"Spring is in the Air" March 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

With all of us spending time at home, I thought we could have a kind of virtual book club-I thought we could share a book (or podcast) that has had a positive effect on our lives. And just for fun, if you would like to, something you’re reading or listening to just for fun or an escape.

I read this not long after I lost 70lbs nearly 20 years ago (this looks like an updated edition). I was very worried that I would not be able to keep the weight off. This is a collection of advice from people that lost weight and were able to keep it off-just what I needed to hear! I loved their stories and what worked for them-some of which I still do today.

This is my fun read-a bookstore owner came up with a list of the perfect murders from famous mystery novels-and the FBI asks for his help when someone starts to follow the list. Some good twists and I like the characters.
Oof. Life is so surreal these days.
I work for a school district which is closed, and was called in today (at 10:30pm last night, mind you) because the concern is that the building itself will be shut down and my manager wanted to ensure we all had everything we needed to work from home. (I was smart: I had all my stuff!)

Daycare is still open (for once I'm glad to be paying 2 daycare tuitions!) but we are just waiting to be told it'll be closed. They're cleaning like mad, and a lot of other parents have pulled their kids out. We're blessed that no one in the family has asthma or other predispositions towards breathing issues. My own autoimmune issue is managed by a heavy anti-inflammatory, instead of immunosuppressants. We have plenty of food in the freezer, pantry, etc.

But it's so surreal. Trying to find toilet paper is like preparing for battle, or the worst, most competitive easter egg hunt ever. People are mean and nasty in the stores, or they are coughing and make me nervous.

I'm trying to focus on the positive: DH and I can both work from home. I can do my cooking throughout the day rather than having to cook a full meal after the family has already eaten dinner, so we have more food for the next few days. Diapers and wipes are still in plentiful supply, in the event we can't find toilet paper. And the weather will be warm enough later in the week/weekend to get the girls outside for some good movement time. But man, the uncertainty. It's stressful.

I am not sure where you are at but Ohio governor has said for people with kids in daycare to find care now that it is not a case of if they will close it is when and that they will close at some point. I worked at a daycare for many years. I can't even imagine what they are going through.
With all of us spending time at home, I thought we could have a kind of virtual book club-I thought we could share a book (or podcast) that has had a positive effect on our lives. And just for fun, if you would like to, something you’re reading or listening to just for fun or an escape.

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I read this not long after I lost 70lbs nearly 20 years ago (this looks like an updated edition). I was very worried that I would not be able to keep the weight off. This is a collection of advice from people that lost weight and were able to keep it off-just what I needed to hear! I loved their stories and what worked for them-some of which I still do today.

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This is my fun read-a bookstore owner came up with a list of the perfect murders from famous mystery novels-and the FBI asks for his help when someone starts to follow the list. Some good twists and I like the characters.

I am not a book reader at all. I never have been. Though I have found a books that I like. I love books about the Kennedy's. One of my favorites is "The Dark Side of Camelot". It is really fascinating as they go back as far as Honey Fitz (Jack's Grandfather). It is a look into all of there lives but a big focus on Jack. I also really like the one about Bobby and Jackie.

The other books I have gotten into are ones most people do not want to read. I read the book Elizabeth Smart wrote about her kidnapping and as the books that 3 girls in my area wrote about there kidnapping. They were kidnapped by the same person an held for like 10 years before escaping.
This is a book we were required to read for school. We are now considered “A Leader In Me School” because we teach & follow the 7 habits with the kids. But we spent the first year “living the habits”, meaning as a faculty only we read/learned about the habits and practiced living them before we would start teaching them. These habits help me stay focused on what I can control.

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These are my just for fun book series. I started the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich with the book One For The Money year ago. Now I have Twisted Twenty-Six sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to read. Earlier this school year while I was waiting for the next Plum book to come out, I found a new series about a man named Jack Stratton by author Christopher Greyson. Both series are fairly easy reads and have a little bit of everything in them... mystery, romance, and even some comedy (more in the Plum series than Stratton). I enjoy a good series like these because I can jump right into the next book already knowing most of the characters. Any others like me out there with other fiction series to recommend? The hardest part of waiting for the next book to come out 😉
Hello my friends!

