The Two Really Old(ish) Happyhaunts Go South. Alone... But With ECVs!

REDHATLADY! Glad I could be of assistance in ruining your monitor!!!

I owe you one. I guess.

Or maybe not.

You know how old people get drooly and all right????

It happens. All cool tho. I'm a fan olo!

Heh heh.

Maybe a red bib is coming in the mail...

THIS... is what I'm tryin' to say: GO JAYS!!!!


HOLA!!! And hey!!!

Nice to see you again! Truly!!! If it weren't for *POOKIE*'d still have the best screen name evah!!!

Altho...there was a *Sneezie* in times past.

That was a good one too.

Anywho...glad you have joined! Say "hey" to all the oldies. And meet the newbies. Ignore ZZUB. My best advice here. He's been mean. Flighty. And sometimes, rarely, funny.

Try to ignore.

If you can.

I *cannot* manage to. But... with a long course of therapy... who knows?????

Cheers, Mel.

Editishayeeeahhhh: Primal edit. more tomorrow. almost finished this one. Who knew?


Let's unpack this photo. The lady behind you, the one with the too-small-for-her-face Aviator knockoffs, she looks really, really happy to be there. We imagine that's precisely what Mel's expression looked like in that moment. She's so disgusted by you that she shoved her arm into the trashcan as punishment. DED!!!

But riddle me this: the woman over your left shoulder, the one festooned with mouse ears and clearly suffering a poop cramp, did she make it to the loo? It looks like she only had a minute or two before things got, you know, messy.

Which brings me to this:
Good thing I ate Korean food for lunch.
I literally have no idea what this means, but I laughed at it anyway. Because it was funny!

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I did not *unpack* that photo before.

You really ARE all about the background in pics... aren't you?

You're truly kooked! and yet I have to agree.

She clearly did punish herself by jamming her arm into the garbage can LOL!!!

I wonder what she did later after I downed the entire thing and made yummy noises? I'll bet she jammed her bare foot up the cutlery dispenser...knife section.

The poop cramp lady sprinted quickly to the bathrooms beside Tortuga Tavern. I'd imagine. Where her pain was muffled by the cries of others in agony. Having faced the Mexican toppings bar of cross contamination health violations. There.

BUT!!!! Even weirder about the whole thing...

Seems later in the day... I borrowed crabby aviator lady's very same dress to wear for dinner at The Rose and Crown!!!!

What I'm saying here is this: FBI: Korean food is heavy. Lotsa meat. Filling. Sometimes with fried eggs on meat. Which you should try sometime.

Takeout tho. To your office loo.

Make sure you buckle up real tight!!!! And I don't mean in the car!!!

Cheers, Mel.

P.S. Did you see the lady pointing at my spoon??????
I see an adorable Mickey Mani! AND I see that you are trying to lose that extra 195. Let me tell you, it ain't gonna happen with you eating fries and drinking Magical Stars. Good luck though. I will miss you when you finally lose it and you are gone.

I'm totally caught up! Yes, I have sat here today and read all 12 pages that I had missed. Now my can is numb, my head hurts, I'm nauseous and I need a stiff drink. Since I'm over 40 and have two kids I can't remember most of if it, but I do know I liked it! I laughed so much it made my happy thai's jiggle.

Such CUTE pictures of you all and the Happyhaunt kids are adorable!!

Hi LaLa!

The tip for Space Mountain is to have two shots of Patron, two margaritas, ride mid ship, hold your core tight and giggle you big Tequila Baby. If you put your little purse in the mesh bag and wrap the strap around your ankle only to feel that the purse has flung out of the mesh bag mid ride and you must bend over to recover your purse while being whipped and nae naed all over the place, then it's a bit scary, but otherwise just roll with it.
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Thursday July 16th aka Day 5 aka Part 7 aka Lucky 7 in that This Piece of *************** is almost FINISHED!!! Peace!

And Then... we jammed our carcasses into the tiny red mini-mobile and drove back to Boardwalk!!!

What did we do next? I'm not going to say.

