There MUST be SOMEONE back from CBR/Shutters by now...right?


DIS Veteran
Jul 11, 2001
PLEASE give us some reviews of this restaurant - there must have been lots of you at CBR over the holidays - perhaps the restaurant never opened???:confused:
While I have not been over there myself, I did speak with a guest last night who is staying at CBR and ate in the food court and said it was very good.

Anyone else??
I haven't been to Shutter's, but the new menu was put up at, if that helps...looks pretty good, too!
We will be at the resort tommorrow night, and will let you all know how great our trip was when we get back on the 14th! Guess who's not sleeping tonight!!! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I read a trip report (somewhere else) that said the food court hasn't changed a whole lot. They said you still have to pick your food up at different stations (i.e., stand in several different lines), but at least now you pay for everything at one place. They did say there's also a "grab and go" (my words) kind of area that has pre-made sandwiches, fruit, and such.

At least that's what I read. I've never been there.


335 days and counting . . . again
inky dinky doo... all of the food courts in the moderates are designed so that you stand in separate lines to receive the food from whichever station you are interested in, and then stand in a central line for check out. All have what you call a "grab and go", as well...but again, you pay for that at the central check out station.


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