Even though I have not been participating this month I have popped by now and then for a read. I wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you all as we go through this very anxious time. I haven't participated this month as frankly I have felt overwhelmed and knew I would not be able to stick to any goals (even though I desperately need to!) Have had a few issues that started back in January. I had been experiencing some muscular pain in my shoulder/neck for about 2 weeks which didn't improve, so 3 days after my 47th birthday I had a follow visit scheduled with the GP - that same morning I started feeling dizzy - when I got to the doctors my BP was high and I mean high 228/115 - so I had to call my kids and tell them (not to panic - yeah right) but that I was about to be put in an ambulance and to meet me at the hospital - they checked me out and my BP came down over my day there - but knowing you are being worked up for a possible heart attack or impending stroke is just plain frightening - especially when you have your 3 beautiful kids there looking on with worry but trying to be brave for you. They cleared me and sent me home saying muscular issue. The dizziness came and went over that next week. Then at the end of January was my girls trip to Cairns with my longtime friends - did NOT go as planned - I got off the plane and literally walked out the door of the plane around the corner onto a concrete ramp (downward slope) and fell over! came down really heavy on my left knee and smashed my phone screen. So I entered Cairns airport in a wheelchair - only to be confronted by every passenger waiting to board the plane standing there wearing facemasks! Then the Uber driver told us that the previous evening someone had to be removed from a plane and was in the hospital for Coronovirus testing - so there were lots of people wearing masks at the hotel. Not a very relaxing environment for a girls trip! Anyway went to a local GP there about my knee - and when she checked my BP it was over 200 again! So she put me straight on blood pressure medication - and I mean straight - she found some in her office and made me take it straight away. So as I had to take it easy that day - it meant a sleep in the room and then me laying with a pillow on a pool side lounge while my friends had a dip in the pool :( We did manage to take the skyrail on Saturday over the rainforest and see the Barron Waterfall. Sunday when we were leaving my dizziness really kicked it up a notch and I could barely walk. I experienced extreme dizziness which had me at home for weeks - after finally being referred to a vestibular physiotherapist - I have had some improvement she believes it is muscular irritating nerves that play a role in my visual and vestibular systems. Not fun but I am very happy to be feeling mostly ok - although had some flare up the last few days. Unlike many of you we are not in lock down here yet - but I really wish they would hurry up - I am very anxious about it all just as you are - I bought a freezer on the weekend and have been meal prepping like a demon! Being a solo mum I had a panic - if I were to get it and have to be in hospital that the kids would need easy access to meals! We are pretty much stocked and ready to go for lock down - although I do think I need to get a few more comfort food items - but then again if I run out then that will be a good kickstart to cut back on them:)

@HappyGrape I am sending you all my thoughts and good wishes that your test is negative :)

For everyone here, even some new friends I have not really met yet this month :) I hope you and all your loved ones come through this ok - it is nice to have these little connections around the world at the moment.
Hello my friends!