But I'll tell you this: Mellyman had a brief nap while I kinda sorta started to repack all our crap. I *did* fill the coffee maker tho. With coffee and water to turn on to brew the next day. Just as we were to be heading out.

Otherwise... I figured it was never gonna get fixed. To the detriment of other DVC members. And I felt there was some sort of statement to be messily made. Here.

Heh heh.

Did I? Or didn't I? You be the judge...

You know Me(l) by now.

We had showers. Got dressed for our last evening in Disney. Specifically in Epcot and at The Rose and Crown. Where I had intentionally ADR'd a farewell Illuminations Cry.

At 7:45pm. To be exact. The ADR. The cry would begin at about 9:05 as per previous Illuminations experience.

We looked smashing. More Mellyman than Me(l) cause he wore his nice blue shirt which I think brings out his slimnessish. At least in his hair and ankles. And my hair was not cooperating at all. Darn you Florida humidity vrs. The Battle for My Hairdude. Frizziness reigns supreme and if I ever become a Red Hat Snowbird from Canada... I'm shaving it all off. And going with ZZUB's style.

Which is bare. Top. Lotsa sunscreen and I'm letting myself go. Too And praying for a hairy neck and back. The full package.

Gonna have a nice high-end car tho. And an expensive watch. Which won't use to tell time because it's right there on my phone.

Which will be a super antique phone. Obviously... with a hands clock.

Oh... guess what????

We have a new Prime Minister in Canada!!! Yes it's very exciting!!! I think.

I have five things to say about this turn of events:

1. Now... NOW...we have the best looking Prime Minister in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. And the rest you... you who are not Canadians... should note that he also has THE BEST HAIR IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!! And man he's HOT!!!

5. We're doomed

However: will be kinda funny when the American elections are over and your President has the WORST HAIR ON EARTH!!! (and that's everyone tfi)

There's gotta be some points for us Canadians there. Our only hope.

Good God!!!! We're doomed.

Marching on saidly.

We marched on. To Epcot and the Rose and Crown Pub. Where Mellyman went in a got Me(l) a cider and himself a beer of some UK variety.

We strolled thru the UK to watch the new entertainment there.

The faux Beatles have been replaced and in our minds... a good thing. The new band called "The British Revolution" is really really good. I enjoyed them way more than the old band. As they play a great assortment of songs all which are stellar and I can sing along to. Which Mellyman doesn't appreciate. But I don't care. AT all. The members are all very talented and they all sing too. Which is great and have quite a diversity of skills on different instruments.

They played The Who (Mellyman's favourite) and Led Zeppelin and Queen too!!! Bohemian Rhapsody!!! And The Police!!! I dislike Sting tho. He's an ***.

They're great! I'd suggest checking them out!!!

Cause we greatly enjoyed!!!

Then it was time to head over to The Rose and Crown to check in for our ADR. We were early cause I really *really* wanted to ask, inquire and/or beg shamelessly for a table on the back patio by the railing for premium Illuminations viewing.

No dice.

We got seated at the front part of the covered side patio. And AND AND I could see a bunch of empty tables down by the water.

Wasn't going to fly.

Our server popped by and he was the youngest tiniest little cute man I'd seen in a long time. I told him that I was so sad. (Yes... sad...not said...cause I wanted him to understand Me(l) ). That could we pleassseeee pllllleassseeee sit down on the patio by the railing.

He said, magically, "Sure!"

OMG!!! And he moved us there and I caught his little body in a big Canadian hug and Idk if he appreciated it or not but he was the best server we had all week!!!!

Everyone loves a hug from a stranger!!!!

Or do they?

We sat down and were so pleased with our table and location that we ordered more alcohol. Wine for me. Beer for Mellyman.

Then perused the menu and discussed our strategy. We would start with sharing the cheese plate. Which was lovely and had stilton on it and if I remember correctly a Cotswold and Kerrygold(?) too. With accompaniments. Was generous and delish!!!

Then Mellyman ordered the fish and chips and I had the bangers and mash plus we got a side of: bubble and sque-ACK! Not only because the name is *awesome* but also I love "bubble and squeak". And... not only because it's what I'd imagine ZZUB's bathroom noises to be!!!

