairs I intend to paint. You can also see, in this picture, how the China cabinet looks with it - IMO - I definitely need one that's painted... This part of the room looks pretty dull right now. :scratchin


Victoria went to Valleyfair this weekend with her BFF.... They had a great time! She is staying very busy this summer with her job and just spending time with friends. :lovestruc


Then, there's Allison... I didn't share this story here yet, and I am not sure I was going to... But the night she returned from France, she posted this photo on Snapchat... This photo just says so much with out saying much at all. The night before this, I had been up most of the night, terrified for her... Here she is, tucked safely into bed, with the stuffie we packed in her luggage...


And the story to go with the picture... When Josh left for Iraq, back in 2004, the girls and I found a small stuffie to send with him... We purchased a collar and we all made little notes to attach to the collar, I laminated them and we packed it into his luggage. The introduction note attached to "Rufus Jr.'s" collar read... "Hi! My name is Rufus jr. I am here to protect you and keep you company on your journey. When you are missing your family, know that they chose me to go in their place and to comfort you when they can't. Each one of them smothered me with hugs and kisses to pass along to you when you need them most. Please take good care of me, and know that your girls love you. Love, Rufus Jr." . Josh carried Rufus Jr. through out Iraq and he now resides on my nightstand.

Rufus Jr...


12 years later, as another member of my family leaves to go around the world on their own journey... We sent her off with her own "Rufus Jr." - this time, just named "Junior"...







So, the photo above, speaks volumes to me, and right to my heart... She was home, she was safe, and she was surrounded by those who love her most. I cried relief when I saw that picture. My baby girl was safe. There are no words.

Anyways... Time to dry my tears this morning, and get to work on living life...

I plan to work out in just a minute here - heavy lifting is back in my routine this morning.

Then I will be working upstairs all day.

I have a meeting tonight.

That's about all! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Hey D! I am going September 10-16 and staying at All Star Sports. It's just me and Sken this time!

I am so glad to see that Allison is safe and sound. What a sweet gesture with the bear and notes. I just LOVE that. I will be thinking of you all :lovestruc I have been trying to keep up on FB, but have been off the boards for a while because it was making me sad not having a trip planned. I hope to stay for a while and can't wait to hear more about your trips!
How great that you got to spend some more time with Myrthe's parents and borther.

Your dining place looks great :)

What I a great idea to send Rufus Jr. with Josh to Iraq and now Junior with Allison with all the notes.
Sorry I've been absent so long. I've been on FB more than the DIS lately :( I have to say though, I'm glad Allison is have such a great time overseas & that V is having a great summer. Can you believe our trips are only 3 months away???

Those notes for A's stuffie crack me up...lol


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