Even though I have not been participating this month I have popped by now and then for a read. I wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you all as we go through this very anxious time. I haven't participated this month as frankly I have felt overwhelmed and knew I would not be able to stick to any goals (even though I desperately need to!) Have had a few issues that started back in January. I had been experiencing some muscular pain in my shoulder/neck for about 2 weeks which didn't improve, so 3 days after my 47th birthday I had a follow visit scheduled with the GP - that same morning I started feeling dizzy - when I got to the doctors my BP was high and I mean high 228/115 - so I had to call my kids and tell them (not to panic - yeah right) but that I was about to be put in an ambulance and to meet me at the hospital - they checked me out and my BP came down over my day there - but knowing you are being worked up for a possible heart attack or impending stroke is just plain frightening - especially when you have your 3 beautiful kids there looking on with worry but trying to be brave for you. They cleared me and sent me home saying muscular issue. The dizziness came and went over that next week. Then at the end of January was my girls trip to Cairns with my longtime friends - did NOT go as planned - I got off the plane and literally walked out the door of the plane around the corner onto a concrete ramp (downward slope) and fell over! came down really heavy on my left knee and smashed my phone screen. So I entered Cairns airport in a wheelchair - only to be confronted by every passenger waiting to board the plane standing there wearing facemasks! Then the Uber driver told us that the previous evening someone had to be removed from a plane and was in the hospital for Coronovirus testing - so there were lots of people wearing masks at the hotel. Not a very relaxing environment for a girls trip! Anyway went to a local GP there about my knee - and when she checked my BP it was over 200 again! So she put me straight on blood pressure medication - and I mean straight - she found some in her office and made me take it straight away. So as I had to take it easy that day - it meant a sleep in the room and then me laying with a pillow on a pool side lounge while my friends had a dip in the pool :( We did manage to take the skyrail on Saturday over the rainforest and see the Barron Waterfall. Sunday when we were leaving my dizziness really kicked it up a notch and I could barely walk. I experienced extreme dizziness which had me at home for weeks - after finally being referred to a vestibular physiotherapist - I have had some improvement she believes it is muscular irritating nerves that play a role in my visual and vestibular systems. Not fun but I am very happy to be feeling mostly ok - although had some flare up the last few days. Unlike many of you we are not in lock down here yet - but I really wish they would hurry up - I am very anxious about it all just as you are - I bought a freezer on the weekend and have been meal prepping like a demon! Being a solo mum I had a panic - if I were to get it and have to be in hospital that the kids would need easy access to meals! We are pretty much stocked and ready to go for lock down - although I do think I need to get a few more comfort food items - but then again if I run out then that will be a good kickstart to cut back on them:)

@HappyGrape I am sending you all my thoughts and good wishes that your test is negative :)

For everyone here, even some new friends I have not really met yet this month :) I hope you and all your loved ones come through this ok - it is nice to have these little connections around the world at the moment.
Welcome back! So sorry to hear things have been rough... we're here for you whether you are working towards goals or not.
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This is a book we were required to read for school. We are now considered “A Leader In Me School” because we teach & follow the 7 habits with the kids. But we spent the first year “living the habits”, meaning as a faculty only we read/learned about the habits and practiced living them before we would start teaching them. These habits help me stay focused on what I can control.

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These are my just for fun book series. I started the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich with the book One For The Money year ago. Now I have Twisted Twenty-Six sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to read. Earlier this school year while I was waiting for the next Plum book to come out, I found a new series about a man named Jack Stratton by author Christopher Greyson. Both series are fairly easy reads and have a little bit of everything in them... mystery, romance, and even some comedy (more in the Plum series than Stratton). I enjoy a good series like these because I can jump right into the next book already knowing most of the characters. Any others like me out there with other fiction series to recommend? The hardest part of waiting for the next book to come out 😉
I love Janet Evanovich. I have read all of her books. I just started TWISTED 26.

I also enjoy anything Sophie Kinsella writes. She is the author of the SHOPAHOLIC series.

My favorite genre is Contemporary Humorous Romance.

I rarely read anything that is inspiring or good for me. I have read the Bible in its entirety; ILLUMINATA by Marianne Williamson got me through infertility and IVF 23 years ago, and I still revisit it when needed; and last year I read GIRL WASH YOUR FACE by Rachel Hollis. Otherwise, I have a really hard time finishing any kind of self-help books. TBH, reading trash is self-help for me because it’s an escape.
I had a good day yesterday. I think it was a combination of knowing I had done the right things and having a sense of control, taking the drive down to the store and feeling like I was doing a "normal" thing, and the bright sunny weather we're having right now. So very grateful.

I wish I didn't have to go to the doctor's office today, but I'm totally out of my thyroid meds. She'll put them out on the counter and I just leave the check so I don't have to interact with anyone, but my big dilemma is whether or not to go in to the pharmacy across the street to try and find a few things. Wellness Formula is supposed to be really good to take for lung support but on Amazon it's two weeks before it would get delivered... I'm kind of assuming the store will be out as well, which is why I'm debating even going in.

There are now two confirmed cases in my neighborhood. There's minimal chance I crossed paths with either of these people, but when you get to contacts of contacts its hard to say. We've closed our stores starting today, I feel for the folks who support on-line who are still working but I am also grateful we have a strong on-line presence to still have income coming in.

I've canceled my trip to the beach next week, but I'm still planning on taking the week off. I'll work in the yard and on cleaning out the basement... and on staying healthy.