Not only that.

It tastes great. Which...all in troubling. To say the least.

Hehehheheheehh and heh heh!

No matter!!! Order it whenever you can!!! Do not think of anything other than I promise you it tastes great!!!!!

We shared it all and it was very good. Especially the bangers and mash. And we decided that in the future for fish and chips we'd go to the takeout window beside the Rose and Crown because it's essentially the same and half the price.

Mellyman gave me both crispy ends of the fish tho. Cause he knows I like the nubs. Of anything. Especially hotdogs. And pork tenderloin roasts. Fried pickle ends. Bread loaves. Cheese rinds. yada blah.

After we finished eating and chatting with our cute tiny server we ordered another drink and sat back for Illuminations!

It started. And, yes, I started to cry.

My happy tears mixed with a bite of sadness because it was our last nite of our wonderful trip. The first one for us together as a couple at Disney. But certainly NOT the last.

After Illuminations ended we took our time. Chatting about our trip so far, the fun we'd had and what was on the horizon. Which was a February trip with all the other happyhaunts in 2016.

And then Mellyman said this: "You know what Mel? Maybe we should come back and do Food and Wine this year. Do you think we can still get a reservation?"


Ya. I do.

Or else... I'll die trying!!!

Cheers, Mel.

Edit: Walked back to Boardwalk hand in hand. And life was good. Real real good.

NUBS! ahem ..... We have a barbq joint in town where my favorite entree is the nubs...........sausages, brisket, pork roast.... . . ...... you name it, all the nubs in the house. GENEROUS nubs portions.......and still nubby and crispy. I think we are related. xo

ps I only drool in my sleep hahahahahahaha only pure, sugar free root beer messed up my monitor.

You finished a tr! CONGRATS! So fun meeting you... . . . for the food and wine pressure, tho.
A R&C table by the railing to see Illuminations, that sounds perfect! I have heard the new band with a Pimms Cup in hand and really liked them as well.

This cracked my stuff up:
Darn you Florida humidity vrs. The Battle for My Hairdude. Frizziness reigns supreme and if I ever become a Red Hat Snowbird from Canada... I'm shaving it all off. And going with ZZUB's style.

Which is bare. Top. Lotsa sunscreen and I'm letting myself go. Too And praying for a hairy neck and back. The full package.

Gonna have a nice high-end car tho. And an expensive watch. Which won't use to tell time because it's right there on my phone.

Add a puka necklace for those body hairs to tangle up in and you are all set.

A finished TR! Oh my word, I'm going to celebrate with a Magical Star. Then dental floss.

Thank you for writing this Mel!! Come back with more about your latest adventure to Food and Whine!
I am finally caught up! I have to say, reading this trip report makes me feel a little sad that I missed the trip report fun back in the day. Yes, yes, of course I could travel back in Disboards time and read the olden reports, but I feel like I already missed my FP+ window. However. I did pick up some tricks in this here trip report. So let's see. If I can get this right.

Here are some things I learned, in case they are of interest:
1. I should not feel so guilty leaving the dizney bubble to attend to my Sweet Tomatoes desire.
iv. "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" - never made so much more sense as when you, Me(l), joined the chant group
C. Meat cookie = will add to my repertoire of new lingo learned here, along with towel barges.

The end. Looking forward to the next happyhaunts party!
BRAVA! (I was typing bravo and accidentally typed an A, and decided it was more fitting anyway!)

I'm a lil behind (NOKimKardashian), so I'm going to start from the end. Much as I don't share your Illuminations love (even after our surprise cruise in September), I love this story of your final night. It sounds awesome! Great job charming your tiny waitperson to get the clutch patio spot. I'm sure he enjoyed your Canadianstrangerhug. Wouldn't anyone? Mellyman deserves props for coming up with the F&W visit suggestion too. Not only because it was a GREAT idea, but because now we can get another trip report from you right away. Right? Can't wait to get all the deets on this one.

