~The Daily Grind~ 10/9/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ FlyLady
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

This month's Habit is: Paper Clutter
Zone of the week - Zone 2 -- The Kitchen


~The Daily Grind~ 10/9/09

It's Friday!!!

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p...

Stay on points!

365 pic... something homecoming related

Homecoming Game tonight!! :yay: DS17 gets to ride on the float with homecoming court :woohoo: He is feeling so so, I'm hoping all the resting he is doing will get him through the next 2 days! The game starts at 7p...long day for me tomorrow...

Dinner.... something easy

Have a Day Everyone!! :teeth:
Well, ladies...guess what time of year it is...I'd say what we had but that would put me on the naughty mat...:scared1: But it comes from the sky and is white. Only flurries, but still.

Good news! Friday marks 7 days until we close. We got the number we need to bring to closing and it's $1K less than the estimate so that's good.

I don't know if any of you are purse people, but I saw this on another part of the DIS, and thought some of you might want to see it. There are 3 sizes.

We open our new theater tonight!!:cool1:
Our first production is fr Halloween and it is like Twilight Zone/Night Gallery with 7 acts!
I would say wish us **** but that bad luck so send us your good thoughts for a successful run!:thumbsup2
Todays list:
Morning routine
take kids to school
take ice chests and 140 bottles to a particular building on campus for middle school social that I did not know was happening until 3 days ago!!
Go to theater
Paint last minute pieces (love our set designer, dhs best friend but very last minute guy!)
Help set up theater
Do whatever else for theater
leave at noon to make sure water is iced for social
go back to theater
pup ds up from school
feed ds
take ds to theater
pup dd from volloyball practice
feed dd
call time is 6pm (VB gets done at 515!)
Run tkting/concessions/crazy for theater!
2 shows 7 and 10 (late night shows this month for Halloween!)
Come home and CRASH!!
Since we have to share the space we only get to have Friday night shows!
Thank Goodness!
And one other thing, on Sunday I run auditions for Christmas show casting!!
Have a great weekend everyone if Im not back on!:hippie:
Break a leg (not really, but you know what they say in show business!) Rita.

Hope, there was talk of that event :scared1: happening here to but nothing yet. So not ready for it. LOVE that purse!

My to do list:

Get DD up and ready for school
Go to grocery store to pick up stuff for tomorrow's crop
Run by car dealership
Make sour cream apple crumb pie and pumpkin muffins
Pack car for crop
Debbie, I hope your DS is feeling much better by homecoming festivities time!
Hope, :scared1: on the cold stuff!!!!!!! Good luck with the house and I bet you can't wait for these next 7 days to go quickly!!!!!
Rita, break a leg!!!! That sounds awesome! My DS would love to be part of that. They are finishing up the set build tomorrow for the play he's in. They have tech rehearsal tomorrow since the play opens on Thursday night. The set is cutting it close!

I don't have to work today!!!!!!:banana: But, I'll be busy around here!

My day:
Make DH's lunch
DS up and off to school
Clean up kitchen
Take movies back to library
Pack up bag swap and lyrics swap
Go to post office and mail those swaps
Tidy & clean everything in the house!!!
Make list of what still needs to be done before trip to cross stitch retreat in Myrtle Beach in less than 2 weeks!:scared1:
Work on that list!
Pull some samples of Cricut stuff together to show at demo at Michaels on Sunday (the manager wants me to demo the Cricut as well as the Gypsy)
Call Mom to chat
Go grocery shopping
Dinner - ??

Have a wonderful day everyone!
checking in....

Today I have to:
vac under basement stairs
put coolers away
organize boots in basement
wash winter/fall/spring mud stuff again
take a nap
take medicine

boys from bus

I thought I was feeling better but not..... Tom has jobs to do and that naughty word is scheduled here for sunday so I've got to get moving.

I honestly didn't have the energy to read the whole thread so thoughts are with those who need it, have fun scrapping to those that are, good luck to those that need it.

I'm off for the 1st nap of the day. I HATE being sick, think that because I never got sick till I hit 35.
Joyah- hope you feel better quickly
DIT- enjoy your day off
AR- good luck with play and all other stuff- your list is like Nancy's today

work on PP for church Sunday
scan in more picutres for PP for church (I love our scanner but this stuff I am doing is a Pain)
finish lyric swap
read new CK mag that arrived

Been busy this a.m., despite waking up feeling like I was on a DCL cruise... (the bedroom felt like it was dipping and rolling!) That has gotten a bit better -but geez!

DH pulled the vanity license plates from the Saturn and got it ready to be picked up. He even scanned them in so that I could scrap a page or two about our plucky little car! (We have to turn the plates in to the insurance guy to stop the coverage.)

I sat in the car for the last time, tooted the horn and found three pennies under the seat. They're going on the LO too!

Still need/want to:
Make the dog's pupsicles today (been trying to do this all week - I make frozen little plugs of canned dog food that fit into his Kongs)
Finish the last of my swap pieces - scrappin' with Z2H!!!
Watch for the wrecking truck to take away the Saturn sometime today
Talk to SPED teacher - our weekly phone call (she's already postponed it 2x)
Dinner - leftover meatloaf I'm making into Shepherd's Pie - all enjoy this!
Drugstore to pick up prescription
Walk poor dog with Z2H - he's been getting shortchanged since the crash - we used to do 6 miles a day, now he's lucky if we get him out for a few blocks!
Straighten up entryway clutter (mail, etc) that built up this week
Try to stay awake for Red Sox game late tonight - playing on the West Coast - and try not to yell at the tv...(much!)
I'm workin'. I've got the hungry horrors and can't seem to stop eating!

My sister is coming over tonight to work on the invites. I think we have everything we need to make them (including the square envelopes), just need to cut out "princess" 600 times and glue them onto the onesie with the pearls and ribbons and details. Oh, it's going to be a late night ;)

Hope everyone has a great day and a super weekend!
Mornin' all.. would have been on here earlier but the rain makes me tired and since I cleaned all day yesterday, I had all my chores done by 8am, I took a nap.

I hope today is allowing those sick to feel better.. I also hope that any of that yucky stuff stays away.. I have not heard that in our forecast but having had rain for 3 days straight, I'm thinking it's about to become a word to be added to the naughty mat list!

sort photos and embellishments
list of papers
order photos

homework duty little ones
homework duty older ones
pick up DD from XC
hang up last set of locker posters for XC season
older kids to football game (it's senior night) {I don't have a senior playing and w/ the rain, I don't want to take the little ones out in it}
scrapbook tomorrow after games if we have them...


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