Oh, I forgot my books:


I've mentioned a couple times, I'm really blown away by it, by far her best book.

And I just finished:

Phenomenal couldn't put it down.
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Hello my friends!

Even though I have not been participating this month I have popped by now and then for a read. I wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you all as we go through this very anxious time. I haven't participated this month as frankly I have felt overwhelmed and knew I would not be able to stick to any goals (even though I desperately need to!) Have had a few issues that started back in January. I had been experiencing some muscular pain in my shoulder/neck for about 2 weeks which didn't improve, so 3 days after my 47th birthday I had a follow visit scheduled with the GP - that same morning I started feeling dizzy - when I got to the doctors my BP was high and I mean high 228/115 - so I had to call my kids and tell them (not to panic - yeah right) but that I was about to be put in an ambulance and to meet me at the hospital - they checked me out and my BP came down over my day there - but knowing you are being worked up for a possible heart attack or impending stroke is just plain frightening - especially when you have your 3 beautiful kids there looking on with worry but trying to be brave for you. They cleared me and sent me home saying muscular issue. The dizziness came and went over that next week. Then at the end of January was my girls trip to Cairns with my longtime friends - did NOT go as planned - I got off the plane and literally walked out the door of the plane around the corner onto a concrete ramp (downward slope) and fell over! came down really heavy on my left knee and smashed my phone screen. So I entered Cairns airport in a wheelchair - only to be confronted by every passenger waiting to board the plane standing there wearing facemasks! Then the Uber driver told us that the previous evening someone had to be removed from a plane and was in the hospital for Coronovirus testing - so there were lots of people wearing masks at the hotel. Not a very relaxing environment for a girls trip! Anyway went to a local GP there about my knee - and when she checked my BP it was over 200 again! So she put me straight on blood pressure medication - and I mean straight - she found some in her office and made me take it straight away. So as I had to take it easy that day - it meant a sleep in the room and then me laying with a pillow on a pool side lounge while my friends had a dip in the pool :( We did manage to take the skyrail on Saturday over the rainforest and see the Barron Waterfall. Sunday when we were leaving my dizziness really kicked it up a notch and I could barely walk. I experienced extreme dizziness which had me at home for weeks - after finally being referred to a vestibular physiotherapist - I have had some improvement she believes it is muscular irritating nerves that play a role in my visual and vestibular systems. Not fun but I am very happy to be feeling mostly ok - although had some flare up the last few days. Unlike many of you we are not in lock down here yet - but I really wish they would hurry up - I am very anxious about it all just as you are - I bought a freezer on the weekend and have been meal prepping like a demon! Being a solo mum I had a panic - if I were to get it and have to be in hospital that the kids would need easy access to meals! We are pretty much stocked and ready to go for lock down - although I do think I need to get a few more comfort food items - but then again if I run out then that will be a good kickstart to cut back on them:)

@HappyGrape I am sending you all my thoughts and good wishes that your test is negative :)

For everyone here, even some new friends I have not really met yet this month :) I hope you and all your loved ones come through this ok - it is nice to have these little connections around the world at the moment.
Welcome back! I have been thinking about you and hoping all was well-you have been dealing with a lot. But it sounds like your doctor has things under control.
Pop in when you can-we’re always happy to hear from you!
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This is a book we were required to read for school. We are now considered “A Leader In Me School” because we teach & follow the 7 habits with the kids. But we spent the first year “living the habits”, meaning as a faculty only we read/learned about the habits and practiced living them before we would start teaching them. These habits help me stay focused on what I can control.

View attachment 481579 View attachment 481580
These are my just for fun book series. I started the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich with the book One For The Money year ago. Now I have Twisted Twenty-Six sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to read. Earlier this school year while I was waiting for the next Plum book to come out, I found a new series about a man named Jack Stratton by author Christopher Greyson. Both series are fairly easy reads and have a little bit of everything in them... mystery, romance, and even some comedy (more in the Plum series than Stratton). I enjoy a good series like these because I can jump right into the next book already knowing most of the characters. Any others like me out there with other fiction series to recommend? The hardest part of waiting for the next book to come out 😉
My district read 7 Habits as well and we had the teen version in the library-which was very popular with the kids.
I read several series-do you like historical fiction/mystery? I like a series by Catriona MacPherson featuring a character named Dandy Gilver. It takes place in Scotland in the 1920s and 30s.
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I had a good day yesterday. I think it was a combination of knowing I had done the right things and having a sense of control, taking the drive down to the store and feeling like I was doing a "normal" thing, and the bright sunny weather we're having right now. So very grateful.

