The Everything Victoria & Albert's Thread

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I am taking my dd there on December 26 and may do the same. Would you mind either PM'img me or letting us know how much your bill was at the end of the night. Did you do the wine pairing? Did you drink?
I would please love to know since I am trying to do this all cash.
Thank you.

So the standard meal was $150 a person. The white truffle shavings were an extra $45, the turbot was $35, the australian kobe was $35, and the true kobe was $110. We did not do any alcohol or the wine pairing (not really big drinkers).

We tipped 20% at $105 so our bill came to $659 I believe with tip included in that. The only thing I would do differently is not order the white truffle. I wanted to try them so I went for it, but didn't feel their taste was worth the $45.
DH and I dined at V&A last week on our actual 25th anniversary, and we LOVED it! It will definitely be a once in a lifetime experience for us and we will never forget it. I positively loved the dining room, our servers and the food. It was all very delicious. We also ordered a bottle of champagne. I had ordered a custom cake for our special day and it was brought out at the end of our meal. We were very, very full by then, but the cake was a must have for me, and they boxed it up nicely for us to take back to our room.:cloud9:

Sadly, our evening at V&A was not perfect. I envisioned all couples dining there for romantic meals and it just wasn't the case. The couple next to us was ok, but the woman went on to their waiter about how she didn't see her favorite item from a previous visit on the menu and was very disappointed! Their waiter went on and on and on about how he was attending sommelier training, he stood there so long giving them all the information on it --- didn't need to hear all the details about his life. And, at the table on the other side of us, the party of one man with two women, started a huge discussion about immigration, green cards, coming into the US to have babies and so on. Definitely NOT at all what I expected, envisioned, or ultimately appreciated in terms of hearing from nearby tables during our milestone anniversary dinner! In 2006, DH and I did a private dining at the GF with our own butler, rose petals, champagne, a mini cake and so on. I've decided that is the way we will go from now on so that it is just us with absolutely no one else around!

I'm commenting on this not to sound negative or imply we didn't have a magical dining experience because we did. I am posting so that others will know going in that they may not have the ideal experience with the other tables nearby.

Anyway! Here is our gorgeous anniversary cake. You can also see the beautiful table, flowers and candle. Thanks for reading and looking!

We dined at V & A the last 2 years for our anniversary. I'm a little sad that we are not doing it again this year. Both times we paid with a combination of disney reward dollars, and disney gift card and the rest on credit cards.
So the standard meal was $150 a person. The white truffle shavings were an extra $45, the turbot was $35, the australian kobe was $35, and the true kobe was $110. We did not do any alcohol or the wine pairing (not really big drinkers).

We tipped 20% at $105 so our bill came to $659 I believe with tip included in that. The only thing I would do differently is not order the white truffle. I wanted to try them so I went for it, but didn't feel their taste was worth the $45.

Thank you.
I plan on either the wine pairing or us having drinks so I really think I need to put aside almost $700 although I will tell me dd she can order the Australian Kobe not the $110, depends on how much more I can put aside with Christmas coming up :crazy2:

I REALLY REALLY appreciate your detailed post. It has helped me a lot.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I plan on either the wine pairing or us having drinks so I really think I need to put aside almost $700 although I will tell me dd she can order the Australian Kobe not the $110, depends on how much more I can put aside with Christmas coming up :crazy2:

I REALLY REALLY appreciate your detailed post. It has helped me a lot.
Thank you.

In the past, DH and I have shared the wine paring. They used to give you the 6 or 7 tasting split between two with each course. Now, they alternate course if you share. But you will each still get a bit of champagne with the amuse bouche and three glasses of wine. That is more than enough for each of us. I think the wine paring is $65 or $70. Something to consider. Have a wonderful experience!
DH and I dined at V&A last week on our actual 25th anniversary, and we LOVED it! It will definitely be a once in a lifetime experience for us and we will never forget it. I positively loved the dining room, our servers and the food. It was all very delicious. We also ordered a bottle of champagne. I had ordered a custom cake for our special day and it was brought out at the end of our meal. We were very, very full by then, but the cake was a must have for me, and they boxed it up nicely for us to take back to our room.:cloud9:

Sadly, our evening at V&A was not perfect. I envisioned all couples dining there for romantic meals and it just wasn't the case. The couple next to us was ok, but the woman went on to their waiter about how she didn't see her favorite item from a previous visit on the menu and was very disappointed! Their waiter went on and on and on about how he was attending sommelier training, he stood there so long giving them all the information on it --- didn't need to hear all the details about his life. And, at the table on the other side of us, the party of one man with two women, started a huge discussion about immigration, green cards, coming into the US to have babies and so on. Definitely NOT at all what I expected, envisioned, or ultimately appreciated in terms of hearing from nearby tables during our milestone anniversary dinner! In 2006, DH and I did a private dining at the GF with our own butler, rose petals, champagne, a mini cake and so on. I've decided that is the way we will go from now on so that it is just us with absolutely no one else around!