Just for Frick, I have some quotes:

We looked smashing. More Mellyman than Me(l) cause he wore his nice blue shirt which I think brings out his slimnessish. At least in his hair and ankles. And my hair was not cooperating at all. Darn you Florida humidity vrs. The Battle for My Hairdude. Frizziness reigns supreme and if I ever become a Red Hat Snowbird from Canada... I'm shaving it all off. And going with ZZUB's style.

I'll give you a classic Maelstrom line here (hat tip: Jami and the Cookmaster) "Disney is not a hair show". Memorize it, chant it to yourself. It will set you free. ::yes::

Now back to the previous chapter:

It least i think he's turkey hunting with his friend Eric. I really do. Altho now we're 12 years into it and yet not a *one* turkey has been shot. By Mellyman.

I call it the season of "Brokeback Turkey". And, and, he has yet to comment on all my notes left in his Michael Kors camo tote over the years. "Please bring home a turkey", "Please bring back a picture of a turkey", "Please bring back a Butterball". Ummmm "Turkey Wrap????" yada blah

Bwahahaha!! I love the notes! Classic Melly! You Turkey.

Spoiler. Not Amazing.

Sooooo not amazing that it was unexpectedly terminally disappointing. (Have you seen Grown Ups 2?) And. And lacking of any "Magic" or even "Imagineering effort". It was the MK ride equivalent of Stitch's Great Escape or Hall of Presidents or Country Bear Jamboree or eating *anything* at Pinocchio's Village Haus.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh wait. Those are all there too.

Well... this new ride is worse. And we waited waited waited and waited in line to do it too. In fact the best part of this ride was the line. The queue was nice.

If you're dying to know it was Under The Sea: Journey of the Little Mermaid.

Apparently the Imagineers mailed it in. On the Pony Express.

No. I'm wrong.

They yodeled it in. From the Alps.

Alrightly. We're not fans. Is what I'm saying here.

I couldn't agree more. Total waste of MK Fantasyland space. They certainly could've done better. At least it's nice and cool in there. But. I like Pinocchio's Village Haus. The flatbreads are yummy. So don't dis the 'nocch. K?

Finally, I wanted to give shout outs to my girl LaLa and the man GB! So nice to see you both 'round these parts! Stick around for the next one!

Great job, Melly. Is this the first one you've actually finished? Are you finished? If so, what's taking so long on the next one? heh heh.

EDIT: Crap, forgot two things. 1. Love the photos and one of these days I want to learn how to do the gallery thing. But not how to double post the other ones. 2. I forgot again. I'll be back. Maybe

EDITx2: I remembered! It was a congrats on your new Trudeau. I remember his mother, and think the Trudeaus are my kind of lefties! Congrats! And yeah, you *may* be doomed.

Onemoreedit: I somehow didn't even see Frick's two posts and your response to Z above. Frick, girly, you are FOFfunny. Love ya!
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P.S. Did you see the lady pointing at my spoon??????
Yes, only I assumed she was pointing at your GINORMOUS back end and shrieking, "NO MORE Dole Whips!!!!!"

Too mean?

The poop cramp lady sprinted quickly to the bathrooms beside Tortuga Tavern. I'd imagine. Where her pain was muffled by the cries of others in agony. Having faced the Mexican toppings bar of cross contamination health violations. There.
One of my favorite paragraphs you've ever written (hardly a compliment really). It paints a perfect picture of life in a Disney restroom. Good show!

while being whipped and nae naed all over the place
Just learned all about the whip and nae nae (from my 8 year old!). Only I call it the "whip a nae nae" which drives both my girls crazy.

However: will be kinda funny when the American elections are over and your President has the WORST HAIR ON EARTH!!! (and that's everyone tfi)
The perfect political joke. It could describe the leading Democrat, the leading Republican. Or Donald Trump.

Re our new Prime Minister.......I remember him as a little boy when his dad was PM, so now I just feel old! I agree that he's hot. I also agree that we may be doomed. But I hope not!

Sad your trip is almost over.....but happy it looks like you may finish this TR!
Simmer down!!!

I'm not finished beating this dead horse yet!!!