I wish I didn't have to go to the doctor's office today, but I'm totally out of my thyroid meds. She'll put them out on the counter and I just leave the check so I don't have to interact with anyone, but my big dilemma is whether or not to go in to the pharmacy across the street to try and find a few things. Wellness Formula is supposed to be really good to take for lung support but on Amazon it's two weeks before it would get delivered... I'm kind of assuming the store will be out as well, which is why I'm debating even going in.

There are now two confirmed cases in my neighborhood. There's minimal chance I crossed paths with either of these people, but when you get to contacts of contacts its hard to say. We've closed our stores starting today, I feel for the folks who support on-line who are still working but I am also grateful we have a strong on-line presence to still have income coming in.

I've canceled my trip to the beach next week, but I'm still planning on taking the week off. I'll work in the yard and on cleaning out the basement... and on staying healthy.

Oh, I forgot my books:

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I've mentioned a couple times, I'm really blown away by it, by far her best book.

And I just finished:
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Phenomenal couldn't put it down.
My book club is reading Crawdads this year-looking forward to it!
I love Janet Evanovich. I have read all of her books. I just started TWISTED 26.

I also enjoy anything Sophie Kinsella writes. She is the author of the SHOPAHOLIC series.

My favorite genre is Contemporary Humorous Romance.

I rarely read anything that is inspiring or good for me. I have read the Bible in its entirety; ILLUMINATA by Marianne Williamson got me through infertility and IVF 23 years ago, and I still revisit it when needed; and last year I read GIRL WASH YOUR FACE by Rachel Hollis. Otherwise, I have a really hard time finishing any kind of self-help books. TBH, reading trash is self-help for me because it’s an escape.
Oh, I have two good ones for you-

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman
Hello my friends!

Even though I have not been participating this month I have popped by now and then for a read. I wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you all as we go through this very anxious time. I haven't participated this month as frankly I have felt overwhelmed and knew I would not be able to stick to any goals (even though I desperately need to!) Have had a few issues that started back in January. I had been experiencing some muscular pain in my shoulder/neck for about 2 weeks which didn't improve, so 3 days after my 47th birthday I had a follow visit scheduled with the GP - that same morning I started feeling dizzy - when I got to the doctors my BP was high and I mean high 228/115 - so I had to call my kids and tell them (not to panic - yeah right) but that I was about to be put in an ambulance and to meet me at the hospital - they checked me out and my BP came down over my day there - but knowing you are being worked up for a possible heart attack or impending stroke is just plain frightening - especially when you have your 3 beautiful kids there looking on with worry but trying to be brave for you. They cleared me and sent me home saying muscular issue. The dizziness came and went over that next week. Then at the end of January was my girls trip to Cairns with my longtime friends - did NOT go as planned - I got off the plane and literally walked out the door of the plane around the corner onto a concrete ramp (downward slope) and fell over! came down really heavy on my left knee and smashed my phone screen. So I entered Cairns airport in a wheelchair - only to be confronted by every passenger waiting to board the plane standing there wearing facemasks! Then the Uber driver told us that the previous evening someone had to be removed from a plane and was in the hospital for Coronovirus testing - so there were lots of people wearing masks at the hotel. Not a very relaxing environment for a girls trip! Anyway went to a local GP there about my knee - and when she checked my BP it was over 200 again! So she put me straight on blood pressure medication - and I mean straight - she found some in her office and made me take it straight away. So as I had to take it easy that day - it meant a sleep in the room and then me laying with a pillow on a pool side lounge while my friends had a dip in the pool :( We did manage to take the skyrail on Saturday over the rainforest and see the Barron Waterfall. Sunday when we were leaving my dizziness really kicked it up a notch and I could barely walk. I experienced extreme dizziness which had me at home for weeks - after finally being referred to a vestibular physiotherapist - I have had some improvement she believes it is muscular irritating nerves that play a role in my visual and vestibular systems. Not fun but I am very happy to be feeling mostly ok - although had some flare up the last few days. Unlike many of you we are not in lock down here yet - but I really wish they would hurry up - I am very anxious about it all just as you are - I bought a freezer on the weekend and have been meal prepping like a demon! Being a solo mum I had a panic - if I were to get it and have to be in hospital that the kids would need easy access to meals! We are pretty much stocked and ready to go for lock down - although I do think I need to get a few more comfort food items - but then again if I run out then that will be a good kickstart to cut back on them:)