I'm commenting on this not to sound negative or imply we didn't have a magical dining experience because we did. I am posting so that others will know going in that they may not have the ideal experience with the other tables nearby.

Anyway! Here is our gorgeous anniversary cake. You can also see the beautiful table, flowers and candle. Thanks for reading and looking!


it's just an expensive restaurant, like any other expensive restaurant...
with good food and good service.....
and the people eating there are just regular people...having regular conversations.........
i'm not exactly sure what a romantic dinner conversation is...
but people talk about whatever at dinner...
i might well talk about elections or stupid bosses or whatever is on the news at the time (terrorist attacks and peoples heads being lopped off come to mind - possibly even less romantic than green cards)...
it's just a meal....
a very good meal....
an expensive meal....
but no different from other outstanding meals....
with regular people and regular conversations (and if people drink too much, probably a few overly boisterous types)..

by the way, that's a lovely cake!!!
it's just an expensive restaurant, like any other expensive restaurant...
with good food and good service.....
and the people eating there are just regular people...having regular conversations.........
i'm not exactly sure what a romantic dinner conversation is...
but people talk about whatever at dinner...
i might well talk about elections or stupid bosses or whatever is on the news at the time (terrorist attacks and peoples heads being lopped off come to mind - possibly even less romantic than green cards)...
it's just a meal....
a very good meal....
an expensive meal....
but no different from other outstanding meals....
with regular people and regular conversations (and if people drink too much, probably a few overly boisterous types)..

by the way, that's a lovely cake!!!

I agree.

Having not dined at Victoria and Albert's yet, I can't comment on the room or how quiet it is. However, from reviews and pictures it looks like it'd be easy to hear other's conversations without really trying to do so. As long as the diners weren't unbecoming and actually loud or insulting, there's nothing that can be said.

There's no 'proper' conversation for dinner as long as it's not 'offensive' to others. I'm not going to talk about a raunchy sex tape that's been released, or the latest ISIS beheading, while I'm at a nice establishment with closer seating. The topics the poster mentioned are fine and what they felt like rambling about, nothing bad.

While it may be this coveted, elegant dining experience that's a once in a decade for some, it may just be any other nice night out for others. I think that's what happens to some people. They have this elegant, cozy night dreamed up and then find other guests there casually and not sharing the same sentiment.

We've dined at Guy Savoy in Las Vegas several times and at $350/person without upgrades,add-ons or drinks, we've sat next to self-enduldged people rambling about their stock portfolio and business ventures, to a woman rambling about her no-good son.
We've dined at Guy Savoy in Las Vegas several times and at $350/person without upgrades,add-ons or drinks, we've sat next to self-enduldged people rambling about their stock portfolio and business ventures, to a woman rambling about her no-good son.

did you at least get some good investment tips? ;)

those "self-indulged people" are why i tend to avoid those sorts of establishments....
though sometimes the food is just too good to pass up, no matter who else is there....
and for me, without a doubt, my dinner at V&A lived up to that...
the setting itself is fine.....not really all that exceptional, but very nice....
however the food - oh my, now that was truly exceptional....every bite was heavenly....
and that was the only reason i was enjoy the food...and enjoy it i did....very very much...
Being a New Yorker with a penchant for dining in finer restaurants, I have found that one must quickly learn not to listen to nearby tables. Tuning out ambient noise takes some practice, but is a necessary skill in such establishments.
I proposed at V&A's last year. After words I heard the table across from us (the guy) make a comment "way to ruin the mood". I sent them a bottle of wine and and a note congratulating him on having a voice that carries. His girlfriend/wife started hysterically laughing. She waved and said thank you while he turned as red as the bottle of wine. Their will be dumb dumbs where ever you go. Best way to deal with them is to not let them get you down, I now have that story to tell for the rest of my life. Along with the amazing proposal.
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It isn't just not recommended. They don't allow anyone under the age of 10. It is what it is. Get a babysitter and have a blast.

I agree FYI grand Floridian does have a Disney child care center you can use. We used the one at Beach Club just call to make a child care reservation. I am not joking my kids were MAD when I showed up to pick them up after V and As they were having such a great time. They also feed them and have cots if they want to sleep.
and the people eating there are just regular people...having regular conversations.........
i'm not exactly sure what a romantic dinner conversation is...

There's no 'proper' conversation for dinner as long as it's not 'offensive' to others. I'm not going to talk about a raunchy sex tape that's been released, or the latest ISIS beheading, while I'm at a nice establishment with closer seating. The topics the poster mentioned are fine and what they felt like rambling about, nothing bad.