When I sad it was our "last night in Disney" it was. But we *still* have most of another day in Epcot. Our flight out of MCO did not leave until 9:00pm. It was supposed to leave at 8:30pm but there was a real bad guy on our plane coming in. And we got to witness Florida's finest take him down. When the plane landed. It was kinda exciting.

So there's more chapterish to come. Just one or two. Maybe four idk yet. And more pics. Even some of my feet!!! *SHUDDER*


Don't rush Me(l)!!!

Is it ZZUB??? Is he bribing everyone to get onboard the "Trip's over yay!!!!" barge? He IS!!! I'll bet you he's sending Lil Debbie's to everyone.

Tip: Gently grab them with tongs. Hold them far far away from your body and pets. Deposit in the nearest trashcan. Which is not in your home or even your neighbourhood.

That's right... not neighborhood but..."neighbourhood". Throw them towards Canada. Ottawa specifically.


Because... he's obviously touched them!!!! With his paws!!!! *ICK*!!! And... we all know he's a walking Biohazard of living death!!! NOLarryKing.

Too mean????


Sorry, Larry!!! :)

Cheers, Mel


ROLL (n') HIDE!!!

be back later with more trippie heh heh!

Friday July 17th aka Part 1 of Day 6 aka Last Day!!! Also called: "Simmer Down Part 1: The Battle For ZZUB's Attention Span!"

And... we'll start this with a: Heh heh!!! For good measure.

So... after we walked back to Boardwalk enjoying the quiet and stillness which is a mostly deserted Epcot at night via the International Gateway... we headed straight back to our room. Mellyman put on the tv and we chilled for quite awhile. Seems like neither one of us wanted to go to sleep and have our last night in Disney be over. Yet.

So we had to bond. As couples do.

We did it our own special way.

He watched TV and I got on my computer to read Tripadivisor reviews of restaurants in foreign cities that I will prolly *likely* NEVER eat at.

Both certainly a waste of time. But relaxing all the same.

Then we got into bed. And I said, "Mellyman, can you put your earplugs in?"

He responded with, "Why?"

I said, "So I can't hear you snore. Obviously."

Then we laughed so hard. *SO* hard. Cause I've said it before. Being totally serious tho with a crabby tone. And... it's just become one of those jokes we share.

Then I went to sleep. Too quick. What I mean is I didn't even get a chance to think about our last day, even a little bit, and drift off happily. Nope. Sleep came. Too abrupt. Hard. Fast. And like *so* completely disappointing. Even.

Like the sleep equivalent of the last episode of Dexter.

Suck sleep. Is what I call it.

Sleep. Sleep sleep sleep and slept. IN.

Woke up to a pitch dark room but it was after 9:00am!!!!


Gotta get rolling!!!! I lay there for a second tho. Cause I didn't feel much like rolling anything. Especially out of bed.

But I suddenly realized I had to bolt to the bathroom.

Real fast.

Apparently, all the food and booze and walking and sweating and general livin' like Romans for the last couple of days had caught up with Me(l).

What I'm sayin' here is this.

I spent quite awhile in the bathroom.

Long enuff that I think the Osborne Lights last dance was assembled and deployed while I was in there.

It was so long that I found religion.

I had to tbh.

And I *think* I even got Bat Mitzvahed. Shalom.

It was the pork.

At the Rose and Crown. The bangers.

What I'm sayin' here is this: WHEW!!!

Felt thinner. Got out and got dressed. And then turned on some lights and started to pack in earnest.

Time to wake The Hippo!!!

Me(l): Wake it!!! Hippo!!!

Mellyman: umphhhphh

Me(l): No seriously get UP!!! We have to get rolling.

Mellyman: arrghhhhlymerfff

Me(l): I'll come over and lick your face!!!

Mellyman: kill u... will.

Me(l): Game ON!!!

(I approached the Hippo and he sat right up and looked very mean indeed. I backed away.)

Me(l): Ok. You have five minutes to get up. Honey bun. E.

I heard nothing. Went back to packing.

Me(l): Mel? Are you up? Cause I feel super fat. Like super fat. My shorts aren't fitting right. Do you think I gained weight?

(Seriously... something was off. Idk what but my clothes didn't feel right at all. So I gave myself a reach around and discovered why. I felt a bow... lower back.)