@HappyGrape I am sending you all my thoughts and good wishes that your test is negative :)

For everyone here, even some new friends I have not really met yet this month :) I hope you and all your loved ones come through this ok - it is nice to have these little connections around the world at the moment.

I didn't make a goal really for this month. I needed to more just work on keeping calm. So I understand but no need to have to goal to stop in and say hi.

I am glad things are getting under control with your health. Sorry your Girls trip wasn't what you wanted it to be.
So I weighed myself this morning and I am down about 2-3 pounds since my last doctor appointment about 1.5 weeks ago. I haven't changed much. DH is down weight too. We think it is all because we have stopped eating out. Though I hate every bit of what is going on right now it has pushed us to not eat out which we have been wanting to do for awhile.
I just found out that we might be closing school for the remainder of the year. OMG. All of this unknown is driving me nuts. I just started a month-long unit on Outer Space. We have a space ship in the Dramatic Play Center. The classroom looks so cool, and there's nobody in it enjoying it. :(
I just found out that we might be closing school for the remainder of the year. OMG. All of this unknown is driving me nuts. I just started a month-long unit on Outer Space. We have a space ship in the Dramatic Play Center. The classroom looks so cool, and there's nobody in it enjoying it. :(
My daughter and son in law are waiting as well. I just can’t imagine how this will work out-but if it slows the virus, I guess they have to do it.

I have so much sympathy for you and MickeyMom76! And parents, of course.
Day 2 -- It went ok. I have a massive headache so I did n't do much other then work. Kids kept wanting to talk to me today though. I had to keep telling them I am working. They are both getting along great, which is a blessing. With being only 16 months apart we treated them like twins and they treat each other and act like they are twins. They are so close with each other. DD did complain about being bored during the day. They don't know it but they are technically on break right now. The district has decided to us calamity days this week and then spring break is next week. This will give parents and teachers a chance to get everything together. Teachers are still putting work up for the kids so I am having them still do it.

I was talking to a co-worker today and her mom is a teacher and speaks fluent German. DS is taking German 1 right now and loves it. My co-worker is going to talk to her mom about doing a virtual class with DS in German. My co-worker said her mom needs something to do.

Work gave to order today that it is mandatory work from home until atleast April 6th. This is the day that school is supposed to start back up. It won't and we will be home longer but our area seems to be working in a 3 week time period and then asses again after that time frame. My parking lot at work has closed as well. That was a shock. But most of us use a shuttle to take us to the building but it is walkable.

It was a bit rough watching our governors press conference. The head of the health department, who has been awesome, started to cry/get choked up when mentioning her boys who live in the Bay area and on the order of shelter in place. This is the first time that she showed this emotion. You knew she was concerned for her family. I think we all felt for her and I hope that people in our area will start to take this seriously. I think they are. Though nothing is really open so they really don't have a chance.

We have had several conversations with DH's grandmother the last 2 days. Her niece is freaking her out and she is panicking. Her niece told her yesterday that everything was shutting down even the stores and that she needed to go to the store right then. Thankfully she called us first and reassured her that they were not going to close. I am not sure what started today's but I know DH was on the phone with for a long time while I was sleeping to calm her fears. We have told her that she just needs to stay home, let us do her shopping and don't let anyone over and she will be fine. It sucks. We will continue to talk to her everyday and even video chats. But right now being 80 with high blood pressure right now the safest place for her is at home.
I did lose another 2lbs. I will stay in losing mode as long as it doesn’t stress me out.
The weather has been nice enough to get out every day.
My friends and I are texting every day and they make me laugh.
You all are checking in and as always, I enjoy reading your posts!


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