While it may be this coveted, elegant dining experience that's a once in a decade for some, it may just be any other nice night out for others. I think that's what happens to some people. They have this elegant, cozy night dreamed up and then find other guests there casually and not sharing the same sentiment.

Just: Wow :(

Yep, silly me for wanting to dine someplace for years and select it for a 25th anniversary dinner and then be disappointed to hear some *** go on and on about immigration issues. DH and I are all about celebrating life, making special memories and wanting a romantic tone on our milestone anniversary -- trust me when I say listening to that guy was such a downer. Again, I was under the impression that V&A was all about couples and romance, clearly that is not the case. I wrote about it as a warning to others just in case they were thinking along the same lines as me.
Just: Wow :(

Yep, silly me for wanting to dine someplace for years and select it for a 25th anniversary dinner and then be disappointed to hear some *** go on and on about immigration issues. DH and I are all about celebrating life, making special memories and wanting a romantic tone on our milestone anniversary -- trust me when I say listening to that guy was such a downer. Again, I was under the impression that V&A was all about couples and romance, clearly that is not the case. I wrote about it as a warning to others just in case they were thinking along the same lines as me.

I wouldn't say your experience is the norm. We've been going to V&A for more than ten years, and now go several times a year. In all that time, we haven't experienced people at other tables getting in the way of our having a fabulous time. Sure, there will always be exceptions to the rule, but for us, and I would say for the vast majority of people having dinner there, it is always a special, magical experience.

Only two times have other guests put the slightest damper on the evening. Once was at one of the Food & Wine Festival signature dinners, where you are typically seated at larger tables with other guests, and one gentleman at our table wanted to talk business through much of the night. He wasn't rude or obnoxious to be sure, but it wasn't what we had expected. The only other time was at another signature dinner, again where you're seated with other parties, and we had two ladies sit with us who had so much perfume on, our noses were starting to close up. Thankfully, they decided they wanted to sit at another table, which the staff was able to accommodate. I have no idea why...maybe they had friends somewhere else, maybe they didn't approve of one woman at our table with tattoos on her arms...but we were thrilled they opted to move. And in their place, we ended up sitting with the new manager of the Grand Floridian resort, which led to a very cool evening.

That being said, if anyone is concerned about other guests, I would recommend trying to book the Queen Victoria room, where you have a little more privacy, typically with only 4 tables in the room and more space between.
I hope V&A isn't all about couples and romance...that would make it really awkward for us solo diners! You probably won't hear me talking business during dinner...otherwise I'd be talking to myself! :rotfl2:

Jill in CO
Just: Wow :(

Yep, silly me for wanting to dine someplace for years and select it for a 25th anniversary dinner and then be disappointed to hear some *** go on and on about immigration issues. DH and I are all about celebrating life, making special memories and wanting a romantic tone on our milestone anniversary -- trust me when I say listening to that guy was such a downer. Again, I was under the impression that V&A was all about couples and romance, clearly that is not the case. I wrote about it as a warning to others just in case they were thinking along the same lines as me.

why would you think it's all about couples?
i went there with a friend of mine, not with my husband..
it was about the food for me...
and enjoying it with a friend...
i'm sure for lots of people it's a romantic night out with their significant other...
but i'm also sure that for many, it's about enjoying the food...
the food tasting experience (i love meals like that...little tastes of lots of things)...
i was so focused on the food...
and we kept getting little extra surprises from the chef that i was close to swooning over (the food, not the chef)...
really quite decadent and gluttonous of me....but not romantic....
I hope V&A isn't all about couples and romance...that would make it really awkward for us solo diners! You probably won't hear me talking business during dinner...otherwise I'd be talking to myself! :rotfl2:

Jill in CO

Indeed! An important aspect of V&A's is its civility. To be sure, it's not "all about couples and romance" (although it is an ideal place for such!); it is, however, about an elegant atmosphere which lends itself to civility. Any kind of discussion can be generated at a table as long as nearby guests don't hear it.

We dine there regularly and prefer to hear only what our servers and hosts are saying to us at our table. One exception: the harpist's music. [And don't forget to tip the harpist!]

All the best. :thumbsup2
I read in a few places that the Chef's Table serves 5 days/week. Can anyone tell me what days? I would love to get reservations to celebrate my 40th Bday and want to maximize my chances!
I read in a few places that the Chef's Table serves 5 days/week. Can anyone tell me what days? I would love to get reservations to celebrate my 40th Bday and want to maximize my chances!

I think it's wednesday and friday that they are closed.

Just go to the reservation page. The calendar won't allow you to select the days they're closed.
Going for the first and probably only time early next month.
Any recent food pics someone can post?
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