Me(l): *laughing hard* Never mind. My underwear are on backwards!!!!! Heh heh.

Mellyman: Wha?

Me(l): Got dressed in the dark.

Heh heh. I'm sure it was sexyish tho. In some alternate universe.

Or not.

What I'm saying here is this: Don't get dressed in the dark or you'll feel all weird.

And if you wanna feel all weird... get dressed in the dark.

Mellyman finally got mobile and we managed to quickly pack our crap and check the room. Empty the safe and stow all our stuff of importance like passports and our remaining US cash into my big purse. It was not going to Epcot today. It would be locked into our tiny red car just waiting for a burly thief to steal. And by steal I mean pick up the car and put it into his cargo shorts. Pocket.

I ran and grabbed Mellyman coffee and came back. We did a third inspection of the room and realized that we were good to go.


We couldn't carry everything and/or drag everything to the car including his coffee.


So... I solved the problem. By running his coffee out to the hall down down by the fitness room. And hiding it.


Good coffee.

Then we stowed all our stuff in the car in the Boardwalk parking lot and headed back to grab his coffee and head to Epcot.

The coffee was still where I hid it. It had stayed. It is better trained than our Slinddog.

Headed for Epcot and Future World. Where we checked ride times and tried to get decent Fastpass +s but were screwed. Bascially.

I suggested Buttons. For our last day.

Mellyman asked what I had in mind. I said he should wear "Happy Birthday we're broke!" and I should wear "Happy Birthday I had a panic attack!"

No dice.

But... he laughed and that was the whole point there.

No rides right now and so we headed off to World Showcase. Just in time to hit up the pub at Rose and Crown for a final beverage and stroll before our lunch ADR at Teppan Edo.

I got a cider and Mellyman got another UK beer. And we walked to Japan the long way around. Just to enjoy our last little bite of Epcot. World Showcase.

Cause after lunch we had shopping to do. And hopefully some walk on rides.

But mostly shopping.

Cause I had something in mind I wanted real real bad!!!

Besides scallops for lunch!!!

Cheers, Mel.

Told you... more chaptersish still!!! A threat and a promise.

Edit: Too mean? Don't coddle me!!! LOL!


And now... cause I'm still up. Some reply guys!

You really *ARE* FOFFunny!!!

Yes! I had the cutest EVAH Mickey Mani!! Also a really cute Pedi!! Which you will be seeing soon!

Thanks for the happyhaunt ghostly baby love!!! They are sooooo dear. My sweet lil ghosties. Not so lil anymore. But just as dear.

They've grown up just right. And... I am so proud of them.

They annoy me terribly on a day to day basis. Also the dog. Mellyman. Also... and they don't know how to flush a toilet. Or change a roll of empty toilet paper.

We gone wrong somewhere. Maybe The General was right???? A good loving wooden spoon beat down... now and again... might have solved all this. Because... yes...*I* can flush a toilet. And I'm also the *only* one in the house that can decipher the complex mechanics of the roll changing. Even while being a true Lubbite. NOLa.

I *LOVED* the tips for surviving Space Mountain.

Won't work.

I'm truly a big tequila baby now. Unless I bring my Tequila Mel all back. Full ON!!! Full on...Whip a nae nae!

Sorry ZZUB. Skip that. Back up there. I'm stealing that tho. Na na na na nae nae!!!! Boo boo!!! Stick your head in doo doo!!!

Yep. Back in Tequila Mel mode.

So Frick...

Truly. That's what it'll get you. Tequila. The evil tequila.

BANNED from everything. NODisboards.

PUKA necklace!!! Laffed again!!!

I hate you. I'm sore.

Drink your Magical Star. And floss. And beware of errant hairs. You know what I mean.


YOU??? You are all about the nubs too???

I'm not surprised. I felt an immediate connection with you. And not only cause you drool.

It's not only in your sleep. It's all the time.

Face reality.

Heh heh.

What I'm sayin' here is this: I kinda feel like we may be related too. xo.

Don't worry. We're friends now. And I'll be back when I finish this trippie... to start my next Food and Whine one.

Dust off your red hat.


Glad you enjoyed!!!
And don't go back and read all the old ones. I think I only finished one. Maybe two.

And you'll be eternally disappointed.

Neither ZZUB nor I are as funny anymore.

He's old. And... as for Me(l)... I'm so said he's old.

Glad you have some weird lingo now. It's all the rage in Canada. Like sayin' "Fuddle Duddle". Again. *sigh*.


Kim Kardashian has a BIG behind. Just sayin'. So... I think... YOU were actually BIG behind here.

I'll forgive you because I really really loves u!!!!

Plus: Now "Disney is not a hair show" will get me thru tough times. Thanks u!!!

Everyone DOES love a stranger's hug. Weird strange lady pulling them close against their will. Canadians do it all the time.

Ask YAK!

As usual. We're borg. On the Lil Mermaid newish ride. And Me(l) being a turkey.

Glad u are using up all the Fastpass+'s for Pinocchio's Village *Blaus*. Have at 'em. Leave me your Fastpass+ for the lockers under the train station and we'll be exactly even.



She prolly WAS telling Me(l) not to have any more Dole Whips. And, yes, maybe I do have a big butt. And just *maybe* if you would have "unpacked" that pic properly you would have seen that I'm sitting on two chairs. One for each butt cheek.

Or am I?

No. But I have seen that before at Disney.

It's precious.

So "no"... not too mean.

After all I say to you????? All the time???? Bring it baybee. Don't hold back because I'm a lady.

You know I'm not.

And... you've been *WAY* meaner before. So there.

All this to say: I really like you!!!

Heh heh.

tonga Toast:

You summed it up!

We're old. He's hot. We're doomed.

Thanks. Bud.

Cheers, Mel.

P.s. I got some chips and dip that needs eatin' now.
TWO? TWO posts............and now I have strong need for my facilities............(I understand all about the toilet paper roll changing situation.....Something I never will figure out: The new, full replacement roll is RIGHT THERE! In the easy.)
Teppan Edo!! The Tongas love Teppan Edo. Almost as much as we love Flying Fish.

And we love that we'll actually be able to eat at Teppan Edo in March. Because it will be open. Not like Flying Fish. Or Soarin. Or maybe Disney Quest.
Quick question....because distraction is my middle name....

Not really

It's Stranger danger hug lady

Heh heh

What do they sing at the 7th inning stretch at the Skydome....sorry youngin's...Rogers Centre (Center?)

Anyway. God Bless America distracted me from Mel's TR. At the 7th inning stretch.

Go Jay's. Catch the FD ball


Mel. You kept us hangin'

What do you want to buy?

Ack. He dropped the ball....oops sorry!

Hopefully you won't drop the ball

I'm curious at what you wanted at .38 cents on the dollar?

Roll Jay's
Friday July 17th aka Part 2 of Day 6 aka COME TOGETHER!!! For scallops!!!!

Guess what I just did? Guess?

I ate 2lbs of xxxhot wings all by Melself. Yep. And. Now. I am scared to go to bed. xtra Hot wings scary scary dreams. And, also, afraid to burp. Sneeze. Or fart.

I'm actually more afraid of taking my contacts out. That's gonna hurt some. Tfi. Even with handwashing. It's in my skin. NOscabies.

Guess I'll just carry on. With this. Then.



We hit Japan just in time for our lunch ADR. We were eating at Teppan Edo. And... it's a nostalgic one for us. The kids' first experiences at a teppanyaki meal were here. They loved it. All of it... the food. The show. The food. Also, Mellyman or myself slapping their tiny hands (Calvin only) so they *Calvin* wouldn't touch the blistering hot surface of the sun cooking area. Or the plates. Or the people on the right or left of us. *Calvin, Calvin, Cheenie*

I'm saying tho that all the happyhaunts still LOVE Teppan Edo. Even taking into account that the name has changed, we still usually call it Teppanyaki.

Maybe we all have the Zheimers????

Idk. Can't remember.

And... I remember once or twice that Tommy, tiny Vec, got a main entrée that was brought to him in a little dish which was a copy of a monorail coach . We have pics. Was super cute.

Now tho we were just two happyhaunts. Seated with a family of four in the middle of the table with two little kids. And a couple at the other end from us.

The guy was a real douchebag. I'll leave it at that.

The family beside us was so nice tho. We chatted and the kids were cute and polite and made me long for when the kids were tiny. A little bit. There.

We love how pleasant and polite and welcoming the staff here always is. The CM's are wonderful. And you *just* have to bow along too.

It's polite.

They give you a warm towel to start. Which in Japanese etiquette means you receive the towel and bow. And they bow too.

Then you say "Thanks!" Then you remove your flip flops. Or thongs. (Whichever your normal is) And... you clean your feet real good.

Then your face, neck and hands.

They gather the towels all up on a plate. And dining will proceed.

We ordered beer and wine. And also some edamame guys. Cause they serve them all cold and salted in Disney. Never at home tho. Always hot.

I prefer them cold.

They're refreshing. We also ordered the wafu(?) ribs. They were excellent. Hadn't had them before. But will definitely have them again.

Tender, tasty, delish.

Douchebag, across from us, ordered a bunch of stuff.... sake and apps. Without consulting his girlfriend. Which Idk but... I was getting mad whenever she tried to get his attention and he ignored her.

The sweet family beside us went with no apps. But mom and dad had beers. Cheers!!!

We enjoyed our apps. And then our chef came out. Checked everyone's order and started cooking.

Both me and Mellyman ordered scallops. I was kinda shocked and bummed to see that we were getting cabbage. Also. Thin noodles instead of the thick ones and, however, THANKYOU THANKYOU the sauces were still the same!!!

I asked for extra white "yummy sauce" as was given a whole little 3 compartment tray of it!!

YUMMY!!!! X 4

The thing is: I lovelovelove mushrooms. So that was said. On the upside, the thinner noodles were good. And the cabbage was fine.

My family eats a lot of cabbage. It's good for you. Keeps Mellyman *very* regular.

The scallops were perfect! Mellyman and I were in heaven. Just perfectly cooked. Still moist and with a perfect crust. Plus a very generous portion. More I think than we've had before there. I also love scallops raw but only at Rodney's in Toronto. And only when I can talk to Rodney himself and make sure they're awesome. With a bit of squeezed lemon. Perfection.

We really enjoyed our last Disney lunch and except for having to watch and hear Douchebag and his douchebaggyness... it was perfectly pleasurable.

The kids beside us really liked their meals although they couldn't finish them... their parents attempted to.

Everyone was happy at our table. Except for the girlfriend.

Ah well.

We were the last to leave because I eat real slow. But it was nice and we watched other tables around us and just enjoyed ourselves.

Mellyman had another beer because I was still eating and he was done. But he enjoyed that too.

Then we paid. But could not use our TIW discount card. Just our DVC or annual pass guy. It meant 10% off food. Just food. So it was actually a pretty expensive lunch. But whatever.

We headed out. To have our last couple hours at Epcot before heading to the airport and back home.

And I really needed to shop.

Cause there was something I wanted real real bad.

Besides one last sunburn and lingering leg pain.

Cheers, Mel

Edit... still hanging on that....


Oops you did it again (NOBritney)

Left us hangin

Begging for more.

Unlike the Jay's

Oh well....movin' on to the good il hockey game (s)

So, what did you buy??????

I buy so little at Disney anymore and really want to know what needs to come across the boarder

We like Benny-Han-nah too

Until we discovered the pleasures of Toyko dining. Little YAK loves it there.

Big fan of edamame too! Your description gave me a little cool refreshing flash back. You are right, always hot. Cool and salty are better (NOZzub)

I thought maybe you stopped by the little Canada Kiosk to show those at home Disneyfied Canadian stuff.

Now I'm wondering if you rushed out to shop at the Orlando Airport Mall

Or a quick trip to Kohls on John Young Parkway?

Enquiring minds want to know

Heh-heh right back at you :)
Pics from our last day! If you "unpack" them properly you can see what I had to buy!

Mystery and challenge!


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